HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.11.15_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET
November 15, 1990
DATE: November 15, 1990
TIME: 7:00 o.m.
PLACE: Owasso Community Center
NOTICE FILED BY: Steve Compton
TITLE: Assistant City Manager for CCmmUnity Development
November 8, 1990.
Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager for
Community Development
Thursday, November 15, 1990, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of October 1B, 1990
3. Larkin Bailey (19 -21- 14)(30- 21 -14) - A Tract of Land Located
West of the Owasso City Limits Bordered Roughly by Fourth
Street on the South, the AT &SF Railroad Tracks and Mingo Road
on the West, and 96th Street on the North
4. New Business
5. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso.
6. Adjournment
Thursday, October 18, 1990, 7 :00 PM
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes Rick Johnson Steve Compton
Pat Imbriano Charles Willey Marcia Boutwell
Gary Wells Rodney Ray
Rohn Munn
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall,
207 S Cedar, on October 12, 1990.
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairman Ray Haynes called the
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
Commission reviewed the minutes of September 20, 1990. Pat
Imbriano moved, seconded by Gary Wells, to approve the minutes as
written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
of the Preliminary Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II,
Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of 76th Street North and
North 122nd East Avenue.
Chairman Haynes introduced the case and staff reviewed the back-
ground. The applicant is requesting a Preliminary Plat review for
Lots 1 -5, Block 1 of Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II, a
duplex dwelling area. The applicant is submitting preliminary
drawings on the complete development; however, a Final Plat will be
submitted on Lots 1 -5, Block 1 only. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the Plat at their October 10, 1990 meeting.
They recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the
following concerns:
1) There will be a need to dedicate a general utility
easement from 76th Street to the subject lots for the
purpose of providing utility access to said lots.
2) There will be a need to dedicate easements for all off -
site public utilities and receive approval of the final
construction plans for sanitary sewer, water, streets and
stormwater drainage.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of October 18, 1990
Page 2
3) That the final approval of the preliminary construction
plans be subject to the City Engineer's final review and
4) The covenants will need to be amended to include not only
those additions proposed by the applicants in their
letter, but also references to Cable TV's use of
easements and a minimum rear yard requirement of 20'
should be added. Any references to areas within Phase I
should be deleted.
Most of the Engineer's requirements have now been met and staff
recommends approval of the plat. The applicant, David Hall, and
the applicant's engineer, R.W. Steele, were present to answer
questions. Area residents Jim Downey, Vic Keonning, Jo Koenning,
and Jack Cramer were present and expressed concerns about the
drainage in the area. Following a lengthy discussion, Ray Haynes
moved that the preliminary plat be approved subject to TAC
recommendations. The motion died for lack of a second.
Further discussion on drainage and water retention followed. The
applicant presented drainage plans for the Commission's review.
Following further discussion and a review of the drainage plans,
Pat Imbriano moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Oklahoma
Baptist Retirement Center II, subject to the above noted concerns
and conditions. Motions seconded by Gary Wells. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
4. MINGO VALLEY SHOPPING ENT (9014) - A request for a Review
of the Final Plat for Mingo Valley Shopping Center, Generally
Located North of the Northeast Corner of 86th Street North and the
Mingo Valley Expressway.
Chairman Haynes introduced the case and staff reviewed the back-
ground. The applicant is requesting a Final Plat review for a
tract of land located Northeast and Northwest of the intersection
of 86th Street North and 117th East Avenue. The Technical Advisory
Committee has reviewed the final plat and agreed upon all easement
locations and widths. The City has received the document from the
applicant for the dedication of the right -of -way for 117th East
Avenue and the amended language for the Deed of Dedication
referencing Wal- Mart's shared responsibility for the maintenance of
the detention facility and the mutual access roadways has been
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of October 18, 1990
Page 3
finalized. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat subject to
Staff review and approval of the completed Deed of Dedication.
Ray Haynes moved, seconded by Gary Wells to approve the Final Plat
for Mingo Valley Shopping Center, subject to Staff review and
approval of the completed Deed of Dedication.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
5. MINGO VALLEY SHOPPTNG CENTER (2014) - A Request for Easement
Vacations for Mingo Valley Shopping Center, Generally Located North
of the Northeast Corner of 86th Street North and the Mingo Valley
1) Utility
2) Drainage
Chairman Haynes introduced the case and staff reviewed the
background. This case addresses a request to vacate a general
utility easement that exists on three sides of a small tract of
land that was split from the North end of Lot 1, Block 1, Liberty
Banking Center and a drainage easement that was required by the
City for the detention facility needed to handle the stormwater
drainage from the Wal -Mart tract and the proposed Mingo Valley
Shopping Center tract. Some of this land is now being platted and
the applicant wants to clean up some of these easements. Technical
Advisory Committee has reviewed these cases and recommend approval
of vacating the easements. Staff also recommends closure of both
Pat Imbriano moved, seconded by Gary Wells, to approve the vacation
of both easements_ A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
6_ SITE PLAN REVIEW - HARDEE'S (2014) - A Request for a Site Plan
Review for a Restaurant Located on Lot 1, Block 1, Mingo Valley
Shopping Center.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minute Of October 18, 1990
Page 4
The applicant is requesting a site plan -view for tt.e CCS ?stY':ICLiva
of a Hardee`s restaurant on the Northwest corner of 56th Street
North and 117th East Avenue. The site plan has been reviewed by
the Technical Advisory Committee, and they recommended approval
subject to several conditions being met.
Following a review and discussion, Pat Imbriano moved, seconded by
Gary Wells to approve the Hardee 's site plan subject to the
following conditions.
1) That the 117th East Ave entry road alignment be
redesigned to allow for a greater transition distance between the
width of the dedicated street and the shopping center -s private
entry drive. This should be designed using curb - and - gutter.
2) That the access driveways off the entry road be reduced
in width to 30' for the South drive and 22' for the North drive.
These should be designed using curb-and-gutter-
3) That the access driveways along the West side of the
tract be reduced in width to 28 ". These and the parking lot island
should be designed using curb - and - gutter.
4) That stop signs be provided for the two drives as you
exit the tract to the West.
5) That the 816 Prime Sign be moved approximately 16" North
to assure that it is located outside any easements, This will
result in the loss of one parking space_
6) That the Light Package #10 located along the West
property line be moved to an alternative location outside of the
easement. It may be possible to field locate this light close to
the shown location during construction.
7) That a final drainage plan be approved by the City
Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit.
8) That a landscape plan be approved by the City Planner and
installed prior to occupancy.
9) That three sets of building plans be submitted to the
Tulsa City /County Health Department for their review and approval.
10) That the Final Plat for the Mingo Valley Shopping Center
be approved and properly filed of record in the office of the
County Clerk.
Owasso Planning Conmission
Minutes of October 18, 1990
Page 5
A vote: on the motion was recorded as foilo:a:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells 1- Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
7. Proposed Amendments to the Code of Ordinances for the City of
Owasso, Oklahoma, in Particular:
Part 12-- Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2 --
Zoning Regulations, Section 202 - -Sign Regulations
adopted, as same incorporates language of Ordinance
Number 309 as amended by 352, amending same by
substituting the Board of Adjustment in place of the City
Council in Section 4-- Design Requirements, Subsection J --
Projection Deemed Nuisances; by substituting the Planning
Commission in lieu of the City Council in Section 5 --
Construction Requirements, Subsection A - -Area Marker; by
substituting the Board of Adjustment in lieu of the City
Council under Section 5 -- Construction Requirements,
Subsection H(2) Relating to Temporary Signs, by
substituting the Planning Commission in the place of the
Governing Body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in
Section 6 -- District Sign Regulations, Subsection A(1) by
substituting the Planning Commission for the City Council
in Section 6 -- District Sign Regulations, Subsection E; by
repealing Sections 7 and 9 Relating to Nonconforming
Signs and Appeal and Variance, Directing Codification,
Declaring an Effective Date.
The purpose of these proposed changes is to take the City Council
out of the sign review and variance business and place those
responsibilities with the Planning Commission or Board of
Adjustment. Staff recommends approval of the proposed changes to
the sign ordinance. There were no citizens present for the
Ray Haynes moved, seconded by Pat Imbriano to approved the proposed
changes to the sign ordinance. A vote on the motion was recorded
as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
8. New Business - Staff will begin developing a portable sign
policy for consideration.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of October 18, 1990
Page 6
reviewed current and proposed building activity.
10. ADJOURN - Ray Haynes moved, Gary Wells seconded, to adjourn
the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
TO: owasso Flanninc Commission
FROM: Steve Compton
Assistant City Manager- for Community Development
SUBJECT: Larkin Bailey Annexation Petition (19- 21 -14)
DATE: November 9. 1990
The subject tract is approximately 450 acres in size, mostly vacant
and zoned AG District. It is located along the West side of the
city from South of 86th Street North to 96th Street North and
generally East of Mingo Road and the A.T. & S.F. railroad. It will
be the first phase of a major recreational /residential development
that, when completed, will be 1500 acres in size. The recreational
portion of the development includes a proposal for a new Owasso
Public Golf Course. This annexation will be followed by a zoning
and PUD application presented to the Planning Commission in January
that will specifically identify how Phase I will be developed.
Annexation of this tract will ensure that the development plans
proposed are consistent with the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, that
construction meets the adopted city regulations and standards, and
that infrastructure needs are properly addressed.
The Annexation Committee reviewed this petition at their November
8th meeting, and it was determined that the committee would
recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council that the
requested annexation be approved. It was also recommended that the
public right -of -way for 86th Street North be included in the
annexation petition, but that the rights -of -way for Mingo Road
(97th East Ave) and 96th Street North be excluded.
It is advisable to annex vacant tracts of land so that the city may
have a direct influence on how these properties are developed.
Therefore, I recommend approval of the Larkin Bailey Annexation
Petition subject to the exclusion of the rights -of -way for Mingo
Road and 96th Street North and the inclusion of the right -or -way
for 86th Street North.