HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.12.16_Planning Commission AgendaOWASSO PLANNING COMMLSSION AGENDA PACKET DECEMBER 16, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: December 16, 1993 TIME:7:00 PM PLACE: Owasso Community Center NOTICE FILED BY: Timothy Rooney TITLE: City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 10:00 AM on December 3, 1993. Timothy Rooney, City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, December 16, 1993 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of November 18, 1993 Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 4. Final Plat - Elm Creek Auto (2914 - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat for Elm Creek Auto, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Being a Resubdivision of a Portion of Lot 1, Block 19, Elm Creek Estates First Addition, Being a Part of the Sw /4 of Section 29, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Owasso Auto Zone Site Plan (2914 - A Request for a Review of the Site Plan for Owasso Auto Zone to be Located at 7951 N. Mingo Valley Expressway, Owasso, Oklahoma. 6. Final Plat - Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center lI - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center H, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center Il is Generally Located on the South side of E. 76th Street North, West of N. 122nd E. Avenue. 7. Owasso Design Criteria - A review of Public Comment Regarding the proposed Owasso Design Criteria. 8. New Business. Owasso Planning Commission AGENDA December 16, 1993 9. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 10. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 11. Adjournment. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, November 18, 1993, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Charles Willey Ray Haynes Pat Imbriano Gary Wells MEMBERS ABSENT Dewey Brown STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Charlotte White The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on October 12, 1993. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Roll Call 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21, 1993 - The Commission reviewed the minutes of October 21, 1993. Pat Imbriano moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 4. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT - OWASSO ZONING CODE - A City Initiated Request to Amend the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Relating to Chapter 4, Section 430, "Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts." More Specifically, to Allow for Residential Dwelling Units to Exceed 26 Feet in Height. Mr. Rooney presented the report. The Owasso Zoning Code, adopted in 1974, restricts the height of residential structures to a maximum of 26' (measured from the ground to the highest horizontal point of the structure, excluding the chimney). For the past ten years (according to Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 18, 1993 Page 2 building permit records), the staff has not placed a priority on a strict enforcement of that restriction because until the past three years we have not had requests for homes of that size. However, there have been several instances in the recent past when building permits were approved for residential structures, when in fact, the height of the home exceeded the legal restriction. In most of the cases the building permit either listed an incorrect height, or the description simply stated "meets code requirements ". That staff has determined that these exceptions exist in the following subdivisions: Windsor Lake, Copper Meadows, and Double Oaks. Generally, the exceptions are not greater than four feet above the height limit, however there are few cases where the height of the home is near 35' (9' above the limit). Planning staff has no objections to homes being permitted at a higher height than 26 feet as denied in the zoning code, provided that the fire department has no concerns. The building permit was denied due to the simple fact that the Zoning Code had 26 feet listed as the highest permitted height. In fact, any application reviewed during the current planning staff's tenure (October 5, 1992 to present) has been denied if the height listed on the application was above 26 feet. Zoning Codes of other municipalities have been reviewed recently in light of this confusion. The City of Tulsa, Broken Arrow, and Sand Springs all list the maximum height of a residential structure being 35' in all RS Districts. Maximum height is defined within their zoning codes in the same manner that the City of Owasso's Zoning Code defines maximum height. Again, it should be stressed that staff has no objections to a higher height limit providing the fire department's requirements are met. It would seem that the simple solution to this problem would be adjusting the building height permitted in a residential district to 35 feet (similar to that of Tulsa, Broken Arrow, and Sand Springs). However, this would not necessarily clarify whether or not the elevation of the floor plat level of the highest habitable floor within a proposed structure was at 30 feet or below (the fire department's recommendation). After much discussion with Chief Allen, the Planning Commission recommended that the building height limit be amended to read as follows: BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RE, RS, AND RM DISTRICTS RE RS -1 RS -2 RS -3 RD RTH RM -1 RM -2 STRUCTURE HEIGHT 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* *Residential dwelling structure height is more specifically defined as the vertical distance measured from the average ground elevation at the building wall to the top of the finished ceiling of the highest habitable floor and that height shall be a maximum of 30 feet. Ray Haynes motioned to approve the amendment of the building height limit as stated above. Gary Wells seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 18, 1993 Page 3 Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 5. FINAL PLAT - MINGO COMMERCE CENTER (2914) - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat for Mingo Commerce Center, a Resubdivision of a Part of Lot 1, Block 20, Elm Creek Estates First Addition, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Mingo Commerce Center is Generally Located just East of Mazzio's on E. 80th Street North. Mr. Rooney presented the report. The fmal plat, covenants, drainage report, and construction plans have had all appropriate changes made to them as recommended by TAC and previous Planning Commission action. Charles Willey motioned to approve the site plan as submitted. Pat Imbriano seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 6. FINAL PLAT - OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER H - A Request for a Review of the Final Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center H, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center H is Generally Located on the South side of E. 76th Street North, West of N. 122nd E. Avenue. - This item is tabled until the December 6, 1993 meeting. Mr. Rooney presented the report. Charles Willey motioned to approve the 30 day extension on final plat. Gary Wells seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 18, 1993 Page 4 The motion carried 4 -0. 7. PLAT AMENDMENT - DOUBLE OAKS II - A Request for an Amendment to the Final Plat of Double Oaks H, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. More Specifically, to Amend the Northeast Building Line on Lot 22, Block 1 from 25 feet to 15 Feet. Mr. Rooney presented the report. Staff has no objections to the request to change the building line on Lot 22, Block 1, of Double Oaks II as the requested change will not be in conflict with the bulk and area requirements for an RS -3 district. The bulk and area requirements of an RS -3 district require a side yard abutting a street to be a minimum of 15 feet. The amendment to the building line would meet this requirement. Mr. Atwood was in attendance to explain his request. He stated that the request stemmed from his field error. Ray Haynes motioned to approve the amendment to the final plat of Double Oaks II from 25 feet to 15 feet. Pat Imbriano seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 8. AMENDMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION BY -LAWS - Formal Action Relating to the Amendment of the Planning Commission By -Laws, "Article VII. Meetings ", Section 1. "Time and Place." Mr. Rooney presented the proposed amendment. Charles Willey moved to approve the amendment of the Planning Commission By- Laws, Article VII, Meetings, Section 1, Time and Place. Pat Imbriano seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 18, 1993 Page 5 9. New Business Mr Rooney briefly discussed Auto Zone and Central Park. 10. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council for Action - None. 11. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso - Mr. Rooney briefly discussed the Auto Zone. 12. Adjournment - Pat Imbriano moved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Chairperson Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - ELM CREEK AUTO DATE: December 9, 1993 BACKGROUND: Elm Creek Auto is a proposed one lot, one block commercial subdivision to be located at the southeast corner of E. 80th Street North and the Mingo Valley Expressway Service Road. Due to its simplified nature, staff requests that the Planning Commission act on this submittal as a final plat. Elm Creek Auto was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its December 1, 1993 meeting. At that meeting, a list of comments from the Planning, Public Works, and Engineering Departments were submitted for the applicants to address. A copy of these comments is attached for your information and review. The area utility company representatives had no comments regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat. All comments from City staff regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat have been addressed by the applicant and are included on the enclosed final plat. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends final plat approval of Elm Creek Auto. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff recommendations from the November 3, 1993 TAC meeting. ENCLOSURES: 1. Final plat and covenants for Elm Creek Auto. MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMNIITTEE FROM: ENGINEERING, PUBLIC WORKS, AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS SUBJECT: ELM CREEK AUTO PLAT AND AUTO ZONE SITE PLAN DATE: November 30, 1993 The following are a list of comments /concerns regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat and Auto Zone site plan: 1. Please verify location to which the project will tie into sanitary sewer. If it is to the south, a main will be required (6 inch as it won't need to be extended). 2. Erosion control measures should be shown on the construction plans. 3. Note #12 on Construction Plans should reflect that a barrier curb is required. 4. A utility easement is likely to be needed along the southerly property line as telephone, electric, and gas are shown to be located there. 5. On -site detention is required. 6.A grading plan should be provided - how will this property drain? 7. East First Street should be changed to reflect current street name - East 80th Street North. 8. On location map, all other subdivisions within Section 29 should be shown. 9. City signature blocks are needed. 10. Dimensions on site plan and plat do not match up.- please verify and correct. 11. Eliminate the two closest parking spaces to the proposed dumpster. 12. A detailed landscaping plan needs to be submitted. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: AUTO ZONE SITE PLAN DATE: December 9, 1993 BACKGROUND: Auto Zone, Inc., has requested Planning Commission review of a proposed site plan for their facility to be located at 7951 N. Mingo Valley Expressway in Owasso. The property on which it is to be located (Elm Creek Auto plat) is Item No. 4 on the Planning Commission agenda. The site plan for the Owasso Auto Zone was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its December 1, 1993 meeting. At that meeting, the utility companies had only one comment regarding the location of the sign on the property. It should be noted that the sign indicated on the site plan (8' x 30' Billboard Sign) would not be permitted on the Auto Zone site. The sign being requested by Auto Zone, Inc. is a 6' x 22' pole sign which will require a separate permit. In addition to the separate permit, the sign is also required to obtain Board of Adjustment approval because they are requesting a sign at a height of 50 feet. The Board of Adjustment meeting to review the height request is scheduled for December 28, 1993. Staff comments at the TAC meeting centered around the removal of two parking spaces for better access to the loading and trash receptacle areas as well as the submittal of a detailed landscaping plan. These items have been addressed in the enclosed submittals. All other facets of the site plan meet the Owasso Zoning Code requirements for development within a CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan for Owasso Auto Zone contingent upon the developers holding a pre - construction meeting with Community Development staff prior to the issuing of a building permit. ENCLOSURES: 1. Site plan and landscaping plan for Owasso Auto Zone. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER DATE: December 9, 1993 BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center submitted materials necessary for final plat review by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission at the November meetings. At the November 3, 1993 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, numerous questions were raised by the area utility companies regarding the best way to service the five residential lots contained within the proposed plat. Because the area companies had so many questions and due to the fact that none of the representatives had copies of their existing service layouts in that area at the meeting, the applicant was advised to submit an additional copy of the plat to the utility companies so they could mark exactly what they would need on the plat. The applicant would then review their requests, consolidate them, and place them on a new plat. The final plat enclosed within your packet reflects the utility companies' requests. In addition to the utility easement issue being resolved, all of staff's correction requests have also been addressed by the applicant. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II at Owasso is a 5 lot subdivision consisting of 1.56 acres. This plat, incidently, does not deviate from a previous development concept presented by the applicants in 1990. A copy of that development concept, as well as copies of the sanitary and storm sewer construction plans and drainage report will be available at the Planning Commission meeting if you desire to review them. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends final plat approval of Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff recommendations from the November 3, 1993 TAC meeting. ENCLOSURES: 1. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center H final plat and covenants. MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: TIM ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: COMMENTS REGARDING OKLAHOMA BAPTIST CENTER H AND MINGO COMMERCE CENTER DATE: November 2, 1993 The following are Planning Department comments for the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting on November 3, 1993. Engineering Department comments are also attached. OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER H 1. Change building line on the north side of Lot 1 to 20 feet to be consistent with the building line provided on the south side of Lot 5. 2. Access to lots will be permitted from 122nd East Avenue ONLY. 3 Show all off -site utility easements on the plat. MINGO COMMERCE CENTER 1. 17.5' perimeter utility easement should be continued through the detention easement. 2. Show condition of adjacent properties (platted, unplatted, etc.) 3. Show P.O.B. 4. Add "Sheet 1 of 2" if the covenants will be on a separate page. 5. Shorten the west island on 80th Street to accommodate for better vehicular movement. MEMORANDUM TO: TIM ROONEY, CITY PLANNER FROM: OWASSO DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMENTS REGARDING OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER It AND MINGO COMMERCE CENTER DATE: November 1, 1993 The following are Owasso Engineering Department Comments for the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting on November 3, 1993. OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER H 1. Manhole rims need elevations shown (Lamphole as well). 2. Maximum length between manholes should not exceed 300 feet. 3. Show all existing utilities on plans. 4. Show all off -site utility easements on the plat. 5. Update the detention report and include the "drainage area" map. 6. State type of 8" sanitary sewer (i.e. SDR, etc.) 7. All plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. 8. A minimum 2' clearance is needed at water line crossing between manholes 2 and 3. 9. Location of existing manhole "A" is needed. MINGO COMMERCE CENTER 1. Submit a new detention report. 2. Show existing force main on the north side of Lot 1. 3. Engineer needs to make sure that proposed parking area & driveway use will not damage existing sewer. 4. Will the area of "removed asphalt" include re- seeding or sodding? 5. Indicate areas where erosion control measures are to be utilized. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMNIISSION FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: OWASSO DESIGN CRITERIA DATE: December 9, 1993 The Owasso Design Criteria has been placed on the Planning Commission agenda in order to review any public comment. At the time this memorandum was being prepared, no public comment has been received by this office. Please bring your copy of the Owasso Design Criteria with you to Thursday evening's meeting. If you have any questions regarding this or any other item on the agenda, please do not hesitate to call me.