HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, May 12, 2003
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Charles Willey
Dale Prevett
Dewey Brown
Bill Williams
Eric Wiles
Rickey Hayes
Marsha Hensley
The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on May 6, 2003
at 3:00 PM.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
and declared a quorum present.
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 7, 2003 Regular Meeting,
Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey Brown to approve the minutes. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
4. OZ -03 -04 - Bailev Ranch Investment Group - A request to rezone approximately 30.65
acres, more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to RS -3 (Residential Single
Family High Density District). The subject property is located on the south side of E.
106' St. N. approximately 1,320 feet east of the E. 106' St. N. and N. Garnett Rd.
The Chair introduced the case and Eric presented the item. The subject tract is
approximately 30.65 acres in size and is vacant. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies
this property as having a future land use of residential. Letters were mailed to
surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published. Staff has received
no phone calls in opposition of the request. Staff recommends approval of rezoning the
subject property from AG to RS -3.
The following are concerns noted from surrounding property owners that were present:
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Mike Christian — 10302 No 123 E Ave — Had questions on the zoning regulations
for RS -3 zoning classification.
Cassie Case — 10410 N 123 E Ave — Had drainage concerns and questions
regarding buffering along the east side of the property.
Eric explained that this is a request for rezoning, the drainage and buffering will be
discussed at the platting stage. He suggested that Mr. Christian and Ms. Case leave their
name and address so they can be notified when the platting process begins.
Ray Haynes moved to approve OZ- 03 -04, rezoning approximately 30.65 acres, from AG
to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District), Dale Prevett seconded the
motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
5. OZ -03 -05 — Mike Myers — A request to rezone approximately 5.25 acres, more or less
from OL (Office Low Intensity District) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District).
The subject property is located on the south side of E. 86' St. N. approximately 2,640
feet east of the E. 86" St. N. and N. 129" E. Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Eric. Eric explained that the
tract is approximately 5.25 acres in size. The surrounding property was described. The
Owasso Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a future land use of
commercial. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal
advertisement was published. Staff has received no phone calls. Staff recommends
approval of the rezoning.
Charles Willey moved to approve OZ -03 -05 rezoning request, Dewey Brown seconded
the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
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6. OZ -03 -06 — Tim Siegfried - A request to rezone approximately 2.66 acres, more or less
from AG (Agricultural General District) to OL (Office Low Intensity District). The
subject property is located on the north side of E. 96' St. N. approximately 2,640 feet
east of the E. 96h St. N. and N. 97°i E. Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. The tract is
approximately 2.66 acres in size and is vacant at this time. If approved the property
would be zoned OL (Low Intensity Office District). The property would be available for
office development. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as
having a future land use of residential. However, the plan identifies the community's lack
of medical facilities as a major issue, which needs to be addressed. Letters were mailed
to surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published. Staff has
received no phone calls in opposition of the request. Staff recommends approval.
Ray Haynes moved to approve OZ -03 -06 rezoning request, Charles Willey seconded the
motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
7. OZ -03 -07 — The Home Depot — A request to rezone approximately 12.61 acres from OM
(Office Medium Intensity District) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). The
subject property is located at the southwest corner of the E. 96l' St. N. and N. 129'h E.
Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item. Eric described the property characteristics. The tract is
approximately 12.61 acres in size. The properties to the south and east are occupied by
churches. The property to the north and west are vacant. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan
identifies the property as having a future land use of public /parks. Although, the subject
property is an anticipate growth area for the community. Eric explained that city planners
cannot determine direction of growth regarding development patterns and shifts in the
market growth. Owasso's Capital Improvements Plan and widening projects for 129'
East Avenue and 96 s Street North are planned to begin next year. Letters were mailed to
surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso
Reporter. Staff has received one phone call in opposition. Staff recommends approval of
OZ- 03 -07.
Mr. Wayne Alberty lives to the south of the proposed request and asked if he could make
a brief presentation to the Commissioners. Mr. Alberty stated that he felt the agenda
showed a lot of presumption with the rezoning request, final plat and site plan all on the
same evening. He asked if the Commissioners could table Item #8 (final plat) and Item
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#9 (site plan) until City Council approves the rezoning request (Item #7). He also
explained that the yellow zoning sign had folded up shortly after it was posted, due to the
wind. He was afraid that the public was unable to notice the posting. Mr. Alberty stated
that he feels the Comprehensive Plan is ignored in this case. An office park would
provide a fine investment return for Tyann Development. Mr. Greg Alberty also
requested to speak. He stated that the property has been in the family since the 1940's.
He suggested a type of office zoning rather than a Home Depot. He is opposed to the
commercial shopping zoning request, which is being presented.
Mr. Steve Compton with Tyann Development Company stated that they want to develop
all of that area into a commercial /office type setting. He also explained that the
Comprehensive Plan is a guide that is fluid, based on economic situations that happen and
is constantly being amended. Mr. Rickey Hayes, Owasso Economic Development
Director discussed the economic impact that this development would generate.
Chairperson Haynes stated that the Planning Commission is an advisory committee and
the Owasso City Council has the opportunity to deny the request. He also explained that
the comprehensive plan is a design concept and is not set in concrete; this is a good
request for rezoning.
Dale Prevett moved to approve the rezoning of 12.61 acres from OM to CS, Charles
Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams — Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
8. FP -03 -04 — The Home Depot — A request for the review of a final plat for the Home
Depot Addition containing approximately 12.61 acres, more or less. The Home Depot
Final Plat contains 1 lot within 1 block. The subject property is located at the southwest
corner of the 96' St. N. and N. 129' E. Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. The applicant is
requesting this final plat review in order to construct a hardware store. The subject
property is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). According to the City of
Owasso Zoning Code a hardware store falls within Use Unit 14 and is permitted by right.
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their April 30, 2003 regular
meeting. The final plat was approved contingent upon the following items:
1. An agreement with Tyann Development, owner of property to the west,
allowing Home Depot to use that off -site property for drainage detention.
2. An agreement with Owasso Land Trust, owner of property to the north,
allowing Home Dept to use that off -site property for access to 96" Street
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A lengthy discussion regarding drainage was held. Chairperson Haynes explained that
drainage for the entire project needs to be considered and contained during the
construction phase of the Home Depot project. Service road extension was discussed,
along with exit ramp location. Staff recommends approval of the final plat subject to the
above requirements of the Technical Advisory Committee and Staff.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Final Plat for Home Depot subject to the above staff
and TAC recommendation, Dale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams — Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
9. Site Plan — The Home Depot — A request for the review of a site plan for Home Depot
containing approximately 12.61 acres, more or less. The subject property is located at
the southwest corner of the E. 96' St N. and N. 129` E. Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Eric explained that the
plan proposes a 97,000 square feet store with a 35,000 square feet garden center. The
existing land use is vacant, as is the land to the north and west. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the site plan at the April 30'' regular meeting. No comments were
noted at that meeting. Staff recommends approval of the site plan. There was discussion
regarding the alignment of the frontage road. Mr. Steve Compton stated that the revised
site plan shows a modified street alignment.
Bill Williams moved to approve the site plan request subject to the requirements of the
Technical Advisory Committee and staff. Additionally, the motion includes a condition
that the US Highway 169 frontage road to be built by Home Depot will line up with the
exit off of the ramp from the highway to East 96' Street North. Ray Haynes seconded
the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
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10. Site Plan - B & M Tire Center - A request for the review of a site plan for the B & M
Tire Center containing approximately .61 acres, more or less. The subject property is
located on the south side of E. 86t1 St. N. at the southeast corner of the E. 86t1 St. N. and
N. Main St. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Surrounding property
was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct an
automotive center. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan; no
comments or concerns were noted. Staff recommends approval of the site plan for B &M
Tire Center. Discussion was held regarding the requirements on parking setbacks.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Site Plan subject to the final approval of detention
plans, Dewey Brown seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
11. FP 03 -05 - Country Estates VI - A request for the review of a final plat for the Country
Estates VI addition containing approximately 11.33 acres, more or less. The Country
Estates VI Final Plat contains 37 lots within 3 blocks. The subject property is located on
the west side of N. Garnett Rd. approximately 2,640 feet north of the N. Garnett Rd. and
E. 116t1 St. N. intersection.
Chairperson Haynes presented the item and Eric described the surrounding land use. The
property's zoning classification is RS -3 (Residential Single Family). The Technical
Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed plat with no concerns or conditions. Staff
recommends approval of the final plat for Country Estates VI.
Dale Prevett moved to approve the Final Plat request, Bill Williams seconded the motion.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
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12. OPP -03 -05 - Coffee Creek Office Condominiums - A request for the review of a
preliminary plat for the Coffee Creek Office Condominiums Addition containing
approximately 4.24 acres, more or less. The Coffee Creek Office Condominiums
Addition contains 5 lots within 1 block. The subject property is located west of the E.
103'd St. and N. 138t' E. Ave. intersection.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Surrounding property
was described. The subject property is zoned PUD /OM (Planned Unit
Development /Office Medium Intensity). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed
the proposed final plat at the April 30 meeting and had no comments or concerns. The
staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Coffee Creek Office
Bill Williams moved to approve the Preliminary Plat request, Ray Haynes seconded the
motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
13. OLS -03 -02 - A request for a lot split of Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Hale Acres Addition.
The subject properties are located east of the E. 113'' St. N. and N. 112' E. Ave.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Surrounding property
was described. The subject property is vacant. The applicant is requesting this review in
order to construct duplexes. The subject property is zoned RD (Residential Duplex
District). Mr. David Vines, the applicant, was present to answer any questions. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split and approved without
condition. The staff recommends approval of OLS- 03 -02.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Lot Split request, Bill Williams seconded the motion.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
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14. OLS -03 -03 — A request for a lot split of Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Hale Acres Addition.
The subject properties are located east of the E. 113`" St. N. and N. 112' E. Ave.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Eric described the
surrounding property and stated that the subject property is vacant. The applicant is
requesting this review in order to construct duplexes. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the April 30' meeting and had no comments
or concerns. Mr. David Vines, the applicant, was present to address concerns. The staff
recommends approval of OLS- 03 -03.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Lot Split request, Charles Willey seconded the motion.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
15. OLS -03 -04 — A request for a lot split of a tract of land situated in the N(2 of the SE/4 of
Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The subject property is located on the
west side of N. 145' E. Ave. approximately 1,320 feet north of the E. 106'" St. N. and
N. 145' E. Ave. intersections.
The Chair introduced the item and Eric reviewed the staff report. Eric described the
property location and the surrounding property. The property is approximately 5.5 acres
in size and is vacant at this time. The property is zoned AG (Agriculture). The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the April 30' meeting
and had no comments or concerns. The staff recommends approval of OLS- 03 -04. Mr.
Brian Doyle was present representing Owasso Land Trust. Mr. Doyle explained that if
approved AEP will be constructing a substation on the western lot. There were questions
concerning the exact total amount of acreage. Charles Willey explained that the figures
on the survey do not match up with the information within staff report. He suggested this
lot split request be tabled.
Ray Haynes moved to table the Lot Split request until next month's meeting, Charles
Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey — Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown — Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
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The motion carried 5 -0.
16. OLS -03 -05 - A request for a lot split of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 11, Preston Lakes
Addition. The subject properties are located on the east side of 145' East Avenue about
1/2 mile north of 86' Street North.
Chairperson Haynes introduced the item and Eric gave a brief staff report. The property
is approximately five acres and is vacant. The approval of this request will provide larger
frontages on Lot 1 and Lot 2. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed and
approved the request at their April 30' meeting. Staff recommends approval of OLS -03-
Dale Prevett moved to approve the lot split request, Bill Williams seconded the motion. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
17. Report on monthly building permit activity.
18. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council.
19. Discussion of development in and near Owasso.
20. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Dale Prevett seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dale Prevett - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Williams - Yes
The motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.
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