HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.12.13_City Council Minutes_SpecialWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 13, 2005 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, December 9, 2005. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Thoendel called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. PRESENT ABSENT Craig Thoendel, Mayor Steve Cataudella, Vice Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor Brent Colgan, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING ON THE USE OF AN ELECTRONIC CITY COUNCIL VOTING SYSTEM Ms. Willson reviewed the electronic voting system with the City Council. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO GRANT APPLICATIONS A. FIRE DEPARTMENT B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both grant applications were through the Department of Homeland Security and if awarded did not require a local match. It was explained that staff would proceed with the applications unless concerns were noted by the City Council. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TTFMC A. ANNEXATION B. EASEMENT CLOSURE C. RESIDENTIAL SIDE YARD SETBACK POLICY Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that all were unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and would be placed on the December 20, 2005 City Council agenda for action. Owasso City Council December 13, 2005 ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. IMPREST ACCOUNT FOR WORKERS COMPENSATION Mr. Rooney reviewed the above item. It was explained that the creation of an imprest account would allow for the processing of workers compensation claims more quickly and would protect medical confidentiality. This item would require an amendment to Ordinance 819 and will be placed on the December 20, 2005 agenda for action. (Councilor Cataudella out at 6: 45 PM) ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. FIRE LANE ORDINANCE B. DONATION ACCEPTANCE FROM RED ROBIN RESTAURANT Mr. Rooney explained the above items. The Fire Lane Ordinance is viewed as necessary by staff in order to establish enforcement authority for fire lane violations. The amount of the donation to be submitted by Red Robin Restaurant is $2,327.50. Both items will be placed on the December 20, 2005 agenda for action. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO POLICE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. JAIL AGREEMENT RENEWAL WITH THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE B. VEHICLE PURCHASE Mr. Rooney explained the above items. The jail agreement would be a one year extension of the existing agreement with the City of Collinsville. The vehicle purchase would be for an additional utility vehicle, moving closer to the goal of one utility vehicle on each shift. The cost of the vehicle would be $25,498. Both items will be placed on the December 20, 2005 agenda for action by the City Council. ITEM 8: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. PRESENTATION OF A PROPOSED LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE B. GATED COMMUNITIES C. PRESENTATION OF THE STORMWATER MASTER PLAN D. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Wiles reviewed the proposed landscaping ordinance and explained that it would be on the December 20, 2005 agenda for action by the City Council. It was further explained that the landscaping ordinance had been presented to the Planning Commission and the OEDA as well. (Councilor Cataudella returned at 8:20 PM) The Council discussed the pros and cons of the development of a gated community standard. It was recommended that the Council continue to ponder the gated community issue for an additional thirty (30) days. 2 Owasso City Council December 13, 2005 The presentation of the Stormwater Master Plan was tabled to the January work session. The Council was provided updates on several different items during the City Manager's Report including sales tax, Silver Creek Drainage, Three Lakes Village Street Repair Project, and Highway 20. Councilor Guevara recused himself from the Three Lakes Village discussions. ITEM 9 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O S 25 SECTION 307 (B)(1). Councilor Kimball moved, seconded by Councilor Cataudella, to enter into Executive Session. All were in favor and the Council entered into Executive Session at 9:30 PM. The Council returned from Executive Session at 10:32 PM. ITEM 10 ADJOURNMENT Councilor Guevara moved, seconded by Councilor Cataudella, to adjourn. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 10:36 PM. Zf Craig Th Odet; ayor 3