HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.09.21_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Scheduled Meeting
DATE: September 21, 1989
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
TITLE: Owasso City Planner
ON September 15, 1989.
Richard Hall, City Planner
Thursday, September 21, 1989, 7:00 p.m.
Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar
Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Consider approval of the Minutes of August 17, 1989
3. Public Hearing on a proposed amendment of Ordinance 335, The
Zoning Code of the City of Owasso. Section 1140 Design Standards
for Off - Street Parking Areas, to allow parking spaces less than
10 feet in width and 20 feet in length
4. Texaco Inc. (2914) - Southeast corner of 117th East Avenue
and 86th Street North
5. Tulsa City /County Library- Owasso Branch (3014) - Northwest
corner of Main and Broadway
6. Owasso Plaza (2014) - the Northeast
North and the Mingo Valley Expressway
7. Owasso Commercial Center II (2914) - A
Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Owasso Commercial
Northeast corner of 76th Street North
corner of 86th Street
replat of a portion of
Center located at the
and the Mingo Valley
8. Steve and Stanley Synar (21-21-14) - A 185 acre tract of land
located Northwest of 86th Street North and 145th East Avenue
9. Discussion of development in and near Owasso
10. Adjourn
Thursday, August 17, 1989, 7:00 PM
Owasso City Hall
207 S Cedar. Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Charles Willey
Rick Johnson
Pat Imbriano
Gary Wells
Richard Hall
Marcia Boutwell
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall,
207 S Cedar, on August 8, 1989.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ray Haynes called the meeting to
order at 7:02 p-m.
2. ROLL CALL - Chairman Haynes declared a quorum present.
Commission reviewed the minutes of July 20, 1969. Rick Johnson
moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve those minutes as
written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
The motion carried 3 -0.
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The motino carried 3-0
4. Lee Rollins for the Owasso Auto Supply (0914) - East of the
Southeast corner of 86th Street North and the Mingo Valley
Chairman Haynes introduced the matter. Richard Hall presented
the case study. Lee Rollins, owner of the property. was present
to present his case. Mr. Rollins plans to rebuild the Owasso Auto
Supply on the site, enlarging the structure to the back. Members
of the Planning Commission are concerned about a 10` wide easement
on the back (south) of the property. Charles Willey moved to
approve the requested site plan with the stipulation that a survey
be required and utilities be staked before any concrete is poured
and that the property drainage be taken into consideration.
Motion was seconded by Rick Johnson and a vote was recorded as
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 17. 1989
Page 2
The motion carried 3 -0.
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
5. Owasso Plaza (2014) - The Northeast corner of 86th Street
North and the Mingo Valley Expressway.
Chairman Haynes introduced the matter and Richard Hall
presented and explained the checklist. Ted Sack of Sizemore, Sack
& Sizemore, the engineers representing WalMart, was present to
answer questions about the proposed plat. Charles Willey moved
that the Commission approve the preliminary plat subject to the
Owasso subdivision checklist_ Motion was seconded by Rick Johnson
and a vote was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The motion carried 3 -0
Mr. Hall discussed the Owasso City Council directive to the
Planning Commission to hold a public hearing to amend the zoning
rode changing offstreet parking spaces from 10` wide to 9" wide
following a request brought before the Council by representatives
of WalMart for such a change_ The Planning Commission will hold
a public hearing on the matter at the September 21st meeting.
5. Owasso Commercial Center 11 (2914) - A replat of a portion of
Lot 1 of Block 1 of the Owasso Commercial Center located at the
Northeast corner of 76th Street North and the Mingo Valley
Because all of the requirements of the subdivision checklist
had not been met, the Chairman requested that the hearing on the
final plat be continued_ Ray Haynes moved, seconded by Charles
Willey, that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting
(September 21) unless an emergency be declared. at which time the
chairman will be contacted to post a special meeting of the
Planning Commission.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 17, 1989
Page 3
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
7. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
Richard Hall discussed current building activity and some
proposed activity.
8. ADJOURN - Charles Willey moved, Rick Johnson seconded, to
adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Rick Johnson - Yes
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
TO: The Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Richard Hall, Director of Community Development
SUBJECT: Proposal to amend Zoning Code SECTION 1140, DESIGN
DATE: September 16, 1989
In February of this year, John Sweeney of Leo Eisenberg Co.,
a commercial developer, approached the Owasso Board of Adjustment
for a variance of the Zoning Code to allow parking spaces that
were 8.5 feet wide instead of ten feet as required by the Code.
At the first hearing the Board directed the staff to measure
the width of parking spaces of local commercial developments. The
Building Inspector measured parking spaces of random commercial
developments and submitted the following measurements:
Charney's law office 8'11"
City Hall 9'11"
Burger King 9' 2"
Homeland 9' 2"
Knight's Bridge 10' 2"
Former T.G.& Y. 9' 5"
Captain D's 8' 7"
Golden Corral 9111"
Liberty Bank 9'10"
Former K Mart 8'
Taco Bueno 10' 2"
Executive Center 9' 1"
Evergreen Care Center 9' 1"
Owasso Post Office 8'11"
Owasso Beauty College 8'11"
At the second Board of Adjustment hearing on March 15th, the
above measurements made it apparent that there were many of
commercial parking spaces that did not meet the Zoning Code
requirements. The Board of Adjustment, however, denied the
requested variance but suggested that the matter might be better
addressed by an amendment of the Zoning Code. I agreed with the
Board that a variance of the Code was not appropriate but I
supported the proposal to reduce the width of parking spaces from
ten feet to nine feet. First, most cars are smaller now than when
the Zoning Code was written. Second, evidently the Zoning Code
has not been consistently enforced in regard to the striping of
parking spaces. Of the random stall measurements, a clear
majority did not meet the Zoning Code standard.
Planning Commission
Parking Space Memo
September 16, 1989
Page 2
After visiting with Mr. Sweeney, I informed him that his
next course of action was to approach the Planning Commission
about amending the Zoning Code to allow the smaller parking
spaces. The Zoning Code Section 1520 allows the Planning
Commission, of its own accord or at the direction of the City
Council, to hold public hearings to amend the Code. Its
recommendations then are submitted to the City Council for its
consideration. Mr. Sweeney asked me to bring the item before the
Planning Commission to ask that the parking space size be
amended. At the May 18, 1989 Planning Commission meeting I asked
the Planning Commission if it would desire to hold a public
hearing to amend the parking space size standard. The Commission
voted 4 -0 to not change the standard. In its discussions, the
Commission decided that there are many vehicles, such as large
pick -up trucks and vans, that still need the ten feet of parking
space width for parking. The Commission did direct the staff to
send letters to owners of parking lots to conform to the Zoning
Code requirements when the parking lots are repainted.
After some false starts, the plat of the Owasso Plaza
subdivision, the proposed Wal-Mart site, was be heard by the
Technical Advisory Committee on August 9, 1989 and by the
Planning Commission on August 17, 1989. The final plat is
scheduled for review on September 21, 1989. Because parking is
important in the layout of the site plan and plat of the
development, the developer's representative, Mr. Sweeney asked to
be put on the City Council August 15, 1989 agenda. He asked the
City Council to direct the Planning Commission to hold a public
hearing on the parking space size matter with the goal of
amending the Zoning Code to allow the smaller parking spaces. The
Council agreed with him and directed me to publish a public
notice to amend the Zoning Code and directed the Planning
Commission to hold a public hearing to examine the matter. I have
scheduled the public hearing for the September 21, 1989 Planning
Commission meeting to take comments from the public about the
possible amendment of the Zoning Code to allow the smaller
spaces. The Planning Commission recommendation will be forwarded
to the City Council at its October 3, 1989 meeting.
TO: The Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Richard Hall, Owasso City Planner
SUBJECT: Site Plan for Texaco service station and convenience
store at the Southeast corner of 86th Street North and
117th East Avenue, a portion of lot 67 of the Three
Lakes Addition to Owasso
DATE: September 16, 1989
The subject tract is a portion of the Three Lakes Addition
to Owasso which was platted in May of 1976. There has been at
least one other failed attempt to develop the tract as a service
station. A Board of Adjustment case (OBOA -65) was approved in
April of 1984 to allow a similar Texaco station on the subject
property. That approval expired because it was not used within
one year of its granting. A site plan and a lot split (OLS -44)
were approved with conditions by the Planning Commission in April
of 1984. Finally, utility easements were dedicated, then
abandoned in an effort to build the earlier Texaco station.
The two property is zoned CS commercial and is buffered on
the south and east by OM office zoning from residential areas of
the addition. A shopping center is located west of the tract
across 117th East Avenue. A small office complex lies to the
south of the tract while a drug store is located to the east. A
new grocery store is situated north of the tract across 86th
Street North. Road construction work is underway on 86th Street
North and a traffic light is planned at its intersection with
117th East Avenue.
Texaco recently made application to the Owasso Board of
Adjustment for a Special Exception to allow a automotive use in a
CS zoning district and for a variance of the Zoning Code to allow
the canopy covering the gas pumps to extend into the building
setbacks of both 117th East Avenue and 86th Street North. The
Special Exception was required of an automotive use by the Zoning
Code because the use is too heavy for the CS Shopping Center
zoning district. The concept of the Code is that the Board may
require conditions in its approval of the Special Exception to
protect neighboring uses from the traffic and activity of the
automotive use.
The variance request was proposed to allow the gas pump
canopy to be located at a diagonal with the intersection of the
two streets. Two corners of the canopy are proposed to extend
into building setbacks required by the Zoning Code in the CS
district. The applicants felt that the layout of store and canopy
would allow for a better traffic flow at the facility. The Board
heard and approved both the Variance and Special Exception on
September 13, 1989 (case OBOA-116).
Texaco Site Plan
September, 1989
Page 2
The facility is now proposed by Texaco to contain gas pumps,
a car wash, and a storage shed in addition to a convenience store
that is larger than those traditionally built by the company. The
submitted site plan is incorrect in that it does not reflect the
ongoing construction work at 86th Street and 117th East Avenue.
It appears that the existing street right -of -way encroaches into
the underground tank and sign areas of the site plan along 117th
East Avenue.
The dumpster located at the southwest corner of the building
is located such that heavy trash trucks will have to maneuver
over the underground tanks to service the dumpster. If the
pavement over the tanks is not adequate, damage may result to the
tanks from the weight of the trucks.
Texaco proposes eight regular and one handicapped parking
spaces. Eleven and one half spaces are required of a convenience
store of the size proposed by Texaco. When the spaces under the
canopy are counted, however, the total number of spaces increases
to 17, including the handicapped space.
Signs appear to be in accordance with the Owasso sign
ordinance, number 309. The store is allowed one ground sign for
each of its frontages and two ground signs are shown.
Finally, the 35' and 40' wide curb cuts on the east side of
the convenience store seem like overkill. There are no limits of
access on 117th East Avenue shown by the plat but the Planning
Commission allowed only one 40' wide driveway in its approval of
the lot split in 1984. The curb cut on the 86th Street frontage
is also a problem. The opening is not where it is specified on
the subdivision plat. In the previous site plan review, the
Planning Commission approved the moving of the access point, but
I can find no City Council resolution or ordinance accomplishing
the change. According to the Three Lakes plat, no access is
allowed the Texaco lot.
The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site
plan at its September 13, 1989 meeting. The T.A.C. recommended
the following requirements concerning the site plan: Submit a
drainage plan to the city for the site, reinforce the concrete
over the underground tanks, and set signs away from PSO lines.
I recommend approval of the proposed site plan subject to
the following conditions:
1. Submit a revised site plan to the city that respects the
ongoing construction work at the intersection,
Texaco Site Plan
September, 1989
Page 3
2. complete and file of record the change of access along 86th
street North and show one 40' wide access point on 117th East
Avenue as approved by the Planning Commission in previous site
plan and lot split approvals,
3. reinforce concrete over the underground storage tanks,
4. submit a drainage plan to the city,
5. setback from PSO electric lines.
TO: The Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Richard Hall, Owasso City Planner
SUBJECT: Site Plan for the Owasso Library at the Northwest
corner of Broadway and Main streets
DATE: September 16, 1989
The present library opened its doors in November of 1962 in
a leased facility at 124 E. 1st Street. It had 1,300 square feet
of area. The library moved to its present location at 118 S. Main
in 1972 which is leased from D.M. Sokolosky. The existing facili-
ty has 2,400 square feet of area and four parking spaces are
allocated to the library. It has the smallest size but the second
highest circulation of the seven libraries of the North Region.
In June of 1988 funds were approved by the voters of Owasso
to build a new library. City- County Library officials have
proposed the construction of a 5,500 square foot facility with
parking for 40 vehicles. On November 22, 1988, the Owasso City
Council appointed six members to a Library Site Selection
Advisory Committee
The Committee met only on December 7th and December 14th
because of time constraints. Its report was prepared after the
last meeting of the Committee and it was passed on to the Owasso
City Council and to the Indian Nations Council of Governments.
The views of the City Council and INCOG's report were forwarded
to the City- County Library Commission for its action. That Com-
mission had the final authority to choose a library site.
The Owasso Planning Commission studied the location of a
library in its deliberations on the Owasso Comprehensive Plan.
The Commission noted two sites: near the new high school at the
Northeast corner of 129th E. Ave and 86th Street North. The
second site was not specific, but near the existing City Hall.
The Library Committee discussed the Comprehensive Plan and
Committee sites reflecting the ideas of the Plan. Since the Plan
was finished, however, library concepts have changed. It is now
not acceptable to have a library too near a school. The Library
Committee also felt strongly that the new library could be a
factor in the redevelopment of the older portions of Owasso.
The City Council expressed its favor with Site One of the
Committee - the half block located at the Northwest corner of
Main and Broadway. The Council's second choice was Site Two - the
half block at the Northeast corner of Main and First Avenue.
The Library Commission chose the Main and Broadway site to
locate the new library. The site has been purchased and cleared
of structures, including a property owned by the OPWA. Library
architects have proposed the attached site plan for review of the
Planning Commission. Since the property is zoned CH, Commercial
High Intensity District, the use does not need to be reviewed by
Library Site Plan
September 16, 1989
Page 2
the Owasso Board of Adjustment. No plat is required because the
property is already platted as part of the original Owasso
subdivision. The site plan is, therefore the last review of the
development before the building permit is issued. Library
administrators anticipate that construction will begin in January
and be completed in April. The officials hope that the facility
will be open in June.
The Technical Advisory Committee heard the matter at its
September 13, 1989 meeting. The Committee and architects had a
good discussion about utilities but made no recommendation about
the site plan.
Since the property is zoned CH, there are very few Zoning
Code requirements on the use. All abutting properties, except to
the east across Atlanta, are also zoned CH, so there are no site
fence requirements. Structure setbacks from the streets are
generous and there is plenty of room for building expansion along
the Main street frontage. Nineteen parking spaces are required by
the Zoning Code, but 35 regular spaces and two handicapped spaces
are provided. I recommend approval of the plan subject to two
1. I feel uncomfortable with the handicapped spaces being located
in the Broadway right -of -way. I would rather see the handicapped
patrons back their vehicles into the circular driveway rather
than directly into the street. The location of the handicapped
parking spaces is made more difficult because they are located
near the Main Street intersection. The driveway is also narrow, I
assume to discourage parking. It may be also prudent to post no
parking signs along that driveway.
2. I recommend that sidewalks be constructed along all street
frontages in accordance with Ordinance 182.
Approval Requested:
Sketch Plat
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary and Final Plat
x Final Plat
Owasso Technical Advisory Committee hearing date 9 -13 -89
Owasso Planning Commission hearing date 9 -21 -89
Owasso City Council hearing date
Location NE /C. 86th St. N. and U.S. 169 Hwy. S.T.R. 20 -21 -14
Plat Name Owasso Plaza
Developer Owasso Development Co., c/o Leo Eisenberg Co
Engineer Sisemore- Sack- Sisemore & Associates
Acreage 11.0617 acres Number of Lots 1
This subdivision checklist, or a revised list, shall accompany a
plat proposed for final release by the City Council of the City
of Owasso. All conditions noted shall be fulfilled before the
plat shall be considered for approval by the Owasso City Council.
It is the responsibility of the subdivider, developer and plat
engineer that all Owasso Subdivision regulations and the
conditions listed below are satisfied. Only the numbered
conditions pertain to this particular subdivision. Once the
conditions are satisfied, those that are noted with an "A" shall
be initialed by the City Engineer, those noted with a "B" shall
be initialed by the Building Inspector, those noted with a "C"
shall be initialed by the City Planner, and those noted with a
"D" shall be initialed by other authorities as shown.
1 Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility
companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an
underground facility is planned. Show additional easements
as required.
D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company
D Public Service Company
D Southwestern Bell Telephone
Owasso Plaza
September, 1989
Page 2
D City of Owasso
2 A Paving and drainage plans shall be approved by the
City of Owasso.
3 A Drainage system study, including the boundaries of
the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full
upstream urbanization, shall be approved by the City of
4 A Water and sewer plans shall be approved by the City
of Owasso.
5 A Sewage disposal, the method and plans therefore,
sha11 be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health
6 A Building pad elevations shall be placed on each lot
on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat.
Said copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
7 A Show the location of all monuments.
8 A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all
streets in all zoning categories except industrial in
accordance with Ordinance number 182, Article III, Section
9 A & C Access points (or access to the tract) shall be
approved by the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma Department
of Transportation and shown on the plat accordingly in an
appropriate location.
10 C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of
non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for
any oil and /or gas wells before the final plat is released.
11 C Adjacent streets and /or widths thereof should be
shown on final plat. Show adjacent access points.
12 C Complete dimensions shall be shown on all lots
streets, building lines, easements, etc.
13 C All Subdivision Regulations shall be met, including
provisions of Appendix A and Ordinances 182 and 233, and all
other amendments prior to release of final plat.
14 D Subdivision must meet the requirements of the Owasso
Fire Marshal. Show fire hydrants as specified by the Fire
15 D Plat
Owasso Plaza
September, 1989
Page 3
filing fees shall be paid to the Owasso City
16 C Other Conditions:
a. Also show the Mingo Valley Expressway as U.S. 169
b. Leave adjacent property with sufficient frontage and
area to comply with Zoning Code standards.
c. Amend "Section II. Term, Amendment and Enforcement"
so as not to imply that the dedication of easements are
temporary or amendable as are the Restrictive Covenants.
d. Show drainage easements, if any.
e. Show perimeter 17.5' wide easement on the platted
property or show an additional off -site 11' wide easement.
f. Do not show a general utility easement inside the
existing PSO easement. Cross over easements are allowed.
g. Show in easement dedication that the owner agrees
that no building, structure, or other above or below ground
obstruction that will interfere with the (easement) purposes
aforesaid, will be place, erected, installed, or permitted
upon the easements or rights -of -way as shown on the plat.
h. Show the following language in the easement
dedication: No permanent fence, wall building, substantial
vegetation or restrictive structures, other than utility
appurtenances, shall be placed or maintained within a
utility easement. The owner shall be responsible for the
repair and replacement of any landscaping and paving located
within the utility easements in the event it is necessary to
repair any underground water or sewer mains, electric,
natural gas, communications or telephone service.
Approval Requested:
Sketch Plat
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary and Final Plat
X Final Plat
Owasso Technical Advisory Committee hearing date 9 -13 -89
Owasso Planning Commission hearing date 9 -21 -89
Owasso City Council hearing date
Location NE /C. 76th St. N. and U.S 169 Hwy. S.T.R. 29 -21 -14
Plat Name Owasso Commercial Center II
Developer Oklahoma Investment Company
Engineer Tuttle and Associates
Acreage 8.23 Number of Lots 4
This subdivision checklist, or a revised list, shall accompany a
plat proposed for final release by the City Council of the City
of Owasso. All conditions noted shall be fulfilled before the
plat shall be considered for approval by the Owasso City Council.
It is the responsibility of the subdivider, developer and plat
engineer that all Owasso Subdivision regulations and the
conditions listed below are satisfied. Only the numbered
conditions pertain to this particular subdivision. Once the
conditions are satisfied, those that are noted with an "A" shall
be initialed by the City Engineer, those noted with a "B" shall
be initialed by the Building Inspector, those noted with a "C"
shall be initialed by the City Planner, and those noted with a
"D" shall be initialed by other authorities as shown.
1 Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility
companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an
underground facility is planned. Show additional easements
as required.
D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company
D Public Service Company
D Southwestern Bell Telephone
Owasso Commercial Center II
September, 1989
Page 2
D City of Owasso
2 A Paving and drainage plans shall be approved by the
City of Owasso.
3 A Drainage system study, including the boundaries of
the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full
upstream urbanization, shall be approved by the City of
4 A Water and sewer plans shall be approved by the City
of Owasso.
5 A Sewage disposal, the method and plans therefore,
shall be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health
6 A A topo map shall be submitted for review prior to
review of the final plat
7 A Building pad elevations shall be placed on each lot
on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat.
Said copy shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
8 A Show the location of all monuments.
9 A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all
streets in all zoning categories except industrial in
accordance with Ordinance number 182, Article III, Section
10 A & C Access points (or access to the tract) shall be
approved by the City of Owasso and shown on the plat
accordingly in an appropriate location.
11 A & C Bearings or true north and south shall be shown
on perimeter of land being included in the plat. Show a
bearing from the Northeast corner of the section to the POB.
12 B Street names shall be approved by the City of Owasso.
13 C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of
non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for
any oil and /or gas wells before the final plat is released.
14 C Restrictive covenants and deed of dedication shall be
submitted for review prior to release of final plat (City
Attorney shall also review).
15 C Adjacent streets and /or widths thereof should be
Owasso Commercial Center II
September, 1989
Page 3
shown on final plat. Show adjacent access points.
16 C Complete dimensions shall be shown on all lots
streets, building lines, easements, etc.
17 C Key or location may shall be complete. Show all
section subdivisions, Mills School, the area being platted
and the correct acreage and number of lots.
18 C All Subdivision Regulations shall be met, including
provisions of Appendix A and Ordinances 182 and 233, and all
other amendments prior to release of final plat.
19 D Subdivision must meet the requirements of the Owasso
Fire Marshal. Show fire hydrants as specified by the Fire
20 C Other Conditions:
a. Show a shared access point between lots 3 and 4 and
show Limits of No Access (LNA) along 76th Street North.
b. Show a 25' Building Line for lots 1, 2 and 3. Lot 3
should be made larger to compensate for the reduced building
area caused by the setback line from the cul -de -sac street.
c. Show all of the subdivision within a heavy line if
the whole original Owasso Commercial Center plat is to be
replatted. If only a portion is to be replatted, do not show
the original lots or dimensions.
d. Show the name and width of the cul -de -sac street.
e. Show all separate instrument easements effecting the
platted property.
f. Show the name and address of the owner(s).
g. Do not show easement dedication as part of the
Restrictive Covenants.
h. Show drainage easements, if any.
i. Show in easement dedication that the owner agrees
that no building, structure, or other above or below ground
obstruction that will interfere with the (easement) purposes
aforesaid, will be place, erected, installed, or permitted
upon the easements or rights -of -way as shown on the plat.
j. Show the following language in the easement
dedication: No permanent fence, wall building, substantial
Owasso Commercial Center II
September, 1989
Page 4
vegetation or restrictive structures, other than utility
appurtenances, shall be placed or maintained within a
utility easement. The owner shall be responsible for the
repair and replacement of any landscaping and paving located
within the utility easements in the event it is necessary to
repair any underground water or sewer mains, electric,
natural gas, communications or telephone service.
k. If the neighboring land owners will not allow
sufficient land to dedicate the driveway fronting service
road as a street, label the driveway to allow access.
TO: The Owasso Planning Commission
FROM: Richard Hall, Owasso City Planner
SUBJECT: The proposed annexation by Steve and Stanley Synar of
property located at the Northwest corner of 86th Street
North and 145th East Avenue.
DATE. September 14, 1989
A realtor /local property owner has requested that land
totaling about 185 acres be annexed into the city. The property
is shown on the attached map and is vacant and undeveloped.
The Annexation Committee reviewed the petition at its
September 7, 1989 meeting. The committee discussed the
surrounding area and a request by the owners to eventually rezone
a 40 acre portion of the subject property. We discussed the City
Council annexation policies and the annexation of street rights -
of -way adjacent to the subject property. Motion was made by R.J.
Ray and seconded by Charles Willey to recommend that the Planning
Commission recommend annexation the subject property less the
street rights-or-way adjacent to the property. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Kirby Crowe - Yes
Richard Hall - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Cliff Motto - Yes
Rodney Ray - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried.
The annexation item was on the September 13, 1989 agenda of
the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee. That committee did not
make a recommendation to make to the Planning Commission
concerning the petition.
I recommend that the property be annexed as recommended by
the Annexation Committee. It is advisable to annex vacant tracts
so that the city may have a direct influence on how the
properties are developed. The land in question is now vacant and
adjacent to the city limits.