HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.06.17_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET
JUNE 179 1993
DATE: June 17, 1993 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Owasso Community Center
NOTICE FILED BY: Timothy Rooney
TITLE: City Planner
Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk AT 4:00 p.m. on June 3, 1993.
Timothy (JC ,
Thursday, June 17, 1993, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar
1. Call to Order
2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of May 20, 1993.
3. Preliminary Plat - Windsor Lake 111 (21- 21 -14) - A Request for a Review of the
Preliminary Plat for Windsor Lake III, an Addition to the City of Owasso; Being a Part
of the E/2 of Section 21, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Windsor Lake III is
Generally Located just South of Windsor Lake II, East of 129th East Avenue.
Preliminary Plat - Barrington Point (21- 21 -14) - A Request for a Review of the
Preliminary Plat for Barrington Point, an Addition to the City of Owasso; Being a Part
of the NW /4 of the SWA of Section 21, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
Barrington Point is Generally Located just North of Owasso High School, East of 129th
East Avenue.
4. Final Plat - Owasso Commercial Center 11 (30 -21 -141 - A Request for a Review of the
Final Plat for Owasso Commercial Center II, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; Being a Part of the NEA NW /4 NW /4 of Section 32, T21N, R14E.
Owasso Commercial Center II is Generally Located on East 76th Street North, East of
Highway 169, Between Perry's Restaurant and Owasso Veterinary Hospital.
Owasso Planning Commission
June 17, 1993
5. Pmnosed Text Amendment - Owasso Zoning Code - A City Initiated Request to Amend
the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Relating to Chapter 5, Section 514,
Principal Uses Permitted In Office Districts. More Specifically, to Allow for the
Development of Beauty Salons and Barber Shops in an OM (Office Medium Intensity)
Zoning District.
6. New Business.
7. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council for Action.
Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso.
9. Adjournment.
Thursday, May 20, 1993, 7:00 PM
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes Pat Imbriano Tim Rooney
Charles Willey Marcia Boutwell
Gary Wells
Dewey Brown
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on April 6, 1993.
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting
to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
reviewed the minutes of APRIL 15, 1993. Gary Wells moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to
approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
3. SITE PLAN REVIEW - OWASSO PAWN (3014) - A request for a Review of a Site
Plan for a Pawn Shop on Lot 3, Block 23, Original Town of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
The site is generally Located on the Northwest Corner of Birch and E. 76th Street North.
Mitchell Thiessen of Owasso Pawn is requesting a site plan review for a relocation of his
business to Lot 3, Block 23, Original Town of Owasso (NW corner of Birch and 76th Street
North). The subject property where the business will be located is zoned CH (Commercial High
Intensity) and currently contains a dwelling unit. The applicant has indicated that this unit will
be removed from the site. The building proposed by the applicant contains 6550 square feet of
floor area located on a 14,000 square foot lot. The site plan submitted contains 15 parking
spaces, one of which is designated for handicapped purposes. In addition, a loading zone will
be located to the rear of the structure (north property line) and a landscaping area along 76th
street is being proposed for the development.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 20, 1993
Page 2
The applicant was present at this meeting. Concern was expressed about location of the
driveway too close to corner. A question was raised about the placement of the trash dumpster.
Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve the site plan subject to a
preconstruction meeting with the Community Development staff upon obtaining a building
permit. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dewey Brown - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
4. SITE PLAN REVIEW - GARDEN CENTER (2914) - A Request for a Review of a Site
Plan for a Retail Nursery on a Portion of Lot 26, Block 5, of Three Lakes Addition, Owasso,
Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The Site is Generally Located on the East Highway 169 Service
Road, Just South of E. 83rd Street North.
Mr. Ross Flood, applicant, is requesting site plan review for a new retail nursery located on the
East Highway 169 service road, just south of E. 83rd Street North. This development will
replace the current nursery located on that site. The actual building size does not require a site
plan review by the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission as required by the
Zoning Code. Staff felt that this development, because of past concerns on the site, should be
reviewed by the Planning Commission for input.
The applicant was present for this meeting. Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Gary Wells,
to approve the site plan as submitted, subject to a preconstruction meeting to be held with the
Community Development staff upon obtaining a building permit. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Dewey Brown - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
5. OZ -93 BORGNA /SOKOLOSKY (3214) - A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Located
in the NE/4 NW/4 NW/4 of Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County,
Oklahoma from AG to CG; Generally Located on E. 76th Street North, East of Highway
169, Between Perry's Restaurant and Owasso Veterinary Clinic.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Borgna and Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Sokolosky, owners, are requesting the
rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture General District) to CG (Commercial General
District) to allow for the development of an automobile wash. The property contains
approximately 1 acre of area, more or less.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 20, 1993
Page 3
Mr. Borgna and Dennis Hodo, engineer, were present at the meeting. Charles Willey moved,
seconded by Dewey Brown, to approve the rezoning request. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
6. OZ -94 DON CRISMOND ,(2914) - A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Located on a
Portion of Lot 1, Block 20, Elm Creek Estates First Addition, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma
from CS to OM; Generally Located on the East Highway 169 Service Road, Approximately 250
Feet North of Mazzio's Restaurant.
There was discussion on the size of area to be rezoned. The Chair recessed the meeting at 7:40
p.m. to allow staff to obtain a zoning map. The meeting was reconveyed at 7:47 p.m. There
were also questions raised about spot zoning. Gary Wells moved, seconded by Charles Willey,
to deny the request. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brown - Nay
The motion passed 3 -1, thus denying the rezoning request. The Commission was informed that
the applicant would have the right to appeal their decision to the City Council. The applicant
was not present.
7. FINAL PLAT - DOUBLE OAKS III (2914) - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat
for Double Oaks III, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma; Generally
located on the West side of 129th East Avenue, just South of East 82nd Street North.
The preliminary plat for Double Oaks III was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee
at the March 31, 1993 meeting and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at the April
15, 1993 meeting. The final plat for the above referenced addition was reviewed by the
Technical Advisory Committee at their April 5, 1993 meeting with one minor correction being
required for acceptance of the plat. Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey Brown to
approve the final plat for Double Oaks III, subject to TAC recommendations. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 20, 1993
Page 4
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0
8. FINAL PLAT - WINDSOR LAKE R (2114) - A Request for a Review of the final Plat
for Windsor Lake II, Located in the West 1/2 of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 14
East, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma; Generally Located just South of Windsor Lake
I. This is a resubmittal of a Final Plat Previously Approved by the Owasso Planning
A final plat for Windsor Lake II was approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at its
October 15, 1993 meeting and by the Owasso City Council at its February 16, 1993 meeting.
The developer has not filed this original final plat. The resubmitted plat has had four lots
removed and those four lots will be added to the proposed Windsor III plat. TAC has reviewed
the new plat and has no objections to the proposed.
Ray Haynes moved, seconded by Gary Wells, to approve the final plat of Windsor Lake II as
submitted, subject to the four lots being deleted and added to Windsor III and subject to TAC
recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
9.FINAL PLAT - RAM PLAZA (2014) - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat for Ram
Plaza, a Portion of the SE/4 of Section 20,,Township 21 North, Range 14 East, the City of
Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma; Generally located at the Northwest Corner of E. 86th Street
North and 129th East Avenue.
The preliminary plat for Ram Plaza was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at the
March 3, 1993 meeting and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at its March 18,
1993 meeting. In review, Ram Plaza is a 9.24 acre tract located at the northwest corner of 86th
Street North and 129th East Avenue. Ram Plaza is also a Planned Unit Development (OPUD-
11), and is intended for commercial and office use.
Gary Wells moved, seconded by Ray Haynes, to approve the final plat for Ram Plaza subject
to the construction plans being corrected and approved by staff prior to the final plat being
forwarded to City Council. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 20, 1993
Page 5
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
10. New Business - Design criteria will be presented next month. Subdivision Regulations
are out for review. The August 19th Planning Commission Meeting was moved to
August 26th.
11. Report on Planning Items.Previously Forwarded to City Council for Action - None
12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso - New development includes Barrington
Point, Windsor III, Daylite Donuts, a possible Sonic. A question was raised about the
width of parking spaces. It was suggested that staff should continue to make sure the
width is not less than 9'.
13. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Gary Wells seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Ray Haynes- Yes
The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
DATE: June 7, 1993
The City of Owasso initially received a preliminary plat for Windsor Lake III in May for review
at the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings. Due to several
"changes" recommended at the TAC meeting and due to the addition of four lots from the
amended Windsor Lake II final plat, staff strongly recommended that Mr. Chamey and Mr.
Sokolosky resubmit the preliminary plat for Windsor Lake III in order to address these concerns.
The enclosed preliminary plat has addressed those changes.
At the June 2, 1993 TAC meeting, the Windsor Lake III preliminary plat was reviewed again.
The following comments /recommendations are a direct result of that meeting:
1. All rear, back to back easements a minimum of 11 feet.
2. Add a 10 foot easement along the north property line of Lot 8, Block 2.
3. Add a 10 foot easement along the north property line of Lot 9, Block 3 and across the
north line of the neighboring drainage detention area.
4. Add a 5 foot easement along the shared property lines of both Lots 6 and 7 of Block 3.
5. Add 11 foot easements to the rear of Lots 11 and 9 of Block 5 by separate instrument.
(This is to enable the utility companies to loop the service of the utilities)
6. Add 17.5 foot easements east of Block 5 and south of Block 6 by separate instrument.
(This is also to enable the utility companies to loop the service of the utilities)
7. Easement through Lots 10 and 15 of Block 1 to be increased to 15 feet.
8. Easements need to be dimensioned on the following lots:
Common lot line between Lots 12 and 13, Block 2
Common lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 5
Common lot line between Lots 3 and 6, Block 5
Common lot line between Lots 10 and 11, Block 5
Common lot line between Lots 12 and 13, Block 5
9. Easements need to be dimensioned in the following lots:
Lot 16, Block 1
Lot 8, Block 3
Lots 1 and 2, Block 4
10. Change the bearing along the west lot line of Lot 13, Block 5
11. Correct the dimension of the rear lot line of Block 5 to match the outside dimension.
12. Add a 2" conduit across the entrance road from 129th East Avenue.
13. Add a 6 or 8 inch conduit at the south end of 132nd East Avenue.
14. Street names to conform to staff copy.
15. If "Drainage Detention Area" is to be utilized as "Park Area" it needs to be designated
as such on the plat.
1. Setback lines designated in the covenants need to be changed to reflect RS -2 zoning
requirements (Front yard = 30 feet, Back yard = 20 feet).
Construction plans were originally submitted and reviewed by staff for the first submittal.
Adjustments to these plans will need to be made and a copy of these plans are available in my
office for review at any time. In addition, the construction plans for Windsor Lake III will be
available at the meeting for any review.
Based upon the review by the Technical Advisory Committee, staff recommends approval of the
preliminary plat for Windsor Lake III conditioned upon the above changes being made prior to
final plat submittal.
1. Windsor Lake III Preliminary Plat
2. Windsor Lake III Covenants
DATE: June 7, 1993
The City of Owasso initially received a preliminary plat for Barrington Point in May for review
at the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings. Due to several
"changes" recommended at the TAC meeting and due to staff's recommendation of the developer
providing access to unsubdivided land to the east, staff recommended that Mr. Kourtis resubmit
the preliminary plat for Barrington Point in order to address these concerns and to allow the
Planning Commission to view both Barrington Point and Windsor Lake III together as they are
abutting properties. The enclosed preliminary plat has addressed those changes previously
recommended by staff.
At the June 2, 1993 TAC meeting, the Barrington Point preliminary plat was reviewed again.
The following comments /recommendations are a direct result of that meeting:
1. All rear, back to back easements a minimum of 11 feet.
2. Provide an access easement to cover a 38 foot radius cul -de -sac (pavement type to be the
same as remainder of street).
3. Provide an 8 inch PVC conduit at the entrance to the subdivision from 129th E. Avenue.
4. Provide a 3 inch PVC conduit across N. 130th E. Avenue, from Lot 3 of Block 2 to Lot
8 of Block 3.
5. Provide a 4 inch PVC conduit across N. 133rd E. Avenue, from Lot 8, Block 4 to Lot
11, Block 5.
6. Add 7.5 foot easements north and south of the property line shared by Lots 8 and 9 of
Block 4.
7. Eliminate Lots 19 through 23 of Block 2 as these have been determined to be needed by
the Project Engineer for drainage detention area.
8. Add a limits of no access to north and south side of entry road.
9. Street names to conform to staff copy.
10. If "Drainage Detention Area" is to be utilized as "Park Area" it needs to be designated
as such on the plat.
1. Item No. 4, reference to Homeowners Association should be changed to 'Barrington
Point Association" rather than "Windsor Lake Association."
2. Item No. 15, "Electric, Telephone, Cable Television Service" needs to be changed to
conform with that of recently recorded subdivision plats.
Construction plans were originally submitted and reviewed by staff for the first submittal.
Adjustments to these plans will need to be made and a copy of these plans are available in my
office for review at any time. In addition, the construction plans for Barrington Point will be
available at the meeting for any review.
Based upon the review by the Technical Advisory Committee, staff recommends approval of the
preliminary plat for Barrington Point conditioned upon the above changes being made prior to
final plat submittal.
1. Barrington Point Preliminary Plat
2. Barrington Point Covenants
DATE: June 7, 1993
Enclosed is a copy of the final plat for Owasso Commercial Center H. As you may recall, this
subject property has been heard by the Planning Commission in regards to annexation and zoning
in previous months. Because the essentials of a preliminary plat were presented at that time as
well, Planning Staff is requesting that this plat be processes as a Final Plat due to its simplified
nature. `
The Preliminary Plat was presented to the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee at its June 2,
1993 meeting. Comments received regarding this plat concerned misspellings within the
covenants on the plat itself. The applicant is aware of those errors.
In addition to the Technical Advisory Committee review, this item was reviewed by the Owasso
Board of Adjustment for a variance request. The applicants were required to obtain a variance
because of the property not meeting the bulk and area requirements of a CG (Commercial
General) District.
The applicants have submitted an agreement to obtain a private easement through the La Petite
property in order to provide a private sewer service line to their property. Staff has further
reviewed these plans and has found no problems or issues of concern.
Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Owasso Commercial Center.
1. Owasso Commercial Center II plat and covenants.
DATE: May 27, 1993
The City of Owasso currently permits beauty salons /barber shops in OL and OM districts by
Special Exception through the Owasso Board of Adjustment providing that they are established
by means of an accessory use. Accessory use definitions are very clear in the Owasso Zoning
Code in the sense that they are only permitted in a principal structure and shall not occupy more
than 10% of the gross floor area of the structure. The accessory uses permitted in an OL
district by Special Exception are as follows:
1. Barber Shop 6. Liquor Store
2. Beauty Shop 7. Newsstand
3. Book Store 8. Medical, Dental, Optical, and
Orthopedic Supplies
(prescription service only)
4. Florist 9. Office Supplies
5. Gift, Novelty 10. Tobacco, Candy, Nut Store
Uses that are permitted in an OM district by right are the following:
Abstract company, advertising agency, artist's studio, broadcasting or recording studio,
computing service, copying service, data processing service; drafting service, dental clinic and
lab, employment agency, financial institution (other than pawn shop), funeral home, general
business offices excluding on premise sale of merchandise, interior design (no retail sales),
medical offices, clinics, and laboratories, optician or optical offices or laboratories, photography
studio, prescription pharmacy (provided that no sundry or other merchandise is sold or offered
for sale), studio or school for teaching ballet, dance, drama, fine arts, music, language,
business, or modeling, transportation ticket office, travel agency, and veterinary office
(excluding boarding services).
When one reviews the list of activities permitted outright in an OM district, as well as those
permitted as- an accessory use requiring Board of Adjustment approval, there are in staff's
opinion some inconsistencies.
When staff began reviewing the possibilities as to why beauty salons /barber shops were not also
permitted in an OM district as separate entities, rather than as an accessory use, many different
viewpoints of information were offered.
It appears that at the time of establishing the zoning code, the permitted activities within an OM
district were strictly limited to those that did not involve the retail sale or display of merchandise
as is specified numerous times in the list above. It also appears that those accessory uses
permitted by Special Exception in an OL or OM district were more so directed toward an urban
atmosphere or "downtown Tulsa ". Many times services like those are offered in the ground
floor of high rise office buildings.
In addition, some of the uses permitted in the OM district by right have evolved to points where
they also display and sell retail items. For instance medical offices, dance studios, travel
agencies and veterinary offices often times sell retail items associated with their trade. While
staff believes attention should be paid to the amount of retail sales and merchandise displayed
in OM districts, it also understands that standards derived from a Zoning Code for the City of
Tulsa may not necessarily be appropriate for the City of Owasso.
For instance, when one directs the attention away from the "retail" concerns and refocuses on
the "intensity" of the use, the inequities are prevalent. The amount of traffic generated and
involved with a bank or other financial institution creates a much greater impact than that of a
broadcasting or recording studio. The question arises as to which issue is more important when
protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of Owasso' citizens; whether or not retail sales
are involved or the amount of impact it could have on a surrounding neighborhood.
It is staff's feeling that the Owasso Zoning Code should be amended to permit beauty
salons /barber shops to operate in an OM district by Special Exception. This would allow the
Owasso Board of Adjustment to place conditions on applicants requesting this Special Exception.
Amount of floor area utilized for the display of retail items, hours of operation, and signage
could all be restricted in some manner as a condition of approval by the Board of Adjustment.
It would also permit the Board of Adjustment to review traffic impact, building elevations, and
compatibility of surrounding uses on a site specific basis.
Staff spoke with area Planners from surrounding cities of Owasso's size prior to bringing this
amendment request to your attention. Some of the issues presented in this report are a direct
result of those conversations, with all in agreement that a strict application of a Tulsa based
zoning code may not always be in the best interest of its surrounding cities. It is staff's opinion
that this is just such an example.
Staff is recommending Planning Commission approval of a text amendment to the Owasso
Zoning Code Section 510 to permit beauty salons /barber shops in OM districts by Special
DATE: June 9, 1993
As you are aware, conflicts between the Owasso Planning Commission and Municipal Court,
in regards to the use of the meeting room at the Community Center, continue to surface.
Originally, Owasso Municipal Court was to utilize the meeting room at the Community Center
every Thursday evening except the third Thursday of each month in order to allow the Planning
Commission to utilize that room. However, more recently the Municipal Court due to an
increase in case load, has had to occasionally add an additional night. When it is necessary for
the Municipal Court to add an additional night, it is the third Thursday of each month.
Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with Judge Hilsabeck regarding the meeting conflict and
investigated the possibilities of scheduling the Municipal Court nights for a different evening of
the week. Currently, such a rescheduling by the Court is not possible.
Mr. Rooney has made me well aware of the Planning Commission's concerns when meeting in
the alternate room in the Community Center. Unfortunately, as long as the case load through
the Municipal Court continues at its current rate or increases, the conflicts in the scheduling of
the meeting room will not decrease.
In effort to avoid this conflict, I am requesting that the Planning Commission consider and
discuss the possibilities of scheduling their meetings to a different evening. Any Monday
evening or the second Tuesday of each month is available for your consideration in the upcoming
year. Such a move would decrease the likelihood of a conflict, however please note that this
is simply a request for discussion of an idea. Decisions relating to your meeting times are
exclusively yours, and I would hope this request would not be viewed as a directive rather than
a request.
I would like to apologize for the confusion regarding this matter. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rooney or myself at 272 -2251.