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AUGUST 2, 1973
The Owasso Planning Commission met August 2r
July 17 to this date. 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in City
Hall for the regularly scheduled meeting which had been postponed from
PRESENT: Alan Anderson, Chairman
Warren Burdine
Sharonell Stevens
Mike Elms, TMAPC Representative
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Alan Anderson. Minutes
of the last meeting were not read. The minute book was not available.
Mike Elms presented the final agenda which included the Staff recommen-
dations and explained the preliminary agenda which the Commissioners
had received in the mail.
Due to a large number of people present the Chairman questioned their
presence. It was determined they were objecting to rumors of an open
lagoon proposed for the Oklahoma Baptist Acres development. Alan and
Mike assured them their fears were unfounded. The sewage will be
handled with septic tanks and eventually tie into the Owasso system.
Zoning case OZ -10 was presented. Oklahoma Baptist Acres request to
rezone from AG to RS -1. Mr. Bill Lane, representing Mr. J. Ray Smith
spoke for the rezoning mentioning that although the thoroughfares in
the development will be private they will be constructed of a hi -type
paving but without curbs or guttering, gently sloping to the street.
The units housing the children will be on one to one and one -half
acre tracts in a home -like atmosphere. Federal Aid to extend City
sewer service to the Graceland Addition is anticipated shortly and
OBA will be allowed to connect into it as well.
Alan called for protesters to the zoning; there were none present.
Mike reported the Staff recommendation for approval.
Warren moved Oklahoma Baptist Acres be zoned RS -l.
Sharonell seconded. Approved.
Zoning Case OZ -11 was presented. Elm Creek Estates request to rezone
from AG to RS -1 & CG. Points of discussion were: will be on Owasso
sewer system; developers requested RS -2 but through an error in City
Hall the advertising was for RS -1; Mike assured the Commission that
approval could be made for either, legally; balance of Owasso is
zoned RS -2; future home - owners will own more valuable lots if RS -1
is approved; park allotment is definitely not the tot -lot concept
originally desired in Comprehensive Plan. D. M. Sokolosky statedhe
preferred denial to RS -1 zoning.
Warren Burdine moved Elm Creek Estates be zoned RS -1. Sharonell sec-
onded. Motion approved with Alan voting no in favor of the RS -2.
The three tracts designated for Commercial zoning on the plat were
discussed.at length by all parties concerned. Alan moved Tract #3
be approved CG as requested. Sharonell seconded. Approved.
OPC- August 2,'1973 (Cont.) Page
Alan moved the Commission approve Tract #1 for CH zoning and deny
commercial zoning for Tract #2. Sharonell seconded. Approved.
TMAPC referred a zoning request, Z- 4469 - -R. G. Miser, to the OPC.
Alan recommended a favorable recommendation to TMAPC. Warren so moved,
Alan seconded. Approved.
Sharonell moved to accept the following TMAPC Staff recommendations on
Oklahoma Baptist Acres plat:
(1) That there be tie - dimensions to the �- sections.
(2) That the 501 right -of -way be shown as such.
The motion was seconded and approved.
Warren moved we continue the Elm Creek Estates plat for action from
City Council. Sharonell seconded. Approved. The Staff recommendations
for Elm Creek Estates are as follows:
(1) That tie- dimenstions be shown to the -�- sections.
(2) That a dark border be shown around the plot.
(3) That the commercial areas and park be given separate
lot and block numbers.
It was agreed to meet the first Thursday of each month (unless an absent
member objects) for discussion of special items - - -a "Comprehensive
Planning Meeting" Mike discussed proposed project priorities and
goals. It was agreed that zoning is the #1 priority along with the
general goals discussions which will include City Council and citizen
groups. Subdivision regulations and a revised major street plan second;
industrial land -use element study and commercial land -use element study
third; multifamily location and land -use element study and street
naming study fourth; and annexation study last.
Sharonell moved we request the City Council to set up guidelines for
multifamily locations, commercial district locations, paving, drainage
and sewer requirements. Warren seconded. Approved.
Mayor Ross apologized for having arrived late to the meeting but ex-
pressed the Council's appreciation for the time and effort each of the
Commissioners gives to the City.
Alan and Mike both expressed their gratitude to the Council for pro-
viding TMAPC Staff and the promised Secr9tary.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.
i Sharoneli Stevens, Secretary
1. Bob Anderson, Owasso, Oklahoma
2. Cecil Griffin, Route 2, Collinsville, Oklahoma
3. Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Smith, Route 2, Owasso, Oklahoma
y-. Mr. & Mrs. Hal Asling, Route 2, Owasso, Oklahoma
5. Terry Fitzgerald, Route 2, Owasso, Oklahoma
6. Imogene Dresher, Route 2, Owasso, Oklahoma
7. Janet Gentry, Route 2, Owasso, Oklahoma
8. Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Lewallen, Route 1, Owasso, Oklahoma
9. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blaikie, Route 1, Owasso, Oklahoma