HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.08.28_Board of Adjustment AgendaMINIMaSOR—J- JUF 070 DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE ��4t[ ED TY: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Regular August 28, 2005 6:00 PM Old Central, 109 North Birch Chip McCulley City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at the north entrance to City Hall at 10:00 AM on the 16": day of August; 2005. Chip McCulley OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Tuesday, August 28, 2005, 6;00 PM Old Central, 109 N. Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Rol] Call 3. Approval of Minutes from the July 26, 2005 Regular Meeting, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. OBOA-05-10— Lyndell Dunn — A request from Lauren Crosby for a Variance to reduce the required 25 feet front yard setback to 15 feet in order to accommodate a single family residence on a property zoned RS-3 (Residential Single Family), located at 12603 East 91 Street North. 5�. Other Business 6. Adjoumment MEMORANDUM TO- BOARD OF' ADJUSTMENT CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: OBOA-05-10, A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED 25 FEET FRONT YARD SETBACK TO 15 FEET IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE A SINGLE FAMILY HOME DATE: August 15, 2005 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Lauren Crosby for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002, Front Yard Setback Requirements, to reduce the required 25 feet front yard setback in order to accommodate a single family residence. LOCATION The property is located in The Central Park Addition at 12603 E. 91" St. N. A general area map is attached. EXISTING LAND USE 11bdeveloped I-AF1, YT01 North: Large Lot Residential South: Residential East: Residential West: Residential PRESENT ZONING RS-3 (Residential Single-Family) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code, Section 630 -- Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts. F—WEITIMM The applicant is requesting a variance from the Owasso Zoning Code Development Standards to allow for the construction of the Single Family Residence, located in The Central Park Addition at 12603 E. 91" St. N. A site map is included with you packets. The applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the required 25 feet front yard setback to 15 feet in order to accommodate the structure. The drastic elevation change from the front of the lot to the back of the lot and the reduction of the depth caused by the cul-de-sac radius considerably reduce the building opportunities. It is the intent of the applicant to construct a structure that would fit the character of the area. The applicant has submitted the proposal to the Central Park HOA with a decision due prior to the meeting date. Staff believes that all criteria have been met relative to the variance language in the Owasso Zoning Code. Staff finds that the application is consistent with stated intent of the zoning code and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Letters were mailed to all property owners within three-hundred (300) feet of the subject property and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA-05-1 0. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. OBOA-05-10 Application. 3. Copy of Legal Advertisement. Be ?7 9 1 S7 I N i> 0 0 1,- ZI Over SSD COR-91111nity mtmeni I)cvclopncnl Dep, OBOA 05- i 10 111 N.: ain St, Owew;,.zo, OX 74055 w 919,370.1597 VvIXTv, city0lblvasso, coin I 0HOA , CITY OF OWASSO ly P 0- BOX 130 OWASSO, OKLAII IOMA 74653 1918) 2721251 FAX 0I S) 2724997 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ZONING VARIANCE TlIEF(>LLOWING UNPORMATION, to BF jj1',%j#PL1(,ANq, Describe belknv, 111C specines of your roluest, U,'her,- applicable, indicate pertinew uses. distar , d ces, inwilsions, ctc, Please atiach any plot P1111st Photographs and mher hr" nal i0bmwou dw = asirl A Board in dmgmhhg Mo merits of )our requesi. _T2e.z,b. r U L11 je PROPATV LFGAL DFS,(,7R1I-1-J0N Name and AdAlrcss of Record Owner Addmss %will Lm"kii of'Sup. eut Property zuw.4 5 x As aMlimnL whm Is ymm bteram in MN pwpm�,!, orpr rson ta, be balled tzar abliealion Phone [2Agerit for O%� ner -riz,40wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ... ... []Pkirthaset 001her NUUMgMas L]Atturaey fear Ownci 12-11 5,,otll 010meaw 14665106L 7/4 The Board of Adjuitinent It allowed to alVirave varbriers aniv after deformining frt),ni the evidence and ;wgumems Inj Ike cundidguIMMed below do e0t, j'lwqsv des rihe how voar ret meg satUrles each of these condilinni. L Application of'thc amhig Mane requhminim to this particular propertN, will male unncirosary hardsilip. 2, Thcre me conditions pecullitir to IN propeny whMT 0 not applY w other- jwopertics in tho'sanie zoning ri A 01A� , W, .4 N ALL /,-!, ;; - - I Ile wManc, if granwd, will not cause submamthl detiInwou w the priblic gond or impair the P1tq:io"-,C and hileal of to zoWng ordinance or tNc plan a% t`o, 4", -" /,P X, At ISignatart P10MCRIMH f'ec(it'S75a]ojig%viiii,-iCertilicd ,'>00' Radius Report ("&M karn nn almomw corn►ny) and Lather smppletnimial documents to tile City Planncr on or kfore tile first day of tile 111orith in which lite requwa Is lobe hood by the Board. 'I'Iiisisatloiiii-judiciiill)rocceding. The appRimant or applimirttl rigmH anal he present sat the hearing to recahv approval!. BOA MUTING PUSUNIMSE SUBMITI'AL ZONING FEE RECE.Irr NUMBER APPROVED DENIVI)