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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.02.21_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 21, 1991 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso Community Center NOTICE FILED BY: Steve Compton TITLE: Assistant City Manager for Community Development FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE OWASSO CITY CLERK AT 4:00 p.m. on February 13, 1991. Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, February 21, 1991, 7:00 p.m. Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of January 17, 1991 ZONING PUBLIC HEARING 3. OZ -83 Pittman -Poe & Associates (1914) (3014) (2513) - A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing 428.2 Acres, More or Less, from AG (Agricultural General) to RM -1 (Residential Multi- Family Low Density), RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), and CS (Commercial Shopping Center) Districts, Generally Located Along the West Side of the City from Third Street on the South to 96th Street on the North and East of the AT &SF Railroad and Mingo Road (97th East Avenue). 4. OPUD -9 Pittman -Poe & Associates (1914) (3014)2513) - A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing 428.2 Acres, More or Less, from RS -3, RM -1 and CS to OPUD -9, Generally Located Along the West Side of the City from Third Street on the South to 96th Street on the North and East of the AT &SF Railroad and Mingo Road (97th East Avenue). 5. New Business 6. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 7. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, January 17, 1991, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Rick Johnson Gary Wells Charles Willey MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Pat Imbriano Steve Compton Marcia Boutwell The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on January 8, 1991. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Vice Chairperson Charles Willey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1990 - The Commission reviewed the minutes of December 20, 1990. Gary Wells moved, seconded by Rick Johnson, to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: The motion carried 3 -0. Gary Wells - Yes Rick Johnson - Yes Charles Willey - Yes 3. UTICA PARK CLINIC - OWASSO MEDICAL CLINIC (29- 21 -14) - A Request for a Site Plan Review for a Medical Clinic Located on Part of Lot 67, Block 3, Three Lakes, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma_ The Chair introduced the case and staff reviewed the background. The subject tract is located East of the Southeast corner of 86th Street North and 117th East Avenue and contains an existing structure. It is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) District. The applicant is requesting a Site Plan Review for a medical clinic use to be located in the existing structure. The structure was previously used for a retail shopping use, which has a less strict parking requirement than the proposed medical clinic use. The review focused on the parking lot size and layout, drainage provisions and the potential need for additional easements. The Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed the case and determined that no,additional easements are needed. The applicant provided elevations showing that the tract drains North into the 86th Street gutter. The existing parking lot will be sealed and restriped to meet the parking requirements. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of January 17, 1991 Page 2 Staff recommended approval of the Site Plan based on review and the requirements of the Code having been met. Following discussion, Rick Johnson moved to approve the site plan as submitted. Motion seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Rick Johnson - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 3-0. Enter Ray Haynes at 7:25 p.m. 4. NEW BUSINESS - Discussion concerned a stemwall survey on all new construction. Consensus was for staff to proceed with whatever is necessary to implement such a stemwall survey. Staff explained the new CAD mapping system and showed the Commission some examples of what this system can do. Rick Johnson noted that his company is transferring him out of state and this will be his last meeting. He will be submitting his resignation. 5. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT IN AND NEAR OWASSO - No discussion. 6. ADJOURN - Rick Johnson moved, Gary Wells seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Rick Johnson - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Staff Report - OZ -83 (19- 21 -14) (30- 21 -14) (25- 21 -13) DATE: February 8, 1991 BACKGROUND The subject tract is 428.2 gross acres in size, mostly vacant and zoned AG District. It is located along the West side of the city from 3rd Street on the South to 96th Street on the North and generally East of Mingo Road and the AT &SF railroad. It will be the first phase of a major recreational / residential development that, when completed, will be 1300 acres in size. The recreational portion of the development includes a proposal for a new Owasso Public Golf Course. This zoning application will be followed by a Planned Unit Development application (PUD -9) which outlines in detail the proposal for the development of Phase I; however, the foundation for the PUD is the underlying zoning pattern and intensity levels which are used as a guide for maximum development potential and generalized use locations. The applicant is requesting a combination of Commercial Shopping (CS), Residential Multi- Family Low Density (RM -1), and Residential Single - Family Low Density (RS -3) zoning on the subject tract. The request is specifically for a total of 10 acres of CS zoning to be granted on two 5 acre Commercial Nodes (Activity Centers), one located at the Northeast corner of 86th Street and Mingo Road and the other at the Southeast corner of 96th and Mingo Road. A 300" wide strip of RM -1 multi - family buffering or transitional zoning district is requested to be located along the East and South sides of the 96th Street and Mingo Road Commercial Node and along the North, East, and South sides of the 86th Street and Mingo Road Commercial Node. The total acreage of RM -1 that is being requested is 23.6 acres. Single - family residential RS -3 zoning is requested on the remaining 394.6 acres of the tract (see enclosed case maps). STAFF ANALYSIS The Comprehensive Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. This means that when zoning requests are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council they should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended. Since a PUD derives both the allowable uses and the intensities for development from the underlying zoning patterns, proper zoning of this tract will ensure MEMORANDUM OZ-83 Page 2 that the supplemental PUD development plan proposed is based upon a zoning foundation that is consistent with the Owasso Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates the majority of the subject tract to be developed as Low Intensity Residential. It also designates the Southeast corner of 96th Street and Mingo Road and the Northeast corner and South side of 86th Street and Mingo Road as Medium Intensity Commercial. The Plan identifies a transitional buffer of Medium Intensity Residential wrapping around the Medium Intensity Commercial Nodes to assist in protecting the single - family districts. An arm of Ranch Creek with a series of farm ponds traverses the tract, generally from the North to the South, ending South of 86th Street at Owasso Lake. The creek, farm ponds, Owasso Lake and an area Northeast of the lake are designated by the Plan for Recreation -Open Space uses and identified as being Development Sensitive because of the potential for flooding. Generally, the subject tract is abutted on the North, West and South by mostly vacant undeveloped land located outside the City and zoned Agriculture (AG) District. It is abutted on the East by land mostly developed as single - family neighborhoods and zoned RS -3 District. Along the East side there are two large undeveloped areas zoned AG District. One is located East of the Northeast corner of the subject tract and the other is located abutting the East Central portion of the tract. The applicant's request for RS -3 zoning on the majority of the tract is consistent with the existing RS -3 zoning adjacent to the tract on the East and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for Low Intensity Residential, The request for a combination of CS and RM -1 at the Southeast corner of 96th Street and Mingo Road is also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The request for CS and RM -1 at the intersection of 86th Street and Mingo Road is consistent and actually somewhat less than what the Comprehensive Plan allows. Some commercial zoning could be considered along the South side of 86th Street if requested and properly advertised. Although not a part of this application, I think it is important to note that the applicant's request for a golf course use as a part of OPUD -9 is also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the Ranch Creek and Owasso Lake area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above review, staff recommends approval of the requested CS, RM -1, and RS -3 zoning districts as follows: MEMORANDUM OZ-83 Page 3 Commercial Shoppinq Center (CS) District The North 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW /4 NW /4 NW /4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Ranger 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said tract containing five (5) acres more or less; and The South 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW /4 SW /4 SW /4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said tract containing five (5) acres more or less. Residential Multi- Family Low Density (RM -1) District The North 300 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW /4 NW /4) of Section 30, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said tract containing five (5) acres, more or less; and The North 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW /4 NW /4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the North 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said tract containing 8.5 acres, more or less; and The South 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW /4 SW /4) of Section -19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the South 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said tract containing 8.5 acres, more or less; and The North 300 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE /4 NE /4) of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, lying North and East of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right -of -Way Line, said tract containing 1.6 acres, more or less. MEMORANDUM OZ-83 Page 4 Residential Single- Family High Density (RS -3) District The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N/2 NW/4) of Section 30, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and all that part of Lots Two (2) and Three (3) lying East of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right -of -Way line LESS AND EXCEPT the North 300 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 30; AND the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE/4 NW/4) LESS AND EXCEPT the East 592 feet; AND a tract of land BEGINNING at a point on the North Line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E/2 SW/4) a distance of 610 feet West of the Northeast Corner of said E/2 SW/4; thence South on a straight line parallel with the East line of said E/2 SW/4 to the Northwest Corner of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Eight (8) of Greenlee's Addition to the City of Owasso; thence West at right angles to the Point of Intersection with the North and East Line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right -of -Way; thence Northwesterly along the said Northeast boundary of said Right - of -Way to its intersection with the West line of said E/2 SW/4; thence North on said line to the Northwest Corner of said E/2 SW/4; thence East on and along the North Line of said E/2 SW/4 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract containing 138.6 acres, more or less; and The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the North 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet and LESS AND EXCEPT Hale Addition; AND the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) LESS AND EXCEPT the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE/4 SW/4) and LESS AND EXCEPT a tract commencing at a point 16.5 feet East and 16.5 feet North of the Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW/c SW/4); thence North 1153.5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence East 330 feet; thence North 200 feet; thence West 330 feet; thence South 200 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and LESS AND EXCEPT the South 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet, said tract containing 256 acres more or less. STAFF REPORT and RECOMMENDATION for BAILEY RANCH GOLF AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OPUD -9 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Staff Report - OPUD -9 (19- 21 -14) (30- 21 -14) (25- 21 -13) DATE: February 15, 1991 PUD CONCEPT The concept behind a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is that it provides an alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control, and a detailed plan (Outline Development Plan) for the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The PUD allows for greater flexibility than could be achieved by traditional zoning in planning the development of large parcels of land. As an illustration, Zoning Case OZ -83 (if approved as recommended) zoned the subject tract into several fixed zoning districts with the rigid requirements that are attached to each of those districts. Commercial proposals must be developed only on those parts of the tract zoned commercial and they must meet all the requirements set out in the Zoning Code for commercial developments, multi - family proposals must be developed only on those parts of the tract zoned multi - family and must meet all the requirements for multi - family developments, and single - family must be developed only on those areas zoned for single - family and must meet all the requirements for the development of single - family. The PUD concept allows the developer to "collect or pick up" all the developable commercial floor area allowed by the various parcels zoned commercial, all of the dwelling units allowed by those parcels zoned multi - family, all the lots allowed by those parcels zoned single - family, and "place" them back onto the subject tract based upon an approved master plan and text (including bulk and area standards) that considers the physical facts on and around the entire tract. The use of the PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel rather than piecemeal changes or variances of zoning regulations. MEMORANDUM OPUD-9 Page 2 BACKGROUND Planned Unit Development #9 is 428.2 gross acres in size, mostly vacant and zoned AG District. It is located along the West side of the city from Third Street on the South to 96th Street on the North and generally East of Mingo Road and the AT &SF railroad. It will be the first phase of a major recreational /residential development that, when completed, will be 1300 acres in size. The recreational portion of the development includes a proposal for a new Owasso Public Golf Course. Generally, the subject tract is abutted on the North, West and South by mostly vacant undeveloped land located outside the City and zoned Agriculture (AG) District. It is abutted on the East by land mostly developed as single - family neighborhoods and zoned RS -3 District. Along the East side there are two large undeveloped areas zoned AG District. One is located East of the Northeast corner of the subject tract and the other is located abutting the East Central portion of the tract. The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the development of 8.3 net acres of commercial at the Northeast corner of 86th Street and Mingo Road, 10.5 net acres of multi - family directly North of the commercial tract, 8.1 net acres of attached single - family directly South of the commercial tract, and the remainder of the area (384.5 net acres) developed as a combination of a golf course with accessory uses and single - family detached subdivisions at a variety of densities. This PUD application is accompanied by a zoning application (OZ -83) requesting a combination of zoning consisting of 10 acres of Commercial Shopping (CS) , 23.6 acres of Residential Multi - Family Low Density (RM -1) , and 394.6 acres of Residential Single - Family High Density (RS -3) zoning on the subject tract. The staff has recommended approval of Zoning Case OZ -83 and the following analysis and recommendation is based upon the zoning case being approved as recommend. STAFF ANALYSIS The Zoning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and shall determine: (1) Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 3 (3) Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. (4) Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purposes and standards of the PUD Ordinance. (a) Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use and assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; (b) Permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; (c) Provide and preserve meaningful open space; (d) Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. Consistency With Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. This means that when zoning or PUD requests are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council they should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended. The Comprehensive Plan designates the majority of the subject tract to be developed as Low Intensity Residential. It also designates the Southeast corner of 96th Street and Mingo .Road and the Northeast corner and South side of 86th Street and Mingo Road as Medium Intensity Commercial. The Plan identifies a transitional buffer of Medium Intensity Residential wrapping around the Commercial Nodes to assist in protecting the single - family districts. An arm of Ranch Creek which includes a series of farm ponds traverses the tract, generally from the North to the South, ending South of 86th Street at Owasso Lake before exiting the tract to the Southwest. The creek, farm ponds, Owasso Lake and an area Northeast of the lake are designated by the Plan for Recreation - Open Space uses and identified as being Development Sensitive in order to preserve the natural environment where it enhances the quality of life, and improve the health and safety of the district residents. As proposed, the applicant is requesting less commercial acreage, fewer multi - family units, and fewer single - family lots than allowed by the underlying zoning pattern. They are also proposing to use those areas designated as Development Sensitive for,a public golf MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 4 course. Based upon these factors, it is the staff's opinion that the PUD proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Harmony With Existing And Expected Development The City's Community Development staff posed this question to a series of individuals with technical expertise in a variety of areas pertaining to community development (see Exhibit A) . Their verbal and \or written comments are incorporated into this and other sections of the report. Any large development such as the proposed PUD is going to create rapid changes within a community and new demands will be placed on our existing services and facilities. However, in a community such as Owasso it is important to note that this growth will occur regardless of this specific development. All of the concerns discussed in this section will need to be addressed notwithstanding the PUD. The PUD will simply increase the demands more quickly and thereby shorten the schedule for determining solutions. It is intended that within this section, growth concerns are recognized early so that comprehensive solutions can be identified before demands become critical. Providing Adequate Services - An investigation of demands on future service needs such as police, fire, street maintenance, refuse, administrative, and other services indicates that the PUD, which is the initial phase of the ultimate development, will not have a significant negative impact on these services. It will be necessary to give some consideration to the addition of a limited number of personnel and the equipment to support these persons. Those departments most likely needing additional support are police, streets, and refuse. When the ultimate development is completed, the size of Owasso will be doubled, and it is obvious that addition personnel and equipment will be necessary at that time. A specific concern identified by the police chief is that police enforcement powers on private roadways are somewhat restricted as it pertains to traffic and parking regulations. Also, the fire chief noted that street and emergency access was satisfactory but minimal. Infrastructure - An investigation of the future demands on infrastructure such as water lines, sewer lines, new streets, and stormwater drainage system indicates that the combination of existing city facilities and those new facilities provided by the developer as each area is platted and built, should be adequate for the PUD phase of the development. It will be necessary for the Golf Authority to construct an access street from Mingo Road to the clubhouse for the new Owasso Public Golf Course (approximately 800 MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 5 feet long). Completion of the ultimate development will place a significant burden on the city's existing sewer and water systems. A specific concern identified by the City's Sewer and Water Department staff and the INCOG engineers is that the plan4ang and preparations for the (1) expansion of the sewer treatment plant, (2) extension of a 12" water line from 96th Street North to 116th Street North, and (3) construction of a new water tower should begin now in order to ensure timely completion. Legal, Planning and Site Engineering - Most of the identified concerns can be accomplished during the site plan and platting stages of the PUD development process. Generally, site planning and engineering concerns centered around bulk and area requirements, street alignments, traffic flows, sight distances, private roadways, and floodplain utilization. Legal concerns centered around the functions of the Homeowners Association(s), private roadways, and processing future amendments (major and minor) to the PUD maps and text. The City Attorney specifically pointed out that the applicant, within the Development Concept section of the text, refers to the development maps as being "for illustrative purposes only." However, the zoning code identifies that when the PUD is approved by the City Council, legal ordinances are being established and the site will be zoned per the maps and text submitted, unless otherwise amended. Summary - As stated in the introduction to this section, concerns and problems associated with proposed change to our community should be recognized. It is the staff's opinion that concerns about the proposed PUD have been recognized and solutions to those concerns can be determined. It is also staff's opinion that the proposed PUD is in harmony with existing and expected community development. Unified Treatment Of The Proiect Site A review of the applicant's development plan maps was conducted to evaluate the utilization of the development potential of the project site. As was discussed earlier in this report, the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and proposes an excellent use (golf course) of that portion of the site designated as Development Sensitive. The proposal also has good utilization of the "lay of the land" as it pertains to locating the various land uses and establishing single - family lot sites. Internal street alignments appear to be designed in such a way as to maximize the utilization of the golf course and at the same time give consideration to stormwater drainage needs. Vehicular access points to the site appear to be sufficient, specific locations and MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 6 site distances will need to be reviewed during the platting process. The utilization of different land uses to provide for transitional buffers is good and their placement on the site is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and good planning practices. It is the staff's opinion that the site plan is a well thought out proposal and utilizes the features of the site quite well. Consistency With Purposes Of PUD Chapter The final section of the PUD review was to test the proposed development against the purposes of the PUD Ordinance. It is the staff's opinion that the proposal (a) permits innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use and assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties, (b) permits flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the site, (c) provides and preserves meaningful open space, and (d) has achieved a continuity of function and design within the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Given the above analysis, it is the staff's opinion that OPUD -9 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the PUD Chapter of the Zoning Code and, therefore, staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: (1) That the applicant's Development Text, Conceptual Development Plan, and Illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the Development Standards - Golf Course insert and the Revised Lotting Plan for the southern most point of the site, be incorporated as a condition of approval, unless modified herein (attached as Exhibit - B). (2) That the applicant's Development Text, Conceptual Development Plan, and Illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the Development Standards - Golf Course insert and the Revised Lotting Plan for the southern most point of the site, be considered to be the outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. (3) That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, single - family detached lots shall meet all the requirements of a typical RS -3 district, single - family attached shall meet all the requirements of a typical RTH district, multi- family shall meet all the requirements of a typical RM -1 district, and the commercial area shall meet all the requirements of a typical CS district. MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 7 (4) That within the PUD the maximum number of dwellings shall not exceed 1506 unit (underlying RM -1 and RS -3 zoning districts will support up to 23 5 dwelling units) and that the commercial floor area shall not exceed a maximum of 217,800 square feet. (5) That sidewalks shall be provided in all areas of the PUD. (6) That the private roadway easements shall consist of an access easement 30 feet in width for the placement of the pavement, plus two utility easements each 10 feet in width, located parallel and adjacent to both sides of the access easement. (7) That all private roadways be constructed to meet the City of Owasso's minimum standards for a Residential Street. (8) That the minimum Lot Frontage at the property line, of any single - family detached lot shall be 30 feet. (9) That the minimum Side Yard of any single- family detached dwelling located on a corner lot and with garage access to the side street, shall be 20 feet on a public street and 30 feet on a private roadway. (10) That the minimum Front Yard for a single - family detached Patio Home when abutting a private roadway be 30 feet 'in order to allow for automobile parking on the driveway without interruption of sidewalk traffic. (11) That an extensive landscape buffer consisting of a combination of fencing, berms, evergreen and deciduous plant materials and varying in width from 10 feet to 25 feet, shall be constructed along the East property line in the southern most portion of the development where a private roadway is proposed to be located close to the existing single - family lots fronting Carlsbad Street (see Revised Lotting Plan). (12) That all landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and installed prior to the occupancy of any buildings. (13) That two Property Owners' Associations be established, one for that area where private roadways are to be constructed and a second for those areas where public streets are to be used. (14) That the reference on page 29 of the PUD text pertaining to a lien being placed on a Property Owners' Association member's "personal property" be changed to "real property." MEMORANDUM OPUD -9 Page 8 (15) That minor transfers (20% increase or decrease in a development area's density) of dwelling units from one residential development area to another can occur if a significant change in the character of either development area is not created. (16) That a provisions for a vehicular turn around be provided at the end of 18th Street. (17) That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. (18) That the City of Owasso, public utility and communication companies, or their employees be granted the right of free access over all private roadways within the PUD. (19) That any request for a water tap located within the area delineated by U.S. District Court order, pay a $50.00 fee to the Washington County Rural Water District #3 before being allowed to tap into the Owasso Municipal Water System. (20) That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and filed of record in the County Clerk's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit. That said covenants shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso a beneficiary. EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "A" TECHNICAL REVIEW PARTICIPANTS Virgil McClure Southwestern Bell Telephone Co 6605 E Admiral P1 Tulsa, OK 74155 831 -4312 Lee Miller Oklahoma Natural Gas Company 5848 East 15th St Tulsa, OK 74112 588 -7000 Tom Rains Tulsa County Engineer's Office County Courthouse Room 305 Tulsa, OK 74103 596 -5000 Charles Nicholson Wastewater Treatment Plant 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4338 Bill Koerner City- County Health Dept 4616 E 15th St Tulsa, OK 74112 744 -1000 Charles Hill Public Service Company PO Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 599 -2217 Ralph Griffin OPWA Superintendent 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3459 Chief Bob Allen Owasso Fire Deparatment 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5253 John McElhenney Ron Cates INCOG - City Engineering Services Cates & Cobb PA 201 W 5th St, Suite 600 12620 E 86th St N #109 Tulsa, OK 74103 -4212 Owasso, OK 74055 584 -7526 272 -9593 Rohn Munn Gaylon Pinc Projects Manager INCOG -City Engineering Services 207 S Cedar 201 W 5th St, Suite 600 Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74103 -4212 272 -4959 584 -7526 Dale Johnson Owasso Public Schools 1501 N Ash Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5367 Chief Cliff Motto Owasso Police Department 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2244 Jon Coshatt Owasso Sewer Department 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4338 Rodney Ray Owasso City Manager 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Jay Stump, Director INCOG -Deve. Services Division 201 W 5th St, Suite 600 Tulsa, OK 74103 -4212 584 -7526 Richard Hall Economic Development Director 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Terry O'Donnell Owasso Water Department 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4940 INCOG a voluntary association of local governments serving creek. osage and tulsa counties 201 west 5th street, suite 600•tulsa, oklahoma 74103-4212.918/584 -7526 February 7, 1991 Mr. Steve Compton City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development Submittal Dear Mr. Compton: As per your request, development plan and January 14, 1991. distribution, sanitary we have reviewed th the illustrated master The review focused on sewerage, and stormwater e conceptual plan, dated the water needs. The evaluation of the water distribution system was limited to the addition of main distribution lines along section lines throughout the ultimate Development Planning area. The hydraulic model for the existing Owasso water distribution system was updated through this evaluation by adding these new main lines along Mingo Road and providing interconnections to the existing system on east /west section lines at 76th Street North, 86th Street North, 96th Street North, and 106th Street North. The northernmost connection was connected to the existing 6 inch line serving the Hillside Estates Addition near 116th Street North. This system of interconnected main lines follows the City's policy of providing a looped system of 12 inch lines along section line roads. While not actually modeled in. this evaluation, a system of 8 inch interconnected lines generally along quarter section lines is also needed within the project area. Water demands within the whole system were evaluated for average and peak consumption periods. Additionally, the impacts of the first phase of development were evaluated employing the City's water main policy. The results of the hydraulic evaluation of the water distribution system indicated that the existing system capacity is adequate to handle the first phase of the proposed development (some 428 acres) without significant Mr. Steve Compton February 7, 1991 Page 2 modifications or improvements to the existing system. The main water system for the first phase should include approximately 2 miles of 12 inch line along Mingo Road, from 76th St. N. to 96th St. N., approximately one -half mile of 12 inch line along 86th St. N. to the east to connect with the existing 12 inch line, and approximately one -half mile of 12 inch along 96th St. N. to the east to connect to the existing 12 inch line. The internal distribution system should consist of a system of 6 inch and 8 inch looped or interconnected lines to provide normal and fire service to consumers within the development. Due to the present location of the existing control /meter vault on 76th St. N., east of Mingo Road, a connection to the existing 16 inch line along 76th St. N. at Mingo is not possible without moving the existing vault or adding a new vault at that intersection. It is desirable to make the new connection directly to the 16 inch line at 76th St. N. and Mingo Road; however, it is not necessary for the first phase of development. It is also very desirable to extend the new 12 inch on Mingo Road all the way to the existing Hillside Estates Addition near 116th St. N. to provide a looped system around the northern part of the City. This is a significant deficiency which currently exists in the system making the Hillside Estates Addition and German Corners area vulnerable to water outages if the existing supply line on Garnett Road fails. However, this nearly two miles of 12 inch line is also not necessary to serve the first phase of development. In order to serve the ultimate development area (some 1300 acres) , the connection to the 16 inch line at 76th St. N. and Mingo Road with the meter vault relocation would be needed. Also, the extension of the Mingo Road 12 inch line north to 116th St N. would be needed to supply a new storage tank to be located in that area and provide proper looping. A 12 inch line would also be needed along 106th St. N. to connect the Mingo and Garnett lines. Internal looping would be needed as described earlier. Water demands from the ultimate development may utilize the remaining Tulsa supply capacity into the City of Owasso. This would depend on the amount of commercial and industrial demands added by the new development. The need for additional supply line capacity from Tulsa should be monitored closely as development and increased water demands occur. Concerning the sanitary sewerage system, the illustrative master plan can all be sewered without the need for Mr. Steve Compton February 7, 1991 Page 3 additional lift stations. The northwest corner of section 19 can be sewered to an existing sewer at the intersection of 96th Street and Mingo. A sewer can be installed along 86th Street and flow into the Ranch Creek interceptor at Mingo. This sewer will collect the remainder of section 19 and the northern part of section 30. The remainder of section 30 can be sewered south to the Ranch Creek interceptor along 76th Street. The remainder of the project covered in the conceptual development plan can be gravity sewered along the drainage channels to 96th Street. The wastewater from this project will all flow to the Santa Fe lift station, on 76th Street, through the Ranch Creek interceptor. According to the Ranch Creek interceptor record drawings, the interceptor has a maximum capacity at the lift station of 4.5 cfs with a limiting capacity of 1.2 cfs along 86th Street. The majority of the existing development flow enters the interceptor downstream of this limiting section. The lift station has a maximum pumping rate of 1.35 MGD. The existing development in this drainage basin contributes approximately 0.55 MGD to the lift station and a peak flow in the pipe is approximately 2.2 cfs. The addition of the illustrative master plan with the existing development is estimated to contribute 0.80 MGD to the lift station and a peak flow of 3.2 cfs in the pipe. When the full conceptual development plan is added to the existing development, the estimated contribution to the lift station is 2.30 MGD and the peak flow in the pipe is 7.5 cfs. These flow estimates include 2,000 gpd /acre for the commercial and industrial areas. This value should be verified when development begins because flow from commercial/ industrial areas is not a standardized estimate. According to the City's NPDES application, dated September 5, 1990, the current average daily flow to the wastewater treatment plant is 1.287 MGD, and the plant's design capacity is 1.56 MGD. The conclusion of this sanitary sewerage analysis is that the first phase of this PUD, the illustrative master plan, can be added to the City's sanitary sewerage system without any modifications to the Santa Fe lift station and treatment plant. However, when the second phase of the PUD, the conceptual master plan, is added, the City will have to make modifications to its sanitary sewerage system. In addition, the City should begin planning for a wastewater treatment plant expansion now, with or without the development. Normal planning for a plant expansion should begin when the plant reaches 75% of design capacity, and the plant currently is at 83 %. The City should continue an Mr. Steve Compton February 7, 1991 Page 4 inflow /infiltration investigation. The I/I in the existing system, added to the new development, will cause the sewerage system to exceed capacity more often. The subject of stormwater and runoff abatement was not addressed. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, John D. McElhenney, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer JDM /ph c: Mr. Gaylon Pinc, P.E., INCOG Mr. Ralph Griffen, OPWA Mr. Charles Nichelson, OPWA Mr. Richard Hall, Director of Economic Development City of Owasso MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Compton FROM: Chief Clifford R. Motto SUBJECT: Bailey Ranch Development DATE: January 29, 1991 I have reviewed the material concerning the development of the "Bailey Ranch ". While I feel it to be an important step in expanding the development of the City.of Owasso, I have two concerns at this time. My first concern is for the manpower levels of the police department. As you are aware, large areas of vacant land have been annexed into the corporate city limits during the past year and a half. This land, although still vacant, will be developed into housing additions and communities in the future. The "Bailey Ranch ", once development commences, will add an additional eight hundred plus households to our community. Once the entire plan has been developed, we will have added a total of 3,535 more homes plus a number of industrial facilities. I believe that additional police officers will not be needed at this time. However, once the eight hundred plus homes are built and occupied, I anticipate that at least three police officers will be needed to cover the additional population and vehicle traffic increases. Please note that by hiring three officers, this would mean only one more officer per shift. Once the project is fully developed with an excess of three thousand homes plus shopping centers and industrial areas, I would like to add an additional six police officers which would mean two more officers per shift. I believe that since these additional homesites can be considered "up scale housing ", the burglary, larceny, and robbery rates would be prone to increase. My second concern is that in some of these new housing additions, "private streets" will be maintained. Please note that since these streets will be restricted to the public by the use of electric gates, the police department, although having jurisdiction for the houses themselves, will not have any enforcement powers on the roadways. This means, we will not be able to enforce traffic regulations, parking regulations, or be able to respond and work any motor vehicle accidents that occur on these roadways. Cli ford R. Motto Chief of Police CRM /ah MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Compton, Assistant City Manager for Community Development FROM: Rohn Munn, Project Manager M SUBJECT: Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development P.U.D. DATE: February 1, 1991 As you requested, I have spent some time reviewing the above - referenced P.U.D. submittal. To date, I have only been able to spend a small amount of time conducting this review; however, about what has been submitted looks like it meets our required standards. The only questions or concerns I have at this time are as follows: - Consideration of the 100 -year flood plain during the platting process. - Is Mingo Road presently adequate to maintain proper traffic flow after P.U.D. is developed? - What kind of "sight distance" problems will occur at the four proposed entrances onto Mingo Road, the two proposed entrances onto 96th Street North and the private entrance onto 86th Street North? There is no mention of easements, especially along the perimeter. Looping 12" water line will be needed where applicable. MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Compton FROM: Ralph Griffin Owasso Public Works Superintendent SUBJECT. Impact of Bailey Ranch Additions DATE: February 01, 1991 You asked me what impact the Bailey Ranch_ Additions would have on my departments: In the Street Department, in labor, I would need one start with and by the time the additions were complete, I would need a total of four men (at least).. These will be new streets and should not have any major maintenance problems for a number_of years. In the Refuse Department, it is easy. I_`would need one man, one truck, one day per 450 homes. CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Compton FROM: Richard Hall, Director SUBJECT: Bailey Ranch PUD and Plat Recommendations DATE: January 25, 1991 I have listed below some cursory concerns about the plat and PUD. My concerns may not address some important issues and should not be construed as the total recommendation of the city. - Provide for second emergency access on south property - Delete islands in streets or provide for private street maintenance on the South property. - Delete islands in streets or provide for private street maintenance on North property. Explain who will maintain two narrow strips of land between subdivision streets and neighboring properties. - Provide for street access /emergence access from neighboring stub streets, especially from the Ator addition. If private streets are anticipated, provide cul -de -sac turn - around areas for the stubs on PUD property. - limit the four -way intersections on both parcels. - Also show Mingo as 97th E. Ave, a local name. - Provide the following or similar language, with the approval of the City Attorney, in the plat for private street access: Developer hereby expressly grants to the City of Owasso as a governmental entity, and as trustee for all other governmental entities, the right of free access over all private streets contained within this development, such access to be utilized by governmental employees in the performance of their official duties. This right of access shall include but not be limited to access by all emergency vehicles. However, the grant of this right of access does not alter the essential character of the private streets contained within the subdivision, and such streets remain privately owned and privately maintained. - Require that the minimum street off -set is at least 125' - In bulk and are requirements check: bulk and area requirements for small lots on both tracts, larger side yards on corner lots A ten foot side yard for patio homes and 15 foot side yards for garden and conventional homes were required by the PUD of the side yard of a corner lot. The Zoning Code in a standard development requires two 25 foot setbacks, lot size to accommodate off - street parking A 20' residential front yard setback was required in the PUD document. A second of two cars parked in a drive way will extend over a sidewalk in front of a conventional home. - Require a maximum cul -de -sac length. - Multi- family densities may not approach the 12 units per acre shown in the PUD documents. - Require that any water tap within the area delineated by U.S. District Court order first pay $50 to Washington 3 Rural Water District before being taped by Owasso crews. - Specify two parking spaces minimum for each residence except for 1.5 spaces for a one bedroom apartment. County EnginEEr A Department of the Board of County Commissioners Tulsa County Administration Bldg. • 500 South Denver Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 • (918) 596 -5730 Tulsa County RAY JORDAN COUNTY ENGINEER January 29, 1991 Steve Compton Owasso City Planner 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Steve, I have reviewed the package you sent regarding "Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development ". I have no problem with the general concept of this development. As the development is platted, I would ask that Tulsa County be allowed to comment on access points as they relate to County maintained roads, specifically Mingo Road and 96th Street North. Sincerely, Tom Rains Assistant County Engineer TR:sc xc: File EXHIBIT "B" BAH,EY RANCH GOLFAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submission for: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND REZONING Submitted to: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Prepared by: PI TTMAN -POE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10820 E. 45th St., Suite 101 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 665 -8800 January 14, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Development Concept .............. ............................... 1 Statistical Summary ................ ............................... 4 Existing Conditions ................ ............................... 5 Existing Conditions Plan ............. ............................... 7 Slope Analysis Plan ................ ............................... 8 Existing Utilities Analysis ............ ............................... 9 Existing Utilities Plan .............. ............................... 10 Hydrology Analysis ................ ............................... 11 Hydrology Analysis Plan ............ ............................... 13 Soils Analysis .................... .................:............. 14 Soils Analysis Plan ................ ............................... 15 Surrounding Zoning ............... ............................... 16 Surrounding Zoning Plan ........... ............................... 17 Development Standards: - Patio Homes ............... ............................... 18 - Garden Homes ............. ............................... 19 - Premier Homesites .......... ............................... 20 - Executive Homesites ......... ............................... 21 - Estate Homesites ........... ............................... 22 - Townhomes /Villas .......... ............................... 23 - Multi- family ............... ............................... 25 - Commercial Shopping ........ ............................... 26 Landscaping..................... ............................... 28 Property Owners' Association ........ ............................... 29 Unit Transfer .................... ............................... 30 Site Plan Review ................. ............................... 31 Platting Requirements ............. ............................... 32 Expected Schedule of Development ... ............................... 33 Proposed Zoning Plan ............. ............................... 34 Illustrative Development Plan ........ ............................... 35 Conceptual Master Plan ............ ............................... 36 The Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development is a proposed mixed -use Planned Unit Development (PUD) located just west of the City of Owasso, between 76th and 96th Streets North and from Mingo east to the half section line between Mingo and Garnett. This ±428.2 acre development is situated on rolling terrain that features a tree lined creek, scattered farm ponds and the ±17.7 acre Owasso Lake. Aside from the very small portion of the property that is located within the 100 year floodplain, the remainder of the site has excellent development possibilities. It should be noted this PUD is a little less than half of the area that makes up the Larkin Bailey Ranch. It is understood by the City of Owasso and the Bailey Trust that the entire ±1305.0 acre ranch will be zoned in the county and eventually be annexed into the City of Owasso and developed as a mixed -use PUD similar to the one being proposed now. The land uses will be more diverse and the area may or may not contain an additional 18 -hole golf course, and the quality and integrity of the development will be of the same excellent caliber. The Conceptual Development Plan shows proposed vehicular circulation and land use location. It is important to note that both the Conceptual Development plan and Illustrative Master Plan are for illustrative purposes only and are provided to show general locations and planning concepts of proposed land uses. The proposed PUD that is currently being considered for your approval is predominately a residential community with some non - residential support uses that will feature a beautiful 18 -hole championship golf course and clubhouse. The creation of active open space, while emphasizing the preservation of passive open space, is a very important aspect in the planning of the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development. In determining which areas lend themselves to specific land uses, sensitivity to topography, vegetation, surrounding land uses and other critical factors are of primary importance. Careful planning and execution of the development will help fulfill the present and future needs of the community. -1- Through the utilization of innovative planning techniques, the need for different types of housing can be met while minimizing the effect and impact on the unique natural features that exist on the land today. A diverse range of housing types and lot sizes, with regard to changing lifestyles of today's and tomorrows home buyer, are being proposed for this community. These housing types, which will encompass a wide spectrum of price range and density, will ultimately reflect the effort that has been exerted to create this harmoniously planned community. The architectural design of buildings will create individuality within a development area while simultaneously maintaining the overall unity of this golfing community. The northern half of the PUD, that area located north of 86th Street North, is to be accessed by publicly dedicated streets. In addition to the different types of single- family detached lots, this portion of the site will feature residential multi- family, and commercial shopping land uses with many of these development tracts having frontage and views directly onto the golf course. The clubhouse and golf practice facility will be located in the interior part of this northern half of the PUD. The southern half of the PUD, located south of 86th Street North, will be served by private roads. A security entrance off 86th Street North will provide ingress and egress into this private section of the development. A second entrance, located where Carlsbad Avenue abuts the development, will not be for the general public's use but only for emergency vehicles. This area of the PUD is intended to be marketed to a higher -end residential consumer where security is considered to be of vital importance. It is well documented that residential areas with fewer points of entry have lower crime rates than those with several points of ingress and egress. While entry into this section will be restricted, it is important to note that access by emergency vehicles to all areas will not be compromised. In a development of this caliber and size, flexibility of design and densities is of the utmost importance. In the next five to ten years, as this project is being developed, market and housing trends will most likely be changing in one form or another. It is felt that utilizing -2- a PUD will allow the adaptability that is needed to change with the times. What is popular and viable in today's market, whether it be housing types, lot sizes, etc. may not be feasible in a market five years from now. The PUD will help guard against market inconsistencies by allowing for the transfer of densities and flexibility within the project for all land uses. -3- Project Area Total Maximum Allowable Dwelling Units Development Areas: • Residential Single - family Detached (RS -3) - Total Area - Maximum Allowable Dwelling Units (52 DU /ac.) • Residential Multi- family (RM -1) - Total Area - Maximum Allowable Dwelling Units (12 DU /ac.) • Commercial Shopping (CS) - Total Area - Maximum Allowable Floor Area - Floor Area Ratio ±4282 gross acres ±4113 net acres 2,335 dwelling units ±394.6 gross acres 2,052 dwelling units ±23.6 gross acres 283 dwelling units ±10.0 gross acres 217,800 square feet .5 • Actual floor area to be determined by parking, building setback and landscaping requirements. -4- The Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development is a ±4282 acre site that is a part of the ±1305.0 acre Bailey Ranch located west and north of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The overall ranch extends from 76th to 106th Streets North and encompasses contiguous parcels of land that He from the half section line between Memorial Drive and Mingo Road to the half section line between Garnett Road and 129th East Avenue. The majority of the Ranch is characterized by rolling terrain with scattered groupings of mature trees. The elevation ranges from 571 feet at the site's low point located along the southern most boundary at 76th Street North, to 728 feet situated along the property line in the northeastern portion of the site. A vertical difference of 157 feet in elevation may appear to be a considerable amount, but when it is considered over the entire project which extends over three miles, it has minimal impact. The on -site slopes consist mainly of 0%- 5% slopes with lesser amounts of 5 %10 01o, 10 9o'-2001o, 20 0lo-30 9o', and only two small areas above 30% in slope situated in the north central portion of the development. The areas of steeper slopes are mainly located along the creeks and drainageways. There is a variety of small farm ponds located throughout the site with the 17.7 acre Owasso Lake situated just south of 86th Street North and east of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right -of -way. With the topography not creating any major limitations, the vast majority of the project site is developable. The areas of developmental concern are located in the site's 100 year floodplain and the land located within the Public Service Company of Oklahoma's transmission line easement. While some reclamation of the floodplain is possible and desirable, the bulk of the property in the floodplain is not reclaimable due to either physical or economic considerations. -5- Vehicular access to the site will be provided by one of several major roadways. While all east /west roadways are open to the development from Owasso, it will be 86th Street North that will carry the majority of the vehicular traffic to the project, especially for the first phases of development. 86th Street North also provides access to U. S. Highway 75 Interchange located just 2.25 miles west of the project Garnett and Mingo Roads will provide access to the site from the north and south. Finally, U. S. Highway 169, with access one -half mile east of the development at 76th and 86th Streets North, is a major highway that serves commuters from Owasso and points north directly to the City of Tulsa whose city limits are located just two miles south of Owasso. I3 LEGEND. 90 Tree Masses EXISTING CONDITIONS LEGEND SLOPE ANALYSIS 0 - s% slope Q 5 — 10% Slope Q 10 — z0% slope 20 - 30% slope _ Above 30% Slope SLOPE ANALYSIS All major utilities: water, sewer, electric and natural gas have direct access to the project site at one or more points. While there appears to be no significant problem in servicing all portions of the project, utility extensions, for the provision of service to different sections of the site, need to be analyzed as these parcels become developed. Water is provided by two sources, the City of Owasso and Washington County Rural Water District #3. The City of Owasso generally has lines servicing the eastern portion of the property with Washington County Rural Water District #3 servicing the western sections. Sanitary sewer is provided by the City of Owasso. The City has several sanitary sewer lines either crossing the site or in very close proximity. The largest of these lines runs from north to south along the western boundary of the development in the same general location as Ranch Creek. The capacity of this sewer line should have no problem in handling the development's sewage. Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) furnishes electricity to the entire area As with the other aforementioned utilities, electric service is available and is either located on site or in close proximity to the development. PSO has an electrical transmission line that runs east and west, located roughly 1/4 mile north of 86th Street North. At this time, there is a blanket easement over the area but should be reduced to 100 -150 feet in width when PSO finally determines its final dimensions. Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) is the supplier of natural gas to the project. While there are areas located in the northwestern section of the property that do not have gas lines in the immediate vicinity, this should not pose any problems. Enough gas lines are located around the site that gaining access to natural gas should be very easy. If a gas line or any other utility line extension is necessary to service the development, payback systems are available to the developer. 0 LEGEND: 1. Electric Lire (PSO) Natural Gas Line (ONG) Sanitary Sewer Lkv Water Line City of Owasso Water Line Washington County District N3 UTILITIES One of a project's most desirable aesthetic elements can also be one of the more — challenging areas to deal with, these areas being the site's ridgelines and drainageways. While most of the project's ridgelines and drainageways are not restrictive, from a development point of view, they do function well in helping to define the project's drainage basins as well as specific development areas that will be located throughout the project. The ridgelines assist in determining where roadways and views will be established In addition to the drainageways helping to separate and define specific parcels of land, they also help to separate and buffer differing land uses. Analyzing the ridgelines and drainageways also aids in determining appropriate locations for proposed lakes and other water features. The Bailey Ranch has approximately 318.0 acres of the 1305.0 acres located within the 100 year floodplain with only 26.7 acres of 100 year floodplain located in the proposed PUD. The majority of this floodplain is located south of 86th Street North around Lake Owasso and the area located south and west of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. This area of largest floodplain concentration is bisected from north to south by Ranch Creek. The existing floodplain of the lake area can be totally eliminated by improvements on the discharge structure of the lake. There are two other small areas of floodplain on the project site. The first is located in the northwestern comer of the development with the second being located in the south central section of the site. The floodplain location assists in determining what areas are unsuitable for development and what areas can possibly be reclaimed from the floodplain for development. Although conventional development in terms of residential, commercial or office is not generally available in the floodplain area, the floodplain is quite suitable for golf courses and other active and passive recreational activities. There are numerous small farm ponds scattered throughout the property that collect some of the project's stormwater. Some of these ponds and lakes will be preserved for aesthetic and stormwater management purposes while new ones will be constructed at strategic oil locations for the same reasons as well as to aid in the golf strategy and irrigation of the proposed golf course. -12- LEGEND: OOOD DFiNNAGEWAYS RIDGEUNES RDODPLAIN HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS The soil types found on the Larkin Bailey Property are typical for this part of the state. The bulk of the soils are loam /clay -loam soil types with some shrink /swell potential, somewhat low strength and areas of slow permeability. These soils should create no unusual developmental problems that are not commonly encountered in , most other area developments. Proper structural design will be needed to compensate for the shrink /swell potential and low strength. Detailed soil tests will need to be performed as parcels become developed. Tile specific soil types found on the project are: Bates - Coweta Complex: Coweta -Bates Complex: Demos Silt Loam: Demos Silt Loam: Dennis Silt Loam: Demos- Carytown Complex: Dennis - Radley Complex: Eram- Coweta Complex: Okemah- Parsons - Carytown Complex: Okemah Silt Loam: Osage Silty Clay Radley Soils Wynona Silty Clay Loam -14- 3 %5% slopes 2 9o'-6% slopes 1 0lo-3% slopes 3 9o'-5% slopes 2 0lo-5% slopes, eroded 1 %a3% slopes 0 0/o-12% slopes 5 %-15% slopes 0 0lo-1% slopes 0 0/0-1% slopes LEGEND. SOIL ANALYSIS EWOS- COweta complex, 3 -5% slopes gwela complex, 5 -15% slopes Coweta -Bales Complex, 2 -6% slopes Q Osage ally day OWNS sift loan. 1 -3% slopes Radey silt bam Dennis sit loam, 3 -5% slopes Radley sods Dennis sit ban. 2 -5% slopes, eroded O WM. egy day barn Dmris- Ca1Y10wn complex. 1 -3% slopes Carylown axnpex, Oennia- RadlsY complex, 0 -12% slopes 0 -1% slopes Okemeh sit ban. 0 to 1 percent slopes SOIL ANALYSIS Since the development surrounds the majority of the City of Owasso's west and north sides, there is a variety of different zoning types and land uses located in close proximity. While there is some commercial shopping as well as a small amount of light industrial and residential multi- family, the majority of the zoned land around the project is single - family detached residential housing (RS -3). This stands to reason since the City of Owasso is in some respects a bedroom community for the City of Tulsa. Even more predominant than the residential land uses around the site is the amount of land that is unzoned or agricultural. In fact, nearly all of the land to the north, west, and south of the project, as well as the land within the project site itself, is unzoned agricultural. With the bulk of the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development proposed for residential development and supporting land uses, the compatibility with the surrounding areas is assured. -16- 66th 66th 76th 66th FN SURROUNDING ZONING SING F-FA1u(ii Y DETACHED DWELLINGS (Patio Homes) Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Size - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public/Private Street - Comer Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage' - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards As permitted within R -3 Dist. 5,000 sq.ft. 2 stories (35 ft.) 20 ft. 10 ft. 50 ft. (at bldg. line) 100 ft. 20 ft. 5/5 ft. Other Requirements It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth abov. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. On cul-de -sac, pie - shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. 5" SINGLE -FAMIi Y DETACHED DWELLINGS (Garden Homes) Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Size - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards As permitted within R -3 Dist. 6,900 sq.ft. 2 stories (35 ft.) 25 ft. 15 ft. 65 ft. (at bldg. line) 100 ft. 25 ft. 10/5 ft. It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. ' On cul-de -sac, pie - shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -19- SINGI n FAMLLY DETACHED DWE INGS (Premier Homesites) Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses As permitted within R -3 Dist. - Minimum Lot Size 8,250 sq.ft. - Maximum Building Height 2 stories (35 ft.) - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public/Private Street 25 ft. - Comer Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street 15 ft. - Minimum Lot Frontage' 75 ft. (at bldg. line) - Minimum Lot Depth 110 ft. - Minimum Rear Yard 25 ft. - Minimum Side Yards 10/5 ft. Other Requirements It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. on cul -de -sac, pie shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -20- Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Size - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage' - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards As permitted within R -3 Dist. 10,200 sqh. 2 stories (35 ft.) 25 ft. 15 ft. 85 ft. (at bldg. line) 115 ft. 25 ft. 10/5 ft. It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. On cul-de -sac, pie shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -21- SING I P FAM[ Y DETACHED DWELLINGS (Estate Homesites) Single - family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted Uses As permitted within R -3 Dist. - Minimum Lot Size 12,000 s9h - Maximum Building Height 3 stories (45 ft.) - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public/Private Street 30 ft. - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street 20 ft. - Minimum Lot Frontage` 100 ft. (at bldg. line) - Minimum Lot Depth 120 ft. - Minimum Rear Yard 30 ft. - Minimum Side Yards 10/10 ft. It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. ' On cul-de -sac, pie shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -22- SINGLE- FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS (Townhomes /Villas) Single - family attached dwelling units intended for individual lot ownership, which may include golf villas, townhomes, club villas, etc. - Minimum Lot Size - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage - Minimum Lot Depth - Maximum Building Coverage - Minimum Rear Yard - Minimum Side Yards of Buildings - Minimum Separation between Buildings - Maximum Number of Attached Units 2,200 sq.fL 2.5 stories 20 ft. 22 ft. (at bldg. line) 100 ft. 60% 20 ft. 7-5 ft. 15 ft. 8 units Other Requirements It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review. Where these residential type uses occur along arterial streets, a landscaped buffer" should be constructed. ' On cul -de -sac, pie shaped lots will have a less than minimum frontage measured at building lines. -23- Landscaped Buffer. Minimum of 20 feet with walls, fences, berms, trees or other landscape materials, all of which help create a screening affect along the arterial streets. -24- MULTIFAMILY Development of multi- family units to provide housing, rental, or ownership in a harmoniously designed project. - Permitted Uses - Minimum Lot Area - Minimum Yard if Abutting Public /Private Street` - Corner Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street - Minimum Lot Frontage - Minimum Lot Depth - Minimum Yard if Abutting Interior Private Street - Minimum Side Yard - Minimum Rear Yard - Maximum Units per Building - Parldng Ratio As permitted within RM -1 Dist. 1 acre 35 ft. 25 ft. 200 ft. 150 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 30 ft. 16 units 1.5 sp. /1 bedroom unit 2.0 sp. /2 bedroom unit Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council pursuant to their review of the detailed site plan of each development area. ' Landscaped Buffer: Minimum of 20 feet with walls, fences, berms, trees or other landscape materials, all of which help create a screening affect along the arterial streets. -25- DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS GOLF COURSE - Permitted Uses: Golf course and assessory/support uses, i.e. golf clubhouse, golf practice facility, golf maintenance area, etc. - All perimeter golf course frontage and areas will follow signage regulations as to how they apply for RS -3 zoning. - One ground sign, surface mounted, not to exceed 50 sq.ft. surface area. Sign to be located on north side of 86th Street North, inside golf course corridor. - Permitted Uses - Maximum Floor Area - Maximum Stories - Maximum Building Height - Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space` - Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public /Private Street From Abutting Residential Dev. Area Side Yards Rear Yards - Minimum Parking Ratio As permitted within CS Dist. S FAR 2 stories 35 ft. 10% of net area 50 ft. 50 ft. 15 ft. 50 ft. One space per 200 sq.ft. of floor area Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. Sien Standards Signs accessory to uses within the shopping developed area shall comply with the City of Owasso Sign Ordinance. Lighting Flood lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up lighting will be used on buildings, signs, and various landscape elements. Low lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yard plazas, steps, and walkways. -26- Other Requirements It is intended that detailed site plans will be submitted for each development area, that consistent with the concepts and established by the Owasso Planning Commission pursuant to its review of the detailed site plan of each development area. -27- The landscaping concept is intended to achieve unity throughout the Planned Unit Development as well as provide an attractive view of the project from surrounding streets and neighborhoods. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for a development area, plant materials and any required screening fences shall be installed in conformity with a detailed landscape plan which will have been submitted to and approved by the Owasso City Council. Ma The Property Owners' Association to be established at the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development will have as its main objectives the maintenance of the private road system (where applicable) as well as all landscaped entryways, buffers and center islands. These areas are to be attractively landscaped with berms and assorted plant materials by the developer, and turned over to the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development Property Owners' Association for maintenance. In the event the association fails to maintain these areas in a proper and safe manner, the City of Owasso will have the right to maintain these areas and bill each member of the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development Property Owners' Association for that cost. Should payment by any member not occur, the City of Owasso can place a lien on the delinquent member's personal property within this platted area. Final documents on the Property Owners' Association at the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development will be filed with the final plat and will include the maintenance agreement and other specific rights and requirements for association members. -29- If, upon the approval of the site plan of any development tract, the allocated density has not been reached, the remaining dwelling units and /or square footage may be transferred to another development area within the community development, but not to exceed the total project density that has been established by the master plan. This degree of flexibility will not only allow the developer the opportunity to determine the land value but, will also provide the community with the necessary density information needed to plan for tax projections and needed community facilities such as school, hospital, police and fire protection, etc. -30- No building permit shall be issued for the construction of buildings within a development area until a detailed site plan of the development area has been submitted to, and approved by, the Owasso Building Permit Department as being in compliance with the Development Concept and the Development Standards. Separate building plans may be submitted for individual home construction after the subdivision has been given final approval by the City of Owasso. -31- No building permit shall be issued until the property has been included within a subdivision plat submitted to and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council and duly filed of record, provided however, that development areas may be platted separately. Restrictive covenants shall be established implementing of record the Development Concept and Development Standards, and the City of Owasso shall be made a beneficiary thereof. -32- Development of the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development is anticipated to commence upon approval and filing of final plat and letting of development contracts. -33- Bailey Ranch