HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01_Landscape Standards_2006.01.03CITY OF OWASSO, OIC•?iOlM RESOLUTION # 2006-01 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, PROVIDING LANDSCAPING STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CITY OF OWASSO WHEREAS,, the landscaping regulations of the City of Owasso are intended to provide standards that will enhance the general welfare of the public, increase property values, and improve the appearance of the community through preservation and planting of trees and plants in Owasso. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma,, that the following standards are adopted as the Landscaping Rules and Regulations for the City of Owasso: A ®- DEFINITIONS ARTERIAL STREET — A street designated as an arterial in the City of Owasso Master Plan. CALIPER — The diameter of the tree trunk measured at 6" above ground level. DAMAGE — Includes any intentional or negligent act that will cause perennial vegetation to decline and die within three years. DOWNTOWN — The area of Owasso bounded by the Owasso Expressway to the east; 86th Street North to the north, 5th Avenue to the south,, and Atlanta Street to the west. GROUND COVER — Low plants that grow to form a continuous cover over the ground, such as English ivy or grass. LANDSCAPE AREA — The area seen from the street that contains grass, shrubs, flowers, ground cover, trees or native plat materials of any kind and that may include decorative fixtures or accouterments such as rock, pools, and planters. Does not include artificial plants, trees, or vegetation. LANDSCAPE BUFFER — Landscape area required to be provided adjacent to an existing single-family district in multi-family and non-residential areas. LANDSCAPED EDGE — Landscape area required to be provided adjacent to a street or highway in multi-family and non-residential areas. LANDSCAPING — Any living organic plant material including trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover, vegetation, vines or grass. MAINTENANCE — In reference to landscaping includes irrigating, pruning, mulching, mowing, spraying, fertilizing, propping, bracing, treating for disease or injury, and any other similar acts that promote the life, growth, health or beauty of the landscape vegetation. SHRUB — A bushy, woody plant, usually with several permanent stems and usually not over ten feet high at its maturity. TREE — Any self supporting woody plant having one or more defined stems or trunks and having a defined crown that customarily attains a mature height of eight feet or greater. B. General Landscaping Requirements These standards shall apply to all areas where landscaping is required by this ordinance. 1. Required landscaping shall not include artificial plants, trees, or other artificial vegetation. 2. Landscaping shall not obstruct pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic visibility at street intersections or at access points to streets. 3. All required plant material shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition, and must be replaced if damaged, destroyed, or removed. 4. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, and weeds. 5. The list of suggested trees and discouraged trees shown in Appendix A attached hereto, are provided for guidance and will not be used as requirements in the site plan review process. 6. The Community Development Director or his/her designee may lessen the requirements of this ordinance for a development when it is determined that the development complies with the intent of this ordinance and is taking appropriate steps to provide landscaping. 7. No site plan submitted to the Planning Commission prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall be required to conform to the landscaping requirements of this ordinance. C. — Commercial, Industrial, Office and Multi-family Landscaping Requirements These standards shall apply to all commercial, industrial, office, and multi-family zoning districts. Landscaping along street right-of-way: A landscaped edge shall be provided adjacent to all frontage roads, arterial streets, collector streets, and local streets. The landscaped edge shall be a minimum depth of ten feet. Within the landscaped edge, one tree shall be planted per 50 linear feet of landscaped edge. The number of required trees shall be calculated solely on the linear frontage of the required landscaped edge. Trees may be grouped together or evenly spaced. Four shrubs shall be counted as the equivalent of one tree. For developments in the downtown, one tree shall be planted per 50 linear feet of street frontage. Trees may be grouped together or evenly spaced. Four shrubs shall be counted as the equivalent of one tree. No specific width of landscaped edge shall be required for developments in the downtown. The downtown area is bounded by East 861` Street North, the Owasso Expressway, 51h Avenue,, and Carlsbad. Landscaping as a buffer between landscaping-required developments and existing single-family developments: For all new commercial, industrial, office and multi-family developments, a landscaped buffer shall be provided adjacent to all existing single-family residential developments. The landscaped buffer shall be a minimum depth of twenty feet. Within the landscaped buffer, one tree shall be planted per 30 linear feet of landscaped buffer. The number of required trees shall be calculated solely on the linear frontage of the required landscaped buffer. Trees may be grouped together or evenly spaced. Four shrubs shall be counted as the equivalent of one tree. D. — Single-Family Landscaping Requirements A landscape plan is required for the arterial entrance(s) to a single-family residential subdivision. The location and types of landscaping shall be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that motorists' visibility is not threatened and that utility lines are not encroached upon. All landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan shall be planted prior to the issuance of any final inspection for a dwelling unit within the subdivision. A homeowners association shall be required to provide perpetual maintenance of the landscaped area. E. — Tree Preservation and Protection The purpose of this section is to establish incentives for the preservation of existing trees within the City of Owasso and to provide guidelines for the protection of trees during construction,, development, or redevelopment. Tree Preservation Credits — For every large, mature tree (8" caliper or larger) preserved in an area where landscaping is required by this ordinance, the developer shall be given credit for two trees as required by this ordinance. Only trees in good condition shall be considered for credit. Landscape Plan — The landscape plan that is required to be submitted with the site plan shall include the approximate location, size (caliper and height), condition and common name of each tree to be preserved for which the applicant is requesting tree credits. Replacement of Trees — Replacement trees will be required when any tree that was shown on a landscape plan is removed or dies. Any tree with a caliper of less than three inches shall be replaced by the same caliper of tree. Trees that are larger than three inches in caliper shall be replaced with a tree with a minimum caliper of three inches. F. — Care of Trees on Public Land The City shall have the right to prune and remove trees, plants, and shrubs within the public right of way lines of all streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares, and public grounds as may be necessary to insure public safety, to preserve or enhance the symmetry and beauty of the public area, or to protect public utility facilities thereon. G. — Landscape Plan Landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as a part of the site plan review of all proposed developments. Upon completing their review, the Planning Commission shall: 1. Approve the landscape plan as complying with the requirements of this ordinance, or 2. Approve the landscape plan with conditions that bring it into compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, or 3. Reject the landscape plan as failing to comply with the requirements of this ordinance. The required landscape plan shall contain the following: 1. The date, scale, north arrow, project name and the name of the owner and designer. 2. The location of property lines and dimensions of the tract. 3. The approximate center line of existing water courses, the approximate location of significant drainage features, the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, existing and proposed utility easements and overhead utility lines on or adjacent to the lot, existing and proposed fire hydrants on or adjacent to the lot, and existing and proposed sidewalks on or adjacent to the lot.