HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.11.14_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET
NOVEMBER 14, 1995
DATE: November 14, 1995
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: Owasso Community Center
NOTICE FILED BY: Timothy Rooney
TITLE: Community Development Director
Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 9:00 AM on November 10, 1995.
Timothy Rooney Community Development Director
Tuesday, November 14, 1995, 7:00 PM
Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the October 10, 1995 Regular Meeting.
4. Zoning Code Update - Review of Chapters 1 through 4 of the Owasso Zoning Code. No
final action will be taken by the Planning Commission on these chapters; however input
will be obtained regarding any recommended changes.
5. New Business
6. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council
7. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
8. Adjournment
100 Title
110 Purposes, Interpretation, and Jurisdiction
120 Enactment
Title h of this ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the Zoning Code of the City of
Owasso, Oklahoma.
110.1 Purposes
This code is enacted for the purposes of promoting the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort,
convenience, prosperity, order and general welfare; to reduce the danger of congestion of public
transportation, to provide adequate light and air, public utilities, facilities, and service, and other
public requirements; to promote productive and enjoyable harmony between man and the built
environment; to achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high
standards of living and a wide sharing of amenities; to prevent overcrowding of land and undue
encroachment thereon; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate danger to the
environment; to stimulate and assure all citizens safe, healthful, productive, and aesthetically and
culturally pleasing surroundings; to encourage the residential, commercial, and industrial growth
of the community as well as the most appropriate use of land; and to encourage the development
of the community in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan.
110.2 Interpretation
A. Validity of Other Laws
Where this code imposes a greater restriction upon the use of structures or land upon
height or bulk of structures, or requires larger open space or yards than are imposed by
other ordinances, laws, or regulations, the provisions of this code shall not be construed
to prevent the enforcement of other ordinances, laws, or regulations which prescribe
more restrictive limitations.
B. Severability
In case any portion of this code shall be invalid or unconstitutional, as declared by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the code shall not thereby be invalid,
but shall remain in full force and effect.
C. Tense and Definition
For the purpose of this code, certain terms and words are to be used and interpreted as
defined in Chapter 16 of this code: words used in the present tense shall include the
future tense; words in the singular number include the plural and words in the plural
number include the singular, except where the natural construction of the writing
indicates otherwise. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory.
110.3 Jurisdiction
A. Territorial Jurisdiction
This code shall be in full force and effect and shall apply to all lands within the
incorporated limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma.
B. Annexed Territory
When any territory shall be brought into the zoning jurisdiction of the City of Owasso
by annexation or otherwise, such territory shall be deemed to be in the AG Agriculture
district. This provision shall not operate to preclude subsequent rezoning of such
property by amendment in the manner set forth in Chapter 15.
C. City Owned Property
Property owned, leased or operated by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, or any other
public or government body or agency, shall be subject to the terms of this code.
120.1 Planning Commission Approval and Recommendation
The Owasso Planning Commission, after Public hearing, does hereby approve and recommend
to the City Council that this new Zoning Code be adopted.
Approved and Recommended this day of 1996.
Planning Commission Chairperson
Owasso, Oklahoma
120.2 City Council Adoption
The City Council, after the Planning Commission recommendation for approval, does hereby
adopt this Zoning Code. Due to the immediate necessity for the preservation of the public
peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this
` Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.
Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of all of the members of the City Council of the City
of Owasso, Oklahoma, the emergency clause having been proposed and acted upon separately,
and said emergency clause having been passed by more than three- fourths vote of the members
of said Council this day of 1996.
Charles L. Burris, Mayor
Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk
Ron Cates, City Attorney
200 Zoning Districts Established
201 Supplemental Districts Established
202 Official Zoning map Established
203 District Boundary Description and Interpretation
204 Limitation on Land Use
205 Division of Lots
206 Street Frontage Required
207 One Single - Family Dwelling Per Lot of Record
220 Height Exceptions
230 Lot Area and Width Exceptions
240 Yards
250 Screening Wall or Fence
260 Platting Requirement
270 Major Street Plan
280 Structure Setback from Abutting Streets
290 Code of Ethics
The Zoning Districts set forth below are hereby established. The District Symbol is in the
column to the left.
AG Agriculture District
RE Residential Estate District
RS -1 Residential Single - Family Low Density
RS -2 Residential Single- Family Medium Density
RS -3 Residential Single- Family High Density
RD Residential Duplex
RTH Residential Multi - Family Townhouse District
RM -1 Residential Multi - Family Low Density
RM -2 Residential Multi - Family Medium Density
RMH Residential Mobile Home Park District
OL Office Light District
OM Office Medium District
CS Commercial Shopping Center District
CG Commercial general District
CH Commercial high Intensity District
IL Industrial Light and Research /Development District
IM Industrial Moderate District
IH Industrial heavy District
201.1 Supplemental Districts Established
The supplemental districts set forth below are hereby established. The district symbol is in the
column to the left.
FD Floodway Supplemental District (see Chapter 9)
PUD Planned Unit Development (see Chapter 8)
201.2 Floodway Hazard Area maps Adopted
In addition to the establishment of the FD Floodway Supplemental Zoning Districts, the Owasso
Planning Commission shall adopt by resolution Flood hazard Area maps prepared by the City
Engineer, or as prepared by the US Corps of Engineers or the Federal Insurance Administration
and confirmed by the City Engineer, for each river, creek, or tributary within a recognized flood
hazard area. The adoption of the Flood Hazard Area maps is essential for the protection of
health, safety and general welfare of the public, and may occur prior to the adoption of the FD
boundary delineations. Such Flood Hazard Area Maps shall be made available for public
inspection in the offices of the Owasso City Planner, City Engineer, and /or Building Inspector.
The following requirements shall be met before a zoning clearance permit or building permit is
issued within a flood hazard area as depicted on said Flood Hazard Area Maps:
(A) Permitted uses within the flood hazard area shall be those uses permitted in the
respective general use district, provided that after the effective date of this code
any building constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered shall have the lowest
floor at least one (1) foot above the elevation of the 100 -year frequency flood as
recorded on the appropriate adopted Flood Hazard Area map.
(B) Permitted uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the use district
in which located.
The boundaries of the Flood Hazard Area Maps may be amended by resolution of the Owasso
City Council on recommendation from the Owasso Planning Commission so as to maintain
uniformity with the purposes of this code upon finding that:
(A) A flood control project of the federal, state, county, or city government, or a
private person, has substantially altered the boundaries of the flood hazard area.
(B) Flood data compiled subsequent to the adoption of the Flood Hazard Area Maps
indicated that the boundaries of the flood hazard areas should be adjusted, or,
(C) Proposed improvements, such as channel improvements, or flood retention
reservoirs, will substantially alter the boundaries of the flood hazard areas and the
actual construction of said improvements has been assured by the submission and
acceptance of the bond.
Proposed amendments to the adopted Flood Hazard Area Maps that do not originate in the City
Engineer's office but are made as a formal request to the Planning Commission shall be
transmitted in writing to the City Engineer for a review and recommendation. Upon a finding
by the City Engineer that proposed amendment of Flood Hazard Area Maps meets one of the
three conditions listed above, he shall certify in writing and shall furnish to the Planning
Commission two (2) copies of the amended boundaries, including the elevations of the 100 -year
flood, for adoption by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. If the
proposed amendment does not meet one of the conditions listed above, the City Engineer shall
deny the proposal in writing and furnish the Planning Commission a copy of his findings.
The locations and boundaries of the various districts as defined herein shall be established by
ordinance and shall be shown and delineated on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Owasso,
Oklahoma. The Official Zoning Map shall be maintained by the City of Owasso through the
office of the City Planner, or his/her designee. Said map may be divided into parts, and such
parts may be separately employed for identification purposes when adopting or amending the
Official Zoning Map or for any reference to the Official Zoning Map.
District boundary lines shall be described by legal description or by a map. When a legal
description is used, the boundary line shall be deemed to extend to the centerline of abutting
streets and shall be so designated on the Official Zoning Map. When a map is used, district
boundary lines shall be established by dimensions, property lines, recorded lot lines, or the
centerline of abutting street, alley, or railroad right -of -way, as the same were of record at the
time of adoption. In all cases where there is doubt as to the exact location of district boundary
lines, the same shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
No land or building shall be used and no building, structure, or improvement shall be made,
erected, constructed, moved, altered, enlarged, or rebuilt which is designed, arranged or
intended to be used or maintained for any purpose or in any manner except in accordance with
the use, height, area, yard, space and other requirements established in the district in which such
land, building, structure or improvement is located, except as provided by Chapter 12,
Nonconformities. In order to avoid undue hardship:
(A) Nothing in this code shall be deemed to require a change in the plans,
construction, or designated use of any building, where a permit was lawfully
issued prior to the effective date of this code, and pursuant to such permit,
construction is diligently carried to completion. Upon completion, such building
or use shall be deemed nonconforming and may continue as regulated by Chapter
12, Nonconformities.
(B) At any time within two (2) years after the effective date of this code a building
permit and zoning clearance permit may be issued or a use of land commenced
with the terms and conditions of a special exception or variance granted by the
Board of Adjustment prior to the effective date of this code.
A lot shall not hereafter be divided into two or more lots, unless all lots resulting from such
division conform to all the applicable regulations of the zoning district in which it is located.
No lot shall contain any building used in whole or in part for residential purposes unless such
lot has a minimum of 30 feet of frontage on a public street or dedicated right -of -way, except a
substandard lot of record, a lot within an approved Planned Unit Development, or a lot within
an approved Townhouse Development.
Not more than one residential structure may be constructed on a lot in an RE, RS, or RD district
except in the case of a lot which is within an approved Planned Unit Development.
The following structures shall not be subject to the height limitations of the district in which they
are located:
(A) Farm buildings and structures.
(B) Belfries, chimneys, cupolas, domes, elevators, penthouses, flagpoles, monitors,
smokestacks, spires, cooling towers and ventilators, provided they are not
intended for human occupancy.
(C) Ground and structure- supported accessory antennas and aerials, including
elevating structures (poles and towers), which do not exceed a total aggregate
height of sixty (60) feet above the natural land grade and which meet the
following requirements:
1. No portion of the antenna, aerial, elevating structure or any anchor or guy
line may encroach upon the land area or airspace of any adjoining or
abutting property.
2. In a residential district, no portion of the antenna, aerial, elevating
structure, or any anchor guy line, may extend beyond the front yard
building setback line or extend into any established front yard or into any
` ' side yard; provided that
(a) Height and location restrictions shall not be applicable to radio
communication facilities owned, operated and maintained by any
city, county, state or federal governmental agencies;
(b) Non - guyed, omni - directional, single- element vertical antennas not
exceeding ten (10) feet in height, and not exceeding three- fourths
(1 -3/4) inches outside diameter shall be permitted in addition to the
sixty (60) foot aggregate height limitation;
(c) The restrictions established by this section may be modified by the
Board of Adjustment special exception approval, subject to the
minimum requirements for special exception approvals and such
additional safeguards and conditions as may be imposed by the
Board of Adjustment.
Except for fire protection and ambulance service, the lot area and width requirement of Zoning
Districts shall not apply to the uses included within Use Unit 4, Public Protection and Utility
240.1 Compliance with Yard requirements
Except as otherwise provided, required yards shall be open and unobstructed from the ground
to the sky. Yards providing for a building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of
this code shall not be considered the yard for any other building and yards provided for a lot
shall not be considered that yard of any other lot.
240.2 Permitted Yard Obstructions
Obstructions are permitted in required yards as follows:
(A) Cornices, canopies, eaves and similar architectural features may project not more
than two (2) feet into a required yard.
(B) Fire escapes may project not more than four and one -half (4 -1/2) feet into a
required yard.
(C) Fences, hedges, plant materials and walls may be located in any yard provided
that on any corner lot on which a front and side yard is required, no wall fence,
sign, structure, or any plant growth which obstructs sight lines at elevations
between two (2) and six (6) feet above the crown of the adjacent roadway shall
be placed or maintained within a triangle formed by measuring from the point of
intersection of the front and exterior side lot lines a distance of 25 feet along said
front and side lot lines and connecting the points so established to form a "sight
triangle" on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersection. Fences and
walls within yards shall not exceed the city height of eight (8) feet. Any fence
or wall which projects into or encloses a required front yard shall not exceed a
height of four (4) feet. The Board of Adjustment, as a Special Exception, may
modify these limitations.
(D) Signs which are permitted in residential districts may be located within any yard
which is bounded by a public street.
(E) In the RE and RS Residential Districts, a detached accessory structure may be
located in a required rear yard provided (1) the structure or structures do not
cover more than 20 percent of the area of the minimum required rear yard and,
(2) the total gross floor area for any accessory building or buildings located in the
rear yard, required rear yard, and or both, shall not exceed 750 square feet. (The
Board of Adjustment upon application, and after notice and public hearing, may
grant a variance of E (2) above.)
(F) Swimming pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, patios, satellite dishes, fallout and other
protective shelters shall be located in the rear yard and shall have a minimum
setback of ten (10) feet from any side yard or rear lot lines. However, the Board
of Adjustment may, upon application and after public hearing, permit the
aforementioned accessory uses in the front yard provided; (1) the minimum front
yard requirement is adhered to, and (2) a minimum setback of ten feet from any
side lot line is met.
(G) Mobile home hitches.
(H) Carports by Special Exception requiring Board of Adjustment approval.
(I) Customary accessory structures, such as clothes lines, barbecue pits, and
playground equipment.
240.3 Use of Yards in R District
No inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicles shall be parked or stored within the front or exterior
side yard in R Districts. No vehicle shall be parked except on a hard surfaced area constructed
of a dust free all- weather material. Within the RM Districts, not more than one vehicle shall
be parked for each 600 square feet of area contained in a required front or corner side yard.
Where an existing building or buildings on the same side of the street and within the same block
encroach on the required front yard or building setback, the required front yard or building
setback for new construction shall be established as follows:
(A) If the proposed building is to be located more than 200 feet from an encroaching
building, the proposed building shall conform to the front yard or setback
established for the district in which the proposed building is to be located.
(B) If the proposed building is to be located between adjacent buildings which
conform to the required front yard or building setback, or between a conforming
building and an intersecting street, the proposed building shall conform to the
front yard or setback established for the district in which the proposed building
is to be located.
(C) If the proposed building is to be located within 200 feet of encroaching buildings
on both sides and there are no intervening buildings, the front yard or building
setback shall be the average of the front yard setback of the two nearest front
corners of the encroaching buildings.
(D) If the proposed building is to be located within 200 feet of an encroaching
building on one side, but not both sides, and there are no intervening buildings,
the front yard or building setback shall be the average of the otherwise required
front yard or setback and the setback of the nearest front corner of the
encroaching building.
Provided, however, that in the application of (C) or (D) above, the front yard or building
setback shall not be reduced to less than 5 feet plus 1/2 of the right -of -way width designated on
the Major Street Plan for the abutting street or 5 feet plus 1/2 of the dedicated street right -of-
way, whichever is greater, or 5 feet plus 25 feet if the street is not designated on the Major
Street Plan.
250.1 Specifications
For the purpose of maintaining a compatible relationship between certain land uses, a screening
requirement is hereby established for the initiation and continuance of particular uses in such
instances as may be hereinafter designated.
When the provisions of this code require the construction of a screening wall or fence as a
condition for the initiation and subsequent continuance of a use, the screening wall or fence:
(A) Shall be constructed, designed, and arranged to provide visual separation of uses,
irrespective of vegetation;
(B) Shall not be less than six (6) feet in height;
(C) Shall be constructed with all braces and supports on the interior, except when
both sides are of the same design and appearance;
(D) Shall be erected prior to the occupancy of the building or initiation of the use
required to screen; and,
(D) Shall be of the type of materials compatible with the surrounding area.
250.2 Maintenance
The screening wall or fence shall be maintained by the owner of the lot containing the use
required to construct the screening. Failure to maintain after notice by the City of Owasso shall
constitute an offense hereunder.
250.3 Modification of the Screening Wall or Fence Requirements
The Board of Adjustment, as a variance, may:
(A) Modify or remove the screening requirement where existing physical features
provide visual separation of uses;
(B) Modify the screening requirement where an alternative screening will provide
visual separation of uses;
(C) Grant an extension of time to erect a screen where properties which are to be
benefitted by the screen are undeveloped; and,
(D) Remove the screening requirement where the purposes of the screening
requirement cannot be achieved.
For the purposes of providing a proper arrangement of streets and assuring the adequacy of open
spaces for traffic, utilities, and access of emergency vehicles, commensurate with the
intensification of land use customarily incident to a change of zoning, a platting requirement is
established as follows:
For any land which has been rezoned upon application of a private party, no building
permit shall be issued until that portion of the tract on which the permit is sought has
been included within a subdivision plat or replat, as the case may be, submitted to the
Planning Commission for their review and recommendation, approved by the City
Council, and filed in the office of the County Clerk where the property is situated.
Provided that the City Council, pursuant to their exclusive jurisdiction over subdivision
plats, may remove the platting requirement upon a determination that the above stated
purposes have been achieved by previous platting or could not be achieved by a plat or
The City of Owasso Street and Highway Plan, hereafter referred to as The Major Street Plan,
as adopted by the City Council of the City of Owasso as a part of the Comprehensive Plan.
The structure setback from abutting streets shall be as provided for each zoning district.
However, every structure shall be setback from the centerline of an abutting street a horizontal
distance of not less than 1/2 of the right -of -way designated on the Major Street plan.
The Mayor or any member of the City Council, Planning Commission, or Board of Adjustment,
to whom some private benefit, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise, may come as a result
of a public action concerning this code, shall not be a participant in that action. The possibility,
not the actuality, of a conflict shall govern. The individual experiencing a conflict of interest
shall declare his interest, abstain from voting on the matter, and refrain from any deliberations
on the matter. The individual shall not discuss the matter with a fellow official for the purpose
of influencing a decision thereon.
300 Purposes
310 Principal Uses
320 Accessory Uses
330 Bulk and Area Requirements
340 Special Exceptions Uses, Requirements
The Agriculture Districts are designed to:
(A) Protect agricultural land.
(B) Discourage wasteful scattering of development in rural areas.
(C) Obtain economy of public fund expenditures for improvements and services.
The principal uses permitted in the Agriculture Districts are designated by use units. The use
units are groupings of individual uses and are fully described, including their respective off -street
parking, loading, screening requirements and other use conditions in Chapter 10. The use units
permitted in Agriculture District are set forth in Table 1 on the following page.
Table 1
Use Units Permitted in the Agriculture District
1 Areawide Uses By Right X
2 Areawide Special Exception Uses E
3 Agriculture X
4 Public Protection, Utility, and Open Air Facilities X
5 Community Services, Cultural, and Recreational Facilities E
6 Single - Family Dwelling X
9 Mobile Home Dwelling E
20 Commercial Recreation: Intensive E
21 Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising X
23 Mining and Mineral Processing E
X = Use By Right
E = Special Exception
320.1 Accessory Uses Permitted
Accessory uses customarily incident to a principal use permitted in an Agriculture District are
permitted in such district. In addition, the uses set forth in Table 2 are permitted as accessory
Table 2
Accessory Uses permitted in Agriculture District
1. Bulletin Boards
2. Identification Signs
3. Real Estate Signs
4. Wind Energy Conversion Systems
5. Home Occupations*
* See conditions set forth in Section 420.2 B which are also applicable in an AG district.
320.2 Accessory Use Conditions
(A) General Conditions
1. An accessory building erected as an integral part of the principal building
shall be made structurally a part thereof, shall have a common wall
therewith, and shall comply with the requirements applicable to the
principal building.
2. Accessory buildings shall meet the minimum yard or building setback
(B) Accessory Signs in the AG District
1. 'Area marker for identification of a subdivision or development is subject
to approval of the governing body of the City of Owasso.
2. One bulletin board may be erected on each street frontage of an
educational, religious, institutional, or similar use requiring announcement
of its activities, provided that such institutions occupying a corner lot shall
be permitted no more than two (2) signs. The bulletin board shall not
exceed 12 square feet in surface area nor a height of four (4) feet above
normal grade and illumination, if any, shall be by constant, indirect
lighting away from adjoining residential uses. No bulletin board shall be
located closer than eight (8) feet from any side or rear property line, more
located closer than ten (10) feet to the front property line. A sign or
bulletin board, affixed to a building, shall not project higher then ten (10)
feet above the ground level. Buildings constructed on the property line
shall be allowed one identification sign only when the sign is a flat wall
sign permanently attached to the building. On corner lots, no sign shall
be so constructed or so located that it will obstruct the view of traffic
approaching street intersection.
3. Business signs unilluminated, in agricultural districts, subject to the
following conditions:
(a) Professional or occupational nameplates not over two (2) square
feet in area and showing only the name and /or address and
occupation of the occupant. there shall be only one (1) nameplate
for each dwelling. The nameplate shall be affixed to the principal
building flat against the wall.
(b) Real estate signs, single or double faced, advertising "for sale ",
"for rent ", or "for lease" of the premises upon which the sign is
located subject to the following conditions:
1. Only one (1) sign for each real estate company shall be
permitted per lot, for each sixty (65) feet of street frontage.
2. No sign shall exceed eight (8) square feet in area.
3. When a sign is affixed to a building, it shall not project
higher than one (1) story or ten (10) feet above the ground
4. Ground signs shall be securely anchored to the ground and
shall not project higher than five (5) feet above the ground
(c) One (1) sign denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, financier,
or other related concern may be placed upon the building site
while a structure is under construction provided it does not exceed
sixteen (16) square feet in area and is removed within thirty (30)
days after construction is complete.
(d) A sign or signs advertising a subdivision, each not exceeding one-
hundred (100) square feet in area may be placed in a subdivision
during the initial sales and development; Provided that the sign or
signs are located at least twenty -five (25) feet from any right -of-
way or street line, and are removed within ninety (90) days after
completion of the last house or sale of the last lot in the
subdivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction,
whichever comes first.
(e) One (1) wall sign may be attached to a wall of an apartment
building located in an AG zone: Provided that such sign shall not
exceed ten (10) percent of the wall to which it is attached or ninety
(90) square feet whichever is less. Provided further, that the wall
to which such sign is attached shall front or face upon a public
right -of -way: Provided further, that in no case shall more than
one (1) such sign be permitted for any apartment complex.
(C) Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)
All WECS tower structures shall comply with the design and construction
techniques in the BOCA Building Code. Compliance shall be certified in
writing by the manufacturer's engineering staff or by a registered
structural engineer.
2. Towers shall have either tower - climbing apparatus located not closer than
12 feet from the ground or shall have a locked anti -climb devise installed
on the tower.
3. Safety wires shall be installed on the turnbuckles of the guy wires for all
guyed WECS towers.
4. A WECS shall be equipped with both manual and automatic controls to
limit the rotational speed of the blade below the design limits of the rotor.
The conformance of rotor and overspeed control design with good
engineering practices shall be certified by the manufacturer's engineering
staff or by a registered mechanical engineer. The compatibility of the
tower and the rotor shall also be certified by the manufacturer or by a
registered mechanical engineer.
5. The minimum height of the lowest part of the WECS shall be either 30
feet above the highest structure or potential tree height, whichever is
higher, if it is within 300 feet.
6. No part of WECS shall be located within or over drainage, utility, or
other established easements. No part of a WECS shall be located within
or over any required minimum front, side, or rear yard setback.
7. The restrictions established by this section may be modified by the Board
of Adjustment, subject to certification of minimal electrical, mechanical,
and structural requirements, and such additional safeguards and conditions
as may be imposed by the Board of Adjustment.
Table 3
Bulk and Area Requirements in the Agriculture District
Lot Width (Min. Feet) 200
Lot Area (Min. Acres) 2
Land Area (Min. Acres per Dwelling Unit) 2.2
Front and Corner Yards (When Abutting an Arterial Street) 35
Front and Corner Yards (When Abutting all other Types) 25
Side Yard (Min. Feet, Both Listed) 15
Rear Yard (Min. Feet) 40
Building Height (Max. Feet) N/A
The Special Exception Uses permitted in the Agriculture District, as designated in Table 1, are
subject to the requirements set out below, and such additional safeguards and conditions as may
be imposed by the Board of Adjustment.
(A) The accessory use provisions of the Agriculture District pertaining to signs are
applicable to accessory signs for uses permitted by special exception.
(B) A minimum tract size of three (3) acres per each mobile shall apply to mobile
homes permitted by special exception.
(C) Special exception uses, except as provided in (B) above, shall conform to the bulk
and area requirements of the use district in which located, unless the use unit
requirements are more restrictive, in which case the more restrictive shall control.
400 Purposes
410 Principal Uses
420 Accessory uses
430 Bulk and Area Requirements
440 Special Exception Uses, Requirements
450 Site Plan Review
400.1 General Purposes
The residential districts are designed to:
(A) Achieve the residential objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
(B) Protect the character or residential areas by excluding inharmonious commercial
and industrial activities.
(C) Achieve a suitable environment for family by permitting in residential areas
appropriate neighborhood facilities, such as churches, schools, and certain
cultural and recreational facilities.
(D) Preserve openness of the living areas and avoid overcrowding by requiring
minimum yards, open spaces, lot areas, and by limiting the bulk of structures.
(E) Permit a variety of dwelling types and densities to meet the varying needs of
(F) Control the density of residential development to facilitate the planning for an
economical provision of streets, utilities, and other public facilities.
400.2 Purposes of the RE Residential Estate District
The RE District is designed to permit the development and conservation of single -family
detached dwellings in a suitable environment for family life on large parcels of land at a low
population density. It is the intent of this district to prohibit any other use which would
substantially interfere with the stated purposes of this district, and discourage any uses that
generate traffic and create congestion on neighborhood streets other than the normal traffic
serving the residents of those streets.
400.3 Purposes of the RS Residential Single- Family Districts
The RS -1, RS -2, and RS -3 districts are designed to permit the development and conservation of
single - family detached dwellings in suitable environments in a variety of densities to meet the
varying requirements of families.
400.4 Purposes of the RD Residential Duplex District
The RD district is designed to permit a more intense yet compatible use of tracts in or near
single - family residential and other neighborhoods which, because of size, topography, or
adjacent land use are not ideally suited for single - family use.
400.41 Purposes of the RTH Residential Multi- Family Townhouse District
The RTH district is designed to permit the development of attached single - family townhouse
dwellings, on separate lots, which are designed expressly for separate ownership, in suitable
residential environments at a higher density than conventional detached single - family dwellings.
400.5 Purposes of RM Residential Multi - Family Districts
The RM -1 and RM -2 districts are designed to permit the development and conservation of multi-
family dwelling types, such as garden apartments and townhouses, in suitable environments in
a variety of densities to meet the varying requirements of families.
400.6 Purposes of the RMH Residential Mobile Home Park District
The RMH district is designed to recognize mobile home living as a residential use necessitating
location in residential areas yet requiring regulation to insure a suitable living environment.
The principal uses permitted in the Residential Districts are designated by use unit. The use
units are groupings of individual uses and are fully described, including their respective off -street
parking, loading, and screening requirements and other use conditions in Chapter 10. The use
units permitted in residential districts are set forth on the following page in Table 1.
Table 1
Use Units Permitted in Residential Districts
Use Unit Type
1. Areawide Uses By Right X X X X X X
2. Areawide Special Exception Uses E E E E E E
4. Public Protection, Utility, & Open Air Fac E E E E E E
5. Community Services, Cultural, & Rec Fac E E E E E E
6. Single - Family Dwelling X X X X X X
7. Duplex Dwelling E* X E X
8. Multi - Family Dwelling & Similar Uses X ** X
9, Mobile Home Dwelling X
rermucea ny xign[ n- opeciai rxcepnon
* Duplexes permitted in RS -3 only.
** Multi - family dwellings, other than townhouses, are not permitted in the RTH district.
420.1 Accessory Uses Permitted
Accessory uses customarily incident to a principal use permitted in a residential district are
permitted in such district. In addition, the following uses set forth in Table 2 on the follwing
page, are permitted accessory uses.
Table 2
Accessory Uses Permitted in Residential Districts
420.2 Accessory Use Conditions
(A) General Conditions
1. An accessory building erected as an integral part of the principal
building shall be made structurally a part thereof, shall have a common
wall therewith, and shall comply with the requirements applicable to
the principal building.
2. A detached accessory building shall not be located in the front or side
yard or encroach upon a minimum building setback line, but this
limitation shall not apply to carports, provided the minimum required
front yard or side yard or setback line is observed.
3. Within the rear yard, a detached accessory building shall be located at
least five feet from any interior lot line.
1. Home Occupations All R Districts*
2. Roomers and Boarders:
Two Persons
All R Districts
More than Two Persons
All R Districts*
3. Shelters
All R Districts
4. Signs:
All R Districts
Bulletin Board
Identification Sign
Real Estate
5. Swimming Pool
All R Districts
6. Management Office and Private Recreation, Laundry
All R Districts
and Storage Facilities
7. Wind Energy Conversion System
RM -1, RM -2, RMH,
RE, RS -1*
* - by
special exception requiring Board of Adiustment
420.2 Accessory Use Conditions
(A) General Conditions
1. An accessory building erected as an integral part of the principal
building shall be made structurally a part thereof, shall have a common
wall therewith, and shall comply with the requirements applicable to
the principal building.
2. A detached accessory building shall not be located in the front or side
yard or encroach upon a minimum building setback line, but this
limitation shall not apply to carports, provided the minimum required
front yard or side yard or setback line is observed.
3. Within the rear yard, a detached accessory building shall be located at
least five feet from any interior lot line.
4. One unoccupied recreational vehicle, a length of 30 feet or less, may
be parked upon a lot as an accessory use.
(B) Home Occupations
An occupation, profession, or trade customarily carried on by occupants of a
dwelling unit as a secondary use which is clearly incidental to the principal use
of the dwelling unit for residential purposes is allowed as an accessory use in
residential districts, subject to the following provisions:
Location: Home Occupation shall be conducted only within the
principal structure.
2. Area: The maximum floor area utilized for home occupation purposes
shall not exceed twenty -five percent (25 %) of the total floor area of the
principal structure.
3. Employees: The home occupation shall be engaged in only by the
family or person occupying the dwelling as a private residence. No
person shall be employed in the home occupation other than a member
of the immediate family residing on the premises.
4. Merchandise: The home occupation shall not involve the retail sale of
merchandise manufactured off the premises.
5. Visibility of Merchandise: No merchandise shall be displayed in such a
manner as to be visible from outside.
6. Outdoor Storage: No outdoor storage shall be allowed in connection
with any home occupation.
7. Maintenance of Residential Character: No alteration of the residential
character of the premises may be made, including the removal of
garage doors.
Signs: No signs, display, or advertising on premises shall be
9. Disturbances: No mechanical or electrical equipment or other activities
shall be allowed which create a noise, dust, odor, or electrical
10. Traffic and Parking: No home occupation shall generate more than 15
trips per day to and from the premises and all parking needs generated
shall be accommodated by off -street parking which does not alter the
residential character of the premises.
(C) Roomers and Boarders
In a dwelling unit occupied as a private residence, one or more rooms may be rented
or table board furnished, to not more than: (a) two persons who are non - members of
the family occupying said premises as a permitted accessory use; or (b) more than
two persons by special exception requiring Board of Adjustment approval. However,
in either case, no window display or sign board shall be used to advertise such use.
(D) Signs
1. Area markers as set forth in Section 320.2.b.I of this code.
2. Bulletin boards, as set forth in Section 320.2.b.2 of this code.
3. Business signs, unilluminated, as set forth in Section 320.2.b.3 of this
(E) Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) must comply with the conditions
listed in WECS Section 320.2.c.
430.1 Bulk and area requirements in the RE, RS, RD, RTH and RM districts are shown on
Table 3 and 4 on the following two pages.
Table 3
lot size may be less than the minimum frontages as long as the front building line on
said lot is a minimum of one - hundred twenty -five (125) linear feet.
RE RS -1 RS -2 RS -3
Lot Width (Ft) 150* 100 75 65
Lot Area (Sq Ft) 24,000 13,500 9,000 7,000
Land Area Per Dwelling (Sq Ft) 28,375 16,000 10,875 8,400
Structure Height (Ft) 30 30 30 30
Livability Space (Sq Ft) 12,000 7,000 5,000 4,000
Front Yard Setback (Arterial) 35 35 35 35
Front Yard Setback (Non- Arterial) 35 35 30 25
Corner Yard Setback (Arterial) 20 20 20 20
Corner Yard Setback (Non - Arterial) 15 15 15 15
Rear Yard Setback 25 25 25 20
Side Yard Setbacks (Both Listed) 15/15 10/5 10/5 10/5
* The frontage of any lot in the RE district
which meets the requirements of
lot size may be less than the minimum frontages as long as the front building line on
said lot is a minimum of one - hundred twenty -five (125) linear feet.
Table 4
to iae tctvi -i atstrtct, a one -story tnmtation matt apply to structures containing more
than 3 dwelling units which are within 50' of an adjoining RE or RS district.
RM -1
RM -2
Lot Width (Ft)
One and Two Family
Multi -Family (Other than RTH)
Lot Area (Sq Ft)
One and Two Family
Multi -Family (Other than RTH)
Land Area Per Dwelling (Sq Ft)
One Family
Two Family
Multi - Family (Other than RTH)
First Two D.U.
Each Additional D.U.
Less than Two Bedrooms
Two or More Bedrooms
Structure Height (Ft) 35 35 35 35
Livability Space (Sq Ft) 2,000 1,400 1,000 800
Front Yard Setback (Arterial) 35 35 35 35
Front Yard Setback (Non - Arterial) 25 25 25 10
Corner Yard Setback (Arterial) 15 20 15 15
Corner Yard Setback (Non - Arterial) 15 15 15 15
Rear Yard Setback 20 20 20 10
Side Yard Setbacks (both Listed) 10/5 10/5 10/5 10/10
tIn the RM-1 district, a one -story tnmtation matt apply to structures containing more
than 3 dwelling units which are within 50' of an adjoining RE or RS district.
430.2 Bulk and Area requirements in the RMH District
A. The Mobile Home Park Development:
Tract Area (Min)
Tract Width (Min)
Land Area Per Dwelling Unit (Min)
Livability Space per Dwelling Unit
Livability space shall be provided in
common areas of not less than 7,500
square feet, located so as to be
conveniently accessible to the mobile
homes it is intended to serve.
Front yards and any yards abutting a Public Street:
Measured from centerline, add 1/2 of
right -of -way width designated on the
Major Street Plan or 25 feet if not
designated (Min)
5 acres
100 feet
5445 square feet
300 square feet
Abutting an Arterial 35 feet
Abutting a Non - Arterial 25 feet
Side Yard (Min) 10 feet
Rear Yard (Min) 10 feet
Height (Max) One Story
B. Internal Requirements
Mobile Home Space (Min), exclusive of streets,
required off -street parking, and required
livability space 3,000 square feet
Separation Between Mobile Homes (Min) 15 feet
Minimum Internal Street paving Width 24 feet
Mobile Home Setback from Centerline of a
Private Internal Street (Min) 22 feet
C. Mobile Home Subdivisions
A mobile home park development containing a tract
area of not less than 5 acres may be subdivided to
permit individual ownership of mobile home spaces,
provided the resulting lots shall comply with the
bulk and area requirements set out below and a
subdivision plat incorporating the bulk and area
requirements is submitted to and approved by the
Planning Commission and filed of record in the
office of the County Clerk where the property is located.
Land Area Per Dwelling Unit (Min)
6,000 square feet
Lot Size (Min)
4,000 square feet
Livability Space Per Dwelling Unit (Min)
1,000 square feet
Height (Max)
One Story
Front yards and any yards abutting a Public Street:
Measured from centerline, add 1/2 of right -of -way
width designated on the Major Street Plan or
25 feet if not designated (Min)
Abutting an Arterial
35 feet
Abutting a Non - Arterial
25 feet
Side Yards (Both Min. Listed)
5110 feet
Rear Yard (Min)
10 feet
The Special Exception Uses, permitted in the residential districts, as designated in table 1,
are subject to the minimum requirements set out below and such additional safeguards and
conditions as may be imposed by the Board of Adjustment.
A. The accessory use provisions of the residential districts pertaining to signs are
applicable to accessory signs for principal uses permitted by special exception.
B. In the RS -3 districts, duplex use shall comply with the height and yard
requirements for single - family use and, in addition, shall comply with the
following requirements:
1. Minimum lot area of 9,000 square feet.
2. Minimum land area per dwelling unit of 5,000 square feet.
3. Minimum frontage of 75 feet.
4. Minimum livability space per dwelling unit of 2,000 square feet.
C. In the RE and RS districts, children's nurseries shall comply with the lot
width, lot area, height, and yard requirements for single - family use and, in
addition, a maximum floor area ratio of .5 (50 %) shall apply.
D. In the RMH district, a single- family dwelling shall comply with the bulk and
area requirements of the RS -3 residential district.