HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988.05.19_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Scheduled Meeting DATE: Mal 19, 1988 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma NOTICE FILED BY: RICHARD HALL TITLE: OWASSO CITY PLANNER FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE OWASSO CITY CLERK AT 8:00 A.M. ON May 16, 1988 RICHARD HALL, CITY PLANNER OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING Thursday, May 19, 1988, 7:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar I. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider approval of the Minutes of April 21, 1988 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION REVIEW 4_. Copper Meadows Addition (2824) Buford Williams and D. M. Sokolosky, North of the Northeast corner of 129th East Avenue and 76th Street North CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION REVIEW 5. Copper Meadows Addition, Block 1 Block 2, Lots 1 -7, Block 3, Lots 1-4. Block 4 and Block s Lots 1-11 (2824) Buford Williams and D. M. Sokolosky, North of the Northeast corner of 129th East Avenue and 76th Street North 6. New Business 7. Adjourn OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING APRIL 21, 1988, 7:00 P. M. Owasso Community Center Hall, 301 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Scott Butler Elwood Henry Richard Hall Ray Haynes Pat Imbriano Charles Willey The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, on April 11, 1988. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p. m. 2. ROLL CALL - Chairman Haynes declared that all members, except Elwood Henry, were present. 3. MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 1988 - The Commission reviewed the Minutes of March 17, 1988. Motion was made by Charles Willey and seconded by Scott Butler to approve those Minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Scott Butler - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes the motion carried. ZONING PUBLIC HEARING 4. OZ -76 Donald Summers (3014) - A request to rezone property located at the Northwest corner of 3rd and Main from RS -3 to CG for commercial use. Chairman Haynes introduced the case. Applicant Donald Summers was present and spoke for the case. Hazel Fry of 303 N. Main was present and asked questions and expressed concern about the land uses that were allowed in the CG zoning district. Mr. and Mrs. Rothgeb, property owners of 303 N. Main, were present and also asked questions about potential uses in the CG zoning district. The Commission and applicant discussed the proposed commercial uses that are allowed in the lower intensity C'S zoning district. Motion was made by Charles Willey and seconded by Pat Irnbriano to recommend denial of CG zoning and approval of CS commercial zoning on the subject tract. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of April 21, 1988, Page 2 Scott Butler - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes the motion carried. Richard Hall informed the applicant and the citizens present that the zoning case would be heard by the City Council at its May 3, 1988 meeting. 5. OZ-77 Carole Finnell (3014) - A request to rezone property located at 310 North Main from RS-3 to CG for a gift shop. Chairman Haynes introduced the zoning case. The applicant Carole Finnell was present and spoke for the request. There were no others present concerning the matter. The Planning Commission and the applicant discussed the area land use situation and the rezoning request. Motion was made by Scott Butler and seconded by Charles Willey to recommend denial of the commercial zoning on the subject property. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Scott Butler - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes the motion carried. Richard Hall told Carole Finnell of her rights to appeal the Planning Commission recommendation vote to the City Council. 6. NEW BUSINESS - There was no New Business 7. ADJOURN - Motion was made by Charles Willey and seconded by Scott Butler to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Scott Butler - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Chairman Secretary Date MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Richard Hall, Owasso City Planner SUBJECT: Some explainition and 'history of the Copper Meadows Preliminary and Conditional Final subdivision plats DATE: May 14, 1988 The Copper Meadows development was started in 1984. A combination of residential and commercial zoning was requested and approved then. An ordinance, for some unknown reason, was not published at that time. The City Council will consider the ordinance rezoning the property at its May 17, 1988 meeting. A subdivision plat was also started in 1984 but the work did not continue and, according to the subdivision regulations, the preliminary plat approval expired. The same plat engineer recently requested that the Planning Commission review the 60.2 acre preliminary plat again, and at the same time review a 28.5 acre north portion of the preliminary plat as a conditional final plat. Since the plat had been reviewed in 1984, I allowed the engineer to submit both plats at the same time for review. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed both plats on May 12, 1988. The Committee and I recommend that the enclosed lists of conditions be required of the development. I expect that the southern portion of the preliminary plat will have to be extensively redesigned because of significant powerline easement problems and because some of the proposed commercial property will face residential land and commercial traffic will be allowed on residential streets. Another issue is parks. The subdivision regulations require that land be dedicated for parks or that money be dedicated to the city for parks. Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility companies. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Approval Requested: Preliminary Meeting Dates Preliminary & Conditional Final - T.A.C. 5 -11 -88 Conditional Final P.C. 5 -17 -88 A City of Owasso. C.C. A S.T.R.: 2814 Location: of 3. & 129 E. Ave. Name of Plat: Cooper Meadows Subdivider /Developer: Okla. Utility Zoning: RS -3 Pending Engineer: Bill Lewis 4. Total Acreage in Tract: 28.54 Number of Lots: 89 C CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED Only those items checked apply to this particular subdivision plat - - - - taff Initials 1, Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an underground facility is planned. Show additional easements as required. D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company. D Public Service Company. D Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, A City of Owasso. 2, A Paving and Drainage plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. 3. A Drainage System Studv including the boundaries of the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full upstrean urbanization.shall be approved by the City of Owasso. (Floodplain Boundary on Preliminary Pla 4. A only). Water and Sewer Plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. 5. C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for any oil and /or gas wells before final plat is released, 6, A Access Points (or access to the tract) shall be approved by the City of Owasso and shown on plat accordingly. 7. A & C Restrictive Covenants and Deed of Dedication shall be submitted for review prior to release of final plat (City Attorney shall review). B Street Names shall be approved by the City of Owasso. A. Adjacent Streets and /or widths thereof should be shown on final plat. 3, A & C Complete Dimensions shall be shown on all lots, streets, building lines, easements, etc. A Complete Curve Data shall be shown on final plat where applicable. C Kev or Location Map shall be complete. (Show additional info :). A Bearings, or true N and /or S, etc., shall be shown on perimeter of land being included in the plat; or other bearings as directed. 10 D Sewage Disposal, the method and plans therefor, shall be approved by the Tulsa City - County Health Department. 11. C Zoning application pending (OZ- ) shall be approved before final plat is released, or if alternate zoning is granted, a plat re- submitted conforming to the zoning classification recommended. A TODD Map shall be submitted for review prior to review of the final plat. 12. B That house numbers be shown on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. 13. [X r' All Subdivision Regulations shall be met (including provisions of Appendix A and Ordinance numbers 182 and 233, and all other Amend- ments) prior to release of final plat. (Unless specifically waived by the Planning Commission). MA Building Pad Elevations be placed on each lot on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. Said copy shall be sub- mitted to the City Engineer. L4. A Show location of all monuments L5. A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all streets in all zoning categories except industrial as per Ordinance No. 182 Article III, Section 3. D Plat Filling Fee Paid to the Owasso City Clerk. LE RID Other Conditions (Attached): Conditional Final Plat Release Departments. A - City Engineer B - City Building Inspector C - City Planner D - Other (Specified at end of condition). 'This subdivision checklist shall accompany all plats seeking Final Release. All conditions set forth shall be met and the subject plat properly reviewed prior to final plat consideration and approval by the Owasso City Council. It is the responsibility of the subdivider /developer that all Owasso subdividion regulations are complied with and that the subject plat is properly processed and reviewed by Owasso City Staff. Specific. Conditions for Copper Meadows Conditional Final: a. Show park dedication or pay fees in lieu of park land. b. Note Book and Page numbers for all off -plat separate instrument easements. c. Show existing additions on mile section in location map. d. Show a stub street to the north. e. Show correct property legal description in covenants. f. Show all lots with 65' of frontage at the building line especially on in cul -de -sacs. g. Dimension all lots, streets, rights -of -way etc:. h. Submit address plat with two addresses for lots at intersection corners. i. Show storm water detention areas. J. Note in construction plans that all islands be positioned according to Fire Department street width standards. k. Submit subdivision plat application. I. Show in construction plans no islands that require city maintenance such as mowing m. Note in construction plans that any island at an entrance be offset to allow two outbound lands and one inbound lane. Conditions required by the T.A.C. n. Show all easements as a standard 11'' and 17.5' wide throughout the plat. o. Show a 5' -5' drainage easements between lots 5 -6 of block. 5. p. Correct typographical errors in the restrictive covenants. q. Show the following P.S.0 easements: In Block 5 N. 5' of lot 1 51-5' between lots 9 -10 N. 5' of lot 11 along N.W In Block 3 5' -5' between lots 2 -3 In Block 1 5' -5' between lots 14 -15 10' along the street arc 5' -5' between lots 4 -5 5' -5' between lots 19-20 5' -5' between lots 18 -19 5' along the 90' SE. lot 5'-5' between lots 22 -23 5' -5' between lots 27 -28 In Block 2 5' -5' 5 , -5 i 5 '-5 10' a between between between between between between between Long the property line on lot 7 line of lot 18 lots 1 -2 lots 34 -35 lots 33 -34 lots '0 -31 lots 6 -7 lots 17 -18 lots 23 -24 street on the 1 SE. side of lots 21 -22. Si7RDIV7SIDN CHECKLIST* (WASSO PLANNING CO=SSION Approval Requested: Preliminary 12 Meeting Dates Preliminary & Conditional Final - T.A.C. 5-11-88 Conditional Final P.C. 5 -17 -88 C.C. S.T.R.: 2814 Location-,N. of NE /c 76th N. & 129 E. Ave. Name of Plat: Comer Meadows Subdivider /Developer: Okla, Utility Zoning: RS -3 pending Engineer: Bill Lewis Total Acreage in Tract: 60.2 Number of Lots: 170 CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED Only those items checked apply to this particular subdivision plat - - - - Staff Initials 1. Utility easements shall meet the approval of the utility companies. Coordination will be required, particularly if an underground facility is planned. Show additional easements as required. D Oklahoma Natural Gas Company. D Public Service Company. D Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. A City of Owasso. 2. A Paving and Drainage plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. 3, A Drainage System Studv,including the boundaries of the 100 year flood calculated on the basis of 100% or full upstrean urbanization.sball be approved by the City of Owasso. (Floodplain Boundary on Preliminary Ple 4. 10 A only). Water and Sewer Plans shall be approved by the City of Owasso. C A Corporation Commission letter or certificate of non - development shall be submitted (or plugging records) for any oil and /or gas wells before final plat is released. 6. A Access Points (or access to the tract) shall be approved by the City of Owasso and shown on plat accordingly. 7, A & C Restrictive Covenants and Deed of Dedication shall be submitted for review prior to release of final plat (City Attorney shall review). B Street Names shall be approved by the City of Owasso. A. Adjacent Streets and /or widths thereof should be shown on final plat. 8 A & C Complete Dimensions shall be shown on all lots, streets, building lines, easements, etc. A Complete Curve Data shall be shown on final plat where applicable. a: C Kev o- Location Nap shall be complete. (Show additional info :). A Bearings, or true N and /or S, etc., shall be shown on perimeter of land being included in the plat; or other bearings as directed. 10 4Y D Sewage Disposal, the method and plans therefor, shall be approved by the Tulsa City- County Health Department. 11 C Zoning application pending (OZ- ) shall be approved before final plat is released, or if alternate zoning is granted, a plat re- submitted conforming to the zoning classification recommended. A Topo Map shall be submitted for review prior to review of the final plat. 12. C2 B That house numbers be shown on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. 13. C All Subdivision Regulations shall be met (including provisions of Appendix A and Ordinance numbers 182 and 233, and all other Amend- ments) prior to release of final plat. (Unless specifically waived by the Planning Commission). A Building Pad Elevations be placed on each lot on a copy of the final plat prior to recording the plat. Said copy shall be sub- mitted to the City Engineer. 14. A Show location of all monuments 15. A Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all streets in all zoning categories except industrial as per Ordinance No. 182 Article III, Section 3. FI D Plat Filling Fee Paid to the Owasso City Clerk. D Other Conditions (Attached): Conditional Final Plat Release Departments. A - City Engineer B - City Building Inspector C - City Planner D - Other (Specified at end of condition). *This subdivision checklist shall accompany all plats seeking Final Release. All conditions set forth shall be met and the subject plat properly reviewed prior to final plat consideration and approval by the Owasso City Council. It is the responsibility of the subdivider /developer that all Owasso subdividion regulations are complied with and that the subject plat is properly processed and reviewed by Owasso City Staff. Specific. Conditions for Copper Meadows Preliminary Plat a. Show park dedication or specify fees in lieu of park land in restrictive covenants. b. Note Book and Page numbers for all off -plat separate instrument easements, C. Show existing additions on mile section in location map. d. Show a stub street to the north. e. Show correct property legal description in covenants. f. Show all lots with 65' of frontage at the building line especially on in cul -de -sacs. g. Show no frontage of commercial property onto residential streets. h. Do not show double frontage for lots labeled church or commercial. i. Show the Commercial lot size in accordance with zoning dimensions. j. Show limits of no access along 129th E. Ave. k. Dimension all lots, streets, rights -of -way etc. I. Submit address plat with two addresses for lots at intersection corners. m. Show storm water detention areas. n. Note in construction plans that the island at the south entrance be offset to allow two outbound lands and one inbound lane. o. Note in construction plans that all islands be positioned according to Fire Department street width standards. p. Submit subdivision plat application. Conditions required by the T.A.C. q. Label and dimension P.S.O. overhead highline power easement and do not show parallel easements inside that easement. r. Show 17.5' wide easement along the south property line. s. Show 11' easements either side of the rear lot lines for lots 27 -34 of block. 3 but not parallel to P.S.O overhead easement. t. Show all easements as a standard 11' and 17,5' wide throughout the plat. u. Show a 5' -5' drainage easements between lots 5 -6 of block 2. v. Show the following P.S.O easements: In Block 2 N. 5 ' 5' -5' N. 5' 5' -5' 5' -5' 5 ' -5 ' 10' a 5' -5' 5 ._r_, , 5' -5' of lot 1 between lots 9 -10 of lot 11 along N.W. property line between lots 16 -17 between lots 20 -21 between lots 24 -25 long the 80' street side lot 24 between lots 28 -29 between lots 33 -34 between lots 34 -35 between lots 36 -37 1 In Block 3 5' -5' between lots 30 -31 the W. 5' of lot 32 5' -5' between lots 31 -32 11' along the NE. lot line of lot 28 parallel but outside of P.S.O overhead easement 5' -5' between lots 25 -26 5' -5' between lots 22 -23 5' -5' between lots 10 -11 5' -5' between lots 13 -14 5' -5' between lots 14 -15 5' -5' between lots 2 -3 SW. 11' of lot 35 parallel and outside of the P.S.O. highline easement In Block 1 11' along the SW. lot lines of lots 15 -17 parallel but outside of P.S.O overhead easement In Block 5 5' -5' between lots 14 -15 10' along the street arc on lot 7 5' -5' between lots 4 -5 5' -5' between lots 19 -20 5' -5' between lots 18 -19 5' along the 90' SE. lot line of lot 18 5' -5' between lots 22 -23 5' -5' between lots 27 -28 In Block 4 5' -5' between 51-51 between 5' -5' between 51-51 between 5' -5' between 5' -5' between 5' -5' between 10' along the lots 1 -2 lots 34 -35 lots 33 -34 lots 30 -31 lots 6-7 lots 17 -18 lots 23 -24 street on the SE. side of lots 21 -22.