HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.11.08_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 8, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 8, 1994 7:00 PM PLACE: Owasso Community Center NOTICE FILED BY: Timothy Rooney TITLE: City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 8:00 AM on November 3, 1994. Timothy Rooney, City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 8, 1994, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA Call to Order 2. Roll Call Consider Approval of the Minutes of October 11, 1994 Regular Meeting. 4. Site Plan - Owasso Glass Expansion - A request for a review of the site plan for Owasso Glass, an expansion at their current location, which is described as the South 55.17 feet of Lot 5, Block 26, Original Town of Owasso. The subject property is further described as the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Main Street, or 205 S. Main. 5. Preliminary plat - Caudle Estates (1914) - A request for a review of a preliminary plat for Caudle Estates, an addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The subject property is generally located 570' west of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road and would contain 20 RS -2 zoned lots on a 11.42 acre area. 6. New Business. 7. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 8. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 9. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 11, 1994, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Charles Willey Dewey Brown Tim Rooney Jerry Cole Gary Wells Ray Haynes The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Monday, September 26, 1994. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 REGULAR MEETING AND MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of September 13, 1994 and September 23, 1994. Jerry Cole moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 4. Site Plan - Oasis Car Wash - A request for a review of the site plan for Oasis Car Wash, to be located on Lots 5 through 9, Block 1 of Elm Creek Commercial. Corner, an addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The subject site is generally located on the northeast corner of N. 128th E. Avenue and E. 85th Street North, directly west of Dr. Mark Argo's dental office. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 11, 1994 Page 2 The site plan was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee on September 28, 1994 at their regular meeting. At that meeting, no comments regarding additional easement requests were received from the area utility companies. The site plan appears to meet all of the zoning code requirements for development within a CG (Commercial General) zoning district. Traffic movement, as well as access drives appear to be of a logical pattern. Charles Willey moved to approve the site plan for the Oasis Car Wash, seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes- Yes Jerry Cole - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 5. OZ -94 -07 - Hayward Smith - A request for a review of a rezoning application of an approximate 3.13 acre tract from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). The subject property is located east of Garnett Road, directly north of the Owasso Fire Department. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The subject property is abutted on the north by the Morton Marine business zoned CG (Commercial General). The subject property is abutted to the south by the Owasso Fire Department, zoned AG (Agriculture). The subject property is abutted on the east by Highway 169 and on the west by Garnett Road. Jerry Cole moved to approve the rezoning, seconded by Charles Willey A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 6. Subdivision Regulations - A presentation of the Final Draft of Subdivision Regulations was made by Mr. Rooney. The Subdivision Regulations will be presented to the Owasso Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 11, 1994 Page 3 City Council on October 18, 1994. No action was taken on this item. 7. New Business. None 8. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council 9. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 10. Adjournment - Jerry Cole moved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn the meeting A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT - CAUDLE ESTATES DATE: November 3, 1994 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso received a request to review a preliminary plat for Caudle Estates in October. Caudle Estates is 11.42 acre development 570' west of the southwest intersection of E. 96th Street North and would contain 20 RS -2 zoned lots. As you may recall, this area was recently annexed by the City of Owasso. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their October 26, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicant was provided a list of all staff comments regarding the plat. In addition to staff comments, several utility representatives also provided easement requests. A list of the combined staff and utility company comments is included for your information and review. The enclosed plat contains all recommendations from both staff and the utility companies attending the TAC meeting regarding the preliminary plat. The Construction plans, while still in their review process at the Public Works Department, indicate a large detention area along the southern boundary of the plat, as well as both acceleration/deceleration lanes along E. 96th Street North. Please be advised that this detention area will be monitored closely to assure no adverse affects on property owners in the Ator additions. Addresses will be assigned to the individual lots shown on the plat, providing the Planning Commission approves the preliminary submittal, and would then be shown on the final plat submittal. RECOMMENDATION Having had all plat comments addressed by the applicant, staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Caudle Estates. ATTACHMENTS 1. Staff and Technical Advisory Committee comments from October 26, 1994 meeting. ENCLOSURE 1. Preliminary plat and covenants for Caudle Estates. TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STAFF AND TAC COMMENTS FROM OCTOBER 26, 1994 MEETING DATE: November 3, 1994 Below are a list of comments from both the Planning and Engineering Staff, as well as utility companies, regarding the preliminary plat for Caudle Estates. PRELIMINARY PLAT - CAUDLE ESTATES 1. The legal description provided for the plat is not correct. Please also add "An Addition to the City of Owasso" to the correct legal description. 2. Show all other platted additions in Section 19. 3. The shaded area designating the proposed project site needs to be downsized as it does not include all of this area. 4. Show perimeter easements on Lots 15, 16, and 17. 5. Show P.O.B. 6. Dimensions on Lot 4 & 5 need to be to the nearest hundredth. 7. Change labels on easements marked DE to UE. 8. Include the block number on the plat. 9. Add limits of no access to Lots 1, 11, 12, & 20 along E. 96th Street North. 10. How do the proposed cul -de -sacs line up in regards to the streets coming from El Rio Vista. Are the center lines off -set the required distance? Please provide this information. 11. Change the northerly 15' utility easement to a 17.5' utility easement. 12. Add easements in the following locations: The south 5' of Lot 4 The south 5' of Lot 13 The south 5' of Lot 14 The south 5' of Lot 19 13. Add the landscaping covenant regarding tree and shrub planting in utility easement to the second sheet. 14. Add a provision for overhead utilities on the north portion of the addition. CAUDLE ESTATES CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET 2 OF 9 1. Show detail of culvert extension (may be required because of acceleration lane). 2. Show proposed ditch from existing 2 x 36" RCP to NW property corner. SHEET 3 OF 9 1. Need detention report. 2. Label drainage areas. 3. Show proposed contour lines over south end of storm B. 4. Dimension detention pond top width. SHEET 4 OF 9 1. Need profiles of culverts C & D. 2. Need profile of detention area. 3. Storm drain labels need to be consistent. 4. Beginning and end of storm sewer pipe need to be RCP. 5. Dimension water from property line. SHEET 5 OF 9 1. Dimension ends of water lines from property line. 2. List size and type of water line. SHEET 6 OF 9 1. Dimension sewer main from property line. SHEET 7 OF 9 1. State minimum cover of water and sewer lines. 2. Dash existing ground line. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OWASSO GLASS EXPANSION DATE: November 4, 1994 BACKGROUND: Owasso Glass has requested Planning Commission review of a proposed site plan for their expansion to their existing facility to be located on the southerly 55.17 feet of Lot 5, of Block 26 of the Original Town of Owasso. The subject property is generally located at the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Main, or 205 S. Main. A copy of the plat of survey for the Original Town of Owasso is attached for your information and review. The site plan for Owasso Glass was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their October 26, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the site plan was presented to the area utility companies. At that meeting the utility companies had no objections to the submitted plan. An interesting note regarding this site plan, staff has waited for action on this site plan until coordination of the improvements of the Main and 76th Street intersection were accomplished. As you may be aware, the intersection improvements of E. 76th Street North and Main have begun and definable curb cut areas along E. 76th Street North and Main have been added, even eliminated in some areas. The applicants have met with Mr. Rohn Munn to establish exactly where their curb cut on Main needed to be located. Staff strongly feels that the building expansion at this location, the second major building construction effort in the last four months in the older portion of Owasso, will again be an excellent example of infill development in downtown Owasso. The site plan submitted conforms to a CH zoning district's development standards and restrictions. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan for the expansion of Owasso Glass with the condition that the applicant have a preconstruction meeting with city staff prior to commencing construction. ATTACHMENTS /ENCLOSURES: 1. Original Town of Owasso plat. 2. Surrounding zoning map. 3. Letter, site plan, and survey from the applicant.