HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.05.13_Planning Commission Agenda1, ■' 1 r 1 May 13,2019 6:00 o Notice of Regular Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk on December 14, 2018, and the Agenda filed in the office of the Owasso (]tv Clerk and posted at C|h/ Hall, 200 South MOO (west side) at 2:00 PM on May 8, 2019 Marsha Hensley, Assistant City Planner 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 4. PnaantotionofthmChoroofexkoifoffheMonth -YVbdom S. Approval of Minutes from the April 8, 2019 Regular Meeting. 6. -MooUicia| action will be taken on this item bv the Planning Commission. OA 19-02/OZ 19-02 - Annexation/Rezoning - 11515 E 96th St N -Considenationund appropriate action relating to a request for the review of an annexation and rezoning request. The location of the subject property is 11515 E 961h St N, Owasso, OK and is approximately 4.09+/- acres insize. The property has o current Tulsa County zoning of/\G (Agriculture). Upon annexation, the entire subject property would be brought into the City Limits of Owasso usC3 (Commercial Shopping). 8. - CondderoMonondoppmpdoheocMonrelaUngto o request for the review mfo change of access request, The proposed change ofaccess would move the center drive lOO feet to the south. The change isneeded due toowater line conflict. The location of the subject property is|23OlNl32nuE Ave, Owasso, OK. The property is zoned PUD 05-02A with underlying zoning of PF (Public Facilities). 9. - [Vnsidennionondappropriate action to the request for the review of a preliminary plat proposing one-hundred /|00 lots in six (6) blocks on approximately 4D.l23acres, The property is located oi the southwest corner ofE 7<;»3tN and N l6luE Ave and is zoned R3-3 (Residential Single-family High Densi|y>. 10. - Considena#onond appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a preliminary/final plat proposing two (2) lots on one (l) block ona5.685 acre lot. The approximate location ofthe property islO500 block ofthe east US 169 Service Road and is zoned SUP 18-01 and PUD 18 with underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping). 11. Community Development Report • Director's Update • Report onMonthly Building Permit Activity 12. Report nn Items from the April 24, 2Dl9TACMeeting • CJAl9-O2/C)Zl9-O2- Annexation/Rezoning -1l5l5E96mS|N • ChongeofAcoeos - MonowE|ementory • Preliminary Plat -Stone Creek of Owasso • Preliminary/Final - Glover Coffee Creek 13. Report from Planning Commissioners 14. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 15. Adjournment The City ofOwasso encourages citizen participation, To request an accommodation due to o disability, contact the City Clerk of least 48hours prior fofheochedW*drnoetingbyohone/P70- 37h-/502orby email fV OWASS0 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES [)F REGULAR MEETING Monday, April 8'Z8l7 The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, April &20l9ot Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S. Main (west side) at 8:00 onoon April 4^2Dl9. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Loving called the meeting to order of6l0pm. ITEM 2. Flag Salute ITEM 3. Roll Call PRESENT Dr. Loving David Horton David Vines ChodBn|thmp Tim Miller A quorum was declared present. STAFF Brian Dempster Marsha Hensley KadFhtschen Morgan Pemberton Julie Lombardi Daniel Dearing ABSENT ITEM 4. Presentation o| the ChonooterTrait of|heMonfh - ITEMJ. Approval of Minutes from March ll'2Ol9 Regular Meeting. The Commission reviewed the minutes. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Bu|throp'|o approve the minutes from the March |l'2Ol9 Regular Meeting. A vote onfhe motion was recorded osfollows: YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Bo||h/op Abstain: Horton NAY: None Motion carried 4--). ITEM 6. OLS 19-01, Lot Splitfw the Re-Flat of Lot 2, Block I of Garreff Creek Center Phase 11 - Consideration and appropriate action relafing to a request for the review of a lot split request. The proposed lot split would split Lot 3 of the Re-Plat of Lot 2 info two (2) separaf e tract s, The new Lot 3 would be approximately 11.27 acres in size and the proposed Lot 4 would be approximately 4.610 acres in size. The approximate location of the subject property is a 1/4 mile south of E I I 6th St IN on the west side of N 135th E Ave. The property is zoned OPUD 02-02 with underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping). OYYA5SO PLANNING COMMISSION April t[20lq Page No. 2 Kodhihohen presented the staff report. The location was described, The mutual access easement was briefly discussed. Staff recommends approval of the lot split for the re-plat of Lot 2, Block l of Garrett Creek Center Phase U. Staff recommends that this item be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. The applicant was present tnanswer any questions. Mr. Vines moved, seconded Ly Mr. Miller, to approve OLSl9-0lfor Lot 3of the Re-otdnf Lot 2, Block l of Garrett Creek Center Phase U' creating Lot 4cfthe Re-Plat of Lot 2' Block lhom the parent tract subject 10 Staff and TACrecommendotions. Also, Commissioners recommend that this itembe forwarded to the City Council for final approval, /\ vote on the motion was recorded os follows: YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, 8a|0lnzp'Horton NAY: None Motion carried 5-Q ITEM 7. ' Consideration and appropriate action nalahnQto the request for the review of final p|o| proposing seventeen (17) |nh in two CD blocks on approximately 5.O3acres. The property ix located otEY3rdP|W and N l4)u[ Ave and is zoned R5-3 (Residential Single-family High Dmnsify\. ` Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. The location was described. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Charleston Place, The applicant was present to answer any questions. Due tmthe addmess/skee+ numbering change in this development from the E9l'�StNin Camelot Est qtesfo the south, Mr. Vines suggested dual nignage be installed showing bnfbN 1410 EAve/E 9 Is' 3fN. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the Final Plat for Charleston Place, subject fothe any Staff and TACrecom mend otiqns. /\ vote on the motion was recorded usfollows: YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, 8oMhrop,Horhon NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 ITEM 8. ConnmurityDevelmpmen| Report • Director's Update • Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity ITEM 9. Report omItems from the March 2O'2Ol9TACMeeting • OLJl9-0l' Lot Split - Garrett Creek Commercial Center Phase U • Final Plat, Charleston Place • Site Plan, Trident Aquatics KBNlO. RemurfromP|onringComnissipnem ITEM ll. New Business (New Business b any item of business which could not have been foreseen cd the time nf posting qfthaogendo). OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 2019 Page No. 3 ITEM 12. Adiournment --- Dr. Loving moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Date r" REAL C ty ommuni TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Karl HituchemRLA'A|CP Planning Manager SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment 1othe US-l69 Overlay /Obcuoion> DATE: May 8, 2019 BACKGROUND The Owasso Zoning Code is o document that requires amending periodically to address new situations or unforeseen circumstances. In 2012, the City Council approved the OS-169 Overlay District under Ordinance 1004' which established o special oof of regulations governing development along f his corridor from East 8611, Street North to East 1261h Street North. The goal of the US-169 Overlay District is to ensure that this highly visible and important corridor would be developed in o consistent and attractive manner. The Overlay District was also established to protect the investment mf the Tulsa Technology Center campus. To accomplish these goals, the Overlay District prohibits ormztdcto certain land uses by requiring the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) by City Council in order to locate within the Overlay. Certain uses that require large areas of land for sales inventory (i.e. auto so|ms' camper so|ee' boat sales, etc.) can create a negative impact along the corridor if they are located adjacent to each other. The visual effect that results from these types of land uses being grouped together along highway frontage is contradictory 1othe original intent ofthe U3-169 Overlay District. The current language in the Ordinance does not stipulate where or how these types of uses could |ncofe and could result in o large stretch of |omd in the Overlay District that is primarily vehicle inventory. The existing language also does not specify if other types of vehicle sales, such as boat or RV sales, are included in the restrictions placed on auto sales. Staff believes that these gaps in the current Overlay District language could be a potential issue countering the purpose Vf the US-l69 Overlay os shown below. 10.2 Purpose of the US- 169 Oveday District. The purpose of the US-] 69 Overlay District is to: o. Encourage sustainable development that will become o long hann asset to ()wuymz; b. Protect on area that represents o significant opportunity for business and corporate investment, which is important to the long terrn economic health of Owasso; c. Establish uses and regulations that promote the development o[ this area coo corridor that promotes on environment of business, learning, and growth; d. Protect the area (Around Tulsa Technology Center from uses that may have o detrimental impact on the facility and the City's ability to attract quality development; e. Establish regulations that protect the investment of existing and new businesses and corporations from Vnu}tnzctive, non-compatible uses; Ensure the area is visually pleasing, sustainable, and developed in a coordinated fashion; g. Ensure a high qualify of development that will ultimately generate an econornically-enhanced and pedestrian-friendly area for Owasso; and h. Follow the principals of the Quality of Life Initiative. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE Considering the above, staff is proposing the following amendment to Chapter 10, Section 10.4 of the Owasso Zoning Code. 10.4.7 Separation Requirement. In order to protect the integrity and purpose of the US-169 Overlay as described in Section 10.2 the following uses listed in Table 10.2 shall be separated by a distance of 2,640 linear feet. The distance shall be measured from property line to property line. In the event the measurement bisects a parcel, then the greater amount of area that is inside or outside of this distance shall be used to determine the applicability of this section. • Aircraft Sales • Auto Sales • Boat and Recreational Vehicle Sales • Camper Sales • Construction Equipment Sales • Motorcycle Sales • Truck Rental (as a single use) • Agricultural Implements Sales Additionally this section shall apply to any uses identified in section 53241 of the North American Industry Classification System (NAILS), Construction, Transportation, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing or uses operating in a similar method. 011111 .. opt.-?AlChu I 5EAL C V ty, TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Morgan M.Pemberton City Planner SUBJECT: Annexation /{),4 19-02> &Rmzoning ([)Z 19-02) DATE: May 8, 2019 The City of Owasso received orequest for the annexation and rezoning o|o property located of ll5lJ East 96mStreet North. The property b approximately 4 acres io size and b currently zoned AG (Agriculture) in Tulsa County. The applicant is requesting f hat the Owasso zoning category of CS (Commercial Shopping) bo applied fo the property upon annexation. SURROUNDING ZONING Direction' Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North AG (Agriculture) Undeveloped Commercial Tulsa County Souf h AG (Agriculture) Undeveloped Commercial City of Owasso East CS (Commercial Shopping) Commercial Commercial City of Owasso West CG (Commercial General) Commercial Commercial City of Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROJECT DATA Property Size 4.09 acres Current Jurisdiction Tulsa County Current Zoning AG (Agriculture) Proposed Zoning CS (Commercial Shopping) Land Use Master Plan Commercial Within PUD? No Within Overlay District? Yes; US-] 69 Overlay District Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks/Fees Storm Siren Fee - $50.00-per acre ANALYSIS Tvoco|k\ property annexed into the Owasso [Uv limits is assigned an AG (Agriculture) zoning designation oris annexed with the existing County zoning. However, on applicant can request o rezoning of the property if the requested zoning conforms to the GrOwacm2030 Land Use Master Plan and proper legal notice is provided. In this case, the applicant is requesting that the property be assigned o designation o(C3 (Commercial Shopping) upon annexation. Proper legal notice was completed by City staff for the annexation and rezoning. Staff has determined that the request for CS zoning nf this location is appropriate. Thazubiectpmpertyb called out for commercial land uses inthe GrOwoxsn2U30 Land Use Master Plan. Also, the subject property is surrounded on all sides by land that is also identified for future commercial land uses. In terms of the existing development in the area, property 1othe north and south are currently ondeveYoped' but the tracts of land to the most and west of the subject property are currently being utilized for cnmnrnenoim| land uses. Given the zoning request is in conformity with the Land Use Master Plan and the existing uses occurring in this location, staff can support the rezoning request. The City of Owasso would provide sanitary sewer, water, Fire' Police, and EMS services to the subject property at such time asUis developed, Any future development Onthe subject property shmUmdhenatoo||subdk/ijon,zuning'ondenQineohngnequin*mentsof|heCi1yo|Owonso. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviewed this ifem ot their meeting on April 24' 2019. Mm comments were made ot the meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the annexation annex the subject property info the corporate zoning nfC5 (Commen:io|3hnpping). ATTACHMENTS Aerial Map Zoning Map GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan Map ({)A 19-02) and rezoning (CZ 19'02) requests to limits of the City pf Owasso with an assigned I V" 0% K"I"I'll, N Garnett Rd A0 ko V) .0.- NO 0% [III z V) a N Gart • K"I"I'll, N Garnett Rd A0 ko V) .0.- NO 0% [III z V) a N Gart i 5 f pia r i r 0— Cv ' � Q r 4 .17 ■ �JlfGlfi /�//�f�'llf���rl(P//iatN+ /r 7 I', /%%//��r 4-j 1 • ■ „ %IJJIlJ�l11'11 LJJ N Garnett Rd��'k Rd Garr TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Karl /\.FhtschenRLA'A|CP'MRCP Jurisdiction Planning Manager SUBJECT: Change cf Access - Lot l' Block l Morrow Elementary School DATE: May 8'20l9 BACKGROUND The. Community Development Department received o request for o change ofaccess for Lot l. Block for Morrow Elementary. The final plat for this property was approved by the City Council in 2018. and the plat was recorded in Tulsa County in August of that year. After the plat was filed, a water line issue arose that required its relocation. This resulted in the central driveway of Morrow Elementary needing tobe moved. The applicant is requesting o change of access fo move the limits of access for the central driveway as currently shown on the filed plat. RUTIT007,11101inle-1107k, mil Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North OPUD 05-02A/ Uncle I veloped Residential City of Within PUD? RS-3 (Residential Single Family-l-ligh Density) Within Overlay District? Yes; US-1 69 Overlay District Owasso South OPUD 05-02A/ Undeveloped Residential City of RS-3 (Residential Single Family-High Density) Owasso East AG (Agriculture) Residential Commercial Tulsa County West OPUD 05-02A/ Residential Residential City of RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROJECT DATA Property Size 16.98 acres +/- Current Zoning OPUD 05-02A/PF (Public Facilities) Proposed Use School Lots/Blocks I Lot, I Block Land Use Plan Public/Institutional Within PUD? Yes; OPUD 05-02A Within Overlay District? Yes; US-1 69 Overlay District Water Provider Washington County Rural Water District #3 APPROVAL PROCESS /\ change of access to o filed plat requires Planning Commission approval and o favorable recommendation by the City Engineer. An instrument signed by the City Engineer and Planning Commission Chairman is naonnded with the Tulsa County Clerk, officially amending the p|oUec] limits of access for the subject property. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting o change of access for bd l. Block l of Morrow Elementary. As with most plats fronting on a public street, access points are identified along with limits of access (LA) and limits of no access /LNA\. The Dno| plat for Morrow Elementary was recorded in August of 2018 and showed 3 access points on North 132nd East Avenue for Morrow Elementary. Two were identified as 60 foot access points and one was identified as a centrally-locafed 40 foot access point. Shortly after the plat was filed on issue arose regarding the location ofo water line relative fothe location of the central 40 foot 000eas point. The water line conflict required relocation of the driveway. The applicant is proposing tn move the 40foot access point 100 feet tV the South iV the location shown on the attached exhibit. The City Engineer, has expressed support for this change of access. This item was brought forth to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and no impacts were noted. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this Ucmot their meeting on April 34'2Ol9.Cmmrnents from that meeting are attached fo this memo. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval o(Uhe change Vf access request for Lot l' Block l' Morrow Elementary. Aerial Map [>hginm| Rno| Plat - Morrow Elementary Change of Access Exhibit '*'I Z5 t4 fy uP W . ..... - ----- Aj T[[ t oq-q N oe 0990090oz 01LLZ-t0-4J-V0H6 It P1181d )ON D1j-j'[U)!drD 11141U)SOAUI MO11OW sjjwj-j Ano OSS'VMO 1-o 34 dl� pq b jz -60 SAM ------ -------- SUwrl Ain OSSV,") MPH'S Li iz� till Ifli -i gal", LX x fir. '"milli INV tog !00� H Igo I on HOPE a E! 0 j NO shl j! oil R wrt pop hjul !Y111 0 ON SUR HUE S fiY is` sac "0 11 0 Hui IN, 1 10 !00 low $4 e lot 101 rt will M 240 S wa!16 I , a a xl� I NO 9e, i i 14 1 1 t �! j i ��, + 1, �! 101260 IN HR so 1 In ORION 111H PINS 01 111! 11i 11 181 i NO 1AMN91 lop IN 1 1 9111" ISPRI 11MIR", top AM t H Wo 0 1"Hr, Q Uppyl ii�, ROME BID IM QUIRE! jig! qqP1 Not Platted * � 0 1 I 0 Z M R 14 E 126th Street North (D T < 4 Lij 21 LO C, V, o O , C) 0 z 116th Street North JAI East Location Map CV gg rV 01 - O mti 0 V2 II 6.6 �Z. C; EXHIBIT 00A)p REVISED CHANGE OF ACCESS EXHIBIT FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MORROW ELEMENTARY SECTION 4, T-21—N, R-14—E TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA East R 14 E 126th Street North (D T < 4 Lij 21 LO C, V, o , C) 0 z 116th Street North East Location Map N -- Scale: 1"=150' 0 75 150 300 TO: Owasso Planning Commission PROM: Morgan M.Pemberton City Planner SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat --- Stone Creek ofOwasso DATE: May 8'20l9 The Community Development Department received an application for review and approval of a preliminary plat for Stone Creek of Owasso, a residential single-family subdivision. The subject property is approximately 40 acres in size and is located on the southwest corner of East 76m S|n*e1 North and North 161'/ East Avenue. The property was rezoned in November 2018 with Ordinance 1l40to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density). Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North RS-40 Residential Residential Rogers County Souf h AG (Agriculture) Undeveloped Residential Rogers County East Stone Canyon PUD I Undeveloped Neighborhood Mixed Use City of Owasso I West I AG (Agriculture) Church Residential I Rogers County SU8U2C?PROPER?Y/pROJECT DATA Property Size 40.123 acres +/- Current Zoning RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) Proposed Use Residential subdivision Land Use Plan Designation Residential, transitional, and commercial Lots/Blocks 100 Lots, 6 Blocks Gross DU/Ac 2.49 DU/Ac Reserve Areas 2 reserve areas Within PUD? No Within Overlay District? No Water Provider Rogers County Rural Water District #3 Applicable Paybacks (Paid After Final Plat Approval) East 76th Street North Interceptor Payback Area ($1,341.00 per acr Storm Siren Fee ($50.00 per acre) ANALYSIS Stone Creek of Owasso is o proposed single-family residential subdivision. The preliminary plat for Stone Creek of Owasso proposes 100 lots in 6 blocks. The proposed development would not be under a planned unit development (PUD), and is therefore only required to meet the minimum bulk and area standards established for the RS-3 zoning district in the Owasso Zoning Code. Staff has determined that the proposed preliminary plat meets the minimum dimensional standards for residential lots in on RS-3 district. These minimum standards include, but are not limited 1V: • Lot width cf65feet • Lot area of7,000 square feet • Front yard setback of2Jfeet • Rear yard setback of20feet • Side yard setbacks of5feet There are two public access points proposed to the development. One is on Fast 7611, Street North and the other bwn North l6l'1 East Avenue, Currently, l6luis not o paved public street as there has not been sufficient development in the area to necessitate its construction. Because the proposed residential Subdivision will require two access points to meet the Fire Codn, the developer would be required to construct 1611t from the intersection of 7611, and 161'/ snu|h to the proposed access point, labeled "Street E". The remainder of 161st would remain unpaved at 1his 1inno. The length of 161m to be constructed by the developer would be required to be dedicated to the City with the filing of the final plat for Stone Creek of (}vvossV' and it moni be built to City standards. The developer would also be required to construct sidewalks along the arterial streets except for the portion of 161m that will remain unpaved. That portion of the required sidewalk would be escrowed until such time that development in the area necessitates the extension of l6lu. Staff has determined that the preliminary plat for Stone Creek of Owasso provides adequate righf-of-way on the arterial and proposed internal streets, which would be, dedicated to the City with the recording of the final plat. Adequate perimeter and interior utility easements are shown on the preliminary plat, allowing utility providers to supply and maintain service to the proposed development, There are two reserve areas identified on the preliminary plat and they would primarily bw used for open green space and storm wafer detention. The deed of dedication and restrictive covenants of the preliminary plat oo|b for the establishment of the Stone Creek of 0vvnoo Homeowners' Association that would be responsible for the maintenance of all reserve areas, open spoces, and dormwo|erdetention areas. The HO/\ for Stone Creek of Owasso would also be responsible for maintaining o 6 fnof screening fence along 76m and l6lu. Sanitary sewer service vvnu|d be provided by the City of Dvvosxo' and water service would be provided by Rogers County Rural Wafer District #3. Any development that occurs on the subject property shall adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (YAC) The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat for Stone Creek of Owasso at their meeting on April 24'30l9. Comments from that meeting are attached to this memo. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Stone Creek of Owasso. ATTACHMENTS Aerial Map Preliminary plat for Stone Creek ofOwasso TAC Comments IWO ISYJ IS191 A t 0 lu gm MUON lfln H On I p t-A 6.5 1-3 9L 41JON 0 6 Hil a )—is n cr -4 zo cl- ct M Iry 'y "4� �D >1 Ed R T Ja P i P, o nc 4� z 6"w 0 > �J.,j ...... Ug U 14 1 im Vl� WO —1-2.1-1, A HMv h p b It L, n v n g I g, k h v �kE �t 9 "hPt h hhv h kk�p. h h 1� h h 0, 0. 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HIM IN 1 8 -- 1 iW Mom NO 101gi 1 A V� 5i T loll Inn luall lull a 11; 1 y! q P 11ghl 1: In N lips R Ell N ill 1B. 1!1 !11101 11 f, sill I! U I , gP2 11, il W 196 WIS Wiml gill INIM i 1 WHWHOW a H 10, RUH! All cup NUM, ill. P. p- I- ., ll All INI ON! B1 in In! all Nn 20 in! NOR RUN -gn i HN Us __ W 10 10M too MR03"NOR 0 I Irl SHUR , — 2 5 11" 10 ON w1Q in 1.1 Rojo 1161 1 " W.4 am 11 an so lei SHIM, 1 N NNIHININIP1 ! lip; PEE I a Pt w HM I AIR 1 011111 10 End poll ill 1112101 1u; 1 PHI gm! 11 1 91 11 Bill (1) 2 Wing HP I HH. PH - H v 69— 41. W HIM111 IN h 1121 IN 1 nix jig 1 1 111 a g F UNION Cal 11 IN! OR 1 -1 H I IN a a , I " - WIM qQ NIUNDI 1,14-1 p gal " MUN-A 1 1 151111 W 1 1511111 121 sic Ng I mr­ Bul 1 M HE dl 1 JBIM, WWI 111111. ills ;Pq aQn OWN111 Ilm oil 1-H 1! 21 WR 5- 11 11W H i 1 - " -1 :gnu Him 1.111 , , N1 115 1 ;nl 1 JANIH on Ido 11 NMI I UK v all- 141 in 1 i!R111 if - I ` I"s ,, E 6 14 IGH". V,JH I URI lull f 1. 1111,1 11 H 101H, line il Inel Inu 1 11 v w NMI ig QuIn 6VH 1 4; ilia In up - I � un PER IS N", N 01 H f" FN 1 1 lag 109 0 A I w IN! .11 1 ITH H ion" TH! .1 3,2 11 Mw MR A"R No! 1 NQ I - 11 h 1 WIN011101g, 11, 1 mini E at' ,HRUNIng Sups nlulhl hot _1M t- n W51nnivull Nis IMP imid. ni I I. - PIN NJ HII! WNW qnVH1qaqH , ?11' 10h 11. HE IN! nip! NEW sm! all I;HF 11 WOMB 191 HH E N1 RMUINeM I ; ; Ad- �Xg H on o ma to Work BI ARE: OUR Tow bad by w, ;H 9011010105 fil; f Rs Q t R im W A F j BOB WHOWN U11 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Karl A. Fritschen RL/\. A|CP. MRCP Jurisdiction Planning Manager SUBJECT: Preliminary/Final Plat - Glover Coffee Creek DATE: May 8, 2019 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso received on application for review and approval ofo preliminary/final plat for Glover Coffee Creek. The subject property is located in the 10500 block of the Owasso Expressway, and if is approximately 5.68 acres in size. The property is currently zoned PUD 18 with an underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping). it also lies within the US-] 69 Overlay District. 8 Specific Use Permit (SUP 18'01) for o Glover Jeep Dealership and o commercial/retail ou|porte| was approved hy City Council for this property Vn February l9'2Ol9. SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North PUD 18/ Convenience Store Commercial City of Within PUD? CS (Commercial Shopping) Within Overlay District? Yes; US-] 69 Overlay Owasso Washington County Rural Water District #3 PUD18/ Storm Siren Fee ($35.00 per acre) Elm Creek Sewer Payback (11,580.00 per acre Streets (public or private) City of South CS (Commercial Shopping)/ Auto Dealership Commercial Owasso SUP 16-03 East PUD 18/ Stormwafer Detention/ Transitional City of RS-3 (Residential Single Family)___ Residential Owasso West AG (Agriculture) US-169 Transportation City of Owasso SUBJECT PROP ERYY/PRK}JECTDATA ANALYSIS This bo two (2) lot, one Ol block preliminary/final p|otthofindino|esone(1)accea point olon0 the US-] 69 Service Road for Lot 1. The access point for Lot 2 will be determined at the time of site plan submittal, as the user on this lot is unknown and they may require an access point in a Proposed Use Commercial Number of Reserve Areas N/A Within PUD? Yes; PUD 18 Within Overlay District? Yes; US-] 69 Overlay Water Provider Washington County Rural Water District #3 Applicable Paybacks Storm Siren Fee ($35.00 per acre) Elm Creek Sewer Payback (11,580.00 per acre Streets (public or private) N/A ANALYSIS This bo two (2) lot, one Ol block preliminary/final p|otthofindino|esone(1)accea point olon0 the US-] 69 Service Road for Lot 1. The access point for Lot 2 will be determined at the time of site plan submittal, as the user on this lot is unknown and they may require an access point in a specific location. There are two (2) rnufual access easements (MAEs) shown along the northern boundaries of Lots l and 2 that will oUmv cross access with the current properties to the north. The M/\E located on Lot | will be used for the delivery ofthe Jeep vehicle inventory and will be controlled access not open to the public. Perimeter and interior utility easements are shown on the plat that will oUovv utility companies adequate access to serve the development. The sanitary sewer easement located along the north boundary and labeled "non-exclusive" is currently private easement provided by the original property owner to furnish Kum and Go with sewer service. Upon approval and recording of this plat, i| will be converted too public easement. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning' and engineering requirements oswell as any requirements applied fo the subject property in PUDl8 and SUP l8-Ol.The property shall also comply with the standards for the U3-l6qOverlay District. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Technical Advisory Committee /TAC> reviewed the final plat for Glover Coffee Creek of their mQu|ody scheduled meeting on April 24' 2019. Comments from that meeting have been attached to this memo. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of [lie preliminary/final plat for Glover Coffee Creek. ATTACHMENTS Aerial Map Preliminary/Final P|ot - G\overCoMee Creek Conceptual Utility Plan d 0 IN- SH PIM P, r Eli VIM IN z y C7 oy ----------------- ,n,o '4, FL LL >1 L- jL co D c Cc g • TH 1E I o L ti oq IN- SH PIM P, r Eli VIM IN z y C7 oy ----------------- min REP 151 j S W RI Emig jai WHO I inn! His 1 Ogg hill OWN W URI Mull 1112 lilt Imbi 10! inn =1 04" ning :a.una Sig 11011010-gil! ligNI PORT-1 -IQ9 :1 !!jig 1,11 g .". 1W15Hf1!2 QM Ulm! Aug"M In. oj WOE, v M 85 �Nggrn Kul uWp� Q 1 i i p i Cis P Noll 'a HIM i PC A g 21 MEW! 111HIMS Hing x1piq! p gins ;F mp Hp it Q Muldl on win 1 6 H in 1 6 p coal 11 11un aful 2 01 1RUNIM "on 1NHQ gi son hgp� g R1, !qq I - Hill 19111 1 IN .! .001 JUMMIN trots l PUG tools I.L. 4-4 juppr on HIM It 0, 10 too a IM H !nil !u,nig R Ri C 0 MAW MINN Rip M-a-P Hwn: �6 8 1 1 - g H OMAN Inn I "No 2H ago, gw pla '"On WIN an too i 1 1 i 02- H MH I H I MWID RR i 11 i 12 Z15 I 2H, PON pi "n no Up g� on vi N Kt a, NI'S I g r 'd s2 8 R 9 r pl� Sg-.3t"d Q - MUM; I; ia000"i ITHO 0 MR �!Nts% gr-AH H2-ffiffl-905 ipqyp VIP 11H g ill W" lilt n1A5HJx1"11 H 11:010y. Q1 wg� 1041 HI g JBIns Ida M, IN N1 :No 101 I ­ I M inn! AININUIRINIS MIME! M Rid Maim px ffl a a. IINS nil R -6t ski Ina 01 is �itn g 3� HIH HE H i at H H riv INA i MA I I 10111.1 all UPI Isping vIll g115 lZI 0 syn gum gal inn gal Jul 1 1 il '. 11 'A , .1 2 !Uglyt 1190 pg Q I !I "' 95 , 119 WHI 111,111 INN 11 1 Q Ho oil p1l g W11 H1 um, H"By 3"11 8AR 1p v My WE H PM out IHI val NICK! PIN owl Q. go Oil in J;I Im Q1"1;p29Q1 U211 lug. Z PC NEI ­ ­ " 11 ., io tic, , A 1 H11 g was i1val 1WHI 9 101. q111, Hn all 9 GA B1 3 sit line is '-pi qQ H1,v5 H k8l 9 , --- , , � !I I can, " 9 MIN to go" A" on W 1 a 3 E�, v H91 6 ffig M,!gtH p P u p 9 HH; 1 21 a gun €h !I I W R 08. a 0 4 9 aWgi L ffiNd I H 9 G t} K S x$ mt R oil hi� 5 a3 �s tiMzc3sN�s ll ri of � aw n. 4k f all - i s Oco i �+1 � � q 7 Fwd\ < a o � i Vyv � 11 V MM OP Am r low ki 6 T a /t ' vc x nwss�x Lsa� titsaw ...ter\ r 'rt`'0t lilt �� WW 3fYfTiM1V 15tl3 NL4Sll Ftd.kpW a 3 4 g e' 3 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2Ol9 Month 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 . ~~~., " ." I .° .~ .~ ^~ ' . . 2Febmor/ 29 17 15 26 21 19 26 15 8 8 3Momh 46 14 27 27 31 23 lO 55 19 4 46pd| 31 19 26 26 36 27 23 20 17 6 5Moy 30 20 28 19 17 15 9 ll 20 6Juna 73 19 24 19 12 ll 31 5 7 7Joly 17 20 15 27 23 20 16 9 14 8Aogod 19 12 |S 18 lY 33 15 12 6 9Soptomber ll 12 12 28 15 13 15 6 2 10 October 13 10 21 15 19 23 12 7 3 ll November l 8 ll 7 21 25 6 19 7 12 December Y 10 16 ll 34 7 3 9 6 Totals 246 179 224 238 270 228 189 177 117 27 VTn 12.11 F;Ft R7 94 110 81 82 99 52 27 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 20115 2016 2017 2018 2019 [T 0::T:�LJ-4, 9 6 9,2 51 25,608,860 25,540,995 14,083,216 3,479,135 SUBDIVISION Abbott Farms 1 (12/16) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Carrington Pointe 11 (11/16) Charleston Place (4/19) Estates at Morrow Place (9/17) Hawthorne at Stone Canyon Keys Landing II (1/17) Miscellaneous Lots Morrow Place (9/17) Mingo Crossing (3/19) Nottingham Hill (6/09) TOTALS CITY OF OWASSO April 4 1 # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE 65 60 5 139 137 2 171 171 0 93 60 33 17 0 17 98 0 98 56 0 56 98 0 98 9 4 5 89 83 6 57 0 57 58 20 38 950 535 416 RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 20l9 (Initial recording began May 2010 Month 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT 70 2Fmbmory 6 8 0 3 March ^13 0 64 4xph| 8 4 U 5Moy 0 O 0 PRIL 6Junm O 0 O 7Jo|y 8 0 0 8xogo^t 0 0 O 93ep1embe/ 0 4 9 10 October 0 0 0 Yl November 0 0 O 12 December O ~10 V Tuto|o ~ o 37 13 o* n u u u n n YTD o xx * e4 o u o u n o *Units part of mixed use projects. Construction dollars counted towards new commercial. APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT 70 2016 2017 2018 19 1 2020 2021 PRIL 0 23 F_41____64 2022 2023 1 2024 1 2025 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE DOLLARS 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 AP 0 1,007,673 5,513, TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR - 2016 20 17 27018 201 2020 F '052,620a 15�3,_o _o COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2019 Month 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2.019 I .)Ufluuly I 3 I I I I z z V U 2 February 1 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 3 March 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 2 4 April I 1 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 May 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 June 0 0 2 1 2 3 2 0 1 7 July 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 8 August 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 1 9 September 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 1 10 October 0 1 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 11 November 2 1 0 1 3 1 1 2 1 12 December 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Totals 10 13 7 14 12 14 is 10 11 5 YTD 6 7 2 6 2 7 3 4 3 5 NAME ADDRESS DATE COMPLETA APRIL 2019 City of Owasso Fire Station #4 11933 E 116 St N 415/2019 Yes Bison Records Dispensary 300 W 2 Ave 4/15/2019 Yes Urban Okie 4 S Main St 4/2912019 Yes The Artisan 12654 E 86 PI N 4/30/2019 Yes MARCH 2019 Art in Bloom 102 S Main Street #A 3/4/2019 Yes Home2 Suites 8882 N Garnett Rd 3/6/2019 Yes Simply Plus 422 E 22 St 3/12/2019 Yes Broadleaf Dispensary 8355 N Owasso Exp 3/14/2019 Yes ARTastic 11519 N Garnett Rd 3/20/2019 Yes Glossy Nails & Spa 12.307 E 96 St N 3/21/2019 Yes FEBRUARY 2019 201 S Main St #150 11/14/2018 Yes Nutrishop Owasso 413 E 2 Ave 2/1112019 Yes Little Caesar's Pizza (remodel) 12375 E 86 St N #102 2/20/2019 Yes Big Bud's Dispensary 11505 E 83 St N 2/27/2019 Yes JANUARY 2019 14010 E 116 St N 10/10/2018 Yes Thompson Fam.Neighborhood @Bap.Village 12317 E 73 St N 1/1712019 Yes Black Bear Diner 9039 N 121 E Ave 1/22/2019 Yes DECEMBER 2018 Spectrum Paint 11560 N 135 E Ave #109 12/12/2018 Yes Mari MED 9200 N Garnett Rd 12/18/2018 Yes Kum & Go 13704 E 106 St N 12/18/2018 Yes NOVEMBER 2018 Smoke 201 S Main St #100 11/12/2018 Yes Mad Eats 201 S Main St #130 11/12/2018 Yes The Drip Beverage Lab 201 S Main St #150 11/14/2018 Yes The Greenery 7800 N Owasso Exp #A 11/15/2018 Yes Seven6Main Building 201 S Main St 11/30/2018 Yes OCTOBER 2018 Western Sun 14010 E 116 St N 10/10/2018 Yes Le Petit 13720 E 86 St N #120 10/15/2018 Yes Waffle House (remodel) 503 E 2 Ave 10/16/2018 Yes Owasso Learning Center 11510 E 83 St N 10/31/2018 Yes SEPTEMBER 2018 SolidaritUS 14601 E 88 PI N 9/101218 Yes Garrett Creek Wine & Spirits 11560 N 135 E Ave #103 9/19/2018 Yes Ding Tea 12500 E 86 St N #108 9/13/2018 Yes AUGUST 2018 St. Francis Physical Therapy 11560 N 135 E Ave #101 -C 8/10/2018 Yes Pie Five 9700 N Garnett Rd #A 8/10/2018 Yes Golden Biscuit 10350 E 86 St N 8/15/2018 Yes First Baptist Mission Owasso 11341 N Garnett Rd 8/15/2018 Yes Aldi (remodel) 9395 N Owasso Exp 8/17/2018 Yes JULY 2018 Party City 9002 N 121 E Ave #600 7/18/2018 Yes Dollar General (remodel) 505 E 2 Ave 7/17/2018 Yes McDonald's (in Walmart- remodel) 12101 E 96 St N 7/31/2018 Yes JUNE 2018 MAY 2018 Lee Nails Spa 9100 N Garnett Rd #M 5/31/2018 Yes Ulta Beauty 9018 N 121 E Ave #500 5/16/2018 Yes APRIL 2018 Dazzling Nail Bar 9455 N Owasso Exp #F 4/11/2018 Yes Casey's General Store 9699 E 86 St N 4/12/2018 Yes NoLimits Church 403 W 2nd Ave #108 4/12/2018 Yes TipToe Nail Salon 8751 N 117 E Ave #K 4/17/2018 Yes Owasso Public School — Athletic Center 12901 E 86 St N 4/23/2018 Yes ADDRESS 9115 N 133 E Ave BUILDER Home Owner ADD/ZONE CPII /RS3 VALUE $ 57,000 A.S.F. 406 PERMIT# 19- 0401 -P 10820 E 110 St N Frame Tek MC /RS3 $ 99,000 600 19- 0402 -X 12221 N 130 E Ave Simmons Homes MP /RS3 $ 105,160 1,912 19- 0403 -X 9035 N 121 E Ave #100 Ace Sign Company SFMP /CS $ 8,000 107 19- 0404 -S 8231 N Owasso Exp Signs Today SLIP /IL $ 2,200 24 19- 0405 -S 12305 N 130 E Ave Capital Homes MP /RS3 $ 111,265 2,023 19- 0406 -X 9321 N Owasso Exp Superior Graphics & Signs TPVII /CS $ 21,000 312 19- 0407 -S 9106 N 135 E Ave San Juan Pools NE /RS3 $ 32,000 665 19- 0408 -P 14012 E 90 ST N Arrowhead Pools TWofSC /RS3 $ 35,000 549 19- 0409 -P 12304 N 131 E Ave Capital Homes MP /RS3 $ 111,265 2,023 19- 0410 -X 11111 E 116 St N Edward Banegas Unplatted $ 28,000 9,000 19- 0411 -C 206 N Main St Sav -On OT /DM $ 200 32 1.9- 0412 -S 300 W 2 Ave Oakwood Graphics Unplatted /CH $ 670 32 19- 0413 -S 8787 N Owasso Exp #G Midwest Global OW /CS $ 2,500 27 19- 0414 -S 12309 N 131 E Ave Simmons Homes MP /RS3 $ 137,665 2,503 19- 0415 -X 12317 N 130 E Ave Simmons Homes MP /RS3 $ 106,645 1,939 19- 0416 -X 8438 N 77 E Ave Dolt Systems MP /RS3 $ 142,670 2,594 19- 0417 -X 10805 N 98 E Ave Bryant McEntire MHII /RS3 $ 68,000 2,111 19- 0418 -X 12308 E 86 St N Encinos Sign EEC /CS $ 3,000 26 19- 0419 -S 12654 E 86 PIN En -Pro RP /CS $ 1,440 32 19- 0420 -S 307 E 23 St N Do It For Me Guy AH4 /RS3 $ 114,000 1,398 19- 0421 -X 12108 E 90 St N Home Owner 3LlII /RS3 $ 14,500 121 19- 0422 -X 6 Single Family $ 714,670 12,994 SgFt 4 Residential Remodel $ 295,500 4,230 SgFt 1 Commercial Remodel $ 28,000 9,000 SgFt 8 Signs $ 39,010 592 SgFt 3 Pool $ 124,000,L 1,620 SgFt 22 Total Building Permit $ 1,201,180 28,436 SgFt Cj ty of O wad ?AO S. M aivv Sf: O wa.-W, 014- 74055 WITA UP] 11 :J I . ADDRESS 8619 Eastin Ridge Dr COUNTY Rogers BUILDER Wardcompany Homes TYPE New Home VALUE $536,200 15301 E 83 St N Rogers 1st Choice Builders New Home $290,000 14908 E 82 St N Rogers Shaw Homes New Home $288,330 19461 E SOate Dr Rogers. Executive Homes New Home $220,000 8336 N 149 E Ave Rogers Denham Homes New Home $200,000 1.4902 E 82 St N Rogers IDenharn Homes New Home $200,000 6 Single Family $1,734,530.00 0 Multi Family 6 Total $1,734,530.00 PRESENT AEP/PSO Verdigris Valley Public Works Fire Department ONG David Vines Karl Fritschen Police Department Marsha Hensley Morgan Pemberton Julie Lombardi Chelsea Levo OITASSO TECAIIIICAL AlY IT'S dl%oy—E Wednesday, April 24, 2019 City Hall Community Room ABSENT Cox Rural Wafer District #3 Washington County AT &T Brian Dempster NOTES FROM April 24th TAC MEETING 2. Change of Access - Morrow Elementary Community Development- 0 Verify the correct measurements. Public Works- 0 No comments. David Vines- No comments. Fire- 0 No comments. 0 No comments. AEP/PSO- 0 No comments. VVEC- 0 No comments. Chelsea Levo- 0 No comments. Julie Lombardi- • No comments. Rural Water District #3, Washington County- 0 See attached notes 3. Preliminary Plat - Stone Creek of Owasso AEP/PSO- • Keep working with AEP engineers. Community Development- Sent comments to applicant (attached). Public Works- • In the Deed of Dedications the wafer service need to be changed to Rogers County. • The Deed of Dedications speaks of Limits of No Access but it's not reference on the plat. • Add language in the Deed of Dedications regarding sidewalks along the arterials streets. • Label the easements in the reserve areas. • Label the detention easement and the utility easement. • Show off site easements. • Show where the flood plain is on the Final Plat. Public Works will need to review the floor elevations if any lot is in the flood plain. • Submit a TOPO survey. • Show rear yard access easements. • Denote flow of pond. • Contact Public Works for the Right -of -Way language. • Submit a letter stating there are no septic tanks or wells on the land. David Vines- • You need to show a 5' fence easement. Also add language stating that the fence is maintained by the HOA. • Some of the lots look too small. Especially the lots around the entries. They need to be a minimum of 7,000 sq. ft. Fire- Police- The Fire Chief is acceptable with the plat as long as N 161,1 E Ave is paved up to Street E. • Would like to encourage a neighborhood park. Chelsea Levo- • No comments. VVEC- * No comments. Julie Lombardi • No comments. Rural Water District #3, Washington County • Not in this district. 4. Preliminary/Final Plat - Glover Coffee Creek AEP /PSJ- ® The transmission line is running on the back side. Community Development- • The sewer line easement on the north side needs to convert to a public easement. • Sent comments to applicant (attached). Public Works • Language in the Deed of Dedication regarding Limits of Access and No Access approval by City Staff. • Reference in the Deed of Dedication the maintenance of the detention pond. • The sewer line is a public line. Show as an easement. • Double check the legal description on 2nd page. Needs to match. • Correct the location map to show two lots. • Exhibits in the Deed of Dedication tie to section quarter. David Vines- • No comments. Fire- Police- 0 No comments. Questioned if the mutual access through Kum& Go will be open or gated. Chelsea Levo- a No comments. VVEC- • Will you need the transformer moved? If so, get with VVEC engineers. Julie Lombardi • No comments, Rural Wafer District #3, Washington County 0 See attached notes Community Development De artment OR E.A "P.g... . PE.A,, , " 5., - . -1EA L C o m n i u n I t y Planning Division 20OS MAIN °P.D. BOX lO0*/]VYA38O' OKLAHOMA 740J5w(9\O)376'l5O0e • Add each lot square footage fothe "Lot Area &Addrns Table" p Addresses will bu determined hy the City with the final plat • A 15' utility easement for access (or two easements on adjoining properties totaling 15') will likely be needed o1omidwoy point on Blocks 3 and 5 • Add o table to the plat that indicates that each lot will have: o 20' rear yard setback o 5' side yard setbacks o 26' front yard setback Show f he limits of access/limifs of no access on 76th and 1610, including their dimensions • Show landscaped entryway easements ct each access point on76m and l6lu • Show 76m and l6luon the plat • Will also need to verify with Public Works if5O`is enough hght-of+*ny • Does |ha developer intend tobuild l6luupho "Street E" or the length of the property? If so, please show how far the road will be constructed south from the w Sidewalk along 761h will be required, and sidewalk on 161 st will be required from f he inf ersection of 76th and 161 It south to "Street E" o The remainder of sidewalk nnl6lIt can bnescrowed ° Show o5' fence easement along 76m and l6lu' out nf1hehghf+zf-vvoy n Can be included within the l7.5' utility easement o U will be under HD/\maintenance responsibility, add such language |o the DOD ° Show the surrounding zoning o North= RS-40 o East =Stone ConynnPVD * South AG c) West AG w Signature block on page 3 needs 10 refer to Rogers County Page I of 2 Community Development Department Planning Division E., P.9..,. P..h ...... 5,-REALComniunhy ° Adjust the language in Section U|'Afo reflect the standard language below: * Aso part of the development of the addition, the ovvner/deveoper thereof has created or will create os per the Owasso Subdivision Regulations the "Stone Creek of Owasso Homeowners' Association, Inc.", an Oklahoma not-for-profit corporation, as set forth in the declaration of restrictive covenants, conditions, and restrictions for, Stone Creek of Ovvoom n Ownership, control, and maintenance of all Reserve Areas shall bethe nnponsibiH|yn( the owner/developer until such time that the Stone Creek of 0vvmsvo Homeowners' Association, Inc. is created by the owner/developer • |n Section U-C-3-b' remove the 4 week mowing requirement and replace with "as per City Code" • |n regards hrthe l80-ymorDoVdp|oin'ish the intention o( the developer fo raise all |o|x within and adjacent |o the f|oodp|oin out nf the 0oodp|oin? w For each lot that is adjacent/within the 1 00-year floodplain, please provide f he FFEin o data table on the plat • The plat currently shows one access point tu the southern half of fha development where there are 32 lots, f he limit is 30 lots Page 2 of 2 5 C? Community Development Department - Planning Division R OC r.., - REAL Community Imomwm I =I- I MTA Total frontage has changed 30' from the original final plat, need to verify the correct measurements • Total frontage on filed final plat = 1019.14' • Total frontage on change of access exhibit = 1049.14' Page 1 of 1 Community Development Department Planning Division m Change the name of the plat fm specifically refer fo this dealership urin another way |o better differentiate it from the existing plat o Staff recommends Glover Jeep Coffee Creek • Note the PUD (OPUD 18), underlying 7oning (CS (Commercial Shopping)), and SUP (SUP 18-01) in the title block • Make o note that the access onfheservice road for Lot 2 will be established with o separate instrument afthe time of development of that lot • Show existing LA/LNA for Lot l • Add "Final" to the title of the plat Page I of I P Mill "A Washington County, Oklahoma 17227 N. 1291h E. Ave., P.O. Box 70, Collinsville, OK 74021-0070 Ph. (918) 371-2055 e Fax (918) 371-3864 a TRS 711 ollff�� Owasso Technical Advisory Committee Attn-. Marsha Hensley, Assistant City Planner To Whom It May Concern: Jerry Gammill will not be present at the meeting, here are his comments: 1. OA 19-02/OZ 19-02-Annexation/Rezoning a) No comment. b) Not in Washington Co. RWD#3 service area. 2. Change of Access-Morrow Elementary a) As long as the location is consistent with the waterline plans, it appears to be okay. 3. Preliminary Plat-Stone Creek of Owasso a) No comment b) Not in Washington Co. RWD#3 service area. 4. Preliminary/Final Plat-GI ' over Coffee Creek a) This property is in Washington Co. RWD#3 service area. b) We do request the Utility Easement to be 20 feet along the North Owasso Expressway service road in place of 17.5 feet. b) We do request water lines to be encased at entrances (for future reference). c) The plat language appears to be okay. d) At such time as water service is requested, all requirements of the district must be met. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this Institution Is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status, (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720 -6382 (TDD).