HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.06.15_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Scheduled MeetinE
DATE: June 15, 1989
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar Owasso Oklahoma
TITLE: Owasso City Planner
ON June 8 , 1989.
Richard Hall, City Planner
Thursday, June 15, 1989, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consider approval of the Minutes of May 18, 1989
4. Recommendation on a request by Bill Waller for a waiver of the
platting requirement (Section 260 of the Zoning Cade) on a
portion of Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Owasso Commercial Center
located at the Northeast corner of 76th Street North and the
Mingo Valley Expressway
5. Review of Chapter Three of the proposed Owasso Subdivision
6. Discussion of development in and near Owasso
7. Adjourn
Thursday, May 18, 1989, 7:00 PM
Owasso City Hall
207 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Pat Imbriano
Gary Wells
Charles Willey
Richard Hall
Marcia Boutwell
Steve Condray
R J Ray
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall,
207 S Cedar, on May 15, 1989
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ray Haynes called the meeting to order
at 7:01 p.m_
2. ROLL CALL - Chairman Haynes declared a quorum present.
3. MINUTES OF MARCH 16 AND APRIL 20, 1989 - The Commission
reviewed the minutes of March 16, 1989. Charles Willey moved,
seconded by Pat Imbriano, to approve those minutes as written. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 20, 1989. Ray
Haynes moved and Charles Willey seconded to approve those minutes
as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
4. James Smith Jefferson Smith. Joanne McNelis (2114) - Requests
to annex into the corporate limits a 23.94 acre tract located East
J of the Southeast corner of 96th Street North and 129th East Avenue.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 18, 1989
Page 2
5. Owasso Venture. an Oklahoma Joint Venture (2114) - A request
to annex into the corporate limits a 155.77 acre tract located
South of the Southeast corner of 96th Street North and 129th East
6. Owasso Properties, Ltd. . an Oklahoma Limited ar n ship (2114)
- A request to annex into the corporate limits a 68.23 acre tract
located West of the Southwest corner of 96th Street North and 145th
East Avenue.
Chairman Haynes introduced the matters and asked if there were
any objections to hearing all three cases together. Hearing no
objections from members of the Commission, staff or citizens
present, the three cases were heard as one. Questions were raised
concerning the future development and annexation of a tract
surrounded on three sides by the tracts being considered for
annexation. Richard Hall, two of the developers & the realtor
answered questions for the Commission. Pat Imbriano moved, Charles
Willey seconded, to recommend to the City Council that the three
properties be annexed as requested. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
7. Henry Harker - (3014 ) - A request to build a building over a
sanitary sewer easement on a property zoned CH (Commercial High
Intensity District) described as Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Blocks
Twenty (20) of the Original Township of Owasso, Tulsa County,
Oklahoma, also known as 8 South Atlanta, (The Southwest Corner of
Broadway Avenue and Atlanta Street), Owasso.
Chairman Haynes introduced the matter. Richard Hall presented
Mr Harker's request and Mr Harker was present to answer questions
and explain his plans for constructing a building over the sewer
easement. The Commission expressed concern about setting a bad
precedent for future building without a definition of what is
acceptable and what is not acceptable over a sewer line.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 18, 1989
Page 3
Pat Imbriano moved that Mr Harker "s proposal be presented to
the City Council for clarification and definition without a
recommendation from the Planning Commission. Motion seconded by
Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - No
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - No
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion was defeated 2-2.
Gary Wells moved that the Planning Commission deny the
proposal to build the structure of the sewer line and easement;
seconded by Ray Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0. The proposal will be presented to the City
Council on June 6, 1989 with the recommendation from the Planning
Commission to deny the request.
8. Discussion of the calling of a Public Hearing to amend Zoning
Chairman Haynes introduced the matter. Steve Condray,
Building Inspector, and Richard Hall spoke to the issue and gave
background information on the case. He said that many commercial
parking spaces in the City of Owasso do not meet the Zoning Code
width requirement of 10 feet. Pat Imbriano moved that the Zoning
Code not be amended and that the parking spaces remain at 10 feet
x 20 feet; and that a letter or memo be sent to non - conforming
businesses stating that they must conform to the Zoning Code when
they restripe their parking spaces. Motion seconded by Charles
Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 18, 1989
Page 4
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
Exit Pat Imbriano at 9:20 D-m.
10. Discussion of the population of Owasso as of April 1, 1989.
Richard Hall discussed the population estimates with the
Commission. No action was taken.
9_ Review of Chapter 2 of the proposed Owasso Subdivision
The Commission discussed the second chapter of the proposed
Owasso Subdivision Regulations. The Planning Commission made the
following amendments:
In Section 2.1.1 strike "before any contract is made for the
sale of any part of the land and" (line 2) and "Planning
Commission" (line 5),
In Section 2.4.1 strike the word "full" (line 2),
In Section 2.4.2.P add "That pad elevation shall be a minimum
of one (1) foot above the one - hundred (100) year flood elevation
as identified by FEMA or other authority,
In Section 2.4.4 strike "for approval" in line 2,
In Section 2.4.7.A strike "or other similar durable material"
(line 6),
In Section 2.4.8 strike "Planning Commission and by" from line
4 and "and no lots shall be sold from any plat until recorded" from
lines 6 & 7,
In Section 2.5 strike "the Planning Commission" from line 3.
11. Discussion of Construction Activity in Owasso
Steve Condray summarized the current building activity_
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of May 18, 1989
Page 5
12. ADJOURN - Charles Willey moved, Gary Wells seconded, to adjourn
the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows_
Ray Haynes - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 p-m.
TO: Owasso Planning Commission and Technical Advisory
FROM: Richard Hall, Director of Community Development
SUBJECT: Request by Bill Waller for waiver of the Platting
Requirement for a portion of Lot One of Block One of
the Owasso Commercial Center addition to Owasso
DATE: June 8, 1989
I have received an inquiry by Mr. Waller about the
development of his property, a portion of Lot One of Block One of
the Owasso Commercial Center. He evidently has a potential buyer
of the property but Mr. Waller fears that the sale will fail if
he has to take the time to plat the property. I informed him that
Lot One had already received two lot splits and that, according
to the Subdivision regulations, no more lot splits could be
approved before the property is replatted. He asked if there was
any other alternative to develop the property without a
subdivision plat. I informed him that only the City Council could
waive the plat requirement. He has therefore asked to have the
platting requirement waived on the portion of Lot One that he
proposes to sell. He has told me that he will plat, if necessary,
a portion of the lot that he will retain. He informed me that he
obtained the property from a business partner and that he did not
know of the platting requirement or the lot split limitation.
The Owasso Commercial Center plat was approved by the City
Council in November of 1983. The original plat contained four
lots, Lot One being the largest. Lot Two contains a seafood
restaurant, Lot Three a convenience store, and lot four a dairy
store. Lot split application OLS -56 was approved by the Planning
Commission in October of 1985 to allow a children's nursery that
fronts on 76th Street North. In July of 1987 the Owasso Planning
Commission approved lot split OLS-67 to allow a second
restaurant, the Golden Corral.
In a related matter, I was contacted in April of 1988, by an
attorney wanting to vacate a street easement that crossed lots
One, Two and Three of the addition. The easement had been
dedicated in 1927 but had never been closed and did not appear on
the subdivision plat. The law suit to permanently close the
easement has only recently been heard by district court as
required by state law.
Section 2.7.3 Jurisdiction of the Owasso Subdivision
Regulations allows that "A maximum of two (2) lot split approvals
may be granted by the Planning Commission on any tract included
as a part of a lot split. Thereafter, the tract (s) of land must
receive subdivision platting or replatting approval for further
subdivisions of the tract(s)." Since Lot One of the Owasso
Commercial Center has already been split twice by OLS -56 and OLS-
67, no more lot splits may be heard for Lot One but a replat is
Section 260 of the Zoning Code reads:
For the purposes of providing a proper arrangement of
streets and assuring the adequacy of open spaces for
traffic, utilities, and access of emergency vehicles,
commensurate with the intensification of land use
customarily incident to a change of zoning, a platting
requirement is established as follows:
For any land which has been rezoned upon application of
a private party, no building permit shall be issued
until that portion of the tract on which the permit is
sought has been included within a subdivision plat or
replat, as the case may be, submitted to the Planning
Commission for their review and recommendation,
approved by the City Council, and filed in the office
of the County Clerk where the property is situated.
Provided that the City Council, pursuant to their
exclusive jurisdiction over subdivision plats, may
remove the platting requirement upon a determination
that the above stated purposes have been achieved by
previous platting or could not be achieved by a plat or
The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee will examine this
request at its June 14, 1989 meeting. At that meeting the
committee will determine if any additional streets or easement
dedications are necessary for the property in question.
This chapter is intended to provide for a simplified method
of regulation of the subdivision of small numbers of lots while
still requiring that such subdivision meets all the requirements
of applicable ordinances and regulations.
3.2.1 Acreaae: These Lot Split regulations shall apply to any
division of land into two or more tracts, lots, sites or
parcels, any part of which, when subdivided, shall contain
less than ten (10) acres in area. These regulations shall
also apply to any division of land previously subdivided or
platted into tracts, lots, sites or parcels less than ten (10)
acres in area.
3.2.2 No Lot Solit uoon Rezoning: No lot split shall be processed
or approved for a tract of land which has not already
completed the subdivision platting requirement subsequent to
rezoning as required in Section 1.5 of these reaulations. A
lot split may be approved by the Planning Commission dividing
an undivided tract along zoning boundary lines, providing the
tract(s) of land meet all other requirements of a lot split
listed in Section 2.5 and complete subdivision platting
reauirements for each resulting tract.
3.2.3 Number: A maximum of three (3) lot split approvals may be
granted by the Planning Commission on any tract included as
a part of a lot split. Thereafter, the tract(s) of land must
receive subdivision platting or replatting approval for
further subdivisions of the tract(s).
The subdivider shall submit the lot split application to the
City Planner on forms provided by the Planner, pay the application
fee in an amount as provided by ordinance, and shall submit draw-
ings of the proposal in accordance with the following requirements:
3.3.1 Copies: Three copies of a scaled drawing shall accompany the
3.3.2 Specifications: The drawings shall include all existing and
proposed lot lines, all existing buildings and improvements
and their distances from lot lines, adjacent streets and their
widths, and a north arrow and scale. At the discretion of the
City Planner, a detailed survey prepared by a registered land
surveyor may be required.
J 3.3.3 Size: The subdivider is encouraged to limit drawing sizes to
8 1 /2" by 14 ".
The City Planner, upon receiving the lot split application,
3.4.1 Distribute: The City Planner shall distribute copies of the
application form and drawings to the Technical Advisory
3.4.2 Field Check: The City Planner shall visually inspect the lots
proposed to be split.
3.4.3 Review: The City Planner shall review the application for
conformance with the Zoning Code, PUD conditions, Hoard of
Adjustment actions, these Subdivision Regulations, and other
city ordinances.
3.4.4 Schedule Hearings: The City Planner shall schedule the lot
split to be heard before the T.A.C., the Planning Commission
and the City Council.
3.4.5 Recommendation: The City Planner shall prepare a recommenda-
tion to the Planning Commission and City Council which shall
include comments of the T.A.C. members and City departments
having an interest in the proposal.
3.4.6 Lot - Splits Reguirino City Planner Review Only: Where review
by the City Planner reveals that a lot -split meets all
approved guidelines herein set forth, and all proposed lots
are adequately served by utilities either by easement or in
public streets, the Mayor or his appointed agent shall approve
the lot -split and the Planning Commission and City Council
shall ratify the approval at their next regular scheduled
The City Planner shall present the application at a regular
Technical Advisory Committee meeting where the lot split may be
reviewed by the total membership of that Committee, including all
utility companies, the County Health Department, the Public Works
Director and the City and County Engineers. The Recommendation of
the Technical Advisory Committee shall be compiled with that of
the City Planner's recommendation and the application shall be
heard by the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall review the proposed lot split
and either approve or disapprove the application. If the lot split
is disapproved, the applicant may appeal the decision of the
Planning Commission to the City Council and thereafter, if
necessary, to District Court.
The approval or disapproval of lot splits shall be based upon
the following guidelines:
5.7.1 Lots:
A. Lot dimensions shall conform to Zoning Code standards.
If the proposed tract(s) to be split does not meet minimum
Zoning Code standards, variances of the Zoning Code must be
approved by the Board of Adjustment.
B. If the property to be split is not served by public
sanitary sewers and or public water, such lots to be split
shall exceed the requirements set forth in 3.7.1 A. above
with sufficient additional area to properly accommodate
suitable private sewage disposal devices. Appropriate tests
shall be made accordingly, with adequate determination to be
made by the County Health Department and reported by it to
City Planner.
C. Corner lots should have such extra width and area as may
be necessary to satisfy appropriate Zoning Code setback
requirements from both streets while insuring that adequate
buildable space remains.
3.7.2 Easements and Utilities: Where a lot split will result in a
lot having inadequate access to utilities, dedication of
easements shall be required in accordance with the recommend-
ations of the Technical Advisory Committee.
3.7.3 Access and Streets:
A. Where a property to be split is controlled by non - access
provisions, no lot shall be approved where such provision will
preclude access for said lot. An amendment of "limits of no
access" on a recorded plat must be approved by the Planning
Commission and City Council and filed of record if there is
a restricted access provision on a street of the recorded plat
on which the property has access. A denial of access change
constitutes a denial of the requested lot split.
B. The splitting of land shall provide each lot with frontage
to a public street or highway, so that the access of the lot
owner or user is assured, as well as the layout of utilities,
garbage and waste removal, fire protection and public health
and safety thereby adequately assured.
C. Where land to be split contains within its boundaries
areas designated for street right -of -way on the Owasso Major
Street and Highway Plan, the split shall not be approved where
street rights-of-way fail to conform to said plan except, upon
a finding that:
I . All utilities are in place and additional right -of -way
is not required for utility placement;
2. The public has, by virtue of statutory easement or
suitable roadway dedication, right -of -way sufficient to
allow the placement of pavement of a width necessary to
meet the standards of the Owasso Major Street and Highway
Plan for the particular street involved;
3. Development made possible by the split itself will not
measurably increase the burden of traffic an an adjacent
street to such an extent that it would adversely affect
the health, safety, and welfare of the public, or upon a
finding that:
4. Existing structures lie in the right -of -way proposed
by the Owasso Major Street and Highway Plan.
3.7.4 Sewage Disoosal:
A. Where a tract to be split abuts a public sanitary sewer,
no split should create a lot which is cut off from said sewer
unless the approval of the City Engineer is obtained.
B. Where no sewers are reasonably accessible, each lot shall
meet the minimum standards set forth by the County Health
Department and the lot split shall be approved by that Health
3.7.5 Certificate of Aooroval: Approval shall be shown by certifi-
cate on the instrument of transfer as required by state statute.
The certification shall be signed by the City Clerk. The
subdivider may then file the instrument with the County Clerk, the
approval being an official document that will be contained in the
abstract of the property being split.
3.7.6 Permit to Construct: The developer shall submit the following
information to the City Clerk before any improvements are begun:
A. Permit to construct sanitary sewer facilities from the
Oklahoma State Department of Health,
B. Permit to construct Street and Drainage Facilities from
the City Engineer,
C. Permit to construct Water Supply Facilities from the
Oklahoma State Department of Health and /or from the Rural
Water District, whichever is applicable,
D. Performance and Maintenance Bonds and Insurance require-
The Permit to Construct Improvements will be issued to the
applicant after approval by the Owasso Director of Public