HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.06.21_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1990 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: FILED IN THE OFFI 1990. June 21, 1990 7.00 p.m. Owasso Community Center Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development CE OF THE OWASSO CITY CLERK AT 4:00 pm on June 15, Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, June 21, 1990, 7:00 p.m. Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Roll Cali 2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of May 17, 1990 3. OLS -74 - Pam Stronks /Carol Strobel (2014) - A request for a Lot -Split on Lots 3 & 4, Block 4 of Lakeridge First Addition, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 4. Final Plat - Copper Meadows II (2814) - A second review of a request for approval of the Final Plat, located North of the Northeast Corner of 129th East Avenue and East 76th Street North. 5. Administrative Site Plan Review - Dorothy's Day Care (3014) - Staff Report on Site Plan Proposal on the South 70' of Lot 7 and West 50' of the South 70' of Lot 8, Block 18, Owasso Original Town, located at 19 South Main. 6. New Business 7. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 8. Adjournment MHMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Pat Imbriano Gary Wells Charles Willey MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, May 17, 1990, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma STAFF PRESENT Steve Compton Marcia Boutwell Rodney Ray The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on May 11, 1990. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairman Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 19, 1990 - The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 19, 1990. Under Item No. 3, Paragraph 2, Sentence 2 should read "....proposed Copper Meadows II" instead of "....proposed Cooper Meadows II ". Gary Wells moved, seconded by Pat Imbriano, to approve the minutes as corrected. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Gary Wells - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 3. Preliminary/Final Plat - Copper Meadows II (2814) - A request for approval of the Preliminary /Final Plat, located North of the Northeast Corner of 129th East Avenue and East 76th Street North. Chairman Haynes introduced the case. Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed the plat and recommended several conditions of approval. Staff recommended two options: (1) Approval of the plat as a Final Plat, subject to 1) staff's review that all the concerns identified by the TAC and any additional concerns identified by the Planning Commission are satisfactorily addressed, and 2) two sets of prints of the corrected construction drawings for the proposed improvements be filed with the City of Owasso prior to the execution of the Final Plat, or (2) Continue the public hearing to the June meeting for additional review. Bill Lewis, the engineer on the tract, was present to answer questions. After reviewing the plat, members of the Commission questioned whether the plat was ready to come before the Planning Commission. There were questions concerning the size and shape of several lots, the PSO easement, and drainage problems. Following discussion, staff recommendation was to continue the Public Hearing to the June meeting, at which time the applicant should come back with a new plat taking into consideration the TAC and Planning Commission concerns. Ray Haynes moved to continue the Public Hearing to the June meeting to allow the applicant time to clean up the plat and provide all the information that the Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 17, 1990 Page 2 Planning Commission feels is necessary to approve the Final Plat. Motion seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - Yes 4. Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Subdivision Regulations - An Ordinance Amending Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 5 of the Code of Subdivision Regulations for the City of Owasso, OK, Pertaining to CAD Final Plat and "As- Built" Construction Drawings. Chairman Haynes introduced the case. Steve Compton explained that staff is requesting changes to the existing Subdivision Regulations that would require developers and consultants to provide the City with a computerized copy of their Final Plats and Construction Drawings so the City's computer maps can be maintained and updated as new development is added to the City. Discussion centered on the various types of CAD systems and whether they would be compatible with the City's system. Ray Haynes moved, seconded by Pat Imbriano, that the issue be continued until such time as staff is able to determine and recommend the best course of action to follow for computer mapping. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 4-0. 5. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT IN AND NEAR OWASSO - Steve Compton reviewed current building activity, and some proposed activity was discussed. 6. ADJOURN - Pat Imbriano moved, Rick Johnson seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Chairman Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Comptonyv Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: OLS-74 - Pam Stronks /Carol Strobel (2014) - A request for a lot -split on Lots 3 & 4, Block 4 of Lakeridge First Addition, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. DATE: June 14, 1990 BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting a mutual exchange of land in order, 1) for one owner to clear title for mortgage purposes because of the significant encroachment (10.24') of privacy fence across her property line and 2) to adjust the property line to correspond with an existing privacy fence which was improperly located by the builder /developer. The applicants are satisfied with the present location of their fence and jointly request this exchange of land which will result in legalizing their existing yards. The two subject lots are zoned RS-3 and they are abutted on the North, South and West by single - family dwellings zoned RS -3. They are abutted on the East by a drainage ditch and vacant land zoned RS-3. There is a 10' easement along the South property line of Lot 3. The easement contains an existing 28" stormwater drainage pipe, a main electrical cable, and a 6 foot high wooden privacy fence. This case was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) at their June 13th meeting. They noted that by granting this proposed lot -split an unusual situation would be created where a lot line would not be parallel to the easement and that this might cause some confusion for future owners of these lots. However, no technical problems were identified and it was a consensus of the committee to recommend approval of the requested lot- split. RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the case and field checked the site. I agree with the conclusions of the TAC that confusion could occur in the future, but I would also note that any future property owner would be "put on notice" that an unusual situation existed along this property line when they read the legal description on their deed. In addition a review of the codes show that all bulk- and -area requirement would be met. Therefore, I recommend approval of this requested lot- split. LAKERIDGE PLAT NO. 4453 DATE FILED MAR. 23, 1984 OLS-74 PLAT OF SURVEY I TOM A. HAYNES OF TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERETIFY THAT THE ABOVE PLAT OF SURVEY REPRESENTS A CAREFUL SURVEY MADE BY ME (OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION) OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, TO-WIT: TRACT "A" LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK FOUR (4), LAKERIGE FIRST ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, LESS AND EXCEPT A PORTION OF SAID LOT 4, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTY 4 ALONG A BEARING OF S20°52'29"W A DISTANCE OF 4.07 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 75°03'46"E A DISTANCE OF 37.07 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE N 68°45'31" W A DISTANCE OF 3687 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 75 SQ.FT. MORE OR LESS TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT THREE (3), BLOCK FOUR (4), OF SAID LAKERIGE FRIST ADDITION, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE N 33°41'24"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LIE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 10.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE S 68°45'31"E A DISTANCE OF 88.31 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 442 SQ.FT., MORE OR LESS TRACK "B" LOT THREE (3), bLOCK FOUR (4), LAKERIDGE FIRST ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, LESS AND EXCEPT A PORTION OF SAID LOT 3, BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOTY 3; THENCE N 33°41'24"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 10.24 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 75°03'46"W A DISTANCE OF 91.06 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTY 4; THENCE S 68°45'31"E A DISTANCE OF 88.31 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 442 SQ.FT., MORE OR LESS TOGTHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT FOUR (4) BLOCK (4), OF SAID LAKERIDGE FIRST ADDITION, BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOTY 4; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 193.72 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING OF S 20°52'29" W A DISTANCE OF 4.07 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 75°03'46"E A DISTANCE OF 37.07 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE N 68°45'" W A DISTANCE OF 36.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 75 SW.FE. MORE OR LESS. MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Copper Meadows II - Preliminary /Final Plat Second Review DATE: June 15, 1990 BACKGROUND The Public Hearing on this case was continued from the May 17th meeting because of the incompleteness of the plat and data submitted. The Staff Case Report prepared for that meeting is attached to provide the necessary background. This case was presented to the Technical Advisory Committee at their June 13, 1990 meeting for a second review. At that meeting the PSO representative acknowledge that after several months of review they were going to require a 100' easement width for their power line instead of the 75' required through Three Lakes and Elm Creek subdivisions. There were no other comments on the Plat Map and Covenants. Staff had reviewed a second set of construction drawings and presented the applicant with a list of sixteen (16) concerns or questions that remain to be answered on these drawings. Of the sixteen (16), only three (3) remain where the applicant and staff have a difference of opinion, the other thirteen (13) are "house cleaning" items. These three items are as follows: 1. Allowing landscaped islands in the center of cul -de -sacs and eyebrows. 2. Final approval of the drainage plan for the Southeast corner of the subdivision. 3. Final approval of the off -site drainage plan proposal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Plat Map and Certificate Of Dedication And Covenants - I recommend approval of the Preliminary /Final Plat, subject to staff's final review of the lotting changes caused by PSO's new requirement, staff approval of the construction drawings, and that two sets of corrected construction drawings be filed with the City prior to the execution of the Final Plat. * NOTE - The applicant has been negotiating with PSO right up to the time of this mailout. PSO has maintained its position and is requiring a 100' easement because of the national concerns about the potential labilities that close contact with these power lines may cause cancer. The Plat map submitted in this agenda packet reflects the PSO decision and should be as "clean" as possible given the last minute decision; however, I have not had an opportunity to complete a final review of the new lotting arrangement along this easement. I do not expect any major problems, but my recommendation above is based on taking one more look at the plat. If there are significant changes, I will provide you with new maps for your review prior to the meeting. Construction Drawings - I recommend approval of the construction drawings subject to staff's acceptance of all "house cleaning" concerns and the following: 1. Landscaped islands in cul -de sacs and eyebrows not be allowed unless the applicant provides for an acceptable long- term method for upkeep and maintance (In staff's opinion the significant amount of public dollars spent to benefit the few homeowners around these islands is an unacceptable long -term maintance answer); 2. The drainage plan for the Southwest corner be approved by the City Engineer (see Lewis Engineering letter dated June 11, 1990 for their proposal); and 3. The applicant be required to clean and improve the ditch West of 129th East Avenue to insure that the stormwater runoff from a 100 -year rainfall will not inundate 129th East Avenue because of restricted flows in said ditch and that the applicant be required to pay a "fair share" of the cost to construct an appropriate drainage structure under 129th East Avenue, and further that this "fair share" amount be approved by the City Council and placed in an escrow account until such time as it becomes possible to improve 129th East Avenue and build said drainage structure (see Lewis Engineering letter dated June 6, 1990 and amended by me June 8, 1990 for their proposal). MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Copper Meadows II - Preliminary /Final Plat Staff Case Report DATE: May 9, 1990 BACKGROUND The subject tract is 31.79 acres in size and located North of the Northeast corner of 76th Street North and 129th East Ave. It is zoned RS -3 and abutted on the East by an existing single - family addition (Graceland Acres) that is platted and zoned RE, on the South by an existing single - family addition (Graceland Acres) that is platted and zoned RE, on the West by vacant unplatted land zoned RS -3, and on the North by an existing single - family addition (Copper Meadows I) that is platted and zoned RS -3. The applicant is requesting Preliminary /Final Plat approval. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviewed this item at their regular scheduled meeting on April 11th. An additional review of the construction drawing was conducted May 3rd. The attached Subdivision Checklist contains a listing of those concerns that the TAC recommends be satisfactorily answered and that two sets of prints of the corrected construction drawings for the proposed improvements be filed with the City of Owasso, prior to the execution of the Final Plat. STAFF COMMENTS Staff has been working with the applicant to insure a swift but quality review of the proposed plat, and we are satisfied that all matters at issue will be resolved. The conditions of approval recommended by the TAC can be placed into three general categories: 1) ancillary concerns addressing the Plat Map and Certificate Of Dedication And Covenants, 2) ancillary concerns addressing the Construction Drawings, and 3) fundamental concerns addressing the Construction Drawings. Categories 1 & 2 are mostly "house cleaning" concerns that can easily be corrected and are generally not substantive in nature. Category 3 concerns are substantive in nature and address drainage questions. There are four of these concerns and they are as follows: 1. That the gutter and street flow capacity be reviewed upgrade from structures 5 and 8 and that data be provided showing crown elevations will not be exceeded prior to reaching the structures. 2. That an interim stormwater erosion control plan be provided addressing drainage from the addition to off -site properties during development. 3. That data (maps and calculations) be provided showing the amount or intensity of runoff onto abutting properties in the Southeast corner and along the South and East sides of the addition will be equal or less than what is presently flowing onto those properties. 4. That an off -site stormwater drainage system plan be provided that is designed to pass the runoff from a 100 -year frequency rainstorm with no increase in the frequency or severity of flooding from the proposed development to the existing off -site detention facility. The applicant will present additional information at the public hearing addressing all concerns, but most of the presentation will be directed towards the four concerns identified above. However, unless staff has been provided the appropriate information far enough in advance of the hearing to allow for proper review, a recommendation stating that these concerns have been satisfied will have to be reserved for a later Planning Commission meeting or the City Council meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As noted in the Staff Comments section above, most of the concerns or questions addressing the Copper Meadows II plat and construction drawings are easily corrected and most likely will not require additional review by the Planning Commission beyond this meeting. The four questions concerning drainage will be discussed in more detail at the Planning Commission meeting for your benefit and to allow you and the general public to have all your questions satisfactorily answered. If you are not satisfied with the answers, I would recommend that you continue the public hearing to your June meeting for additional review and instruct the applicant and /or the staff to provide the information you believe is needed to answer your questions. If you are satisfied with the answers you have received during the public hearing I would recommend that you approve the plat as a Final Plat, subject to 1) staff's review that all the concerns__ identified by the TAC and any additional concerns identified by you as a result of the public hearing are satisfactorily addressed, and 2) two sets of prints of the corrected construction drawings for the proposed improvements be filed with the City of Owasso prior to the execution of the Final Plat. SUBDIVISION HECKLIST* OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Approval Requested: Preliminary Meeting Dates Preliminary & Conditional Final - T.A.C.4 111/90 - 5/3/90 Conditional Final P.C. 541749n C.C. S.T.R.: 28 -21 -14 Location: N of ta'Ir 76th & 129 th E Ave Name of Plat: - CMWr Meadows TT Subdivider /Developer:Oklahcm Utility Construction Co Zoning: gS -3/C H (oZ -gl CG t0 R4 -'il Engineer: Lewis Pnginepring, PC Total Acreage in Tract: 31.79 Number of Lots: 96 CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED Only those items checked apply to this particular subdivision plat - - - - Staff Initials Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an underground facility is planned. Show additional easements as required. D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company. D Public Service Company. D (D -13-9 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Aee_ City of Owasso. A Paving and Drainage plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. A Drainage System Stud including the boundaries of the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full upstrean urbanization. shall be approved by the City of Owasso. (Floodplain Boundary on Preliminary Pla only). 90 Water and Sewer Plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for any oil and /or gas wells before final plat is released. A Access Points (or access to the tract) shall be approved by the City of Owasso and shown on plat accordingly. A C Restrictive Covenants and Deed of Dedication shall be submitted for review prior to release of final plat (City Attorney shall review). Street Names shall be approved by the City of Owasso. A Adjacent Streets and /or widths thereof should be shown on final plat. A & C Complete Dimensions shall be shown on all lots, streets, building lines, G easements, etc. D A .(77 0 Complete Curve Data shall be shown on final plat where applicable. 1 CKev or Location Map shall be complete. (Show additional info:). Bearings, or tree N and /or S, etc., shall be shown on perimeter of land being included in the plat; or other bearings as directed. Sewage Disposal, the method and plans therefor, shall be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health Department. Zoning application pending (OZ- ) shall be approved before final plat is released, or if alternate zoning is granted, a plat re- submitted conforming to the zoning classification recommended. A Topo Map shall be submitted for review prior to review of the final plat. B That house numbers be shown on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. All Subdivision Regulations shall be met (including provisions of Appendix A and Ordinance numbers 182 and 233, and bll; other Amend- ments) prior to release of final plat. (Unless specifically waived by the Planning Commission). Building Pad Elevations be placed on each lot on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. Said copy shall be sub- mitted to the City Engineer. - MA Show location of all monuments MA Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all streets in all zoning categories except industrial as per Ordinance No. 182 Article Ill, Section 3. D Plat Filling Fee Paid to the Owasso City Clerk. Other Conditions (Attached): Conditional Final Plat Release Departments. A - City Engineer B - City Building Inspector C - City Planner D - Other (Specified at end of condition). *This subdivision checklist shall accompany all plats seeking Final Release. All conditions set forth shall be met and the subject plat properly reviewed prior to final plat consideration and approval by the Owasso City Council. It is the responsibility of the subdivider /developer that all Owasso subdividion regulations are complied with and that the subject plat is properly processed and reviewed by Owasso City Staff. SUBDIVISION CHECKLIST OTHER CONDITIONS PLAT MAP - CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND COVENANTS That a date be placed on the plat map. That all lots maintain the minimum frontage requirement of 30' (Lot 24, Block 2 and Lots 14 & 15, Block 1). That all lots have a minimum lot width at the building line of 65' as required in Copper Meadows I. 4. That there be no island in the cul -de -sacs or eyebrowsou That all curve data be added to the plat map. . 6. That the major PSO easement crossing the addition be identified and properly labeled. That the lot lines between Lots 24 & 25 and Lots 10 & 11, Block 2 and between Lots 25, 26, 27 & 28 and Lots 6, 7, & 8, Block 3 be adjusted to be either radial to a curved or qq perpendicular to a straight street as required by the codes. That the 10' utility easement on the Graceland Acres addition abutting this tract be labeled. That a Paragraph B, Single - Family Lot Restrictions be added to the Covenants or references to said paragraph be deleted. That a dimension and bearing to section corner from Southwest corner of Copper Meadows II be provided. That the Point -of-BL (POB) described in the legal description be shown on the plan view and plot map. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - CONSTRUCTION PLANS That existing and proposed conflicting utilities be shown on plan views and profiles. 2. That lampholes and manholes be labeled per Copper Meadows I on both the plan views and profiles. 3. That existing flow elevations be identified on profiles. 4. That manholes are required in place of lampholes where spacing L' exceeds 100' (lampholes a and f). That it be shown that the crossing of 129th by Line D be by boring and that the necessary plans and profiles be provided. 6. That each manhole and lamphole be dimensioned off the nearest intersecting lot lines. 7. That construction details be included. 8. That the finished and existing grade lines on profiles be labeled. 9. That finished floor elevations be shown on profiles when the proposed sanitary sewer centerline ground line is higher than the proposed building pad. 10. That rim elevations and finished grade be checked to insure positive drainage away from all manholes (manholes 2 and 3). 11. That all benchmarks be referenced to USGS Datum. 12. That a General Note be added stating that all PVC sewer lines will be SDR -35. WATER IMPROVEMENTS - CONSTRUCTION PLANS That the valve located at 77th Street and 130th East Ave be moved to the lot corner between Lots 20 & 21, Block 3. 2. That a valve be added on the North side of the tee at 77th Place and 130th East Ave. 3. That at the end of each line the length of line into the last lot be dimensioned. 4. That the East 78th Street label be corrected on the profiles. 5. That waterline profiles on lower left corner of page 3/3 be labeled. That existing and proposed conflicting utilities be labeled on plan views and profiles. That stationing be shown every 500' on plan views. 8. That construction details and a schedule of thrust block sizes be provided. 9. That all benchmarks reference USGS Datum. That long service taps shall be shown and noted that they will be sleeved. 4,11,10 That a legend be provided showing long double & single service 1. 2. That a statement addressing the waterline connection to 129th will be bored and show necessary information on plan view and profiles. PAVING AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1. That all existing and proposed conflicting utilities be shown on the plan view and profiles. That the gutter and street flow capacity be reviewed upgrade from structures 5 and 8 and that data be provided showing crown elevations will not be exceeded prior to reaching structures. That a grading plan be provided showing proposed pad elevations. That construction details be provided for all drainage structures, including inlets, headwalls, pipe trench, pipes,etc. That an interim storm water erosion control plan be provided addressing drainage from the addition to off -site properties during development. That data (maps and calculations) be provided showing the amount or intensity of runoff onto abutting properties in the Southeast corner and along the South and East sides of the addition will be equal or less than what is presently flowing onto those properties. 7. That an off -site stormwater drainage system plan be provided that is designed to pass the runoff from a 100 year frequency rainstorm with no increase in the frequency or severity of flooding from the proposed development to the existing off - site detention facility. Lewis Engineering, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3601 E. 51st St., Suite 103 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 747 -6788 June 11, 1990 Mr. Steve Compton Assistant Manager for Community Development City of Owasso City Hall Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Copper Meadows II Dear Mr. Compton: Transmitted herewith for your review are the engineering calculations covering the off -site drainage that occurs to the southeast and east of the referenced project as it is existing and after it is completed. As can be seen, the runoff to these areas is reduced to less than what is now existing. We trust that this is the information you require to evaluate the impact of this project to this area. If you have any questions, please contact us. Very truly yours, Lew' E gineering, P. C. William E. Lewis, P. E. President cc: Oklahoma Utility Construction Co. COPPER MEADOWS II Off -site Drainage East Area SE Area Exist. Developed Exist. Developed Area, ac. 4.6 2.8 8.9 4.2 "C" 0.35 0.45 0.35 0.45 L, ft. 500 450 750 500 S, % 1.2 1.33 1.8 3.2 V, fps 0.8 0.85 1.0 1.3 Tc, Min. 10.4 8.8 12.5 6.4 i5, in. /hr. 5.4 5.6 5.0 6.1 iloo, in. /hr. 8.8 9.1 8.4 10.0 05, cfs 8.7 7.1 15.6 11.5 Q100, cfs 14.2 11.5 26.2 18.9 Lewis Engineering, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3601 E. 51st St., Suite 103 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 747 -6788 June 6, 1990 Mr. Steve Compton Assistant Manager for Community Development City of Owasso City Hall Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Copper Meadows II Dear Mr. Compton: The following is a summary of the analysis of the drainage across 129th E. Ave., near the southwest corner of the referenced project. The total drainage area tributary to the existing 36" CGMP is 73 acres. Of this, 45.7 acres is Copper Meadows, 4.8 acres is public right -of -way and 22.5 acres is from land outside of Copper Meadows. The 100 year runoff from this area is 141 cfs existing and 181 cfs developed. The following is a summary of the areas and flows from these areas. Description AREA % Q.cfs Ac. Existing Developed Copper Meadows 48. 45.7 59.a 6z.6 84 108 Right -of -way j3-8 8 6.6 9 12 Other 33.8 50.B 48 61 TOTAL 73 100 141 181 The capacity of a 36" CGMP is 47 cfs based on an upstream head of 4 feet. At this capacity 3 -36" culverts would be required to carry the existing 100 year runoff or two more than what is existing. When this culvert was install a 7'X3' reinforced concrete box (RCB) should have been constructed for the existing conditions. To meet developed conditions using 36" culverts because of the limited ground and road differential, four of these would be needed or one more than those required for the existing conditions and three more than what is existing. To install these now is both impractical and not engineeringly sound. An optimum size of culvert would be a 7'X4' (RCB). If this is installed now it would not work properly because there is not enough downstream channel depth to carry the runoff. This channel is across the undeveloped area of Elm Creek. This makes it extremely difficult to modify it as it is on property not under our control. Since it is undeveloped any modifications would either have to correspond to their development plans or it would be subject to major modifications. We feel based on the above calculations that the existing structure is woefully inadequate to handle the existing runoff let alone the runoff after the total drainage area is developed. We feel that since the runoff to this structure comes from other areas than just Copper Meadows, any solution should be cost shared. We feel that this problem has existed since the existing structure was installed and because of the inadequacies of this structure, The cost rectifying the overall problem is greater than if there had been a proper structure installed initially. We feel that the structure should be replaced when an outlet channel can be provided to allow the structure to function properly. On behalf of our client, Oklahoma Utility Construction Co., we propose the following: 1. An escrow account be established to accumulate funds for the eventual replacement of the existing structure. 2. The replacement be cost shared by a Copper Meadows, the public and tributary to this structure. This be based on the following: 50% of the City with the remaining being ratio of drainage areas outside of way. Copper Meadows share would be 11 parties, other areas cost sharing the cost from based on the the right -of- 63.8%. The estimated cost of a 7'X4' RCB -4-0' feet long with wing walls is about $1000.00. Based on this the cost sharing is shown below: COPPER MEADOWS - $ 3,190 CITY - 5,000 OTHERS - 1,810 TOTAL - $ 10,000 In the interim until funds are available, we will clean the downstream channel again to allow the existing structure to function more properly. We are also proposing, as shown on our plans, to enlarge the bar ditch south of the existing structure, which will add storage volume in this area allowing the bar ditch and structure to act as a detention pond. This summarizes the problem and a proposed solution for this area. This is very complicated and is difficult to explain clearly, but hopefully this is accomplished in this letter. Please review this and give us your comments. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for your patience and hopefully working together we can solve this problem mutually. Very truly yours, Lewis Engineering, P. C. William E. Lewis, P. E. President cc: Oklahoma Utility Construction Co. 3 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Administrative Site Plan Review — Dorothy's Day Care South 70' of Lot 7 and West 50' of South 70' of Lot 8, Block 18, Owasso Original Town, 30- 21 -14. DATE: May 25, 1990 Per Section 660.2 — Application for Site Plan Review of the Zoning Code and confirmed by the Planning Commission March 22, 1990, I have completed an Administrative Site Plan Review on the above cited proposal and found the following: BACKGROUND The subject tract is 10,500 sq. ft. in size and located at the Northeast corner of Main Street and First Avenue. It is fiat, contains an existing building (the,' old Hinkle Optometrist's building) and zoned Commercial High Intensity (CH) District. It is abutted on the North by an automotive body repair shop zoned CH,' on the East by a residential dwelling and church zoned CH, on the South by First, Avenue and an automotive gas station zoned CH, and on the West by Main Street and several commercial uses zoned CH. The applicant is requesting a Site Plan Review for a children's day care use to be located within the existing building. This building is 1840 sq. fit. in size and one story in height. The plans do not propose any addition to the existing building only internal remodeling to accommodate this specific use. Attached to the East side of the building is a two —car carport which will be fenced to provide a small covered play area. The yard, except for the East 15 ', will also be fenced to provide a larger open play area. The fence along the North property line and adjacent to an alley will be a privacy fence. There are eight existing parking spaces along the South side of the building that have direct access to First Avenue. The applicant will expand one of these to a handicapped space and has enough room to keep seven additional regular spaces. Two 3'x 6' wall signs are proposed, one to be located on the Main Street side of the building and one on the First Avenue side. STAFF ACTION After having reviewed the proposal and comparing it to the Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations, I found that it met the requirements of the codes and approved the Site Plan. Na voluntary association of local governments serving creek. osage and tulsa counties 201 west 5th street, suite 600 tulsa, oklahoma 74103-4212.918/584 -7526 June 19, 1990 Mr. Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Copper Meadows II Dear Steve: SUBJECT: Drainage to the East and Southeast Per your request, the engineering calculations submitted by Lewis Engineering, Inc., covering the off -site drainage that occurs to the east and southeast has been reviewed. The topographic maps show the site has been mounded up along the south and east property lines. This causes the runoff to be directed off the site at two distinct outlet locations, on the east property line for the east subarea, and on the southeast property corner for the southeast subarea. The topography and subareas are shown in the submittal. The mounds and outlet locations have been field verified by city staff, yourself and Rohn Munn. The grading plans for the subdivision has redirected part of each of these two subareas to the west, reducing the area contributing runoff to each of the two outlet locations. Therefore, the developed condition runoff rate is calculated to be less than the existing historic condition flow rate. The developed east subarea flows overland to the same east location as in the existing condition. The developed southeast subarea flows to the same southeast subarea as in the existing conditions in two ways; three (3.0) acres flow overland and 1.2 acres are piped to the southeast corner. The only new situation is the piped flow. This concentrated flow is erosive to freshly disturbed soil and soil with a poor vegetative cover. A good vegetative cover will dissipate this erosive flow. Mr. Steve Compton June 19, 1990 Page 2 Hay bales are planned to be installed at the outlet locations. The hay bales should dissipate the erosive flow from the pipe and act as a sediment trap for the erosion occurring on the site during construction. The hay bales should be maintained until a good vegetative cover can be established on the site and downstream of the pipe. In summary, the submittal shows the developed runoff to be less than the existing runoff. The erosion pattern is different but the hay bale erosion control measures should negate the erosion until good vegetative cover can be established. Very truly yours, John D. McElhenney, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer Enclosure c: Mr. William Lewis, P.E., Lewis Engineering Mr. Gaylon Pinc, P.E., INCOG MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: Staff Recommendation On Cost Allocation For A Stormwater Drainage Structure Under 129th East Avenue (Copper Meadows I & II) DATE: June 21, 1990 STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the applicant's proposal (see Lewis Engineering letter dated June 6, 1990), the Stormwater Detention Study for Elm Creek Park pond, and the City Codes addressing drainage, and find the following: 1) That the watershed under question and located East of 129th East Avenue is generally 73 acres in size. It is comprised of Copper Meadows I & II which are 45.7 acres in size or 62.6% of the total watershed; 22.5 acres of undeveloped land which is 30.8% of the watershed; and 4.6 acres of road right -of -way that is 6.6% of the watershed. 2) That when completely developed the stormwater runoff from the total watershed caused by a 100 -year rainfall would be approximately 173 cfs. Given the same rainfall, the runoff in an undeveloped state would be an estimated 98 cfs or 56.6% of the runoff when developed. The increased runoff caused by developing this watershed would then be 75 cfs or 43.4 %. 3) That a 4'x 7' concrete drainage box 66' long will be needed to carry the 173 cfs of stormwater runoff under a future 129th East Avenue, which is planned to be a four -lane secondary arterial street. The cost of this drainage structure (in place) is estimated to be $22,500.00. 4) That 43.4% of the cost of the needed drainage structure should be paid for by those within the watershed that are increasing the runoff amounts by developing the land (see #2 above). This cost would be $9,765.00. 5) That when this cost is proportioned by the percentage of land area in the watershed (see #1 above) the costs shares will be Copper Meadows I & II - $6,113.00, the undeveloped land - $3,008.00, and the street right -of -way - $644.00. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the applicant be required to place $6,113.00 in a special city escrow account "earmarked" for the improvement of the drainage structure under 129th East Avenue. This money, along with the additional money collected as the remaining undeveloped land in the watershed is developed, will then be used to help build the structure in conjunction with the future widening and improving of 124th East Avenue.