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1998.10.13_Planning Commission Agenda
MAI��! -IA H�JSL� AGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION October 13, 1998 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular October 13, 1998 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Theron Warlick City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 3:00 PM on October 2, 1998. _1&4wW04� Theron Warlick, City Planner CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 13, 1998 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar ZEE 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the September 8, 1998 Regular Meeting. 4. OZ -98 -13 - Vines Properties. Inc. - The owner, Vines Properties, Inc., proposes rezoning 23.55 acres, more or less, from AG (Agriculture District) to CG (General Commercial District). The subject property is unplatted land generally located at the southeast corner of E 11611 St. N and Mingo Road. OZ -98 -12 - Kourtis Realty LTD Co. - The agent, Perry Cleveland, proposes rezoning .653 acres, more or less, from OL (Office Low Intensity District) to CS (Shopping Center District). The subject property is unplatted land generally located on E 86°i St. N between Bank of the Lakes and Robert Long Insurance Agency. .Easement Closing - Tim Hamilton - A request to close a portion of a 15' utility easement located on Lot 3, Block 1, Double Oaks III. The subject property is located at 7913 N 128 b E Ave. The owner proposes to relocate sanitary sewer on the subject property. Preliminary Plat - The Willows of Silver Creek - A request for review of a Preliminary Plat for the Willows of Silver Creek, a 31.22 acre, 84 lot subdivision. The subject property is described as part of the SE /4 of Section 21, T21N, R14E, and is located north of the Bradfords at Silver Creek and Brentwood Park Additions. Final Plat - Summit Commercial Center - A request for review of 2.69 acre, 1 lot subdivision described as part of the NE /4 of Section 30, T21N, R14E, located on the south side of E 86 ° St. N between Atlanta and Main Streets. This is a replat of all of Owasso Center and includes additional unplatted land to the east. 9. Final Plat - Fairways V at Bailey Ranch - A request for review of a 16.3 acre, 71 lot subdivision described as part of the W/2 of Section 19, T21N, R14E, located on the east side of Mingo Rd., west of Fairways H between E 86I' St. N and E 96I' St. N. 10. Report on monthly building permit activity. 11. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 12. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 13. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 8, 1998 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Bill Ellison Bob Randolph Larry Helton Charles Willey ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Theron Warlick Marsha Hensley The agenda for the regular meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on September 3, 1998 at 3:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1998 REGULAR MEETING. - The Commission reviewed the minutes of August 11, 1998 Regular Meeting, Bob Randolph moved, seconded by Bill Ellison to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Easement Closing - Vines Properties - A request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement located on Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Hale Acres Addition. Theron Warlick presented the case. He stated that the subject property was replatted by a lot split in August 1997. The request involves the closing of a portion described as the south 5' of Lot 8 and the north 5' of Block 9. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request, the only concern was from Owasso Public Works Authority. Phil Lutz noted that the western 30' feet of the existing easement along the west side of the subject property will need to remain and that additional easement on the west side will need to be dedicated. No comments were offered by the utilities companies. Mr. David Vines, the applicant, was present to answer questions. Staff recommends approval of the closing of the western 143' feet of the subject to the following condition: OWASSO PLANNING COAINUSSION September 8, 1998 Page No. 2 1. That the applicant must provide additional any and all easements necessary to allow maintenance access to the relocated sewer line. Charles Willey moved to approve the Easement Closing request subject to the above staff recommendation, Ray Haynes seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 5. Easement Closing - OuikTrip Corporation - A request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement along the east line of Lot 3, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Center. The subject property is located at 11501 E 76th Street North. Theron Warlick presented the item. The applicant requests the closing of a section of a 10' utility easement, which would allow a building expansion and the installation of coolers on the east side of the building. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request. Southwestern Bell requested the agreement of the applicant to relocate the telephone conduit. Also, the applicant agreed to exclude the easternmost 18" of the easement for additional working room. Ray Haynes moved to approve the Easement Closing request, Bob Randolph seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 6. Easement Closing - Jeff J. Law - A request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement on Lot 18, Block 5, Barrington Point II. The subject property is located at 13301 E 89th Street North. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION September 8, 1998 Page No. 3 Theron Warlick presented a report to the Commissioners. If the easement closing is approved it would leave a 5' utility easement on the western boundary of Lot 19: The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the easement request and had no comments or concerns. Mr. Jeff Law, the applicant, was present to address any concerns or answer questions. The Commissioners had concerns regarding the Owasso Zoning Code side yard requirements not being met. Mr. Law explained that in order to avoid the sewer line in the rear yard, he put the storage building in that location, which encroaches into the side yard. Mr. Haynes suggested that a survey be obtained for the Commissioners to review and to close just the portion that encroaches into the side yard setback which would be 2 feet according to Mr. Law. Mr. Haynes also suggested to table the item for the October meeting, giving Mr. Law ample time to obtain a survey of his property. After discussion, Charles Willey moved to table the Easement Closing until the October 13, 1998 Planning Commission meeting in order to give the applicant time to obtain a survey of the property, Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 7. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 8. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 9. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 10. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Bob Randolph seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION September 8, 1998 Page No. 4 The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING C, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: REZONING — OZ -98 -13 DATE: October 5, 1998 BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: David Vines is the owner of Vines Properties, Inc., the applicant. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request to rezone the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to C� {Shepping= Center} in order to allow for commercial development. CG- PREVIOUS ACTIONS: The subject property was recently annexed into the City in September, 1998. In June 1998 and prior to annexation, the applicant requested a rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to IL (Light Industrial) from the Tulsa Metro Area Planning Commission. At the hearing in downtown Tulsa, approximately eight area residents protested the rezoning, citing traffic issues and incompatibility with the surroundings. Although the TMAPC Commissioners asked questions of the Owasso Comprehensive Planner, Karl Fritschen, regarding the status of the Owasso comprehensive plan update, there were relatively few questions regarding the specific rezoning request. Commissioner Pace commented that she thought the request appeared to be a case "spot zoning ". Against the recommendation of INCOG support staff, the TMAPC voted to deny the rezoning request. LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is unplatted land generally located at the southeast corner of E 116' St. N and Mingo Road, west of the Owasso Sports Park. The subject property contains 23.55 acres, more or less. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: To the west across Mingo Road, the subject property abuts an undeveloped portion of Hillside Estates Addition, which includes residential parcels and one corner parcel that has recently been rezoned for office use (OZ- 98 -10, August 1998). To the north across E 116th St. N, the subject property abuts residential property and a church; these are C:\OwassoTlanning Commission \10- 13- 98 \0Z -98 -13 VinesWEMORANDUM - OZ- 98- 13.doc located outside the City Limits. To the northeast across E. 116" St. N and the S.K.O Railroad Be, the subject property is opposite the rear yards of approximately two homes in the West Port Addition, and to the east also across the S.K.O. line, lies the Owasso Sports Park. Additional undeveloped land zoned AG and located outside the City abuts the subject property on its southern border. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments" and Chapter 6 "Commercial Land Uses." ANALYSIS The owner is requesting a rezoning of a 23.55 acre parcel from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Shopping Center) in order to allow for commercial development of the site. The 1985 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Owasso suggests that this land should be used for High Intensity Industry with Medium Intensity Commercial located at the southeast corner of E 116th St. N and Mingo Road. This is also reflected in the TMAPC comprehensive plan. Spot zoning would involve rezoning solely for the benefit of the owner, and without regard for the comprehensive plan for the community. Since the owner requested a zoning change from TMAPC that was consistent with the comprehensive plan, the previous rezoning request by definition cannot be a case of "spot zoning". Staff considers the proposed rezoning to CS to be reasonably consistent with the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. Other factors that support a decision to rezone the property to CS include: 1) The increasing probability that an expanded SH 20 may be located within one mile of the subject property, 2) The presence of the S.K.O. Railroad, an active rail line on the eastern boundary of the subject property, is detrimental for residential uses, but is potentially an asset for commercial and high -tech uses, 3) Actual traffic counts at this intersection are low, indicating that the proposed development would not place an overwhelming burden on the road network, Though the proposal appears to be harmonious with the anticipated growth in the community, the developer should be considerate of the few existing residences in the area. The enclosed aerial view illustrates a partially wooded, vacant tract of land. Staff would encourage development that will preserve much of the existing vegetation and character of the land. This would allow for natural buffers with surrounding residential areas. The developer may also choose to present a unified plan for access to the site, which would limit its traffic impact. Staff is confident that these issues can be adequately addressed during the platting and site planning processes. Notices were sent to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on September 16, 1998 and the legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter on September 17, 1998. Additionally, a public notice was of the proposed rezoning was posted on the subject property on September 16, 1998. As of this date, staff has received no comments from the public regarding the proposed rezoning. CA0wassoTlanning Commission \10- 13- 98 \OZ -98 -13 Vines\MEMORANDUM - OZ- 98- 13.doc RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning as it is consistent the 1985 Comprehensive Plan for Owasso and compatible with the anticipated growth of the City. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. Copy of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan, 3. Aerial Photograph, 4. Mid -block traffic count comparisons, 5. Copy of June 17, 1998 TMAPC hearing on David Vines rezoning, 6. Zoning Change Application, 7. Copy of publication in Owasso Reporter, September 17, 1998, 8. Copy of letter to surrounding property owners. C:\OwassoTlanning Commission \10- 13- 98 \0Z -98 -13 Vines\MEMORANDUM - OZ- 98- 13.doc I- a OZ -98 -13 Subject Property E 116`n Street North fog l^SY I c OWASSO SPORTS-PLEX AG /1-, ■ . - ,� °O °fO:eee� /�eecaesrsa ..:•. eeooeoeoe• <v r °�a� -.��: o_e 1 '- •o`o e-so-s-e boeeoo♦ — 000eoeo - + °e °000 °� °e °Dose oa.®.oep�ooe , °ace °see .a` ®° °v +000eaesee / _ ♦oe000ees ®e >�e�e�a�e�e ,� sa�o�e�e�e� _..boa °O °e °e. ': >eeee♦ reoe♦ _ - _ ±, is � :..�. • • i .m s° °eo c sS: s i'sm ef. e000 ■ �eoeee> >eoee ®c sees • • - - ' >�eaead oe�osoe • . �leie °� / .. �; seeese senses' eoereeeeses _ _. _ 'aoeeee♦ - co oeoeeee os eoeees♦ seoeoa'" reeead- rose ee °ee��e�eeee ooeneeo oeeMIR - seeeees eee.ee oo ♦r.eea. o eee - — e sea .re..♦ ?Seeereeeeeee' . o °oei�e�e�es , eeeeeeeeeesm =. ♦eoee e °OOi °i�> ee�e�e�ea: ♦sea: ♦e�esey,. �O,00O V,FD CgRaC4 Traffic Count Comparisons (MI D- 15.C),r K) Street Segment ADT 1993 ADT 1995 ADT 1997 No. Lanes 106th St N Mingo - Garnett 0 241 427 2 106th St N Garnett - 129th E Ave 0 1572 0 2 106th St N 129th E Ave - US -169 0 708 1375 2 106th St N US -169 - 145th E Ave 651 4753 3002 2 106th St N Memorial - Mingo 0 307 0 2 116th St N Sheridan - Memorial 2720 0 0 2 116th St N 129th E Ave - US -169 0 4268 6348 2 116th St N US -169 - 145th E Ave 6200 8990 6433 2 116th St N Garnett - 129th E Ave 5000 7311 4787 2 116th St N Mingo - Garnett 4011 4821 386 2 116th St N 161 st East Ave - 177 East Ave 0 8000 0 2 126th St N Garnett - 129th E Ave 0 1820 0 2 126th St N 129th E Ave - US -169 0 3003 0 2 126th St N US -169 - 145th E Ave 0 3120 0 2 126th St N Mingo - Garnett 0 614 0 2 129th E Ave 96th St N - 86th St N 0 4081 5939 2 129th E Ave 126th St N - 116th St N 0 816 0 2 129th East Ave 96th St N - 86th St N 0 5043 4568 2 129th East Ave 86th St N - 76th St N 0 3736 5905 .. 2. 129th East Ave 86th St N - 76th St N 0 4257 5253 2 129th East Ave 116th St N - 106th St N 0 3237 0 2 129th East Ave 106th St N - US -169 0 1746 1788 2 129th East Ave US -169 - 96th St N 0 2349 0 2 145th East Ave 116th St N - 106th St N 0 2584 0 2 145th East Ave 116th St N - 106th St N 494 2584 0 2 145th East Ave 106th St N - 96th St N 0 1032 0 2 145th East Ave 96th St N - 86th St N 2345 0 0 2 145th East Ave 96th St N - 86th St N 2345 1535 01 2 161 st East Ave 86th St N - 76th St N 0 3731 0 2 177th East Ave 86th St N - 76th St N 0 3339 0 2 76th St N 145th E Ave - 161st E Ave 0 3500 0 2 76th St N US -169 - 129th E Ave 0 5906 10904 4 76th St N US -169 - 129th E Ave 0 5610 6990 2 76th St N 129th E Ave -145th E Ave 0 3909 4916 2 76th St N US -169 - 129th E Ave 0 5758 6990 2 76th St N Mingo - Main 0 5889 10073 2 76th St N IMingo - Main 0 5889 0 2 76th St N IMemorial - Mingo 0 4417 10766 2 a y: DiDDO v9P. 1aG� Street Segment Abt 1993':AA� 19:5 ADx1997 No. Lanes 76th St N Main - US -169 0 10990 15373 4 76th St N 161st E Ave - 177th E Ave 0 3122 0 2 76th St N Sheridan - Memorial 2064 3139 7157 2 76th St N Lakewood - Sheridan 0 3165 0 2 86th St N 129th E Ave - 145th E Ave 0 4815 6123 2 86th St N Sheridan - Memorial 0 2233 0 2 86th St N Sheridan - Memorial 0 5439 5046 2 86th St N 129th E Ave - 145th E Ave 0 5515 6676 2 86th St N US -169 - 129th E Ave 0 15244 19215 5 86th St N US -169 - 129th E Ave 0 10970 13959 5 86th St N Garnett - US -169 0 14544 18000 4 86th St N Main St - Garnett 0 9566 11967 2 86th St N Mingo - Main St 5584 5465 8530 2 86th St N US -169 - 123rd E Ave 0 15244 24470 5 86th St N Memorial - Mingo 0 4787 5102 2 86th St N 145th E Ave - 161st E Ave 0 3965 0 2 86th St N 161st E Ave - 177th E Ave 0 3426 0 2 96th St N Garnett - US -169 0 4530 0 2 96th St N Garnett - US -169 0 3340 5400 2 96th St N Mingo to Garnett 0 572 1204 2 96th St N 129th E Ave - 145th E Ave 0 4725 6175 2 96th St N US -169 - 129th St N 0 2399 4282,,; 2 96th St N 145th E Ave - 161st E Ave 0 3583 0 2 96th St N 161st E Ave - 177th E Ave 0 4651 0 2 Garnett Road 96th St N - 86th St N 0 3711 6907 2 Garnett Road 106th St N - 96th St N 0 5150 5524 2 Garnett Road 106th St N - 96th St N 0 5607 6345 2 Garnett Road 126th St N - 116th St N 0 2721 0 2 Garnett Road 116th St N - 106th St N- 0 4604 4767 2 Garnett Road 96th St N - 86th St N 0 3711 0 2 Garnett Road 96th St N - 86th St N 0 68561 6308 2 Main St 86th St N - N 4th St 0 50281 6152 4 Main St N 4th St - 76th St N 0 4571 5533 4 Memorial Dr 96th St N - 86th St N 0 0 1305 2 Memorial Dr 86th St N - 76th St N 3207 2 Memorial Dr 116th St N -106th St N 724 0 0 2 Mingo Road 96th St N - 86th St N 0 1613 2018 2 Mingo Road 76th St N - 66th St N 0 2920 2915 2 Mingo Road 106th St N - 96th St N 0 1492 1204 2 Mingo Road 126th St N - 116th St N 0 1400 0 2 Mingo Road 116th St N - 106th St N 0 2284 1112 2 Other Subdivision Business' Amendment to Plat and Deed of Dedication of Winbury Place, PUD -538 establishing required side - yards. Staff Recommendation: Mr. Beach stated this plat was approved sometime ago with a condition that the plat was to show the side building setback lines. The setback lines were required to be 0' and 10' and shown on the plat and that was not accomplished before the plat was filed of record. Mr. Beach concluded that this Is an amendment to the plat. Mr. Stump stated that this was a PUD condition, since they would have variable side - yard setbacks from one lot to the next. This was necessary to be shown on the plats so that every builder would know what his building envelope was. TMAPC Comments: Mn Westervelt commented that this is a residential subdivision very similar to the Maple Ridge Village. He commented that PUD -538 has a good size cul -de -sac and a well - done site plan. There were no interested parties wishing to speak. TMAPC Action: 10 members present: On MOTION of MIDGET the TMAPC voted 10 -0 -0 (Boyle, Carnes, Gray, Harmon, Horner, Jackson, Midget, Pace, Selph, Westervelt "aye "; no "nays "; none "abstaining "; Ledford "absent") to APPROVE the Amendment to Plat and Deed of Dedication of Winbury Place, PUD -538 as recommended by staff. wwwwwwwwwwww Continued Zoning Public Hearings /Special Requests: CZ-243 — David Vines AC to IL Southeast corner East 116" Street North and North Mingo (PD -15) (CD -0) (97th East Avenue) Staff Recommendation: RReI�ci nshhip tp -the Comprehensive Plan: The OW2SSo 1985 -2000 Comprehensive Plan designates the southeast corner of the intersection of 1_. 116th Street North and N. Mingo Road as High Intensity — Industrial. According to the Zoning Matrix the requested IL zoning is in accordance with the Plan Map. 06:17;98:2163(24) z'd 503IAI I4dSS:60 66, 90 130 Staff Comments: Site Analysis: The subject property is approximately 23.55 acres in size and is located on the southeast corner of East 116' Street North and North Mingo Road. It is gently sloping, partially wooded, vacant, and zoned AG in the County. Surrounding Area Analysis: The subject tract is abutted on the north by single - family dwellings, a church and a water storage facility, zoned AGR; to the south and east is vacant land, zoned AG; and to the west by single - family dwellings. Zoning and BOA Historical Summary: The most recent zoning action in the County in this area was in 1985 when CS zoning was approved on a 9.29 acre tract located 25 miles east of the subject tract on the south side of East 116th Street North. Conclusion: Based on the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, staff recommends APPROVAL of IL zoning for CZ -243. Applicant's Presentation: Mr. David Vines, P.O. Box 498, Owasso, Oklahoma, stated that the idea for the subject property was to accommodate larger commercial activity. He explained that the proposed project is to rejuvenate the German Corner, which has been depressed for the past ten years. Mr. Vines stated that the proposal is to subdivide the subject property Into five- to six - acre lots in order to bring some larger businesses into the area. He explained that he looked at Owasso's Comprehensive Plan and it was marked as heavy industrial and appeared to be a place for this type of activity. He stated that there is a railroad on the east side and it is mostly in a flood zone. Mr. Vines stated that apparently there are some concerns with residents in the area. He explained that the City Manager of Owasso has informed him of the residents' concerns and he is willing to reduce the. request to- commercial general. Interested Parties. Bob and Kathy Bellemare, 9225 East 116th Street North, Owasso, stated they live in the immediate area. Bob Bellemare explained that the reason he is protesting the project is because he specifically looked at the zoning in the area and it was zoned for residential and agricultural uses. He stated he purposely purchased his property to live in a residential /agriculture environment. He commented that he does not want to live next to commercial /industrial -type areas. Mr. Bellemare stated that the second issue is that the intersection of 97th and 116th Street North has a history of high accident rates. He explained that the traffic on 116th Street North is increasing and that brings up a safety concern with any kind of commercial or industrial establishment contributing to the traffic. He commented that 06:17:98:2163(25) E•d 900WI WdTS:60 86, 80 100 any further development in the area would cause the need for enhancement of 116th Street North, Mr. Bellemare stated that German Corner is one mile from the subject property and it is the nearest commercial type of development. He explained that German Corner has many vacated properties that are zoned for this type of development. TMAPC Comments: Mr. Horner asked Mr. Bellemare if when he purchased his property for a home site, the he relied upon the existing zoning to remain the same throughout the tenure of his domicile. In response, Mr. Bellemare stated that he researched the zoning in the immediate area and does not understand why there is zoning if you can not count on it to remain the same. Interested Parties: Carl Fritschen, Comprehensive Planner for the City of Owasso, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055, stated that the community is currently undergoing a detailed land use evaluation as part of its process of updating the Comprehensive Plan, He explained that the last update was in 1985. This preliminary analysis has revealed that this location is inappropriate for high Intensity industrial use as indicated on the 1985 plan. Mr. Fritschen stated that the City of Owasso preferred the subject area to be light industrial because it would be less intrusive to the area residents. There would be smaller, less intense types of uses and would not generate the significant amounts of traffic generally associated with a large -scale industrial facility. He commented that the entire area is in an economically distressed condition and it is his responsibility to look out for the entire community. He stated that if this area were to develop it would improve the economy for the entire community of Owasso. Mr. Fritschen stated that the City of Owasso is supportive of the concept to reduce the subject property to CG zoning, if the Planning Commission should grant this request. TMAPC Comments: Ms. Pace asked Mr. Fritschen if AG /R is similar to residential, which would be large tract, single- family housing. He answered affirmatively. Mr. Stump commented that the AG /R area is one -acre lots for residential use. Ms. Pace asked Mr. Fritschen If the other three corners of the subject intersection are stable residential. Mr. Fritschen stated it is stable except for the property at the southwest corner of the intersection. He explained that he could see that the southwest corner changing to commercial sometime in the future. He reminded the Planning Commission that 116`h Street North has been identified by the Tulsa Metropolitan Transportation Plan as a primary arterial connecting the east/west portion of the community, 06:17:98:2163(26) b'd 508HI W aG:60 86, 80 130 Ms. Pace asked Mr. Fritschen if it seems wise to zone the entire tract under one zoning category rather than filing a PUb with some lesser intense zoning. In response, Mr. Fritschen stated that with CG zoning he could be flexible with the type of uses that are allowed. Interested Parties: Lynn Thomas, 11635 North 97`h East Avenue, stated he lives outside of the 300' radius. He explained that the sign on the corner is what prompted him to come to the hearing. Mr. Thomas stated he is opposed to Industrial zoning. He explained that he has lived in the area for over 20 years. He stated that there is a housing addition being built across the street, which will have five and ten -acre plots. He commented that the homeowners would not have built if they knew that industrial was being proposed in the immediate area. He stated he is opposed to light commercial; however, it would be better than industrial. Mr. Thomas stated that the intersection of 97th and 116th needs a traffic light because the proposal will increase the traffic. He commented that the traffic needs to be slowed down and not increased. He stated that the area is getting to the point to where he is no longer in the country. Mr. Thomas acknowledged that Owasso is growing and needs to grow. He stated he feels that he Is losing the family atmosphere in the subject area. TMAPG Comments: Mr. Boyle asked Mr. Thomas if he is opposed to the CG zoning that was suggested. In response, Mr. Thomas stated he is opposed to both zoning proposals; however, the CG zoning is better then industrial. Applicant's Rebuttal: Mr. Vines stated that the Comprehensive Plan has been on file since 1985 and indicates heavy industrial. He commented that people who have purchased property in the area thinking it would remain AG must not have looked at the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Vines stated he is a major business owner in the German Corner area and President of the German Corner Merchants Association. He indicated that he has no intent to denigrate this area. He stated that the proposal is not to place large factories with smoke stacks on the subject area. He commented that everyone will be very happy with the proposal once they see the development. TMAPG Comments: Mr. Midget asked Mr. Vines if the subject site had ever been considered for residential use. Mr. Vines stated he would never look at this subject property as residential use. He explained that the subject property had been for sale for a long time. He 06:17:98:2163(27) S'd 90DNI WUES:60 86, S0 100 commented that the problem is that no one wants to build residences next to a railroad track. Mr. Midget stated that there are residents northeast of the railroad tracks. In response, Mr. Vines stated he would not develop the subject property for residences next to the railroad tracks and a good a portion of the area is in a flood zone. He explained that the subject property would have to have a great deal of improvements in order to build residential homes. Mr. Westervelt asked the Owasso staff how long they anticipated it would be before they have the updated Comprehensive Plan for the subject area. In response, Mr. Fritschen stated it would be approximately nine months. He indicated that normally the updates for the Comprehensive Plan take approximately two years. Mr. Westervelt stated he had hoped that the update to the Comprehensive Plan would be available earlier than is nine months. He explained that he knows the subject area well and it is predominately residential.. Mr. Fritschen stated that he is receiving many calls from companies and businesses that would like to locate in Owasso and there is no place to put them. He explained that the companies and businesses would be smaller -type industries or commercial developments. He indicated that sometime in the near future 116th Street North will be a four -lane street. He stated that 116th Street North will be the east/west commuter corridor between Highway 75 and U.S. 169th. Mr. Stump stated that this application would have to be re- advertised and send out notices sent if the Planning Commission wants to consider any commercial zones for this tract. He explained that the subject property is not properly advertised for commercial zoning. Ms. Gray stated she couldn't support IL zoning because if this were in the City of Tulsa the Planning Commission would call this spot zoning. Mr. Midget stated he would not support IL zoning and certainly at this point would not support a blanket CG zoning, because the zoning goes with the land. There are two types of uses under the CG zoning that he would not be compatible with the surrounding residential, which are automotive- related uses as well as adult entertainment. Mr. Selph stated that he supports Ms. Gray's comments, and with all due respect to the staff in Owasso, this is not appropriate for IL zoning. The only part that is appropriate for commercial is possibly the northwest corner of the subject lot. Mr. Boyle stated he would be more in favor of the commercial, given the future of 116th Street North. He commented that the applicant will have to apply for that type of zoning and make a case for the zoning. 06:17:98:2163(28) g•d OOONI Wu6s:60 86, 80 100 Ms. Pace stated that if the subject property is recommended for commercial use, it should come in as a PUD because this is a sensitive area. Mr. Westervelt stated that current industrial land prices are identical to the land that is zoned residential in this area. He commented from an economic standpoint the applicant probably would not see much increased profits. The subject area does look like it has been very successful from a residential standpoint. TMAPC Actio • 10 members present: On MOTION of CARNES the TMAPC voted 10.0.0 (Boyle, Carnes, Gray, Harmon, Horner, Jackson, Midget, Pace, Selph, Westervelt "aye "; no "nays'; none "abstaining "; Ledford "absent`) to recommend DENIAL of the IL zoning for CZ -243. Legal Description for CZ -243: Part of Lot 1, Section 7, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, and part of the NE /4, NW /4 Section 7, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, more particularly described as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 1, thence E 1,624.211; thence Southwest 789.01' along the right -of -way; thence W 1,418.77'; thence N 761.92' to the Point of Beginning, less 1.06 acres for railroad and 21.7 acres for road. * k w ** k* w w w w k CZ• 44 — Stephen Gray RE to AG South and east of southeast corner East 1018t Street and (130•19) (CD -0) South Garnett (Applicant has withdrawn this case) CZ -244 was stricken from the Agenda, Other Business: PUD -567 —Jon Clayton (PD -18) (CD -8) 7350 South Garnett (Detail Site Plan for an Apartment complex in Development Area D) Staff Recommendation: The applicant is requesting Detail Site Plan approval for 232 units of multifamily housing on 10.13 acres within Development Area D. The site plan depicts 13 two- and three - story buildings, a leasing office and clubhouse and parking surface and under- building parking areas. Staff has reviewed the site plan and finds it conforms to bulk and area, height, setback, parking, access, screening, buffering and total landscaped area standards for 06:17:98:2163(29) Z•d 900HI M72:60 86, 80 100 • Balloons -de rs inter CONTOUR CYL, AUTO MILES can I SPORT TRIM, BRONCO JE & SILVER, IOK MILES Ann SUPER CAB OKE DIESEL, 12K MILES ,450 2500 CLUB CAB ESEL 5 -SPD. FER, 33K 950 NEVROLETS ) 497s SSE FROM ADYTO GO! r � 'way A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more Information on the proposed rezoning, contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hell, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272.2251. Dated al Owasso, Oklahoma, this 17th day of September, 1998 Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, September 17, 1998. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ -98.13 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, In the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 13th day of October, 1998. At that time and place, consideration will be given 10 the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT ONE (1) (NW 14 NW /4) AND PART OF T HE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NE 14 NW 14) OF SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERN- MENT LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 89DEGREES30'08' EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 7, 1634.21 FEET, THENCE SOUTH ISDEGREES52'09' WEST ALONG THE A.T. It S.F. RIGHT -OF -WAY, 789.01 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89DEGREES32'48' WEST 1418.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH ODEGREESOI'25' EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 7, 761.92 FEET TO THE POINT.OF THE BEGINNING. Thin Minaret location of the property Is southeast corner of East 116th Street North and Noah 97th East Avenue (Mingo Road). To be considered is a rezoning of said 23.55 acres from AG Agri- cultural District)) to CG (General Commercial District). All parsons interested in this matter may be present el the hearing and Present thair objeclions to or arguments for any or all of the above mallets. In the event that 1110 Owasso Planning Commission approves such Proposed rezoning, in whole or in pan, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place 10 be determinod by the Council, said Information to be available Iron the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the Proposed rezoning, contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso. Oklahoma, this 171h day of September, 1998 Theron Warl,ck City Planner a 2,484,072.40 $ 590,263.05 UABIUTIESAND RE$ERYES: O y //7 16.40 Warrants Outstanding anis Oulstantling / 513,466.41 Reserve for Interest on Warrants 0 � 0.00 Reserves From Schedule a O. W _ 82.]10.1) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES $ 1,354,818.40 $ 139,176.54 CASH FUND BALANCE (Denclt) JUNE 30, 1998 $ 1,129,254.00 $ 451,086.51 ESTIMATED NEEDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND SINKING FUND BALANCE C wr on sparse ................... ........ ......................5 22.845.922.2 Reserve for Im. an Warrants b Revaluation ...... ._...... 0, Total Required ............. ..............................5 2284592220 RNANCED: Deal, Fund Balanca ................ ..............................$ Estimated Miscellaneous Revenue .......................... 16,555,101.39 Total Deduct tons .......... ..............................5 1].684.355.39 Bakmce to Raise from Ad Valdrem Tax ........._..........5 5,161,566 81 ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: 1000 District Sources of Revenue ' ..........................S 127.140.00 2100 County 4 Mill Ad Valorem Tax ........................ 566,551.24 2100 County APPodionmenl(Modgage Tax)_ ...... .... 151,379.92 2300 Resale of Property Fund Ohlriltutat ............... 0,00 2900 Other Intemrediale Sources of Revenue .......... 0.00 3110 Gross Production Tax .... ............................... 2,124.86 3120 Motor Vehicle Collections .............................. 1,526,966.65 31M Rural Electric Cooperathre Tax ....................... 25,371.59 3140 Slate School Lend Earnings ..... ..................... 340,790.27 3150 Vehicle Tax Slamps ...... ............................... 13.008.34 3160 Farm Implement Tax Stamps ....................... .. 0.00 3170 Trailers and Mobile Homes ............................ 0,00 3190 Other Dedicated Revenue ............................. 0,00 32W Slate Aid - General Operations .................... 12,360,256.00 3300 Slate Aid - Compalitive Grants, .............. ..... 100.000.00 3400 Slate - Categor ical .... ................._............. 238,474.00 3500 Special Programs ........................................ 0.00 3600 Other Stale Sources of Revenue .................... 385,873.20 3700 Child Nutrition Programs ............................... 0.00 38M Stalo Vocational Programs, ............................ 40,584.00 41W Capital Oullay .............. ............................... 0.DO 4200 Oisadvantaged Students .......... ..................... 2]1,220.00 4300 Individuals With Disabilities ........................... 311,582.32 4400 Minority ...................... ............................... goo 4500 Operations .................. ............................... 18.102.00 4600 Other Federal Sources of Revenue ................. 85,715.00 4700 Child Nuri Programs ............................... 0.00 4800 Federal Vocational Education .:...................... 21:962.00 5000 Not Revenue Receipts . ............................... 0.00 Total Estimated Revenue.. < .a..�.,.. ... 0 I. Cash Balance an Herd Jug 00 2. Legal Investmeals Proped, 3. Judgments PaMTORacav 4. Total Liquid Assets. Cannot Matured Indebtedness. 5. e. Past Due Coupons..... 6. b. Interest Accrued There, 7. c Pa.( Due Bonds ... ..._. S. d. Interest Thereon Allen 9, e. Fiscal Agnacy Commisr 10. I. Judgments ard let. Len 11. Total items a. Throe 12. Balance of Assets Subject Deduct Awmel Reserve H Asv 13. g. Eemod Umasheadhat, 14. h. Accmalon Final CouPo 15. I. Accrued on Unmatured 16. Tolalllems g. Throw, 17. Excess of Assets Ova,Acc SINKING FUND REQUIRE& 1. Interest Earnings an Bond 2. Accrual on Uninitiated Bo 3. Annual Aecruat an'Preo , 4, Annual Ammal on Unpaid 5. Interest on Unpaid Judpmr, 6. Credit to Sen. Dist, No. 7. Credit 10 Soh. Dist No. S. Annual Accmal From Eahi' Total Sinking Fund R Deduct: 1. Excess of Assets Over Liar 2. Surplus Building Fund Cast 3. Gontribullons From Other N Line 12 Is less than Line 16 after omitting "h" deduct the following each in turn from Line 4, "Total Liquid Assets" 1. ................................................ ............................... that, k. Unmaturad Bonds So Du e ..................... ............................... .............. ............................... 15d. I. Whatever Remains is for Exhibit KK Unix E ................_...._._...._.. .__. __... .... .................�,,.,,,y'ttunt tnuarwe one et................ ..................... (Fro...Line..........ase).. 174. Less Cash Requlremenis for Cunene Fiscal Year In Excess of Cash on Hand (From Line 154 Above).. 18d. Remaining Deficit Is for Exhibit KK Line F ....... ............................... ........... ............................... BUILDING FUND RUn rue]G FHNn I rn_no n:am Current Expense ................... ..............................$ 1,168.453.20 Reserve fm Mt. on Warrants & Revaluation ............... 0.00 Total Required ............... ....___... Cash Fund Balance ................ ..............................5 Estimated Miscellaneous Revenue .......................... Total Deductions ......... ..............................S Balance to Raise from Ad Valorem Tex ..... ............ S CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAMS FUND Cunene Expanse .................. Reserve for Int. on Warrants &' Total Required............ FINANCED: Cash Fund Balance.. .... ....... Estimated Miscellaneous Raver Total Deductions........ ....,, e,, cv+ vmn ..................... ........... ................... .._ ........................... .... .... ............................... fleserve la Int. on Warrants & Revaluation ........................................................ ............................._. Total Required. ............................. _ Estimated Miscellaneous Revence ........................................... ............................... Total Deductions ............ CFRTIFICA'IT - GOVERNING BOARD STATEOF OKLAHOMA, COUNTY OFTULSA, ss: We, the undersigned duly elected, qualified and acting officers of Ibe Board M Rducalion of said County and State, do hereby certify that at a meeting of the Governing Body of the said Dist for districts of this class and pursuant to the provisions of 68 O. S. 1991 Sec. 3002, the foreem, 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -98 -13 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272.4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 13th day of October, 1998. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT ONE (1) (NW /4 NW /4) AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NE /4 NW /4) OF SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 89DEGREES30'08" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 7, 1634.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15DEGREES52' 09" WEST ALONG THE A.T. & S.F. RIGHT OF WAY, 789.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89DEGREES32'48" WEST 1418.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH ODEGREES01,25" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE SECTION 7, 761.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF THE BEGINNING. The general location of the property is southeast comer of E 116" St. N and N 97" E Ave. (Mingo Rd.) To be considered is a rezoning of said 23.55 acres from AG (Agricultural District) to CG (General Commercial District). As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15' day of September, 1998. Sincerely, IV401W6.11" Theron Warlick City Planner TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: REZONING — OZ -98 -12 DATE: October 5, 1998 BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Perry Cleveland is serving as agent for the applicant, Kourtis Realty LTD Co. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request to rezone the subject property from OL (Office Low Intensity) to CS (Shopping Center) in order to allow for commercial development. LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is unplatted land generally located on E 86' St. N between Bank of the Lakes (12401 E 86" St. N) and Long Office Center (12315 E 86" St. N) and contains .653 acres, more or less. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: A drainage channel abuts the subject property on the north side. Opposite the channel lies developed residential property zoned RS -3 (Residential Single -family High Density). The subject property is bordered on the east by Bank of the Lakes property zoned OL (Office Low Intensity) and undeveloped land zoned CS (Shopping Center), the latter property is the site of a proposed shopping center. The subject property is bordered on the west by the Long Office Center (Robert Long Insurance Agency/Diane's Travel) zoned OL (Office Low Intensity). Additional retail establishments are located in a strip center zoned CG (General Commercial) to the south across E 861, St. N. A location map and aerial photo of the subject property is included for your information and review. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments" and Chapter 6 "Commercial Land Uses." ANALYSIS The agent is requesting a rezoning of a .653 acre parcel from OL (Office Low Intensity) to CS (Shopping Center) in order to allow for commercial development of the site. Two similar rezoning cases involving neighboring properties have been before the Planning Commission in recent months: the rezoning for the Schlotzky's property (OL to CS, January 1998) and C:\0wasso0anning Commission \10- 13- 98 \OZ -98 -12 Kourtis\MEMORANDUM - OZ- 98- 12.doc Lakeridge Shopping Center property (OL to CS, June 1998). The Planning Commission has also either approved or conditionally approved commercial site plans for both properties. The proposal is consistent with the recommended land use in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan, which calls for Medium Intensity Commercial- Office on this site. In a relatively brief period since 1990, this portion of E 86' St. N has grown to into a considerable commercial district, including Warehouse Market, Ram Plaza Addition, Cornerstone Shopping Center, as well as many other businesses. The land use intensity proposed in rezoning the property to CS (Shopping Center) is consistent with recent development patterns and land use decisions in the area. Of particular concern to staff is the need to maintain an appropriate vegetative buffer between the" proposed commercial site and the residences to the north. A concern is a need to coordinate traffic movements between the Long Office Center, Bank of the Lakes, and the proposed Lakeridge Shopping Center. However, staff opinion is that these concerns can be adequately and more appropriately addressed during the site planning process. Notices were sent to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on September 16, 1998 and the legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter on September 17, 1998. Additionally, a public notice was of the proposed rezoning was posted on the subject property on September 16, 1998. As of this date, staff has received no comments from the public regarding the proposed rezoning. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning as it is consistent with nearby commercia, development, both existing and proposed, and compatible with abutting residential property. / ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. Aerial Photograph, 3. Zoning Change Application, 4. Copy of publication in Owasso Reporter, September 17, 1998, 5. Copy of letter to surrounding property owners. C:\OwassoTlanning Commission \10- 13- 98 \0Z -98 -12 Kourtis%4EMORANDUM - OZ- 98- 12.doc Pia -.-ACS -1fl_ I p`' a • '/ Sam .s r." L_ J Subject Property GS E 86"' Street North J r/ row K 1 . ON IG _ __ -� CG 4� RM-1 MILLS ELEM. 1���1 ►fit ��� RS-3 BSI L. -- ,G OWASSC =_ y SR. HIC SCH00 esin v� eo. - ,--, -_ CD PUOII•� I NO BSI L. -- � �3 4 � JRV�zl ' 1111 {Y iY1 Y { 4� =EE SCHEDULE 0- .99 acres S 75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5 -19.99 acres 150 2' icres & above 200 3eneral Location: ry� CITY OF OWASSO DZ- 98 -12 v / / 'resent Zoning: QL Present Use: die/n c'.z 7' �e, 'roposed Zoning: C S: Proposed Use: 1&14c< -) / _egal Description of Tract under Application: (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) (3�G 137Sv -� d' �'o�V SEGVZ sG' -r-/� N3o�,�o swt9fo�o(o StSz•o� Pa t3 5c �o �> rLf 6r3Acs If applicant is other than owner, please indicate interest: (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) �. advertising and sign charges to: o yN,+/'S Go io,/�7 `n (name) � , Yi o C y0 � �c:�� � cn e) ) -7 - 3 92 (address) (phone) I do hereb ertify that the inform tion herein submitted is complete, true and accurate. Signed: Address: 9-3 y -7 /U• / /°/ -f !f AV � 17u Gss< 'hone: ,�Z 7 Z— 2-4,1 Z6-9 )ate Received: 'ee Receipt No.: ]PC Recommendation: )ate: ",ff Recommendation )rdinance No. APPLICANT - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Vote: Sec. Twp. City Council Action: Date: Vote: Rg. oe Jay, September 17, 1996 f jm Page 1B) :d firth on to grand StanT by Pate "I n- is she, hit back to back homers In conseciltive innilo Vs- and two more Acre added in the Ed sixth as Amy Thompson doll- 1. bled, Britgv Lenunons walked off and both Thirion and Brittany ,- eel Garman singled. ies as- The run ended Satin'day wilt. a 2 -1 loss to Bartlesville. nit Scott doubled and scored in icy the first. but that was the rot• extent. o(' the scoring: 'I'hel re. Rams got runners nn first. and I fits second in the fifth, and then Scott and fate hoth singled ink ion the Sixth with no 011ts,-j Cal advanced to second and third eI's but were stranded. an Bartlesville tied the score on a couple of errors in tile -? I in fourth, then won it with a run vith in the top of the seventh on a two -olit walk and two singles : the off Thirion. "We're playing good right :I '�'e now," Coach Oliver said. "It's S 11, 9 exciting." f4 Owasso plays a conference q double- header at union todav 'r at at 4:30, then hosts Bartlesville \l9 for two games 'rilesday at 4:00, �4 the final regularseas011 home games. Q pening J's BAKERY & 1ICH" SHOPPE Vlain • Collinsville - SAT. 7 AM TO 3 PM i • Dining • Gifts • Balloons Iild Your Own ni B iy� aandwih � d oily Lunch Special a4ed Potatoes �ranae 's Head Meat & '•heese Sold by the Pound ruit Cups, Parfaits ind More PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC N0710E OL98 -12 RM-1 now PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE _ Published in the Owasso Reporter. Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. P' September 17 & 24, 1998. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ORGANIZE AN INTERIM STATE BANK AND TO MERGE h, .Notice Is hereby given that First Bancshares, Inc, has submitted an 2. a,01" w to the Oklahoma Slate Banking Department for wontedly le n, organize SB&T Interim Bank of Owasso for the purpose of merging or Slate Bank and Trust, National AsaodMlon. Tulsa, Tulsa County. Oklahoma. Y State Bank and Trust, National Association will be the surviving Ir bank and he mein office will be located at 502 South Mein Mall, Tulsa, 0 Tulsa County, Oidahama. The applimund was received for filing on September 1, 1998, Any Interested person may submit to the Oklahoma Bank Commis- sioner al the Ontermma Slate Banking DepadmaM, 4545 Nonh Llncdn sm,naverd, Suite 164, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma 73105, when cOm- _ments or objections to the organizationvoI the 2proposed bank, f a - request tof an opportunity 10 be heard, Y notice by publication as described in 6 O.S. Section 306.1. Any request for an opportunity to be heard MUM sat forth reasons justifying the lima and ., comments sor objections will be considered and processed ed purs ant to the applicable ponlons of 6 OS, Sections 502 and 502.1. September 17. 1998 Slate Bank and Trust, Nalionel ASSOCIalial Tulsa, Oklahoma _ SB &T Interim Bank of Owasso Owasso, Oklahoma Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso. Tulsa County. Oklahoma. September 17.1998. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ -9842 Notice Is hereby given flue, a public heating will be held before the Owasso OOklatu a. t7:00 P..M on the 13th day of October, 1998 nter, Owasso, At that time and place, silks 01 the will be given to the proposed change of the zoning NassgiceHOn of me Idlowmg described property. BEG 1375W & 5ON SECR BE TH N302.90 SW196.06 S152.04 E125 POB SFC 20 21 14 .653 ACS. The general location of the property Is on the north side 01 E. 860h Street North belwe6n Bank of the Lakes and the Robed A: Long Insurance Agency. To be considered is a rezoning of said .653 Acres from OL (Light Office) m CS (Commercial Shopping Centel). All persons interested In this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments lot any of all of the above matters. . In the event that the Owasso Planning Commission approves such proposed rezoning, In whale or In pan, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for Its considereticn and action, w provided by law. The City Council's review Of the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Murder. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning, contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hell, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated st Owasso. Oklahoma, this 17th day of September, 1998- Theron Warrick City Planner PUBLIC NOTICE M'M L,arq Out Orders A'a9 ad ♦'rte f[+, PUBLIC NOTICE Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklehom= PUBLICATION SHEE' FINANCIAL STATEMENT ESTIMATE AND OF NEEDS FORT OF THE BOARD O) SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. I -' STATEMENT OF FINANCU. CONDITION GEN' AS OF JUNE 30,1898 SETS: S m BNencs -June 30, 1998 Investments TOTAL ASSETS S Reserve for interest on Warrants Reserves From Schedule 8 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES S CASH FUND BALANCE Deficn) JUNE 30, 1996 $ ESTIMATED NEEDS FOR q GENERAL FUND Hall at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. Published In the Owasso Reponer, October 1, 1998. A lailure to Hand Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- Nana, September 17.1998. the mandatory pre -bid conlerence will disqualify the bidder from bid- NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE on 'his Project . Further information, s0eeffice- Sealed Bids will be received by the City Of Owasso at the Owasso dons and bidding documents can be oblamed by contacting CH2M City H911, Office of the City Clerk. Hill, 502 S. Main, 41h Floor, Tulsa, 207 South Cedar, P. O. BOX 180, OK 74102.4425 (919 -583 -3057) Owasso; Oklahoma 74055 until during regular working hours. ,..Do p.m. on the 12th day of Octo- Copies of the CONTRACT DOCU- beA 1998, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read MENTS may be purchased at CH2M Hill upon payment of filly aloud. This will be lot STREET D011arS (950.00) for each sal. REHABILITATION PROJECTS. There will be NO refunds. Including pavement repairs, aSPhai(oveday, connate curb and The City of Owasso"Iffeseb the right to 101001 al gutter, drainage end ditch grading reserves bids. All bids will be considers, on Allanla Street, Carlsbad Stre1' I ... vocebte offers under conch Forth Street. Beaumont Street. loth lions specified in the bid lot . strew, and 129th East Avenue. period of thirty (30) calendar day Said bnprovemenls shell inclutle act Irom and after the date harem 11 items in the specifications. A me orating u(bids. MANDATORY pre -bid conference be held In the Lower Level ter MARE IA ROIjTWEt will Conference Room at OWa550 City Marcia BOUlwell, City Cie Theron Warrick City Planner PUBLIC NOTICE M'M L,arq Out Orders A'a9 ad ♦'rte f[+, PUBLIC NOTICE Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklehom= PUBLICATION SHEE' FINANCIAL STATEMENT ESTIMATE AND OF NEEDS FORT OF THE BOARD O) SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. I -' STATEMENT OF FINANCU. CONDITION GEN' AS OF JUNE 30,1898 SETS: S m BNencs -June 30, 1998 Investments TOTAL ASSETS S Reserve for interest on Warrants Reserves From Schedule 8 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES S CASH FUND BALANCE Deficn) JUNE 30, 1996 $ ESTIMATED NEEDS FOR q GENERAL FUND GENERAL. 12.Bd5,' Currant Expense ........ .... ... ..... ...... ..... ..... .............E / R$ Reserve fa Int. on Warrants A Revaluation ............... Total Required .... ..... ............ ......... ....... .......S 22.845: FINANCED: $ 1128 Cash Fund Belance ............... ........................... ... . Estimated Miscellaneous Re tame .......................... 16.555. City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180' Owasso, OK 74055 ;, f NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -98 -12 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a 'public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 13th day of October, 1998. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change . of the zoning classification of the following described property: BEG 1375W & 50N SECR SE TH N302.90 SW196.06 5152.04 E125 POB SEC 20 21 14 .653 ACS The general location of the property is on the north side of E 86°i St. North between Bank of the Lakes and the Robert A Long Insurance Agency. To be considered is a rezoning of said .653 acres from OL (Light Office) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15' day of September, 1998. Sincerely, /,/ /Jek lhonl Theron Warlick City Planner 105 TRUT _ reUXTUDITI UTI TO: THE PLANNING C4 CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: EASEMENT CLOSING TIM HAMILTON DATE: October 8, 1998 BACKGROUND - The applicant requests to close a portion of a 15' utility easement located on Lot 3, Block 1, Double Oaks M. The subject property is located at 7913 N 1280'E Ave. The owner proposes to relocate sanitary sewer on the subject property. The applicant built the home on the subject property in 1994, (permit #94- 1006 -D). In the submission for a building permit, the applicant failed to show a 15 foot utility easement crossing the property at nearly the center. Perhaps because the builder was unaware of this easement, a home was constructed on top of the sewer main. It appears unlikely that the builder would have done this intentionally. Because of this error, the builder /owner cannot sell the property. Through the implementation of a plan presented to Owasso Public Works, by the owner's engineer, Dennis Hodo, the owner will relocate the sewer around the home at his own expense. The relocation would occur within the existing easement and would not require the dedication of additional easements. Since the relocated sewer will use the same easement, staff would support closing only the portion of the easement that lies below the house. The owner's engineer has provided a description of the portion of the easement underneath the house. TAC SUMMARY The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the easement closing request at its September 30, 1998 meeting. Comments were as follows: Owasso Public Works — Plan appears acceptable, PSO —No comments offered, ONG —No comments offered, TCl — No comments offered, SWBT —No comments offered. Easement Closing Tim Hamilton October 8, 1998 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the closing a portion of the easement with the following conditions: 1) That only the portion of the easement which lies underneath the house be closed, 2) And that the relocation be approved and constructed prior to forwarding the easement closing to Council for final approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. Boundary survey showing 15 foot easement, 3. Copy of plot plan submitted with 94- 1006 -D, 4. Copy of legal description for the portion of the easement beneath the house. C: \Owasso\Planning Commission \10- 13- 98\Easement Closing - Timmy Hamilton\MEMORANDUM - EC Hamilton.doc 6v o CI o < o o ,% I rn I o V J, m o m I 11 I (o oo- 4 h I 0 140.00' 12 \� 120.00' N n o I I I I I o l o I o I 7 1 1 1 1 13 0 3 o I`„^ 140.001 LJJ o O -0-1 �O\ k6 I t_ - 120.00_ _ v J 5' U�i • °O. o ,ry 1 p 5 U/F. p O I 6 I I 1n1 Vi to 11 14 e ° W I I �I' w QO � \` o n 2 0 140.00' (n m 120.00' I Q 00 / a I la W =n 10 0. 2 8p: i t m l 5 1 1 1 11 ao.00'1 I 1 0 Easement Closing �o Is� o. 8�� n 10' ' a ° ~" w Timmy Hamilton 9 00 A s �!O • —84.55= N 8 4 I 10 Subject Property y ^ �O \ . C9 140.00' �I 00• \ $ 27.00' �464i• `� I I. \ lS) \ \ 35.95'_ _84.55' 50' m 3 I 1 18 _.i \\� \h ^�ry h 1$•85 O 01 IN I I I� n m 6 m M 140.00' w hI I 7 120.00' y I O 120.26' 6 I 6.60'5' 1 I 4 `� \ \\ \ LA 1h0 A`!, 9�C� 125' \ 16 6. \\ 14.05' ' !' 10' U Ss '31 142 � �o \ 5 \ 3 C, \ \\ • VOI�b 2. o oCr 1 � 23.41 >0 < \ ' ^ 2 \ Sg 31.42' 1125 q/r GINEER \ \ \� iii i� LEWIS P.E. LO S. Garnett OK 74146 / \ 50' ?54 -4689 �< /���� X. v moo.\ LEGEND / \ \\ B/L — Building Line U/E — Utility Easement I i S-! PAR. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE C PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP #4002`10 0002 0. REVISED APRIL 15, 1992. NOTE: PORTION OF THE DWELLING IS ENCROACHED INTO THE 15 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF LOT. `O o. BRICK Uo m �^ 8 .0 , `v 25 t .2 BOCK f 15 17.5b 17.50• 140.0 N CERTIFICATE r- W CD d This plot is made. for and- at the request--of HARRY MORTGAGE CO for. mortgage loan purposes only covering property described as: LOT THREE (3), IN BLOCK ONE (1), DOUBLE OAKS 111, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. 7913 N 126TH E AVE.OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 1 hereby certify that the above inspection plat shows the improvements as located on the premises described, that they are entirely within the described tract boundaries, and that there are no encroachments thereon except as indicated; that the above plat shows all recorded plot easements and other such easements as haVe been disclosed and furnished on behalf of lender; that this plat was prepared for identification purposes only for the Mortgagee and Is not a land survey; that no property corners were set, and it is not to be used or rthe establishment of fence, building or other improvement lines. No responsibility nor hereby to the present or future land owner or occupant. e WITNESS my hand and seal this 10 day of AUG v RAI,V Y.- TALL R. P TBOM CA 23fi8 (LS) 7.0 � �.so.00 25 2 25.00 3 3.9 f C ' ONC.' : 0 f 0 1 1 STORY N o I I N II iS Ln 1 1� . /// 1 14 .s, / CERTIFICATE r- W CD d This plot is made. for and- at the request--of HARRY MORTGAGE CO for. mortgage loan purposes only covering property described as: LOT THREE (3), IN BLOCK ONE (1), DOUBLE OAKS 111, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. 7913 N 126TH E AVE.OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 1 hereby certify that the above inspection plat shows the improvements as located on the premises described, that they are entirely within the described tract boundaries, and that there are no encroachments thereon except as indicated; that the above plat shows all recorded plot easements and other such easements as haVe been disclosed and furnished on behalf of lender; that this plat was prepared for identification purposes only for the Mortgagee and Is not a land survey; that no property corners were set, and it is not to be used or rthe establishment of fence, building or other improvement lines. No responsibility nor hereby to the present or future land owner or occupant. e WITNESS my hand and seal this 10 day of AUG v RAI,V Y.- TALL R. P TBOM CA 23fi8 (LS) (,9. oc), t�'T I LA, o C), t�'T I LA, o C), D L H ENGINEERING, INC. 8555 N. 117th E. Ave., Suite 204 -c� Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 -2192 Phone: (918) 272 -7552 o FAX: (918) 272 -9039 0 ]-mail: dlhpe @fullnet.net V -WkA l L.TD �J for U1 u 1 U1 lu TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PRELINIINARY PLAT WILLOWS AT SILVER CREEK DATE: October 8, 1998 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for Willows of Silver Creek, a 31.22 acre, 84 lot subdivision. The subject property is described as part of the SEA of Section 21, T21N, R14E, and is located north of the Bradfords at Silver Creek and Brentwood Park Additions. This projects conforms to the Outline Development Plan of the Silver Creek PUD (OPUD -14). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their September 30, 1998 meeting, with comments as follows: Tannin - Avoid double frontage on N 139" East Ave. (Brentwood) for Block 3, Lots 1 and 15. (Subsequent review of Preliminary Plat of Brentwood II shows that Lots 1 and 15 will probable touch the right -of -way on N 1391' East Ave., but only at one point, thereby not creating a double - frontage.) PSO - Had been unable to review the plat prior to TAC, would contact developer's engineer directly, SWBT - 5 foot easement needed, Block 7, Lots 4 & 5, north side of lots, OPW - Closed loop water system required on cul -de -sacs. Drainage to be handled in Phase I (Bradford's at Silver Creek). Existing Pond on site to be upgraded in future for drainage in future phases. The developer has made all changes required by the TAC except for PSO, which still had not reviewed the project as of this date. A copy of the amended plat is included in this packet. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommends approval of the preliminary plat of the Willows of Silver Creek with the condition that the, developer include any additional changes and /or easements that may be required by PSO. C: \Owasso\Planning Commission \10- 13- 98\1?P- Willows at Silver Creek\Memo.doc ATTACHMENTS 1. Copy of detail of Brentwood II preliminary Plat showing no anticipated double - frontage, 2. Aerial of the development site. ENCLOSURE 1. Preliminary plat for Willows at Silver Creek. CAOwassoTlanning Commission \10- 13 -98TP- Willows at Silver Creek\Memo.doc '2 7 26 15 BLOCIk, 'Ig I w i 8 I ;BLOCK 2 n BLOCK 6, W 5'� J O ,.1 119d65F !� I 12000sr I o fP t log ^Sr I� 1 L:I � o I _ • iw 1 U I 84 Do oz t{ 134.93• �f 47.19 IW • I ? ♦ r-,.Ir I ! I 134.96 - oN I t P� I Iw 120009 R 44 f I +mm I 1391 IV 1+9.92 11949 ery}7 .o Q.I y :_ 1" 5 88'49'48' E ' 11 _ 115.96 7 .63 1. uq TN o1 N R gib, s 875i'l1__E. 186.59_ E I I rim. r Tor 31 12 �g I 16 ti y I ri o $ I h^ 2 u�4rr I I w; I 1 7 S 15 .z I OLOCK 1'Irl a = 1 9.96 120.0( t 2 g h.S."1 g 14 I I 134.95 14 134.31 ! n)465r I I 1155 %F n, IpYj I \ I IT \\ rn 1 54.94$r I I \ m 135.00 25' .2 16:5GS( 89'51'11' W185.00 105.01 37.09 '2 7 26 15 BLOCIk, 'Ig I w i 8 I t8 a' Ig n BLOCK 6, W 5'� J O T' 119d65F !� I 12000sr I t log ^Sr I� 1 L:I � o I _ • iw p 5 8987'11. I 84 Do oz �f 47.19 IW M1 �� h by �5 f I 'Ig I w i L 15. OE_ � jeM 47.19 n 10 I 17 ml W 5'� J O T' 119d65F !� I 12000sr I •56 p 5 8987'11. I 17980 I 00'OZI �f 47.19 IW • I ? ♦ r-,.Ir I oN ,a: re9esr Ig 120009 3 � �• I I 1391 IV 1+9.92 +20.00 BLOCK �5 11 _ 115.96 7 .63 gib, s 875i'l1__E. 186.59_ I r Tor 31 12 �g I .0nose m l8 o $ I h^ 2 I,B94sr I $ 1 m I .z 42295! 1 9.96 120.0( h.S."1 S Bff51'1T E I 1 14 134.31 ! n)465r I I 1155 %F n, IpYj I I I I of $ IT ! 71'35 16:5GS( 105.01 37.09 59.17 �vh �•. 7`T6 5 00'10',7 W n R'325.00 R C m I n ri: N phl E 84TH Pi N il 0 6� r3. 94 v 7 .54 'Ba ©• �� r7 63.66 58.47 33.74 35,2-� .� 15' LIE - 79 -1 $ ,� t F ,ia4i i S I't ,j906 r p6 .. s. •i I I _ 121675F I r I' 100cr mh I53045F 4,1 BLOCK 4z LI-- 988.96 .96 _ L.tl , � 55 / N 8524'45 W 218.43 709 5 5723 W 4 3 1 2 2 BLOCK 3 BRENTWOOD ESTATES BLOCK 1 21 <� 24 23 22 16 /17 \ 18 I 19 20 `a r3 ,+n, ," ton 1 t T e I A n .+r2' . 5 3`4 t µ'buy s ? t , X QN! lot � r UI 1 /_•' � 1 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT SUMMIT COMMERCIAL CENTER DATE: October 7, 1998 The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary/conditional final plat for Summit Commercial Center, a 1 lot, 2.69 acre subdivision described as part of the NE /4 of Section 30, T21N, R14E, located on the south side of E 86' St. N between Atlanta and Main Streets. This proposal will replat Owasso Center as well and plat additional land to the west. Vacation of the old plat and unnecessary easements will be by separate instrument. ANALYSIS At its discretion, the Planning Commission can combine preliminary and final plat procedures into one action. The proposed one -lot subdivision is located on land that is already developed in an office manner. Staff opinion is that the proposed subdivision is devoid of any unusual conditions or circumstances which would benefit from a two -step review and hereby recommends to the Planning Commission that the subdivision be reviewed as a preliminary /conditional final plat. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their September 30, 1998 meeting. At that meeting, utility representatives and the Public Works department were invited to comment on the proposed plat. The comments are summarized as follows: 1. Planning - a. Discussed vacation of the underlying plat and easements with developer's 2. OPW - engineer, b. The plat show three access points onto E 86' St. N, one of which was within 40 feet of the intersection with Main Street. Staff indicated desire to have this driveway closed. One driveway is desirable on E. 86' St. N; a second was acceptable so long as it generally aligns with platted Atlanta St. where a point of egress was intended. a. Phil Lutz advised that the driveway nearest Main St. interfered with 40 foot turning radius and should not remain, b. Also advised that the developer should not build driveway near but not on platted Atlanta St. since that would require the driveway to be built to City street standards and may not be possible. C:\Owasso\Planning Commission \10- 13.98\FP- Summit Commercial Center\FP -Summit Commercial Center.doc The engineer for the developer has amended the plat to reflect the recommendations of the Technical Advisory Committee. The corrected instrument is included within this packet. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the preliminary/conditional final plat for Summit Commercial Center as submitted. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial view. 1. Final Plat for Summit Commercial Center as amended to reflect TAC recommendations. CAOwasso\Planning Commission \10- 13- 98\FP- Summit Commercial Center\FP -Summit Commercial Center.doc FU Y NOV I0;_\1 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT FAIRWAYS V AT BAILEY RANCH DATE: October 7, 1998 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review a final plat for Fairways V at Bailey Ranch. Fairways V is a 16.34 acre development containing 71 lots and is located north of E 89' St. N (Larkin Bailey Blvd.) at Mingo Road. Fairways V is a platted over OPUD -12, the Bailey Ranch PUD. This development in this section proposes a variety of residential types including estate homes, executive homes, garden (patio) homes, and single family.attached dwellings. The preliminary plat for Fairways V was approved in July 1997. ANALYSIS The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their September 30, 1998 meeting. At that meeting, utility representatives and the Public Works department were invited to comment on the proposed plat. The comments are summarized as follows: 1. PSO - requested additional easement on lot 4 or 5, 2. SWBT - requested additional 10' easements on both the north and south sides of E 89" St. N. 3. OPW - discussed waterline sizes with the engineer. Also determined that drainage would be handled in the existing Larkin Bailey drainage facility. Determined that waterline could reach the abutting clubhouse. The major change from the preliminary plat is the closing of a second entrance to Mingo Road. From a planning standpoint, a second point of egress onto Mingo is undesirable. Extending the street to Mingo would likely serve redirect traffic off of the intended collector, E 8911 St. N (Larkin Bailey Blvd.), and cause unnecessary traffic conflicts with traffic on the Mingo Road arterial. The resulting cul -de -sac of N 100' East Ave. is 1,200 feet long, twice the maximum length normally allowed by subdivision standards. However, city staff during the TAC review had few concerns regarding health and safety. (Phil Lutz, City Engineer, may require additional water system improvements in order to avoid stagnation in the lines, but these can be addressed in the preconstruction phase). Because this property is land- locked by the golf course on the east, and Hale Acres to the north, staff finds this situation unique and is confident that this proposal would 00wasso\Planning Commission \10- 13 -98 \FP -Fairways V.doc not establish an undesirable precedent. With no other reasonable solutions apparent, staff supports the longer cul-de -sac. The lot sizes are much smaller than are typically allowed in an RS district, however, they conform to the standard for garden homes proposed in OPUD -12. Additionally, the number of garden homes proposed in Fairways V alone exceeds the number proposed in OPUD -12, but the developer is still below the overall housing density that was proposed in the Bailey Ranch PUD. In this case, the flexibility allowed by the PUD would permit unit transfers into the area. Additional garden homes are permitted so long as the developer respects the maximum gross density proposed in the PUD. Staff supports the development of additional garden homes to adjust for changing market conditions, however, staff would remind the developer that the total number of units in the development should not exceed the maximum gross density proposed in the Bailey Ranch PUD, or the maximum aggregate density allowed by the underlying zoning. The engineer for the developer has amended the plat to reflect the recommendations of the Technical Advisory Committee. The corrected instrument is included within this packet. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Fairways V as submitted. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial view. 1. Final Plat for Fairways V as amended to reflect TAC comments. CAOwasso\Planning Commission \10- 13- 98\FP- Fairways V.doc 4C: t yyfyi � 1 A ` R FT Z�4 EEO i a p d `b $ i . Mai �n ty � 1 ) )il Cx i $ 4 .^ Jy It.. ADDRESS 10106 E 95 Ct No 10108 E 95 Ct No 11004 E 120 St No 14108 E 86 Ct No 11910 N 109 E Ave 9901 N 114 E Ct 8341 N Owasso Exp 9805 E 84 St No 10010 E 93 St No 8571 N Mingo Exp 8901 N 137 E Ave 11013E 119 St No 1019E119StNo 11906 N 109 E Ave 11109 E 120 St No 11007 E 119 St No 9207 N 134 E Ave 12551 E 86 St No 9905 N 115 E Ave 11102 E 118 Ct No 11502 E 101 St No 11501 E 101 St No 13005 E 93 Ct No 115 W 19 St 410 N Dogwood 11806 E 80 St No 13313 E 89 St No '. 3912E 119 St No 11002 E 119 St No PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN SEPTEMBER 1998 BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT DATE Simmons Homes FW/PUD 111,930 2665 98- 0901 -X 09/01/98 Simmons Homes FW /PUD 127,050 3025 98- 0902 -X 09/01/98 Homes by Pete CE /RS -3 85,134 2027 98- 0903 -X 98/01/98 Britton Homes BSC /PUD 112,392 2676 98- 0904 -X 09/02/98 Heritage CE/RS -3 83,160 1980 98- 0905 -X 09/02/98 Blue Haven BR/PUD 21,000 585 98- 0906 -P 09/02/98 Construction Manager TL /CG 275,000 7626 98- 0907 -C 09/03/98 Morris Construction SLS /PUD 176,400 4200 98- 0908 -X 09/03/98 American Heartland FW/PUD . 145,824 3472 98- 0909 -X 09/04/98 Lee Rollins TL /CS 20,000 810 98- 0910 -C 09/04/98 Benzel Construction BRE /RS -3 122,136 2908 98- 0911 -X 09/08/98 Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 80,892 1926 98- 0912 -X 09/08/98 Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 80,892 1926 98- 0913 -X 09/08/98 Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 80,892 1926 98- 0914 -X 09108/98 Wanda's Homes CE/RS -3 80,892 1926 98- 0915 -X 09/08/98 Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 80,892 1926 98- 0916 -X 09/08/98 Don Sanders Homes WL /RS -2 9,798 426 98- 0917 -X 09/08/98 Wallace Builders /CS 400,000 3187 98- 0918 -C 09/08/98 Lee Custom Homes BR/PUD 94,248 2244 98- 0919 -X 09/10/98 Morton Homes CE/RS -3 80,850 1925 98- 0920 -X 09/10/98 Paul Muret BR/PUD 92,946 2213 98- 0921 -X 09/10/98 Martin Construction BR/PUD 112,476 2678 98- 0922 -X 09110/98 Lee Custom Homes CP/RS -2 107,478 2559 98- 0923 -X 09/11/98 Wylie Construction AH /RS -3 92,484 2202 98- 0924 -X 09/11/98 James Carpenter MW /RS -3 200 360 98- 0925 -X 09/14/98 Duane Verrett EC/RS -3 12,096 288 98- 0926 -X 09/14/98 Premier Homes BRE/RS -3 133,600 3181 98- 0927 -X 09/15/98 R. C. Construction CE/RS -3 72,030 1715 98- 0928 -X 09/16/98 R.C. Construction CE /RS -3 72,030 1715 98- 0929 -X 09/16/98 11006 E 118 Ct No Homes by Citation CE /RS -3 73,500 1750 98- 0930 -X 09/17/98 11.108 E 119 St No Homes by Citation CE /RS -3 73,500 1750 98- 0931 -X 09/17/98 11004 E 118 Ct No Homes by Citation CE/RS -3 82,110 1955 98- 0932 -X 09/17/98 12 E 119 St No Homes by Citation CE/RS -3 82,110 1955 98- 0933 -X 09/17/98 10020 E 92 St No Granite Pools FW/PUD 15,200 399 98- 0934 -P 09/18/98 11811 N 109 E Ave Westerfield Contraction CE/RS -3 81,480 1940 98- 0935 -X 09/21/98 13204 E 93 St No John K. Davis, Jr WL/RS -2 132,200 3150 98- 0936 -X 09/21/98 12620 E 86 St No Amax Sign EC /CG 1,000 25 98- 0937 -S 09/21/98 12620 E 86 St No Amax Sign EC /CG 1,000 19 98- 0938 -S 09/21/98 14007 E 87 Ter No Morris Construction BSC/PUD 153,636 3658 98- 0939 -X 09/25/98 11712 No 112 E Ave Home Address CE /RS -3 66,612 1586 98- 0940 -X 09/28/98 301 E 5 LS Industrial NSP /IL 30,000 595 98- 0941 -C 09/28/98 13904 E 87 Ct No D. Davidson BWP/PUD 15,000 648 98- 0942 -P 09/28/98 104 So Birch Voice Stream OUCH 15,000 98- 0943 -C 09/28/98 8809 N 137 E Ave Capital Homes BRE /RS -3 129,108 3074 98- 0944 -X 09/29198 MONTHLY TOTALS 31 Single Family Dwellings 3,100,884.00 73,833 Sq. Ft. 3 Residential Remodels 22,094.00 1,074 Sq. Ft. 2 Commercials 675,000.00 10,813 Sq. Ft. 3 Commercial Addition 65,000.00 1,405 Sq. Ft. 2 Signs 2,000.00 44 Sq. Ft. 3 Pools 51,200.00 1,632 Sq. Ft. 44 Building Permits Applied For 3,916,178.00 88,851 Sq. Ft. v n°. a a o° E" September Year to Date Count 1 %/' I'Mar ?1 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) September Year to Date Dollars E: `o 3 z 9 8 0 (g 3 Z New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 . March 18 14 16 2 7 <;?., 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 May 22 17 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 July 13 19 21 7 1K0 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 1At�gt�st ... .. .:.,12.. • K a: ,. :,0 1 i . $ fi�F. r�Xt..., . ,... rQ ...:: September 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 November 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 Qg�mGe}�.__ TOTALS 1a5 197 46 72 98 90 99 142 33 162 208 333 287 Year to Date 124 154 126 55 64 76 76 96 103 133 142 239 274 297 v n°. a a o° E" September Year to Date Count 1 %/' I'Mar ?1 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) September Year to Date Dollars E: `o 3 z 9 8 0 (g 3 Z New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year September 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 November 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 Year to Date 22 20 12 0 4 9 6 6 12 10 16 14 21 64 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities September Year to Date Count E E 8 RVIPW�W7 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) September Year to Date [)oil= -4 New Construction Dollars TotEds for Each Year COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 February . .. . ... . . ..... . .... . ...... . . . . . . . . . ... - . .. . .. .... March 0 2 3 ............ 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 September 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 November 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 Year to Date 22 20 12 0 4 9 6 6 12 10 16 14 21 64 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities September Year to Date Count E E 8 RVIPW�W7 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) September Year to Date [)oil= -4 New Construction Dollars TotEds for Each Year BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1998 Building Permits Issued 40 Total Fees $7911.50 158 Economic Development 32 Total Fees 5504.00 0 Mechanical Permits Issued 38 Total Fees 2130.00 Electrical Permits Issued 47 Total Fees 2380.00 Plumbing Permits Issues 42 Total Fees 2130.00 Recreation Development 24 Total Fees 3775.00 Sign Permits Issues 2 Total Fees 25.00 Reinspection Fees 0 Total Fees 0.00 Sewer Taps 32 Total Fees 13600.00 Water Taps 36 Total Fees 17200.00 Water Meter Deposits 27 Total Fees 1700.00 TOTAL PERMITS 320 TOTAL FEES $56355.50 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 187 Mechanical 126 Electrical 158 Plumbing 216 Reinspection 33 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 720 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS September 30, 1998 ADDITION NAME # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAR ABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 62 56 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 40 1 Barrington Point II (10/94) 49 45 4 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 17 15 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 95 32 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 21 62 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 47 4 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Camden Park (1/94) 38 30 8 Central Park (2/95) 45 24 21 Central Park II (7/97) 96 36 60 Country Estates (9/95) 138 138 0 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 143 50 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 88 2 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 60 3 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 88 8 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 76 4 Fairways II (1/97) 84 58 26 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 9 60 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 35 11 Nottingham Estates (3/97) 15 2 13 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 9 22 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 55 6 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake II (6/93) 40 40 0 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS 1826 1346 480 BAILEY RANCH ES1 BARRINGTON ES1 BARRINGTON PI BARRINGTON PT 1', BARRINGTON PT 111 BRADFORDS AT S.C. BRENTWOOD ES1 BRENTWOOD PARK BROADMORE HTS CAMDEN PARK CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARKI COUNTRY ESTATES COUNTRY ESTATES II DOUBLE OAKS DOUBLE OAKS II DOUBLE OAKS III DOUBLE OAKS IV FAIRWAYS FAIRWAYS 11 FAIRWAYS IV NOTTINGHAM EST NOTTINGHAM EST 11 ESTATES AT SL SUMMIT AT SL VILLAGE AT SL WINDSOR LAKE WINDSOR LAKE 11 WINDSOR LAKE II EXT CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status - - - 0 - - �J i, v a..v -w vv vv Ivv Icv IYV IVV IOV �- Developed 0 Total Lots NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 1998 World Outreach Center 103 E 2nd St New 01/02/98 01/31/98 Yes Sun Spot Tanning 11211 N Garnett, #B New 01/05/98 01/05/98 Yes Italy's Oven 409 -A 2nd Ave New 01/13/98 03/15/98 No Hay Auto Sales 11226 N Garnett Rd New 01/15/98 02/01 /98 No That's Unique 110 So Main Owner Change 01/15/98 02/03/98 Yes First Title 8555 No 117 E Ave New 01/22/98 12/31/97 Yes FEBRUARY Della's Tailor Shop 121 South Main New 02/12/98 02/16/98 Yes MARCH Performance Auto 12 North Main Owner Change 03/09/98 03/15/98 Yes Stage 507 E 2nd Ave Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes It Figures Fitness 9100 No Garnett #J Owner Change 03/12/98 03/23/98 Yes OMNI Group 9200 No Garnett #G Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes Ma's Creations 102 South Main Relocate 03/17/98 03/17/98 Yes Discount Tobacco 300 West 2 Ave Relocate 03/25/98 03/30/98 Yes Enterprise Rent A Car 11440 E 81 St No Relocate 03/31/98 04/26/98 Yes Tulsa Federal Employee Cr 8299 No Owasso Express New 03/30/98 04/01/98 Yes APRIL Henderson Cabinet Shop 9104 N Garnett, E -H New 04/02/98 04/02/98 Yes MAY Miles Tune Productions 8263 Owasso Exp, #E New 05/05/98 05/16/98 Yes Metro Carpet & Tile 119 South Main New 05/08/98 05/09/98 Yes Merl's Repair 204 -A E 5th Ave Owner Change 05/20/98 06/01/98 Yes Cali Top Nails 121 No Main Owner Change 05/26/98 06/06/98 Yes Charlie's Auto Repair 402 -C So Main Owner Change 05/29/98 06/01/98 Yes NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION DATE OPENING DATE COMPLETE JUNE Cellular Solutions, Inc. 12701 -C East 86th New 06/01/98 06/10/98 Yes Atlas Computers, Inc. 11508 E 76 St No New 06/02/98 06/07/98 No Priority Fleet Management 304 E 5th St New 06/10/98 07/01/98 No Gatton Fitness Center 12656 E 86 PI No New 06/18/98 06/19/98 Yes Hyatt Properties, Inc. 9220 No Garnett Rd New 06/23/98 06/23/98 Yes Tony Oz Bar -B -Que 12650 E 86 PI No New 06/24/98 07/08/98 Yes JULY B & H Manufacturing 9204 N Garnett Rd New 06/26/98 07/06/98 No Owasso Family Christian Ct 105 W 2nd Ave New 07/07/98 06/01/98 Yes K P Machine 310 E 5th New 07/14/98 07/06/98 No Sherwood Automotive 308 E 5th Ave New 07/14/98 07/20/98 No Harry Mortgage 8555 N 117 E Ave, #201 New 07/29/98 03/15/98 Yes AUGUST GNC (Gen Nutrition Ctr) 8751 N 117 E Ave #K New 08/01/98 07/05/98 Yes Lucky Trip 11215 N Garnett Road Owner Change 08/04/98 06/01/98 Yes Peggy Burks Photography 8520 N 129 E Ave New 08/06/98 09/15/98 No Jack Norris Barber 11330 N Garnett #L Owner Change 08/07/98 08/15/98 Yes Gilroy Auction Co 402 -B So Main St New 08/20/98 08/08/98 No SEPTEMBER Chris Hasley 11226 N Garnett Owner Change 09/03/98 09/15/98 No Wallpaper for Less 112 So Main St New 09/14/98 09/12/98 No LeAnn's Bedding & Crafts 11230 -C N Garnett New 09/14/98 09/21/98 No Owasso Physical Therapy 12326 E 86 St No Relocate 09/21/98 09/28/98 No Hollywood Nails 9100 N Garnett, #B New 09/22/98 09/22/98 No Park & Sell Auto Sales 8884 N Garnett New 09/28/98 10/15/98 No Springer Clinic 12620 E 86 St No New 09/29/98 10/01/98 No Starfield & O'Dell 8504 N 128 E Ave Relocate 09/30/98 09/30/98 No