HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.08.17_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Scheduled Meeting
DATE: August 17, 1989
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar Owasso Oklahoma
TITLE: Owasso City Planner
ON R 1989.
Richard Hall, City Planner
Thursday, August 17, 1989, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consider approval of the Minutes of July 20, 1989
4. Lee Rollins for the Owasso Auto Supply (2914) - East of the
Southeast corner of 86th Street North and the Mingo Valley
5. Owasso Plaza (2014) - the Northeast corner of 86th Street
North and the Mingo Valley Expressway
6. Owasso Commercial Center II (2914) - A replat of a portion of
Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Owasso Commercial Center located at the
Northeast corner of 76th Street North and the Mingo Valley
7. Discussion of development in and near Owasso
8. Adjourn
Thursday, July 20, 1989, 7:00 PM
Owasso City Hall
207 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Pat Imbriano
Gary Wells
Charles Willey
Rick Johnson
None Richard Hall
Marcia Boutwell
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall,
207 S Cedar, on July 7, 1989.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ray Haynes called the meeting to
order at 7:02 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL - Chairman Haynes declared a quorum present.
Commission reviewed the minutes of June 15, 1989. Pat Imbriano
moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve those minutes as
written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
The motion carried 5 -0.
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
4. OZ-79 INCO INC (2114) - A request to rezone three tracts
totaling about 252.27 acres from AG (Agricultural) to RS -3
(Residential Single - Family high Density District) located southeast
of the intersection of 96th Street North and 129th East Avenue.
Chairman Haynes introduced the zoning case and stated that the
annexation on these tracts had been approved at the June 15, 1989
meeting. Richard Hall presented the case study. The developers
of the three tracts, Charles & Maxine Burris, were present and
explained the development plan for a proposed golf course and
housing development on the tracts_ They explained that 110 acres
will be developed for residential lots, with the remaining land
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of July 20, 1989
Page 2
being developed as a golf course. John Shay, developer of Pleasant
View Estates, and several residents of that development were
present. Mr. Shay, who represented the group, spoke against the
RS -3 zoning stating that they felt the RS -3 lot size would be much
smaller than the lots under development in Pleasant View and would
not be an enhancement to Pleasant View. Pleasant View Estates is
surrounded on three sides by the tracts in question for rezoning.
Mr. Wayne Vincent also spoke against approving the zoning change
saying that the homes would be too expensive. Discussion centered
on size of the lots, with Chairman Haynes speaking in favor of
rezoning the tracts. Rick Johnson moved to approve the request to
rezone the three tracts of land from AG (Agricultural) to RS -2
(Residential Single - Family Medium Density District). Motion was
seconded by Pat Imbriano and a vote was recorded as follows:
The motion carried 5-0.
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
5. Owasso Commercial Center T (2914) - A replat of a portion of
Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Owasso Commercial Center located east of
the Northeast corner of the intersection of 76th Street North and
the Mingo Valley Expressway service road.
Chairman Haynes introduced the matter and Richard Hall
presented and explained the case. Mr. Hall stated that the
Technical Advisory Committee had reviewed the request. Jeff
Gereke, representing the Engineer Tuttle and Associates, was
present to answer questions about the proposed replat. Pat
Imbriano moved that the Commission approve the replat subject to
the Owasso subdivision checklist. Motion was seconded by Rick
Johnson and a vote was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of July 20, 1989
Page 3
6. Review of Chapter Four of the proposed Owasso Subdivision
The Commission discussed the fourth chapter of the proposed
Owasso Subdivision Regulations and made suggestions for changes.
Charles Willey moved and Pat Imbriano seconded to approve the
suggested changes to Chapter Four. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
7. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
Richard Hall discussed current building activity and some
proposed activity.
8. ADJOURN - Charles Willey moved, Pat Imbriano seconded, to
adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The meeting was adjourned at 9 :30 p.m.
TO: The Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Richard Hall, Owasso City Planner
SUBJECT: Site Plan for the Owasso Auto Supply, Lot 15C, Block 3,
Three Lakes
DATE: August 8, 1989
Several months ago the Owasso Auto Supply burned to the
foundation. The owner Lee Rollins recently approached me about
rebuilding the business on the same site. The only difference in
size is a 30' x 70' addition to the back of the structure. He has
submitted the attached site plan for review. The Planning
Commission approved Lot Split OLS -32 in June of 1982 which split
the subject property from a larger tract in the Three Lakes
addition. Surveys in the lot split file indicate that there is a
5' wide utility easement along the east property line and a 10'
wide easement on the south line. A site plan of the old structure
was approved in July of the same year.
I recommend approval of the requested site plan. There is
sufficient parking for the use and the proposed structure will be
located on the old slab of the destroyed building. I am somewhat
concerned about the expanded portion of the structure, however,
which appears to be getting near easements. Owasso ordinances
require that a building built within 10 feet of a easement be
surveyed at the stemwall phase of construction to make sure that
such an easement is not violated. It should be reaffirmed by the
Planning Commission that the survey is necessary and required by
A part of Lot Fifteen (15), Block three (3), THREE LAKES addition to
the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at a point 75 feet North of the Northwet corner of THREE
LAKES VILLAGE addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; thence due West
a distance of 120 feet; thence North 00 degrees, 10'07" East a distance
of 190 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 15, Block 3; thence
due East along the north line of said lot 15 a distance of 119.99 feet;
thence south 00 degrees 10'00" West a distance of 190 feet to the point
of beginning; containing 0.52 acres, more or less.
Approval Requested:
Sketch Plat
X Preliminary Plat
Preliminary and Final Plat
Final Plat
Owasso Technical Advisory Committee hearing date 8 -9 -89
Owasso Planning Commission hearing date B -17 -89
Owasso City Council hearing date
Location ..NE/C. 86th St. N. and U.S. 169 Hwv. S.T.R. 20 -21 -14
Plat Name Owasso Plaza
Developer Owasso Development Co., c/o Leo Eisenberg Co
Sack - Sizemore
& Associates
Lots 1
This subdivision checklist, or a revised list, shall accompany a
plat proposed for final release by the City Council of the City
of Owasso. All conditions noted shall be fulfilled before the
plat shall be considered for approval by the Owasso City Council.
It is the responsibility of the subdivider, developer and plat
engineer that all Owasso Subdivision regulations and the
conditions listed below are satisfied. Only the numbered
conditions pertain to this particular subdivision. Once the
conditions are satisfied, those that are noted with an "A" shall
be initialed by the City Engineer, those noted with a "B" shall
be initialed by the Building Inspector, those noted with a "C"
shall be initialed by the City Planner, and those noted with a
"D" shall be initialed by other authorities as shown.
1 Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility
companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an
underground facility is planned. Show additional easements
as required.
D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company
D Public Service Company
D Southwestern Bell Telephone
D City of Owasso
2 A Paving and drainage plans shall be approved by the
City of Owasso.
3 A Drainage system study, including the boundaries of
the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full
upstream urbanization, shall be approved by the City of
4 A Water and sewer plans shall be approved by the City
of Owasso.
5 A Sewage disposal, the method and plans therefore,
shall be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health
6 A Building pad elevations shall be placed on each lot
on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat.
Said copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
7 A Show the location of all monuments.
8 A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all
streets in all zoning categories except industrial in
accordance with Ordinance number 182, Article III, Section
9 A & C Access points (or access to the tract) shall be
approved by the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma Department
of Transportation and shown on the plat accordingly in an
appropriate location.
10 C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of
non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for
any oil and /or gas wells before the final plat is released.
11 C Adjacent streets and /or widths thereof should be
shown on final plat. Show adjacent access points.
12 C Complete dimensions shall be shown on all lots
streets, building lines, easements, etc.
13 C All Subdivision Regulations shall be met, including
provisions of Appendix A and Ordinances 182 and 233, and all
other amendments prior to release of final plat.
14 D Subdivision must meet the requirements of the Owasso
Fire Marshal. Show fire hydrants as specified by the Fire
15 D Plat filing fees shall be paid to the Owasso City
16L C Other Conditions:
a. Also show the Mingo Valley Expressway as U.S. 169
b. Leave adjacent property with sufficient frontage and
area to comply with Zoning Code standards.
C. Do not show easement dedication as part of the
Restrictive Covenants.
d. Show drainage easements, if any.
e. Show in easement dedication that the owner agrees
that no building, structure, or other above or below ground
obstruction that will interfere with the (easement) purposes
aforesaid, will be place, erected, installed, or permitted
upon the easements or rights -of -way as shown on the plat.
f. Show perimeter 17.5' wide easement on the platted
property or show an additional off -site 11' wide easement.
Approval Requested:
Sketch Plat
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary and Final Plat
X Final Plat
Owasso Technical Advisory Committee hearing date 8 -9 -89
Owasso Planning Commission hearing date 8 -17 -89
Owasso City Council hearing date
Location NE /C. 76th St. N. and U.S.. 169 Hwy. S.T.R. 29 -21 -14
Plat Name Owasso Commercial Center II
Developer Oklahoma Investment Company
Engineer Tuttle and Associates
Acreage 12.69 Number of Lots 9
This subdivision checklist, or a revised list, shall accompany a
Plat proposed for final release by the City Council of the City
of Owasso. All conditions noted shall be fulfilled before the
Plat shall be considered for approval by the Owasso City Council.
It is the responsibility of the subdivider, developer and plat
engineer that all Owasso Subdivision regulations and the
conditions listed below are satisfied. Only the numbered
conditions pertain to this particular subdivision. Once the
conditions are satisfied, those that are noted with an "A" shall
be initialed by the City Engineer, those noted with a "B" shall
be initialed by the Building Inspector, those noted with a "C"
shall be initialed by the City Planner, and those noted with a
"D" shall be initialed by other authorities as shown.
1 Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility
companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an
underground facility is planned. Show additional easements
as required.
D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company
D Public Service Company
D Southwestern Bell Telephone
D City of Owasso
2 A Paving and drainage plans shall be approved by the
City of Owasso.
3 A Drainage system study, including the boundaries of
the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full
upstream urbanization, shall be approved by the City of
4 A Water and sewer plans shall be approved by the City
of Owasso.
5 A Sewage disposal, the method and plans therefore,
shall be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health
6 A A topo map shall be submitted for review prior to
review of the final plat
7 A Building pad elevations shall be placed on each lot
on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat.
Said copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
8 A Show the location of all monuments.
9 A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all
streets in all zoning categories except industrial in
accordance with Ordinance number 182, Article III, Section
10 A & C Access points (or access to the tract) shall be
approved by the City of Owasso and shown on the plat
accordingly in an appropriate location.
11 A & C Bearings or true north and south shall be shown
on perimeter of land being included in the plat. Show a
bearing from the Northeast corner of the section to the POB.
12 B Street names shall be approved by the City of Owasso.
13 C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of
non-development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for
any oil and /or gas wells before the final plat is released.
14 C Restrictive covenants and deed of dedication shall be
submitted for review prior to release of final plat (City
Attorney shall also review).
15 C Adjacent streets and /or widths thereof should be
shown on final plat. Show adjacent access points.
16 C Complete dimensions shall be shown on all lots
streets, building lines, easements, etc.
17 C Key or location may shall be complete. Show all
section subdivisions, Mills School, the area being platted
and the correct acreage and number of lots.
18 C All Subdivision Regulations shall be met, including
provisions of Appendix A and Ordinances 182 and 233, and all
other amendments prior to release of final plat.
19 D Subdivision must meet the requirements of the Owasso
Fire Marshal. Show fire hydrants as specified by the Fire
20 C Other Conditions:
a. Show a shared access point between lots 3 and 4 and
show Limits of No Access (LNA) along 76th Street North.
b. Show a 25' Building Line for lots 1, 2 and 3. Lot 3
should be made larger to compensate for the reduced building
area caused by the setback line from the cul-de-sac street.
c. Show all of the subdivision within a heavy line if
the whole original Owasso Commercial Center plat is to be
replatted. If only a portion is to be replatted, do not show
the original lots or dimensions.
d. Show the name and width of the cul -de -sac street.
e. Show all separate instrument easements effecting the
platted property.
f. Show the name and address of the owner(s).
g. Do not show easement dedication as part of the
Restrictive Covenants.
h. Show drainage easements, if any.
i. Show in easement dedication that the owner agrees
that no building, structure, or other above or below ground
obstruction that will interfere with the (easement) purposes
aforesaid, will be place, erected, installed, or permitted
upon the easements or rights -of -way as shown on the plat.
j. Show the following language in the easement
dedication: No permanent fence, wall building, substantial
vegetation or restrictive structures, other than utility
appurtenances, shall be placed or maintained within a
utility easement. The owner shall be responsible for the
repair and replacement of any landscaping and paving located
within the utility easements in the event it is necessary to
repair any underground water or sewer mains, electric,
natural gas, communications or telephone service.