HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.04.11_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 11, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: April 11, 1995 7:00 PM PLACE: Owasso Community Center NOTICE FILED BYTimothy Rooney : TITLE: Community Development Director Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 4:30 PM on March 20, 1995. TimothyRoone ommunity velopmentDirector OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 11, 1995, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Consider Approval of the Minutes of February 14, 1995 Regular Meeting. 4. Site Plan Review - Church of the Nazarene - A request for a review of the site plan for the Church of the Nazarene located on Lot 9, Block 18, Original Town of Owasso, further described as 10 S. Birch, Owasso, OK. The general location of the subject site is the northwest corner of Birch and Broadway. 5. Annexation Request - A & W Development - A request for a review of an Annexation Request by A & W Development for an approximate 100 acre tract located north and west of the northwest comer of E. 116th Street North and Garnett Road, further described as a portion of the SE/4 of Section 6, T21N, R14E of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 6. OPUD -13 - Pittman. Poe, and Associates - A request for a rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) to allow for the development of residential, commercial shopping, office, research, and light industrial land uses. The subject property is described as a portion of the NW/4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located south and east of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road and contains 126.805 acres, more or less. 7. OZ -95 -02 - Tyann Development - A request for rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General) and OM (Office Medium) located in the SEA of the NW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and contains 18.39 acres more or less. The subject property is generally located north of Three Lakes Addition, west of Smith Elementary. Owasso Planning Commission AGENDA April 11, 1995 8. OLS -95 -02 - City of Owasso - A request for a lot split by the City of Owasso. The subject property is described as being located in the NEA of Section 31, T21N, R14E of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and contains approximately 3 acres. The subject property is located south of the Owasso Recycle Center. 9. Preliminary Plat - Castle Point Commercial Park - A request for a review of the preliminary plat for Castle Point Commercial Park, a commercial/office addition to the City of Owasso. The property is described as being located directly north of the Owasso Walmart and is located within the SWA of Section 20, T21N, R14E and contains 8.86 acres more or less, comprised of 6 commercial lots. 10. Final Plat - The Village at Southern Links - A request for a review of the final plat for The Village at Southern Links, an addition to the City of Owasso. The property is located south of E. 86th Street North and lies within W/2 of Section 30, T21N, R14E and contains 61 residential lots on 17.19 acres. 11. Final Plat - The Estates at Southern Links - A request for a review of the final plat for The Estates at Southern Links, an addition to the City of Owasso. The property is located immediately west of the Village at Southern Links and lies within the W/2 of Section 30, T21N, R14E and contains 23 residential lots on 11.31 acres. 12. Final Plat - The Summit at Southern Links - A request for a review of the final plat for The Summit at Southern Links, an addition to the City of Owasso. The property is immediately south of the Estates at Southern links and lies within the W/2 of Section 30, T21N, R14E and contains 29 residential lots on 15.30 acres. 13. New Business. 14. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 15. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 16. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 14, 1995, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Ray Haynes Dewey Brown Tim Rooney Jerry Cole Charles Willey Charlotte White Gary Wells The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Friday, February 24, 1995. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1995 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 14, 1995. Jerry Cole moved, seconded by Gary Wells to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 3-0. 4. Site Plan Review - Kwik Industries - A request for a review of the site plan for Kwik Kar Lube to be located on a portion of Lot 1, Block 20,E1m Creek Estates. The general location of the subject site is the east side of the Owasso Expressway, north of Mazzio's restaurant. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Jerry Cole moved to approve the site plan for Kwik Industries with the understanding that a pre - construction meeting be held with City staff prior to building permit being issued. Seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of March 14, 1995 Page 3 A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 3 -0. 6. Annexation Request - Hayward & Betty Jane Smith - A request for a review of an Annexation Request by Hayward & Betty Jane Smith for an approximate 126 acre tract located in the NW/4 of Section 20, and the NE/4 of the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Jerry Cole moved to approve the annexation request for Hayward and Betty Jane Smith, seconded by Ray Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes- Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 3-0. 7. Final Plat - Cardinal View - A request for a review of the final plat for Cardinal View, an addition to the City of Owasso. The property is described as being located directly south of the Central Park addition and contains property previously contained within the Central Park H preliminary plat. The subject property is located within the E/2 of Section 20, T21N, R14E and contains 14.98 acres more or less. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat for Cardinal View, subject to the water permit and construction drawings being approved by the Public Works staff. Seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of March 14, 1995 Page 4 The motion carried 3-0. 8. Final Plat - Bailey Ranch Estates II - A request for a review of the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II, an addition to the City of Owasso. The property is described as being located directly east of Bailey Ranch Estates Phase I and is located within the W/2 of Section 17, T21N, R14E and contains 40.68 acres more or less, comprised of 135 residential lots. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Jerry Cole moved to approve the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates 11, subject to water permit and construction drawings approval by the Public Works staff. Seconded by Ray Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 3-0. 9. New Business. None 10. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council 11. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 12. Adjournment - Jerry Cole moved, Gary Wells seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of March 14, 1995 Page 5 Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SITE PLAN FOR THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE DATE: April 6, 1995 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Church of the Nazarene has requested Planning Commission review of a site plan for their property located on Lot 9, Block 18 of Original Town of Owasso. The subject site is further described as 10 S. Birch, Owasso, OK on the northwest corner of Birch and Broadway. The site plan is a reconfiguration of parking facilities for the Church. Currently, a vacant lot is on the west side of the church and this is what will be utilized for their parking. The applicants met with staff at the site in the late summer of 1994 in order to come up with a plan for the improvements. The site plan submitted will add 21 new parking spaces within the improved lot and 3 handicapped parking spaces along Broadway. The new parking lot will have a one -way directional traffic flow through the site which will exit into the alley. Parking currently located along the Birch street frontage will be removed, a grassy drainage swale will be installed, thus improving the appearance of the site itself. The site plan was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their March 29, 1995 meeting. At that meeting the utility companies had no objections to the submitted plan. Staff views this request as an improvements to an older portion of the community and has no objections. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan for the Church of the Nazarene. ENCLOSURES: 1. Church of the Nazarene Site Plan. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ANNEXATION REQUEST BY A & W DEVELOPMENT DATE: April 6, 1995 BACKGROUND A & W Development has submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of their jointly owned property totaling approximately 100 acres. The subject property is shown on the attached map and is currently undeveloped. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural) and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the lowest zoning classification (AG) until any rezoning request is received and approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. If annexation is approved, the subject property will have to go through all platting requirements of the City of Owasso prior to any development. It should be noted that upon any development of this property, acceleration /deceleration lanes would need to be included for all entries along E. 116th Street North and Garnett Road, as well as sidewalks. Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on March 16, 1995 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission. That notification will be followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on April 6 and 14, 1995 to notify the public of City Council action regarding the request. A copy of the procedures for annexation is also attached for your information and review. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their March 29, 1995 meeting and the Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed this request at their March 30, 1995 meeting. Both committees unanimously recommended approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the annexation request from A & W Development. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subject map 2. Annexation policy 3. Procedures for annexation 4. Petition for annexation 5. Copy of legal ad for annexation SUBJECT SITE ANNEXATION REQUEST ANNEXATION POLICY I. While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be annexed into the city limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is,. AG, agricultural. Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their property. All legal uses annexed into the city will be legal, but non - conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not met city standards will not be improved by the city until brought to the city standard and accepted by the City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a city limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right -of -way. This policy will establish consistence and allow city employees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by Council on March 1', 1988. CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the - proposed annexation. 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. _ 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Notice published -once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: All that part of Section Six (6), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the SW/4 of said Section 6; thence North 89°50'54" West along the South line of said SW/4 a distance of 59.58 feet to a point; thence North 00°09'06" East a distance of 275 feet; thence North 89°50'54" West a distance of 100 feet to a point, said point being the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 3 of AMENDED WEST PORT ADDITION to Tulsa County, Oklahoma; thence North 00°09'06" East a distance of 130.52 feet to a point; thence North 15°31'11" East a distance of 596.03 feet to a point on the East line of said SW/4; thence North 00°03'27" East along the East line of said SW/4 a distance of 296.71 feet; thence North 65°57'25" East a distance of 327.36 feet; thence North 46°42'49" East for a distance of 1426.07 feet; thence North 38°00'25" East for a distance of 1045.09 feet; thence North 37°55'40" East for a distance of 12.28 feet to a point on the East line of the SW/4 SE/4 NE/4 of said Section 6, said point being 65.04 feet South of the Northeast corner of said SW/4 SE/4 NE/4; thence South 00°05'31" West along the East line of the W/2 E/2 E/2 of said Section 6, for a distance of 857.97 feet; thence South 89°41'11" East for a distance of 661.90 feet to a point on the East line of the SE/4 of Said Section 6; thence South 00°06'26" West along the East line of Said Section 6 a distance of 1884.68 feet to a point, said point being the Northeast corner of a tract deeded to the West Port Mennonite Brethren Church, thence North 89°49'33" West a distance of 852.60 feet to the Northwest corner of said church tract; thence North 00°06'26" East a distance of 177.77 feet to a point; thence North 89°50'54" West a distance of 330 feet; thence South 00°06'26" West a distance of 660 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 6, said point being 1182.72 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section 6; thence North 89°50'54" West along the South line of said Section 6 a distance of 662.27 feet to a point, said point being 800.42 feet East of the Southeast corner of the SW/4 of said Section 6; thence North 00°09'06" East a distance of 660 feet to a point; thence South 00°09'06" West a distance of 660 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 6, said point being 470.42 feet East of the Southeast comer of the SW/4 of said Section 6; thence North 89°50'54" West along the South line of said Section 6, a distance of 470.42 feet to the Southeast comer of the SW/4 of said Section 6, the Point and Place of Beginning. AND All that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE/4 SE/4 SW/4) of Section Six (6), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said NE/4 SE/4 SW/4 a distance of 1296.12 feet North of the Southeast corner of said SW/4, said point being the most Northerly corner of Block 3 of the AMENDED PLAT OF WEST PORT ADDITION according to the Recorded Plat thereof; thence South 65°57'25" West along the Northwesterly line of said Block 3, a distance of 526.37 feet; thence South 15°31' 11" West a distance of 56.69 feet to a point, said point being the Northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 1 of said AMENDED PLAT OF THE WEST PORT ADDITION; thence North 74°28'49" West along the North line of said Lot 1, Block 1 a distance of 175.0 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Right-of-Way, said point also being the Northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 1; thence North 15°31'11" East along the Easterly line of said Right-of-Way a distance of 148.43 feet; thence on a 1° curve to the right and a chord bearing North 16°04'21" East along said Right-of-Way line a distance of 109.62 feet to a point; thence South 89°45'30" East a distance of 594.46 feet to a point; thence South 00°03'27" West a distance of 23.60 feet to the Point of Beginning. being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 27th day of February 1995. Owner(s): Hel eilliams, President Betty Atwood, Secretary A & W Development A & W Development being tenitory adjacent and contiguous to the Incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the Coy Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the alommentbned real estare into the City Limits of sad City. Datod this 271h day of February 1995. Owner(s): Helen WNWm, President Betty Atwood, Secretary A & W Dwelopmont A It W Development NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above petition far annexation was Iliad with the Community Dwoloprrenl Dkww of the City of Owasso on the 271h day of February, 1995, and that Bald portion will be presented to rho Owas- so Planning Commission, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma a 7L0 PM an the 11 Ill day of April. 1095. Allppersons Interested In this matter maybe present at the hearingg and ill. ihalr objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Com- mission will aubmh Its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for is coneldemfion and action, a provided by law. See tho attached map for property location. For more information an the proposed ann.a lon centact the Community Development Department. City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahora, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated st Owasso, Oklahoma, this 13th day of March, 1005. Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Affidavit fi f Publication March 16, 1995. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOtA4 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION STATE OF Ol OKLAIIOMA, TULSA COUNTY, so: voemandboslnp Dxmerers off n floss the than (Inhvalue) of hoo- road estate sftuarod In Tuba County, Oklahoma, That Part of Section Six (6), Township Twenty-one (21) Noah, Range and authorized, says that he is the publisher Of the Founeen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United Slates Government Survey thereat, more partkularN doscrbed as tallos,to k: Owasso Reporter a weekly BEGINNING a the Southeast summer the SW 14 of said Section 6; lhonce North 69'6064' Weal along the Souls line of said SW/4 a dis. nowvepni r printed in Lho city of Owasso fancy of 59.58 fast to a point thence North CO'OPO6' East a distance of 275 feel; thence North 89.5054' West a distance of 100 feet to point, sold point being the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 3 of 'Ailsa County, , Okiahom a, a qualified to AMENDED WEST PORT ADDITION to Tulsa County, Oklahoma; thence North 00'09'06' Enal a distance of 130.52 fool to a point; thence North 15'31'11' East a distance of 593.03 test to apolnt on the publish legal notices, advertisements and publications East Ana or Bald SW /4; thence Noah 00.0327 East along the East line all said SW/4 a distance of 296.71 IM: thence Noah 65 °57Y5' East a dblance of 327.38 fast; thence North 46424g East far a distance of as provided ill Section 1013 of Title 25, Oklahoma 1426.07 feet; thence Noah 38'0025' East lot a distance of 1045.09 last; thence North 37'6540' East for a distance at 12.28 feet to a point SLRLUtCS 1071 and 198a nR nn1CDdMl, au] thereafter, on the East line of the SW 14 SC14 NFJ4 of said Section 6, sold point being 65.04 loot South of the Northeast cornarof said SW14 SE/4 NF14; thence South 00-05'31' West along the East line of the W12 ER and complies with all other requirements of the laws E/2 of Bald Seaton 6, for a distance of 857.97 feet; thence South 89.41.11' East for a distance of 601.90 feel to a point on the Ent line of the SE/4 of Said Socilon 6; thence South 00'0626' West along the ofOklnhonlawit ], reference to legal publicatiorla. East line, of Said S ection6a distance of1884 .68 fast toa point, said point being the Northeast corner of a trap deeded to the West Port 'flint said notice, it true copy of Which is attached Mennonite Brethren Church, thence Noah 89.4933' Weal a distance of 652.60 feat to the Northwest corner W Bald church trap; thence North 0006'20 East a distance of 177.77 feet to a paint; thence North hereto, was published in the regular edition of said dlelanco of 6601 sett 10 a point on the South line of said Secection 6,wsaid point being 1162.72 loot Weal of the Southeast comer of sold Section newspaper during the period and Little or publication 6; thence Noah 89.60'54' Wool along the South line of said Section e dlstana 01662.27 feat to a point, said point being 800A2 feel East and not in a Supplement, sit the following dates: of the Southeast corner of the SW 14 of said Section 6; thence North 00.09'06' East a distance of 660 feet to a point; thence South 00°09'08' Wait a distance of 600 loot to a Point on the South Ifne at March 16r 1995 Bald SWIM 6, sad point being 4 70.42 feet East at the Southeast cor. W the SW 14 of Bald Section e; thence North 89'5054' West along the South line of said Seaon 6, a distance of 470,12 fee: to the South - ease corner of the SW/4 of said Section 6. the Point and Place of Beginning. AND Subscribed and sworn tobeforemet Is 16th All that part of the Northeast Duane, W the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE/4 SEA SW/4) of Section SIX (G), Township - day of_Ma March Twenty -one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Sass ad $farm Gwornment Survey fhereo . more pankularty, described as follows, Notary Public BEGINNING at a point an the East fine of said NE 14 SE /4 SW 14 a distance of 1296.12 fool North of the Southeast corner al said SW /4, My CommissioneXpires: 3 -20 -97 said point being the meet Nonhorly comer of Bloch 3 of the AMENDED PLAT OF WEST PORT ADD ITION according to the Recorded Plat thereof; thence South 65'5725' West along the Nortmvealedy line of PUULISIIEI2'SFEE$ 115.05 'oint,saidPomfneingtheNortheast Weaaladistanceeof56.6 ffeeeltoap corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of said AMENDED PLAT OF THE WEST PORT ADDITION; thence North 74'28'49' West along the North Eno of said Let 1, Black 1 a dfotanco of 175.0 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Right -of -Way, said point also being the Northwest corner of Bald Lot 1, Block I; thence North 1571'11' East along the Easterly kkw of red Rlghtof -Way adfs- tense of 140.43 feel; thence on a 1curve to the right antl a chard bearing Noah 10.04'21' Esst along said -Way ins a distance of 109.62 foot to a point. thence South 69.45'30' East a distance of 594.46 foot to a point. thence South 00'03'27' West a die lance of 23.60 last to the Point of Beginning. being tenitory adjacent and contiguous to the Incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the Coy Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the alommentbned real estare into the City Limits of sad City. Datod this 271h day of February 1995. Owner(s): Helen WNWm, President Betty Atwood, Secretary A & W Dwelopmont A It W Development NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above petition far annexation was Iliad with the Community Dwoloprrenl Dkww of the City of Owasso on the 271h day of February, 1995, and that Bald portion will be presented to rho Owas- so Planning Commission, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma a 7L0 PM an the 11 Ill day of April. 1095. Allppersons Interested In this matter maybe present at the hearingg and objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Com- mission will aubmh Its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for is coneldemfion and action, a provided by law. See tho attached map for property location. For more information an the proposed ann.a lon centact the Community Development Department. City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahora, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated st Owasso, Oklahoma, this 13th day of March, 1005. CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OPUD -13 Staff Report CONCEPT OF A PUD The concept behind a Planned Unit Development is that it provides a creative alternative to a conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control, and a detailed plan (Outline Development Plan) for the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public input and review. The PUD allows for greater creativity and flexibility than could be achieved by traditional zoning in planning and development of large parcels of land. In short, a PUD allows for forms of conditional zoning that would not be permitted if it was a typical rezoning request. The PUD concept allows the developer to "collect or pick -up" all the developable floor area allowed by the various parcels zoned commercial or office and all the lots allowed by those parcels zoned single - family, and "place" them back onto the subject tract based upon an approved master plan and text (including bulk and area standards) that considers the physical conditions on and around the entire tract. The Smith Farm Community Development PUD, does indeed contain commercial, single - family, multi- family, office, and light industrial land uses. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances of the zoning regulations. BACKGROUND Planned Unit Development #13 is 126.805 gross acres in size, all of which is undeveloped with the exception of the Smith's current residence on Garnett Road. The underlying zoning on the entire tract is AG (Agricultural) and the conceptual development plan allows for the Smith home and lot to become a portion of the planned residential area. The Smith Farm Community Development is located at the S/E corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. The subject tract is bordered by Highway 169 on its eastern boundary, E. 96th Street North on its northern boundary, Garnett Road on its western boundary and existing residential property zoned RE (Residential Estates) to the south. The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the development of a single - family low density residential area as well a multi- family area which would be intended to develop at RM -1 (Residential multi- OPUD -13 Staff Report Page 2 of 6 family low density). The latter area is intended for villas and townhome development for retirement housing, allowing for the flexibility of rental units or outright purchase. Immediately abutting the 25 foot landscaped buffer area, is the planned office/research /light industrial area. The rear of these lots (the portions which would be abutting the single - family residential rear yards) will include a 75 foot landscape easement, 25' of which is a landscape buffer. This buffer would include a pedestrian trail system and extensive landscaping including berms. The rear setback requirement on this property is 75 feet ... this area combined with the required rear yard setback of 30 feet for the single - family dwelling area would ensure a minimum of 105 feet of area where no principal structure could be placed. Three large commercial tracts are also included in the development concept. These tract (two at the northeast portion of the tract, one at the southwest comer of the tract, would have high visibility from E. 96th Street North, Highway 169, and Garnett Road respectively. Maps for existing utilities, topography, slope, hydrology, soils, and surrounding zoning are all included within the applicants text for your information and review. STAFF ANALYSIS The Zoning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and shall determine: (1) Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. (3) Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. (4) Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purposes and standards of the PUD Ordinance. (a) Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; (b) Permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; (c) Provide and preserve meaningful open space; OPUD -13 Staff Report Page 3 of 6 (d) Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. This means that when zoning or PUD requests are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council, they should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject tract to be developed at a Low Density Residential Density, with a Commercial node at the intersection of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road to be developed at both medium and high densities. Once again, it is important to note that the Comprehensive Plan, last updated in 1985, is likely to be outdated and inaccurate in 1995 as it is applied to this area. While a substantial portion of the applicants proposal would call for residential development at the residential designation that the Comprehensive Plan called for in 1985, an equally substantial portion is being requested to be developed for residential multi- family, commercial and high tech industrial uses. Considering the portions that would be abutting Highway 169, Garnett, and E. 96th Street North, the applicants request is following existing development trends. Certainly, one can reach the conclusion that the Owasso area has grown leaps and bounds above what anyone would have anticipated. Therefore, the previous Comprehensive Plan has proven to be outdated in certain areas within its study boundary. Two forms of residential lots are proposed by the applicant. The majority of the residential area being requested in the PUD contains residential lots to be developed with RS -1 (Residential Single - Family Low Density) as its underlying zoning classification with slight variation on lot sizes. Currently, the minimum lot area for an RS -1 zoned development would be 13,500 square feet, while the applicant is requesting the minimum lot size at 12,000 square feet, however many lots would be substantially larger than the minimum size. The density permitted by RS -1 zoning would allow for up to 106 single family dwelling units on 39 acres - the applicants are currently proposing 75 single - family lots with their submittal, with the flexibility to expand that number to 100. A small portion of the PUD contains multi- family and single - family attached residential lots. This area would abut the southeast corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road and contains 8.6 acres. The applicant has requested either of these forms of uses in the event that at the time of development completion, individual units can be sold or rented or a mixture of both. An RM -1 zoning district, the underlying zoning designation being requested by the applicant, would permit up to 86 dwelling units, while the applicants are requesting the amount to exceed 70 units. OPUD -13 Staff Report Page 4 of 6 The applicants are also requesting seven large lots for office or office/research /light industrial uses. One of the seven lots is reserved strictly for office uses and far exceeds the minimum development standards for the underlying OL designation. The other six lots, identified for office /research /light industrial, also exceed the minimum property development standards for IL, the requested underlying zoning designation. Three lots strictly reserved for commercial development are being requested by the applicants. The underlying zoning designation for these lots is CS (Commercial Shopping) and the proposal would also meet all property development standards in this area as well, allowing up to 718,087 square feet of commercial retail area. Harmony With Existing and Expected Development Any large development such as the proposed PUD is going to create rapid changes within a community and new demands will be placed upon our existing infrastructure. It is important to note, however, that in a community like Owasso, this growth would be likely to occur regardless of this development. The PUD simply increases the demand for services more quickly and thereby shortens the schedule for determining solutions. In reviewing existing development, it appears that the proposed PUD and subsequent subdivision would be a logical expansion of both residential and commercial development found to the south along the Highway 169 corridor. The City of Owasso is likely to see expanded residential development in this area has already occurred with the addition of Bailey Ranch Estates within a half -mile of this site and additional residential development is likely due to the proximity of the golf course. Leval. Planning and Site Engineering Concerns were noted regarding the ability of the developers to service this property with sanitary sewer when the property was reviewed for annexation, as well as what effect their would be on water pressure. Review of existing sanitary sewer loads as well as a K -pipe study will be performed on this area to ascertain the impact. As a reminder, staff will also be requiring acceleration and deceleration lanes along any entrances from E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road, as well as sidewalks along these frontages. OPUD -13 Staff Report Page 5 of 6 Unified Treatment of the PUD Subject Area A review of the applicant's Development Plan for "Smith's Farm" finds a wide- ranging utilization of the project site. A large area of the tract will be utilized for residential purposes, while the remaining areas are designated for office/research /industrial and commercial development. Existing farm ponds within the subject site are intended to be utilized as attractive areas to enhance development and act as a buffer between single - family and multi- family areas, as well as being a focal point at one end of the pedestrian trail through the landscaped buffer area. Neighboring Property Owner's Concerns As of April 5, 1995, no comments opposing the Planned Unit Development request have been received by this office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the proposal by the applicant and feels it is a solid one. Because the subject property is bounded on three of its four sides by existing roadways and /or streets, objection from surrounding property owners is not likely. While industrial areas are identified within the PUD, these areas are fully contained within their boundaries and do not abut existing residential areas. The areas identified as light industrial are not likely to develop as an auto body shop and metal shop, however, and are likely to be in the form of high tech, computer type businesses. Nevertheless, safeguards have been taken by the applicants to lessen any possible negative impact. The applicants density requests are well within the requested underlying zoning, and it would be staff's request that the Planning Commission and /or Council not permit this application to be amended to increase these densities in the future. At the very minimum, requests in densities in this area should be delayed until substantial improvements are made at the E. 96th Street North and Garnett intersection. The use of the pedestrian trail within the buffer area, possibly to be utilized by both residents and office workers, is also a well- thought addition to a mixed use development. Staff would, however, request a detailed landscaping plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to final plat approval and require its installation prior to any construction in areas abutting residential designated areas. OPUD -13 Staff Report Page 6 of 6 Staff is recommending Owasso Planning Commission approval of OPUD -13 with the following conditions: (1) That the applicant's Development Text and Conceptual Development Plan be considered to be the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. (2) That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, single - family detached lots shall meet all the necessary requirements of a typical RS -1 district. (3) That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and filed with the County Clerk's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit. Said covenants shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. (4) All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. (5) A detailed drainage report be submitted by the applicant. (6) That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 170 units. (7) Sidewalks shall be provided along all streets within the PUD subject site, as well as E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. (8) That all landscaping plans for the buffer areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and installed prior to the construction of any area abutting the residential portion of the PUD. AITACHM ENTS/ENCLOSURES 1. Copy of letter sent to property owners within 300 feet of the request. 2. Copy of legal ad from the Owasso Reporter. 3. PUD text and maps. 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OPUD -13 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 11th day of April, 1995. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Pittman, Poe & Associates, applicants, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an AG (Agriculture) District to PUD (Planned Unit Development), which would allow for the development of residential, commercial shopping, office, research and light industrial land uses. The subject property is described as follows: ALL THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF LYING NORTH AND WEST OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF US HIGHWAY 169 MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NW/4, THENCE N 01°12'26 "W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NW/4 FOR 2638.46 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE N 88°44'59 "E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NW/4 FOR 2651.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE S 01°14'06 "E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NW/4 FOR 998.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID NW/4 AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID US HIGHWAY 169, THENCE S 48°54'01 "W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR 1193.92 FEET, THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HAVING A RADIUS OF 5230.51 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13°14'19" FOR 1208.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW /4, THENCE S 88°41'16 "W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE FOR 906.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND ALL THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE/4 NW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF LYING NORTH AND WEST OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAY 169 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF HIGHWAY 169 AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NEA OF THE NW/4 OF THE SW/4, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAY 169 ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 5230.51 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°41'43" FOR 428.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NE/4 OF THE NW/4 OF THE SW/4, THENCE N 01°12'51 "W ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SAID NE/4 OF THE NW/4 OF THE SW/4 FOR 352.60 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE N 88°41'16 "E ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF FOR 242.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 126.805 ACRES MORE OR LESS. The general location of the property is SOUTH AND EAST OF E. 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Director, 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 21st day of March, 1995. Sincerely, Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director SUBJECT SITE OPUD-13 Affidavit of publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, as: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspnper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with refLi ence to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: MARCH 23, 1995 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of MARCH 4 L ,199 5 Notary Public My Commission expires: 3-20-97 PUBLISHER'S FEE $129.63 Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, March 23, 1995. EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMEND- MENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OWASSO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT THIRTEEN (OPUD-13) Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owas- so Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Okla- homa, at 7.W P.M. on the 11th day of April, 1995. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described properly: All that part of the northwest quarter (NW/4) of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa Coun. ty, Sate of Oklahoma awarding to the US Government Survey thereof lying north and west of the westerly right-of -way of US Highway 169 more particularly described as follows, to-wib Beginning at the South. to the nonhwast corner thereof, thence line of said NW/4 for 2651.53 feet to 9 said NW/4 and the wosterly right-of-way of said US Highway 169, thence S 48°54'01'W along said right-of-way line for 1193.92 feet, thence on a curve to the left along said right-of-way line having a radius of 5230.51 feet and a central angle of 13°14'19' for 1208.46 fast to a point on the south line of said NW/4, thence S 88.41'16'W along said south line for 905.08 feet to the point of beoinnina. AND All that pan of the northeast quarter of the nonhwast quarter of the southwest quarter (NE/4 NW/4 SW/4) of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof lying nosh and west of the westerly right-of-way of Highway 169 and more particularly described as follows, lo-wit: Beginning al the point of intersection of said westery right-of-way of Highway 169 and the north line of said NE/4 of the NW/4 of the SW/4, thence southwesterly along the said westerly right-of-way of Highway 169 on a curve to the left having a radius of 5230.51 feet and a central angle of 04°41'43' for 428.63 feet to a point on the west line of said NE/4 of the NW/4 of the SW/4, thence N 01°12'51 W along said west line of said N04 of the NW 14 of the SW/4 for 352.60 feet to the nonhwast corner thereof, thence N 88°41'16"E along the north line thereof for 242.88 feet to the point of beginning containing 126.905 aces micro or less. The geneal location of the property Is SOUTH AND EAST OF E. 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD. To be considered a rezoning tram an AG (Agriculture) District to OPUD- 13. The Panned Unit Development, II approved, would allow for the devei- conent of a 126.805 acre mixed -use tract, Including residential, commercial shopping, office, research and light industrial land uses. All persons Interested in this mailer may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall sub - mh us recommendation to the City Council of the Cay of Owasso for its con- sideration and action, as provided bylaw. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Corn mission on the proposed rezoning shall bs at a meeting tune and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. A mart showing the proposed rezoning accompardes this notice. For more Information on the proposed rezoning comas the Community Development Director, City Hall 207 S. Codas, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 2722251. Dared at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 2eth day of March, 1995. Timothy 0. Rooney Community Development Dir DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Smith's Farm Community Development is a proposed mixed -use Planned Unit Development (PUD) located in the north central portion of the City of Owasso, south of 96th Street North, between Garnett Road /Old Highway 169 and U.S. Highway 169. This ±126.805 acre development is situated on relatively flat to moderately rolling terrain that features tree lined creeks and scattered farm ponds. The site has excellent development possibilities. The proposed PUD that is currently being considered for approval consists of residential, commercial shopping, office, research, and light industrial land uses. In determining which areas lend themselves to specific land uses, sensitivity to topography, vegetation, surrounding land uses and other critical factors are of primary importance. Careful planning and execution of the development will help fulfill the present and future needs of the community. Through the utilization of innovative planning techniques, the need for different land uses can be met while minimizing the effect and impact on the unique natural features that exist on the land today. The Smith's Farm PUD is to be developed in such a way that the less intense land uses will be buffered from the more intense land uses by means of landscape buffers and /or through a hierarchy of more intense to less intense land uses. The architectural design of buildings will create individuality within a development area while simultaneously maintaining the overall unity of this community. The Conceptual Development Plan indicates several distinct areas of varying intensity of land use. The most intense land uses, commercial, office, research and light industrial are to be located on those tracts of land that front onto the collector road that meanders through the southern portion of the property. The majority of these tracts have frontage along U.S. Highway 169, Garnett Road, or 96th Street North which will allow for excellent -1- visual and /or vehicular access. The two residential tracts are to be located in the northwest portion of the site, buffered from the more intense land uses to the south by a 75 foot wide landscape easement. This easement is a very important aspect of the development and will be landscaped with berms, trees and various plant, materials to aid in the screening of the land uses to the south and east. In a development of this caliber and size, flexibility of design and densities is a very important consideration. In the next five to ten years, as this project is being developed, market trends will most likely be changing in one form or another. It is felt that utilizing a PUD will allow the adaptability that is needed to change with the times. What is popular and viable in today's market, whether it be housing types, lot sizes, etc. may not be feasible in a market five years from now. The PUD will help guard against market inconsistencies by allowing for the transfer of densities and flexibility within the project for all land uses. -2- STATISTICAL SUMMARY Project Area ± 126.805 gross acres ± 120.705 net acres Total Maximum Allowable Dwelling Units 170 dwelling units Development Areas: • Residential Single - Family Detached (RS -1) - Total Area ±46.72 gross acres - Total Number of Dwelling Units (2.14 DU /ac.) 100 dwelling units • Residential Multi- Family Detached (RM -1) - Total Area ±70 gross acres - Total Number of Dwelling Units (10 DU /ac.) 70 dwelling units • Office (OL) - Total Area ±5.82 gross acres - Total Floor Area 63,380 square feet - Floor Area Ratio .25 • Commercial Shopping (CS) - Total Area ±32.97 gross acres - Total Floor Area 718,087 square feet - Floor Area Ratio .5 • Light Industrial (IL) - Total Area ±33.62 gross acres - Total Floor Area 732,243 square feet - Floor Area Ratio .5 Notes: 1. Actual floor area to be determined by parking, building setback and landscaping requirements. Floor areas will not exceed those listed above. 2. Development areas are based on the proposed underlying zoning pattern and not the Conceptual Development Plan. -3- Legend: Cable T.V. — TO Cable Electric Une — Public Service Company of OMahoma Natural Gas Line — OMahorna Natural Gas Sanitary Sewer Telephone Line — Southwestern Bell Telephone Water Line Existing Trees Existing Conditions & Utifitles Legend: Elev. 710'- 720' Elev. 700' - 710' Elev. 690' - 700' Elev. 680' - 690' Elev. 670' - 680' Elev. 660' - 670' Topography Ana(ysis Legend: 5 - 10% Slope 0 - 20% Sbpe 20 - 30% Slope Slope Analysis as = s Legend: 000 >Drainageways Ridgelines Hydrology Analysis soils analysis Surrounding Zoning DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS SINGLE - FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS: Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Size - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public /Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage* - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards As permitted within RS -1 Dist. by right or special exception 12,000 sq.ft. 35 feet 35 feet 25 feet 100 feet (at building line) 120 feet 30 feet 10 /10 feet Other Requirements It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. * On cul -de -sac, pie- shaped lots may have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -10- DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS SINGLE - FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS: Single - family attached structures intended to provide housing, rental or ownership, which may include retirement villas, townhomes, etc. - Minimum Lot Size (for individual lot ownership) 2,200 sq.ft. - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage* - Minimum Lot Depth - Maximum Building Coverage - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards of Buildings - Minimum Separation between Buildings - Maximum Number of Attached Units 2.5 stories 20 feet 20 feet (at building line) 100 feet 60% 20 feet 7.5 feet 15 feet 8 units Other Requirements It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. * On cul -de -sac, pie- shaped lots may have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. ** Landscaped Buffer: Minimum of 20 feet along adjacent arterial streets, with walls, fences, berms, trees or other landscape materials, all of which help create a screening effect. -11- DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS MULTI- FAMILY: Development of multi - family units to provide housing, rental, or ownership in a harmoniously designed project. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Area - Minimum Yard if Abutting Perimeter Public /Private Street* - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public /Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Yard if Abutting Interior Private Street - Minimum Side Yard - Minimum Rear Yard - Maximum Units per Building - Parking Ratio As permitted within RM -1 Dist. by right or special exception 1 acre 35 feet 25 feet 200 feet 150 feet 20 feet 10 feet 30 feet 16 units 1.5 sp. /1 bedroom unit 2.0 sp. /2 bedroom unit Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council pursuant to their review of the detailed site plan of each development area. * Landscaped Buffer: Minimum of 20 feet along adjacent arterial streets, with walls, fences, berms, trees or other landscape materials, all of which help create a screening effect. -12- DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS OFFICE: - Permitted Uses - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space* (Lot) - Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public /Private Street From Abutting Residential Dev. Area Side Yards Rear Yards - Minimum Parking Ratio As permitted within OL Dist. by right or special exception 4 stories 10% of net area 50 feet 10 feet ** 15 feet 50 feet One space per 300 sq.ft. of floor area * Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. ** Plus two feet of setback for each one foot of building height exceeding 15 feet if abutting property is within RE, RS or RD District. Sign Standards All signs will conform to Section 840.2(b) of the Zoning Code for the City of Owasso. Lighting Flood lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up lighting will be used on buildings, signs, and various landscape elements. Low lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yards, plazas, steps, and walkways. Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area, that are consistent with the concepts and Development Standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission pursuant to its review of the detailed site plan of each development area. -13- DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS COMMERCIAL SHOPPING: - Permitted Uses - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space* (per lot) - Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public /Private Street From Abutting Residential Dev. Area Side Yards Rear Yards - Minimum Parking Ratio As permitted within CS Dist. by right or special exception 35 feet /2 stories 10% of net area 50 feet 10 feet ** 15 feet 50 feet One space per 200 sq.ft. of floor area Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. ** Plus two feet of setback for each one foot building height exceeding 15 feet if the abutting property is within an RE, RS or RD District. Sign Standards All signs will conform to Section 840.2(b) of the Zoning Code for the City of Owasso. Li htin Flood lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up lighting will be used on buildings, signs, and various landscape elements. Low lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yard plazas, steps, and walkways. Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area, that are consistent with the concepts and Development Standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission pursuant to its review of the detailed site plan of each development area -14- DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL /RESEARCH: - Permitted Uses - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space* (Lot) - Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public /Private Street From Abutting Non - Arterial Street From Abutting Residential Dev. Area Side Yards Rear Yards - Perimeter Setbacks As permitted within IL Dist. by right or special exception 50 feet 10% of net area 50 feet 35 feet 75 feet 25 feet 25 feet As required within IL Dist. * Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. Sign Standards All signs will conform to Section 840.2(b) of the Zoning Code for the City of Owasso. Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area, that are consistent with the concepts and Development Standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission pursuant to its review of the detailed site plan of each development area. -15- LANDSCAPING The landscaping concept is intended to achieve unity throughout the Planned Unit Development as well as provide an attractive view of the project from surrounding streets and neighborhoods. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for a development area, plant materials and any required screening fences shall be installed in conformity with a detailed landscape plan which will have been submitted to and approved by the Owasso City Council. -16- PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION The Property Owners' Association to be established at the Smith's Farm Community Development will have as its main objectives the maintenance of the landscaped entryways, buffers and center islands. These areas are to be attractively landscaped with berms and assorted plant materials by the developer, and turned over to the Smith's Farm Community Development Property Owners' Association for maintenance. In the event the Association fails to maintain these areas in a proper and safe manner, The City of Owasso will have the right to maintain these areas and bill each member of the Smith's Farm Community Development Property Owners' Association for that cost. Should payment by any member not occur, the City of Owasso may place a lien on the delinquent member's personal property within this platted area. Final documents on the Property Owners' Association at Smith's Farm will be filed with the final plat and will include the maintenance agreement and other specific rights and requirements for association members. -17- UNIT TRANSFER If, upon the approval of the site plan of any development tract, the allocated density has not been reached, the remaining dwelling units and /or square footage may be transferred to another development area within the Planned Unit Development, but not to exceed the total project density that has been established by the Conceptual Development Plan. This degree of flexibility will not only allow the developer the opportunity to determine the land value but, will also provide the community with the necessary density information needed to plan for tax projections and needed community facilities such as school, hospital, police and fire protection, etc. SITE PLAN REVIEW No building permit shall be issued for the construction of buildings within a development area until a detailed site plan of the development area has been submitted to, and approved by, the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council as being in compliance with the Development Concept and the Development Standards. Separate building plans may be submitted for individual home construction after the subdivision has been given final approval by the Owasso City Council. -19- PLATTING REQUIREMENT No building permit shall be issued until the property has been included within a subdivision plat submitted to, and approved by, the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council and duly filed of record, provided however, that development areas may be platted separately. Restrictive covenants shall be established implementing of record the Development Concept and Development Standards, and the City of Owasso shall be made . a beneficiary thereof. -20- EXPECTED SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT Development of the Smith's Farm Community Development is anticipated to commence upon approval and filing of final plat, and letting of development contracts. -21- CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -95 -02 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney - Community Development Director BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Tyann Development, applicant and owner. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request for the rezoning of property from AG (Agricultural) to CG (Commercial General) and OM (Office Medium) to allow for commercial and office development, including a landscaped buffer. LOCATION AND SIZE: The property is located directly north of Three lakes III addition, east of Highway 169, west of Smith Elementary School. The complete legal description of the property is attached for your information and review. The subject property contains 18.399 acres, more or less. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted on the north and west by Highway 169, on the south by the Three Lakes III Addition zoned RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density) and on the east by the Smith Elementary School. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being appropriate for Low Intensity Residential (Single - Family Housing). However, it is important to note that the Comprehensive Plan may be outdated in this area. When the comprehensive plan was created in 1978, and updated in 1985, it was felt that the east service road north of the Three Lakes III entrance would not be extended. However, staff and city policy has changed since 1985, and any development in this area Leguires the extension of the Highway 169 service road. With a service road extended along this frontage, the property becomes more in tune with for commercial development and less likely to be a desirable residential area. Staff would not recommend this area for any residential development if the Comprehensive Plan update were being performed today. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments ", Chapter 6 "Commercial Land Uses ", and Chapter 5 "Office Land Uses ". SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted. Staff Report OZ -95 -02 Page 2 of 3 ANALYSIS The proposed rezoning, if approved, would create an 18.399 acre area of commercial/office zoned property for the applicant. The subject property is located just west of the Smith Elementary school and north of Three Lakes III Addition, is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) with a request to rezone to CG (Commercial General) and OM (Office Medium), and is unlikely to develop if the current zoning pattern was to remain AG. The subject property was recently annexed into the City of Owasso, but also was previously zoned AG when under Tulsa County's jurisdiction. As stated previously, the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, while identifying this area as being appropriate for Low Intensity Residential (Single - Family Housing) may be considered to be outdated when applied to the existing physical facts of the area surrounding the subject tract. Over 60% of all property along the east service road from E. 76th Street North through E. 86th Street North is zoned for CG or IL, a more intense use. Existing zoning patterns, as well as the commercial corridor along Highway 169, supports the applicants rezoning request. The Commercial General zoning requested by the applicant would allow for a myriad of commercial retail uses. A list of uses permitted under CG zoning is attached for your review. Sexually - oriented businesses would not be permitted to develop in this area due to its proximity to a school and residential area. Within the applicants text submitted with their application, some very important points were addressed. Once again, as staff pointed out in the applicant's first rezoning request processed in March, the inclusion of a buffer of OM (Office Medium) is very important regarding staff's recommendation for approval. While it is indeed true that approximately 60% of the land along the Owasso Expressway corridor has developed with a commercial or industrial classification, an extremely small portion of that zoning includes a buffer between their businesses and the abutting residential developments. The applicant's request includes such a buffer. The buffer area which would occur throughout the OM portion of the rezoning request, would require the construction of a site obstructing fence, an absolute minimum setback of 40 feet from any of the abutting residential and school property, and the requirement for substantial landscaping along the abutting lines with the residential property. Staff feels the applicant has addressed any potential conflicts of uses in this area by the inclusion of this buffer. In addition, the Planning Commission will also review any platting and all site plans that may occur within this property, again to ensure the buffer area serves its purpose. Staff Report OZ -95 -02 Page 3 of 3 Letters were sent to surrounding property owners within 300' of the subject property and notification was published in the Owasso Reporter on.March 23, 1995. The subject property was also posted the week of March 20th. To date, staff has received only one inquiry regarding the rezoning request and was referred to the applicants for additional information. RECOMMENDATION Staff feels a rezoning and use of this property in a commercial and office manner would be consistent with the existing zoning patterns along the Owasso Expressway service roads and would be adequately buffered from the residential development and school property. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from AG to CG and OM. ATTACHMENTS 1. Legal Description. 2. Location Map 3. Uses permitted in a CG zoning district. 4. Copy of Legal Ad published in the Owasso Reporter 5. Copy of letter sent to surrounding property owners. 6. Text submitted by Tyann Development. THREE LAKES III PLAT OF SURVEY SUBJECT SITE OZ-95-02 N APPENDIX SUMMARY USE UNITS - ZONING iW DISTRICT USE UNITS Chapter 10 ZONING DISTRICTS 1. AREA -WIDE USES BY RIGHT 2. AREA -WIDE EXCEPTION USES 3. AGRICULTURE 4. PROTECTION AND UTILITY 5. SERVICES CULTURE & RECREATION 6. SINGLE - FAMILY DWELLING 7. DUPLEX DWELLING 8. MULTIFAMILY DWELLING 9. MOBILE HOME DWELLING 10. OFF- STREET PARKING 11. OFFICES AND STUDIOS 12. EATING PLACES 13. CONVENIENCE GOODS & SERVICES 14. SHOPPING GOODS & SERVICES 15. OTHER TRADES & SERVICES 16 GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS 7 AUTOMOTIVE & ALLIED ACTIVITIE 8. DRIVE -IN RESTAURANTS 19. HOTEL MOTEL AND RECREATION 20. COMMERCIAL RECREATION: IN- TENSIVE 2. SIGNS & OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 22. WAREHOUSING AND WHOLESALING 23. MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSING 24. LIGHT MANUFACTURING & RESEARC AND DEVELOPMENT 25. MODERATE MANUFACTURING 26. HEAVY MANUFACTURING X = use by right. E = use by exception. * = uses permitted are subject to review of a site plan by the Planning Commission. AhA.davit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, es: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 1176 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma With reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publicntion and not in a supplement, on the following dates: MARCH 23, 1935 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of March 199 5 5w1 a4& Notary Public My Commission expires: 3 -20 -97 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 113.58 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, March 23. 1995. NOTICE TO THE PU13UC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMEND- MENT TO THE ZONING GRUINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, Or.LAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ -9542 Notice Is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owas- so Planning Commission, In the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, We. home, at 71X1 P.M. on the 11th day of April, 1995. Al that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change el the zoning classification of the following descrired property: The general location of the properly is north of the Three Lakas Addition, west of Smith Elementary School. To be considered is a rezoning from AG (Agriculture General District) to CG (Commercial Genarap and ON (Office Medium). All persons inlerestetl M this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or an of the above masers. In the event that such proposed rezoning Is approved, In whole or In pan, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shag sub - ITO Us recommendation to the Chy Council of the City of Owasso for Us mn- sideralion and action, as provided by law. The City Councll's review of the recommendation of the Planning Com. miWon on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and dam to be determined by the Council. said Inlormadon to W available from the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this not". For more Information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department. City Hall, 207 S- Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, a phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated a1 Owasso, Oklahoma, this 2eth day of March, 1995. Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -95 -02 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 11th day of April, 1995. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Tyann Development, applicant and purchaser, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an AG (Agriculture) District to CG (Commercial General) and OM (Office Medium) District, which would allow for the development of Commercial and Office Uses. The subject property is described as follows: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (SE/4 NW/4) OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, LYING SOUTH AND EAST OF THE PRESENT US HIGHWAY 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND LYING NORTH OF THREE LAKES III, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT; BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID HIGHWAY 169 AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID SEA OF NW/4 A DISTANCE OF 1454.19 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE S 0°02'21" E AND ALONG SAID EAST LINE FOR 1181.41 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SE/4 OF THE NW/4, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK FOUR (4) OF SAID THREE LAKES III, THENCE S 89 DEGREES 57'43" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE14 OF THE NW/4, SAID LINE ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF BLOCK FOUR (4) OF SAID THREE LAKES III FOR 1299.33 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID U.S. HIGHWAY 169, THENCE N 40 DEGREES 05'47" E FOR 0.00 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 4880.51 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 DEGREES 04'41" FOR 958.46 FEET, THENCE N 50 DEGREES 10'28" FOR 901.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 18.399 ACRES MORE OR LESS The general location of the property is north of the Three Lakes III Addition, west of Smith Elementary School. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Director, 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 21st day of March, 1995. Sincerely, Timothy D. Roo Community Development Director Tyann Development Inc. P.O. Box 397 Telephone: (918) 274 -0517 Owasso, OK 74055 Fax:: (918) 272 -9585 (HAMCO) TO: Owasso Planning Commission & Owasso City Council FROM: Steve Compton, Manager DATE: March 24, 1995 SUBJECT: Rezoning Request Briefing - Case OZ -95 -02 REZONING REQUEST: Tyann Development, Inc. has applied to the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council requesting the rezoning of a vacant 18.399 acre tract of land generally located north of the Three Lakes III subdivision and east of U.S. Highway 169 (Owasso Expressway). Abutting the tract on the east is Smith Elementary School. The tract has approximately 1,760 feet of frontage on the expressway. ZONING REQUEST MAP The rezoning application consists of a request for a combination of medium intensity commercial (Commercial General District - CG) and medium intensity office (Office Medium Intensity District - OM). See Zoning Request Map. S This request has been SMTTH carefully researched and is SCHOOL strictly based on the three most common points typically r LANDSCAPED considered when making zoning AREA decisions. The three points are as OM follows; (1) current comprehensive development policies of the City ' of Owasso for the area in question, THREE LAKES Ul (2) current physical conditions and use(s) of the tract and surrounding area, and (3) planning principles and standards accepted by planning authorities at both the local and national levels CONFORMANCE TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND EXISTING ZONING PATTERNS: The Owasso Comprehensive Plan 1978 -2000 - 1985 Update, shows the subject tract to be designated as Low Intensity. Residential (Single - Family). However, it is the opinion of Tyann Development that the comprehensive plan is outdated and does not reflect the current city plans and policies for long -tern development of the expressway corridor area. In 1978 when the existing plan was developed for this area it was assumed that the service road would not be extended, making this portion of the corridor questionable for commercial use. However, more recently the city s position has been that each development within the expressway corridor would be required to extend the service road through their property until ultimately a service road would be totally in place between 86th Street North and 96th Street North. Given this change in policy restricting the use of the subject tract to residential uses would seem unreasonable. At the same time, undeveloped land along the corridor is now due the same zoning consideration as has been allowed in the corridor area between 76th Street North and 86th Street North. Our research for Zoning Case #OZ -95 -01 indicated that approximately 60% of the frontage land along the east side of the expressway between 76th Street North and 86th Street North is zoned a combination of General Commercial and Light Industrial. This existing zoning patterns certainly supports the General Commercial and Medium Intensity Office zoning classifications being requested. It is Tyann Development's contention that the comprehensive plan developed in 1978 is outdated as it pertains to the area in question and is no longer the correct guide to be used for evaluating zoning requests. It is also our opinion that we have shown the request to be, (1) in conformance with the city's comprehensive development policies for the area in question (2) and consistent with existing zoning patterns previously granted by the Owasso Planning Commission and City Council for undeveloped land adjacent to the expressway. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT: In considering the matter of the proposed zoning request being consistent with prevailing planning principles and standards, two factors should be addressed. First, the appropriateness of the request in relation to the subject tract's location within the surrounding area and second, the appropriateness of the on site development concept in relation to the adjacent existing land use patterns. Even though the city's long -term goal or policy is to require the extension of the service road, it will be several years before that goal is completed in its entirety. Therefore, it is necessary for us to consider the development of this tract based on a concept that is (1) compatible with the surrounding land uses, (2) still marketable given the current access, and (3) at the same time be consistent with the City's long -term development policies. It is Tyann's intent to develop a linear CASTLE POINT COMMERCIAL PARK commercial/trade /office park using the extended service road as a "transportation spine ". Until the service road is completed it will serve as the primary access into and out of the area. But, this development concept requires that you visualize the area to be a business park that initially functions unto itself, then later becoming service road frontage (see Castle Point Commercial Park map). Because of this dual development strategy it is necessary to consider uses that will utilize the visibility, minimize the traffic, and still be marketable. Many of the typical commercial shopping uses require both visibility and accessible because they function entirely off of significant traffic flows. It is not Tyann's intent to force traffic into this area, that would be inappropriate and unwise for the city and not marketable for Tyann. We are asking for consideration of a commercial park that consists of a mixture of commercial, trade, wholesaling, and office uses. These uses minimize the commercial traffic flows, but can take advantage of the visibility. These uses are more consistent with those allowed by the Owasso Zoning Code in the General Commercial (CG) District and it would be our argument that in this case CG zoning is more appropriate and compatible with the area than Commercial Shopping (CS) District. To address site lay -out questions we would submit a DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Development Concept. This plan should not be considered as a Site Plan; but rather, it should be considered as an "idea drawing ". It would be Tyann Development's intention that the subject tract, when finally completed would appear to be somewhat similar to the Development Concept. We would hope that this would be accomplished by using a combination of, (1) an on -site zoning pattern that restricted use of areas adjacent to residential properties, but at the same time still requires the construction of a screening fence; (2) the use of {6e easements on the Plat to reinforce the zoning pattern and insure that no commercial construction will occur closer than 40 feet to the back property lines of any residential use; (3) the use of restrictive covenants on the Plat to require perpetual landscape screening Phase III Castle Point commeroial Pads school Pond and maintenance of the storm water reserve area by the lot owners; and (4) the individual Site Plan Review conducted by the Owasso Planning Commission for each lot prior to development. CONCLUSION: In summary, it has been shown that; (1) over 60% of the land abutting the east service road of the U.S. Eghway 169 expressway between 76th Street North and 86th Street North is zoned either General Commercial or Light Industrial, (2) General Commercial uses exist along the expressway between 86th Street North and 96th Street North, (3) as development occurs the service road will be put into place to provide adequate traffic support, (4) commercial uses with an office buffer are the most appropriate uses for the area in question, as confirmed by Owasso Planning Commission and City Council actions taken on an 8 acre tract of land south of the subject tract, and (5) Tyann Development will provide all appropriate site development precautions to buffer adjacent school and residential uses. Therefore, it can be concluded that the request before you for General Commercial and Medium Intensity Office is appropriate and due strong consideration for approval. We would request such approval. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OLS -95 -02 CITY OF OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DATE: April 6, 1995 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso is requesting approval of a lot split for property located south of Precision Components (formerly occupied by Max Buchanan) and the Owasso Recycle Center. The area contained within the lot split request totals 3 acres, thus two 1.5 acre lots would be created. A subject map for the lot split request is attached for your information and review. Owasso was recently approached for a industrial business site in that area for a relocating company which makes plastic lids for polycarts. The current property's size is quite large and the lots split would create two sites of 1.5 acres for development, the western most being occupied by the polycart facility. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) and would have to be rezoned prior to any utilization of the property in an industrial manner. Also, a site plan will need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the lot split request at their March 29, 1995 meeting. The only comment by staff and utility companies at that meeting was the need for a 17.5 foot utility easement around the perimeter of both lots to be created. Again, if this lot split is approved, two separate lots would be created totalling 1.5 acres. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OLS- 95 -02. ENCLOSURE 1. A subject map. 2. A copy of the legal descriptions for the lot split. PROPOSED SITE PLAN FUTURE FUTURE BUSINESS BUSINESS SITE SITE I LOADING AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WEST TRACT A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE W/2 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION-31, T-21-N, R-14-E, CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: STARTING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE W/2 OF THE NE/4 OF SAID SECTION-31; THENCE DUE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID W/2 OF THE NE/4 FOR 894.32'; THENCE N 89°41'55" W FOR 246.75' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE CONTINUING N 89°41'55" W FOR 196.751; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR 332.10'; THENCE S'89°41'55" E FOR 196.751; THENCE DUE NORTH AND PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID W/2 OF THE NE/4 FOR 332.10' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINS 1.5000 ACRES. B854A(57) 2114.31 MAR. -23' 95 (THU) 16: 13 SACK & ASSOC., INC. TEL:918 592 4111 P.003 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EAST TRACT A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE W/2 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION-31, T-21-N, R-14-E, CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: STARTING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE W/2 OF THE NE/4 OF SAID SECTION-31; THENCE DUE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID W/2 OF THE NE/4 FOR 894.321; THENCE N 89°41155" W FOR 50.00' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE CONTINUING N 89°41'55" W FOR 196.75'; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR 332.10'; THENCE S 89°41'55" E FOR 196.751; THENCE DUE NORTH AND PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID W/2 OF THE NE/4 FOR 332.10' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINS 1.5000 ACRES. B854A (57) 2114.31 03 /23 /95:RM:SKY PC :LEGALS \CTY- OWAS.2LG MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT - CASTLE POINT COMMERCIAL PARK DATE: April 6, 1995 BACKGROUND A request for a review of the preliminary plat for Castle Point Commercial Park has been submitted to the City of Owasso by Tyann Development. Castle Point Commercial Park is an 8.86 acre tract located immediately north of Walmart, east of Highway 169 and was recently annexed and zoned CG and OM. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat on March 29, 1995. A copy of a list of all staff comments regarding Castle Point were presented and are attached for your information and review. In addition to staff comments, utility companies had the following comments: 1. ONG would like to service Lots 1,2, & 3 from Three Lakes. Covenants to reflect that service lines can cross the D /E. 2. PSO requested a provision for an overhead pole line along the southerly property line. 3. Extend a 17.5 utility easement along the rear of Lot 6 to connect to other 17.5 utility easement. All comments presented by staff and utility companies have been addressed at this time. Please be advised that when the rezoning of this property was presented to the City Council for action, several agreements were made between Tyann Development and the Council regarding the content of the covenants. The Council specifically requested to have the ability to enforce the covenants of the addition, should the developer and /or its successor not enforce them. This has been added to the covenants. Once again, this is a preliminary plat and will be reviewed by the Planning Commission for final plat approval at a later date if the preliminary is approved. Construction plans are not required at this time frame but must be submitted with any final plat application. RECOMMENDATION Staff would recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Castle Point Commercial Park. ENCLOSURES Staff comments for TAC meeting. Preliminary plat and covenants for Castle Point Commercial Park. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STAFF COMMENTS FOR MARCH 29, 1995 TAC MEETING DATE: February 29, 1995 Below are a list of comments from both the Planning and Engineering Staff regarding the March 29, 1995 TAC items. SITE PLAN REVIEW - CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1. No Comments ANNEXATION REQUEST - A & W DEVELOPMENT 1. No Comments OLS -95 -02 - CITY OF OWASSO 1. A 17.5' utility easement will be added to the rear of the two lots to be created, as well as an 11' utility easement along both shared property lines. A front utility easement of 25' will also be added. PRELIMINARY PLAT - CASTLE POINT COMMERCIAL PARK 1. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required along the frontage of the service road. 2. Perhaps a rear building line of 40 feet should be included per the recently processed zoning case. 3. Will there be any requirements in the covenants as to what the landscaped buffer is going to include, i.e. type of trees, shrubs, etc. Also, who will install the materials in this area ... the developer or the lot owner. 4. Are the covenants going to include a limitation on certain types of uses? 5. Include the following city landscape covenant: No lot owner shall plant any trees or shrubbery in dedicated utility easements of right -of -way which would potentially endanger, threaten, or harm any utilities located within said easements or rights -of -way. If it is determined that any trees or shrubbery located within said easements or rights -of -way are damaging or endangering utilities in said easements or rights -of -way, the city shall have the right to remove said trees or shrubbery upon five (5) days notice thereof at the lot owner's expense, or within such time the lot owner may remove same. 6. Easements shown in rear of lot may not cover the planned location of the sewer line. (See Mr. Easterling) MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL PLATS FOR SOUTHERN LINKS THE VILLAGE AT SOUTHERN LINKS THE ESTATES AT SOUTHERN LINKS THE SUMMIT AT SOUTHERN LINKS DATE: April 6, 1995 The City of Owasso has received a request to review three final plats for Southern Links, an addition to the City of Owasso. The Southern Links development is located south of E. 86th Street North, and is best described as the residential development surrounding the southern portion of the golf course. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and allows for several different size residential lots. No commercial, office, or multi- family development is included within this portion of the PUD. The preliminary plat for Southern Links was approved by the Planning Commission in December and contained a combined area for all three final plats being reviewed at this time. The final plat for Southern Links was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their March 29, 1995 meeting. At that meeting, the developers and their engineer (CH2M hill) were provided with a list containing all of the staff corrections regarding the plat. This list is attached for your information and review. In addition to that list, several utility company representatives as well as the Owasso Golf Authority also added easement requests and covenant comments regarding the plats. The following are a list of comments from the Technical Advisory Committee for all three final plats: The Village at Southern Links 1. PSO requested provisions within the covenants to permit an overhead pole line. 2. Fire hydrant locations will need to be verified. The Estates at Southern Links 1. PSO requested provisions within the covenants to permit an overhead pole line. 2. A 10' utility easement needs to be added within the front building line from Lot 1 through Lot 23. 3. Fire hydrant locations will need to be verified. The Summit at Southern Links 1. A 10' utility easement needs to be added within the building line along the north side of the street and along each cul -de -sac. 2. Remove overhead provisions for East and South boundaries. 3. A 5' utility easement needs to be added along the west lot line of Lot 5, Block 2. 4. A 5' utility easement needs to be added along the west lot line of Lot 6, Block 2. 5. Area identified as reserve area where the golf cart path crosses the right -of- way should be changed to a golf cart right -of -way. 6. Fire hydrant locations will need to be verified. All comments presented by staff and utility companies have been addressed at this time. As stated previously, the Golf Authority also had concerns regarding the covenants of all three final plats. A letter is attached which identifies some of their concerns prior to the TAC meeting. The developers have assured staff that all concerns by both parties have been addressed at this time regarding the covenants. Other items of note include the entrance into this addition off of E. 86th Street North will have to contain a "bubble" area to include acceleration /deceleration lanes as well as a left turn lane for traffic moving west on E. 86th Street. This was a requirement contained within the PUD approval and has been explained to the developers. This requirement will be contained within the construction plans. It is also likely that the areas contained within The Summit at Southern Links will contain some form of "private access" to this portion of the development. An agreement will have to be obtained between the developers and city emergency and utility services as to the extent of which this "private access" is utilized. Again, this agreement will likely be presented to the Planning Commission at a later date for approval. Construction plans are currently in the review stage in the Public Works department. Construction plans for all three final plats will need to be approved by that department, as well as permits issued for the water and sanitary sewer lines prior to any presentation to the Owasso City Council. Because all three final plats were presented and contained within one preliminary plat, staff has approached the staff report on these items in a unified manner. Please be advised, however, that each final plat is listed as a separate item on the Planning Commission agenda and will require separate actions. RECOMMENDATION Having had all comments addressed by the developers and their engineers, staff is recommending approval of the final plats for The Village, The Estates, and The Summit at Southern Links. ATTACHMENTS 1. Staff comments for March 29, 1995 TAC meeting. 2. Letter from the Owasso Golf Authority regarding proposed covenants. ENCLOSURE 1. Final plats and covenants for The Village, The Estates, and The Summit at Southern Links. FINAL PLAT - THE VILLAGE AT SOUTHERN LINKS 1. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required along the E. 86th Street North frontage. 2. Addresses for the plat will be available on /before Monday, April 3rd. 3. Attached are covenants suggestions from the Golf Authority. 4. Easements provided between Lots 13 & 14 and Lots 15 & 16 of Block 1 are not shown on the construction plans. 5. Easements provided between Lots 52 & 53, 44 & 45, and 39 & 40 of Block 1 are also not shown on construction plans. 6. Water line in construction plans is shown outside of the rear 17.5 utility easement on Lot 36, Block 1. Additional width of the easement will be needed here. 7. Add city landscape covenant (see Castle Point Commercial Park item) FINAL PLAT - THE ESTATES AT SOUTHERN LINKS 1. An easement is needed along the northeast property line of Lot 8, Block 1, and along the southern property line of the same lot. 2. Easements between Lots 9 and 10 are not reflected on the construction plans. 3. Construction plans show an 11' utility easement along the north property line of Lots 15 and 21. 4. A 7.5' utility easement is needed along both sides of the property line shared by Lots 18 and 19. 5. Add landscape covenant. 6. Addresses will be available on /before Monday, April 3rd. 7. Suggested covenants are attached from the Golf Authority. FINAL PLAT - THE SUMMIT AT SOUTHERN LINKS 1. An 11' utility easement is needed along the east boundary of Lot 18. 2. An 11' utility easement is needed along the south boundary of Lot 21. 3. Construction plans do not show the easements on Lots 3, 4, and 5. 4. Add landscape covenant. 5. Suggested covenants are attached from the Golf Authority. BAILEY GOLF RANCH RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT COVENANTS I. LIABILITY: Neither the association, the declarant, the owner, the golf course architect, nor the agents, heirs, successors, assigns, guests or invitees of same, shall be. liable to any owner of a lot or dwelling, or his family, tenants, guests, invitees, servants, agents, or employees for any personal injury or property damage resulting from activity emanating from the Golf Course, including, but not limited to, errant golf balls, golf cart traffic, applications, or overspray of water, fertilizers, herbicides, or any other chemicals. II. CART PATHS: Golf Cart Paths are for the exclusive use of electric golf carts provided by Bailey Golf Ranch. Use of said paths for cycling, skating, roller blading, or any other activity is prohibited. III. REMOVAL OF TREES, TRASH, AND CARE OF LOTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENCE. A. All Owners and/or builders, during their respective construction of a residence, are required to remove and haul from the Lot all tree stumps, trees, limbs, branches, underbrush, and all other trash or rubbish cleared from the Lot for construction of the residence, construction of other improvements, and landscaping. B. All Owners, during their respective construction of a residence, are required to continuously keep the Lot in a reasonably clean and organized condition. Papers, rubbish, trash, scrap, and unusable building materials are to be kept picked up and hauled from the`Lot: Other usable building materials are to be kept stacked and organized in a reasonable manner upon the Lot. IV. WALLS, FENCES, and HEDGES: A. Planters. To protect views and maintain the character of the Subdivision, no planter or hedge shall be more than six feet (6) high. B. On lots abutting the Golf Course. Exterior fencing is permitted on property adjoining Golf Course that is consistent and alike in material and design BAILEY GOLF RANCH PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT RECOM (ENDED COVENANTS C. Interior Fences: Page 2 Height: No interior fence or wall shall exceed six feet (6) in height. No interior fence or wall shall be erected or maintained nearer than five feet (5') of side yard and attached to house or nearer than twenty -five feet (25') of rear property line and attached to house. 2. Materials: Interior fences or.walls shall be cedar or other weather resistant wood, brick, stone, stucco or wrought iron, or chain link if the supporting posts are of wood or masonry. V. PROHIBITION OF OFFENSIVE ACTIVITIES: Without expanding the permitted uses of the Lots, no activity, whether for profit or not, shall be conducted on any Lot which is not re- lated to single family residential purposes. No noxious or offensive activity of any sort shall be permitted nor shall anything be done on any Lot which may be or may become an annoyance or a nuisance to the Subdivision. No exterior speaker, horn, whistle, bell, or other sound device, except security and fire devices used exclusively for security and fire purposes, shall be located, used, or placed on a Lot.: Activities expressly prohibited, include, without limitation, (1) the performance of work on automobiles or other vehicles upon the Lot or in driveways or streets abutting Lots, (2) the use or discharge of firearms, firecrackers, or other fireworks within the Subdivision, (3) the storage of flammable liquids in excess of five gallons, or (4) other activities which may be offensive by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, noise, vision, vibration, or pollution, or which are hazardous by reason of excessive danger, fire, or explosion. As indicated above, no Lot in the Subdivision shall be used for any commercial, educational,. . manufacturing, business, or professional purpose nor for church purposes. No Lot or other portion of the Subdivision shall be used or permitted for hunting or for the discharge of any pistol, rifle, shotgun, or any other firearm, or any bow and arrow, or any other device capable of killing or injuring persons. VI. USE OF TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No structure of a temporary character, whether trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other out building shall be maintained or used on any Lot at any time as a residence, or for any other purpose, either temporarily or permanently. BAILEY GOLF RANCH PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDED COVENANTS Page B. Special Assessments For Failure To Properly Maintain A Lot. In the event that the Owner of any Lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon in a satisfactory manner, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon said parcel and to repair, maintain and restore the same and the exterior of the buildings and any other improvements erected thereon in the manner contemplated by the above provisions. The cost of such exterior maintenance shall thereupon be added to and become part of the annual assessments to which such parcel is subject as aforesaid and shall likewise be a lien on such parcel, which assessment may be collected. X. SIGNS, ADVERTISEMENTS, BILLBOARDS: No sign, advertisement, billboard, or advertising structure of any kind may be erected or maintained on any Lot in the Subdivision without the prior approval of the Association, except one sign of not more than five square feet advertising the sale or rent of said property, or signs used by the builder to advertise the property during construction and sales period. M. . MAXIMUM IIEIGIIT OF ANTENNA: No radio or television aerial wires, antenna or satellite receiving dish shall be maintained on any portion of any Lot outside of the building set -back lines of the Lot or forward of the front of the improvements thereon; nor shall any antenna of any style (excluding satellite receiving dishes which are discussed below), be permitted to extend more than ten feet (10) above the roof of the main residential structure on said Lot. No satellite receiving dish may be erected or installed without the prior written approval of the Association. No satellite receiving dish may be erected or installed that extends more than six feet (6) above the natural grade, and every satellite receiving dish shall be enclosed with a six foot (6') high fence or wall constructed so that the dish is not visible at ground level from the Golf Course. XH. WIND GENERATORS% No wind generators shall be installed without the prior writt en approval of the Association. XIII. SOLAR COLLECTORS: No solar collector shall be installed without the prior written approval of the Association. XTV. SWIMMING POOLS: No swimming pool may be erected, constructed, or installed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Association. Swimming pool drains shall be piped into the storm sewer, or gutter in front of the Lot. Above - ground pools are expressly prohibited. All pool service equipment shall be fenced and located in either (a) a side yard between the front and rear boundaries of the dwelling, or (b) in the rear yard adjacent to the dwelling; and shall not be visible from any residential street or alley or any. Lot adjoining the Golf Course. No pool covering will extend above the water level of the pool. BAILEY GOLF RANCH PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDED COVENANTS Page 5 XV. DRYING OF CLOTHES IN PUBLIC VIEW: The drying of clothes in public view is prohibited, and the Owners or occupants of any Lots at the intersection of streets or adjacent to parks, Golf Courses, or other facilities where the rear yard or portion of the Lot is visible to the public, shall construct and maintain a drying yard or other suitable enclosure to screen drying clothes from public view. XVI. LANDSCAPING: A. Owners of Golf Course Lots shall not grow, nor permit types of grasses or other vegetation to grow which, in the opinion of the Association, is inimical to golf course grasses or vegetation, in the portion of the Golf Course Lots adjacent to the Golf Course. Such Owners may, however, with the prior written approval of the Association, install barriers which will prevent the spread of otherwise prohibited - grasses or vegetation into the.Golf Course, and following the installation of such barriers, may grow such grasses or vegetation adjacent to the Golf Course. B. No tree over 3 inches (3 ") in diameter may be cut unless under house pad or within eight feet (8') of house eaves, or unless approved by the Association. No tree on Golf Course property may be cut or trimmed. No mowing on Golf Course. XVII. LANDING, STORAGE, and PARKING of AIRCRAFT: No helicopters, hovercraft, or other aircraft shall land or be stored or parked within the Subdivision. XVIII. GOLF COURSE: No Owner, nor the public at large, shall have any right, by virtue of ownership of any Lot, whether or not contiguous to the Golf Course, of access, entry or other use of the Golf Course or clubhouse, which are OPGA facilities. While Owners of Lots contiguous to the Golf Course shall have the right to quiet enjoyment of their property, there shall be no activity on any contiguous Lots that unreasonably disturbs play or the enjoyment of the Golf Course by members and guests thereof, including, without limitation, undue noise, unsightly trash and debris or any other noxious or offensive activity. XIX. CARPORTS: No carports shall be erected or permitted to remain on any lot without express prior written approval. Said approval will be denied unless the carport is shown to be an integral part of the residence and carport is constructed with the same design, color, and materials as the residence. XX.AIR CONDITIONING REQUIREMENTS: No window- or wall-type air conditioning units shall be permitted. F. I Word5Wai1eyl Rec -Covn. doc