HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.02.27_OPGA MinutesOWASSO PIMLIC GOLF ate 010111TY
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Tuesday, February 27, 1990, 7:00 p.m-
Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar,
Bob Oldefest Shervy Lambert
Tom it, ikkola Marcia Boutwell,
Glenna Anderson T-�,-J. 11c Cord
Brian Skelton Rodney Ray
Ed Sokolosky Ron Cates
The Owasso Public Golf Authovity met in regular session on Tuesday,
February 27, 1990 at 7:00 p.m� in the Owasao City Hall Conferenc(-.'�
Room the Notice of Public Meeting postc (I c,')n, Lh(-:,` City, Hal.l.
bulletin board at 9:00 a,m, on Monday, February J9, 1990�
(1hairperson Balb Oldefest called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.,
i,j-f( :J[ declared a ep-iurt-url.l present. Tom Rikkola moved, seconded by
(418rant Anderson, tlae 'tci the Owasso Community
Center. Motion ssx',',d, 7'-03
and reconvened at 7:20 p.m,
UNK.2; REQUEF"I'Li - J-Y'El' "fiDEe -jANUARY ZA,,j 2RQ
Glenna Andermon moved to approve the minutes Jax-,-�uary 23, 1990 a-o
written; seconded by Tom Rikkola. Motion carried-
Glenna Anderson moved that the minutes of February IL 1990 be
approved as written; soconded by Tom Rikkola- Motion oarried..
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City Attorney Ron Cates distributed capieo of the agreement which
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he ri.--.�,gotiated with 1% ChucAK Smith. V,'Di UJA>J�-�JLa 1" c�d
approve the contract as negotiated; seconded by Rrian SkeltUD-
Motion carried b-O.,
Ila Maxine Burris, pre i, dent, e (-11 ow,,ner of Innovative Construction C,.J
Ko, presented her plans to build a golf caurze on. property located
in an area between 86th Street on the south and 96th street on th,,'-,'�'
north, and 120th E Ave on the west and 1 45th E Ave on the easV
Owasso Ilublic Golf AuLhority
Minutes of February 27, 190,,
Page 12
She stated that INCO has options on four parcels of land which they
should be- Josingr (: -�,n by end of March .1,990 an(71 has cilready
closed on orm parcel. She said tb,'-),t II-JC0 has secured financing and
r aill Construct a golf course. M,,; in her,
presentation by Charles Burris and Bob Pruitt..
Following her brief presentation, which concluded at 7:35 p.m. ,
Glenna Anderson moved to recess until WOO p.m. wlien, the second
presentationwas scheduled. Brian Skelton seconded the motion and
ih carried 5-0. The Chair recessed the meeting at 7:35 p.m. and
reconvened at 8:05 p.m,
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City Manager Rodney Ray introduced David Leininger from Club Corp
of America, a golf course development and Com"pany WW::
headquarters in Dallas- Club Corp has negotiated a contract wit , h
Mr Larkin Bailey for 500 acres of land of the side cl'f the citt- "yv
in the 86th street vicinity- Of this, 185 acres ld be used to
construct a golf facility with the remaining acreage developed for
b orm'-7", sJ I, e s Beca:( of -the commitment made by Ms 0arris to
construct a golf facility, Mr. Leininger and his associates kepL
their presentErtion brief iand staLed that, th(-_.y would still
interested in constructing the facility 11"_' EINCo
with their plans..
111 !10"
The Chair introd"ced City Manager Rodney Ray- Upon advise of the
finanotal advisor, Mr Ray, recomm"ended t-,hat, no lr)e-��
considered at thin time in view of IN CE) "s t(,-) build
golf facility' A feasibility study would not all
OW issuance 0'
debt to constinicL at second facility. He further recommended that
the Authority cease operations for a period of 90 dzays to �-utl.ow
1) to rwut"sa'te piano; that legal meeting canceilatinns be
posted; aaml that the Authority meeL at the end of the 90-day period
to arc .on s the situation.
'J"Ian <,,juestioned He Burris concern """01'.'a'rt duit'e for hex-
facility. Mr Burris responded by stating that it would be March
24, 1900 or earlier, that the facility would contain between l4b
arm! 155 acres, and 'that no final layout of the course
subdivision has been uompleted_
Brian Skelton moved, seconded by Tom Rikkola, that the March and
April regularly scheduled ineatings be canceled and that the
regularly scheduled May 22 meeting be held to access the situation.
Motion carried 5-0.
Owasso Public Golf Authority
Minutes of February 27, 1900
Page 3
Ed Sokoloaky nmved, seconded by Brian Skelt,-.on to ad,
Jou,.rri the
Meeting adjourned at 8:40
APA-didofn-f. Chairperson
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