HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.05.22_OPGA MinutesOWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES 01j' Rli,",GKYLAR MEETING Tuesday, May 22, 1990, 7:00 p-m. Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar H-KMffEJ1?S PIZI-4SENT t, l de f -, es- TBob Oom Rikkola Glenna Anderson Brian Skelton Ed Sokolosky MEM-BERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Sherry Lambert, Marcia Boutwell Ted McCord Rodney Ray Ron Cates The Owasso Public Golf AuthC,irity met in regular session on Tuesday, May 22, 1990 at 7:00 p.m- in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on. the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 1990- ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bob Oldefest called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Glenna Anderson moved to approve the minutes of February 27, 1990 as written; seconded by Brian Skelton, Motion rarried- 10 U ,-TS )NLJ UffV I Flu --,,-' H 10K ID R, _Y -NI Mr- Ray apprised the Authority on the status of a golf course- 011,'' the proposals presented to the Authority, only one, Club Corp of America, meets established criteria, lViother presenter, Maxine Burris of INCO, has indicated that she needs no assistance from the Authority to construct ate proposed facility� Mr. Ray & staf - x,ecomme,nded that t1m) Authority select a proposal, establish a. negotiating team, and negotiate with the selected party. He also V(- that a Special Meeting be set to establish parametor,,.l for negotiating., Glenna Anderson moved, seconded by Tom Rikkola, that Club Corp of America be selected as the party with which to negotiate for a golf facility, and that a team of five members be designated to begLa negotiations. Motion carried. Mr. Oldefest named City Manager Rodney Ray as chief negotiator, City Treasurer Sherry Um. ber-L, and City Attorney Ron Cates to the negotiating team, with the other two members to be elected from the Authority, Tom Rikkola moved, seconded by Brian Skelton, that the two Golf Authority members on the negotiating team be Bob Oldefest, and Glenna Anderson, Motion carried. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of May 22, 1990 Page 2 I'll ITY 1 +'__A N AC-HIUEJIEXENT F3,1',,J.'WE'E,N TE_f _QU, EE NYS cuA MIVKT, DDIAND AALl f-Co At Ws last meeting the Owasso City Council approved an expenditure of $12,500 for the purpose of conducting a market, demand analysis for golf course facilities, with the Golf Authority named as agent for the City Mr.. Mark Burlingame of Coopers & Lybrand was present and gave a brief presentation of the proposal for professional services. He also explained how the study would take place and what it would consist of- Mr- Oldefest called a five-minute recess at 7:40 p-m- to allow the Authority members to look cover the proposal- The meeting reconvened at 7:4b p-in. Following discussion, questions, anti suggestions on s'pecific items, Tom Rikkola moved to table this item for one week to allow a new agreement to be drafted wit-J-_i the changec-, requested. Motion seconded by Brian Skelton and carried. M&KI MIII'El Q Mr, 01defest called for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, ay 29, 1990, at; 7:00 p,,rn - in Ulie Owasso City 14all Conference ',Room for ttie purpose of approving the agreement between the City of Owasso and Cooperr�,°, and Lybrand, and for discussion to "_Iet paramet _,a fo-,(., negotiations between the OPGA and Club of Ajne:rica for construction of a public golf facility. I'TEM, A - IRE; None 1TEM-N AWGURNOM Toni Rikkola moved, s;.,i,,conc,'J.e-d by Doc Sokolosky to adjourn the m(­,.eI,J.,n_g_ Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p_m, R E Oldeh?71K Chairperson m. Also present at 5/22/90 meeting Rev Pittman, Poe & Associates Tim Terrill Mark Burlingame, Coopers & Lybrand Bo Belcher, Outback Golf Don Donnell, Oklahoma Turf & Irrigantion Mayor Mark Thompson Councilwoman Patricia Marlar (part of time) Councilman Jason Gittelman (part of time)