HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970.01.15_Planning Commission MinutesJexuory 15, 1970 The Owasso Yls.xning Commissiox met in a. reguisrTy seheaulad meeting ox Thursday, ua.nuory lb, 1970. Present: d,bsext: titan lydersox, Chairmax Jahn Grath Tom hikicela, membor Shorenoll Stevens, member Guy Maxxixg, now member Bob Peel The meatixg was called to order by the Chairman. Mixute4 of the previous mestixg were reaa ano. approved. dehx Grath ixtreddoed Gu; Maxxixg as a now member to fuifill the uxexpiroa term of dim Criese. ° preiimixary plat cas presented for the tra.iier park olasned by Mr. J. 1'`ay Smith; eorractiaxs were notea and aiscussed. Fart of the Diamond uxit iolls under the+ agreed upon b9P rlood kia.ix level; however Mr. smith's o.rchit4cts have assurea him of the f sasibility of fillixg to the desired height. The aroa must have one were fire nydraxt than shown ex the prosext plat, there seemed to be a. discrepancy in the size of certain lots anu the overall aimixsiexa, the outer perinter of tke park must be fexcea sxa boautificatiox axd screexixg as set forth in the �,smprehsxsive plan must be dome. Tom hi�Lkola saved a temporary eats be set for the public hoarixg as the trailer park subject to Mr. Smith's nakixg the xecocsary csrreotioxs. Socaxdea by Sharoxall Stovexe. �pproved unanimously.. The hsaring was set for February 19, 1970. H. L. Halo prossxted s rough sketch of the proposed rebuilaing of the apartan,.xt complex at 7UU L. Atlanta e�hich was destreyea by firs axd further aiscussed bin firm's probable future buiiuixg pls.xs. Guy Maxxixg movea we acxaov.leage H >le's prolimixary discussiox of proposed rezoxixg axa authorize him to proceed with ax opplicatiox for re- zexixg. Tom hikKaia soc,;Ldea the mothien. Approved unanimously. aiax read a letter from Jahn aerxegsy rxquostixg a t,ot Split ex the propertty an 76th St, h. (Sctaway's lecstiex). Guy Ma.xr.ixg movea these lot splits be a.pprovea subject to our receipt of the $20.00 fee. Ter. :cikxola seconded. kpprovea unanimously. t, lotior from TWC concerning the proposed Owasso H.alth Cexter was reaa for our review axa eemmext. Guy Maxxixg moved to acxxowledge to TM&PC our review of' the pls.xa for the health cexter and to assure them they are ix accordance witn our plaxs. Tom hikicela seconded. Unaximsusly approved. Tom ltiKitcola moved for ad,;ourxmaxt, secoxaed by Guy Maxaixg. Maetixg ac„ournoa. Sha x411 to a u,�—Tr 59