HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.04.24_Planning Commission Minutes41
April 24, 1969
The Owasso Planning Commission met in a regular session on Thursday, April 24, 1969.
Alan Anderson, Chairman
John Groth, member
Tom Rikkola, member
Bob Peel, member
Jim Griese, member
Sharonell Stevens, member
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved. Alan welcomed the guests which included members of the school
board, City Council and Owasson's.
There was no new business.
Bill Packard, Briesch Engineering, presented the Code Review (Plumbing, Building,
Electrical and Housing). these provide for inspectors, records, permits, fees,
condemnations, licensing (Elec.) and appeals. He proposed a Code Enforcement
organization. Some alternatives to the codes presented would be to work in some
way with Tulsa County for the electrical inspections and the Tulsa County Health
Department could do housing inspections, except for the appeals. He outlined steps
to be taken for code adoption. One code, which was not included, a Fire Prevention
Code, could be adopted. Mr. Packard explained the codes as presented are acceptable
to Housing -Urban Development (HUD) and would speed up action on "workable program"
phase of city planning. Mr. Spradling tecommended the commission begin studying
these codes in order that we know exactly what we will be recommending. john Groth
will send for codes we don't have copies of and Mr. Spradling left three with the
Mr. Spradling presented a background of our study for the benefit of the school
board and councilmen and explained the Land Use map. He explained methods of
growth projection and proposed general zoning plans. He asked for cooperation
and close correlation between the board, council and commission for proper growth.
John Groth presented the commission's thinking on procuring "immediate needs" land.
School board members thanked the commission for asking them to the meeting and left.
Using the Zoning Map as a guide, each area of Owasso was discussed in detail and at
length, making changes or tentative approvals in each.
Mr. Spradling presented each member of the Council, commission and the City Attorney
with a copy of the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations and Preliminary
Zoning Otdinance.
Sharonell Stevens moved for adjournment, Tom Rikkola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sha onell Steven , Sec. - Treas.
"nderson, man