HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.03.12.Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, March 12, 2018
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, March 12, 2018 at
Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S.
Main (west side) at 2:00 pm on March 8, 2018,
Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2. Flag Salute
ITEM 3. Roll Call
David Vines
Chad Balthrop
Dr. Paul Loving
Tim Miller
David Horton
A quorum was declared present.
Marsha Hensley
Julie Lombardi
Karl Fritschen
Daniel Dearing
Bronce Stephenson
Morgan Pemberton
ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Orderliness
ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from February 12, 2018 Regular Meeting.
The Commission reviewed the minutes.
Dr. Loving moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to approve the minutes from the February 12,
2018 Regular Meeting, subject to the addition of Julie Lombardi being present.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Vines, Horton, Miller, Loving, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
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ITEM 6. Preliminary Plat - Abbott Farms II - Consideration and appropriate action
relating to the request for the review of preliminary plat proposing ninety -
eight (98) lots on seven (7) blocks on approximately 24.73 acres, more or
less. The general location is E 1061h St N and N 100th E Ave. The property is
zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- family High Density).
Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. The property location was described. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at the February 21, 2018 meeting. The
applicant's representative was present to answer any questions.
Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Abbott Farms II.
Mr. Miller moved to approve. Mr. Balthrop seconded the motion, for the approval of the
preliminary plat for Abbott Farms II, subject to TAC and Staff recommendations.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Miller, Dr. Loving, Horton, Vines, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 7. Final Plat - Morrow Elementary School - Consideration and appropriate
action relating to the request for the review of a final plat proposing one
(1) lot on one (1) block on approximately 16.98 acres, more or less. The
general location is E 1231d St N and N 132nd E Ave and is zoned AG
(Agriculture) with PUD overlay (OPUD 05 -02A). Under the PUD, this
property was called out for a school.
Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. The property location was described. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at the February 21, 2018 meeting. The
applicant's representative was present to answer any questions.
Dr. Loving moved to approve. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, for the approval of the
final plat for Morrow Elementary School, subject to TAC and Staff recommendations.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Miller, Dr. Loving, Horton, Vines, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 8. OPUD 18 -01 /OZ 18 -01 - McKnight Farm at Preston Lakes -Consideration
and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
Planned Unit Development (PUD) with the underlying zoning of RS -3
(Residential Single- family High Density). The subject property contains
45.9267 acres, more or less. The general location is the northwest corner
of E 86th St N and N 161 st E Ave and is presently zoned AG (Agriculture).
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Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. The property location was described. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at the February 21, 2018 meeting. The
applicant's representative was present to answer any questions.
Discussion was held regarding flood plain permit requirements.
Mr. Vines moved to approve. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, for the approval of the
OPUD 18 -01 /OZ 18-01, McKnight Farm at Preston Lakes, subject to TAC and Staff
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Miller, Dr. Loving, Horton, Vines, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 9. Discussion on the Update of the Owasso Zoning Code - No official action
will be taken on this item by the Planning Commission.
Mr. Vines stated that it seems that we have slipped away from the hard, dust free surface
that is required for parking lots. There has been three (3) approved variance requests
that have come through the Owasso Board of Adjustment to allow for the use of gravel
in -lieu of concrete or asphalt. Mr. Stephenson explained that each variance request has
been given time lines when the lots will need to be paved and we try to be flexible and
business friendly with a time frame for paving. Additionally, it was stated that each
situation is evaluated separately depending upon the specific situation involved.
ITEM 10. Community Development Report
• Director's Update
• Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity
ITEM 11. Report on Items from the February 21, 2018 TAC Meeting
• Preliminary Plat - Abbott Farms II
• Final Plat - Morrow Elementary School
• Site Plan - Morrow Elementary School
• Site Plan - Kum & Go
• OPUD 18 -01 /OZ 18 -02 - McKnight Farm
ITEM 12. Report from Planning Commissioners
ITEM 13. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have
been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda).
ITEM 14. Adjournment- Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to adjourn the
meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Vines, Horton, Miller, Balthrop
NAY: None
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Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting w s adjourned at 6:59 PM.
it on
Vic Chairperson