HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.02.15_Planning Commission AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 15, 1990 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 15, 1990 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso Community Center NOTICE FILED BY: Steve Compton TITLE: Assistant City Manager for Community Development FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE OWASSO CITY CLERK AT 4:00 p.m. on February 9, 1990. Steve Compton, Assistant City Manager for Community Development OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, February 15, 1990, 7:00 p.m. Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Consider Approval of the Minutes of November 16, 1989 3. OLS-71 - Daniel Denny Construction (2814) - A request for a Lot -Split on Lots 19 and 20, Block 2 of Copper Meadows, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 4.A. OLS-72 - Owasso Development Co/Liberty Bank (2014) - A request for a Lot - Split on Lot 1, Block 1 of Liberty Banking Center, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 4.B. Change Of Access - Owasso Development Co/ Liberty Bank (2914) A request to move the northerly most 40' Limits -Of- Access an additional 60' to the North. Lot 1 Block 1 of Liberty Banking Center, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 5.A. Easement Vacation - First United Methodist Church (3014) - A request to vacate a utility easement generally located between Lot 3 and Lot 6, Block 7, Original Town of Owasso. 5.B. Site Plan Review - First United Methodist Church (3014) - A request for a review of the site plan for the expansion of the existing church building. Lots 2,3,4,5 & 6, Block 7, Original Town of Owasso. 6. Site Plan Review - Budget Industries, Inc. (3014) - A request for a review of the site plan for the expansion of an existing industrial business. Lots 1,2,3 & 4, Block 20, Original Town of Owasso and Lot 1, Block 12, Greenlee's Addition, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 7. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. B. Adjournment TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton yG Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: OLS -71 - Daniel Denny Construction (2814) - A request for a Lot -Split on Lots 19 and 20 of Block 2, Copper Meadows, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. DATE: February 7, 1990 BACKGROUND The subject tract consists of two single family lots zoned RS-3. They are surrounded on all sides by single family development zoned RS -3. Lot 20 is vacant and Lot 19 contains a newly constructed single family dwelling. This dwelling was incorrectly located on Lot 19, just inches away from the side lot line between Lot 19 and Lot 20. The applicant has purchased Lot 20 and is requesting a Lot -Split to add a strip of land approximately 5' wide to Lot 19 and taken from Lot 20. There is an 11' utility easement along the back lot -line of both lots, but no easement is recorded along the lot -line proposed to be moved (see maps). RECOMMENDATION This request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their February 7th meeting and no conditions of approval were identified; therefore, I recommend approval of the requested Lot - Split. DATE FILED DEC. 6, 1988 COPPER MEADOWS PLAT NO. 4739 782082 473s AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO I OKLAHOMA BEING A PART OF THE NW I/4, LOCATION MAP NW. 25. A CORNER SW I/4 SECTION 2B - T 21 N , R 14 E , POINT OF BEGINNING N.E. CORNER W 112 SW 1,14 5 89° 50' 35" E 1323.40' THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1908 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA, OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER OLS-71 PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LOTS 19 & 20 IN BLOCK 2 OF COPPER MEADOWS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. MENORANDUM TO: Owasso Plannina Commission FROM: Steve Compton N Assistant City Manager for Community Development SUBJECT: OLS -72 - Owasso Development Co /Liberty Bank (2014) - A request for a Lot -Split on Lot 1, Block 1 of Liberty Banking Center, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. DATE: February B, 1990 This request consists of splitting a .2115 acre tract from the North end of Lot 1, Block 1, Liberty Banking Center. The tract would then be attached to the unplatted vacated land abutting it on the East and North. This tract and the vacant unplatted land to the North will become a part of a second South entry to the Wal- Mart and an undeveloped commercial tract. It will also provide additional access to the Liberty Bank (see maps). There are platted utility easements on this tract; however, no utilities exist in these easements and the Technical Advisory Committee at their February 8th meeting agreed that the owners should abandon these easements and be required to establish a 15' utility easement along the new North property line for the Liberty Banking Center lot. RECOMMENDATION I recommend approval of this lot- split, subject to the establishment of a 15' utility easement along the new North property line of the Liberty Banking Center lot. I would also recommend that the Owasso Development Co close the existing easements as a part of either the platting process or by separate action. I make this recommendation with some reservations about the methods being used in the development of the Wal -Mart tract and adjacent unplatted lands. "Planning" means that we take a comprehensive look at developing a tract of land, not a lot -by- lot or plat -by -plat approach. My recommendation is based upon the Owasso Development Company's verbal commitment to develop the remainder of their land in a comprehensive manner and provide the city with some assurances of the intensity and quality of the development. DATE FILED OCT. 13, 1982 PLAT NO. 90255 CODNTY CLERK LIBERTY BANKING CENTER LIBERTY BANK of OWASSO P0. BOK 350 OWASSO, OK 74055 ENGINEER WILLIAM E. LEWIS, PE. 6420 S. 221x1 E. AVE. BROKEN ARROW,OK. 74012 PHONE 918/258 -3039 THE PLAT BOOK — TULSA COUNTY — COPYRIGHT 1982 ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF BLOCK-1 "LIBERTY BANKING CENTER" AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: "BEGINNING AT A POINT" THAT IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK -1; THENCE S 29°39`35" E FOR 40.00' ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK -1; THENCE S 54°-08' -45" W FOR 185.35' TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK -1; THENCE N 29°- 39' -35" W FOR 60.00' ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE TO A POINT WHICH IS THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK-1; THENCE N 60°-20'-25" E FOR 184.27' ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK -1 TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING .2115 ACRES. TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager For Community Development SUBJECT: Change Of Access - Owasso Development Co /Liberty Bank (2014) - Lot 1, Block 1, Liberty Banking Center an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County,Oklahoma. DATE: February 8, 1990 BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting to move the northerly most 40' Limits - Of- Access an additional 60' North of its existing location (see maps) . This will be the new location of a second south entrance to the Wal -Mart site and will also serve as a second access drive for the Liberty Bank. Action requested under the OLS-72 application would split this drive from the Liberty Bank plat and add it to the abutting unplatted land for future development and platting. This does not negate the fact that this tract is platted and the it will remain a platted tract of land. The primary concern appears to be the potential for a conflict to exist between the proposed entry drive and an existing utility easement. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) at their February 7th meeting concurred that it was not necessary, but that the best means of clearing title in this case would be for the owner, through either the platting process or other action, close the existing easements. RECOMMENDATION I recommend approval of the requested Change-Of-Access, but with some reservations about the methods being used in the development of the Wal -Mart tract and adjacent unplatted lands. "Planning" means that we take a comprehensive look at developing a tract of land, not a lot-by-lot or plat-by-plat approach. My recommendation is based upon the Owasso Development Company's verbal commitment to develop the remainder of their land in a comprehensive manner and provide the city with some assurances of the intensity and quality of the development. CHANGE OF ACCESS TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve Compton5t Assistant City Manager For Community Development SUBJECT: Easement Vacation - First United Methodist Church DATE: February 8, 1990 The applicant is requesting to vacate /close an existing utility easement generally located between Lots 3 and b, Block 7, Original Town of Owasso. This would allow the church building located on Lots 5 and b, Block 7 to be expanded onto Lots 2,3 and 4, Block 7. The easement presently contains a sanitary sewer line serving only the church. The Technical Advisory Committee at their February 7, 1990 meeting reviewed this case and I have discussed it with Ron Cates, City Attorney. If the easement is closed, the church will also have to carry out legal action to foreclose on the city's right to reopen the easement; otherwise a cloud will remain on their title. This action is necessary and is handled as a "friendly" case. When the easement is closed, the line in it becomes the responsibility of the church. RECOMMENDATION I recommend approval of this request for closing a public utility easement generally located between Lots 3 and b, Block 7, Original Town of Owasso. TO: Owasso Plannino Commission FROM: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager For Community Development SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - First United Methodist Church, Lots 2,3,4,5 & 6, Block 7, Original Town of Owasso DATE: February 9, 1990 BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a review of the Site Plan for the expansion of their existing church. The subject tract is zoned a combination of CS and RS -3 and contains the existing church, a parking lot, a children's playground, and vacant land. It is abutted on the South by a VFW building, real estate office, and vacant land zoned CH; on the East by single - family dwellings zoned RS -3; on the North by a single - family dwelling zoned RS -3 and the old Owasso Sports Center zoned CS; and on the West by Main Street and some single - family structures zoned CS. Staff has review the Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations and compared them to the submitted Site Plan and find the following: 1. Required - Phases I & II 38 spaces Phase III 22 spaces Total 60 spaces @ 3 handicapped 1. Submitted - Phases I & II 45 spaces @ 1 handicapped Phase III 20 spaces Total 65 spaces @ 1 handicapped Additional Needed 2 handicapped 2. Required - Setback from Single - Family lot on North 44'. lots on East 44'. 2. Submitted - Setback from Single - Family lot on North 83'. " 11 lots on East 55'. 3. Required - Height N/A 3. Submitted - Height 32'. 4. Required - Drainage Plan 4. Submitted - The city has no existing surface or sub- surface stormwater drainage facilities in this area of the community. The applicant proposes to use drainage swales located in the street rights -of -way along the South and East sides of the tract to retain some of the stormwater runoff from this tract. 5. Required - Floor Area Ratio .5 max. 5. Submitted - Floor Area Ratio .3 RECOMMENDATION After conducting the above review, I recommend approval of the submitted Site Plan for the First United Methodist Church, subject to the following conditions: 1. That two handicapped parking spaces be added to the plan adjacent to the one shown on the plan. 2. That use of the existing playground for parking is not necessary until Phase III is completed and only then if parking is not available in adjacent parking lots. 3. That the applicant work with the city to establish the most reasonable method of solving stormwater drainage questions. 4. That the existing utility easement located under the proposed building expansion be closed and the applicant foreclose on the city's ability to reopen the easement prior to the issuance of a build permit. MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Steve ComptonSL Assistant City Manager For Community Development SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - Budget Industries, Inc. (3014) - Lots 1,2,3, & 4, Block 20, Original Town of Owasso and Lot 1, Block 12, Greenlee's Addition, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. DATE: February 8, 1990 BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a review of the site plan for the expansion of an existing industrial business on a CH zoned tract. The BOA has approved a request by the applicant for a Special Exception of the Zoning Code (Section 610) to allow the expansion of the existing Light Manufacturing Business (Use Unit -24) on the tract, subject to conditions. The tract contains an existing building, parking area, outside manufacturing area, and loading area located on Lot 3 and part of 4, Block 20, Original Town of Owasso, and there appears to be an occupied single - family dwelling on the remainder of Lot 4; an outside storage area located on Lot 1, Block 12, Greenlee's Addition; and the proposed building, loading, and parking area located on Lots 1 & 2, Block 20, Original Town of Owasso. As noted above, the tract is zoned CH. It is abutted on the South by a vacant lumber yard zoned CH, on the East by vacant single - family dwellings zoned CH, on the Northeast by the new Owasso Library, on the North by several occupied single - family dwellings zoned RM-1, and on the West by a railroad right -of -way zoned AG that the applicant is using for outside storage. Between the tract and the railroad right -of -way is an existing drainage ditch. Staff has reviewed the BOA conditions of approval, Zoning Code requirements, and Subdivision Regulation and compared those to the applicant's submitted site plan and find the following: 1. Required - All parking on all- weather surface, meet code for parking space size and number, and no parking off tract. 1. Submitted - Parking lot asphalt, 15 spaces @ space 9' X 20' and two loading berths on tract, needs 1 handicapped space and drives onto Atlanta St should be 40' wide rather than the 30' shown on the site plan. Parking drive along South side of buildinq needs to be a minimum of 15' in width to allow fire truck access. 2. Required - No building on public sewer easement. 2. Submitted - Building set -back from easement approximately 22'. 3. Required - All storage and fabrication shall occur inside enclosed buildings. 3. Submitted - Applicant has agreed to this, but it should be made a continuing condition of approval. 4. Required - Exterior lighting aimed away from residential. 4. Submitted - Applicant has agreed to this, but it should be made a continuing condition of approval. 5. Required - Drainage plan. 5. Submitted - Drainage will be directed away from the new building in all directions. Drainage should be directed towards the East and West and collected in the storm sewer along Atlanta St or in the ditch along the railroad right - of -way. Filling of the ditch along the railroad right -of- way should stop until it can be shown that flooding to up- stream properties will not occur. 6. Required - Screening fence along North property line. 6. Submitted - 8' wooden screening fence along North property line. 7. Required - Building height. 7. Submitted - None. 8. Required - Sign height, size, location. 8. Submitted - Existing. Sign should be moved away from street if it overhangs right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION After conducting the above review, I recommend approval of the Site Plan for Budget Industries, subject to the following conditions: 1. The addition of one handicapped parking space. 2. The two entry drives off Atlanta be increased in width from 30' to 40'. 3. That the proposed building be moved an additional 3' North to expand the parking drive on the South side of the building from 12' to 15'. 4. That all materials and product storage and all fabrication activity occur only within enclosed buildings. 5. That all exterior lighting shall be aimed away from any residential structures. b. That stormwater drainage on the North side be directed into the ditch along Broadway. The stormwater drainage on the East side be directed to new drainage structures located in the access drives to Atlanta Street. These structures shall be provided by the owner, utilize the existing storm sewer located in the public right -of -way, and be sized and installed to city standards. The stormwater drainage on the South be directed either East or West, but special care should be taken to prevent the drainage from both the proposed and existing structures from ponding in this area. The stormwater drainage on the West should be directed into the existing ditch along the railroad . 7. That the screening fence along the North property line be installed as shown on the site plan, including along the North line of Lot 1, Block 12, Greenlee's Addition. B. That a maximum height be established. 9. That no part of his pole sign be in or overhang the public street right-of-way. In addition, but not as a condition of this site plan approval, it appears from my field check that the applicant is in the process of laying concrete culvert pipe and backfilling the drainage ditch along the railroad right -of -way. This action is not consistent with city codes and should cease until it can be shown that city standards are being met and that any potential for upstream or downstream damage to other public or private property will not occur. The applicant would be responsible for any damage he caused to other property.