HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.03.11_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 11, 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular March 11, 1997 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Timothy Rooney Community Development Director Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 9:00 AM on March 6, 1997. Timothy Rooney, Community OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 11, 1997, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the February 13, 1997 Special Meeting. 4. Site Plan - Kourtis Properties - A request from Mr. Pete Kourtis for a review of a comprehensive site plan for three commercial /office buildings located within the Ator Heights Third Addition. Said buildings to be located on property approved via a lot split (OLS- 96 -08). 5. OLS -97 -01 - Tyann Development - A request from Tyann Development for a review of a lot split within the Castle Park Addition, more specifically creating two lots from three platted lots. Castle Point is located within the SW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E. 6. Final Plat - Lakeshore Greens - A request from Tuttle and Associates for review of a final plat for Lakeshore Greens, an addition to the City of Owasso, containing 2 multi- family lots zoned PUD (underlying zoning of RM -1) on 14.18 acres, more or less. The subject property is located north of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and Mingo Road, further described as a portion of the SWA of Section 19, T21N, R14E. 7. Site Plan - Lakeshore Greens - A request from Architects Collective for a review of a site plan for Lakeshore Greens, a multi - family residential complex containing 120 residential units on Lot 1, Block 1, of the proposed Lakeshore Greens Addition (See above). Owasso Planning Commission AGENDA March 11, 1997 8. Final Plat - Central Park II - A request from Kane Development for a review of a final plat for Central Park II, an addition to the City of Owasso, containing 96 single- family residential lots zoned RS -3 on 41.56 acres more or less. Central Park II is located south of Central Park Addition and east of Lakeridge Addition. 9. Preliminary Plat - Silver Creek - A request from Silver Creek Development for the review of a preliminary plat for Silver Creek, an addition to the City of Owasso, containing 85 residential lots zoned PUD (underlying zoning of RS -2) on 33.02 acres, more or less. Silver Creek is located immediately east of Brentwood Park. 10. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 11. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 13. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, February 13, 1997 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Jerry Cole Charles Willey Bill Ellison Dewey Brown MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Marsha Hensley The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on February 4, 1997 at 11:00 AM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1997 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 14, 1997, Jerry Cole moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Geraldine Frances Haas Edison - A request for annexation of an approximate 20 acre parcel. of land located south of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. The subject property is further described as the S/2 of the NE /4 of the NE /4 of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. This property is zoned RMT within Tulsa County, which allows for the development of attached single -family townhouse dwellings. If an applicant already has RMT zoning in Tulsa County and wants to maintain the same zoning in the city limits, no zoning process is necessary. This request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their January 2, 1997 meeting and had no comments. The Annexation Committee also OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Page No. 2 reviewed the request at their February 3, 1997 Special Meeting and did not oppose. Following questions and concerns regarding the property remaining at RMT (Residential Multi - Family Townhouse) zoning opposed to going to AG (Agriculture) zoning, Jerry Cole moved to approve the request for annexation under the AG zoning, Charles Willey seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - No Bill Ellison - Abstain Charles Willey - No Dewey Brown - Yes The motion was denied 2 -2. After further discussion, Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation request maintaining the same zoning of RMT, Dewey Brown seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - No �\QL1�0 Bill Ellison - No Charles Willey - Yes `l , Dewey Brown - Yes. \? The motion carried 3 -2. 5. Preliminary Plat - Lakeshore Greens - A preliminary plat for Lakeshore Greens located north of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and Mingo Road containing 14.18 acres of property. The subject property is further described as a portion of the SW /4 of Section 19, T21N, R14E. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The property is zoned PUD with the underlying designation of Residential Multi - Family Low Density. However, no tax credit, low- income, or rent subsidized housing is being proposed by the applicants. The only comment at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting on January 29, 1997, was PSO requested an additional 12.5' utility easement along the east side of the 50' of Mingo Road right -of -way. The staff provided the following comments: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Page No. 3 1. Limits of no access will need to be added along the property line abutting the Mingo Road right -of -way to match up with that of the submitted site plan. Only one access point is being recommended by staff at this time. 2. Sidewalks will be required along Mingo Road. 3. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required along Mingo Road at the entrance. 4. Construction plans will be required at the time of final plat submittal. Following discussion, Dewey Brown moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above TAC and Staff recommendations, Bill Ellison seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes -Yes - Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 6. Final Plat - Country Estates II - A final plat for Country Estates II located north of Country Estates Additional containing 193 residential lots on 49.0018 acres, more or less. The subject property is further described as a portion of the SE /4 of Section 6, T21N, R14E. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. This plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their January 29, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, the following comments were made: 1. The 5' utility easements located on the property lines of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1 need to be changed to the property lines between Lots 6 & 7, Block 1. 2. South of Lots 5 through 9, Block 12, a separate 11' utility easement needs to be filed by separate instrument. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Page No. 4 Jerry Cole moved to approve the final plat subject to the inclusion of the above easement changes/additions requested from the Technical Advisory Committee, Charles Willey seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 7. OZ -97 -01 - Owasso First Assembly of God - A request for a rezoning of a 8.90 acre parcel on Lot 1, Block 1, Owasso First Assembly of God from AG (Agriculture) to OM (Office Medium). The subject property is located south of the southeast corner of N. 129th E. Avenue and E. 96th Street North and is the current site of Owasso Assembly of God Church. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The OM zoning would allow the Owasso First Assembly of God church to operate as a permitted use at that location. Charles Willey moved to approve the rezoning request, Dewey Brown seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 8. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity - January report was reviewed with the Commission 9. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 10. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Page No. 5 11. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Dewey Brown seconded, to adjourn meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR KOURTIS PROPERTIES ATOR HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION, BLOCK 5 DATE: March 6, 1997 BACKGROUND: Mr. Pete Kourtis has requested review of a comprehensive site plan for a commercial /office complex to be located within Block 5 of Ator Heights Third Addition on two lots created via a lot split in 1996 (OLS- 96 -08). The subject property is generally described as the undeveloped land between the existing Ator Center and Mowery Funeral Home and is zoned CG (Commercial General). Copies of the legal description for the lot splits, an area map, as well as the site plan, are attached for your information and review. The site plan submitted indicates a desire to construct three (3) different structures on the site. Building "A" is planned for retail use and totals 5,000 square feet. Based on retail use, the amount of required parking spaces is 25, one of which would need to be handicapped accessible. Building "B" is planned for office use and would be required to have a minimum of 25 parking spaces as well (1 per 300 square feet), one of which would also need to be handicapped accessible. Building "C" is planned to be rented storage space requiring 5 parking spaces (1 per 600 square feet). A total of 55 parking spaces would be required based on the types of uses indicated and 43 parking spaces are shown, none of which are handicapped accessible. Staff would recommend an additional 12 parking spaces be required for site plan approval located between buildings "A" and "C" or between buildings "A" and "C" and along the south wall of building "B ". Additionally, three of the 55 parking spaces should be identified as handicapped accessible, one near the entrance of each building. The major concern regarding the development of this property is stormwater and how it will be handled. Mr. Lutz of the Engineering Division of Public Works met with the developers engineer last week to address these concerns. As a result of that meeting, it was agreed that a "catch basin" will be constructed on the subject property with the storm sewer being piped westward underground between the existing homes in Ator to the storm sewer located on N. Elm Street. If the drawings for these improvements are approved by Mr. Lutz prior to Tuesday evening's meeting, staff will recommend approval of the site plan with the noted parking corrections and the condition that no building permit be issued until the storm sewer improvements are installed. Site Plan Review Kourtis Properties Page 2 of 2 While the stormwater drainage for this project is complex in nature, staff does want to clearly state that the site plan submitted does meet city requirements. In fact, it is much easier to review a site plan that is comprehensive in nature, indicating all planned buildings, rather than reviewing each addition at a time. It has allowed staff to review possible drainage problems for the entire site and develop a plan for dealing with its associated stormwater. It is because the stormwater is a significant issue, not the site plan itself, that staff is requesting the requirement that no permit be issued until the stormwater improvements are installed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions: 1. Twelve (12) additional parking spaces be added as indicated above to total 55 parking spaces. 2. Three spaces (3) are to be labeled handicapped accessible, one in front of each building. 3. No building permit shall be issued for any structure until the stormwater improvements are installed. ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES: 1. Legal descriptions 2. Area map 3. Site plan :Oct -14 -96 10:33A Payne Surveying 918 341 4973 P.03 'DA SURVEYING SERVICE 1216 W. Will Rogers Blvd - Claremore, OK 74017 Phone (918) 341 -0617 Fax (918) 341 -4973 October 15, 1996 For. Kourtis Realty Limited Company LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOUTH TRACT A tract of land containing a part of Lot One (1) in Block Five (5) o /ATOR HEIGHTS THI ADDITION to the City of Owasso, RD Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at a Point on the East line of said Lot One (1), 526.00 feet South of the Northeast Comer thereof, thence South 116.46 feet to the Southeast Comer Of said Lot One (1); thence West a distance of 250.00 feet to'the Southwest Corner of said Lot One (1); thence North -along the East line of said Lot One (1), a distance of 118.40 feet; thence East a distance of 250.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, less. containing 0.87 acres more or Oct -14 -96 10:33A Payne Surveying 918 341 4973 P.02 PAYNE SURVEYING SERvICE 1216 W. Will Rogers Blvd - Claremore, OK 74017 Phone (918) 341 -0617 Fax (918) 341 -4973 October 14, 1996 For; Legacy Investment Properties, Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION NORTH TRACT A tract of land containing a part of Lot One (1) in Block Five (5) Of ATOR HEIGHTS THIRD recorded to the City o of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, more parl/culany described as follows, to wit; BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Lot One (1), 428 feet South of the Northeast Corner thereof; thence South, along sold East line, a distance of 98.00 feet; thence West parallel to the North Line of said tot One (1), a distance of 250.00 feet to the West Line of sold Lot One (1); thence North along sold West Line, a distance of 98.00 feet; thence East 250.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.56 acres more or less. , MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMNIISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OLS -97 -01 TYANN DEVELOPMENT DATE: March 7, 1997 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Tyann Development for a review of a lot split located within Block 1 of Castle Point Commercial Park. Castle Point Commercial Park is located along the Owasso Expressway service road north of Walmart. An area map has been attached for your information and review. The subject property is zoned CG (Commercial General) and OM (Office Medium) and was rezoned in April of 1995. This lot split, if approved, would combine three existing platted lots into two lots, thus creating two lots with larger building areas. The northernmost lot to be created (Tract A) would be 59,139 square feet (1.36 acres) and would consist of both CG and OM zoning. The northerly 275 feet, as well as the easterly 40 feet of the entire lot, would have an OM zoning designation for a buffer while the remainder of the lot would be zoned CG. The southernmost lot to be created (Tract B) would be 81,459 square feet (1.87 acres) and would also be zoned CG and OM as well. The easterly 40 feet of the entire lot is zoned OM for buffer purposes, while the remainder of the lot is zoned CG. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the lot split request at their February 26, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting no comments and /or concerns were offered by the utility companies. Staff had no comments regarding the request. Enclosed, for your information and review, is a sketch plat which visually shows the proposed new lot lines. Also included on this sketch plat are the complete legal descriptions for both lots to be created. Site plans would need to be reviewed prior to any building activity on either lot. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OLS- 97 -01. ATTACHMENTS /ENCLOSURES 1. Area map 2. Sketch plat with legal descriptions of the proposed parcels to be created 3. Copy of OLS -97 -01 application PUD I ml MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LAKESHORE GREENS FINAL PLAT DATE: March 7, 1997 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from the Larkin Bailey Foundation, current owners, for the review of a final plat for Lakeshore Greens. Lakeshore Greens is located north of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and Mingo Road along the northern portion of the Bailey Golf Course. An area map has been enclosed for your information and review. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development), with the underlying designation of Residential Multi - Family Low Density. RM -1 zoning allows for the development of multi- family housing (apartments) outright at that location. Please note, however, that no tax credit, low - income, or rent subsidized housing is s being proposed by the applicants. The preliminary plat for Lakeshore Greens was approved by the Planning Commission at their February 13, 1997 regular meeting. The final plat which contains 2 lots with an acreage total of approximately 14.18 acres, was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their regular meeting on February 26, 1997. At that meeting, the only comment from utility companies was the need for an additional easement along the shared property lines of Lots 1 and 2. This correction has been added to the JJ final plat enclosed within your packet. % Staff provided comments in the following areas: Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required at the entrance off of Mingo Road. Sidewalk along Mingo Road will be required. There are different /conflicting easements shown on the east side of Mingc Road on the plat and the site plan. PSO requested an additional 17.5' utility easement outside of the right -of -way at the preliminary plat meeting. This item has been corrected on both the plat and the site plan (next agenda item). Construction plans have been submitted to the Engineering Division of Public Works. Mr. Lutz has approved those plans with some necessary revisions. The City of Owasso's policy regarding a final plat that receives Planning Commission approval is to not forward the plat to the Owasso City Council until DEQ has issued permits for the construction of water and sanitary sewer lines. As stated earlier in the memo, the final plat is for property that contains an RM -1 underlying zoning classification and allows for multi - family housing. No tax credit, low- income, or rent subsidized housing is being proposed by the applicants. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Planning Commission approval of the final plat for Lakeshore Greens. ATTACHMENTS Area map Lakeshore Greens covenants. ENCLOSURES Lakeshore Greens final plat. PUD 469 wlx7m z � m. 1, ,,. 1 RS-3 PUD -9 RS-3 PUD -9 OUT ,,AG N. ATOR ELEM. OWASSO JR. HIGH RS-3 1= I CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION LAKESHORE GREENS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, AN OKLAHOMA CHARITABLE TRUST, BEING THE OWNER IN FEE SIMPLE OF REAL ESTATE AND PREMISES SITUATED IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SW /4 OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE N 01 °18'18" W, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW /4, A DISTANCE OF 615.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 01 °18'18" W, A DISTANCE OF 555.01 FEET; THENCE N 88 055146" E, A DISTANCE OF 346.50 FEET; THENCE N 01° 18' 18" W, A DISTANCE OF 98.34 FEET; THENCE N 88 °55'45" E, A DISTANCE OF 447.43 FEET; THENCE S 13 031'48" W, A DISTANCE OF 72.19 FEET; THENCE S 20 °14124" E, A DISTANCE OF 368.77 FEET; THENCE S 07 °40133" W, A DISTANCE OF 516.85 FEET; THENCE N 45 000100" W, A DISTANCE OF 153.69 FEET; THENCE S 88 055'45" W, A DISTANCE OF 375.00 FEET; THENCE N 33 °16140" W, A DISTANCE OF 195.00 FEET; THENCE S 88 °55145" W, A DISTANCE OF 230.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING 617,599 SQUARE FEET OR 14.18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE CAUSED THE DESCRIBED REALTY TO BE SURVEYED, STAKED, AND PLATTED, AND HAS DESIGNATED THE SAME AS " LAKESHORE GREENS ", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, DOES HEREBY DEDICATE FOR PUBLIC USE ALL THE STREETS AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAT AND DOES HEREBY GUARANTEE CLEAR TITLE TO ALL THE LAND THAT IS SO DEDICATED AND NO VEHICULAR INGRESS SHALL BE PERMITTED OVER, THROUGH, OR ACROSS NORTH MINGO ROAD NORTH OR ANY PROPERTY OR AREA DESIGNATED ON THE ATTACHED PLAT AS L.N.A. (LIMITS OF NO ACCESS), WHICH MAY BE MODIFIED, AMENDED, OR REVISED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE TULSA COUNTY ENGINEER, OR ITS SUCCESSORS, AND THE CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION. LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, DOES FURTHER DEDICATE FOR PUBLIC USE FOREVER, THE EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY AS SHOWN FOR THE SEVERAL PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, OPERATING, REPAIRING, REMOVING AND REPLACING ANY AND ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES, INCLUDING STORM AND SANITARY SEWERS, COMMUNICATION LINES, ELECTRIC POWER LINES AND TRANSFORMERS, GAS LINES AND WATER LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR EACH OF SUCH FACILITIES, INCLUDING THE POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS, PIPES, VALVES, METERS AND ANY OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO SAID EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES AFORESAID, TOGETHER WITH SIMILAR RIGHTS IN EACH AND ALL OF THE STREETS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THE OWNERS HEREBY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, LAY AND RELAY WATER AND SEWER LINES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG ALL STRIPS OF LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLAT, BOTH FOR THE FURNISHING OF WATER AND /OR SEWER SERVICES TO THE AREA INCLUDED IN SAID PLAT AND TO ANY OTHER AREAS. AND WHEREAS, LAKESHORE GREENS IS A PORTION OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NUMBER O.P.U.D. 9, WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION ON FEBRUARY 21, 1991. NOW, THEREFORE, LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION BEING THE OWNER OF ALL THE PROPERTY HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, FOR THE PURPOSES OF PROVIDING FOR THE ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT OF LAKESHORE GREENS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSURING ADEQUATE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, DOES HEREBY IMPOSE UPON THE PROPERTY WITHIN " LAKESHORE GREENS" AS HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND WHICH SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY THE OWNER OR OWNERS OF ANY PROPERTY WITHIN " LAKESHORE GREENS" OR PART THEREOF AND THE CITY OF OWASSO, TO WIT. 1. WITHIN LAKESHORE GREENS THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY: (A) ALL CONDITIONS OF PUD O.Q.U.D. 9, APPLY TO THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING THE PERMITTED DENSITY, REQUIRED LIVEABILITY SPACE, AND SETBACKS. (B) ALL LOTS SHALL BE RESERVED FOR MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. (C) NO BUSINESS, TRADE, OR ACTIVITY SHALL BE CARRIED ON UPON A LOT IN THIS ADDITION. NO NOXIOUS OR OFFENSIVE ACTIVITY SHALL BE CARRIED ON UPON ANY LOT, NOR SHALL ANYTHING BE DONE THEREON WHICH MAY BECOME AN ANNOYANCE OR A NUISANCE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. (E) NO FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE FRONT PORTION OF ANY LOT IN THE ADDITION BETWEEN THE FRONT LOT LINE AND THE BUILDING LINE, AND NO FENCES SHALL BE MORE THAN SIX FEET IN HEIGHT. ALL ADDITIONAL FENCING MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE. 2. IN CONNECTION WITH THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES ALL OF THE LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS, TO -WIT: (A) OVERHEAD POLE LINES FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE MAY BE LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTH PERIMETER. STREET LIGHT POLES OR STANDARDS MAY BE SERVED BY UNDERGROUND CABLE AND ELSEWHERE THROUGHOUT SAID ADDITION ALL SUPPLY LINES MAY BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND, IN THE EASEMENT -WAYS RESERVED FOR GENERAL UTILITY SERVICES AND STREETS, SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAT. SERVICE PEDESTALS AND TRANSFORMERS, AS SOURCES OF SUPPLY AT SECONDARY VOLTAGES, MAY ALSO BE LOCATED IN SAID EASEMENT -WAYS. (B) EXCEPT TO HOUSES ON LOTS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH (A) ABOVE, WHICH MAY BE SERVED FROM OVERHEAD ELECTRIC SERVICE LINES, UNDERGROUND SERVICE CABLES, GAS LINES, AND METERS TO ALL HOUSES WHICH MAY BE LOCATED ON ALL LOTS IN SAID ADDITION MAY BE RUN FROM THE NEAREST PEDESTAL, TRANSFORMER OR POINT OF SERVICE TO THE POINT OF USAGE DETERMINED BY THE LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH BUILDINGS AS MAY BE LOCATED UPON EACH SAID LOT; PROVIDED THAT UPON THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH A SERVICE CABLE, METER OR REGULATOR TO A PARTICULAR BUILDING, THE SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES SHALL THEREAFTER BE DEEMED TO HAVE A DEFINITIVE, PERMANENT, EFFECTIVE AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHT -OF -WAY EASEMENT ON SAID LOT, COVERING A FIVE (5) FOOT STRIP EXTENDING 2.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF SUCH SERVICES, EXTENDING FROM THE SERVICE PEDESTAL OR TRANSFORMER OR POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE SERVICE ENTRANCE ON SAID BUILDING. (C) THE SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES THROUGH ITS PROPER AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES SHALL AT ALL TIMES HAVE THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO ALL SUCH EASEMENT -WAYS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT, OR PROVIDED FOR IN THIS DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING OR REPLACING ANY PORTION OF SAID UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES SO INSTALLED BY IT. (D) THE OWNER OF EACH LOT SHALL PROVIDE GATEWAY ACCESS TO ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION AND ELECTRIC FACILITIES LOCATED ON HIS PROPERTY AND SHALL PREVENT THE ALTERATION OF GRADE OR ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WHICH MAY INTERFERE WITH SAID COMMUNICATION AND ELECTRIC FACILITIES. THE COMPANY WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDINARY MAINTENANCE OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES, BUT THE OWNER WILL PAY FOR DAMAGE OR RELOCATION OF SUCH FACILITIES CAUSED OR NECESSITATED BY ACTS OF THE OWNER OR HIS AGENTS OR CONTRACTORS. (E) THE FOREGOING COVENANTS CONCERNING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY THE SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES AND THE OWNER OF EACH LOT AGREES TO BE BOUND HEREBY. 3. IN CONNECTION WIT THE PROVISION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE, ALL OF THE LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS, TO -WIT. (A) THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC WATER MAINS AND OF THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES AND SHALL PREVENT THE ALTERATION OF GRADE IN EXCESS OF THREE (3) FEET FROM THE ORIGINAL CONTOURS OR ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WHICH MAY INTERFERE WITH SAID PUBLIC WATER MAINS AND /OR PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES. SAID ALTERATION OR GRADE RESTRICTIONS SHALL BE LIMITED Y TO EASEMENT AREAS. (B) THE CITY OF OWASSO OR ITS SUCCESSORS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDINARY MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC WATER MAINS AND PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES, BUT THE OWNER WILL PAY FOR DAMAGE OR RELOCATION OR SUCH FACILITIES CAUSED OR NECESSITATED BY ACTS OF THE OWNER OR HIS AGENTS OR CONTRACTORS. (C) THE CITY OF OWASSO OR ITS SUCCESSORS THROUGH ITS PROPER AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES SHALL AT ALL TIMES HAVE RIGHT OF ACCESS WITH THEIR EQUIPMENT TO ALL SUCH EASEMENT -WAYS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT, OR PROVIDED FOR IN THIS DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING OR REPLACING ANY PORTION OF SAID UNDERGROUND WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES. (D) THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF LANDSCAPE AND PAVING IN THE EVENT IT IS NECESSARY TO REPAIR THE WATER MAIN. (E) THE FOREGOING COVENANTS CONCERNING WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY THE CITY OF OWASSO OR ITS SUCCESSORS, AND THE OWNER AGREES TO BE BOUND HEREBY. (F) THE OWNER OF EACH LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF ANY LANDSCAPING AND PAVING LOCATED WITHIN THE UTILITY EASEMENTS AND ON HIS LOT IN THE EVENT IT IS NECESSARY TO REPAIR ANY UNDERGROUND WATER OR SEWER MAINS, ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, CABLE TELEVISION OR TELEPHONE SERVICE. ENFORCEMENT, DURATION, AND SEVERABILITY A. ENFORCEMENT: THE RESTRICTIONS HEREIN SET FORTH ARE COVENANTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND AND SHALL BE BINDING UPON THE OWNERS, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AND ALL PARTIES CLAIMING UNDER THEM. IF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, SHALL VIOLATE ANY OF THE COVENANTS HEREIN, IT SHALL BE LAWFUL FOR ANY PERSONS OWNING ANY LOT SITUATED WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION OR THE CITY OF OWASSO, TO MAINTAIN ANY ACTION AT LAW OR IN EQUITY AGAINST THE PERSON OR PERSONS VIOLATING OR ATTEMPTING TO VIOLATE ANY SUCH COVENANT, TO PREVENT HIM OR THEM FROM SO DOING OR TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE WITH THE COVENANTS OR TO RECOVER DAMAGES FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS. B. DURATION: THESE COVENANTS SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT UNTIL 2016, AND CONTINUED THEREAFTER FOR SUCCESSIVE PERIODS OF TEN (10) YEARS EACH, UNLESS TERMINATED OR AMENDED AS HEREIN PROVIDED. SECTIONS 1 AND 2 MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY CONSENT OF THE APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANY AND /OR THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OWNER WITH THE CONSENT OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY OF OWASSO OR THEIR SUCCESSORS, OR AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. C. SEVERABILITY INVALIDATION OF ANY RESTRICTION SET FORTH HEREIN, OR ANY PART THEREOF, BY AN ORDER, JUDGEMENT, OR DECREE OF ANY COURT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT INVALIDATE OR AFFECT ANY OF THE OTHER RESTRICTIONS OF ANY PART THEREOF SET FORTH HEREIN, WHICH SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. IN THE EVENT, LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, OR ANY OF ITS SUCCESSORS, GRANTEES, LESSEES OR ASSIGNS, OR ANY PERSON CLAIMING UNDER THEM, SHALL VIOLATE OR BREACH ANY OF THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH HEREIN OR IMPROVED HEREBY, ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OWNING A LOT OR PARCEL WITHIN LAKESHORE GREENS, THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN AN ACTION AT LAW OR IN EQUITY AGAINST THE PERSON OR PERSONS ATTEMPTING TO VIOLATE ANY OF SUCH COVENANTS OR RESTRICTION TO PREVENT VIOLATION OR TO RECOVER DAMAGES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. INVALIDATION OF ANY OF THE COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH HEREIN BY JUDGEMENT OR OTHER ACTION SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION WHICH SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION, HAS CAUSED ITS NAME TO BE AFFIXED, THIS DATE , 19 LARKIN BAILEY FOUNDATION By: ROY G. CARTWRIGHT, TRUSTEE By: JOSEPH N. WITT, TRUSTEE By: PATSY CRAVENS, TRUSTEE COUNTY OF TULSA ) ) ss. STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE, ON THIS DAY OF , 19 , PERSONALLY APPEARED ROY CARTWRIGHT, TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE IDENTICAL PERSONS WHO SUBSCRIBED THE NAMES OF THE MAKERS THEREOF TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME AS HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED AND AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SET FORTH. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I, JEFFREY A. TUTTLE, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE, CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY SURVEYED, STAKED AND PLATTED THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT, AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. DATED THIS DAY OF . 19 JEFFREY A. TUTTLE, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR COUNTY OF TULSA ) ) SS STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE, ON THIS DAY OF , 19 , PERSONALLY APPEARED JEFFREY A. TUTTLE, TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE IDENTICAL PERSON WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME AS HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SET FORTH. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SHEET 2 OF 2 MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR LAKESHORE GREENS APARTMENTS DATE: March 7, 1997 BACKGROUND: Architects Collective of Tulsa has submitted a site plan for a multi - family residential complex to be located within Lot 1, Block 1 of Lakeshore Greens, an addition to the City of Owasso, OK. The subject property is generally described as the undeveloped property north of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and Mingo Road. An area map and site plan are attached for your information and review. Action on this item is contingent to an approval of the final plat for Lakeshore Greens (previous agenda item). The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an underlying RM -1 zoning. When the Planned Unit Development was approved for the property including and surrounding the Bailey Golf Ranch, specific conditions regarding the development of different areas within the PUD were established. The area that was identified for multi - family development limited the total amount of multi - family units to 223. The first phase of the developed, the area contained within the submitted site plan, proposes a total of 120 multi - family housing units, containing 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. The site plan includes a total of 6 multi- family "building areas ", a playground, a pool, and an office /recreational club area. The site plan was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their February 26, 1997 regular meeting. The following comment /corrections were submitted by staff and utility companies at that meeting: * Change street labeled on the site plan to North 97th East Avenue or Mingo Road, not 97th Street. Cori * Correct the easement conflict with the plat along the east side of Mingo Ar11 Road. �s * If an easement (1P) is added to south property line of Lot 1, a building shown on the site plan would be encroaching the easement. This is not O t allowed and therefore would require modification depending on which type C of easement client selects. * Regarding the Access Control Gate shown on the plans - provide an accessibility plan for Fire and Police. For example, how will they get by Xk that gate? Staff Report Lakeshore Greens Site Plan Page 2 of 3 * Only 1 trash receptacle is shown. Will all apartment residents walk that far to dispose of trash? Wind and Trash fencing around the entire subject site will be recommended as a condition of approval of the Lakeshore Greens site plan. No building permit will be issued unless this fencing is installed. * Silt fencing will be required along all areas abutting the golf course before 9C any building permit would be issued. Separate permits will need to be obtained for any signage. x * What is the proposal to eliminate pedestrian access to golf course? Fence of any kind? What type? Site obstructing fencing is discouraged. Speed bumps will be required on site to control speed. 3 Fire Hydrants will be required on -site 1 - Near Entrance area X 1 - Near northwest corner of southernmost building 1 - Near southwest corner of northernmost building. All of the above comments were addressed by either the revised site plan that is included within your packet or via a letter from Ms. Viviana Varnado of Architects Collective. The letter from Ms. Varnado is attached for your information and review. Although not addressed via previous comment, 240 parking spaces are required and shown by the applicant. Seven of those 240 parking spaces would need to be handicapped accessible and are indicated on the plans. Additionally, floor plans and elevation profiles of the various structures are also attached for your information and review. A detailed landscaping plan has also been submitted by the applicants and will be available at Tuesday's meeting for review. As a reminder, sidewalks will be required along Mingo Road, as well as acceleration /deceleration lanes, as a portion of the platting requirements. Staff also would ask the Planning Commission to consider a requirement that no occupancy of any building on site be permitted until all of the buildings have received a final inspection from the Community Development Department. Last year, the development of the Three Lakes Apartments site, an unusual predicament developed when the property management wanted occupancy of several completed structures while others were still not completed. This created i a liability problem as it was virtually impossible to "seal" the portion under construction from the completed portion. Please note that if the Planning Commission includes this recommendation as a condition of approval, staff would allow occupancy of the office /recreation club area prior to the entire multi - family site being completed as it is often times essential for the incoming management to have a presence on the site prior to actual occupancy of the units. Staff Report Lakeshore Greens Site Plan Page 3 of 3 As you are aware, property development around a golf course presents some unique and unusual challenges to both the developer and staff. A comprehensive review has been conducted by staff and feel comfortable that the site plan submittal is one of quality and has taken into account any problems that may arise prior, during, or after construction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions: ( �� 1. Plan for the Emergency Vehicle Override for the Access Control gates shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Police and Fire departments prior to installation. Applicant to submit plans to Community Development Department for distribution. Wind /Trash fencing to be installed around the entire subject site prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. Silt fencing to be installed along the portion of the subject property prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. Separate permits will be required for signage and are not included within the building permit. i 5. No occupancy of any buildings prior to project completion and obtaining a O� final inspection on all of the buildings. An exception to allow occupancy of i (J- the office /club area prior to project completion would be permitted. 6. Landscaping to be installed per submitted detailed landscaping plan. i,t.7 7. All other corrections identified in March 4, 1997 letter from Architects Collective (attached) shall be required. ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES: 1. Area map 2. Letter from Ms. Viviana Varnado dated March 4, 1997 Floor plans and building elevations. PUD 469 RS-3 PUD-9 RS -3 PUD -9 OUT AG AT T I PA ATOR ELEM. r OWASSO JR. HIGH L RS -3 1= F Winn March 4, 1997 A¶¶hi�i. couec ve 43 FAST S1(ELLV DRIVE SUITE TUISg{B0 xH-0M4 74135 Mr. Tim Rooney City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Ok 74055 In response to comments of letter faxed to Architects collective on Feb. 28, 1997. 1. Drawings have been revised to read "North 97th East Avenue (Mingo Road)" 2. Easements along east side of Mingo Road have been corrected to match Plat Plan submitted by Civil Engineer. 5. Utility easement along south property line has been revised to 8' -0" to match Plat Plan. 4. Access control gates (shown on site plan) shall have emergency overide for emergency vehicles only. Drawings have been so noted. 5. Only one trash location is provided, which is the trash compactor. 6. wind and trash fencing will be provided around entire site, excluding areas at the front of the site which will have decorative metal fencing with masonry columns, and areas with 6' wood fencing (as designated on the site plan). Drawings have been so noted. 7. Silt fencing along all areas abutting the golf course will be provided. 8. Acknowledged. Any signage will be permitted separately. 9. Transparent fencing will be provided along all areas abutting golf course. 10. Speed bumps will be provided on site as required. 11. Fire hydrants will be shown on Civil Drawings. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call. 2 viviana varnado Architects Collective C: B81DH GLCVATION v.•.., A FRONT 1= LCVATION w• -1, N Z 0 J QJ x J YwN C J ON EMU B PRONT / RCAR CLCVATION - Al -25 (2/5 STORY) A DUILDIN& PLAN - A1.2S (2/5 STORY) ,W!, iq METAL PENCE ELEVATION (TYPICAL BAY) V4' . I'b' sm pryJ AIb Mf MJ AG0. 14 yp d MATAL PENCE PLAN (TYPICAL BAY) V4' . 1'O' in MASONRY PENCE ELEVATION (TYPICAL BAY) h tl �ou co ENTRY SIGN ELEVATION V4' . 1' ' Iwew'm) ara u N� ae co ENTRY SIGN PLAN V4' . 1b' is MAIN ENTRY S16N ELEVATION V4'. I''C A MAIN ENTRY 516N PLAN V4' • I'' O' W Z IU 0 N Y J �a New uIIAN 15 -Q7 .arme rcice ccrnlu P6 W�1[�RYW gY10 Kn MY4e RIIIl4YG' 1VtMf R�.lVL�Y9( 1 wavn m) '1} 1 ------ - ---- ------- --- -rte v MASONRY PENCE PLAN (TYPICAL SAY) V4' . I'C' h tl �ou co ENTRY SIGN ELEVATION V4' . 1' ' Iwew'm) ara u N� ae co ENTRY SIGN PLAN V4' . 1b' is MAIN ENTRY S16N ELEVATION V4'. I''C A MAIN ENTRY 516N PLAN V4' • I'' O' W Z IU 0 N Y J �a New uIIAN 15 -Q7 .arme rcice ccrnlu P6 • R._ \I_I t1 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT CENTRAL PARK H DATE: March 7, 1997 I:Mys1:(lI:Z�11 ►17 The City of Owasso has received a request to review the final plat for Central Park II, an addition to the City of Owasso. Central Park II is located southwest of the Central Park addition, and east of the Lakeridge addition. The subject property is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). The final plat for Central Park II and its covenants is enclosed, as well as a copy of Central Park plat. As reviewed with the Planning Commission at the time of preliminary plat review in January, the subject property contained within the Central Park II plat has been under several different development scenarios since first platted in a preliminary nature in 1994. In 1994, a preliminary plat for Central Park II was approved by the Planning Commission and contained a portion of the property contained within the plat currently before you. In 1995, after a change of ownership, a preliminary plat for Cardinal View was approved by the Planning Commission. This property contained a portion of the property contained within the plat before you, as well as the property where the regional detention pond is located and the Owasso Ninth Grade Center. Since that time, the property has once again changed ownership and the plat enclosed within your packet is the latest application. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their February 26, 1997 meeting. At that meeting, several comments /requests for additional utility easements were made by utility companies and these are included within the current plat. Addresses and street names were also provided and are included within the current plat. Additionally, one exception of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations will be necessary in order for this plat to become reality. The "intersection" that occurs in the northwest portion of the plat (E. 89th Street North and N. 127th E. Avenue) does not meet the minimum distance required for streets to be offset. Staff is in support of this exception as only four (4) residential' homesites are located around the proposed "eyebrow" and should not create a substantial traffic flow challenge. Staff Report Central Park II Final Plat Page 2 of 2 Covenants for Central Park II resemble those of Central Park. Construction plans for Central Park II have been submitted and approved by Mr. Lutz of the Engineering Division of Public Works. Please be advised that permits to construct the water and sanitary sewer lines will need to be issued by DEQ prior the final plat being forwarded to City Council. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Central Park II. ATTACIFVIENTS 1. Central Park plat ENCLOSURES 1. Preliminary plat for Central Park II 2. Covenants for Central Park II DATE FILED DEC. 6, 1994 ..... ...: ... .....:........ 5039 un ..� vm •e., SEC.20�:i� Aeu\ —�t CENTRAL PARK AN ADDITION TO TIM CITY OF OITASSO. TIILSA COUNTY, OKIAROIIA. A SUMMSION OF A PART OF TIIE EI /2 OF SECTION 20, TOITNSIIIP 21 NORTH. RANGE 14 EAST OF TIIE L R A M.. TUISA COUNTY. OKIA. TOTAL ACRES = 14.88 DEVELOPER: TOTAL LOTS = 45 KANE DEVELOPMENT, INC. E. 86TH ST. N. OWASSO, OK 74055 272 -7111 UNPLATTED /r / r' / a/Y / UNPLATTED UNPLATTED PLAT NO. 5039 67�inlue n I I xcuAar• so ' aLC']O. 1-- 1'1 -1 - -1I 1 F------------- -- 11r .. BIMR N a ®sy� O� ®� .....— /11 x- Jez_o. ,. ..... L � Jsartier mor x`enrirw SURVEYOR. N I PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE _ Fg / /'llllr 1216 W. WILL ROGERS BLVD, .. j Lx =QIL1 •: �_w, I o �: v tltltl A rx_- u.11 .�' - 'lli' *per' 1 ,.c _ Ipr ^• �._ = =fie I v, IW `,. �•a °J s.s .. •,'aI°u r/:.�: a fR i aI I� �I to 't':\•M ' /J f// 44 a- / / ,�.�s• •�1-L —.JT LL —J I I.*ia �JA '= .' i \ ^ t:. ak \�\.` L / \• a °J �Tt I i I ° / \9 � ns.:�: •'`,��. ss +;d tom.%', __ - -l. -. r:ia� I -nom \ \ �. �/ \4'�n. `•` ...vr/ • °.'' yj .a4h M.lt4 a •F ��_.T _ .�..r .n. ,L__.IN F------------- ®sy� O� ®� .....— /11 x- Jez_o. ,. ..... L � Jsartier _ — - -j - - - - -- — x`enrirw SURVEYOR. PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE _ UNPLATTED 1216 W. WILL ROGERS BLVD, Lx =QIL1 CLAREMORE. OKLA. 341 -0617 iLmortu DENNIS L HODO P.S.. INC. Ca.vuINW 977—, 9 -101. 8555 N. IITTH d. A". OrASSO. ORU. TIU35 272 -7352 ORB ® ®sy� O� ®� .....— THE PLAT BOOK — TULSA COUNTY — COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER .....— THE PLAT BOOK — TULSA COUNTY — COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER MEMORANDUM TO: TAE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT SILVER CREEK DATE: March 7, 1997 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review the preliminary plat for Silver Creek, an addition to the City of Owasso. Silver Creek is located immediately east of Brentwood Estates and Brentwood Park, north of E. 86th Street North. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an underlying zoning of RS -2 (Residential Single- Family Medium Density). The preliminary plat for Silver Creek contains 85 single- family lots on approximately 33 acres, more or less. An area map is attached for your information and review. The preliminary plat for Silver Creek was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their February 26, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, the following comments and /or corrections were submitted by utility companies and staff: * Note street name changes * Please provide a lot area total sheet * Show all additions filed in Section 21 in the location map * Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required along E. 86th Street North * Sidewalks will be required along E. 86th Street North * The maintenance of the drainage easement/park area will need to be addressed within the covenants. * Change rear and corner yard setback requirements to coincide with that of the Planned Unit Development Property Development Standards. * Add the city landscape covenant Staff Report Preliminary Plat - Silver Creek Page 2 of 2 * Continue the ONG easement across the southern portion of the plat abutting E. 86th Street North right -of -way Numerous requests from PSO for utility easements needed for street lighting All of the above comments have been addressed at this time. There is one remaining problem that will need to be corrected prior to final plat submittal. The cul -de -sac that provides access to Lots 22 thru 26 of Block 3 needs to be revised as the current design is not acceptable. One of the owners of the subject property, however, has been out of town and several different options are available to correct the layout. Considering this is a preliminary plat, staff would recommend that this layout be corrected prior to final plat submittal. No construction plans have been submitted at this time. Construction plans would need to be submitted prior to any final plat submittal. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Silver Creek with the following condition of approval: 0 1. Correct the layout of the cul -de -sac that provides access to Lots 22 thru 26 of Block 3. ATTACHMENTS 1. Area map ENCLOSURE 1. Preliminary plat for Silver Creek 2. Covenants for Silver Creek E. �14 � AG iDDRESS 3904 E 87 PI No 3900 E 87 Ct No 0101 E92StNo 122 N 137 E Ave 0627 E 113 St No 1632 E 86 St No 1616E86StNo 3613 E 88 St No 0105 E 91 Cir No 121N102EAve 003 N 104 E Ave S -. 'N 104 E Ave 3605 E 88 St No 0201 E 92 St No 206 N Garnett 3001 E 88 St No 924 N 120 E Ave 101 N 102 E Ave 107 N 102 E Ave 0105 E 86 Ct No 123 N 102 E Ave 0103 E 85 St No 0114E93StNo 1102E 117 St No 3409 E 90 St No '7E89_StNo 3314 E 89 St No 1700 N 111 Ct E PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN FEBRUARY 1997 BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT DATE Morris BWP /RS -2 133,308 3174 97- 0201 -X 02/03/97 Morris BWP /RS -2 113,358 2699 97- 0202 -X 02/03/97 Timber Carver FW /PUD 94,878 2259 97- 0203 -X 02/03/97 Freelance NE /RS -2 135,996 3238 97- 0204 -X 02/03/97 Highlander HA /RS -3 47,000 1200 97- 0205 -X 02/04/97 Reynolds TL/CS 27,500 1134 97- 0206 -C 02/05/97 AMAX Sign Co TL/CS 500 16 97- 0207 -S 02/05/97 Perry Hood BRE /RS -3 81,500 2560 97- 0208 -X 02/05/97 Barrington Homes FW /PUD 127,432 2606 97- 0209 -X 02/05/97 Barrington Homes FW /PUD 119,742 2411 97- 0210 -X 02/05/97 Hamilton Homes FW /PUD 120,288 2864 97- 0211 -X 02/07/97 Hamilton Homes FW /PUD 127,680 3040 97- 0212 -X 02/07/97 Morton BRE /RS -3 113,526 2186 97- 0213 -X 02/07/97 Summons Homes FW /PUD 133,812 2480 97- 0214 -X 02/07/97 Walter Reed ACC /CG 1,000 22 97- 0215 -S 02/10/97 Concept Builders BP /RS -3 92,000 2435 97- 0216 -X 02/10/97 Radco Construction TL /RS -3 12,500 256 97- 0217 -X 02/11/97 L.A. Properties FW /PUD 150,402 3581 97- 0218 -X 02/13/97 L.A. Properties FW /PUD 119,490 2845 97- 0219 -X 02/13/97 R.C. Construction SLV /RS -3 79,800 1900 97- 0220 -X 02/14/97 Concept Bldrs FW /PUD 125,000 2505 97- 0221 -X 02/14/97 RC Construction SLV/PUD 89,082 2121 97- 0222 -X 02/14/97 Keith Burd FW/PUD 103,992 2176 97- 0223 -X 02/17/97 Home Address CE /RS -3 109,914 2617 97- 0224 -X 02/18/97 Boos Builders BRE/RS -3 128,562 3061 97- 0225 -X 02/18/97 Dewey Percifield BRE /RS -3 108,654 2587 97- 0226 -X 02/18/97 Premier Homes BRE/RS -3 103,278 2459 97- 0227 -X 02/18/97 Heritage CE /RS -3 77,616 1848. 97- 0228 -X 02/18/97 11" ^4 E 87 St No 39u9 N 137 E Ave 1105 N 102 E Ave 3405 N 100 E Ave 10107 E 91 Cir No 13421 E 90 St No 10018 E 93 St No 7923 N 125 E Ave 1925 N 125 E Ave .1010E 117 St No .1111 E 118 St No X111 N 102 E Ave Simmons Homes BE /RS -2 127,470 3035 97- 0229 -X 02/18/97 Central Plains BRE /RS -3 113,274 2697 97- 0230 -X 02/18/97 L.A. Properties FW /PUD 143,766 3423 97- 0231 -X 02/18/97 Wanda's Homes SLE /PUD 107,814 2567 97- 0232 -X 02/20/97 Freelance Homes FW /PUD 123,522 2941 97- 0233 -X 02/20/97 Simmons Homes BRE /RS -3 127,470 3035 97- 0234 -X 02/20/97 Score Construction FW /PUD 140,868 3354 97- 0235 -X 02/20/97 P B Homes DO /RS -3 95,466 2273 97- 0236 -X 02/24/97 P B Homes DO /RS -3 97,818 2329 97- 0237 -X 02/24/97 Home Address CE /RS -3 94,164 2242 97- 0238 -X 02/24/97 Home Address CE /RS -3 77,490 1845 97- 0239 -X 02/24/97 Boo's Builder FW /PUD 120,876 2878 97- 0240 -X 02/25/97 MONTHLY TOTALS 35 Single Family Dwellings 3,959,308.00 92,271 Sq. Ft. 2 Residential Remodel 59,500.00 1,456 Sq. Ft. 1 Commercial Remodel 27,500.00 1,134 Sq. Ft. 2 Signs 1,500.00 38 Sq. Ft. 40 Building Permits Applied For 4,047,808.00 94,899 Sq. Ft. Year to Date 25 19 22 17 9 4 11 15 16 17 19 a` a February Year to Date Count Li RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) 3 z" o° U 3 z February Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 1995 1996 1997 12 16 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) 8 Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199 January 12 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 February ; 13 12 10 3 5 3 4 7 10 11 10 March 15 18 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 April 15 : 17 29 22 8 6 9 3 12 17 18 May 14 22 17 11 8 6 8 10 9 8 13 June 18' 17 19 14 4 12 5 10 . 13 18 23 July 12 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 , 10 10 13 August 7 8 17 12 6 9 14 10 10 9 20 September 6 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 October 8 ? 10 17 10 5 14 8 9 17 8 11 November 15 1 9 5 8 10 1 19 13 15 December 2 10 17 5 4 10 5 6 10 9 3 TOTALS 137 145 197 146 72 98 so 99 -1-q-,11 r Year to Date 25 19 22 17 9 4 11 15 16 17 19 a` a February Year to Date Count Li RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) 3 z" o° U 3 z February Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 1995 1996 1997 12 16 45 8 18 35 28 30 18 7 39 8 24 15 37 13 28 20 26 20 21 27 13 20 i3 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 January 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 February 3 7 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ! 2 0 March 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 April 2 4 4 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 May 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 June 3 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 °, July 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 August 0 1 2 01 0 3 1 2 0 4 2 3 1 September 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 October 2 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 November 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 Year to Date 7 7 5 4 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities February Year to Date Count a fi E a° a E E U COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) o° 2 U z Z o° `o U 3 February Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 1961 19&5 1985 1997 1988 Im Im IHI 1932 1993 1994 1%5 1896 1997 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS February 28, 1997 ADDITION NAME # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAI Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 46 72 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 40 1 Barrington Point II (10/94) 49 43 6 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 9 23 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 18 109 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 35 16 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 2 18 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 26 6 Camden Park (1/94) 38 18 20 Central Park (2/95) 45 18 27 Country Estates (9/95) 138 104 34 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 82 8 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 20 2 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 55 8 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 71 25 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 61 19 Fairways II (1/97) 84 12 72 Hidden View (6/96) 10 10 0 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 27 19 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 12 11 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 35 26 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake II (6/93) 40 36 4 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS 1349 821 528 BAILEY RANCH BARRINGTON BARRINGTOI BARRINGTON BARRINGTON I BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD P BROADMORE CAMDEN P CENTRALP COUNTRY ESTA DOUBLE O DOUBLE OAI DOUBLE OAP DOUBLE OAK FAIRW FAIRWA HIDDEN V NOTTINGHAM ESTATES A' VILLAGE A' WINDSOR L WINDSOR LAI /INDSOR LAKE II CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status EST EST J PT 3T II 'T III EST %RK -ITS %RK %RK i TES %KS CS II Sill S IV %YS 'Sill IEW =ST "SL 'SL WE ZII 11 i 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 - Developed Q Total Lots OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE NOVEMBER West Coast Images 104 E 2nd Ave, #B Owner Change 11/01/96 11/01/96 Yes Tropi -Tan 9100 No Garnett #L Owner Change 11/01/96 11/01/96 No Depot 106 So Atlanta Owner Change 11/25/96 11/25/96 Yes DECEMBER John's Race Shop 2093 E 2nd St Owner Change 12/19/96 01/02/97 No Blockbuster Video 11760 E 86 St N Owner Change 12/01/96 12/01/96 Yes JANUARY 1997 Owasso Physical Therapy 7901 Owasso Exp Owner Change 01/02/97 01/02/97 No Family Dentistry 12700 E 86 PI N New 01/03/97 01/06/97 Yes Walter Reed Clinic 202 E 1 Ave Relocate 01/07/97 01/07/97 No A & B Crafts 122 South Main Relocate 01/07/97 01/30/97 No Pioneer Fence Co. 8351 N Owasso Exp Owner Change 01/20/97 01/20/97 Yes Trails End Restuarant 108 W 12th Owner Change 01/23/97 03/08/97 No FEBRUARY Coldwell Banker/Williams 11616 E 86 St No Owner Change 02/03/97 02/04/97 Yes Dental Office 11632 E 86 St No Owner Change 02/10/97 04/01/97 No Calorie Counter 9100 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 02/11/97 02/17/97 No Multi Level Info System 11300 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 02/17/97 02/28/97 No Strathe Veterinary 8514 No 128 E Ave Owner Change 02/17/97 02/28/97 Yes Nature's Way 8418 E 129 St No Owner Change 02/24/97 03/03/97 No Ma's Creation 112 So Main Owner Change 02/25/97 03/01/97 No OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION DATE OPENING DATE COMPLETE JUNE Corbin James Coffee Hous 12400 E 86 St N New 06/05/96 06/10/96 Yes Discount Tobaccos 109 W. 2nd Ave. Owner Change 06/14/96 07/01/96 Yes Cornerstone Center 12340 E 86 St N New 06/17/96 07/01/96 Yes Heritage Const Co 11330 N Garnett Owner Change 06/21/96 06/21/96 Yes 86th Street Ra to s 12336 E 86 St No New 06/28/96 07/01/96 Yes JULY Fred Jones 8051 Owasso Exp New 07/01/96 07/01/96 Yes Carpet City 8571 Owasso Exp Owner Change 07/03/96 07/05/96 Yes Pro -Tech 12 North Main Owner Change 07/05/96 07/05/96 Yes German Corner Gymnastics 11220 E 112 St N Owner Change 07/24/96 07/24/96 Yes Mary Lou Wellington 118 S Main St Owner Change 07/26/96 08/01/96 Yes AUGUST Lake Area Home Health 11300 N Garnett Owner Change 08/01/96 08/05/96 Yes Owasso Cycling & Fitness 12802 -A E 86 St N New 08/16/96 09/01/96 Yes Owasso Auto Care 11226 North Garnett Owner Change 08/29/96 09/01/96 Yes SEPTEMBER Three Lakes Apartment 11601 -97 E 83 St No New 08/30/96 08/30/96 Yes Beneficial Finance 12300 E 86th St No New 09/03/96 09/18/96 Yes Attic Storage 11500 E 80 St No New 09/03/96 09/06/96 Yes Fast Shop 11215 No Garnett Owner Change 09/05/96 09/05/96 Yes M - M. Karate 12322 E 86 St No New 09/06/96 09/06/96 Yes Fashion Parade Boutique 11501 N Garnett Owner Change 09/06/96 09/06/96 Yes Sterling House 12807 E 86 PI New 09/24/96 09/29/96 Yes OCTOBER Spirit Life Family Fellowship 103 E 2nd Avenue Owner Change 10/01/96 10/06/96 Yes Owasso Sporting Goods 11624 E 86 St No New 10/14/96 11/01/96 Yes vJ m� LL W m U z n D U U 0 W J m (n fn N N (!J N (n (n CO O N O In (n 0 (n (n (n (n U U N N@ U) fn fn o U (n M (n N() U N N N N O Q) (1) N N 0 U U _ZW (fl co rn(n (O rn � � � rnrnrn (O cO (O (O cO (o CD— rn0)0)0) a) co (D (O (D (O (o cD (D rnrnrnrn(n (n rn Z Q CO 00 '^ r O :t T CO () rn 0 1_ LrJ M ILLI 0 C � T\ O CO O 0 0 0 0 N`\\ 0 O O O 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 Z Q0 W (D co rnm CO M (O (D CO MMM CO O O (O CO M (D co rnrnrnMMAMMAM Co CO co (D (4 (D (fl co rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn U Q C\j LO O O N LO O T T_ V/ O� 1_'` O T r r r N f� M (O J Q T r T co O O O r r r r N O O O O O T N O m 00 O 00 000 0 0000 0 000000 0 Q N N O 0) Ol�� a)a70 N C C t� CiS C C (TS O ca ca co (0 ca M Cn M Q UU ai C) C) C.C_C U U U �33cC°ic`�i3�c ~ L `- Z C) (1) OZ m m N N OZZ a� a� " C3 3°C N N N X33 2zZ O ozz cCa� c 333 3 00 O 000 000 O a U) a W NN o O mZ as ZZQ,WZE (D >W 0 CO �' N Z ZZZZZZ CQ _.0 vl N CO W O O Co y U) �U (n CnmmM(nm cl Q 0 C.`3 W C O �N O CO M m (n O (0 oo co NW CO CO 00 O j (4 CO (fl CO CO CO OD QMN OD OO CON Z Z 3. C5Ld0 W WzmOO WQ W� W W W W W W coo OM T O �Qr M r It 00 d'OCna0Or O W MNCO(�O MM rr f� N OC)Cf O T O O aOCOMC'M00It N N'MMY N N CC) N wrMMOMf�cM(D O N N N N N r T T T T T � T CQ A T T r M T r T r r r U) E E 0 O C C . C U� N W 000 i YN 2 M.Q.0 O 'C N 00 (o� U U N O N C in z r y C �� -02 C W C'= 0 0 U N }as m Cmc �CD 00- -00 E .0 i O C (U O C > (� 0 N Q O N= U N CO Y O�x` LL O O.O C QN O = E �.0M C _ C)m, -j >,.c m>W (nom C ��__ N oQOU) Us_n 00 z Om"6� �•�� Q (n N N }•O"a(n O �•9E Q (6 ..0 �ml- tLU2UQYQU�tL2i W O O 6 m O Co (a d' m N =�Z FIT Q cT U) U L r L �WZmUJC ODU MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR MICHAEL D ROARK DATE: May 7, 1996 BACKGROUND: Michael D Roark has submitted a site plan for a retail hardware store to be located on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2 of Ram Plaza Addition. The subject property is located immediately east of the Warehouse Foods property and the portion of the lot to be utilized was created via a recent lot split heard before the Planning Commission. A location map is enclosed for your information and review. Review of the site plan by staff indicated that all necessary parking requirements have been met by the applicant as 33 parking spaces would be required by the applicant (1 space per 300 square feet of floor area) and 37 have been provided. A landscaped area has also been indicated on the site plan. Storm water detention for this site has been addressed through the development of the Warehouse Foods (Food Lion) property which was required to develop with an oversized detention basin in its northwest corner. This area, along with the large area detention area developed by the Ninth Grade Center, is more than adequate to meet any stormwater detention requirements. The site plan was reviewed by the TAC Committee at their May 1, 1996 meeting. No comments or concerns were voiced by the utility companies and /or staff. Staff would recommend the inclusion of a pre- construction meeting with city personnel prior to obtaining the building permit. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend approval of the proposed site plan as presented with the condition of a pre- construction meeting with staff prior to obtaining of the building permit. ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES: 1. Location map. 2. Site plan.