HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.04.18_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET
April 18, 1991
DATE: April 18, 1991
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Owasso Community Center
NOTICE FILED BY: Steve Compton
TITLE: Assistant City Manager for Community Development
12, 1991.
Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for
Community Development
Thursday, April 18, 1991, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of February 21, 1991
3. OLS-75 - Owasso Development Company (2014) -A Request for a
Lot-Split on Lot 2, Block 1 of Mingo Valley Shopping Center,
an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
4. OZ-84 - Owasso Development Company (2014) - A Request to
Rezone a Tract of Land .5 Acre in Size from CS (Commercial
Shopping Center) to CG (Commercial General) District,
Generally Located North of the Northeast Corner of 86th Street
North and the Mingo Valley Expressway.
5. Site Plan Review - Med -X Drug (2014) - A Request for a Review
of the Site Plan for a Retail Sales /Drug Store Located on Part
of Lot 2, Block 1, Mingo Valley Shopping Center, an Addition
to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
6. Site Plan Review - Fry Building (3014) - A Request for a
Review of the Site Plan for a new Storage Building Located at
404 East Second Street, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
Owasso Planning Commission
April 18, 1990
7. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center III (3214) - A Request for
a Review of the Preliminary Plat for Oklahoma Baptist
Retirement Center III, Generally Located South of the Corner
of 122nd East Avenue and 122nd East Place.
8. Tulsa County Referral CZ -188 & PUD -469 - Larkin Bailey - A
Request to Rezone a Tract of Land from AG to RS, OL, CS, IL
and PUD -469, Generally Located from 91st to 106th Streets
North, West of Mingo to East of Garnett.
9. New Business
10. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso.
11. Adjournment
Thursday, February 21, 1991, 7:00 PM
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes Steve Compton
Pat Imbriano Marcia Boutwell
Gary Wells Rohn Munn
Charles Willey
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall,
207 S Cedar, on February 13, 1991.
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairperson Ray Haynes called
the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
Commission reviewed the minutes of January 17, 1991. Charles
Willey moved, seconded by Gary Wells, to approve the minutes as
written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
3. OZ -83 PITTMAN -POE & ASSOCIATES (1914) (3014) (2513) - A Request
to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing 428.2 Acres, More or Less,
from AG (Agricultural General) to RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family
Low Density), RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), and CS
(Commercial Shopping Center) Districts, Generally Located Along the
West Side of the City from Third Street on the South to 96th Street
on the North and East of the AT &SF Railroad and Mingo Road (97th
East Avenue)_
The Chair introduced the case and staff reviewed the background.
The subject tract is 428.2 gross acres in size, mostly vacant and
zoned AG District. It is located along the West side of the city
from 3rd St on the South to 96th Street on the North and generally
East of Mingo Road and the AT&SF railroad.
The applicant is requesting a combination of Commercial Shopping
(CS), Residential Multi - Family Low Density (RM-1), and Residential
Single - Family Low Density (RS -3) zoning on the subject tract.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 2
Staff is of the opinion that the zoning request is consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of the requested
zoning districts as follows:
Commercial Shopping Center (CS) District
The North 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4
NW/4 NW/4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Ranger 14 East of the
Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma,
said tract containing five (5) acres more or less; and
The South 466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet of the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4
SW/4 SW/4) of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the
Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma,
said tract containing five (5) acres more or less.
Residential Multi - Family Low Density (RM-1) District
The North 300 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4 NW/4) of Section 30, Township 21
North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of
Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said tract containing five (5)
acres, more or less; and
The North 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4 NW/4) of Section 19,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian,
City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the North
466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said tract containing 8.5 acres,
more or less; and
The South 766.7 feet of the West 766.7 feet of the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4 SW/4) of Section 19,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian,
City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the South
466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said tract containing 8.5 acres,
more or less; and
The North 300 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter (NE/4 NE/4) of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 13 East
of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso, Tulsa County,
Oklahoma, lying North and East of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Railroad Right-of-Way Line, said tract containing 1.6 acres, more
or less.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 3
Residential Sinele-Family Hiah Density (RS-3) District
The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N/2 NW/4) of Section 30,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian,
City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and all that part of Lots
Two (2) and Three (3) lying East of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Fe Railroad Right-of-Way line LESS AND EXCEPT the North 300 feet of
the West 766.7 feet of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 30;
AND the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE/4 NW/4) LESS
AND EXCEPT the East 592 feet; AND a tract of land BEGINNING at a
point on the North Line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter
(E/2 SW/4) a distance of 610 feet West of the Northeast Corner of
said E/2 SW /4; thence South on a straight line parallel with the
East line of said E/2 SW/4 to the Northwest Corner of Lot Thirteen
(13), Block Eight (8) of Greenlee "s Addition to the City of Owasso;
thence West at right angles to the Point of Intersection with the
North and East Line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad
Right-of-Way; thence Northwesterly along the said Northeast
boundary of said Right-of-Way to its intersection with the West
line of said E/2 SW/4; thence North on said line to the Northwest
Corner of said E/2 SW /4; thence East on and along the North Line of
said E/2 SW/4 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract containing
138.6 acres, more or less; and
The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section 19, Township 21 North,
Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, City of Owasso,
Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the North 766.7 feet of the
West 766.7 feet and LESS AND EXCEPT Hale Addition; AND the
Southwest Quarter (SW/4) LESS AND EXCEPT the Southeast Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter (SE/4 SW/4) and LESS AND EXCEPT a tract
commencing at a point 16.5 feet East and 16.5 feet North of the
Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW/c SW/4); thence North
1153.5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence East 330 feet; thence
North 200 feet; thence West 330 feet; thence South 200 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and LESS AND EXCEPT the South 766.7 feet of the
West 766.7 feet, said tract containing 256 acres more or less.
The applicants were present and, along with staff, answered
questions from the Planning Commission and a large group of area
residents. Following discussion, Charles Willey moved to recommend
to the City Council approval of the requested zoning. Motion
seconded by Pat Imbriano. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Charles Willey - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 4
4. OPUD-9 Pittman-Poe & Associates (1914)(3014)2513) - A Request
to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing 428.2 Acres, More or Less,
from RS-3, RM-1 and CS to OPUD -9, Generally Located Along the West
Side of the City from Third Street on the South to 96th Street on
the North and East of the AT &SF Railroad and Mingo Road (97th East
The Chair introduced the case and staff reviewed the background.
The use of the PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance
in accordance with a complete, coordinated plan of development for
a larger parcel rather than piecemeal changes or variances of
zoning regulations. The applicant is requesting approval of PUD
supplemental zoning on the previous zoning case on the subject
tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted
Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the
development of 8.3 net acres of commercial at the Northeast corner
of 86th Street and Mingo Road, 10.5 net acres of multi - family
directly North of the commercial tract, 8.1 net acres of attached
single - family directly South of the Commercial tract, and the
remainder of the area (384.5 net acres) developed as a combination
of a golf course with accessory uses and single - family detached
subdivisions at a variety of densities.
It is staff's opinion that the PUD is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, is in harmony with the existing and expected
development of surrounding area, is a well thought out proposal and
utilizes the features of the site quite well, and is consistent
with the stated purposes and standards of the PUD Ordinance. Staff
recommends approval of OPUD -9 subject to the following conditions:
(1) That the applicant's Development Text, Conceptual Development
Plan, and Illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the
Development Standards - Golf Course insert and the Revised Lotting
Plan for the southern most point of the site, be incorporated as a
condition of approval;
(2) That the applicant's Development Text, Conceptual Development
Plan, and Illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the
Development Standards - Golf Course insert and the Revised Lotting
Plan for the southern most point of the site, be considered to be
the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the
Owasso Zoning Code;
(3) That unless specifically set out in the standards and
conditions of this PUD, single - family detached lots shall meet all
the requirements of a typical RS-3 district, single - family attached
shall meet all the requirements of a typical RTH district, multi-
family shall meet all the requirements of a typical RM-1 district,
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 5
and the commercial area shall meet all the requirements of a
typical CS district;
(4) That within the PUD the maximum number of dwellings shall not
exceed 1506 units (underlying RM-1 and RS-3 zoning districts will
support up to 2335 dwelling units) and that the commercial floor
area shall not exceed a maximum of 217,800 square feet;
(5) That sidewalks shall be provided in all areas of the PUD;
(6) That the private roadway easements shall consist of an access
easement 30 feet in width for the placement of the pavement, plus
two utility easements each 10 feet in width, located parallel and
adjacent to both sides of the access easement.
(7) That all private roadways be constructed to meet the City of
Owasso's minimum standards for a Residential Street.
(8) That the minimum Lot Frontage at the property line, of any
single - family detached lot, shall be 30 feet.
(9) That the minimum Side Yard of any single - family detached
dwelling located on a corner lot and with garage access to the side
street, shall be 20 feet on a public street and 30 feet on a
private roadway.
(10) That the minimum Front Yard for a single - family detached Patio
Home when abutting a private roadway be 30 feet in order to allow
for automobile parking on the driveway without interruption of
sidewalk traffic;
(11) That an extensive landscape buffer consisting of a combination
of fencing, berms, evergreen and deciduous plant materials and
varying in width from 10 feet to 25 feet, shall be constructed
along the East property line in the southern most portion of the
development where a private roadway is proposed to be located close
to the exiting single- family lots fronting Carlsbad Street;
(12) That all landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by
the Owasso Planning Commission and installed prior to the occupancy
of any buildings;
(13) That two Property Owners' Associations be established, one for
that area where private roadways are to be constructed and a second
for those areas where public streets are to be used.
(14) That the reference on page 29 of the PUD text pertaining to a
lien being placed on a Property Owners' Association member's
"personal Property" be changed to "real Property ".
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 6
(15) That minor transfers (20% increase or decrease in a
development area's density) of dwelling units from one residential
development area to another can occur if a significant change in
the character of either development area is not created;
(16) That a provision for a vehicular turn - around be provided at
the end of 18th Street.
(17) That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory
Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the
(18) That the City of Owasso, public utility and communication
companies, or their employees be granted the right of free access
over all private roadways within the PUD;
(19) That any request for a water tap located within the area
delineated by U.S. District Court order, pay a $50.00 feet to the
Washington County Rural Water District #3 before being allowed to
tap into the Owasso Municipal Water System;
(20) That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council
and filed of record in the County Clerk's office prior to the
issuance of a building permit. That said covenants shall
incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make
the City of Owasso a beneficiary.
Representatives of the applicants were present to answer questions.
Tim Terrell of the firm of Pittman-Poe & Associates presented an
environmental impact study.
After all questions from both the Planning Commission and the
general public were answered satisfactorily, Pat Imbriano moved to
recommend to the City Council approval of OPUD-9 subject to the 20
conditions listed above. Motion seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on
the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
The Chair declared a 15 minute recess at 8:45 p.m., reconvening the
meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of February 21, 1991
Page 7
the current situation with the Anthony's stores and the planned
construction of Hardee "s and Sonic.
7. ADJOURN - Charles Willey moved, Pat Imbriano seconded, to
adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
TO: Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for Community Development
SUBJECT: Case Report - OLS-75 Owasso Development Company (2014)
DATE: April 11, 1991
The subject tract is irregular shaped, approximately 7.8 acres in
size, and zoned Commercial Shopping (CS). It is generally bounded
on the North by the Wal -Mart store zoned CS, on the East by the
Three Lakes Addition zoned RS-3, on the South by the Price -Rite
store and the proposed Hardee's restaurant zoned CS, and on the
West by the Liberty Bank zoned CS. The applicant is requesting to
split Lot 2, Block 1, Mingo Valley Shopping Center into four lots.
The applicant is also requesting that consideration be given to
allowing them to construct water and sewer extension in stages as
they are needed.
This request is consistent with the development process outlined by
the applicant when this tract was initially platted. The City
Engineer and staff have reviewed the Lot -Split map and the
Construction Drawings for the extension of the water and sewer
lines to serve the proposed lots and their conformance to the
zoning code and comprehensive plan. The TAC, at their April 10th
meeting, also reviewed the Lot -Split maps for their ability to
provide services to the lots. At that meeting it was determined
that this case could be recommended for approval subject to the
water line not being constructed in stages.
After completing an extensive review of this case and collecting
input at the TAC meeting, I recommend approval of Lot -Split OLS -75,
subject to the extension of curb and gutter along the East side of
the 117th East Avenue private entry street from the curb and gutter
of the public street to Lot 2C (Per attached sketch). This should
occur prior to the occupancy of any buildings constructed on lots
created by this lot-split.
OLS -75
Page 2
On the second issue that addresses a staged extension of the water
and sewer lines, I recommend:
1) That the looped water line be constructed and accepted by
the City Council prior to the occupancy of any buildings
constructed on the lots created by this Lot - Split.
2) That the sewer line proposed to serve Lot 2A does not have
to be constructed at this time. However, no building permit
can be issued on this lot until said sewer line is constructed
and accepted by the City Council; this condition of approval
be placed on the face of the deed for Lot 2A; and a
Performance Bond, Letter -of- Credit from a local bank, or an
equal method of assuring construction of this line be
LOT - 1 BLOCK - 1
TO: Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for Community Development
SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - Med-X Drugs (1420)
DATE: April 12, 1991
The subject tract is approximately 1.1 acres in size, vacant, zoned
Commercial Shopping Center (CS), and located North and East of the
intersection of 86th Street North and 117th East Avenue. It is
abutted on the North by vacant land zoned CS, on the East by the
Three Lakes Addition zoned RS -3, on the South by the Price -Rite
store zoned CS, and on the West by vacant land zoned CS, a part of
which is proposed for development as a Hardee's restaurant.
The applicant is requesting a Site Plan Review for a Med-X drug
store use. This tract would be created by the requested OLS-75
case and would be identified as Lot 2C, Block 1, Mingo Valley
Shopping Center. It has 90 feet of frontage on the private street
extension of 117th East Avenue and will have sewer and water
provided as shown on the maps for OLS-75.
The staff has spent extensive time with the applicant and the
developer addressing the parking lot layout and access points from
the private street extension of 117th Street. Some off -site
questions still need to be answered; however, the parking lot
layout and entry drive into the Med -X site is consistent with the
staff's request and matches our conceptual sketch of this primary
entry (see enclosed sketch).
In addition to the staff's review, the TAC reviewed this Site Plan
at their April 10, 1991 meeting and determined that it could
recommend approval subject to the following conditions:
1) That construction of the sewer and water plans shown as a
part of OLS-75 be made a condition of approval of this Site
Med -X Site Plan
Page 2
2) That the storm water drainage conform to the drainage
plans approved as a part of the Planning Commission and City
Council approval of the Mingo Valley Shopping Center plat
(drainage should be directed to the planned detention
facility). The final drainage plan should be approved by the
City Engineer as being in conformance with the approved plat.
3) That the following off -site condition be completed by the
owners or developers prior to occupancy of the building: a 5'
expansion in width of the northerly parking lot drive be
allowed and constructed off -site. This will allow the
applicant proper access to all parking spaces and be
consistent with future expansion of the lot to the North.
Based upon the reviews that have been conducted, I would recommend
approval of the Site Plan for the Med -X Drug Store, subject to the
above conditions.
TO: Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for Community Development
SUBJECT: Site Plan Review-Fry Building (3014)
DATE: April 11, 1991
The subject tract is approximately 2.3 acres in size and zoned
General Commercial (CG). It contains an existing structure used
for recreational vehicle sales and service and a gravel access
drive. This gravel access drive connects through the adjacent
property to the West to the service road and to 2nd Street on the
West. It is abutted on the North by a single - family neighborhood
zoned RS-3, on the East by a vacant lot zoned RS-3, on the South by
the Owasso School Bus Yard zoned RM-1, and on the East by the
Owasso Auto Clinic zoned CG. The applicant is requesting a Site
Plan Review for a building to store and repair construction
equipment. The proposal includes a paved parking lot and a
detention facility to meet the City's drainage standards.
The Site Plan for this tract was reviewed by the Technical Advisory
Committee at their April 10, 1991 meeting, and it was determined
that it they could recommend approval subject to the following
1) That the engineer provide a summary letter stating his
conclusions of the stormwater analysis.
2) That additional directional arrows be added to the Site
Plan to clearly show that the storm water runoff from the site
is intended to drain to the facility and not off the South and
East sides of the site.
3) That a screening fence be constructed along the East
property when it is developed as residential.
4) That the entire parking area be paved from the proposed
building to the existing gravel entry road.
5) That all building and fire codes be met.
Based upon the reviews conducted by the staff and the TAC, I
recommend approval of the Fry Building Site Plan, subject to the
conditions outlined above.
TO: Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for Community Development
SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat - Oklahoma Baptist Retirement
Center III At Owasso (3214)
DATE: April 11, 1991
The subject tract is located South of the intersection of 122nd
East Avenue and 122nd East Place. It is vacant, approximately 1.3
acres in size, and zoned AG. It is abutted on the North and East
by a duplex development zoned AG and allowed by a Board of
Adjustment exception. On the South it is abutted by vacant land
zoned RS-1 that is a part of the future expansion of the retirement
center, and on the West it is abutted by mostly vacant with one
single - family dwelling zoned AG.
The applicant is requesting a Preliminary Plat review for a small
one block, two lots subdivision. These lots will be used for the
construction of two duplex buildings during the time the applicant
is developing the larger tract of land Northwest of this tract that
was reviewed by the TAC and Planning Commission under a previous
application. Storm water detention is proposed to occur on the
back portion of Lot 2. Water and sewer lines will be extended to
the tract and easements for these and other utilities are shown on
the preliminary plat map. The City Engineer has reviewed the
water, sewer, and drainage construction drawings and has found them
to be properly designed, with only minor amendments.
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this case at their April
10, 1991 meeting and recommended approval, subject to the following
1) That the Restrictive Drainage Easement for the detention
facility on Lot 2 be more clearly defined and not be allow to
conflict with the 20' utility easement shown along the West
property line. Bearings should be shown on the boundaries of
the easement. Letters of release from ONG and PSO will be
2) That the final Convents for Phase III be the same as those
approved by the Planning Commission for Phase II.
Baptist Retirement Center III
Page 2
3) That all engineering submittals should be signed and
sealed by a registered professional engineer.
4) That any conflicting water lines should be shown on the
storm sewer plan and profile.
5) That only PVC pipe for the sanitary sewer lines be
b) That the Baptist Retirement Center III At Owasso,
Detention Report should contain a summary showing the peak
undeveloped runoff rates, the peak developed runoff rates, and
the peak developed runoff rates with detention. An
interpretation of the analysis, and a conclusion of the
results, should be included.
Based on my review and the review of the other members of the TAC,
I would recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for the Baptist
Retirement Center III At Owasso, subject to the above stated
Tulsa County Referral
TO: Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for Community Development
SUBJECT: Staff Report - County Referrals Z-168 and PUD-469
DATE: April 10, 1991
County Referral Cases Z-186 and PUD-469 are cases that have been
filed with the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC)
which addresses the proposed underlying zoning pattern and Outline
Development Plan for that portion of the land under the control of
the Larkin Bailey Trust, but located outside the corporate limits
of the City of Owasso and North of 86th Street North. However, it
is located within the City's "fenceline" and the intensities and
densities proposed assure that annexation into the City would be
necessary prior to development. Because of these factors, the
TMAPC has requested input into their decision making process from
the Owasso Planning Commission in the form of a recommendation
concerning the appropriateness of this proposal and its consistency
with the Owasso Comprehensive Plan and Owasso Zoning Code (see
In addition, Section - 110.3 (b.) Annexed Territory of the Owasso
Zoning Code states the following:
"When any territory shall be brought into the zoning
jurisdiction of the City of Owasso by annexation or otherwise,
such territory shall be deemed to be in the AG Agriculture
district, provided, however, that the City Council may annex
and rezone in one ordinance properties given previous zoning
in Tulsa County."
This provision of the Zoning Code does not require the Planning
Commission or City Council to accept the Tulsa County zoning or
preclude them from amending the zoning patterns or conditions of
the PUD ordinance, it simply provides a timely manner for
processing separate annexation and zoning applications as one case.
The importance of this review at this time is that it provides the
- City with knowledge of the owners' future development intentions
and to a certain degree provides the assurance that this future
development can be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
It also allows the City to make more informed decisions about the
Tulsa County Referrals
Page 2
timing, placement, and financing method of infrastructure needs and
public services. This review also provides the owners some
assurances that if their final development proposals are within the
approved guidelines of the PUD, only minimal changes will occur in
future public reviews, allowing them to prepare long -term marketing
Review - The owners' application consists of a request to rezone
698.2 acres from Ag (Agriculture) to 25 acres of Light Office (OL) ,
15 acres of Commercial Shopping (CS), 83.5 acres of Light
Industrial (IL), and 574.7 acres of Residential Single - Family (RS).
The requested zoning pattern is in three 5 acre commercial nodes,
one at the Northeast corner of 96th Street and Mingo Road, a second
at the Southeast corner of 106th Street and Mingo Road, and the
third at the Southwest corner of 106th Street and Garnett Road.
Each of these commercial nodes has an 8.5 acre "wrap- around"
transitional buffer. There is also an 83.5 acre tract at the
Southwest corner of 96th Street and Mingo Road, which is being
considered for light industrial zoning. Finally, the remainder of
the proposal consists of 574.7 acres of single - family residential
zoning located North of 96th Street, 163.0 acres East of Garnett
Road and 411.7 acres West of Garnett Road.
Recommendation - The staff has reviewed the applicant's request and
finds it to be consistent with the Owasso Comprehensive Plan and
good planning principles. Therefore, staff recommends approval of
the requested underlying zoning pattern.
Intensity Review - The staff has reviewed the Statistical Summary
presented by the applicant on page 5 of the PUD text and finds it
to be statistically correct, except that under the Owasso Zoning
Code the Light Office zoning district allows a Floor Area Ratio of
.25, not the .30 as shown. The .30 FAR may be allowed under the
Tulsa County Zoning Code, but the office floor derived from this
zoning district would have to be amended when annexed into the City
of Owasso. This change should not be difficult because office use
is permitted under the Light Industrial zoning district, which is
shown to have a maximum allowable floor area of over 2.7 million
square feet. This appears to be well in excess of the actual floor
area that can be constructed on the two areas proposed for
industrial use.
Tulsa County Referrals
Page 3
We would agree that the Statistical Summary is correct, subject to
the above amendment; however, we would note that the applicant is
simply asking for the maximums allowed in every zoning district.
No modification or justifications of these maximums supporting the
Outline Development Plan Map has been included. This supporting
data should be made a part of any future ordinance accepting this
proposal into the City.
Development Standards Review - The staff has reviewed the
development standards for five density types of single - family
detached dwellings and the development standards for attached
single - family dwellings, multi - family dwellings, office areas,
commercial areas, and industrial /research areas.
We have found that generally, these standards are appropriate.
There are some additions and modifications that we would suggest
prior to annexation into the City. Some of these would be as
1) That the applicant's Development Text and Conceptual
Development Plan be incorporated as a condition of approval,
unless modified herein (see attachment).
2) That unless specifically set out in the standards and
conditions of this PUD, single - family detached lots shall meet
all the requirements of a typical RS -3 district, single - family
attached shall meet all the requirements of a typical RTH
district, multi - family shall meet all the requirements of a
typical RM -1 district, commercial area shall meet all the
requirements of a typical CS district, and industrial area
shall meet all the requirements of a typical IL district.
3) That the minimum detached single - family lot frontage be
30 feet, at the property line.
4) That sidewalks shall be provided in all areas of the PUD.
5) That a minimum of two off- street parking spaces be
provided for each attached single - family dwelling.
6) That there be a minimum open space requirement of 15% for
both the detached single - family and multi - family developments.
7) That the minimum front yard for a single - family detached
dwelling be 20 feet.
8) That a maximum density of 15 dwellings per acre be set
for multi - family development areas.
Tulsa County Referrals
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9) That signs in the attached single - family and multi - family
development areas conform to the RTH and RM -1 requirements
10) That signs in the office, commercial, and industrial
development areas conform to the OL, CS, and IL requirements
11) That the reference on page 32 of the PUD text pertaining
to a lien being placed on a Property Owners' Association
member's "personal property" be changed to "real property ".
12) That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical
Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as
conditions of the PUD.
13) That any request for a water tap located within the area
delineated by U.S. District Court order, pay a $50.00 fee to
the Washington County Rural Water District #3 before being
allowed to tap into the Owasso Municipal Water System.
14) That a subdivision plat be approved and filed of record
in the County Clerk's Office prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
15) That turning movement improvements (e.g. acceleration and
de- acceleration lanes) be made at the proposed intersections
with arterial streets.
Development Concept & Map Review - The applicant's map and text
identifies a development concept that is imprecise, but generally
consistent with staff's interpretation of the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan and meets good planning principles. It does not
identify where different detached single - family development areas
will occur, nor does it identify locations of the different
intensities of non - residential uses. This makes it impossible to
review the appropriateness of specific land use relationships or
determine actual future impacts on public services and
infrastructure. For example, the text states that a variety of
alternative land use layouts may occur and requests that
residential densities and non - residential intensities be allowed to
be transferred from one area to another. However, since there are
no intensities or densities shown on the maps, there seems to be
little reasons to transfer these intensities or densities from one
unknown area to another unknown area.
The staff would request that these concerns be addressed and that
a more specific land use layout map be made a part of any proposal
to annex this development into the City.
Tulsa County Referrals
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Recommendation - After reviewing the intensities and densities,
development standards, development concept, and map presented as
the proposal package for Tulsa County PUD #469, staff can support
these in theory and would recommend their approval. We would want
it to be perfectly clear that in our opinion future annexation of
this proposal into the City of Owasso should require the submission
of an Outline Development Plan which more specifically addresses
development intentions.