HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007.07.09_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, July 9, 2007
Owasso Old Central
109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma
David Vines
Charles Brown
Dan Draper
Marilyn Hinkle
Duane Coppick
Chip McCulley
Marsha Hensley
Eric Wiles
Rickey Hayes
Joe Nurre
Julie Lombardi
The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on June 28,
2007 at 11:00 AM.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Dan Draper called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and declared a
quorum present.
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of May 7, 2007 regular meeting.
David Vines moved to approve the minutes and Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of June 11, 2007 regular meeting.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the minutes and Dan Draper seconded the motion. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Recuse
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 3 -0.
5. Annexation OA 07 -03 - A request to review and approve the annexation of the Crown
Colony subdivision containing 47 lots on 13.72 acres located l /Qnile east of North 129'"
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East Avenue on the south side of East 76' Street North.
Dan Draper presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The surrounding
land use and the annexation process were explained. The applicant is requesting the
subdivision to be annexed and be served by the City of Owasso. The subdivision
consists of 46 residential lots and will be brought into the city with a residential zoning
designation. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso
Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within 300' of the subject property.
No phone calls have been received. The Annexation Committee reviewed the request at
its meeting on June 27, 2007; the committee unanimously recommended approval.
Staff recommends approval of the Crown Colony request for annexation.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the annexation; Charles Brown seconded the motion.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
6. Lot Tie - Ator Heights - A request to review and approve a lot tie of two lots
located on Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Ator Heights IV.
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The applicant is
proposing the combination of Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Ator Heights IV. The staff
recommends approval of the lot tie.
David Vines moved to approve the lot tie. The motion was seconded by Charles Brown.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
7. Preliminary Plat - Crown Colony II - A request to accept a preliminary plat for
Crown Colony II, a proposed residential subdivision containing 141 lots on 39 acres
located on the south side of East 76' Street North, southwest of the existing Crown
Colony addition.
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The development
process was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
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residential development. Water will be provided by Rogers County Rural Water
District #3. The storm siren fee of $16.00 per acre will be required at the time the final
plat is approved by the City Council. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the
plat at their June 27`h meeting with the following comments:
1. Street names should be changed as follows:
a. Elm Place - East 73rd Street North
b. Hickory Street - East 74`h Street North
c. Oak and Maple Street - North 136`" East Avenue
d. Pine Street - North 137"' East Avenue
2. Final Plat should be accompanied by a drainage report
3. Final Plat should include a corrected legal description
4. Final Plat should include block numbers in bold
5. PSO would like to work with the developer to determine who the electric
provider will be
Staff recommends approval of Crown Colony II preliminary plat subject to the above
TAC recommendations. Discussion was held regarding detention and drainage. Also
discussed were access points.
David Vines moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations. The motion was seconded by Charles Brown. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
8. Preliminary Plat - Keys Landing II - A request to accept a preliminary plat proposing
96 residential lots on 37.86 acres located approximately 1 /amile north of East 66"' Street
North, just south of Keys Landing I.
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the .staff report. The development
process was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 96
residential lots, on 37.86 acres of property zoned RS -3. The development will be
served by City of Owasso sewer. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the preliminary plat at the June 27, 2007 regular meeting. At that meeting,
utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat
and request any additions and /or concerns. The Technical Advisory made the
following recommendations:
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1. Applicant must show topography on Final Plat
2. Applicant must pad elevations on Lots 1 thru 5 and 6 thru 10, Block 2 and Lots
1 thru 14, Block 3.
3. Applicant must indicate the drainage area as an easement or a reserve area.
4. Applicant needs to show the reserve off of 129`h East Ave as a utility easement
5. Applicant must show street names on the Final Plat
These modifications will appear in the final plat for the development. Infrastructure
plans that govern drainage, detention, streets, erosion control, water, and wastewater
will be reviewed concurrently by the City Engineer's office. Staff recommends
approval subject to the above conditions. Tom Morris, the applicant, was present and
stated that water will be provided by Rogers County. Questions regarding drainage
issues were answered by Joe Nurre with the engineering department. Mr. Nurre stated
that the engineers are reviewing the area very carefully. It is his understanding that the
neighbors have some flooding issues.
Charles Brown moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above Staff and TAC
recommendations. The motion was seconded by Dan Draper. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
9. Preliminary Plat - Lake Valley II Amended - A request to accept a preliminary plat
proposing eight residential lots on 1.9 acres located within the northwest corner of Lake
Valley II, east of North 145`h East Avenue and approximately 1 /2mile north of North
106`h Street North.
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The development
process was described. The applicant is requesting this review a plat proposing eight
residential lots on 1.9 acres. The property is zoned OPUD 01 -03 with an underlying
zoning designation of RS -3. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the
final plat at the June 27, 2007 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as
well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any
additions and /or concerns. The following TAC recommendations were addressed:
1. Applicant must show topography
2. Applicant needs to check traverse
3. Applicant must show existing fire hydrants
4. Applicant must show the required setbacks in the covenants as per the PUD
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Staff recommends approval of the Lake Valley II amended preliminary plat subject to
the above conditions.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above Staff and TAC
recommendations. The motion was seconded by Dan Draper. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
10. Preliminary Plat - Tyann Plaza X - A request to accept a preliminary plat proposing
ten commercial and office lots on 13.69 acres located on the east side of the Owasso
Expressway, just north of the Three Lakes III addition.
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The development
process was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 10
commercial and office lots on 13.69 acres. The Preliminary Plat meets all Owasso
Zoning Code Bulk and Area requirements. The lot and block specifications established
in the plat layout are adequate for commercial development. The Owasso Technical
Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at the June 27, 2007 regular
meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the
opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and /or concerns. The
following TAC recommendations were addressed:
1. Applicant must show topography on Final Plat
2. Applicant must include street names on the Final Plat
3. The applicant must indicate a 20' setback on the south border of lots 7
Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat. Placing limits of no access on Lot 7
was discussed. Mr. Brian Kellogg was present to address concerns.
Dan Draper moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above Staff and TAC
recommendations. Also subject to a 150' limit of no access be placed on the southern
boundary of Lot 7. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
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The motion was approved 4 -0.
11. Final Plat - Smith Farm Marketplace III - A request to approval a final plat for
Smith Farm Marketplace III, proposing five commercial lots on 16 acres located at the
southwest corner of East 96th Street North and North 121" East Avenue (currently
occupied by Oklahoma Natural Gas).
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The development
process was described. The current zoning of the land is CS (Commercial Shopping).
The applicant is requesting the review and approval of a final plat proposing 5
commercial lots, on 16 acres. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed
the final plat at the June 27, 2007 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers,
as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any
additions and /or concerns. The following TAC recommendation was addressed:
• Provide dedication language for the small portion of the property that is
proposed to be dedicated as a part of North 12151 East Avenue.
Staff recommends approval of the Smith Farm Marketplace III Final Plat subject to the
above condition. Concerns regarding drainage were discussed. Joe Nurre explained to
the Commissioners that the city is considering the construction of a regional detention
pond in the area of 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Smith Farm Marketplace III
will be one of the first sites to use the facility. He also explained that the landowner to
the west did not want to sell the area that was proposed for drainage; so it was taken off
the plat because of lack of land. Also discussed was the appropriate fee that a
developer will pay in order to use this regional detention facility.
Dan Draper moved to approve the final plat dated June 27, 2007, subject to the above
Staff and TAC recommendations. Also subject to, a recommendation to the City Council
to vacate the Oak Tree Business Park Plat. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
12. Unified Sign Plan - Smith Farm Marketplace III - A request to approve a plan for
signage for the proposed Smith Farm Marketplace III development, located at the
southwest corner of East 96th Street North and North 121St East Avenue (currently
occupied by Oklahoma Natural Gas).
Dan Draper presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. The subject
property is sixteen acres in size. Oklahoma Natural Gas is currently located on the site.
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The unified sign plan review process was described. The applicant is requesting
approval of a unified sign plan to allow for the display of up to five ground signs on the
site of Smith Farm Marketplace III. The USP proposes the following signs:
• "Sign #1" - One proposed double faced pole sign 35' in height and 11' wide
with 121 sq.ft. of display area. The sign is proposed in order to provide the
development's anchor tenant with a display along the south side of the adjacent
arterial, East 96"' Street North.
• "Sign #2" - One existing double faced pole sign 30' in height and 16' wide
with 288 sq. ft. of display area. The sign, currently advertising the existing Best
Buy retail user, will provide additional display for three future users of Smith
Farm Marketplace III.
• "Sign #3" - Two proposed double faced monument signs 6' in height and 10'
wide with 60 sq. ft. of display area. The two signs, one proposed on 96`'' Street
and the other proposed on 121" East Avenue, are to be located at secondary
entrances into the development. The architectural quality of the signs will
match that of the proposed buildings.
• "Sign #4 - One proposed double faced monument sign 10' in height and 15'
wide with 150 sq. ft. of display area. The sign, to be located at the southeastern
entrance into the development on 121" East Avenue, will provide advertising
display for six tenants within the development.
To ensure that the signs pose no conflict with the technical aspects of the site's
development, the application was reviewed by the TAC. The unified sign plan includes
the location, size, height, construction materials, type of illumination, and orientation
of all the proposed signs. The staff does recommend on modification - change the
height of the proposed "Sign #1" from 35' to 30'.
Charles Brown moved to approve the unified sign plan subject to the condition that the
height for Sign #1 be changed from 35' to 30' in height. The motion was seconded by
David Vines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
David Vines - Yes
Dan Draper - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
13. Report on Monthly Building Permits Activity.
14. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council.
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15. Adjournment - Dan Draper moved, David Vines seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
David Vines - Yes
Charles Brown - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Vic Chair erson
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