HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.07.08_Planning Commission AgendaNo AGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 8, 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular July 8, 1997 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Timothy Rooney Community Development Director Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 12:00 PM on July 3, 1997. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 8, 1997, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the June 10, 1997 Regular Meeting. 4. Preliminary Plat - Fairways IV - A request for the review of a preliminary plat for Fairways IV. Fairways IV is immediately north of Fairways II and would contain 54 lots on 17.5 acres, more or less. 5. Preliminary Plat - Fairways V - A request for the review of a preliminary plat for Fairways V. Fairways V is immediately north of Larkin Bailey Blvd as you enter the Bailey Golf Ranch and would contain 66 lots on 15.3 acres, more or less. 6. Annexation Request - Kourtis Properties - A request for the review of an annexation request for property located south of E 96th St N and north of Ator Heights IV Addition. The property is bounded on the west by undeveloped property surrounding the golf course, while on the east it is bounded by the Caudle and Edison property. The subject property contains 50 acres, more or less. 7. Preliminary Plat - Owasso Industrial Park - A request for the review of a preliminary plat for Owasso Industrial Park. The property is located immediately south of the National Steak and Poultry facility and would contain 5 lots on 7.41 acres, more or less. Owasso Planning Commission AGENDA July 8, 1997 8. OLS -97 -03 - Bob Mangrum - A request for the review of a lot split. The subject property is described as Lot 10, Block 7, Greenlee's Addition, further described as being located in the 300 block of W Second St. 9. OZ -97 -02 - Edison - A request to rezone a five acre tract of land located south of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road from RMT (Residential Mutli- Family Townhome) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is adjacent to Garnett Road and is located between Faith Luthem Church and the Caudle Property. 10. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 11. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 13. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 10, 1997 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Jerry Cole Dewey Brown Bill Ellison MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Willey STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Marsha Hensley The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on June 5, 1997 at 12:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 13, 1997 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of May 13, 1997, Jerry Cole moved, seconded by Ray Haynes to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 4. Brentwood Estates II - Final Plat - A request for the review of the final plat for Brentwood Estates II, Brentwood Estates II is described as being located in the SE /4 of Section 21, T 21N, R14E and contains 50 lots on 20.49 acres, more or less. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The. _ Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for Brentwood Estates II at their May 28, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting utility companies and staff provided comments /corrections which all corrections have been made and are included on the plat and covenants. Dewey Brown moved to approve the final plat request for Brentwood Estates II, Jerry Cole seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 10, 1997 Page No. 2 Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 5. Bank of The Lakes - Site Plan - A request for the review of a site plan for Bank of the Lakes. The subject property is described as a portion of the S/2 of the S/2 of the SEA of Section 20, T21N, R14E; further described as 12401 E. 86th Street North. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their May 28, 1997 meeting and had no comments or concerns regarding the request. The site plan indicates a proposed facility that is 5,500 square feet, with 5 drive -thru lanes and 1 ATM lane. Twenty -seven parking spaces are indicated on the site plan and staff would recommend that one of the parking spaces located in the front lot be designated for handicapped parking. Jerry Cole moved to approve the site plan request, subject to the following staff recommendations: 1. Label one of the parking spaces in the front parking are for handicapped parking. 2. A separate permit needs to be obtained for any signage. Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 6. Muriel L. Johnson - Annexation Request - A request for the review of an annexation request for property located within the W/2 of the SE /4 of the SW /4 of Section 16, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Said property contains 20 acres, more or less. A review of this item was given by Mr. Rooney. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the annexation request at their May 28, 1997 regular meeting. The committee members had no comments or concerns regarding this item. The Annexation Committee review and approved this request at their May 29, 1997 meeting. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 10, 1997 Page No. 3 Dewey Brown moved to approve the Annexation Request, Ray Haynes seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 7. Owasso Assembly of God - Site Plan - A request for the review of a site plan for Owasso Assembly of God Church. The subject property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Owasso Assembly of God. Mr. Rooney reviewed the site plan with the Commissioners. The proposed site plan indicates the addition of a bus garage, additional parking, and a playground. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed and approved the request at their May 28, 1997 meeting. Staff has no concerns and recommends approval of the site plan with the following condition: 1. An engineering report regarding the detention capacity, including run -off calculations at build -out of the site, prior to the issuance of a building permit and /or parking lot expansion. Jerry Cole moved to approve the site plan subject to the above staff recommendation, the motion was seconded by Dewey Brown. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 8. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity - May report was reviewed. 9. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 10. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 10, 1997 Page No. 4 11. Adjournment - Ray Haynes moved, Dewey Brown seconded, to adjourn meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT FAIRWAYS AT BAILEY RANCH - PHASE IV DATE: July 4, 1997 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for the Fairways at Bailey Ranch - Phase IV, an addition to the City of Owasso. Fairways IV is immediately north of Fairways I and II and would contain 54 lots on 17.5 acres, more or less. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an underlying zoning of RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). A location map is attached for your information and review, as well as copies of the final plats for Fairways I and H. The preliminary plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their June 25, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, staff as well as area utility companies are afforded the opportunity to comment and request additional requirements be adhered to by the applicant. The following is a list of comments regarding the Fairways IV preliminary plat: 1. Covenants need to be submitted with the final plat application. 2. Provide a lot area total sheet. 3. Street names and addresses are available for final plat. 4. No occupancy of any homes will be permitted in Fairways IV until Mingo acceleration /deceleration lanes are completed. 5. Several requests for utility easements. 6. Construction plans need to be submitted with final plat application. Street names and the requested utility easements have been included on the preliminary plat _ within your packet. A lot area total sheet has been provided and all other comments are advisory in nature and need to either be considered by the applicant are addressed prior to final plat application. It should also be noted that Lots 18 and 23 of Block 4 represent "flag' lots. While not typically encouraged in residential platting, lots of a similar layout were contained in Fairways I and II and were also included in the conceptual lot layout and plan as a portion of the Golf Course Planned Unit Development. While the Planning Commission did not express concern regarding this type of lot layout, concern was expressed at the Council level. I have advised the applicant, Staff Report Preliminary Plat - Fairways IV Page 2 of 2 Mr. Kourtis, that he should be prepared to discuss these lots at both the Council and Planning Commission levels, should you have any concern. Covenants and construction plans for the subject property have not been submitted at this time. Please note, however, that if the Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat, both would be required to be submitted with any final plat application. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for the Fairways at Bailey Ranch - Phase IV. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map 2. Fairways I plat 3. Fairways II plat ENCLOSURE 1. Preliminary plat for Fairways IV L 469 O PUID 9, ft- OL cs RM- I ell E. 96TH RS- rtiD - 9 tl OUT tAG Im OUT AG ATOR ELEM. a OWASSID JR. HIGH F RS-3 I., I [MV& RM I DATE AUG. 2, 1995 5085 T4r airwaljs PLAT NO. at Vaileg Bench A SUBDI`ASION IN THE NEST 112 OF SECTION 19. T218. 874E. QTY OF OWASSO. TASA COUNTY. OKLAHOMA. 1 Om¢dla�mu .(Yml 516•E� f KWRPP.Ov. tlt Isz 6.51. o.•na a T,oss 018/273 -3203 0' 30' 100' 200' 300• W M MAN -P !m ! ASSCOATE3 2 Ii J y,• 1 :k t�� j •�� 106z0 E ,SN 9UUt •ao .,.w Pei y,w If WT. + „'.Ln... Um CK 7416 918/663 -6600 Sn/9nAq R 14 E j. 31.H '6a 4 4 • ' \ EAST Nth STREET NORTH •- 6 'i wv [pp j „y r,! ECypL¢ f = 'ra.2• j` YAWA4 E L£MS. P.E. u\ ♦ u.•..•rte aet rn i�]r ®3�'� 8 6679 S. Cava o'” o ♦a '"^- <n,.a ..e - 2 -ART u t� , • Aux r Q7J im,R, aK 7,146 .Nt .. _..,o. Sa <•o.: IH �6 Ip���f aAa Ko6f . a3,Y�.` 6 2j 91e1ss4 -4683 Z¢.rt. / 'lO Ze. ». nap 9 e r ; 4 oe g .a3Y• FSg\' jj A a., x >. d cN 1 >•.y ,Lw f "If ii 4• ¢ YS �. y1 � �. •.. ,ar•r ., !•Defen(inn AreO `� F 4'd; t; 4 6 4 0 } \ �'i ,t amv j• C'.,h �} 1!09.7 - / } °• Z' EAST Nth STXEEi `giTN ><I �ss3r -1/, �. tY 22 r _ 7a • �Ip/ 4 / Lw YMT MPIS nfYf 1 IYif IM / \ LOCATION MAP • JT w x,r '.r J w w N 060 E W ~ 39.66 Aa•. ,M.% %T.n. 12 p1 it ; aa3 „`S�r •�• '".L �l0Y 1^I Yu 66 LOI3 SMaJ: 7TTA . "..LO,f n 3 d Sua�tAtryuL yarc "I,_ 6" 1 Jt ® .Yet T �fl@a' +'nn nrs •4 5.5r $' -• CUR\E DATA ^�vw�� ° �f, ,u�n y 1 ,a... r � 2{0.6Y „ r M0 �n.ao'._ 3 .% <r,f w rag �„ S eeR6'2S• W ApG I S °e ¢ w i> 4l �,an.I „L?Yl �p�..AYS�n ..�,- ,2,C�'+7a3r•:� (E /ISI SE. M.) 241' •«0„ �4�i3�'r. • e ,(F qw r'k S q a F4�1 am .va `// 0S f rei�°w 1 u = SXP 23 '(:. xn_e 26 r p d rt • J am calm? SEL'IkW ;. o Y ' n v 4 7•.k 'w . .♦ .n • 8y a.tr rlr.A(f •t. , j.'n'witi � „�TS • �' 226o9ti } ��4° Yoe Iy . sl ONa M Y71 ,T..Y IP Wirt .,T',T �, , ' Y o. ' ; < Lnr rIByM�; l mr eP11 4''{'•r3„ ° at N y • n uarr >v�r�'dkr l0�l1 ru¢Tie v E r•• 0 @e4J.�w% r2 � • I Ifl 81St5Y'u ',au.r. 4_>•,unf^J 3 II 17 7 x 6 81 74m+°i i vy. T'1w. r 2 u N�4 • \A. ✓0 rLt •-�¢, _rJF. b 'ice :,_ „._. _...� 111 , .• . "p 07 j u,u• rte' i - ,e.or P'.,S_f. V.) �I'(y�' I r \• • t3 2an ¢7 F •"•3. 6d n.r \ ....� Iy ' I • m a (, r.9•.rF.Lwry ' . •P' p` aw� 3 e 6 . Q__tnK 11'1 �l ��' a Y yS^�JvY•!� ,,yr4r..9r i¢3 q. +!•'Sy�4 jl� � t d `1a 1 n At. � t,�tr4 • e��.n m �- Sr- �s33_� ,II: (� •1`: u'it° �Ur413 '.' ♦na` r, f1 3at tllj 1I nM ° r� owl- irwl' !, IlSY 7 IY 6 7 -i' 1'• Y .`Y • iJ9r. utfe 3 a3° 5 3 L 7 � \ •L,a / �4 lM.,•• 4 r1 6 LL11•�� e.rf tO 6. <. tj� rt yw 6n0' t.ar s. • ,v NAnr }101 vV`,Ln3 i� of a °oo'1 w. •h. nt ¢ Imo 12 ,wr r g¢i li •y, r � �,. � nw t 4 Winer 4 . -ti �Lwi 'D � q fi xnd � R i6 •F pu ` 4 4•' s�A. »• at„ a rL3TY ° 3- nu• uR GS o .z M tt�• 3 J q f@76 - 01.33• q f ,fur eai q t ,Y '� .7 •.� i Shl' aw r BAILEY BLVD. z cc e9 n sT. wI y33,, 2lr..v � ����..• a1at q —a' � r.t ua_.Lp _x ii' _T41 _ ,.y� _ ��� `., 13 mod{ T ' -.a••" iM0 tx:p }910 ;{ �TOJZO r !� 70 'un r 5( unr r 4 / n S�,•?d•' ,p! .601 H79tl k '� 6 17 22 k 2t 20 b i0 Y 10 .I. - rLJr .'•, UKb . 23 l- x p sa 1917 2{ i 5 ur« i •uY ti . u,,w f f4.fv.•� -I t_ / 16 + Jw ,Ar� ,uwr _i•or 7a.. 1.- 47.29 Y r3" -'r Ne9 7By W r I 32. S 7,�• ..• ht" �... n uepc' ie MaN M 1ww N ..Sra .. N 9a.. a a9r 6••aalbnL• THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1336 -ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE. INC. •6403 S QUINCY, TULSA. OKLAHOMA a a r / • , � L N_U90'oo' w P.Oa ......34.3. 1 ••.566'1142- •. 4l �: 31. :: a. x. 2 1 c2 ik it i,rlM Y'�l �nl• / . am Tvrn� 1'-c y � \��1• 1 6 i 4'[ .vr ,I.T. 38 37 CATS NOV. 21, 1996 rYIY t0.Vl. fllel ,..Y II.I.ICI .M II..It 11 „1 /1. Il,l. ,. mC / I,Illil! Ill ,I.N NI 1/I Il,e /1, 1,IN, _1 SYS N 7931'20' Y 3&55- .fib` bf r,• ¢' FAIRWAYS 11 KOU TIS PROPERTIES, LLC of Bailsy RancA P.O. Box 419 N 1073'35 E 11635'• Owasso. OK 74055 ! A SU2PM40N M TM R/2 Q %E 11. T -21 -N, R -11 E, On a' Q.A160. MSA C rf. OR{/IRYA. 918/272 -4333 •� Planner i PITTMAN -POE k ASSOCIATES 10820 E. 45th Street Tulsa, OK 74146 0' �0eZ ' 918/665 -8800 Engineer M WILLIAM E. LE81S, P.E. 5879 S. __.;-s'roz1'2r E 62.00' N 2676'21• E 120.00', Y^ /w.•.+.•r.l..,.. Garnett 1!712• E 5zw' Tulsa, OK 74146 918/254 -4689 `4,3 AR 272'1'P e L -1a s11FO 4i'f�L; VIP' 'q; 5 , �® .,y 1 !±•'' ,” .S 011010" E MIT „ry a a r / • , � L N_U90'oo' w P.Oa ......34.3. 1 ••.566'1142- •. 4l �: 31. :: a. x. 2 1 c2 ik it i,rlM Y'�l �nl• / . am Tvrn� 1'-c y � \��1• 1 6 i 4'[ .vr ,I.T. 38 37 14 E a a + _1 SYS N 7931'20' Y 3&55- .fib` bf r,• ¢' N 361]611' W K62" • 4,•,•y` N 200{'20• w 59.20'• Z' i0® N 1073'35 E 11635'• +lt ^� ro Nr I•Tr/. wiles +r.�l \ \ a a r / • , � L N_U90'oo' w P.Oa ......34.3. 1 ••.566'1142- •. 4l �: 31. :: a. x. 2 1 c2 ik it i,rlM Y'�l �nl• / . am Tvrn� 1'-c y � \��1• 1 6 i 4'[ .vr ,I.T. 38 37 . -��- v•� —i. t•..�.J (e mm q AY.�.1 Mww .• NV IV, w. e.1,/ .1 IM IM IK WI r2.!C..2 . • 17 .. -^ ®� ®` 22 ®m• 16 ,6 20 1 ; a ® m, n on r.l PLAT NO. 5163 ; 14 E TaR il »,e S„[r, NTM q 9 M ' MW /,F >j•1 �t•••. t 5 , •m s — T.n oe,N s xo+21 W. LOCATION NAP��e em a.s . -��- v•� —i. t•..�.J (e mm q AY.�.1 Mww .• NV IV, w. e.1,/ .1 IM IM IK WI r2.!C..2 . • 17 .. -^ ®� ®` 22 ®m• 16 ,6 20 1 ; a ® m, n on r.l PLAT NO. 5163 ; 14 E TaR il »,e S„[r, NTM q 9 ' Jr' �t•••. t 5 , , , T.n oe,N s xo+21 W. LOCATION NAP��e em a.s 7 0 S "1550' E 40.27' 5 5317'51' E 10.74' •wnlb 5 ea13'40* Y 2602! 33 63'26'41' Y 20.06' y ®� t ®• _m w4M1 �_' `S 5713'01' Y V3.12' 1 15 • �. e 010! �.•:i� ®: •16 .i ,® �S 31376'13' Y 61.15' If SL0.1' Y N )ra,•4H l'dml] S OT47'14' Y 6125' 11), J 4� )I� a t Na5' Na1Nll�e Rif�f$Y 66 2'.\ H 7470'01' Y 124.0.7' 1,'0 E m R ' .• �)C3� S 7410'51' E 7).46' 0t + 1 4 3 _mn•1:A7/'n ,- rN 06'25.51' E 6.27' . tAr02 nm. 1 2 3 2 4 S 7716'50' E 10.07' r? F . 3 1 1'31' IN 35_hI`r , 5 4 SfSso,r - \ryS i' \•,• OMn ,y RILF �ra� e x 7az -616 20.70'' •, 2 `s l ° xi �t �3 Y JJ 0 ULOm 6A B.,el: }e -ice •.V.B - o0n1 �I�6eY4«�•'nQl C -I _ Cwn N ,.. - s,•.a iae•m enure mvn MI4 NVRIi ~ r GyjIDi0IQAXI NI7N TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PRELINIINARY PLAT FAIRWAYS AT BAILEY RANCH - PHASE V July 4, 1997 The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for the Fairways at Bailey Ranch - Phase V, an addition to the City of Owasso. Fairways V is immediately north of Larkin Bailey Boulevard as you enter the Bailey Golf Ranch and would contain 66 lots on 15.3 acres, more or less. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an underlying zoning of RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). A location map is attached for your information and review, as well as copies of the final plats for Fairways I and lI. The preliminary plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their June 25, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, staff as well as area utility companies are afforded the opportunity to comment and request additional requirements be adhered to by the applicant. The following is a list of comments regarding the Fairways V preliminary plat: 1. Covenants need to be submitted with the final plat application. Provide a lot area total sheet. j 33 Street names and addresses are available for final plat. w 4. No occupancy of any homes will be permitted in Fairways V until Mingo v acceleration /deceleration lanes are completed. 5. Several requests for utility easements. 6. Several changes in building lines on comer side yards. 7. Construction plans need to be submitted with final plat application. Street names and the requested utility easements have been included on the preliminary plat within your packet. A lot area total sheet has been provided and all other comments are advisory in nature and need to either be considered by the applicant are addressed prior to final plat application. There are two additional factors regarding the submitted preliminary plat for Fairways V in which the Planning Commission needs to be advised; the first of which is the proposed patio homes. Patio homes were included and approved in the initial Planned Unit Development and are permitted to have a zero lot line on one side. This then allows for a rear "courtyard" environment for each individual dwelling. Patio homes are typically smaller homes utilized by retired couples, married couples without children, or single individuals and would offer yet another housing opportunity in Owasso. The second factor is that of the proposed duplex lots. Duplexes were not included in the original Planned Unit Development application. While the PUD allows for shifts and variations in the density of dwelling units, it did not allow for shifts in style of housing (single - family vs. multi - family), however the Owasso Zoning Code permits duplexes in RS -3 zoning designated areas if a Special Exception is obtained by the Owasso Board of Adjustment. The applicant has applied for that Special Exception from the Owasso Board of Adjustment and it is scheduled to be reviewed at their July 22, 1997 regular meeting. Dependant upon that outcome of that request, all lots with the "(D) " designation may need to be altered prior to final plat application. Covenants and construction plans for the subject property have not been submitted at this time. Please note, however, that if the Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat, both would be required to be submitted with any final plat application. RECONEWENDATION Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for the Fairways at Bailey Ranch - Phase V. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map 2. Fairways I plat 3. Fairways II plat ENCLOSURE Preliminary plat for Fairways V L 1 469 RM- I E. 96TH STREET s � A i �,� - am A OUT AG ATOR ELEM. a OWASSO JR. HIGH F RS-3 I., NNINVA VMS 1p� NOR 1 :]7 RM DATE AUG. 2, 1995 - • PLAT NO. 5085 at Bailry $nnr!! • A SUBDIVISION IN THE NEST 1/2 OF SECTION 19, T21N. R14E. CITY OF OWASSO. MSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. A 1266 E KOURPS (, l2t AM, Y v.9. �N 0619'31' arasAs. PK 74016 016/272-3262 0' 30' 106• ri•r+ •{,� • _ 9r manstee 2 r :1 PIMAN -P SATES �o" t;k r d '�� 10620 L au 504.1 s, ew lid' - :'•nu+r• Tula. i- •7669'" •.atl •..a �,j 6 A .t f w anwss R 14 E .I \ EAST Nth STREET sh a s, 4 �4 r.w I0L6 .1 ..r, • rhalOGC .d ,s WW" L LEWS. PAL ew vnoce w'us as 1 ]! 3 .`_` f 66,9 S Cen.11 .a. a Wall - 4 ART » ®. ' .0 »' $7 , Tulsa. 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NMST .,1674'te� y R . 1.96.69' c r]:0.1. -1,06 ; w vl r+ :•_ See 2 1 :2 N 7951'20' N 3655 N w1wz3' IF "A7' 4 N 2004'20' N 59.20'- e m N 1073'35' E 116J3'• 1 ro psi. rw,e.rlw +,J a!i .ewsr,elrn �r' 10 S eos 57. ar C NIT 7'R_, «o'si a 2.1i � � -• �2T�0 J.Mw s 2 !• 8 J 'S /2 111.8' �[ "91NE —u ll =L_ •� Ikm N. Nbww, ,nPl1 .n M N.1 .I. YPI.1..l IM Ihn M Vl1 nK 44s'.w,....MM h awn w4 w°u° w7' w IMM w h /e M Ilr! tivd1Y�.• 2 e• p . ® OATQ NOV. 21, 1996 • 1` ;a ^, ° ";a , °.....,It,.r.,1�..<° 1, /,1 /..1. ,.:,. IY1. , IIIIIi 1[ ,f.w NS VI fl.l /111.,.11 FAIRIYAYS II wN v KOU TIS PROPERTIES, LLC at Bailey RaneA P.O. Box 419 OWas Sa. GK 74055 A 4 ,xx, M ME N/3 V SEC11W 19. r -21 -N. N -IhL an OF 0,1AS0. ,IAS. C TT. a(WN.YA 918/272 -4333 tl Planner j PITTMAN -POE &ASSOCIATES 10820 E. 45th Street ' Tulsa, OK 74146 a 50 ` � w' 918/665 -8800 Enaincer WILLIAM E. LEWIS. P.E. -S ]9ZI'2J' E 6200' N 2M'21' E 120.W, �"�-,. h. ^,^"'• ^^'^� 5879 S. Garnett ": 21.4242' E star Tulsa, OK 74146 `SS A jjygp• 2 S = °ja.Qa. e - xm•1s• �. 918/254 -4689 l 16.61 A p�P' .s w-WI6' E 6117' ? NMST .,1674'te� y R . 1.96.69' c r]:0.1. -1,06 ; w vl r+ :•_ See 2 1 :2 N 7951'20' N 3655 N w1wz3' IF "A7' 4 N 2004'20' N 59.20'- e m N 1073'35' E 116J3'• 1 ro psi. rw,e.rlw +,J a!i .ewsr,elrn �r' 10 S eos 57. ar C NIT 7'R_, «o'si a 2.1i � � -• �2T�0 J.Mw s 2 !• 8 J 'S /2 111.8' �[ "91NE —u ll =L_ •� Ikm N. Nbww, ,nPl1 .n M N.1 .I. 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"..art= ......... . _. slln,e rasa fwa cwxm P. ►ll 1l_ effl-,_071 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ANNEXATION REQUEST BOB DUENNER DATE: July 5, 1997 BACKGROUND Mr. Bob Duenner has submitted a petition to the City of Owasso requesting annexation of property totalling approximately 50 acres. The subject property is bordered on the north by E. 96th Street North, on the east by undeveloped property zoned RS -2 (Residential Single- Family Medium Density) and RMT (Residential Multi - Family Townhomes), on the south by the Ator Heights Fourth Addition zoned RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), and on the west by undeveloped property surrounding the golf course zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The subject property is shown on the attached map and is currently undeveloped. The subject property is zoned AG (Agriculture) in Tulsa County and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. The applicant has indicated the intent to develop the property residentially, tieing this property into the planned Phase III of The Fairways at Bailey Ranch. If annexation is approved, the property would first have to obtain zoning and then proceed with all platting requirements of the City of Owasso prior to any development. It should be noted that upon any development of this property, acceleration/deceleration lanes, as well as sidewalks, -_would need to be installed along E. 96th Street North. Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on June 26, 1997 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission. That notification was followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on July 3, and July 10, 1997 to notify the public of City Council action regarding the request. A copy of the procedures for annexation, as well as the annexation policy, are also attached for your review and information. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their June 25, 1997 meeting and had no concerns regarding the annexation request. The Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their July 3, 1997 Special Meeting and unanimously approved the request. Staff has no concerns regarding the annexation of this property. Staff Report Duenner Annexation Request Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the annexation request. 1. Location map 2. Copy of the annexation petition 3. City of Owasso's annexation policy 4. City of Owasso's annexation procedures 5. Copy of the legal ad BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: The NW /4 NE /4 and the NW /4 SW /4 NE /4 of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof, containing 50 acres, more or less being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 17th day of June, 1997. Owner: Bob Duenner ANNEXATION POLICY 1. While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2• All properties should . be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be.annexed: into the city limits as the lowest, zoning classification, that is,. AG,"agricultural. Landowners may then petition for rezoning if '•they desire Further development of their.property. An legal uses annexed into tbe. city will be legal, but non - conforming *,, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastrucres that do not met city standards will not'. tube improved by the city until brought ,to the`c ty standard and:'accepted by the City Council. Such public faeilities'.must be improved at owners < expense by the: establishment -:Of a special assessment district or soi¢e' other financingmethod. 5. •Where a ,city "limit boundary :ends at a dedicated " "street; the' boundary: will not include. the street right -of =way: This policy will establish .consistence and .allow city employees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are -rejected for anneXation should not be considered for annexation;' -for a 'six month period after rejection by the City Council: Adopted by Council on March 1 1988. CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 3_ Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council 4: Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. _ Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a -map and text of the - proposed annexation. 6. City ,Council hearing. and action on the proposal. 7. .'If ;the .proposal is approved by the _City .- Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and .filed of record-with the office of.the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED - ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of.an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2: Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning' Commission and City. Council_ Notice. °published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense..of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation: 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved,l published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: The NW /4 NE /4 and the NW /4 SW /4 NE /4 of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof, containing 50 acres, more or less being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 17th day of June, 1997. Owner: Bob Duenner NOTICE TO TBE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the Community Development Director of the City of Owasso on the 17th day of June,• 1997, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 8th day of July, 1997. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. See the attached map for property location. For_ more information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development Director, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 23rd day of June, 1997. Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: The NW /4 NE /4 and the NW /4 SW /4 NE /4 of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof, containing 50 acres, more or less being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 17th day of June, 1997. Owner: Bob Duenner NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the Community Development Director of the City of Owasso on the 17th day of June, 1997, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 15th day of-July, 1997. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. See the attached map for property location. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development Director, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 23rd day of June, 1997. Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT OWASSO INDUSTRIAL PARK DATE: July 4, 1997 The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for Owasso Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Owasso. Owasso Industrial Park is located in -the NE /4 of Section 31, T21N, R14E, directly south of the National Steak and Poultry property, and is zoned IL (Light Industrial). The subject property was created via an approved lot split request from the Owasso Economic Development Authority in 1994 and contains 7.41 acres, more or less. A location map is attached for your information and review. The preliminary plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their June 25, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, staff as well as area utility companies are afforded the opportunity to comment and request additional requirements be adhered to by the applicant. The only request at that meeting was from Oklahoma Natural Gas for a 17.5' utility easement along S. Fifth Avenue (north property boundary). This was the only change recommended at the TAC meeting and it has been included on the plat enclosed within your packet. It should be noted that the lots are what would appear to be "excessively deep" from what the Planning Commission may be normally accustomed to reviewing. This is necessary, however, as a significant portion of the southern area of the plat is located within the flood plain and is subject to occasional "back -up" water from Bird Creek. I have enclosed a copy of the conceptual site. plans for your information and review. Covenants and construction plans for the subject property have not been submitted at this time. Please note, however, that if the Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat, both would be required to be submitted with any final plat application. Staff has no concerns regarding this request. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Owasso Industrial Park. ATTACHMENTS Location map 1. Preliminary plat for Owasso Industrial Park 2. Conceptual site plans. 1111111// 11111 �11111� :C ME Ell ■ no Ion INN 11 NNE I DR4 r: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS I. IL 11 AG l i 1111111111 1 VAN I L RM- . j 2 CGJ --,cs IL PUD-475 IL -\-7� go 101 D1►yj C��7:�.�i1►�li � TO: THE PLANNING COMMSSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OLS -97-03 BOB MANGRUM DATE: July 5, 1997 BACKGROUND Mr. Bob Mangnnn has submitted an application requesting the approval of a lot split located within the Greenlee's Addition. The subject property is located on West Second Street in Owasso and is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density) and is undeveloped. An area map is attached for your information and review. The lots in the Greenlee's Addition are(75 feet wide by 140 feet deep The applicant is requesting to split off the east 25 feet of Lot 10 of Block 7 so that it may be combined with property owned by another individual to the east who is interested in purchasing additional property. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their June 26, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, PSO stated that they had a service drop in that-area and may be in need of an easement from the eventual property owner in order to serve any additional homes. This would be handled, however, through the request for electric service and they had no objections to the request. No other comments were received. Staff has no concerns regarding the request. Staff recommends approval of the OLS- 97 -03. ATTACHIMENTS 1. Location map 2. Copy of the lot split application PUD--9 r--r7-T-T OLS-97-03 SUBJECT PROPERTY F m Es. M M M a imm mm AG FV MEET MEET AG IL FFM [I BARNES ELE Flan C H OWASSO CITY LIMITS c 2.d avc 7 i AG .; v I IRM-1 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS clrc -LCt ice -v� CITY OF OWA550 •IILICATIaN Na. L.T.■ tai[: Thrce Copies of a sketch, plot of survey or otfwr typo of .( SPLIT APPLICATION dmwUV that will accurately depict the proposed split MUST BE a[CCIITXO. attached to this application. THAT FOUAWIHG IHFORMATHM IS TO It SUFFUED RY A"UCAHT HANf O( S[COAO OWXER WHAT la THE III[SCXT US' Of THE TRACTI OT /D, 4L-cee— ' G'REE/1GEE,S t� -ASr 2.5 �/ r {I ,a LQ1C 7� Gi2f£�l/LEE `S AbArT/On�, u %a gB Ge- OMd/NED IJy TN GOr//, 6 1dGG �� 7 6.eEeuLFE's �dd,�ra✓ RR� F� �V w Pr �C o- rw Ka ;e r :V i� L, ♦vvrt ini(w(fT IN THIS MOR11TVl PRESENT OWNER ❑ PURCHASER Ott. then prevent o.rrr, yiw nenw, Hwr[ 11e4 old phpW rHn�ber O( prt{{nt ner. Certify that this information k HA c p f�i�rr ,e and correct. pn -/i'L1 rb4,4 (OCATION COO({ T.• {YL OIVIi NNINO COYrIG(ION iYNCG Yw WAT[w {UPPLY I" THIS TOAC CITY ❑WELL t IOTHER Ic or acwwsc OI{f0{AL TOOtL77c AVAIUC SEWER ❑SEPTK LJOTHER ACCT W LTRCCTi TH4CT MILL QCL lam• Z,d oSf-KEE -r Wa((a YLC aF THIS TRACT i( q �St0C17T /RC,c.S/ 1. W1CC Of WATER SUPPLY IM TNIC rwu.r FOR _309 AO. .2,,c1 SiREE r 75 27a2 - 37B 0 H CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -97 -02 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney - Community Development Director BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Jeraldine Francis Haas Edison, applicant and owner. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request for the rezoning of property from RMT (Residential Multi - Family Townhomes) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) which would allow for commercial development at the site. LOCATION AND SIZE: The property is located south of the southwest comer of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road, immediately north of Faith Lutheran Church. The entire property owned by the applicants totals 20 acres, 5 of which are involved in the rezoning application. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted on the north by undeveloped property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center), while northwest of the subject property is a single- family residence (Caudle) and add itonal property zoned RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density). Immediately west of the subject property is the additional property owned by the applicants zoned RMT (Residential Multi- Family Townhomes). The subject property is bordered on the south by Faith Lutheran Church zoned AG (Agriculture), while further south is OL (Office Light) and CG (Commercial General) zoned property. The subject property is bordered on the east by N. Garnett Road, while further east lies the Hayward Smith property zoned Planned Unit Development representing a Commercial, Office, and Residential mix. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments" and Chapter 6 "Commercial land Uses ". SITE INFORMATION: Some moderate development hardships are expected as the terrain of the subject property varies. ANALYSIS The applicants are requesting a rezoning of 5 acres of their 20 acre parcel of land from RMT to CS in order to permit the development of the property in a commercial nature. The subject property was annexed by the City of Owasso in April of this year. Staff Report OZ -97 -02 Page 2 of 2 In 1995, the Caudle property to the north was reviewed by the Planning Commission for a similar rezoning request. In that request, the applicants were requesting a rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) on an 8 acre portion of a 20 acre parcel located on the southwest comer of E. 96th Street North. Staff recommended only rezoning 5 acres to commercial, and the Planning Commission and Council concurred. The proposed rezoning, if approved, would create a 5 acre parcel of commercially zoned property abutting Garnett Road. Recent intersection improvements in the area (E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road), a concern when reviewing the Caudle request in 1995, appear to have greatly reduced the traffic problem and safety cocems and further support commercial rezoning. In 1995 when reviewing the Caudle request, staffs noted concern was the depth of commercial zoning off of Garnett Road. The applicant was requesting commercial zoning that would extend farther back into residentially zoned property than that which was established on the north side of E. 96th Street. When staff met with the applicant's regarding this request, staff once again made it quite clear that commercial zoning extending westward beyound that which has been approved to the north would not be acceptable. The applicant's request is in line with that which has been previously approved. The applicant should be advised that accelleration/deceleration lanes, as well as sidewalk, will be required along the Garnett Road frontage. This requirement would be realized during the platting and /or site plan review process for proposed commercial development. Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners on June 25, 1997 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on June 26, 1997. A copy of both have been attached for your information and review. Additionally, the subject property =was posted on June 24, 1997. No comments oppossing the request have been received. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from RMT to CS. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. 2. Letters sent to property owners within 300 feet of the zoning request. 3. A copy of the legal ad from the Owasso Reporter. I Q ni IT I DC _� CS SUBJECT PROPERTY OZ -97 -02 i n� AT O ATOR ELEM. ` a OWA390 RN ? JR. HIGH RS-3 AG 1111111 WWI � F -3 � _ �, ■1111111 mi�=1i�1��� mm I. ■11111 m mm RE M, AG C �J �, City of Owasso 207 South Cedar da°" "° "a (918) 272 -2251 PO Box 180 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Owasso, OK 74055 ; NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -97 -02 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 8th day of July, 1997. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Jeraldine Francis Haas Edison, applicant and owner, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an RMT (Residential Multi - Family Townhome) District to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District, which would allow the site to be utilized for a commercial development. The subject property is described as follows: The East Five (5) Acres of the South Half of the NE /4 of the NE /4 of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The general location of the property is south of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Director, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the Community Development. Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 25th day of June, 1997. Sincerely, vin Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ -97 -02 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9th day of July, 1997. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: THE EAST 15 ACRES OF A 20 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUERTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OWASSO,_ OKLAHOMA. The general location of the property is south of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. To be considered is a rezoning from RMT (Residential Multi - Family Townhouse) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 24th day of June, 1997. Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN JUNE 1997 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT DATE 9014 N 137 E Ave Milestone Builders BRE/RS -3 134,400 3200 97- 0601 -X 06/02/97 13502 E 90 St No Milestone Builders BRE/RS -3 114,996 2738 97- 0602 -X 06/02/97 7708 N 120 E Ave Kenny Kaiser EL /RS -3 18,144 432 97- 0603 -X 06/03/97 10909 E 118 St No Home Address CE /RS -3 70,812 1686 97- 0604 -X 06/03/97 9021 N 137 E Ave Simmons Homes BRE /RS -3 122,892 2926 97- 0605 -X 06/04/97 10302 E 90 St No Simmons Homes FW /PUD 144,018 3429 97- 0606 -X 06/04/97 10118 E 93 St No Simmons Homes FW/PUD 144,018 3429 97- 0607 -X 06/04/97 12108 E 88 PI No Paragon Homes LR/RS -3 82,110 1955 -97- 0608 -X 06/04/97 8220 N 126 E Ave Bruce Lanni EC/RS -3 2,200 300 97- 0609 -P 06/05/97 1701 No Birch Paul White AH/RS -3 2,000 380 97- 0610 -X 06/09/97 11 N Owasso Exp Claude Neon EC /CG 7,500 99 97- 0611 -S 06/09/97. 10103 E 96 St No Willcox Const SLV/PUD 75,600 1800 97- 0612 -X 06/09/97 9122 N 102 E Ave Simmons FW/PUD 111,900 2665 97- 0613 -X 06112/97 10104 E 92 St No Simmons FW/PUD 116,298 2769 97- 0614 -X 06/12/97 8708 N 124 E Ave Paragon LR/RS -3 71,106 1693 97- 0615 -X 06/12/97 401 E 2 Ave Acura Neon KB /CG 2,000 38 97- 0616 -S 06/16/97 12401 E 86 St No Lake Bank Shores M &B /OL 500,000 6364 97 -0617 -C 06/16/97 8922 N 119 E Ave Blue Haven Pools TL /RS -3 14,500 346 97- 0618 -P 06/16/97 12708 E 90 St No Roland Homes CEP/RS -3 99,960 2000 97- 0619 -X 06/16/97 8917 N 135 E Ave Boos Builders BRE /RS -3 122,724 2522 97- 0620 -X 06/16/97 8710 N 124 E P1 Glen Condren LR/RS -3 72,912 2060 97- 0621 -X - 06/16/97 11113 E 120 Ct No Home Address CE/RS -3 78,834 1512 97- 0622 -X 06/16/97 9341 N 129 E Ave Hugh Sprague OHS /CM 80,000 5662 97- 0623 -C 06/18/97 11010 E 120 St No Home Address CE /RS -3 79,884 2000 97- 0624 -X 06/18/97 11104 E 120 St No Home Address CE /RS -3 77,616 1840 97- 0625 -X 06/18/97 _011 E 118 Ct No J B Homes CE/RS -3 78,120 1860 97- 0626 -X 06/18/97 12901 E 86 St No AMAX Signs OHS /AG 30,000 81 97- 0627 -5 06/18/97 9905 E 83 St No Barrington Homes SLS /PUD 148,932 2927 . 97- 0628 -X 06/18/97 :.,J4 N 128 E Ave 13509 E 90 St No 13824 E 87 St No 11113E 119 St No 13510 E 93 St No 9002 No 135 E Ave Swartwood Perry Hood Simmons Homes Young Construction Freelance Morris Construction CEP /RS -3 115,248 2280 97- 0629 -X 06/18/97 BRE /RS -3 120,708 2874 97- 0630 -X 06/23/97 BWP /RS -2 144,018 3429 97- 0631 -X 06/24/97 CE/RS -3 101,556 1714 97- 0632 -X 06/25/97 NE /RS -3 160,776 3828 97- 0633 -X 06/30/97 NE/RS -2 159,390 3795 97- 0634 -X 06/30/97 MONTHLY TOTALS 25 Single Family Dwellings 2,748,828.00 2 Residential Remodel 20,144.00 1 Commercial 500,000.00 1 Commercial Remodel 80,000.00 3 Signs 39,500.00 2 Pools 16,700.00 34 Building Permits Applied For 3,405,172.00 62,931 Sq. Ft. 812 Sq. Ft. 6364 Sq. Ft. 5662 Sq. Ft. 218 Sq. Ft. 646 Sq. Ft. 76,633 Sq. R. BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 1997 Building Permits Issued 32 Total Fees 54485.50 142 Economic Development 25 Total Fees 3603.00 0 Mechanical Permits Issued 29 Total Fees 1445.00 Electrical Permits Issued 36 Total Fees 1595.00 Plumbing Permits Issues 36 Total Fees 1465.00 Recreation Development 18 Total Fees 2925.00 Sign Permits Issues 5 Total Fees 75.00 Reinspection Fees 0 Total Fees 0.00 Sewer Taps 25 Total Fees 9375.00 Water Taps 32 Total Fees 9450.00 Water Meter Deposits 25 Total Fees 1250.00 TOTAL PERMITS 263 TOTAL FEES $35.668.50 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 135 Mechanical 108 Electrical 142 Plumbing 200 Reinspection 21 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 606 0 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS June 30, 1997 ADDITION NAME _ #_OF LOTS # DEVELOP Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 50 68 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 40 1 Barrington Point II (10/94) 49 44 5 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 9 23 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 40 87 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 40 11 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 9 11 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 26 6 Camden Park (1/94) 38 19 19 Central Park (2/95) 45 22 23 Country Estates (9/95) 138 119 19 Country Estates H (6/97) 193 15 188 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 85 5 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 20 2 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 55 8 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 73 _ 23 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 68 12 Fairways II (1197) 84 24 60 Hidden View (6/96) 10 10 0 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 29 17 Nottingham Estates (3/97) 15 1 14 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 16 7 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 1 30 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 47 14 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake II (6/93) 40 37 3 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS 1588 940 648 Year to Date 87 93 101 80 31 35 48 43 62 72 88 89 164 192 June Year to Date Count III RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Year to Date Doll= Z S z New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 January 12 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 February. 1 q.1 ,1D 8 18 35 : March 15 18 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 April ,...... May 14 22 17 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 June 1 j.4 4 215, July 12 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 August , ... .. . .. ............ 0. September 6 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 . a I .. 00" 11 November 16, ....... 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 Year to Date 87 93 101 80 31 35 48 43 62 72 88 89 164 192 June Year to Date Count III RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Year to Date Doll= Z S z New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year Year to Date 13 17 12 10 0 0 6 4 4 7 8 8 1 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities June Year to Date Count E 21 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Yearto We Doll= 9 z 9 8 2 New Construction Dollars Tot* for Each Year COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 January 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 February eb March 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 6 6 5 2 April ... . . . . . May 0 3 1 0 0 0 11 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 June 1- . .... July 3 3 2 1 . . ..... ... 0 1 1 .. . .. .... 0 1 0 0 5 1 A . ..... i .2 September 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 Mitt .... .. ..... . . . ..... N VE: 0 — '2 November 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 Year to Date 13 17 12 10 0 0 6 4 4 7 8 8 1 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities June Year to Date Count E 21 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Yearto We Doll= 9 z 9 8 2 New Construction Dollars Tot* for Each Year BAILEY RANCH EST BARRINGTON EST BARRINGTON PT BARRINGTON PT II BARRINGTON PT III BRENTWOOD EST BRENTWOOD PARK BROADMORE HTS CAMDEN PARK CENTRALPARK COUNTRY ESTATES COUNTRY ESTATES II DOUBLE OAKS DOUBLE OAKS II DOUBLE OAKS III DOUBLE OAKS IV FAIRWAYS FAIRWAYS 11 HIDDEN VIEW NOTTINGHAM EST NOTTINGHAM EST II ESTATES AT SL SUMMIT AT SL VILLAGE AT SL WINDSOR LAKE WINDSOR LAKE 11 WINDSOR LAKE II EXT CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status i I I.� mom V Gu YV vv I I- I. Developed = Total Lots OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 1997 Owasso Physical Therapy 7901 Owasso Exp Owner Change 01/02/97 01/02197 Yes Family Dentistry 12700 E 86 PI N New 01/03/97 01/06/97 Yes Walter Reed Clinic 9206 N Garnett Relocate 01107/97 01/07/97 Yes A & B Crafts 122 South Main Relocate 01/07/97 01/30/97 Yes Pioneer Fence Co. 8351 N Owasso Exp Owner Change 01/20/97 01/20/97 Yes Trails End Restuarant 108 W 12th Owner Change 01/23/97 03/08/971 No FEBRUARY Coldwell Banker/Williams 11616 E 86 St No Owner Change 02/03/97 02/04/97 Yes Dental Office 11632 E 86 St No Owner Change 02/10/97 04/01/97 Yes Calorie Counter 9100 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 02/11/97 02/17/97 Yes Multi Level Info System 11300 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 02/17/97 02/28/97 Yes Strathe Veterinary 8514 No 128 E Ave Owner Change 02/17/97 02/28/97 Yes Nature's Way 8418 E 129 St No Relocate 02/24/97 03/03/97 Yes Ma's Creation 112 So Main Owner Change 02/25/97 03/01/97 Yes MARCH Bank of the Lakes 8504 N 128 E Ave New 03/03197 03/03/97 Yes Kids Consignment 409 E 2nd Ave Owner Change 03/03197 03/11/97 Yes Martial Arts America 8516 N 129 E Ave New 03/03197 03/03/97 Yes Public Park & Sell 8884 N Garnett Rd New 03/06/97 03/25/97 Yes American Publishing 11215 N Garnett Owner Change 03/10/97 03/10/97 Yes Sheldon Dental, Inc. 11213 -A No Garnett Owner Change 03/10/97 03/10/97 Yes Scoreboard Cards 114 So Main Relocate 03/13/97 03/17/97 Yes KC's Coney Island 12808 E 86 St No Owner Change 03/14/97 03/21/97 Yes Poor Boys Games 11211 -A No Garnett New 03/17/97 03/21/97 Yes Top Cut Family Haircutters 11622 E 86 St No Owner Change 03/17197 04/15/97 Yes T & L Trophy's 11226 N Garnett Rd Relocate 03/13/97 03/13/97 Yes OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE Lake Area Home Health 11215 N Garnett Rd #B Relocate 03121/97 03/21/97 Yes Accessories Unlimited 8355 Owasso Exp New 03/18/97 04/15/97 Yes Hollywood Video 8751 N 117 E Ave #A New 03/26/97 03/31/97 Yes APRIL Sally Beauty Supply 8751 N 117 E Ave #C New 04/09/97 05/15/97 Yes Radio Shack 8751 N 117 E Ave #H New � 04/14/97 04/24/97 Yes Quail Creek II Vet Clinic 11213 N Garnett Rd New 04/14/97 04/14/97 Yes First Bank of Owasso 12814 E 86 St No New 04/16/97 04/18/97 No Touch of Class 12 No Main New 04/21/97 04/21/97 No Felt's Shoes 8751 N 117 E Ave #F New 04/22/97 04/30/97 Yes Jackson Painting 11215 N Garnett Rd #G New 04/29/97 04/29/97 Yes MAY Auto Enhancers 7808 Owasso Exp Owner Change 05/01/97 05/01/97 Yes Redeemed Co.(Kirby) 9100 N Garnett, Suite A Owner Change 05/07/97 05/12/97 Yes Southern Agriculture 8751 No 117 E Ave,Suite New 05/16/97 05/19/97 Yes The Body Shop 8555 N 117 E Ave Owner Change 05/22/97 06/01/97 Yes Superior Shine Auto Detailin 9208 No Garnett Owner Change 05/23/97 06/06/97 Yes Su ercuts 8751 N 117 E Ave New 05/30/97 06/07/97 Yes JUNE U S Cellular 8751 -D No 117 E Ave New 06/05/97 06/05/97 Yes Classic Designs 102 So Main Owner Change 06/02/97 07/01/97 No Roark True Value 12701 E 86 PI No New 06/18/97 06/24/97 No Vision Auto World 11400 No Garnett Owner Change 06/23/97 07/01/97 No Kiddy Kountry 11308 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 06/27/97 08/01/97 No Shear Delight 9100 No Garnett #B New 06/30/97 07/01/971 No