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2023.09.12_Worksession Agenda
This meeting Is a work session for Council/Trustee discussion only. There is no 0000rtunity for Dublic comments at work session. PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY (OPWA) OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY (OPGA) Council Chambers Old Central Building 109 North Birch, Owasso, OK Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 6:00 PM NOTE: APPROPRIATE ACTION may include, but is not limited to: acknowledging, affirming, amending, approving, authorizing, AGENDA RECEIVED 1. Call to Order - Mayor /Chair Kelly Lewis SEP 0 8 2023 2. Roll Call City Clerk's Office 3. Discussion relating to new signage for the Recycle Center Expansion Project Councilor Doug Bonebrake 4. Discussion relating to Public Works Department items Roger Stevens A. Public Works Facility Update with Beck Design B. Proposed disposal of surplus earthen material from the new Owasso Public Works Facility location at East 116th Street North and North Mingo Road C. Proposed agreement with Aerial Data Service, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma, for airborne light detection and ranging (LIDAR) surveying 5. Discussion relating to Community Development Items Alexa Beemer / Wendy Kramer A. Request for a final plat for Twill Johnson Ranch, a proposed multi - family development, on approximately 22.55 acres and located northwest of the East l Olst Street North and North 129th East Avenue intersection B. Request for a final plat for The Reserve at Owasso, a proposed multi -use development, on approximately 51.44 acres and located northwest of the East 106th Street North and North 1451h East Avenue intersection C. Request for the rezoning of approximately 2.22 acres located west of North Mingo Road and East 102nd Street North from Agriculture (AG) to Residential Estate (RE), as referenced in application OZ 23 -06 D. Request for a planned unit development for the Morey Apartments, a proposed multi - family development, on approximately 1.42 acres and located south of East 86th Street and west of North 125th East Avenue, as referenced in application OPUD 23 -05 E. Proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regulations 6. Discussion relating to proposed fee changes for hydrant meter deposits and water service connections Carly Novozinsky 7. Discussion relating to City /Authority Manager items Warren Lehr A. Monthly sales tax report and revenue outlook 8. City /Authority Manager report 9. City Councilor /Trustee comments and inquiries Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA September 12, 2023 Page 2 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing the hiring and employment contract of Christopher Garrett for the position of City Manager as provided for in Title 25, O.S. § 307(B)(1) Mayor Lewis 11. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk on Friday, December 9, 2022, and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 South Main Street, at 1:00 pm on Friday, September 8, 2023. M. Stevens,.City Clerk The City of Owasso encourages citizen participation. To request arUETCcommadation due to a disability, contact the City Clerks prior to the scheduled meeting by phone 918 - 376 -1502 or by email to istevens@citlofowosso.com �� �W uucnnWe. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E., City Engineer SUBJECT: Surplus and Authorize Disposal of Material DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: In 2020, the City of Owasso completed construction of a project to create wetlands, a wet pond, stream restoration channel and a regional detention pond at the North Owasso Sports Park. Approximately 200,000 cubic yards of soil had to be disposed by either requiring and paying the contractor to dispose of the material (a cost between $1 -2 million) at the time or place it on the newly purchased Owasso Public Works Facility (OPWF) at East 116th Street North /North Mingo Road. Staff chose to dispose of the material at the new OPWF site to save cost. During the design of the new OPWF, architects determined that the City has an excessive amount of material. As a result, the architect is recommending the material be moved to either another part of the site or completely offsite (or combination thereof). The cost for the relocation will be approximately $2,0000,000 based on the estimates provided by a local contractor. Staff proposes to surplus the material. The material that was considered an asset has now become a liability. If approved, staff intends to make the material available to the public with the goal to have the required material removed from the site by Spring 2024. An item has been placed on the September Worksession agenda for discussion ATTACHMENT: Exhibit Surplus Earthen Material 1" = 1500 ft Location Map 08/24/2023 S(�f x[uwro�su anni,4. This map may represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided here on is not guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact the responsible staff for most up -to -date information. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P,E., City Engineer SUBJECT: Agreement to Provide LIDAR Services for the City of Owasso DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has used topographic maps for planning and designing small projects for many years. The last set of topographic maps specifically prepared for the City of Owasso was in the late 1990s. The maps were flown by Aerial Data Services (ADS), Tulsa, Oklahoma. These maps were used to prepare the 2005 Master Drainage Plan (MDP) and have also been used to plan many sewer line and water line projects, development projects since then. Since the 1999 maps are outdated, staff uses information from the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) and the State of Oklahoma archives. The data is good for planning small projects but not detailed enough for designing small plan sets. These maps were used to update the Blackjack Creek basin on the MDP in 2022 -23. However, several errors in the data were found due to the lack of detail in the Owasso area and staff had to physically resurvey areas to make the data match. The newest technology of LIDAR (light detection and ranging) has the capability to provide better quality information. Recent projects on Main Street Widening from Broadway to North 11 th Street were flown with LIDAR to obtain 80% of the needed survey (property information and underground utility location still need to be determined with ground surveys). The initial planning of the 70 -acre Owasso Public Works Facility property used LIDAR technology to determine drainage information and floodplain planning. The upcoming Trail Project as part of the 55 /100ths projects, the Hale Acres drainage study, the Rayola Detention Pond Project, and other future projects would benefit having this data. Also, future projects to update the remaining drainage basins for the MDP will require new topography to accomplish the tasks. Staff visited with ADS in January 2023 about providing LIDAR for the entire City of Owasso fence - line, which covers all of the drainage basins in Owasso plus outside areas for future planning. SELECTION PROCESS: The City of Owasso has used Aerial Data Services (ADS) to fly projects like these in the past. However, LIDAR has been used on a limited basis in Owasso. The technology is not new but the extensive work and equipment to provide LIDAR at this scale requires a specialized company. Companies like Meshek and Associates and Keystone Surveying can obtain LIDAR with a drone to provide accurate information for small projects, but to cover the entire City of Owasso a company like ADS is needed. Their local plane will be used to fly the project, local surveyors will set the ground control and the product will be developed locally. Page 2 LIDAR AGREEMENT /SCOPE OF WORK: Following is the scope of work for this project: • Surveyors will set ground control around the perimeter and inside the flight area • A manned aircraft will fly paths across the area in a grid system • LIDAR will be acquired at approximately 8 points per square meter average density. The lidar data will be controlled using an onboard ABGPS (Airborne Global Positioning System) receiver to measure XYZ and a POS (position orientation system) to measure inertial measurement units (IMU). • The data will be post - processed and reviewed to confirm complete data acquisition coverage. Any seams, holes, or other unwanted artifacts will be quickly identified to assess the need for any re- flights. • IMU data will be processed and checked for gyro bias, systematic errors and positional errors. The "Jas" data will be projected to the required coordinate system. Simultaneously, the elevations will be transformed from ellipsoidal to orthometric heights by applying the prescribed geoid model and all data will be georeferenced to the appropriate coordinate system. • LIDAR data will be classified to "bare earth" to form a digital elevation model (DEM). • The "bare earth" LIDAR data will be hydro - flattened; supplemented with break lines for water features (edge of lakes, ponds, streams and rivers) to further refine the lidar data. Two -foot contours will be generated and provided from the hydro - flattened lidar. • Digital data will be delivered in TIF /TFW format for rectified insertion into AutoCAD and Arcview. • Mapping will be broken up into sections instead of one large map so our current desk -top computers can use the information without replacing them. • Coverage area will include the drainage basins that impact the Ranch Creek, Elm Creek, Tributary 5A of Bird Creek (middle of Owasso) and Blackjack Creek. Therefore, Harvard Avenue will be the west boundary, East 66th Street North to southern boundary, East 126th Street North to northern boundary and the east boundary will follow the ridge on the east side of Owasso flows back toward Owasso and not toward the Verdigris River. • Schedule will be determined based on when fall foliage starts dropping cover and weather cooperates for the flight. Late November 2023 is anticipated for the flight and 60- 90 days will be needed to process the information once compiled. FUNDING: The proposed cost from ADS for turn -key services is $99,420.00. Funding is included in the 2023 -24 Stormwater Budget. PROPOSAL: Unless the City Council expresses concern, Staff intends to have this item on the September 19, 2023, City Council agenda for consideration and action. ATTACHMENT: Proposal w/ Location Map K IJ August 31, 2023 H. Dwayne Henderson City of Owasso Public Works Department 301 W 2nd Ave Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. Henderson: As requested, Aerial Data Service, Inc. (ADS) is pleased to present our proposal for airborne lidar, aerial photography, and optional digital orthophotos for the City of Owasso; approximately 23.3 square miles for the "Main" area or approximately 52.5 square miles for the "Full' area as shown on the project maps below. All mapping will be performed using standard industry procedures and will meet or exceed National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS) for the proposed map scale, Aerial Photography ADS shall obtain new color aerial photography suitable for preparing the proposed optional digital orthophotos. Airborne Lidar Airborne lidar will be acquired at approximately 4 points per square meter average density. The lidar data will be controlled using an onboard ABGPS receiver to measure XYZ and a POS (position orientation system) to measure IMUs (inertial measurement units). The onboard ABGPS /IMU will be supplemented with ground control and checkpoints provided by ADS. The data will be post - processed and reviewed to confirm complete data acquisition coverage. Any seams, holes, or other unwanted artifacts will be quickly identified to assess the need for re- flights. Inertial measurement unit (IMU) data will be processed and checked for gyro bias and systematic and positional errors. The "Jas" data will be projected to the required coordinate system. Simultaneously, the elevations will be transformed from ellipsoidal to orthometric heights by applying the prescribed geoid model, and all data will be georeferenced to the appropriate coordinate system. Lidar data will be classified as "bare earth" to form a digital elevation model (DEM). Ground Control ADS shall provide all ground control required to prepare the proposed airborne lidar and optional digital orthophotos. City of Owasso City of Owasso Lidar August 31, 2023 Page 2 Hydro- flattened Lidar and Contours To refine the "bare earth" lidar data will be hydro - flattened, supplemented with break lines for water features (edge of lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers). Two -foot contours will be generated and provided from the hydro-flattened lidar. Digital data will be delivered in a specified format. Digital Orthophotos (Optional) As an option, ADS will provide digital orthophotos from the aerial photography at a scale of 1" = 100'. Orthophoto image files will have a pixel resolution of 0.5' and be delivered as computer image files in TIF /TFW format. Schedule A schedule shall be determined by mutual agreement. Items to Be Delivered 1. Lidar data in Jas format 2. Bare earth lidar in Jas format 3. Two -foot contours in specified format 4. Digital orthophotos in TIF/TFW format (optional) AERIAL DATA SERVICE, INC. 2448 E. 8ISTSTREE7; SURE 5000 - TOM% OK 74137 - PHONE 918.622.4144 - FAX 918.6224119 TOLL FREE 800.888.9163 WWW.AERIALDATAOOM city of Owasso My of Owasso Lidar August 31, 2023 Page 3 Fees Our fees for the proposed services are: Hydro - flattened airborne lidar at 4ppsm and two-foot contours .................................................................... ............................... $92.890.00 Digital orthophotos with 0.5' pixel resolution .......................... ............................... $6,530.00 Invoices will be submitted monthly for work completed during the period. All invoices will be due in 30 days (NET 30) unless alternate arrangements are made before work authorization. Invoices not paid within 30 days are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month (annual percentage rate of 18 %). Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If further information is required or we maybe of assistance, please get in touch with us. To accept this proposal, please circle the option(s) selected, sign below, and return to Aerial Data Service. Sincerely, AERIAL DATA SERVICE, INC. Larry Holtgreive, CMS - LIDAR Director of Business Development ACCEPTED this day Of 2023 M PRINTED NAME /TITLE: LH /nam ( #22 -002) AERIAL DATA SERVICE, INC. 2448 E 81STSTREET, SUITE 5000 - TULsA, OK 74137 - PHoNE 918.6224144 - FAX 918.6224119 TOLL FREE 800.886.9163 WWW.AF,RtALDATAGVM Project Map AERIAL DATA SERVICE, INC. 2448 E. S1sTSTREEr, SUITE 5000 - Tam, OK 74137 - PRONE 918.622.4144 - FAX 918.622.4119 TOLL FREE 800.888.9163 WWW.AERIALCATA.COM sd TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alexa Beemer, AICP, Planning Manager SUBJECT: Final Plat -Twill Johnson Ranch DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received an application for review and approval of a final plat for Twill Johnson Ranch. The subject property is located at the northwestern corner of the intersection of East 101 st Street North and North 129th East Avenue SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Properly Size 22.55 acres +/- Current Zoning Residential Multi- Family (RM) Present Use vacant Proposed Use Multiplexes Lots /Blocks I Lot /1 Block Land Use Master Plan Transitional Within PUD? Yes; OPUD 23 -01 Within Overlay District? No Water Provider Washington County Rural Water District #3 Applicable Paybacks (Assessed at Platting) Ranch Creek Sewer Service Assessment Area ($610.33 per acre) Storm Siren Fee $50.00 per acre ANALYSIS: • The subject property was annexed into Owasso City Limits with Ordinance 559 in 1997 and rezoned to RM and placed within a PUD overlay in 2023 with Ordinance 1204. • This is a one (1) lot, one (1) block combined final plat for a multifamily residential development. Said development will be comprised of a mix attached and detached structures, for a total of two hundred and twenty -four (224) dwelling units. • The proposed lot as depicted on the plat meets the bulk and area requirements outlined in both the Owasso Zoning Code for RM -zoned properties, as well as within the OPUD 23- 01 document. • The plat depicts two (2) points of access off of North 129th East Avenue, which will be separated from adjacent driveways an adequate distance in order to meet all applicable separation requirements found within the Owasso Zoning Code. o The applicant intends for one point of access to align with East 103rd Street North, across the street from this subject property. • Perimeter and interior utility easements are provided as required that will allow utility companies adequate access to serve the development. Page 2 Final Plat- Twill Johnson Ranch • Right -of -Way along North 129th East Avenue is dedicated by this plat in order to accommodate future roadway widening. • There is a stormwater detention easement depicted on the plat, located in the southwestern corner to handle the stormwater generated from the development. • There are no Reserve Areas depicted on this proposed plat. • The City of Owasso will provide police, fire, ambulance, and sanitary sewer services to the property. Washington County Rural Water District #3 will provide water services to the property. • Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements as well as any requirements applied to the subject property in OPUD 23 -01. SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction Commercial Shopping North (CS) / Residential Estate Residential Transitional / Tulsa County RE Residential South Commercial Shopping Medical Offices Transitional City of Owasso CS / Office O East Residential Estate (RE) Residential Commercial Tulsa County West Residential Estate (RE) Residential Residential Tulsa County PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on September 11, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Final Plat -Twill Johnson Ranch Aerial Map N 0 °. °' °_ °° °. =5 Preliminary /Final Plat- Twill Johnson Ranch Subject Tract n Mae: N 'rmen1nl n. 418.N -- fuaus— FINAL PLAT 1 I TWILL JOHNSON RANCH 1, I Irl I 1 I I� 1 I >I I¢I I� I IW 8 IL 1 e � c I Iry 12 I I'I I 1 I I I � I � I L I �F III I� I I , I I IE I I� I I � I I V I I 1 �k y m" I I a l xMhJr I F 1 1 I,� FINAL PUT QRTIFIMTE OFAPPROVAL �a tl/mC� W°.evmwhw vu+upr�cn v«y, mw+aru uMC.ERN eENC��raawrn rc.m, awc5. nw,�waw aNa,a�x��R a F.Np :w�aaanxwx�a��5,.�a�x MTV n<amf nevi,N FINAL PLAT TWILL JOHNSON RANCH - nec PPAT OF THE EOUTHE43T QUARTER (SE/<) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF BECTON SEVENTEEN NaI50H'� pll, TOWNSHIP TWENTY -0NE Rp NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASEAND MERIDIAN, _ CITY OF OWASSO. TULSA COUNTY, ATATE OF OKLAHOMA ® a ; OWNER: ENGINEER: SURVEYOR: Twill Partners, LLC Wallace Design Collective, PC Wallace Design Collective, PC I 12119 S. Franqu+l Avenue W05 123 North Mahn Whn Wnpk No 123NOM Mahn LTAIf Wn93+ BNd I Tdu, 01MA ;TIRO Td... OOme, Tb03 Tuha.OgaNOm ;>OID3 w PNOne (Me) 5n639a A PIIOne: 1(Unss45S50 I 0. Po It R 11 E A] n.3 _ I G9TIWIn5R1EETN.. T LIB iE umff xa T,w�r��I F a MEETNORIH 77w I j� LL..U.NMe, a��a Oflm I I I WENT „mR I I a l xMhJr I F 1 1 I,� FINAL PUT QRTIFIMTE OFAPPROVAL �a tl/mC� W°.evmwhw vu+upr�cn v«y, mw+aru uMC.ERN eENC��raawrn rc.m, awc5. nw,�waw aNa,a�x��R a F.Np :w�aaanxwx�a��5,.�a�x MTV n<amf nevi,N sue., nor.. wmw .aa..wnw.,...or�em.ara�oa,w.n. .,�nn�w �. orax,renW T. FINAL PLAT TWILL JOHNSON RANCH DEED OF DEDICATION AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OF OF T. OF e� OF T. . srareQrt o�� 0 TO FINAL PLAT TWILL JOHNSON RANCH DEED OF DEDICATION AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ss wvn.m„w a . —w.. i„ e a 9 MR- sd TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Wendy Kramer, City Planner SUBJECT: Final Plat -The Reserve at Owasso DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received an application for review and approval of a Final Plat for The Reserve at Owasso, a proposed multi -use development located at the northwestem corner of the intersection of East 106th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 51.44 acres +/- Land Use Master Plan Commercial Current Zoning CS, O, and RM Proposed Use Multi -Use - Commercial & Residential Proposed Lots /Blocks 13 Lots, 2 Blocks Within a PUD? Yes; OPUD 23 -02 Within an Overlay District? Yes; US -169 Overlay District Water Provider Washington County Rural Water District #3 Streets N/A Applicable Paybacks /Fees (Assessed at platting) Storm Siren Fee ($50.00 per acre) Elm Creek Extended Sanitary Sewer Relief Area ($1,580.00 per acre) ANALYSIS: • The Preliminary Plat for this property was approved by the Owasso Planning Commission in June of 2023. • Lot 12; Block 2 is intended to accommodate a proposed multi - family development with a maximum of four hundred and forty -two (442) dwelling units (per the approved OPUD 23 -02 document). o As this lot is approximately 23.48 acres in size, this yields a gross density of approximately 18.82 dwelling units per acre (DU /AC). o The proposed Lot 12, Block 2, as depicted on this Plat, meets the bulk and area requirements stipulated in the Owasso Zoning Code for RM -zoned property and the OPUD 23 -02 document. • All other lots depicted on the proposed Final Plat are being platted in order to accommodate a mix of future commercial and office uses. o These proposed lots all meet the bulk and area requirements stipulated in the Owasso Zoning Code for CS- and O -zoned property and the OPUD 23 -02 document. • Detention will be provided for via Reserve Area A for Lots 1 -12, Block 2. This reserve is located southeast of the main portion of Lot 12, Block 2. Page 2 Final Plat- The Reserve at Owasso o Lot 1, Block 1 will have to provide its own onsite detention, separate from Reserve Area A. • Perimeter and interior utility easements are shown on the plat allowing utility companies adequate access to service the subdivision. • Eight (8) points of access are depicted on the plat face- o Lot 1 Block 1 has one point of access proposed off of North 137th East Avenue. o Lots 1 -3 and 12, Block 2 have two proposed points of access off of North 137th East Avenue. o Lots 3 -10 and 12, Block 2 have four proposed points of access off of East 1061h Street North. o Lots 10 and 11, Block 2 have one proposed point of access off of North 145th East Avenue. o All adjourning lots will have lot to lot access through mutual access easements with the exception of one (1) of the proposed entrances along East 1061h Street North, which will instead function as an exclusive drive for the proposed apartment complex contained within Lot 12, Block 2. o All points of access meet the separation requirements for driveways outlined in the Owasso Zoning Code. • The City of Owasso will provide police, fire, ambulance, and sanitary sewer services to the property. Washington County Rural Water District #3 will provide water services. • Any development that occurs on the subject property shall adhere to all development, zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Office (0) / Public Educational Public & City of Owasso Facilities PF Institution Institutional Commercial Shopping Commercial / South (CS) / Residential Single Religious Commercial / City of Owasso Family (RS -3) / Residential Institution / Transitional Multifamily RM ) Apartments Residential Neighborhood East Mixed (RNX) / Commercial Vacant Commercial City of Owasso General CG West Agriculture (AG) Highway N/A ODOT PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on September 11, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Final Plat —The Reserve at Owasso iQ L"7 f Ir P y 1 7 ♦ - � T-' � •t � �:� � +I'��� "rya,'. ( Z . s. + .• I:_ � 5� vet I, � � � w� A � y U p' Aerial Map N 0 0.03 005 °ZZ Final Plat- The Reserve at Owasso Subject Tract n Miles N ncm lF�oGnArvo otaAlunav oraaawrnvemuwnxrs FINAL PLAT of M<YMmmmw��x¢x aw�¢Ma ¢ax� THE RESERVE AT OWASSO �^'^w^• Ma�YM�¢ e. ,a ®'m.",.aa,,.",,,,¢¢„`°» °°,,,� ASubdivision ofthe Southeast Quarter(SW4), Section Nine (9), Townshly TvvenryOne (21) NoRh maMm »anw x.w >a Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Meridian, TULSA County, Oklahoma ^• ensswn u,uw�urwwnn uk�.� �w�au.e�a �werox wna�...q.wn¢u,aa.a..n' wvs �.¢amve�.w9uu'wswr.uu svi�rvem�nw'�mm�s�v,w�n..uiw+n � _..... � xurwe s arnxnsr�.:mea�wamm..am � unrr. �' ss.. nu. mvsse .�is.m.u..s.n.rv+•zr�unww�m�mwn SUNVElDNS6RnWG1F �wsa�wmti.am+rx,x.neirs.�wranwn n.w.¢.aw..wm ME laa.«.non. «.,.«.w,w.a..,aa.¢ R 14 EN °a'°` ^'m nwmsoe Mx«n r w �uanum ,®o.n ®mxw.amci.i.+cw1 ®..MC w.xsmwrs«...mrnarm ..n.Y�l>rJ. �•� ME- nmawe.umn�a . wcwv ¢mmrw¢�warrmrnr®ar®mm�am¢Mmx¢ umxm.swYax®,wwmuanwvewa ¢ 'n'�q�m AttEpiAM£OFOEDIGnONQryttWNCIL m,u.m. avu.aumm¢mrxvnua ®¢r®m ®n Mxrs¢ wrm. m.xMwmn �¢vxe���mR n<N¢ne.e «.¢enrvamnwmusmvmrr¢ umv[xw �xw�gv¢ouaunxivnmvrtmunav ®ry,wmn s.0 v,mm »I¢nexmm wn �m «w� ®vuun�K ® a.iwuwmm. w,IGturtm'r.npymm- ¢rcw..u+®mvm�wevaw¢uvww.ovtxeem ¢m 2mx«¢mwrsmw«n9x Wan mas¢ar�mxrnm. saws{ amp `w�n�¢M{amf�ata.a'aSCOUrwrt»n¢M xrwmna wmum ,nn.¢xmnmuq¢wxmiuvxnauueinmmm «v¢Wid�iIXn�A�v mu�re �.19amcr� mrmmwu'.a �nmMMwv."¢m.s'm fifewwei 1�' w�'onnvaauu»wnw,w¢.awmrt. u3YWxvLmu»nra.nwnw,vY6nwm »¢.xN GOLOEN mwnavnww.,[iorwwfmw¢�iem voe� aum¢�nmr mgannswme efwnw0.4Mamma,. urzn. av¢ d[ OwBbrtnwe ¢«iw»vmns.Z.,WxlasNxwl9wa AM fb.S}19)B I � I I 1 I Ana! �lrvm o IS '+ _M A3AInMiq: nxl] o 4 It e u.x/ ''41vw E axrt.Arnumvewerr, v.e .e\ . - xx,,., _ C. i nm rwivmn, mnrnm - � •.•�^ 1° -+4,W +am.ou. v� R, 71D.. t• e�T �� !A: I \ I I �mamm \ x 1 w� xmx faaammru,v THE RESERVE AT OWASSO LD GOLDEN wLAND SURVEYING p xwayssR�m MIEPPEP/A[°Myal]I, 9aax]IX3 ii.�v n N I sm.mnn. rnu,weve>,.ax� I 1 II I � I I 1 I Ana! �lrvm o IS '+ _M A3AInMiq: nxl] o 4 It e u.x/ ''41vw E axrt.Arnumvewerr, v.e .e\ . - xx,,., _ C. i nm rwivmn, mnrnm - � •.•�^ 1° -+4,W +am.ou. v� R, 71D.. t• e�T �� !A: I \ I I �mamm \ x 1 w� xmx faaammru,v THE RESERVE AT OWASSO LD GOLDEN wLAND SURVEYING p xwayssR�m MIEPPEP/A[°Myal]I, 9aax]IX3 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Wendy Kramer, City Planner SUBJECT: Rezoning OZ 23 -06 - Winkley Homes DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a request for the rezoning of property located west of the North Mingo Road and East 102nd Street North intersection. SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 2.22 acres +/- Current Zoning Agriculture AG Proposed Zoning Residential Estate RE Present Use Vacant Land Use Master Plan Residential Within PUD? No Within Overlay District? No Water Provider City of Owasso Sewer Provider City of Owasso ANALYSIS: • The applicant desires to rezone the subject property to Residential Estate (RE), in order to accommodate future construction of single- family residences. • The GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan identifies the subject property for future residential uses. o Considering the above, assigning the subject property a zoning designation of RE would be in accordance with vision laid out in the GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan for the subject property. • Per the Owasso Zoning Code, the minimum lot width required for RE -zoned properties is one hundred and fifty feet (150') and the subject property is approximately two hundred and ninety -six feet (296') wide. o Therefore, the property would be conforming with regards to the bulk and area standards specified in the Owasso Zoning Code for RE -zoned property. • The City of Owasso will provide police, fire, ambulance, water and sanitary sewer services to the subject property. • Any future development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. Page 2 OZ 23 -06 SURROUNDING LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Agriculture (AG) Vacant Residential City of Owasso South Agriculture (AG) Vacant Residential City of Owasso East Residential Single- Family RS -3 Residential Residential City of Owasso West Agriculture (AG) Vacant /Railroad Residential Tulsa County PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on September 11, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan Map Rezoning Survey Exhibit �'IY +✓, _'.' f,Y , r * `to 7W .1 1 - • Yi,' r `f IA: c g 1 _�,, Y%" °L y1.s f /C '1:11' : /.l�.'' / r -F} xy, ,,•� .:� I �G1 1i .4 S._ s 3 .Yr { + � �'•�, ( �- ( '. ' ,i o - - - . 'wig /" - ♦, + cif .� s, .�M• SUBJECT BJECT�QTRACT v 4 44 I �': I,4' { , t to y lam` "i Ma - FMAtb.•>�,.. „. J , �.: tC� 1� 1}IIy�,, 1. F' ; k `_/ At'1 4 `-f% c.y,` tci lyyV��%.;���y yti'it J' i ;�.. � .� •Yj n�'rRJ�,� \ � �9.�^1�. , .�:i: /�d �'�' AV d ,* ” *,a e "_� • ♦' ®4 '+ •IYJJ'�J l� b +r Note: Graphic overlays may 0 100 200 400 not precisely ali gn with physical Subject features on the ground. TI7Cf OZ 23-06 1 t 1 t I 13 21 -13 Aerial Photo Date: 2023 Feet age �.17 d �i r �f Y '��yy�y�f �� ��� m�^��� ✓^i 44 W 7 Tulsa County)• y JAI ,e er �. 44 P'R� i +�•-�I +a - i.. ".+ sy A dt�L }�:i t,� ._ -. _ Qt TusaTCoun " y It IT Cam` AG, PIS- —1 F RS _ a� GJ (� 0 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.,9 0.25 Surrounding Zoning Subject Tract Miles OZ 23 -06 EM045THRU 0 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.25 Mlles ((l I JJ� Q r. ., GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan OZ 23 -06 E 101ST ST N Land Use Categories _ Parks /Recreation Public /Institutional Residential ©fl Transitional Neighborhood Mixed " Redbud District Neighborhood Commercial Commercial Industrial /Regional Employment Q ® US -169 Overlay — _ N Subject Tract Legal Descriptions PMENT71SCI RGAL DMalmpx FN..p%MD351D NEWHo DIM lVMA OWNT, FAST NAIF w WE NORM FM] QUMTER M W E WRINMST QUMTER JIM N04 NF/i) AND THE NORMFAST GUARTER OF TIE SOUMFAST pVMFER OF TIE WRMFAS) QUARTER IMEN SEM NEA) ANOTHE SOVM HN ORTHE HHOWEAST QIIMTEROi WEXORMFA5T0UMTR IMFSE /A NM 4)WDThEMWIWFAW QVRRIMOFWE SOUMIMSDIWMTER ALL LYING ERD WINE AFTER MUM RIGNF CF W AY. IESS 3.03 AMES MR ED. SEMON S3, TO W NSH V 21 NORTH. 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R.ORG6B RWIES MOREORHESS. ij Subject Pro e Legend Survey EXHIBIT Lot / 2 (D s � Z ) a 5Z 4 m 2.75AC v t �• U213'F A ARC LENGTH OB CHORDSEARING CO CHORDOISTPNCE BIL BUILDINGSETBACKLINE NORTH IPS WiFIRONFINSET TRACT F PIN FOUND L LE Lott R RADIUS R N RnHT�OF-WAY T TRACT WE UTILITY EASEMENT FF FINISHEDFLOOR CZ' L BOGS BUILDINGS 70I1 — POO POINTOFBEGINMNG POC POINTOFCOMMENCEMENT Lot / 2 (D s � Z ) a 5Z 4 m 2.75AC v t �• U213'F flT r Lott 2.22 AC ' Lot 3 2.50AC Comer Monuments ALL PROPERTY CORNERS ARE MARKED WITH CAPPED SIB` IRON PINS R 13 E Location Map Notes O T 0 U 21 r N 0 z 1. ABSTRACT OF TIRE OR ATTORNEYS TITLE OPINION NOT AVAILASLE TO SURVEYOR ON DATE OF SURVEY. 2 THIS FIRM WAS NOT CM4TRACTED TO RESEARCH EASEMENTS OR EHCURCERANCES OF RECORD. NO ATTEMPT TO RESEARCH COUNTY POB RECORDS OR OTHER RECORD OFFICES WAS PERFORMED BY THIS FIRM. EASEMENTS MAY AFFECT THE SUBJECT TRACT THAT ARE NOT REFLECTED ON THIS PLAT. ALL AFFECTNG EASEMENTS PROVIDED BY CLIENT ARE SHOWN HEREON. 3. THEBEARINGBASISFORTHISPIATISTNEOKIANOMAST 'ATEPLANENORTH PROJECTION. Surveyors Statement HRAOK AND I. SALVADOR TRONE. A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. DO HEREBY STATE THAT THE ABOVE MAP REPRESENTS A SUIRI PERFORMEDINTHEFlELDUNDERMYMRECTS ERNSIONANDISTRUEANDCORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNCWLEDOE AND BELIEF AS OF THIS DATE. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF OK,*K)W AS SET FORTH BY THE OKWIOMA STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVE'YOR'SAS OF WIS DATE. WITNESS MY HANG PND 9EALTH331at DAY OF OCTOBER ,2021. ��En \ -� F14 co; NEE HRADK � POC r1460 1480 SALVAOORTRONE PROFESSIONAL HANDSURVEYDR OKLAHOMA NO. 140 �p1E BEFORE YOU DIG N PREPARED FOR MARK HENDRICKS� eqR� ms ¢�. M 0 100 200 400 CHECKED BY: ST SCALE: 1• =30(Y ly 1- 800522 -8543 W E ® SURVEY BY: EOT DRAFTED BY: OLD ®K m EvmxDUNDERGROUNDUNRES1 VE SURVEY DATE: )OOX)T/%X JOB NUMBER: 200410.11 625e. B. IS. W.AYG. CYL OS BEW SIMWNTOTHEECFENTgMWN S SCALE: 1X =200' .I.. ON 74331 BDNDB N RB$PED(P ADDBRAOIF BOOK /PAGE: NA FILE NUMBER 2113.13 (9183258-3737 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Wendy Kramer, City Planner SUBJECT: OPUD 23 -05 - Morey Apartments DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application (OPUD 23 -05) for the Morey Apartments, a proposed multifamily development consisting of duplex apartment buildings, located west of North 125th East Avenue and south of East 86th Street North. SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 1.42 acres +/- Current Zoning Residential Multifamily RM Present Use Vacant Land Use Master Plan Transitional Within PUD? No Within Overlay District? No Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks Assessed at Platting) N/A (already platted) CONCEPT OF A PUD: • A PUD is a development concept that allows for greater creativity and flexibility than typically allowed under traditional zoning and planning practices. o For example, PUDs often allow developers to place different zonings and land uses in close proximity to each other. o Developers may also have more flexibility in certain aspects of development, such as building setback requirements and building height limitations, which can be more restrictive in standard zoning districts. • A PUD should not be considered as a tool to circumvent the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. All aspects of the PUD application are subject to public comment as well as consideration and approval from the Community Development Department, the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee, the Owasso Planning Commission, and the Owasso City Council. • PUD applications presented to the Planning Commission and City Council are for approval of the uses and the overall conceptual development plan as it relates to the context of the surrounding area. Page 2 OPUD 23 -05 GROWASSO 2035 LAND USE MASTER PLAN CONSISTENCY: • The GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan is a document that acts as a moderately flexible tool for evaluating development proposals. The GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan identifies the property as Transitional which represents a transitional zone from single family residential development to non- residential development. This district encourages attached housing types such as duplexes, so the proposed development is in keeping with the uses called out for this location. ANALYSIS: The conceptual development plan submitted for OPUD 23 -05 states that the applicant intends to construct four (4) duplex apartment buildings, for a total of eight (8) dwelling units. o The development of the four (4) buildings would occur in two phases, with Phase 1 consisting of the southern -most building. o If approved, the PUD document would prescribe a gross density of 5.63 dwelling units per acre. • Per Section 4.4.4 of the Owasso Zoning Code, a PUD overlay is required for all multi - family developments within Residential Multi- family (RM) zoning districts. o As such, the applicant is seeking approval of OPUD 23 -05 to allow for a duplex development within a RM zoning district. • The conceptual site plan depicts the property being accessed on the south end via a thirty -five foot (35') mutual access easement (MAE) from North 125th East Avenue. • The applicant is working on acquiring an additional MAE on the north side of the property for Emergency and Service vehicles. If this MAE is not filed by the time that Phase 2 is being constructed, the applicant will instead put in a hammerhead turnaround at the north end of the property to allow those vehicles space to turn around. • All portions of the subject property are currently platted under the Elm Creek Condominiums subdivision (Plat #4313), but will be required to be replotted for any future further subdivision of the property. • A screening fence will be required to be located adjacent to any single - family uses, in order to adequately screen the subject property from said residential uses. o This required screening fence is shown on the conceptual site plan within the OPUD 23 -05 document, abutting the residential single - family subdivision to the south - Elm Creek Estates First Addition. The conceptual site plan shows parking being accommodated for the buildings with individual driveways to each dwelling unit. o A fully detailed landscape plan will be required to be submitted for City staff approval at the time of site plan review for the development. All landscaping will be required to meet the requirements identified in the Owasso Zoning Code. Page 3 OPUD 23 -05 • The City of Owasso will provide police, fire, ambulance, water and sanitary sewer services to the subject property. • Pending rezoning of the property, the applicant will need to submit site plans for the development on the property. o Any development that occurs on the subject property shall adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Residentia�lnMultifamily Multiplexes Transitional City of Owasso South Residential Single Family (RS -3) Residential Residential City of Owasso East Residential Multifamily Multiplexes Transitional City of Owasso West Residential Multifamily Assisted Living Transitional City of Owasso (RM) Center PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will consider this item at their regular meeting on September 1 1, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan Map OPUD 23 -05 Document 01 w it 1 f'I SUBJECT TRACT @4 W s CIO /.. �� s_. , ///l���: �l..e�� i i y Y x � ._ app S I It •c m!- t 2 0 t ry��^ do T: ? ';., � -•� "�._, 'ems,.` -1,. , ��'. pltl �--� :.:� rl+ Q ! ?S - t ..- o � c � • =� �^t � � , T" � - t•. --a. _-- �- t ,, -nom ' � Y� • ^, - -_ ��s�,r;,r �.."� �� �.— ,, r=• � -�3 ..R— t =+� C�r� S �cx4xv fYLS tt�.l /�yv \nl• - '/�\\ . �- �'r ��(:��yy�y��PY�yG�UI r 1 /�q,��/� 7. IV Note: Graphic �� '— P \'� ✓r Y ,$ i..✓�• .`� �, I" C may, +J. Fa_ •. -�,• t .",`•r ,c %' y � J ..,. ..fir not precisely align wlrophys cal ®Subject o mo zoo aoo. features on the ground. Tract OPUD 23 -05 I I I 1 2921-14 Aerial Photo Date: 2023 Feet VIN 9L CS 10 ICS o 7' Qua Itg83RDISMNI rM Q��G9 �y r 2 �N Eh �aW 9G m m i m T w - -- H 0 N O *+. - - F84TyST mss~ P - w. I ER l LU E3 L� o a.oa 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.22 Surrounding Zoning MOWS OPUD 23 -05 PF c� Q `99u Ga m E 84TH ST N z r V w Z � Q r m w N G z m E8�2NUSTN �E 80TH PL N Subject Tract m Al PF N A six X id•�s� 7 i �t = G a I 6t, , �a � aw�Gaa X f Y d IRA LF Ad Wit I �+ �l'�Air ,r I, 1 : M. . ; 'r r Glu Q� � QE11�G7 I la���l �? E2 o Land Use Categories P �•. � ��__ arks /Recreation FJ = Public/Institutional Q , Residential -w D:r."' ® Transitional $ /l, Neighborhood Mixed Redbud District Neighborhood Commercial 1-11"N -1 Commercial Industrial /Regional Employment d ® US -169 Overlay Master Plan - - N o 0.03 0.05 • 0.10.16 GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Ma } o o o.zz I Subject Tract Mlles OPUD 23 -05 0- - ' A A 5 id•�s� 7 i f Y d IRA LF Ad Wit I �+ �l'�Air ,r I, 1 : M. . ; 'r r Glu Q� � QE11�G7 I la���l �? E2 o Land Use Categories P �•. � ��__ arks /Recreation FJ = Public/Institutional Q , Residential -w D:r."' ® Transitional $ /l, Neighborhood Mixed Redbud District Neighborhood Commercial 1-11"N -1 Commercial Industrial /Regional Employment d ® US -169 Overlay Master Plan - - N o 0.03 0.05 • 0.10.16 GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Ma } o o o.zz I Subject Tract Mlles OPUD 23 -05 0- - ' A A 5 The Morey Apartments PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT City of Owasso, Oklahoma A planned unit development consisting of designated Residential areas in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Planned Unit Development #2305 Location: The property located in the NW /4 of the NE /4 of Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma. Specially, the property is located east of North 125' East Avenue. Date Prepared: August 31, 2023 Owner WARDCO, Inc. Jimmie Ward 9666 E Sycamore St. Claremore, OK 74017 P: (918) 906 -6960 E: wardcomoanv @gmoil.com Engineer Gridline Engineering David Henke, PE, CFM 29204 E 70th St. S Broken Arrow, Oklahoma P: (314) 435 -6302 E: david @gridlineengineering.com Surveyor Precision Surveying Services Colt Larimore 9666 E Sycamore St. Claremore, OK 74017 P:(918)269 -7815 E: is @Precisionsurveving.net TABLE OF CONTENTS Development Concept 2 Statistical Summary 2 Development Areas 2 Development Standards 3 Access and Circulation 5 Landscape 5 Signage 5 Platting Requirements 6 Appendix Maps: •:• Existing Conditions Plan 8 ❖ Hydrology Analysis Plan 9 :• Soil Analysis 10 •:• Zoning Map 11 ❖ Legal Descriptions 12 ❖ Conceptual Site Layout 13 ❖ Conceptual Landscape Plan 14 ❖ Survey 15 The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page I 1 Owasso, Oklahoma DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Morey Apartments is a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 1.42 acres in Owasso, Oklahoma. The property is located 895 feet south of intersection of E. 86th St. N. and N. 125th E. Ave. Further described below: Part of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Elm Creek Condominiums Amended, a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot One (1), thence N 00055,02" Ea distance of 446 feet thence S 89° 55'02" E a distance of 139.11 feet; thence South parallel to the East Line of Lot One (1), a distance of 446 feet; thence East 139.11 feet along the south line of Lot One (1) to the Point of Beginning. The site is generally characterized by relatively flat terrain sloping northeast to southwest. There is currently no floodplain located onsite according to the FEMA Floodplain Maps. The site will be control with localized drainage structures to control the storm water onsite in the post developed conditions. Soil types found on -site are typical for the area and create no unusual development problems that are not commonly encountered in most other area developments. Overall, this site has excellent development possibilities due to its gentle terrain. The subject property is presently zoned RM located in the city limits of the City of Owasso which currently follows the land uses set forth by the City of Owasso's Zoning Code. The Morey Apartments will feature Duplex Apartments Buildings within the lotted area described above. These apartment buildings will be spaced throughout the site appropriately, maximizing green space and parking. The development is consistent with the surrounding properties, with apartment buildings located in adjoining properties to the north and east of the subject site. This PUD will help the subject property be feasible for this development allowing for densities but protecting the neighborhood feel within the area. Development will be done in phases, with Phase 1 starting as soon as possible and other phases strategically timed after the completion of Phase 1. The PUD will expire within five years if no development has occurred after its approval STATISICAL SUMMARY Total Planned Unit Development Area: Maximum Dwelling per Acre: The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Owasso, Oklahoma 62,043 Square Feet ± 1.42 gross acres 8 units / 1.42 ac = 5.6 units / ac Page 12 DEVELOPMENT AREAS Residential Multi - Family (RM) The RM (Residential Multi - Family) district is designed to permit the development and preservation of multi - family dwelling types, such as apartments, garden apartments, and townhouses, in suitable environments in a variety of densities to offer alternative housing types for individuals and families. Total Area: ± 1.42 gross acres Maximum Number of Units: 8 Units DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Residential Multi- Family (RM): •S Permitted Uses: o All uses allowed within this PUD ❖ Minimum Internal Landscape Open Space 20% of net area 0.28 acres Minimum Building Setbacks Per Current Zoning ❖ Parking Ratio 2 spaces per unit, (Parking in the driveways to meet requirement) ❖ Building Height < 35 - ft Screening and Buffering o Areas abutting developments outside of this PUD that are zoned Residential will require some type of screening barrier between the properties. Berms in combination with vegetation are encouraged, but fencing is allowed to achieve the desired result. Fences The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page ( 3 Owasso, Oklahoma shall consist of a wood, concrete, decorate metal, and /or masonry materials to match the building's architectural look. Chain link fencing of any kind is not allowed. o Screening for Building Systems Areas • Must consist of a wood, concrete, decorate metal, and /or masonry materials to match the building's architectural look o Fence screening is not required or recommended with in the inner boundaries of this PUD area. o A Privacy Fence will be required adjacent to all single - family uses. •:• Architectural: Design shall evoke a modern architectural and landscape expression while providing users with a variety of activities and opportunities. The geometry, composition, and final articulation is to be based on a simple elegance of architectural details and style, but with the utilization of a limited number of textures and material palettes. The overall goal is to balance the use of buildings, paths, and parking areas with natural landscaping and water features in an ecological and natural systems sensitivity while providing users with an environment that provides the best design principles of simplicity, balance, unity, scale, variety, and convenience. itK4il4xl A+6ViC: i3W: 1::?z ]vINiC2 FNA Pfi The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page ( 4 Owasso, Oklahoma GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ❖ Access and Circulation: The site off of N. 12511 E. Ave. through a 35 -foot mutual access easement that is located on the south side of Lot Two (2) of the Elm Creek Condominiums Amended Subdivision. Access for the Apartments will be utilizing the existing access easement on the south and constructing an interior street to the north for the apartments to connect too. ❖ Landscape: The Landscaping concept is intended to achieve unity throughout the PUD as well as provide an attractive view of the project from surrounding streets and neighborhoods. To achieve continuity throughout the PUD, reference Chapter 10 and 19 of the City of Owasso Zoning Code. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for a development area, plant materials and any required screening fences shall be installed in conformity with a detailed landscape plan which will have been submitted to and approved by the City of Owasso. •:• Signage: All Signage reviewed via a separate sign permit, in accordance with Chapter 18 of Owasso Zoning Code. ❖ Amenities: Amenities for the PUD shall comply with Section 9.2.12 of the Owasso's Zoning Code. The proposed amenities included are horseshoe pits and a picnic table. The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page 15 Owasso, Oklahoma APPENDIX INDEX: APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G APPENDIX H EXISTING CONDITIONS HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS SOIL ANALYSIS (PROVIDED BY USGS SOIL SURVEY) ZONING MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN SURVEY The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page 16 Owasso, Oklahoma APPENDIX A - EXISTING CONDITIONS The Morey Apartments— Planned Unit Development Page 17 Owasso, Oklahoma 1 1 �•�� `. G� Mlm Me �� r ii _ _ _ _ — — _ _ _ I n • I.. u.. I I mnrc m,. I I I I I =5�� I 1.42 KM Lilq II M II F---- Ilm a' T E1 p E .. _ � Lwnan M.p m APPENDIX B - HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS The Morey Apartments— Planned Unit Development Page 18 Owasso, Oklahoma I 1 � f _ _ _ _ _ --- 1 I 1 —, S I - __1 ___ - I ' bl 1, qxY $ I �"� •,w ux c,.. a sw � A.,.. � s I , I I �1 I n- nm. I i - -cna II �ma..w Doom u< i..I e Wui C x 1 v m rr .�}.. LmOen MVo APPENDIX C - SOIL ANALYSIS FI NJJ -o JJ-IAJ scale _ . Fr3 J© I W ,] Warning: Soil Ratings Map may not be valid at this stale. Summary by Map Unit — Tulsa County, Oklahoma (OK143) Summary by Map Unit — Tulsa County, Oklahoma (OK143) O Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 15 Dennis - Pharoah complex, 1 to 3 percent slopes C/D 1.7 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 1.7 100.00/0 The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page 19 Owasso, Oldahoma APPENDIX D - ZONING MAP The MoreyApartments — Planned Unit Development Page 110 Owasso, Oklahoma EXISTING ZONING MAP a� � t VIA r PROPOSED ZONING MAP r I git- R_M PUD 23-05 0 _ y A, tr• J - APPENDIX E - LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS RM ZONING AREA — LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Elm Creek Condominiums Amended, a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot One (1), thence N 00° 55'02' E a distance of 446 feet thence 5 89'55'02" E a distance of 139.11 feet; thence South parallel to the East Line of Lot One (1), a distance of 446 feet; thence East 139.11 feet along the south line of Lot One (1) to the Point of Beginning. The Morey Apartments —Planned Unit Development Page 111 Owasso, Oklahoma APPENDIX F - CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT The Morey Apartments— Planned Unit Development Page 112 Owasso, Oklahoma L___ —, r i S L_ L B un ni¢ci�' p ( �namm - M lwb Y w ♦m��d i -vµ APPENDIX G - CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN The Morey Apartments — Planned Unit Development Page 1 13 Owasso, Oklahoma s __ —__. __ jr Sr r. UNNeCAPP, LEGEND • �wx.wWnwa.r+nyrml rwrrin�v"u rwrlr{�n.wy.l xe�mremla�nemel i .a. 1 ' �Lb ]1 E f"Z LIM. APPENDIX H - SURVEY The Morey Apartments —Planned Unit Development Page 1 14 Owasso, Oklahoma BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF A PART OF LOT i IN BLOCK 2 ELM CREEK CONDOMINIUMS AMENDED TULSA COUNTY. OKLAHOMA LWAL oacv FRax «Or 11?x A r1 <OT« EW wux;A°°�'uw"we.. m M F.D. w: vcM.i« °. RwD �..:Dwi u`°'"...5. A, rw «x'MOYS. 9EOM0.VC AT DW SW M. CMMA« MY, WI OW (IN MLx¢Sx A,Y V.tOXCM LOW OF YDA FOtAO t /i'TM]M1 M i]5.1]S:w]u' T NMS THE —. OT. LOT 0.2 (,)A N.. «Tx]e RRmA.aw0NV3'..— AND OK uwM45T..F (�} MMK 5 DM.YY E µCMG MS 1ST uM « XO ICI wx (Q A .,�N OF A°KKi6w,EE] ro. MMT« eEMMA& NOTE. 11 WIT. N u sm n�w,D. MWOw DDY. aR yr DMR1 Pt M. c ITT 1/r .W 1. WFKKF — Tt _ Y YS TkFENrE EAYYpR u � Aw011 OW ° TYM V I ME w—. MR x M¢ 1. LOCAT'S FM G N AU MDFK V n6 FM LEGµ OE]o — NAS vn«uE0 Fv. CUT ,AY... YCp¢D I... WFKYw 4- M. • a. SA'aiw4 MATEYENT uwE A FSO .DD M.M.A. A. x DW STAR «Mµea. MMFV ¢Frtn —1 M .EDK AAT K MAY ROUCR NL N5MMMYY MAT H & DS¢DSED D Na D TOW NreED AT T v N d AN 6 Kw5FD .ME OW O..MDYYYO M W.. ANM µ ON -m w.M.l nNnA' AT 9 f C.mMR LOW. W u¢T rM RAL ¢«DAq DATA C.WTRS .x0.05; MAIYMS 9]FKY °. MAW MID N MOT ME ¢..TS NF A MCgAMSpVw . LNKV A. uRn mC Muu TEfAwKAI SYAMYDS TOY TW MKR OF LMD .1WIDDC AS.. FT T& .tµiMA 51R uRx9.K iM Ms]55Oiµ fxGnEEM AND CAW 9JAWWW, /� M�l ueTg aDm Op/A 5d TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alexa Beemer, AICP, Planning Manager SUBJECT: Proposed Updates to the Owasso Subdivision Regulations DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: Originally adopted in November of 2008, and last updated in December of 2011, the Owasso Subdivision Regulations provide for the arrangement of parcels of land in Owasso for residential, office, commercial, and industrial uses and for public needs and uses, such as streets and utility easements. In order to ensure that these regulations are maintained in a fashion that keeps up with current best- planning - practices and the current state of the Owasso community, Community Development staff has undertaken an update to said regulations. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: A Public Hearing will be held at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on September 11, 2023, to discuss these proposed updates to the Subdivision Regulations and provide for comments from the community. FUTURE ACTION: Per Chapter 3, Section 12 -301 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances, staff must notify, in writing, both the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council of any proposed changes to the Subdivision Regulations. Upon notification to the City Council, a thirty (30) day waiting period will begin; if no action to disapprove the proposed updates, in part or in whole, is undertaken by the City Council within 30 days of notice, then said updates will go into effect. Staff anticipates placing an item on the September 19, 2023 City Council Consent Agenda to officially notify the City Council of the proposed updates to the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. ATTACHMENTS: Redlined Copy of Draft Subdivision Regulations SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ty DRAFT NOTE- Red Font denotes proposed additions, strikethFGughs denote proposed removals. The entire Table of Contents is a proposed addition, and will be updated with corrected page numbers after review. Some formatting /bulleted lists have been adjusted and reordered for ease of the reader. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................... ..............................5 3 1.1 Title ........................................................................................... ..............................5 4 1.2 Purpose and Intentions .......................................................... ..............................5 5 1.3 Authority .................................................................................. ..............................5 6 1.4 Jurisdiction ............................................................................. ............................... 5 7 1.5 Subdivision Plat Requirement and Waiver .......................... ..............................6 8 1.6 Plat Vacation and Alterations .............................................. ..............................6 9 1.7 Variance of Regulations ........................................................ ..............................6 10 1.8 Promulgation of Rules and Regulations ............................. ............................... 6 11 1.9 Separability of Provisions ..................................................... ............................... 7 12 1.10 Conflict with State or Federal Regulations .................. ..............................7 13 1.11 Conflict with Private Agreements and Covenants ...... ..............................7 14 1.12 Penalty .................................................................................... ..............................7 15 1.13 Technical Advisory Committee on Plats . Duties ............... ..............................7 16 1.14 Technical Advisory Committee on Plats - Membership ... ............................... 7 17 1.15 Minimum Design Criteria ....................................................... ..............................7 18 CHAPTER 2 - SUBDIVISION PLAT PROCEDURES .................... ..............................9 19 2.1 Process .................................................................................... ..............................9 20 2.2 Pre - Development Conference ............................................. ..............................9 21 2.3 Preliminary Plat ...................................................................... ............................... 9 22 2.4 Final Plat ................................................................................. .............................12 23 2.5 Fees ........................................................................................ .............................16 24 2.6 Planned Unit Development .................................................. .............................16 25 CHAPTER 3 - SUBDIVISIONS ................................................. .............................17 26 3.1 General .................................................................................. .............................17 27 3.2 Access to Streets ................................................................... .............................17 28 3.3 Alleys ...................................................................................... .............................20 29 3.4 Sidewalks ............................................................................... .............................20 30 3.5 Trails ..................................................................... .............................21 31 3.6 Easements .............................................................................. .............................21 32 3.7 Public Areas and Open Spaces .......................................... .............................22 33 3.8 Lot Terms .............................................................................. ............................... 22 2 1 3.9 Blocks ..................................................................................... .............................23 2 3.10 Flag Lots ............................................................................... ............................... 23 3 3.11 Building Lines and Elevations .............................................. .............................24 4 3.12 Flood Plain Areas .................................................................. .............................24 5 3.13 Oil and Gas Wells .................................................................. .............................24 6 3.14 Hillside Development ........................................................... .............................24 7 3.15 Planned Unit Development .................................................. .............................25 s 3.16 Stormwater Drainage and Detention .................................. .............................25 9 3.17 Homeowners' Or Property Owners' Associations .............. .............................25 10 3.18 Required Infrastructure and Public Improvements ........... .............................25 11 CHAPTER 4 -SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES .............................26 12 4.1 Improvements Shall Meet Established Standards ............. .............................26 13 4.2 Improvements Required ...................................................... .............................26 14 4.3 Construction Plans ................................................................ .............................26 15 4.4 City Engineer Review ............................................................ .............................27 16 4.5 At -Risk Construction ............................................................. .............................27 17 4.6 Pre - Construction Conference ............................................. .............................27 la 4.7 Construction of Public Utilities and Facilities ..................... .............................27 19 4.8 Inspections and Certifications ............................................. .............................27 20 4.9 As -Built Construction Plans .................................................. .............................27 21 4.10 Maintenance Bond ............................................................... .............................27 22 4.11 Acceptance of Improvements ........................................... .............................28 23 CHAPTER 5 - FEES. ................................................................... 29 24 5.1 Area Park, Recreational, and Cultural Requirements ...... .............................29 25 5.2 Emergency Siren Fee ........................................................... .............................31 26 5.3 Additional Infrastruuture Payback Fees ............................. .............................33 27 CHAPTER 6 - CHANGE OF LIMITS OF ACCESS .................... .............................33 28 6.1 Intentions ................................................................................ .............................33 29 6.2 Application ............................................................................ .............................33 30 CHAPTER 7 — LOT SPLITS LOT COMBINATIONS AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS 35 31 7.1 Intentions and Definition ...................................................... .............................35 32 7.2 Application Procedure ......................................................... .............................38 33 7.3 Review Procedure ................................................................. .............................38 34 7.4 Approval Guidelines ............................................................ .............................39 3 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 IN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CHAPTER 8 — EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY CLOSURE .............................40 8.1 Intentions .............................................................................. ............................... 40 8.2 Application Procedure ......................................................... .............................40 8.1 Approval Procedure ............................................................. .............................40 8.1 Right to Reopen ..................................................................... .............................40 CHAPTER 9 — BUILDING PERMITS .......................................... .............................42 9.1 Intentions .............................................................................. ............................... 42 CHAPTER 10- DEFINITIONS AND USAGE .............................. .............................43 10.1 Usage ..................................................................................... .............................43 10.2 Words and Terms Defined .................................................... .............................43 FIGURES 1 Preliminary Plat Flowchart .................................................... .............................12 2 Final Plat Flowchart ............................................................... .............................15 3 Right of Way Widths .............................................................. .............................19 4 Sidewalk Widths .................................................................... .............................21 5 Lot Types ................................................................................ .............................23 6 Change of Access Flowchart .............................................. .............................34 7 Typical Lot Split Configuration .................................. .............................36 8 Typical Lot Line Adjustment Configuration ................. .............................37 9 Easement and Rights -Of -Way Closure Flowchart ....... .............................41 4 CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 1.1 Title. These Regulations shall hereafter be known, cited, and referred to as the 3 "Subdivision Regulations of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma" and herein be referred to as a "these Regulations." 5 6 1.2 Purpose and Intentions. 7 1.2.1 Purpose. These Regulations and Standards for the subdivision of land are intended to s ensure the development and maintenance of a safe, healthy, attractive, and 9 efficient community and to provide for the conservation of its human and physical 10 resources. The arrangement of parcels of land in Owasso for residential, office, 11 commercial, and industrial uses and for public needs, such as streets and easements, 12 will to a large degree determine the health, safety, economy, and quality of life in 13 the city. As such, the arrangement of said parcels of land are a public concern and to should be held to the certain minimum requirements adopted herein, to protect the 15 public health, safety, and general welfare. 16 1.2.2 Intentions. These Regulations are specifically intended to: 17 a. Establish a subdivision process that is as expeditious and efficient as possible is while providing for public health, safety, and general welfare; 19 b. Harmoniously relate the development of various tracts of land to the existing 20 community and facilitate the future development of adjoining tracts, all in 21 accordance with the adopted GrOwasso Land Use Master Plan; 22 c. Provide that the cost of improvements which primarily benefit the tract of 23 land being developed be borne by the owners or developers of the tract; 24 d. Provide the best possible design for the tract; 25 e. Provide a proper arrangement of streets and assure the adequacy of open 26 spaces for traffic and access of emergency vehicles commensurate with the 27 intensification of land use customarily incident to a change of zoning; 28 f. Reconcile any differences of interest; 29 g. Ensure proper legal descriptions, monumenting of land, and adequate and 30 accurate platting and records of land subdivision; 31 h. Ensure that public facilities and utilities are available that will have sufficient 32 capacity to serve the proposed subdivision and the general community; 33 L Promote development that will preserve the natural beauty and physical 34 characteristics of the land and will intrude upon the environment to the least 35 possible extent; and 36 j. Encourage designs which will require minimal maintenance of public 37 improvements by the City. 5 1 1.3 Authori ty. These Regulations and Standards for land development are adopted under 2 the authority granted by Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 11, Sections 41 -101 through 41- 3 115, and 45 -101 through 45 -106. 4 1.4 Jurisdiction. These Regulations shall apply to all subdivision of land located within the 5 corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 6 1.5 Subdivision Plat Requirement and Exceptions. For the purposes of promoting the public 7 health, safety, and general welfare, as well as for the purposes of providing a proper 8 arrangement of streets and adequacy of open space, the following platting 9 requirement is established: 10 For any land which has been annexed into the City of Owasso limits and /or rezoned 11 upon application of a private party, no new Building Permit shall be issued until that 12 portion of the tract on which the permit is sought has been included within a subdivision 13 plat or replat, as the case may be, submitted to and approved by the Planning 14 Commission and City Council, and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk 15 where the property is situated. The Administrator, or their designee, pursuant to their 16 exclusive jurisdiction of subdivision plats, may remove the platting requirement upon a 17 determination that the above - stated purposes have been achieved by the previous 18 platting or other means, or could not be achieved by a plat or replat. 19 Additionally, the Administrator may allow an individual to submit a preliminary and final 20 plat simultaneously where the nature of the development indicates such an exception 21 would otherwise not be contrary to the intent of these Regulations, such as in the case 22 of a proposed one lot one block plat. 23 1.6 Plat Vacation and Alterations. No vacation of a plat or any parts thereof, except by 24 action of the District Court, shall be valid or impart notice until after the required consent 25 of such platted area is presented to the City Council and the approval of the Council is 26 entered thereon. All vacations or alterations of a final approved filed Plat shall require 27 the approval of the Planning Commission and City Council and the filing of a corrected 28 plat, approved deed, or accepted easement. Alterations of a plat without approval 29 shall constitute a violation of these Regulations. 30 1.7 Variance of Regulations. Whenever the tract to be subdivided is of such unusual size or 31 shape or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that the strict 32 application of the requirements contained in these Regulations result in substantial 33 hardship or inequity, the Planning Commission may vary or modify, and /or except as 34 otherwise indicated, such requirements of design but not of procedure or 35 improvements, so that the Subdivider may develop their property in a reasonable 36 manner, but so that at the same time, the public welfare and interests of the City are 37 protected and the purpose and intentions of these Regulations are preserved. Such 38 modification may be granted upon written request of the Subdivider stating the reason 39 for each modification and may be waived by three - fourths (3/4) vote of the members 40 of the Planning Commission present, subject to the acceptance of the plat and the 41 dedications thereon by the City Council. If three - fourths (3/4) of the members of the 42 Planning Commission are not present at the meeting at which the variance is to be 43 heard, said variance cannot be approved. 1 1.7.1 Board of Adjustment Action. Prior to Planning Commission action to allow a variance 2 of these regulations, the Owasso Board of Adjustment shall grant all applicable 3 zoning variance(s) allowing such alternations to these requirements. 4 1.8 Promulgation of Rules and Regulations. Please refer to Chapter 3, Section 12 -301 of the 5 Owasso Code of Ordinances for information concerning the Promulgation of Rules and 6 Regulations. 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 nF G /"6, !"e I w. of g n fe. .,Ln a ..deele e n# Gf f 'I F F the h 1 a N y / \ I 16 17 R I n,-0 Ree y r e., eN IGtiG Shill l n e n.J be bj f f City r 'I Y F � � 18 19 r° eGI Rules n. Dey IG#9 .thin the II ff d F fFGMG, h D d 20 peel IGtienS Shall ha..n the ferrn Rd effee# ei le.., 21 1.9 Separability of Provisions. If any Section, clause, paragraph, provision or portion of these 22 Regulations shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent 23 jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other Section, clause, paragraph, provision 24 or portion of these Regulations. 25 1.10 Conflict with State or Federal Regulations. If these regulations are inconsistent with state 26 or federal law, the more restrictive provision governs, to the extent allowed by law. The 27 more restrictive provision is the one that imposes more stringent controls. 28 1.11 Conflict with Private Agreements and Covenants. These regulations do no abrogate or 29 annul any easement, covenant, deed restriction or other agreement between private 30 parties. If these regulations impose a greater restriction than imposed by an agreement 31 or covenant among private parties, these regulations govern. The Planning Commission 32 is not responsible for monitoring or enforcing agreements or covenants among private 33 parties. 34 1.12 Penalty. Any person or persons, firm, or corporation who violate any of the provisions of 35 these Regulations, or fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, 36 shall be deemed guilty of an offense shall be fined in accordance with the City of 37 Owasso Code of Ordinances. 38 #fed ten # L. II #'# # GIGYS iMfetGR eRt EGGh GIG. ' a Gh ., nlG# n Shall be eFm 39 40 ;r,4464e GM, ' nrenor Fe enferee these o fi day's ,.c' a„ GF prGGeedings . Each 41 violation thereof shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the other remedies 42 provided herein, the City may institute any proper action or proceedings to enforce 43 these Regulations. 1 1.13 Technical Advisory Committee on Plats - Duties. It shall be the responsibility of the 2 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to meet together on the call of the Administrator, 3 who shall serve as Chairperson, to review and study all Preliminary Plats, Final Plats, and 4 Lot Splits /Lot Combinations /Lot Line Adjustments and to submit its findings and 5 recommendations to the Planning Commission. 6 1.14 Technical Advisory Committee on Plats - Membership. The membership of the Technical 7 Advisory Committee shall consist of one representative of each of the following 8 agencies, companies, and City Departments or other such public officials as the City 9 Manager, or their designee, may designate: to a. City Manager, 11 b. Public Works Department; 12 c. City Attorney's Office; 13 d. Community Development Department; 14 e. Building and Permitting Division; 15 f. Fire Department; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 g. Police Department; h. County Engineer of the involved county; L A natural gas company representative; j. An electric company representative; k. A cable television company representative; I. A telephone company representative; and m. A Planning Commission representative. 1.15 Minimum Design Criteria In enacting the various provisions of these regulations and in promulgating any rules deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of these regulations, the City of Owasso is merely setting forth certain minimum standards for design and construction. By setting forth these minimum standards, neither the City of Owasso nor any of its staff are making any assurances that these minimum design standards are sufficient. Any person owning such land or developing land within the City limits must rely on their own design professionals to design their facilities, be it public or private, in accordance with the intentions of these regulations. When the City staff examines proposed plats and their supporting documents for conformity with these regulations, such review merely is being performed to determine whether or not the minimum standards are met by the design and layout depicted on the proposed project and its supporting documents. The approval of these documents does not assure any person that the designs are adequate for the purposes intended. Neither the enactment of these regulations nor review of improvements to be constructed or proposed under these regulations shall in any manner create liability for the City of Owasso to the owner, developer, or contractor nor to any person affected by the activities of such owner, developer, or contractor. 8 CHAPTER 2 - SUBDIVISION PLAT PROCEDURES 2 2.1 Process. 3 2.1.1 Requirement. Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, and before any permit is a issued for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision, the owner of the 5 land or their agent shall apply for and secure both Planning Commission and City 6 Council approval of a Final Plat for such proposed subdivision. 7 2.1.2 Procedure. The proposed subdivision shall be processed as follows: a a. Pre - development conference; 9 b. Application for Preliminary Plat 10 MGY b9giR •� #h step F of this list), (proposed subdivision(s) containing only one 11 lot may begin with the Final Plat application, or as determined by the 12 Administrator or their designee); 13 c. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) review of the Preliminary Plat, 14 d. Planning Commission review of the Preliminary Plat; 15 e. Revision of the Preliminary Plat, if required; 16 f. Application for the Final Plat; 17 g. Submission of Construction Plans for approval to Public Works and the tE Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ); 19 h. TAC review of the Final Plat; 20 i. City Addressing Coordinator provides official addresses for the Final plat; 21 j. Planning Commission review of the Final Plat; 22 k. Obtain Public Works and DEQ approval of the Construction Plans; 23 I. City Council review and approval of the Final Plat; 24 m. Certification of the Final Plat; 25 n. Record the certified Final Plat with the appropriate County officials and return 26 file- stamped original plats to the Administrator, 27 o. Pre - construction conference; 28 p. Construction of subdivision improvements in accordance with the approved 29 Construction Plans; and 30 q.. Council acceptance of subdivision improvements. 31 2.2 Pfe -Blab Pre - Development Conference. A pre — development conference shall be held 32 between the applicant proposing to subdivide property and the Administrator to discuss 33 Zoning Code requirements, subdivision design requirements, platting procedures, 34 improvements, layout and construction. 35 2.3 Preliminary Plat. 1 2.3.1 Purpose. The purpose of the Preliminary Plat is to provide an interim step in the 2 procedure when the Subdivider shall submit a proposed Preliminary Plat containing the 3 subsequent information outlined below. It is at this point that the items discussed at the 4 pre- development conference are shown and the development is examined to see if it s conforms to the Subdivision Regulations. 6 2.3.2 Submittal., The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to 7 one (1) inch or larger. All printing shall be clear and legible. All sheets shall be of a 8 consistent size of twenty -four (24) inches by thirty -six (36) inches. For larger subdivision, 9 two (2) sheets may be used. Each sheet shall be sealed by a registered professional 10 engineer. The Preliminary Plat shall contain or be accompanied with the following 11 information: 12 a. The subdivision shall have a unique name that shall not duplicate or closely 13 resemble names of other existing subdivisions in Tulsa or Rogers Counties; 14 b. The names and addresses of the owner(s) of record, the Subdivider(s), and the 15 registered engineer or land surveyor preparing the Plat; 16 c. An accurate legal description of the property and a complete boundary, survey 17 showing the dimensions, distances to the nearest one - hundredth foot, bearings 18 to the nearest second and acreage to the nearest one - hundredth acre; 19 d. The scale, north point, and date; 20 e. The key or location map, at a legible scale, showing the locations of subdivisions 21 within the mile section; 22 f. The location of property lines of adjoining unplatted land and the names of 23 adjoining subdivisions and the location of City limits boundaries if adjoining the 24 subdivision; 25 g. The topography with contour intervals of not more than two (2) feet shall be 26 shown on the property and a minimum of 100 feet beyond the property 27 boundary based on United States and Geodetic Survey data;. 28 h. The location and description of all existing structures and appurtenances; 29 i. The locations of all ponds, lakes, and streams as well as the areas subject to 30 flooding based upon the regulatory flood; 31 j. Any Army Corp of Engineers (CORPS) regulated stream /waterbody on or 32 adjacent to the subject property, along with any associated buffer requirements 33 to said waterbodies 34 k. The location, width, and name of each existing or proposed street or other 35 public way, railroad and utility easement, bridge, and park or other public open 36 space within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision; 37 I. The locations and widths of easements of all oil, gas, and petroleum product 38 pipelines within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision; 39 m. The location of every existing or abandoned oil or gas well or dry hole drilled in 40 search of oil or gas as shown by the records of the Oklahoma Corporation in I Commission and by such records as may be on file with the Planning 2 Commission; 3 n. The location of facilities and land to be considered for dedication to public use 4 or to be reserved for use of all property owners in the subdivision and any s conditions of such dedications or reservations; 6 o. All proposed lots consecutively numbered, their dimensions, and all building 7 setback lines; 8 p. All blocks consecutively numbered; 9 q. Draft of Restrictive Covenants; 10 r_ All names of abutting property owners, adjacent subdivision names, and 11 adjacent zoning designations; 12 s. Any driveways, easements, infrastructure and utility appurtenances on and 13 adjacent to the property; and 14 t. Any other information as may be deemed by the Planning Commission as 15 reasonably necessary for the full and proper consideration of the proposed 16 subdivision. 17 2.3.3 Submittal, The Subdivider shall submit ��•°^'24) five (5) copies of the Preliminary T8 Plat, application, and application fee to the Administrator no later than the first (15}) 19 business day of the month of the TAC meeting at which time the Plat will be 20 reviewed. 21 2.3.4 Review of Preliminary Plats. The Administrator upon receipt of the Preliminary Plat and 22 Fees shall: 23 a. Distribute copies of the Preliminary Plat to the Technical Advisory Committee; 24 b. Set the Plat on the relevant TAC and Planning Commission agendas; 25 c, Review the Plat for conformance with the Owasso Zoning Code and these 26 Regulations; 27 d. Prepare recommendations for submission to the TAC and Planning Commission; 28 The Technical Advisory Committee shall review the Preliminary Plat and make 29 recommendations to the Planning Commission. At a public hearing, the Planning 30 Commission shall accept, accept with modifications, or continue to a date certain 31 the Preliminary Plat. Refer to Figure 1, Preliminary Plat Flowchart, below. 32 Such Planning Commission action will be conveyed to the applicant in writing within 33 five (5) days after the meeting in which the Plat was considered. The Subdivider shall 34 be notified of the reasons for such action and what requirements will be necessary 35 for the Final Plat to meet the approval of the Commission. It is responsibility of the 36 applicant to have a representative at all meetings. 37 The acceptance of the Preliminary Plat does not constitute acceptance of the 38 subdivision, but rather is considered to be an authorization to proceed with the 39 preparation of the Final Plat. 40 11 Figure 1, Preliminary Plat Flowchart. PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCESS i Pre - Application Meeting with Planning Staff i Submittal of Application Packet and Applicable Fees Public Hearing Scheduled i Staff Review I Technical Advisory Committee Meeting I i Resubmit Preliminary Plat Affer Addressing TAC Comments I I Owasso Planning Commission Hearing i Approval Denial 2 3 2.3.5 Preliminary Plat Expiration. The approval of a Preliminary Plat shall be effective for a 4 period of one (1) year from the date of approval by the Planning Commission, at the s end of which time approval of the Final Plat must have been obtained from the City e Council. Unless the Administrator grants an extension in writing, any Preliminary Plat 7 not receiving Final Plat approval within one (1) year shall be null and void. In the e event of the Subdivider wishing to submit individual Final Plats for only a specific 9 portion or portions of an approved overall Preliminary Plat, rather than an overall Final io Plat, the Subdivider shall secure approval of all associated Final Plats within two (2) 11 years of overall Preliminary Plat approval; failure to do so will result in the Preliminary 12 Plat being considered null and void. Every Plat shall conform to existing Subdivision 13 Regulations applicable at the time of approval of the Preliminary Plat, unless 14 modifications have been granted. 15 2.4 Final Plat. 12 1 2.4.1 Application. The Subdivider shall submit 'we 99) five (5) copies of the Final 2 Plat and Restrictive Covenants to the Administrator no later than the first list) business 3 day of the month of the TAC meeting at which the Plat will be reviewed. The Final 4 Plat shall be accompanied by an application, the forms for which shall be supplied 5 by the Administrator, and a fee as established by Ordinance. Requests for exceptions 6 to these Regulations or Requirements of the Preliminary Plat shall be submitted in 7 accordance with these Regulations. 8 2.4.2 Submittal. All sheets shall be of a consistent size of twenty -four (24) inches by thirty -six 9 (36) inches. Each sheet shall be sealed by a registered professional engineer. The Final 10 Plat shall contain or be accompanied with the following information 11 2.4.2 Contents. The Final Plat shall show: 12 a. The subdivision shall have a unique name that shall not duplicate or closely 13 resemble names of other existing subdivisions in Tulsa or Rogers Counties; 14 b. The name and address of the owner(s) of record, the Subdivider(s) and the 1s registered engineer or land surveyor preparing the Plat. Official seals of the 16 engineer or surveyor are required; n c. The accurate legal description of the subdivision referenced to section, range 18 and township, based on an accurate traverse, giving angular and linear 19 dimensions which must mathematically close. The allowable error of closure 20 on any portion of a Final Plat shall be one (1) foot in five thousand (5,000); 21 d. The location of monuments shown in reference to existing United States 22 Coastal and Geodetic Survey data, or the nearest established street lines, 23 including true angles and distances, to such reference points or monuments; 24 e. The date of preparation of the Plat, north arrow, and scale (written and 25 graphic presentation); 26 f. The key or location map showing location and name of subdivisions within the 27 mile section; 28 g. The total acreage and total number of lots of the subdivision shown near the 29 key or location map; 30 h. The names of all adjacent subdivisions and the names, locations, and widths 31 of all existing streets, easements, drainage ways, and other public ways 32 adjacent to the property; 33 i. Location of lots, streets, public highways, alleys, parks, building lines, limits of 34 no access, and other features with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals 35 of feet and distances, angles, and /or bearings. Where these lines follow a 36 curve, the central angle, radius, point of curvature, length of curve, and 37 length of intermediate tangents shall be shown; 38 j. The blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the 39 lots numbered consecutively throughout each block, with areas to be 40 excluded from platting marked "reserved" or "not for public use "; 13 I k. Locations and accurate dimensions of all property offered for dedication for 2 public use and all property reserved for the common use of the property 3 owners within the subdivision, with purpose indicated. This includes, but is not 4 limited to, dedication of streets and alleys, parks, drainage ways, or other 5 areas dedicated or reserved for public use; 6 I. The names of all streets to be dedicated, street naming as provided by the 7 City Addressing Coordinator; 8 m. All lot addresses, as provided by the City Addressing Coordinator, unless 9 specifically instructed that addressing will occur at the site plan phase of 10 development review; 11 n. The dimensions of all lots and lot lines and the bearings of those lot lines not 12 parallel or perpendicular to the street right -of -way line; 13 o. Location and dimensions of all easements, including trails, to be dedicated. 14 All easements shall be denoted by fine dashed lines, clearly identified, and if 15 already a file of record, the recorded reference (book and page and /or 16 document number) of such easements. The width of an easement with 17 sufficient ties to locate it definitely with respect to the subdivision must be 18 shown; 19 p. Easements located outside the boundaries of the Plat that are required for 20 Plat approval. Proof of executed easements shall be provided to the City 21 upon request of a permit to construct; 22 q. The deeds of dedication for all rights -of -way, easements, and other properties 23 as well as any deed restrictions applicable to the subdivision shall be shown; 24 r. The location of every oil or gas well, abandoned oil or gas well, or dry hole 25 drilled in search of oil or gas, as certified by the records of the Oklahoma 26 Corporation Commission submitted to the Planning Commission; 27 s. Any Army Corp of Engineers (CORPS) regulated stream on or adjacent to the 28 subject property along with any associated buffer requirements to said streams 29 t. All lots located in a one hundred (100) year flood plain or a designated flood 30 hazard area shall have the finished floor elevation noted on each lot. Said 31 pad elevation shall be a minimum of one (1) foot above the one hundred 32 (100) year flood elevation as identified by Federal Emergency Management 33 Agency (FEMA) or other authority; 34 u. A copy of any private restrictions /covenants affecting the subdivision or any 35 part thereof attached to each Plat; 36 v. Reference to any separate instruments which directly affect land being 37 subdivided, including restrictive covenants, filed in the Office of the County 38 Recorder of Deeds; and 39 w. On the plat face, include language 'Addresses shown on this plat were 40 provided by the City of Owasso, and were accurate at the time this plat was 14 I filed. Addresses are subject to change and should never be relied on in place 2 of the legal description; and 3 x. Any other information as may be deemed by the Planning Commission as 4 reasonably necessary for the full and proper consideration of the proposed 5 subdivision. 6 2.4.3 Technical Advisory Committee Action. The Technical Advisory Committee shall review 7 the Final Plat to ensure that all requirements have been satisfied. If any required items e are not shown on the Final Plat, the TAC shall identify the requirements on a copy of the 9 Final Plat, which shall be retained by the Administrator. Refer to Figure 2, Final Plat 10 Flowchart, below. 11 2.4.4 Final Plat Addressing. The City Addressing Coordinator shall provide the official 12 addressing for all lots, and street names for the plat as needed, approved by the City 13 Addressing Committee to the applicant as a part of the provided TAC comments to the 14 Final Plat. The addresses and street names assigned shall be displayed on the final plat 15 by the applicant before final approval and execution. 16 2.4.5 Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall act upon the Final Plat after 17 it has been submitted for final approval unless the stipulation for additional time is 18 agreed to by the developer. If the Final Plat is disapproved, grounds for the refusal shall 19 be stated in writing, a copy of which shall be transmitted to the applicant. Refer to 20 Figure 2, Final Plat Flowchart, below. 21 2.4.6 City Council Action. The City Council shall act upon the Final Plat subdivision of public 22 land and for the acceptance of public ways, service and utility easements, and land 23 dedicated to public use. Approval of the Final Plat shall in no way be construed as 24 acceptance of the public works improvements. The disapproval of any plat or plan by 25 the City Council shall be deemed a refusal of the proposed dedication shown thereon. 26 Refer to Figure 2, Final Plat Flowchart, below. 27 2e Figure 2, Final Plat Flowchart. 15 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 to tt 12 13 14 FINAL PLAT PROCESS Pre - Application Meeting with Planning Staff Submittal of Application Packet and Applicable Fees Public Hearings Scheduled I Staff Review I Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Resubmit Final Plat After Addressing TAC Comments I Owasso Planning commission Hearing I I Owasso City Council Hearing I Approval I I Denial I Final Plat Filed with the County I 2.4.7 Droffino. The Final Plat prepared for recording purposes shall be drawn at a scale of at least one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet or larger scale. The drawing surface of any such Plat shall have a binding margin of two (2) inches at the left side of the Plat and a margin not less than one (1) inch at the right side. Where the proposed Plat is of unusual size, the Final Plat may be submitted on two (2) or more sheets of the same dimensions. If more than two (2) sheets are required, an index sheet of the some dimensions shall be filed showing the entire development. 2.4.8 Certifications. The following certifications shall be required on the Final Plat filed of record in the Office of the County Clerk: a. Certification signed and acknowledged by all parties having any title interest in the land subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recording of the Plat as submitted. All copies of the Plat shall carry the original signatures of the owner or owners and notary public; 16 b. Certification by the registered land surveyor or registered engineer as to the 2 accuracy of the survey and of the Plot, and that the monuments and bench 3 marks are accurate as to location shown; and 4 c. Certification by the Mayor and City Clerk, or Deputy City Clerk, of the approval s of the Plat by the City Council, 6 2.4.9 Prints to be Furnished After Final Aooroval of the Plat. A minimum of elevep (11) two (2) 7 copies (1 mylar and 1 paper) of the approved Final Plat shall be furnished for 8 endorsement by the appropriate City officials. Each copy shall bear the original 9 signatures of the owner or owners and be duly acknowledged. 10 After the approved Final Plat is filed of record in the Office of the County Clerk, the 11 Subdivider shall return to the City eight one (1) certified plat, with the appropriate 12 stamps, signatures, and plat number from the County Clerk. IRIASS ^ ° +^ ^{° ^ +hepoAse 13 14 to the Qty- plonner 15 After the Final Plat has been executed by all required officials, the Administrator shall 16 distribute copies to appropriate officials, agencies or departments, and utility 17 companies and retain file copies in the offices of the City Clerk and City Planner. 18 2.4.10 Aooroval and Recordina of Plats Required. No Plat or other land subdivision instrument 19 shall be filed in the Office of the County Clerk until it has been approved by the City 20 Council as required. A Final Plat shall be filed within six (6) months of the approval of the 21 City Council. Failure to record the Plat within six (6) months of the date of the City 22 Council approval shall void all approvals thereto, unless a written extension is granted 23 by the Administrator. 24 2.5 Fees. Preliminary Plat Application Fee; Final Plat Application Fee, Lot Split Application 25 Fee, Inspection Fees, and other pertinent fees shall be paid in accordance with the Fee 26 Schedule as established by resolution by the City Council. 27 2.6 Planned Unit Development. The platting of Planned Unit Developments shall proceed in 28 accordance with the information in the relevant Chapters in these Regulations. A PUD 29 must be approved by the City Council in accordance with the Owasso Zoning Code 30 prior to being platted and subdivided. 31 17 CHAPTER 3 - SUBDIVISIONS 2 3.1 General. Subdivision design shall reflect the provisions of the Owasso Zoning Code, 3 Owasso Engineering Design Criteria, other City Ordinances, and these Regulations to 4 the end that each subdivision will relate harmoniously with adjacent areas and the s community in an orderly, safe, efficient, and attractive manner. 6 3.2 Access f Streets. 7 3.2.1 Access to Maior Streets and Highways. Each lot of a subdivision shall be provided with e access to a public street, approved private street, or highway to assure convenience 9 for the lot owner as well as to provide for the layout of utilities, waste removal, deliveries, 10 11 and emergency services. . Pro WA FeSt9G#R9iR9FeSG AGI o S +_ ., he ._G, IF8GI loy the Plan iR_q 12 . _ _#moir ... 13 14 15 If . a property with 16 frontage along a major street or highway is proposed to be subdivided or developed, 17 decision - making bodies are authorized to restrict access to the respective street or to highway and require that the developer take one or more of the following actions. 19 20 a. Create through lots that back onto the major street or highway and front 21 onto and take access from a parallel street, coupled with the installation of 22 a fence, wall or vegetative visual screen along the major street or highway 23 frontage; 24 25 b. Provide a frontage road separated from the major street or highway; 26 22 c. Establish deed restrictions or other legally enforceable means of preventing 29 private driveway access to the major street or highway; or 29 30 d. Provide a cross - access easement to abutting properties that front on the same 31 major street or highway. 32 33 e. Restricting ingress and egress to streets may be required by the Planning 34 Commission and /or City Council to assure traffic safety and to relieve 35 congestion at intersections. 36 37 3.2.2 Sinale - Family Residential Lots. Individual single - family residential lots shall not generally 38 derive access from arterial streets or highways, but shall rather take access from local 39 streets. If a single - family residential lot does have direct frontage along an arterial street 40 or highway, the exact location of any access point(s) shall be determined at such a 41 time as when a Building Permit application is filed, if the subdivision governing the 42 property does not delineate Limits of No Access. 0 1 3.2.3 Double Frontage or Through Lots. Double frontage lots shall be avoided except where 2 necessary to provide separation of residential development from traffic arterials or to 3 overcome specific issues related to topography or other physical constraints. 4 3.2.5 Abutting Railroad or Hfahway Right -of -Way. Where a subdivision abuts or contains a 5 railroad right -of -way or limited access highway right -of -way, the Planning Commission or 6 City Council may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such 7 right -of -way at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land. Such 8 distances shall also be determined with regard for the requirements of approach 9 grades and grade separation. 10 3.2.6 Through Traffic. Minor streets shall be arranged so that their use by through traffic will be I r discouraged. Industrial and commercial streets shall not inject non - residential traffic into 12 residential areas. The arrangement of streets within a subdivision shall, except for cul -de- 13 sacs, connect with streets already dedicated in adjoining subdivisions or provide for 14 future connections to adjoining unplatted tracts. 15 3.2.7 Adjacent Progerties. Where adjoining properties are not subdivided, the arrangement 16 of streets shall be projected to the boundary of the proposed subdivision with provisions tt made for a temporary right -of -way for a turnaround of a size acceptable to the City to Engineer and Fire Marshal. Barricades shall be installed at dead -end streets with signs t9 indicating "future connection ". Alignments, grades, drainage, and other appropriate 20 design criteria of all streets within and bordering new subdivisions shall be governed by 21 these Regulations, where applicable, and by the Engineering Design Criteria of the City. 22 3.2.8 Reserve Strips. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except 23 where approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. 24 3.2.9 Future Development. Where a tract to be subdivided includes only a portion of the tract 25 owned or intended for development by the Subdivider, a tentative plan of a proposed 26 future street system for the unsubdivided remainder of the property shall be prepared 27 and submitted by the Subdivider. 28 3.2.10 Private Streets. Private streets shall not be approved, except when required by state 29 law, or in connection with a Planned Unit Development having appropriate controls. 30 3.2.11 Street Offsets. Street offsets with center line offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150) 31 feet shall not be allowed. 32 3.2.12 Dedication of Right -of -Way. Whenever an arterial is located adjacent to the outer edge 33 of a subdivision, one half (%) of the right -of -way necessary to widen the arterial to as 34 deemed necessary by the current 35 adopted Engineering Design Criteria, unless otherwise addressed in the adopted 36 Transportation Master Plan, or as deemed necessary by City Engineer or designees, shall 37 be dedicated, if it is determined by the Planning Commission and City Council that such 38 dedication is equitable and feasible for the other half of the right -of -way from the 39 adjacent property. Half street dedications on minor streets are prohibited.. 40 3213 Cul- de-sac Streets. All dead -end streets having a length of more than one hundred fifty 41 (150) feet shall terminate in a cul- de-sac which has a circular turn around having a 42 minimum right -of -way radius of €ri#y (39) sixty (60) feet and a pavement radius of fer#y 43 {49) -fifty (50) feet. No such dead end cul- de-sac street shall be more than six hundred 44 (600) feet in length measured from the entrance to the center of the turnaround. 19 I Any dead -end streets having a length of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet shall not 2 terminate in a private drive. 3 Dead end streets without a cul- de-sac should be limited to any street not containing a 4 lot that requires refuse pickup. If there is a proposed road extension on a temporary 5 dead -end road that has any lots on it, then a temporary cul-de -sac or hammerhead 6 turn- around is required. 7 3.2.14 Collector Streets Collector streets shall be so located as to provide for smooth traffic 3 flow from local streets to arterials. Collector streets should normally be continuous for 9 distances of not more than one half (%) mile, and offsets which are likely to induce 10 continuing of traffic flow beyond that distance shall be avoided. 11 3.2.13 Street Names and Numbers. No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be 12 confused with the names of existing streets. All north and south thoroughfares shall be 13 designated "Avenues ", all east and west thoroughfares shall be designated as "Street" 14 "Court", "Circle" or "Place ", and numbering of streets shall be according to the Tulsa 15 County system. The exception to this shall be in the Owasso Original Town area which is 16 generally defined by the original Cherokee Nation Plat. Where a street is an extension 17 of an existing street, the existing name shall be used. Where a new street is not an xa extension of an existing street, new names or numbers may be used subject to the 19 approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. 20 1 of oddre moors ch.gll be eetghIkhAd r.rt ehr...,r. OR on nddress I F by the 21 22 c The beliy de r Shull r.. L the ti if 23 CInd ;h GI1 c hrr. t r. th fiRGI Lvt throe (3) .. r t the F I dd I i The !"h OI 24 25 of lntc The Administrator shall be responsible for the coordination of addressing lots, 26 naming streets, and changing the addresses of lots. Lot address numbers and street 27 names shall be established by the City Addressing Coordinator and then shown on the 28 Final Plat by the Subdivider. Corner lots will be assigned addresses at to accommodate 29 all possible frontages at platting; upon permitting, the final address will be determined 30 based on which street the main structure fronts. 31 3.2.14 Intersections. Streets shall be designed to intersect at right angles or as near to right 32 angles as possible. Within subdivisions, three -way intersections are preferable to four - 33 way intersections. Right-of-way corners at residential -to- residenfial intersections shall 34 have a minimum radius of twenty -five (25) feet. Right -of -way corners involving all other 35 intersections shall have a minimum radius of forty (40) feet. 36 3.2.15 Street Layout. Local roads shall be curved whenever possible to avoid uniformity of lot 37 appearance and to slow traffic. All streets shall be arranged to be lower than the 38 adjoining so as to obtain as many as possible of the building sites at, or above, the 39 grades of the streets. Unless a Variance is approved by the Owasso Board of Adjustment 40 for reason of topographical uniqueness or hardship, all building sites shall be situated 41 above the grades of the streets. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to 42 the original topography. A combination of steep grades and curves shall be avoided. 43 Specific standards are contained in the Owasso Engineering Design Criteria. 44 All streets shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of 45 thoroughfares and dedicated right -of -way as already established. 20 I Minor or local streets shall be laid out to conform as much as possible to the 2 topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit efficient drainage and utility 3 systems, and to require the minimum number of streets necessary to provide convenient 4 and safe access to property. s The rigid rectangular grid street pattern should be avoided and the use of curvilinear 6 streets, cul -de -sacs, or U- shaped streets shall be encouraged where such use will result in 7 a more desirable layout. 8 Unless maintained by a homeowners' association, islands in streets shall be avoided. 9 32 16 Right -of -Wav Widths. Minimum right -of -way of all proposed streets shall be of the width to specified in the adopted Transportation Master Plan, or as deemed necessary by City 11 Engineer or designees, or if no width is specified therein, the minimum width from the 12 section line shall be as follows: 13 Figure 3. Right of Way Widths Type of Street Minimum Right -of -Way Width Highway As required by the standards of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Arterial 4004ee# 120 feet* Commercial or Industrial Collector 80 feet Residential Collector 60 feet ** Residential Local 50 feet Commercial Alley 30 feet Residential Alley 294eef 30 feet Cul- de-Sac Radius 50 feet 60 feet 14 *Arterial Streets shall show an additional twenty s (26) twenty (20) feet of right -of -way 15 width for one hundred (100) feet in each direction from Arterial Street intersections to 16 allow for right turn lanes. 17 '"Collector Streets shall show an additional thirteen (13) feet of right -of -way width for 18 one hundred (100) feet in each direction from Arterial Street intersections to allow for a 19 center turn lane. 20 3.2.17 Paving Width. The minimum paving width for all streets shall conform to the Owasso 21 Design Criteria. 22 3.2.18 Grades. The grades of streets shall conform to the requirements of the Owasso Design 23 Criteria. 24 3.2.19 Street Alignments. The horizontal and vertical alignments of streets shall conform to the 25 requirements of the Owasso Design Criteria. 26 3.2.20 Approach Angle. Street and alley approach angle(s) shall not exceed a grade change 27 of 10% or as defined by the current adopted Fire Code and Owasso Design Criteria. 28 3.2.21 Traffic Colmina Devices. Traffic Calming Devices, including but not limited to speed 29 tables /speed humps, signage, raised crosswalks /intersections, striping, and /or narrowing 30 of roadways, may be required for straight lengths of roadway in excess of three 21 1 hundred and fifty (350'), or at the discretion of the Community Development Director or 2 their designee. 3 3.3 Alleys. 4 3.3.1 Commercial and Industrial Districts. Alleys may be required by the Planning Commission s and City Council in commercial and industrial zoned districts to provide service access, 6 off - street loading and unloading, parking, and access for police and fire fighting 7 services. Such alleys shall be not less than thirty (30) feet in width of right -of -way. s 3.3.2 Residential Districts. Alleys are not required for residentially zoned properties, but when 9 provided shall not be less than fi•I -,20) thirty (30) feet in width of right -of -way. 10 3.3.3 Alignment. Horizontal changes in alignment shall be gradual and at intersection corners T T shall have a radius of lweq#y (20) twenty -five (25) feet if connecting to a residential local 12 or a radius of forty (40) feet if connecting to all other street types to permit safe vehicular 13 turning movements. If said alley is adjacent to any utility easements, the radius 14 dimension may be lessened as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or designee. 15 3.3.4 Dead -End Alleys. Dead -end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but where 16 unavoidable, shall be provided with an adequate vehicle turnaround at the terminus as 17 determined by the City Engineer. 18 3.3.5 Obstructions. No obstructions shall be permitted in areas reserved for alleys. 19 3.4 Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all streets in all zoning districts 20 except industrial. Sidewalks must be located inside the right -of -way line or in an 21 alternative location approved by the City or County Engineer. The design and location 22 shall be in accordance with the Owasso Design Criteria. Subdivisions shall include 23 sidewalks located in such a manner that pedestrian access is provided to adjacent 24 land. Subdivisions in RE (Residential Estate) and AG (Agricultural) Zoning Districts are not 25 required to have sidewalks if the development contains a pedestrian trail in a common 26 area or reserve area connecting the development with adjacent properties. 27 3.4.1 Escrowing Sidewalks. In some situations where the City anticipates a new road 28 construction project in the near term, the City may allow the escrowing of sidewalks in 29 lieu of construction. Said allowances shall be determined during the TAC review of the 30 proposed development. An amount that reflects the current market value to install a 31 sidewalk, and all related infrastructure, shall be the fee assessed for this sidewalk escrow; 32 this amount will be calculated on a "per linear foot" basis. 33 3.4.2 Waiver. The City Engineer, or their designee, may waive or defer the requirement for 34 sidewalk installation in situations where topography, natural resource constraints or other 35 factors that are unique to the subject property make sidewalk installation impractical. 36 3.4.3 Desion Standards. The minimum sidewalk width is five (5) feet, but this may vary 37 depending upon the location of the development and whether the abutting street is 38 identified as a "complete street" (see Figure 4 below). Sidewalk widths are determined 39 at the time a development proposal is submitted for review. When a sidewalk will 40 provide a connection between existing sidewalks that are less than otherwise required 41 widths, the new sidewalk connection may be constructed to match the width of the 42 adjacent sidewalks. This reduced width option may not be used when one end of the 43 new sidewalk will provide a connection to future sidewalks for new development. In 22 such cases, the new sidewalk must be tapered to provide a transition be -tween differing sidewalk width sections. Figure 4. Sidewalk Widths. Complete Street Non- Complete Street Eight (8) foot wide Five (5) foot on one side of minimum street, Five (5) foot minimum width on the other side 5 3.5 Trails. When a trail or trail extension, as identified in a local comprehensive plan or a 6 trails plan that has been adopted by the governing body is located on the subject 7 property, the Planning Commission is authorized to require that an easement be 8 provided for the trail. Trail easements are to be (20) twenty feet in width. Trail widths 9 shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet. 10 3.6 Easements. 11 3.6.1 General. In the dedication of easements and rights -of -way, the developer shall stipulate 12 that no building, structure, or other above or below ground obstruction shall be placed, 13 constructed, installed, or permitted on such easement or rights -of -way in a manner that 14 will interfere with the installation, operation, maintenance, repairing, removing, or 15 replacing of utilities. 16 3.6.2 Width. Easements shall be of a minimum width of twenty -two (22) feet, eleven (11) feet 17 on each rear lot line and along each side lot line, and seventeen and one half (17.5) 18 feet (or of a width as specified by the Technical Advisory Committee and City Engineer) 19 on the subdivision perimeter for poles, wires, conduits, drainage, sanitary sewer, gas, 20 water, power, cable television, and other utility lines. 21 3.6.3 Continuity. Utility easements shall connect with easements established in adjoining 22 properties. These easements, when approved, shall not thereafter be changed without 23 the approval of the City Council, by Ordinance, after review and recommendation by 24 the City Engineer. 25 3.6.4 Drainage Easements. D GI a9e easements fFr storm sewRPS G;e rear' ^^. Gpeia 26 nnnnle shrrll not be the r.eiw.nn, ..IFGIRG98 ...o,- .hr.r:Sm These ....;..monM MGv' h.. 27 nlnnn the si.Je lot linoe but usuGlly the desire eho' II.d hoe nh fhnf the dFGl . .rill h 28 29 rJrn inner. n .. ents <hnll hn of e ;l 7e 1R rlIew a .. Rt n",.v i....- ng1R ri',. nnA 30 FR4n4§Rc4n. a of the fnr.ilif,• Drainage easements for storm sewers are required for all 31 associated infrastructure that crosses property boundaries and /or flows offsite of the 32 subject property. Open channels shall not be the primary drainage mechanism. These 33 easements may be along the side lot lines, but usually the design should be such that 34 the drainage will be carried in the street right -of -way. Additional right -of -way width may 23 T be required. All drainage easements shall be of a size to allow equipment access for 2 construction and maintenance of the facility. 3 Within residential developments, all open -flow channels must be platted as an 4 individual parcel, to be dedicated to the City or as a Reserve Area to be maintained by s the Home Owner's or Property Owner's Association. Underground storm sewer 6 infrastructure crossing residential lot boundaries shall be allowed so long as said 7 infrastructure is contained within a drainage easement. 8 3.65 Crvonrn nt rvnrJ Olrvh +r nF IA /rv�r !"In n Orr. o A" requests For the r les n of any PYIDIiG 9 TO tlQp--jpAepfQfjpn pg p, JtljppL,4 in +h•r gptir lR +r. +ham, A dr.: n d+ r.+ 41 3.8 Lot Terms 24 Ti1:T7rii r�T.m MUMsr- Gr.LSi�T.s Srrlrtirrrla :�nLllrSt•J'lt1TET'R- T..T -T.i _ • The Gity of C - icight to FeepeR 36 "ac-pteel 37 3.7 Public Areas and Or)en Soaces. Public parks, playgrounds, school sites, and other public 38 areas and open spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and 39 standards set forth in the GampFelcieRSiVe plan and in the ordinances Land Use Master 40 Plan and in the Ordinances and/or Resolutions relating thereto. 41 3.8 Lot Terms 24 1 3.8.1 Access. Every lot shall abut a street dedicated to the public or a private street of an 2 approved Planned Unit Development or other approved access. 3 3.8.2 Through or Double Frontage. Subdivisions should be designed so that lots do not front on 4 two parallel streets except where a row of lots is designed to separate residential 5 development from through traffic or overcome specific disadvantages of terrain and 6 orientation. i 3.8.3 Zoning Code Reauirements. Lot dimensions; yard sizes, building setback line dimensions, 8 and lot areas shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code. 9 3,8.4 Corner Lots. Where possible, lots at the intersections of streets should exceed minimum 10 Zoning Code area requirements to provide adequate building areas and required 11 building setbacks from intersecting streets. 12. 3.8.5 Lot Depth. Unless otherwise stated in the relevant Chapter of the adopted Owasso 13 Zoning Code, excessive lot depth in relation to lot width Is prohibited. The maximum lot 14 depth shall not be greater than the quotient of the lot width divided by 0.45 (45 %). In 15 other words, the maximum lot depth = lot width / 0.45. 16 3.8.6 Lot Lines. Side lot lines should be approximately at right angles to straight street lines or 17 radial to curved street lines.. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3.8.7 Parking and Loading Commercial and Industrial lots should be of an appropriate size and shape to provide for adequate off - street parking and loading facilities. 3.8.8 Lot Types. The most common lot types are illustrated in Figure 5, below. Figure 5. Lot Tvoes INTERIOK.; t LaT I LaT •7 �' - LPT LINES ( ( � Olo<K 60uu OgRY 3.9 Blocks. The length, width, and shape of blocks shall be well suited for the planned use of land, consistent with Owasso Zoning Code requirements and the need for convenient access, control, and safety of street traffic and the limitations of terrain. If a Block is 25 B LPC 1C FPGNT.IGG K \ •� , \ CO(LH02, i INTEOJO(L - Iu TLRT ��FLAG I ITN ROUGH ICr vRVER I LeT �, I LeT \ �, INTERIOK.; t LaT I LaT •7 �' - LPT LINES ( ( � Olo<K 60uu OgRY 3.9 Blocks. The length, width, and shape of blocks shall be well suited for the planned use of land, consistent with Owasso Zoning Code requirements and the need for convenient access, control, and safety of street traffic and the limitations of terrain. If a Block is 25 1 separated by a Reserve Area or larger utility easement, the resulting tract(s) of land will 2 need to be included in a new Block, with its own unique Block number. 3 3.9.1 Length. Blocks for residential use shall normally not exceed one thousand three hundred 4 and twenty (1320) feet in length. When such a block exceeds eight hundred (800) feet, 5 the City of Owasso may require a dedicated easement not less than fifteen (15) feet in 6 width and a paved crosswalk according to ANSI standards to provide pedestrian 7 access across the block. 8 3.9.2 Width. Blocks for residential use shall have sufficient width to provide for two (2) tiers of 9 lots of appropriate depth, except on the boundaries of a proposed subdivision orwhere 10 it is important to separate residential development from other types of development or I through traffic. Blocks intended for commercial, office or industrial uses should be of a 12 width suitable for the intended use, with due allowance for off- street parking and 13 loading facilities. Blocks for such uses should normally not exceed sic hundred (600) feet 14 in length. 15 3.10 Flaa Lots. The creation of flag lots may be approved subject to the provisions below and T6 approval by the Planning Commission: 17 a. To avoid direct access onto a major street; is b. Provide greater protection of sensitive natural resources areas 19 c. Hide or conceal utility buildings /substations, or radio, television or 20 telecommunication towers; 21 d. In subdivisions that contain a golf course or natural buffer; 22 e. Avoid substantial hardship to the subject to the subject properly owner due to 23 the property's topography or another condition that is unique to the property. 24 25 Flag lots created prior to annexing into City Limits shall be allowed to continue to 26 exist until such a time as any additional subdividing actions are taken on the 27 property. 28 The Planning Commission is authorized to impose conditions on the approval of a 29 flag lot, including but not limited to requirements for shared driveways, maximum 30 flag lot length, minimum street frontage and minimum flag pole width. 31 3.11 Building Lines and Elevations. 32 3.11.1 Zonina Code Reguirements. Building lines shall not be required to be shown on all 33 subdivision plats in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning District in which the 34 subdivision is located unless a variance is issued by the Board of Adjustment or 35 superseded as specified by the Planned United Development text. 36 3.11.2 Zero Lot Lines. In areas of the subdivision where zero lot lines are permitted, appropriate 37 provisions in plats and restrictive covenants may be permitted. The subdivider must label 38 the lot boundary that will function as the "zero lot line" on the tract(s) of land. 39 3.11.3 Restrictions on Plot. Restrictions requiring buildings to be located within the building lines 40 shown on the Plat shall be set forth on the Plat or on a separate recorded instrument. 41 3.11.4 Pad Elevations in Flood Areas. Minimum building pad elevations shall be shown on each 42 lot included in the Final Plat, where said lots are contained within an identified flood 43 area. 26 1 3.12 Flood Plain Areas. 2 3.12.1 Prohibitions and Exceptions. As stated within the adopted City ordinance regulating 3 floodplains, areas identified by the official flood plain maps of the City of Owasso as 4 subject to flooding hazards and periodic inundations shall not be subdivided into lots, 5 tracts, or parcels for any use which would be incompatible with such flooding hazards 6 unless: 7 a. Improvements meeting the standards and requirements of the City Engineer are 8 designed to render such land safe for residential or other uses, or 9 b. The intended use of the land is permitted by City Ordinances or permitted by 1D Variance or Special Exception as outlined by City Ordinance. 11 3.13 Oil and Gas Wells. 12 3.13.1 Setback from Producing Wells. Where there is found to be a producing oil or gas well 13 which is within the boundaries of a proposed subdivision, there shall be a building 14 setback line so placed on the plat to prevent the construction of a building Within one 15 hundred and fifty (150) feet of such well. 16 3.13.2 Setback from or Pluaaina of Abandoned Wells. Prior to receiving final approval of a Plat, 17 all oil and gas wells within the boundaries of a proposed subdivision shall be adequately 18 plugged according to the standards established by State law and the Oklahoma 19 Corporation Commission, and be so certified by said Commission. In lieu of plugging 20 such wells, a building setback line shall be so placed on the Plat to prevent the 21 construction of a building within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of such a well. In any 22 event, a certificate of clearance shall be obtained from the Oklahoma Corporation 23 Commission as to the existence of any wells reflected in their records. 24 3.13.3 Access. Access shall be provided and so indicated on the face of the Plat for all 25 unplugged wells for the purpose of maintenance and rework. 26 3.14 Hillside Development. The development of hillside areas or any area with a slope of 27 greater than eight (8) percent shall be designed to minimize grading and filling and 28 retain natural ground cover. Areas with slopes in excess of twenty (20) percent shall be 29 utilized as open space or developed in accordance with a Planned Unit Development 30 as defined by the Owasso Zoning Code. 31 3.15 Planned Unit Development. When a subdivision is developed as a Planned Unit 32 Development in accordance with applicable provisions of the Owasso Zoning Code, 33 the Planning Commission and City Council may adjust the requirements of these 34 Regulations in order to allow the Subdivider more freedom in the arrangement of the 35 subdivision but at the same time protect the convenience, health, safety, and welfare 36 of the probable future residents of the subdivision as well as the character of the 37 surrounding property and the general welfare of the entire community. 38 3.16 Stormwater Drainage and Detention. Every subdivision shall be provided with a storm 39 water drainage system adequate to serve the area being platted. Such storm water 40 drainage system shall be designed so that property located downstream from and 41 upstream from the subdivision shall not be injuriously affected by the construction, 42 operation, or maintenance of such system. Storm water detention and drainage 43 systems shall be designed according to the Owasso Design Criteria. The covenants of MA each subdivision shall require that the subdivision's homeowners' or property owners' 2 association be responsible for the maintenance of the stormwater drainage system and s detention facilities. a 3.17 Homeowners' or Property Owners' Associations. For every residential subdivision platted 5 and developed in Owasso after the passage of these Regulations, a homeowners' 6 association shall be created. Enforcement of the subdivision's covenants and ownership 7 and control over the subdivision's common areas shall be transferred to the a homeowners' association by the time that eighty -five (85) percent of the lots within the 9 subdivision have received building permits. 10 For every non - residential subdivision or mixed -use subdivision platted and developed in 11 Owasso that contains common or reserve areas, a property owner's association shall be 12 created. 13 3.18 Reauired Infrastructure and Public Improvements. Except as otherwise expressly 14 stated, developers are responsible for the construction and installation of 15 infrastructure and public improvements in accordance with the regulations of this 16 article. Required infrastructure and improvements must comply with all applicable 17 design criteria and standard specifications laid out in the Owasso Engineering Design 18 Criteria. 19 All improvements must be designed and installed to provide for a logical 20 interconnected system of infrastructure and to create continuity of improvements 21 that will facilitate land development on adjacent properties. 22 4..1 I CHAPTER 4 -SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 2 4.1 Improvements Shall Meet Established Standards. All improvements shall be designed 3 and installed in accordance with the Owasso Design Criteria established by the City 4 Engineer and approved by the City Council. The City Engineer may establish special s standards in excess of the Owasso Design Criteria which are generally applicable to 5 safely accommodate unusual circumstances or the heavy commercial and industrial 7 use of streets, utilities, water, sewer, and other public improvements. 8 4.2 Improvements Required. 9 4.2.1 Street Improvements. The Subdivider shall design, grade, oversee, test, and otherwise To improve all streets which are designated on the approved Plat or which directly serve I 1 the subdivision in accordance with the Owasso Design Criteria as directed by the City 12 Engineer. 13 4.2.2 Street Traffic Control Devices. Sions, and Names. At their expense, the Subdivider shall 14 provide and install all traffic control devices and signs required by the City prior to 15 acceptance of the street by the City Council. Street name signs are to be furnished and 16 installed by the Subdivider at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision, the type 17 of which shall be in accordance Wth the specifications of the Owasso Design Criteria 18 and locations approved by the Director of Public Works. 9#e8t RGI e.. Sh..n Ine 19 GIPPFGY8GI by the RIGRRiRg GGFnFAiS&iGR GRGI City GOURGil. Street names shall be 20 determined by City Addressing Coordinator and approved by the Address Committee. 21 22 23 of 9411 rn9r ae..ti..l Areetr ,.,here,. a f;... lec=ote,d 24 4.2.3 Monuments and Markers. The location of all permanent markers shall be shown on the 25 face of the Final Plat. Permanent reference markers shall be placed according to the 26 specifications of the Owasso Design Criteria. 27 28 the ,, GW'- -RRenc of the ll y a n,. r'gR Gi i#orir. 29 4.2.4 Public Water Supply. Where an approved public water supply is reasonably accessible, 30 the Subdivider shall install water lines and fire hydrants to connect with such water 31 supply and make it available for each lot within the subdivided area. The °'nail 32 33 ...r ey h••r be^ r.l•.. .rth the a I..t•e of the /llrl,.hen... 9tat n t t i4 �* 34 35 412.6 I oe.. n.,. a SiigR ar g. 36 37 side; of the rervrl,.,.r,,..nd lee..te.d eithe .,holly n e.tl.,..ith•n the street ✓rrht ei 38 Thn a _f th= Glit_h__ .., 44 elle`t :tA .. ..Rt-. .......R f Grn' th9 39 40 GG r.tr.L.le e. tlnt n •nt� 29 42 ff - W mw -- _ _ XIS TM - - - _ 11-01 POOR - -- - - - _ _ - - - - - 2. �- - - -- - -- 42 ff 23 3rm�sncxra •�.n. _ _ _- __ • - = _ -_• - 31 32 33 2. °r^eiQn Gonfrnl UGRLots• 34 Z Tu Ff re.infnrep ..f hlGRk fr; 35 A 9p FGP7GF 36 WiFL n .de. 8d F94 (9Gb'e. edbn o ) D'e: d I'n'nerr F FR GeRSiSt eifhaF r 37 f-rvrf in r.le. a to revM n Fed np r The e.f . 'll I'n'ne.r Fe. eJ 'eJ yrei � � � use 38 flife•h9 r rlir oa 39 40 eg e tGf'ee linings GiFe suifed fG th9 h dFG I' . J'f' f the h 1 f i dif--hes that - - - - GleS--ghPd in - -- 32 12 GQRqidRFGfiGRq - QthaF ValueS _ _ 22 MGtRgGlq - - - - - - _ _ 32 33 2. °r^eiQn Gonfrnl UGRLots• 34 Z Tu Ff re.infnrep ..f hlGRk fr; 35 A 9p FGP7GF 36 WiFL n .de. 8d F94 (9Gb'e. edbn o ) D'e: d I'n'nerr F FR GeRSiSt eifhaF r 37 f-rvrf in r.le. a to revM n Fed np r The e.f . 'll I'n'ne.r Fe. eJ 'eJ yrei � � � use 38 flife•h9 r rlir oa 39 40 eg e tGf'ee linings GiFe suifed fG th9 h dFG I' . J'f' f the h 1 f i 41 42 32 091 soil sfabil4y until GIReRt Veq8tGltiGR iS eStgbliShed. - - - PE?rMGR@Rtly SfGbiliZe - 3A44h - GF995 P@FMGn9Rt 22 9. Q�vqwey Gressi . 28 - - - -- - - . - - - - _.: .. - - - 40 deSigR 49W. 091 1 2 5- CI-111,o.4 Cnrl TrnG #menM All dr;,i chrdl be n "idpd -4th ay .. WIV84S PRGI frea #mPnfg nn the :.N r. r#ro RGI rdn nstregm ARM ..f th rt i 3 PFGter f n,d niri n the ipteg ii. of the I.,nFF GPGRiRq. llDO 4 5 gtan.dnrSd hrn..in R 80 (AE DE) a ptGblo 9thRr end sertions 6 must he fe the Eny: . nnn. r FGr oppreval. 7 6. Qe;;ynn Yn.d /emir.,-49.. of hrA,e a , ./....1.,`,ir Addifirmpl F f' 8 ,_t he inpl id.derd in the dra'.. e rGPGFt ...;';d GR fh o. �Q � .. -P #o 9 dFGWngs feF n L..d'.i .Mere the of r n,d� rle rJ' #ohnS nnSJ TO 11 12 I'ne Then nr#r o#.nn GlFGN ng. Shall ' -' , 13 maieriglq, Inon #'n S IennFhS n r.rdo9 onrd end frentmnn# f all dgvewa 14 YI le* Tvnln,d d9YeWGY GFGSS;Rg/G idled in the 15 GIrGYAROS. 16 7. AAE11Fl RGAE@. A4Gi teNG., reSPO RSll9llltlei- f9F- 9J4aP'.aY be , G^ o- G611'1814S ShGll 17 to 4.2.5 StormwaterDrainaae and Detention Facilities. The Subdivider shall provide a stormwater 19 drainage system that is designed and constructed in accordance with the Owasso 20 Design Criteria. 21 4.2.6 Sanitary Sewer System. Unless an exemption is granted in writing by the City Engineer, all 22 lots platted within the Owasso City limits shall be provided with a connection to sanitary 23 sewer. All connections shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer and be in 24 accordance with all the applicable regulations of the GkInhepRe State DRPGFtFneRf Of 25 keolfh Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. 26 Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible but where plans for 27 the installation of private sanitary sewers in the vicinity of the subdivision have been 28 prepared and approved by the Qkk4hnirrin State DepGi4mant of HeGlth Oklahoma 29 Department of Environmental Quality, the Subdivider shall install sewers in conformity 30 with such plans. 31 4.2.7 Utilities. All utilities shall be installed within easements specified on the subdivision plat. 32 4.3 Construction Plans. The Subdivider shall submit six (6; copies a pdf copy (one pdf 33 marked set will be returned to the applicant) of the Construction Plans for streets, 34 drainage and detention, sanitary sewer, and water systems, including off -site systems 35 and erosion control. The Construction Plans shall show basic horizontal 36 configurations, connections to existing utilities, sizes and locations of proposed lines, 37 proposed street widths and horizontal curves, locations of storm sewers, and 38 detention facilities. 39 SOX (6) Se #, Of ndn #S of the nrnr.nSnrd nlnnS Grid S eGFrr14G a fnr enf Oil 40 e� rmrry n ry y re9Nired by these n Inf'n She!l hn n n recd h., n nrfied Fen steFed engineer 42 4.4 City Engineer Review. Upon completing their review, the City Engineer shall submit their 43 comments to the Subdivider. All comments suggesting revision shall be accompanied 34 I by a reference to appropriate sections of the Subdivision Regulations or Design Criteria. 2 The City Engineer's comments shall be delivered to the Subdivider. The return to the 3 Syt` r ", Jer er +heG_.n. °tr.,^f.,^.. p!aF.. 13y the City Fingi„ee al..r.9 ' A!th the r'h ER9iRGGI4S 4 5 6 rill., Enr,ine..r GRd the DepGintment of Cn.ArenmentGI Q rvl'h, rhGIl be 01 the RI hdi 'r! is ele risk and the 94Y shr.11 et he I'nhle fer dGrn ge sir: ned by r of the t y t a construction may commence prior to the subdivider 9 obtaining all necessary approvals from, but not limited to, the City Engineer and the 10 Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. Said City Engineer review occurs 11 within the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, and is separate from 12 any reviews undertaken by other City Departments. 13 4.5 SUBMISSION AND eouuntfnl OF CONSTRUCTION CLAMS BY CITY Su'r- EER At -Risk 14 Construction. Submission of r- nstn iefien plans to the City Engineer sh,.11 r- nst't Ite GIR 15 16 Gf sr.irJ nt of Fn,iren.enfel Q by the Ilen..rtme r. the Qt., Engineer p!Gns Gl'ty and shall 17 s he Gt the C h.J'.i .Jere 94k rrnrJ th Ot the City 511911 net he I'rrhl fer damages _elel.. 18 19 the Ct„te ,.n,J the Ci , En, nee. Per adopted State Statute, no at -risk construction is 20 allowed. Any at -risk construction undertaken by the subdivider, prior to approval of said 21 plans by the Department of Environmental Quality and the City Engineer shall solely be 22 at the Subdivider's risk and that the City shall not be liable for damages sustained by 23 reason of construction having taken place before approval of the plans by the State 24 and the City Engineer 25 4.6 SURIUlssicM OF CONSTOUCTION PIA Ns In nFP APA RTA4rNlT OF eNnno�.���ONAAy,��rn�e cnrcnl nl,_«�� «nllTv 26 Prier to GitY Ge RGil apprG el of the final p!Gt the .Developer shall f r sh fG rl Al G 27 Af all A&ater end - ._- pigns ier - bmHal to the Gklahema De i Rt Gf 28 29 30 DelaGi ment review 3t 4.6 Preconstruction Conference. The Subdivider shall be required to participate in a pre - 32 construction meeting with the appropriate City Staff, as facilitated by the Public Works 33 Department. 34 4.7 Construction of Public Utilities and Facilities. Following the approval of the Construction 35 Plans, the Subdivider shall complete in a manner satisfactory with the City Engineer all 36 required improvements, and said improvements shall be free and clear of all liens, 37 claims, and encumbrances. 3a 4.8 Inspections and Certifications. The City Engineer shall inspect the construction of the 39 required improvements for defects. Upon completion of the improvements, the City 40 Engineer shall file with the City Council a statement either certifying that the 41 improvements have been completed in accordance with the Owasso Design Criteria or 42 that the improvements are defective, listing the defects. 43 4.9 As -Built Construction Plans. Upon completion of the improvements, the Subdivider and 44 their engineer shall file with the City Engineer ens n l m,A,.r GRd few tol nrnt Sets a set of 45 As -Built Construction Plans certified and signed by a registered engineer for said 35 improvements, as instructed by the City Engineer or their designee. These As -Built Plans 2 need to be submitted to the City Engineer prior to the acceptance of all public 3 improvements by the City Council. 4 Aided I)Agign (GAP) Flo ..f the As Q :I# DL. r Thee As Q 'I+ 1 d + he h '## d a (GAP) �!^ 5 to the ri+„ ER@iR a .i +h'.. RiRefY (90) ,drv.m of r ptGRGe Gf all improvements by the 6 GityQeunGih 7 The As -Built Construction Plans shall certify: e a. That all required improvements are complete; 9 b. That the subdivision improvements are in compliance with these Regulations 10 and the Owasso Design Criteria; 11 c. That the Subdivider knows of no defects in the improvements, and 12 d. That the subdivision improvements are free and clear of any encumbrance or 13 lien. 14 4.10 Maintenance Bond. Prior to acceptance of those improvements by the City Council, 15 the Subdivider shall obtain a maintenance Surety for the maintenance of said 16 improvements as provided herein. The Surety shall be in the form of a maintenance 17 bond from a surety bonding company authorized to do business in the State of 18 Oklahoma or an irrevocable letter of credit from a financial institution regulated by the 19 State Banking Department or the United States Treasury Department. The Surety shall be 20 filed with the City Clerk and shall be payable to the City of Owasso. The amount of the 21 Surety shall be equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the entire cost of materials for all 22 water lines, sewer lines, paving, and storm sewer improvements which the City shall 23 accept for maintenance. The duration of the maintenance Surety for all public 24 improvements shall be two (2) years from the date of acceptance of said 25 Improvements by the City Council. 26 27 by the City G-9-IRGil. 2e 4.11 Acceptance of Improvements. The Owasso City Council shall formally accept, by 29 Resolution or Ordinance, any or all improvements before such improvements become 30 public property, provided that all statements and agreements specified above have 31 been received and that As -Built Construction Plans have been submitted. No building 32 construction shall be permitted on any lot to, or on which, improvements have not been 33 completed in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and no municipal 34 utility service will be furnished to such lot. 35 36 36 1 CHAPTER 5 - FEES 2 5.1 Area Park. Recreational. and Cultural Requirements. All residential subdivision plats 3 having a dwelling unit density of greater than one (1) unit per acre shall dedicate, 4 according to the requirements hereinafter specified, a fee to be utilized by the residents s of the subdivision and the City of Owasso. 6 5.1.1 Park ReGF ^ *' ^ *'^^ Develooment Fee. In order to provide for area parks, cultural, and 9 recreation needs for newly developing areas of Owasso, a Park ReGreg#GR s Development Fee shall be assessed on each lot or multi - family unit created by 9 subdivision, re- subdivision, or lot split. The Park Rec^rG" ; Development Fee shall be 10 assessed befe e the GppFevGI of the r^^i plat 12 , the QfY QGWRGiI ARGI ti All be Ti . when a building permit is applied for. 12 5.1.2 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions are established: 13 a. Residential Dwelling Unit. Any room or group of rooms located within a dwelling 14 and forming a single habitable unit with facilities that are used or intended to be is used for living, sleeping, and cooking by one (1) or more individuals living 16 together. v b. Bedroom. Any room within a residential dwelling unit which is designed to be to used for sleeping purposes and containing a closet of sufficient size to hold 19 clothing. One living room with entry closet shall not be considered a bedroom in 20 each residential dwelling unit other than a studio or efficiency apartment. 21 c. Person. Any domestic or foreign corporation, firm, association, syndicate, joint 22 stock company, partnership of any kind, joint venture club, society, or individual. 23 d. Mobile Home. A vehicle other than a motor vehicle, designed or used for 24 residential purposes, for carrying persons and property on its own structure, and 25 for being drawn by a motor vehicle. 26 e. Mobile Home Lot. Any area or portion of a Mobile Home Park designated, 27 designed, or used for the occupancy of one (1) mobile home or a temporary, 23 semi- permanent or permanent basis. 29 f. Mobile Home Park. Any area or tract of land established under the Mobile 30 Home Park District of the Owasso Zoning Code. 31 5.1.3 Fee Structure. 32 those regul 1* ' _- cc +'c^ 'evo'^ ^Mee^ fee A Park Development Fee, totaling an 33 amount defined in the adopted Owasso Fee Schedule, is hereby imposed on the 34 privilege of constructing any residential dwelling unit or mobile home lot in the City of 35 Owasso and every person to whom a permit to construct a residential dwelling unit is 36 issued, shall pay to the City of Owasso such fee. The fee will be assessed based on the 37 number of dwelling units proposed to be constructed within the subdivision. 38 5.1.4 Park Development Fund. 39 a. All fees collected under these Regulations shall be placed in the Parks 40 Development Fund. 0YA 1 b. Use of Funds. 2 1. All Park Development Fees collected under these Regulations shall be 3 used and expended for the acquisition, purchase, developing, a improving, and equipping public parks, playgrounds, and cultural and 5 recreational facilities located in the corporate limits of the City of 6 Owasso and shall never be used for operating public park facilities or 7 any other purpose. 8 2. All Park Development Fees collected under these Regulations shall also 9 be used for the development of any of the above - described facilities 10 constructed or installed within or upon public property owned by the 11 City of Owasso or property in which the City has a leasehold interest or 12 where the City is given a right to use the same for public playground or 13 recreational purposes. All such funds shall be spent in areas reasonably 14 close to where they are collected, and in as timely a fashion as possible. 15 c. Purchase of Land. At such time as the City Council, based upon the 16 recommendations of the Planning Commission, determines that there are 17 sufficient funds achieved from a certain area in the Park Development Fund for 18 the acquisition, purchase, developing, improving, and equipping public parks, 19 playgrounds, and cultural and recreational facilities located in the corporate 20 limits of the City of Owasso, the Council shall cause negotiations to be 21 undertaken to purchase the site by mutual agreement or by condemnation 22 proceedings. The principal and interest deposited and kept in the Park 23 Development Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of purchasing land for 24 area parks, recreation and cultural uses. 25 5.1.5 Place of Payment. The Park Development Fee shall be paid at the time of purchase of 26 the building permit in the office of the u, i°ld°^ eGtiGR Community Development 27 Department of the City of Owasso. 28 5.1.6 Refund of Fees. Any fee paid to the City under these Regulations for any residential 29 dwelling unit which is not constructed shall be refunded upon application of the 30 applicant and a showing to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector that the building or 31 unit has not been constructed or construction commenced and that the building 32 permit issued for the building or unit has been canceled or surrendered or otherwise 33 does not authorize the construction of the building or unit. 34 5.1.7 Exemotions. The fee imposed under this Article shall not apply to the following: 35 a. Construction or reconstruction of a residential dwelling unit which was 36 damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, or other cause over which the owner had 37 no control (provided that compliance with any building code or other 38 Ordinance requirement of the City of Owasso or of any other applicable law 39 shall not be deemed a cause over which the owner has no control), but only if 40 the number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit is increased, then the fee imposed 41 under this Ordinance shall apply to such increased number of bedrooms. 42 b. Enlargement, expansion, remodeling and /or alteration of a residential dwelling 43 unit but only if the number of bedrooms therein is not increased. If the number of 141.1 1 bedrooms in the dwelling unit is increased, then the fee imposed under this 2 Ordinance shall apply to such increased number of bedrooms. 3 5.1.8 Provision for the Dedication of Lands in Lieu of Fees. The City Council, at its sole option, 4 may accept the dedication or reservation of suitable sites for area parks, playgrounds, s cultural facility or other public recreational area providing that the land to be 6 dedicated is located within an area designated by the QepApFehensive Master Plan, as 7 having a significant need for an area park. a a. Land accepted for dedication under the requirements of these Regulations shall 9 be conveyed by either of the following methods: 10 1. By dedication within the plat to be filed for record in the Office of the 11 County Clerk. 12. 2. By Warranty Deed transferring the property in fee simple to the City of 13 Owasso. 14 In any event, land must be free and clear of any mortgages or liens at the time 15 of such dedication or conveyance. 16 b. The value of real estate dedicated for recreation or cultural purposes shall be 17 determined as the price of the land at the time of purchase by the land owner 18 who is making application for subdivision. Usability of land for development 19 should be considered when establishing the price (for example, development of 20 flood prone land is restricted by Ordinance). 21 c. If agreement cannot be reached as to the credit for the real estate, an 22 arbitration procedure shall be invoked. The City and the applicant shall each 23 select the name of one (1) arbitrator and shall immediately thereafter notify 24 each other in writing of the name and address of the person so selected. The 25 two (2) arbitrators so selected and named shall agree upon and select a third 26 arbitrator. The decision of the arbitration panel shall be final. v 5.1.9 Private Recreation Facilities Credit. When a master plan of development allocates 28 space for a private recreational facility, with usage not open to the general public, to 29 serve three (3) or more residential dwelling units such as, but not limited to, the follow ng: 30 swimming pool, . tennis court, recreational building or center, recreational facility area, 31 developed open space, or combination of any of the above, the Council may waive 32 part or all of the fee established by this Article. The size, quality, and design of such 33 facility which will entitle such dwelling units to a credit on the fee otherwise required, 34 and the amount of such credit shall be determined by negotiation between the parties. 35 If agreement cannot be reached, an arbitration procedure shall be invoked. 36 5.1.10 Residential Planned Unit Develoament IPUD) Credit. The City Council, in the case of a 37 Residential Planned Unit Development, may waive part or the entire fee established in 39 this Article. Such waiver may be granted when, in the opinion of the Council,. common 39 areas, created and developed in a Residential Planned Unit Development pursuant to 40 the Chapter on Planned Unit Developments in the Owasso Zoning Code; the regulations 41 in this Chapter in the Zoning Code provides recreation opportunity for the residents of 42 said areas sufficient to impose no measurable increment in the need for neighborhood 43 park acreage. 39 1 5.1.11 Public Recreational Facilities Credit. When a master plan of development allocates 2 space for a public recreational facility, with said facility constructed either solely at that 3 person's expense or in concert with others, and said facility serves the general public, to 4 serve three or more residential dwelling units, such as, but not limited to, the following: 5 swimming pool, tennis court, recreational building or center, recreational facility area, 6 area park, cultural facility, or combination of any of the above, the City Council may 7 waive part or all of the fee established in this Article if it is in conformance with the 3 recreation portion of the Comprehensive Master Plan. 9 5.1.12 Maintenance of Private Recreation Facilities. Maintenance of private recreation 10 facilities approved by the City in lieu of Park Fees will be the responsibility of the owner(s) 11 or homeowners' association(s). The City of Owasso will not maintain lands or facilities not 12 dedicated to the public. 13 5.2 Emergency Siren Fee. In order to provide adequate warning of severe weather for 14 newly developing areas of Owasso, an Emergency Siren Fee shall be assessed on each 15 acre of a newly created subdivision. The Emergency Siren Fee shall be payable upon 16 approval of the Final Plat, prior to the Subdivider recording said plat with the County 17 of record. to 5.2.1 Fees. 19 a. Fee Imposed. An Emergency Siren Fee is hereby imposed on the privilege of 20 subdividing any land within the City of Owasso and every person subdividing 21 land within the City of Owasso, shall pay to the City of Owasso such fee at the 22 following rate. 23 a: Fee Schedule. A fee totaling an amount defined in the adopted Owasso 24 Comprehensive Fee Schedule. 25 26 27 b. Use of Funds. All fees collected under this Ordinance shall be used and 2e expended for the acquisition and /or purchase of emergency sirens only. 29 5.2.2 Place of Payment. The Emergency Siren Fee shall be paid prior to recording the 30 subdivision plat. Said fee shall be paid in the Office of the Git�' PIGRaeE Community 31 Development Department. 32 5.2.3 Refund of Fees. Any Emergency Storm Siren fee paid to the City for any subdivision 33 which is not recorded shall be refunded upon application of the applicant. 34 Application for refund must be received by the Administrator within two (2) years of 35 the date of City Council approval. 36 5.3 S^^ltGgg- � Additional Infrastructure Payback Fees. In order to provide 37 reimbursement to the City of Owasso for the cost of extending seaitGp/ sewer 38 infrastructure including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, and 39 regional detention facilities, in various parts of the community, Payback Fees shall be 40 assessed on a per acre basis to new subdivisions that connect to certain municipally - 41 funded infrastructure and /or mains. These various Payback Fees shall be payable 42 upon approval of the Final Plat, prior to the Subdivider recording said plat with the 43 County of record. me 1 5.3.1 Fees. 2 a. Fee Imposed. A set of Payback Fees is hereby imposed on the privilege of 3 subdividing any land within the City of Owasso and every person subdividing land 4 within the City of Owasso shall pay to the City of Owasso such fee(s) established s in the adopted Owasso Code of Ordinances. 6 b. Fee Schedule. A fee totaling an amount defined in the adopted Owasso 7 Comprehensive Fee Schedule. a 5.3.2 Place of Payment. The relevant Infrastructure Payback Fee(s) shall be paid prior to 9 recording the subdivision plat. Said fee shall be paid in the Office of the Community 10 Development Department. 11 5.3.3 Refund of Fees. Any Infrastructure Payback Feels) paid to the City for any subdivision 12 which is not recorded shall be refunded upon application of the Subdivider. 13 Application for refund must be received by the Administrator within two (2) years of 14 the date of City Council approval of the relevant Final Plat. 15 41 I CHAPTER 6 - CHANGE OF LIMITS OF ACCESS 2 6.1 Intentions. When land has been platted under these Regulations, or under other 3 applicable law, and the owner of all land affected proposes to add limits of no 4 access to the plat, or to remove or otherwise alter limits of no access on the plat, s such action shall not require replotting, nor shall it require vacation of the old plat. 6 6.2 ADPlicatlon. The eNYRe ^he.n r est fhe he.ne.e of liFn tr of n ,: tine. to the 7 8 Teeh R.c.el 6144. eFy Committee shall the pr9pesed C-hGRgG Rf eJ 9 10 traffip fln.., filit , e..._.. rnRntq and $he ... ntomontnfin . ^f `.arin....T IAA; qd i d h- 12 13 review the nre.r. eeGI GhGRge of _„_,`.,_ n.J either Glapre.ve. ppi:e e M. 4h G.A Rd.t..ens 14 er- disapprove -The owner shall request a Change of Limits of Access in writing to the 15 Community Development Department via an application supplied by the 16 Administrator, pay the Application Fee, and shall submit drawings of the proposed 17 change(s). The completed application package should be submitted to the 18 Administrator no later than the first (Is') business day of the month of the Technical 19 Advisory Committee meeting at which the Change of Limits of Access will be 20 reviewed. 21 6.2.1 Specifications. The drawing submitted by the applicant shall include the proposed 22 change(s) to all relevant access point(s) and all existing curb cuts, buildings, drives, 23 parking areas, easements, and other relevant items with their distances from lot lines 24 and adjacent streets. 25 6,2.2 Technical Advisory Committee Action. The Technical Advisory Committee shall review 26 the proposed change of access and evaluate whether the proposed changes 27 would increase problems with the public traffic flow, utility easements, and /or the 28 implementation of various plans adopted by the City, or would create problems with 29 the flow of traffic on private streets owned by persons other than the applicant. TAC 30 will make any comments they see fit, and these comments will be furnished to the 31 applicant by the Administrator, to be addressed by the applicant. Refer to Figure 7, 32 Change of Access Flowchart, below. 33 6.2.3 Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall act upon the proposed 34 Change of Access after it has been submitted to TAC; the Planning Commission will 35 review the proposed change of access and evaluate whether the proposed 36 changes would increase problems with the public traffic flow, utility easements, 37 and /or the implementation of various plans adopted by the City, or would create 38 problems with the flow of traffic on private streets owned by persons other than the 39 applicant. Planning Commission will then take action to either approve or deny the 40 proposed Change of Access. If the Change of Access is denied, grounds for the refusal 41 shall be stated in writing, a copy of which shall be transmitted to the applicant. 42 1 6.2.4 Further Administrator Action. Upon approval by the Owasso Planning Commission, the 2 Administrator shall draft an instrument outlining the change of access to occur. This 3 instrument will then be given to the Planning Commission Chairperson and the City 4 Engineer for approval signatures. Once signatures are obtained, the instrument will be s given to the applicant for filing at the office of the County Clerk. io 11 Figure 6. Change of Access Flowchart. 43 CHANGE OF ACCESS PROCESS Pre - Application Meeting with Planning Staff I I Submittal of Application Packet and Applicable Fees I Public Hearings Scheduled I Staff Review Technical Advisory Committee Meeting I Owasso Planning Commission Hearing Approval I I Denial Applicant Files Instrument with the County 44 I CHAPTER 7 - LOT SPLITS, LOT COMBINATIONS, AND LOT LINE 2 ADJUSTMENTS 3 7.1 Intentions and Definition. This Chapter is intended to provide for a simplified 4 method of regulating the subdivision, combination, and adjustment of small 5 numbers of lots while still requiring that such action meets all the requirements of 6 applicable City Ordinances and these Regulations. 7 A let nl'f iq G MiRQP q1-1IQd4A6iGR f N I subdivided I GI T PIGRRiRg 8 10 tho Ax+on°i^^ ^i », facilities "th +' f r f 12 13 14 F99Uig4gAr. 15 7.1.1 Lot Split Procedure. A Lot Split is a minor subdivision of previously platted or 16 unplatted land. The Administrator may approve a Lot Split, so long as it meets the 17 following criteria: 18 The lot split procedures of this section may not be used and no lot split 19 application may be approved if the requested lot split would result in the 20 creation of more than three (3) resulting lots from the original parent tract, 21 and is required for any division of land resulting in tracts of (5) five acres or 22 less. 23 The maximum number of splits that may occur on the parent tract is three 24 (3) in any five (5) year period immediately preceding the submittal date of 25 the application. For the purposes of this section, the division of property by 26 meets and bounds legal descriptions in the County of record shall be 27 construed as a lot split. Additionally, the City shall reserve the right to 28 require platting of the larger parent tract if it better serves the public 29 interest. 30 • The Lot Split must involve lots fronting on an existing, dedicated street and 31 may not involve the creation of any new public street or road. 32 . The Lot Split may not involve the extension of new municipal facilities, such 33 as sewer or water lines. 34 . The Lot Split may not involve the creation of any public improvements, 35 such as new public streets or land for public facilities. 36 . The Lot Split may not involve the creation of a lot that does not have 37 access to an existing, dedicated street. This access may in the form of a 38 recorded access easement. 45 1 • The Lot Split may not adversely affect the remainder of the parent tract or 2 any adjacent properties. 3 • The Lot Split may not create a land locked parcel without concurrently 4 dedicating a legal means of access to each proposed new tract, via a s Mutual Access Easement; and 6 • The Lot Split may not be in conflict with any provision or portion of the 7 currently adopted Land Use Master Plan, Zoning Code (unless approved e by the Board of Adjustment), or these Regulations. Figure 8 below 9 exemplifies a typical Lot Split configuration. 10 12 Figure 7. Typical Lot Split Configuration 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Parent Tract 5 Ac. Frontage to meet minimum zoning district. requirements Frontage Centerline Road 7.1.2 Lot Combination Procedure. A Lot Combination involves the amalgamation of existing abutting lots, in order to create a single lot that is larger in size than the original lots. The Administrator may approve a Lot Combination, so long as it meets the following criteria: • Any lot(s) resulting from an approved Lot Combination may not be split further unless said lot(s) is(are) involved in a lot line adjustment request or split through the platting procedure outlined in these Regulations. • The Lot Combination must involve lots fronting on an existing, dedicated street and may not involve the creation of any new public street or road. El ri T • The Lot Combination may not involve the extension of new municipal 2 facilities, such as sewer or water lines. 3 • The Lot Combination may not involve the creation of any public a improvements, such as new public streets or land for public facilities. 5 • The Lot Combination may not involve the creation of a lot that does not 6 have access to an existing, dedicated street. This access may in the form 7 of a recorded access easement. s • The Lot Combination may not adversely affect any adjacent properties. 9 • The Lot Combination may not create a land locked parcel without To concurrently dedicating a legal means of access to each proposed new T T tract, via a Mutual Access Easement; and T2 • The Lot Combination may not be in conflict with any provision or portion of 13 the currently adopted Land Use Master Plan, Zoning Code (unless 14 approved by the Board of Adjustment), or these Regulations. 15 7.1.3 Lot Line Adjustment Procedure. A Lot Line Adjustment involves the altering of 16 the boundary between, or the reconfiguration of the shape of, existing 17 abutting lots. The Administrator may approve a Lot Line Adjustment, so long as to it meets the following criteria: 19 A Lot Line Adjustment may not be used and no Lot Line Adjustment 20 application may be approved if the requested lot line adjustment would 21 result in the creation of more lots than existed before the lot line adjustment 22 occurred. 23 24 • The Lot Line Adjustment must involve lots fronting on an existing, dedicated 25 street and may not involve the creation of any new public street or road. 26 • The Lot Line Adjustment may not involve the extension of new municipal 27 facilities, such as sewer or water lines. 26 The Lot Line Adjustment may not involve the creation of any public 29 improvements, such as new public streets or land for public facilities. 30 • The Lot Line Adjustment may not involve the creation of a lot that does not 31 have access to an existing, dedicated street. This access may in the form 32 of a recorded access easement. 33 • The Lot Line Adjustment may not adversely affect the lots involved in any 34 adjoining properties. 35 . The Lot Line Adjustment may not create a land locked parcel without 36 concurrently dedicating a legal means of access to each proposed new 37 tract, via a Mutual Access Easement; and 39 . The Lot Line Adjustment may not be in conflict with any provision or portion 39 of the currently adopted Land Use Master Plan, Zoning Code (unless 47 t approved by the Board of Adjustment), or these Regulations. Figure 9 2 below exemplifies a typical Lot Line Adjustment configuration. s Figure 8 Typical Lot Line Adjustment Configuration a s rcl :I c• ul Centerline Road �.�.. �. _ . _ . rea to be split from Tract 2 nd Combined With Tract i olid red line becomes the new southern property boundary for Tract 1 IT 2 7.2 Application Procedure. The Subdivider shall submit the Lot Split relevant Lot Split, Lot 3 Combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment Applications) to the Administrator, pay the 4 Application Fee in an amount as provided by Ordinance, and shall submit exhibits s that accompany the proposal in accordance with the specifications in the following 6 subsections of these Regulations. 7 7.2.1 Copies. Unless instructed otherwise by the Administrator, e . one 9 (1) PDF digital copy of each required exhibit must accompany the application. 10 7.2.2 Specifications. The applicant must provide the following exhibits for each lot involved 11 in the requested Lot Split, Lot Combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment, include the 12 Original Parent Tract lot(s) and any lot(s) resulting from the requested action: 13 . A detailed properly survey that includes all existing and proposed lot lines, all 14 existing easements, all existing buildings and improvements and their 15 distances from lot lines, adjacent streets and their widths, a north arrow, 16 existing instruments, and a scale. This survey should be prepared by a 17 registered land surveyor. 18 A legal description of each parcel to be created, including the original 19 parent tract and resulting tract(s). 20 A certificate or certificates of closure, stating that each legal description 21 provided does indeed close. 22 A copy of all separate instruments, including but not limited to Mutual Access 23. Easements and /or Utility Easements, affecting the land to be split, combined, 24 and /or altered. 2s 7.2.3 _ 26 hmor th GR OW' h., 14", tWenh, th.ve (O3) GGPieg GFG requiFed. 27 7.3 QK °^^. �' ^ -g Review Procedure. 28 7.3.1 Distribution. The Administrator shall distribute copies of the application form and 29 exhibits to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for review. 30 7.3.2 Field Check. The Administrator sbal4 may visually inspect the lots proposed to be split, 31 combined, and /or altered and report any findings or concerns to the Technical 32 Advisory Committee. 33 7.3.3 Review. The Administrator shall review the application for conformance with the 34 Owasso Zoning Code, PUD conditions, Board of Adjustment actions, these Subdivision 35 Regulations, and other City Ordinances. 36 7.3.4 Schedule Hearinas. 37 sc. -h.. .,i (TA C) ,..,,d the 121GRAiRg GGR;1*145510R. The Administrator 38 shall schedule the Lot Split, Lot combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment to be 39 reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee. Applicants should submit their Lot 40 Split, Lot Combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment applications) by no later than the 41 first (Is) of the month in which they would like the application to be considered by 42 the Technical Advisory Committee. 49 1 7.3.5 Technical Advisory Committee Review. The Administrator shall present the 2 application at a regular Technical Advisory Committee meeting where the Lot Split, 3 Lot Combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment may be reviewed by the Committee. 4 The comment(s) made by the Technical Advisory Committee shall be compiled with 5 that of the Administrator's comment(s) and then forwarded to the applicant for 6 correction, if needed. Once said comment(s) are addressed by the applicant, a 7 revised application, including any revised or additional exhibits deemed necessary 8 by the Technical Advisory Committee, shall be resubmitted to the Administrator. 9 7.3.7 Administrator Review. After any subsequent resubmittal by the applicant, addressing 10 any comments made by the Technical Advisory Committee, the Administrator shall 11 review the proposed Lot Split, Lot Combination, and /or Lot Line Adjustment and 12 either approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application. The 13 applicant will be informed of the Administrator's decision in writing. If the Lot Split is 14 disapproved, the applicant may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to 15 the City Council. 16 17 (`e uh'rh .h,dl inPlUGIA COMMARtS of the T h I Advigepy Cemmittee 18 (TA!") memheFs Rd l"} '' GI9 GFtM RtS hGV n iRt9FeSt III the p R9 19 20 74 TFC— HIS11CA1A VISORY "(IAAAATTCC OC \/ CCRtLYtL1244 Y1- 21 The QtY PIGRRer ohrdl }he 4Q # I T h I AGMsepy PF(959Rt PIiG G a 22 Gernmittee MaefiRg where 4he lot be by the QQrArnittee. The split MGY reviewed 23 24 25 PIQRRiR9J Gornmissinn. 26 27 7.5 PI-A C, GOIN4412SX -M REWP IA 28 29 30 the GPPIiGGnt MGY GPPSGI the GIQGi6QA Of the PIO 99MMISSiOR to the rte•+ 9 31 69aaEIl: 32 7.3.8 33 Addressing Review. Any resulting tracts created by split, combination, or other alterations, must have their addresses reviewed or assigned by the City Addressing 34 Coordinator and Addressing Committee. Addresses will be provided to the applicant 35 before approval of their lot split, lot combination, or lot line adjustment may be 36 granted, unless instructed otherwise by City Addressing Coordinator. 37 7.4 Approval Guidelines. The approval or disapproval of Lot Splits, Lot Combinations, and 38 Lot Line Adjustments shall be based upon the following guidelines, as well as its 39 adherence to the criteria outlined in the first Section of this Chapter: 40 7.4.1 Lots. Lot dimensions shall conform to Owasso Zoning Code standards. If the proposed 41 tract(s) to be created do(es) not meet minimum Zoning Code standards, a Variance 42 of the Zoning Code must be approved by the Board of Adjustment prior to the 61111 1 consideration, review, and approval or denial of any Lot Split, Lot Combination, or Lot 2 Line Adjustment application. 3 Corner lots should have such extra width and area as may be necessary to satisfy 4 appropriate Owasso Zoning Code setback requirements from both streets while 5 ensuring that adequate buildable space remains. 6 7.4.2 Access and Streets. Wh° propei#y to be h plit it .d �f x 7 8 9 #h° Pk4nRiRg .d Qt !` R GI fl GI ef Ferord if theFe ig a restrir-ted 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A Lot Split, Lot Combination, or Lot Line Adjustment may not involve the creation of a 21 lot that does not have access to an existing, dedicated street. If the Parent Tract from 22 which new lots are to be derived is controlled by Limits of No Access (LNA), no new 23 lot shall be approved that is effectively cut off from access to the existing street. In 24 order to abide by such a regulation, the applicant may need to apply for a Change 25 of Access, which must be approved by the Planning Commission and then filed of 26 record. A denial of access change constitutes a denial of the requested Lot Split, Lot 27 Combination, or Lot Line Adjustment. 28 The splitting of land shall provide each lot with access, as dictated by the most 29 current Owasso Zoning Code for the relevant Zoning District, to a public street or 30 highway, so that the access of the lot owner or user is assured, as well as the layout of 31 utilities, garbage and waste removal, fire protection, and public health and safety 32 thereby adequately assured. 33 7.4.3 Sewaae Disposal. Where a tract to be split, combined, and /or altered abuts a public 34 sanitary sewer, no split, combination, or lot line adjustment should create a lot which 35 is cut off from said sewer. 36 7.4.4 Water Service Where a tract to be split, combined, and /or altered abuts a public 37 water main, no split, combination, or lot line adjustment should create a lot which is 38 cut off from a water main. 39 7.4.4 Certificate of Approval. Approval shall be shown by certificate on the instrument of 40 transfer as required by State Statute. The certification shall be signed by the Wannirtg 41 Community Development Department 42 Director, or their designee. The Subdivider will then file the instrument with the County 43 Clerk, the approval being an official document that will be contained in the abstract 44 of the property being split, combined, and /or altered. 45 57 1 CHAPTER 8 - EASEMENT AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY CLOSURE 2 8.1 Intentions. All requests for the closing of any public way or easement within the City 3 limits of Owasso shall be submitted, with the appropriate documentation as outlined 4 in this Chapter, to the Community Development Department. s 6 8.2 Application Procedure. The Subdivider shall submit the relevant Easement or Public 7 Way Closing Application to the Administrator, pay the Application Fee in an amount 8 as provided by Ordinance, and shall submit exhibits that accompany the proposal in 9 accordance with the specifications in the following subsections of these Regulations. io 8.2.1 Copies. Unless instructed otherwise by the Administrator, one (1) PDF digital copy of 11 each required exhibit must accompany the application. 12 13 8.2.2 Specifications. The applicant must provide the following exhibits for each easement 14 and /or Right -of -Way parcel to be closed: 15 . A detailed property survey of the parcel that contains the easement and /or 16 Right -of -Way. This survey should be prepared by a registered land surveyor. 17 . A legal description of each easement and /or Right -of -Way parcel to be 18 closed. 19 • A certificate or certificates of closure, stating that each legal description 20 provided does indeed close. 21 • A copy of the existing recorded instrument for current easement or public 22 way to be closed 23 8.3 Approval Procedure. Prior to the closing of a public way or easement, a public 24 hearing shall be conducted by the City Council. Written notice of any proposed 25 closing of public way or easement shall be provided to any holder of a franchise or 26 other entity determined to have special rights or privileges granted by the legislative 27 body. Notice shall also be sent to property owners abutting the subject right -of -way 28 or easement to be closed or abutting the subject property on which the closing is 29 proposed. The required notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the 30 public hearing. The closing of any public way or easement shall only be allowed 31 through an ordinance passed by the City Council. 32 33 8.4 Right to Reopen. The City of Owasso shall retain the right to reopen any public way or 34 easement without expense to the City. The public way or easement may be 35 reopened by ordinance when: 36 1. The City of Owasso City Council deems it necessary; or 37 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one half in area of the 38 property abutting the public way or easement to be closed is filed with the City 39 of Owasso Community Development Department and is subsequently reviewed 40 by the City Council, 41 It is also suggested that applicants vacate the public way or easement by 42 proceeding through district court. A public way or easement can only be vacated 43 after the City Council approves the closing ordinance and the ordinance is taken to 44 the court. Vacating the public way or easement forecloses on the City's right to Rya 1 reopen the public way or easement. No permit may be issued for any development 2 in the easement or right -of -way of an area unless the easement or right -of -way has 3 been closed and vacated. a Figure 9. Easement and Rights -of -Way Closure Flowchart EASEMENT CLOSURE PROCESS Pre - Application Meeting with Planning Staff I I Submittal of Application Packet with U:f of Adjoining Property Owners and Applicable Fees Public Hearing Scheduled I Staff Review Notification Posted in Newspaper Notification Mailed to Adjoining Property Owners Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Owasso City Council Hearing kMO Denial Approval Ordinance Prepared File Easement Closure with County 5 F] 53 CHAPTER 9 - BUILDING PERMITS 2 9.1 Intentions. Building permits shall be issuable after completion of the following items: 3 a. Final Plat Recorded. The Final Plat shall have been approved by the City 4 Council, certified, recorded with the appropriate county clerk, and certified s originals returned to the City Planner as provided herein. 6 b. City Engineer Approval. The City Engineer shall have approved the 7 construction plans for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and streets. 8 c. Environmental Quality 4ea#14 Department Approval. The Oklahoma 9 Department of kMealth Environmental Quality shall have issued certification 10 numbers for the water and sanitary sewer plans. 11 d Water and Sanitary Sewer. The water and sanitary sewer utilities shall have 12 been constructed per approval plans, inspected by the City Engineer and 13 accepted for maintenance by the City Council or another political 14 subdivision having jurisdiction over said utilities. Further, the Subdivider shall 15 have delivered a one (1) year maintenance bond to the Public Works 16 Director as required herein. Upon acceptance of water and sanitary sewer 17 utilities, a number of lots as determined by the adopted Engineering 18 Design Criteria in a residential subdivision may be made eligible for building 19 permits. Up,. ..tg Ree Gf . GteF ,...,I .. G seweF utilities, p to ;= of 20 21 e. Streets and Storm Sewer. Construction plans shall have been approved by the 22 City Engineer and either: 23 1. The street and storm sewer improvements have been accepted for 24 maintenance by the City Council and a two (2) year maintenance 25 bond delivered to the Public Works Director, or 26 2. The Subdivider has delivered to the Public Works Director a two (2) 27 year performance bond or other surety for these improvements. 28 54 I CHAPTER 10 - DEFINITIONS AND USAGE 2 10.1 Usage. For the purpose of these Regulations, certain terms and words are to be used 3 and interpreted as defined in this Chapter. Where terms are not defined, they shall 4 have their ordinarily accepted meanings or such as the context may imply. 5 10.1.1 Tense. Plural, and Directives. Words used in the present tense shall include the future 6 tense, words in the singular number shall include the plural and words in the plural i number shall include the singular, except where the natural construction of the s writing indicates otherwise. The word "should" is directory and not mandatory. The 9 word "shall' is mandatory and directory. 10 10.1.2 Person. Herein, and Regulations. A 'person" includes an individual, corporation, 1I partnership and an incorporated association of persons such as a club. The word 12 "herein" means in these Regulations. The word "Regulations" means these Subdivision 13 Regulations for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 14 15 10.2 Words and Terms Defined. 16 17 Abut (Abutting): To share a contiguous boundary with, as defined in accordance with relevant 18 state law. 19 Administrator: Any person employed by the City of Owasso, or their designee, to fulfill any of the 20 duties of the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. 21 Addressing Coordinator. Any person employed by the City of Owasso, or their designee, to fulfill 22 any of the duties related to the assignment, maintenance, and distribution of official addresses 23 and official street names within Owasso City Limits. 24 Addressing Committee. A review body consisting of a number of persons employed by the City 25 of Owasso, or their designee(s), and any external entities determined necessary by the 26 Addressing Coordinator, that assists in reviewing and approving proposed address(es) found 27 within the City of Owasso. 28 Alley: A minor public or private right -of -way which gives a secondary means of access to the 29 rear or side of a property that has primary access to some other street. Alleys may be used for 3o public or private utilities, and public service, emergency or private vehicles. 31 Arterial Street: See Street, Arterial in this Section. 32 As -Built Construction Plans: Those subdivision construction plans of completed paving, drainage, 33 water, sewer or other public improvements. 34 Block: A grouping of subdivided lots intended for urban purposes, bounded by streets or by a 35 combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad right -of -way, shorelines, waterways, 36 or municipal boundaries. 37 Board of Adjustment: The Board of Adjustment of the City of Owasso established in accordance 39 with state law by City Ordinance. 55 I Bond: A type of security or collateral posted by the Subdivider and approved by the City 2 Attorney which guarantees that all required improvements shall be maintained according to the 3 approved plans and requirements of Owasso Design Criteria and these Subdivision Regulations. a Building: A structure which is permanently affixed to the land, has one or more floors and a roof, 5 and is bounded by either another building with a common party wall, open air, or the lot lines of 6 a lot. 7 Building Permit: A Permit required by the City of Owasso before any building construction is s commenced. 9 Building Setback Line: The horizontal distance from the point of measurement, such as the io centerline of an abutting street, the boundary line of an abutting zoning district, or the boundary T 1 line of an abutting tract of land, to the nearest building wall. 12 City: The City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 13 City Council: The governing and legislative body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 14 City (Officer): The word "City' followed by the name of any officer means any officer or designee 15 to such officer employed by the City of Owasso to fulfill any of the duties of the office named. 16 Construction Plan: The maps or drawings prepared by a registered professional engineer 17 accompanying a subdivision plat and showing the specific location and design of is improvements to be installed in the subdivision in accordance with the Owasso Design Criteria 19 and requirements of the City Engineer, Planning Commission and City Council as a condition of 20 the approval of the plat. 21 County: The County of Tulsa, Oklahoma or the County of Rogers, Oklahoma. 22 County Clerk: The office of the clerk for Tulsa County, Oklahoma or Rogers County, Oklahoma. 23 Covenants: Agreements binding the owners of the lots of a subdivision as shown on the face of a 24 recorded subdivision plat. 25 Dedicate: To set apart a portion of the area of a subdivision for a specific use or uses to the 26 public or to a specific group. 27 Detention: The act of detaining stormwater as outlined in the Owasso Design Criteria. 28 Deed of Dedication: That portion of a plat that dedicates an area or areas of a subdivision for 29 public use. 30 Design Criteria: Engineering standards used in the design and construction of subdivision 31 improvements. 32 Developer: The owner of land proposed to be subdivided, or their designee. 33 Development: A tract of land which is subdivided or otherwise altered and provided with all 34 necessary utilities and public improvements. 35 District Court: The District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma or Rogers County, Oklahoma. 36 Double Frontage: A situation in which a lot has access to two streets that do not intersect. 37 Easement: Authorization by a property owner for the use by another, and for a specific purpose, 38 of any designated part of his property. 56 1 Flood Plain: The area of land adjoining the channel of a river, stream or other similar body of 2 water which may be inundated by a flood that can be reasonably expected to occur. The 3 flood plain includes all lands within the limits of the 100 -year flood plain as defined by the a Federal Emergency Management Agency and all lands within the limits of all City jurisdictional 5 flood areas s Frontage: That side of a lot abutting on a street or way to which access is available for the lot. 7 Health Department: The Tulsa County, Oklahoma or Rogers County, Oklahoma agency 8 empowered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health to enforce health laws. 9 Improvements: Grading, streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, culverts, bridges, water lines, sanitary 10 sewer lines, force mains and lift stations, storm sewer lines, other utilities, and other features 11 required to support a development. 12 Improvements, Off -Site: A utility, structure, or modification of topography located outside the 13 property to be subdivided. to Improvements. Public: Any street, sidewalk, utility line, drainage way or other facility for which 15 the City may ultimately assume the responsibility for the maintenance and operation of. 16 Improvements, Reguired: Any improvement required by the Planning Commission and /or City 17 Council as a condition of approval of a subdivision plat. 18 Local Street: See Street, Minor (Local) in this section. 19 Lot: A tract, plot or portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for the 20 purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or for building development. 21 Lot Area: The total area measured on a horizontal plane, included within the lot boundaries. 22 Lot Depth: The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. 23 Lot Combination: A Lot Combination involves the amalgamation of existing abutting lots, in order 24 to create a single lot that is larger in size than the original lots. 25 Lot Line Adiusfinent: A Lot Line Adjustment involves the altering of the boundary between, or the 2e reconfiguration of the shape of, existing abutting lots. 27 Lot Split: A lot split is G miner subdivi.44PR of , I subdivided I ,-I n. of 28 GemrRissiGR , appiteve split 29 30 fGGi1RL. . the eGf a Gf n/ N , .. hl' .dam rl F A I gffeGfiiniq the 31 32 of the Ge e,he o ol„ r,e.: SfFeef and High,.,.,., 121GIR � n di ( i MME ,� y , , � 1 ° "• °" 33 GPPFekeGI by the BeGFd of Gq ,s +...eRt) ep these Fee I +• A Lot Split is a minor subdivision of 34 previously platted or unplatted land. 35 Mayor: The Chief elected official of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 36 Open Space, Public: Land which may be dedicated to or reserved for acquisition for general 37 use by the public, including parks, recreation areas, school sites, community and public building 38 sites, and other similar lands. This specifically does not include floodway drainage courses, public 39 lakes and ponds or any area within the fully urbanized flood plain, but may include other areas 40 in the 100 -year full urbanized flood plain. 57 I Off -Site Improvements: See Improvements, Off -Site in this section. 2 Owner: A person or any other legal entity having legal title to or sufficient proprietary interest in 3 the land sought to be subdivided under these Regulations. a Parent Tract: The parcel of land from which a new lot or tract is derived from. s Planned Unit Development (PUDI: A discretionary type of development for a tract of land under 6 single ownership or control, based upon an approved development plan permitting flexibility of 7 principal land uses, lot sizes and accessory uses not otherwise available under conventional B development standards. 9 Planning Commission: The Owasso Planning Commission as established in accordance with state 10 law by City Ordinance. 11 Plat: A graphical representation of a subdivision showing the division of the land into lots, blocks, 12 street(s), dedications, and /or other divisions. 13 Plat, Final: The final graphical representation of a subdivision and any accompanying material, to as described in these Regulations, based on a Preliminary Plat with revisions, if any, to be 15 submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval, denial, or approval with 16 conditions. 17 Plat, Preliminary: The drawing or drawings described in these Regulations, indicating the 18 proposed manner or layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Commission for 19 approval. 20 °re -*Iat Pre - Application Conference: A meeting between the Subdivider and the Administrator 21 to discuss the procedure for approval of a subdivision plat, provisions of the Zoning Code, 22 requirements as to general layout of streets, reservations of land, street improvements, drainage, 23 sewerage, fire protection, availability of existing services and utilities and /or similar matters. 24 Pre - Construction Conference: A meeting among the developer, the Subdivider or designee, 25 contractors and the relevant City Staff prior to improvements construction. 26 Registered Engineer: An engineer properly registered and licensed in the State of Oklahoma. 27 Registered Land Surveyor: A land surveyor properly registered and licensed in the State of 28 Oklahoma. 29 Resulting Tract: A parcel of land that is created as an end product of a lot split, lot combination 30 and /or lot line adjustment. 31 Reverse Frontage: That side of a lot abutting on a street or way which no access is available for 32 the lot. See Frontage and Double Frontage in this section. 33 Right -of -Way: A parcel of land, usually a strip, occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, 34 crosswalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water line, sanitary or storm 35 sewer facility, or for any other public use. The use of the term right -of -way for land platting 36 purposes in connection with these Regulations shall mean that every right -of -way hereafter 37 established and shown on a Final Plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots and parcels 3B adjoining such right -of -way and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or 39 parcels. Rights -of -way intended for any use involving maintenance by a public agency shall be ao dedicated to public use by the owner of the land which is being subdivided. FF: I Separate Instrument: A document that dedicates land and /or easements, or accomplishes 2 some other task(s), and is filed of record separately from the original subdivision plat documents. 3 Setback: The distance between a building and the nearest street right -of -way line or property 4 line. Also see Building Setback Line in this section. 5 State: The State of Oklahoma. 6 Street: A public or private right -of -way which affords the primary means of access to abutting 7 property or serves as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic, or both, but excluding alleys. a Street. Arterial: A thoroughfare which carries a significant portion of the interurban vehicle traffic 9 at moderate speeds with some traffic stops. 10 Street, Collector: A street intended to move traffic from minor to arterial streets, including the 11 principal entrance and circulation street or streets of a development. 12 Street, Cul -De -Sac: A minor street with only one outlet and having a terminal for the safe and 13 convenient reversal of traffic movement including all emergency and service vehicles. 14 Street, Maior: Highways, arterial and collector streets. 15 Street, Minor (Local): A trafficway of limited length that is not classified as a Major Street or 16 highway, providing direct access to abutting tracts of land and access to more heavily traveled 17 streets. to Street, Service Road: A minor street which is parallel and adjacent to major streets, trafficways, 19 highways or railroad rights -of -way and which provides access to abutting properties and 20 protection from through traffic. 21 Subdivider: A person undertaking the subdivision or re- subdivision of a lot, tract or parcel of land 22 into two or more lots, or other subdivision of land for the purpose of transfer of ownership or 23 development, whether immediate or future, including all changes in lot lines. 24 Subdivision: Any division of land into four (4) or more lots, tracts or parcels for the purpose of 25 transfer of ownership or development, whether immediate or future, or any re- subdivision of 26 land. See also Plat in this section. 27 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): A committee composed of public officials, City staff, and 23 utility company representatives to review and study all plats and minor subdivision proposals and 29 make recommendations concerning those subdivisions to the Planning Commission. 30 Zoning Code: The adopted City Ordinance regulating land use in the City. 31 32 33 M sd TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority (OPWA) FROM: Carly Novozinsky, Finance Director SUBJECT: Review of Rates and Fees - Proposed Fee Changes Public Works & Utility Billing DATE: September 8, 2023 BACKGROUND: Through a review of the rates and fees charged by Utility identified fees that could be adjusted due to an increase service. These fees have not been adjusted since 2018. Hydrant Meter Deposits: Billing and Public Works, staff has in the actual cost of providing the Customers are allowed to use a City -owned hydrant meter for various purposes. Typical uses are to fill a water tank or for temporary service at a construction site. To use a hydrant meter, a deposit is required. The current deposit for a hydrant meter is $1,000.00. Upon return of the meter, the deposit is applied to the final bill and any remaining deposit is returned to the customer. City staff purchased an additional hydrant meter in August 2023. The cost of the hydrant meter has risen to $1,675.00. Staff is proposing increasing the required deposit for hydrant meters to $1,800.00 to cover the replacement cost if the meter is not returned to the City. Water Connection Fees: When a customer requests a new water meter, they are charged a water connection fee to cover the cost of materials and the installation of the new meter. Typically, this occurs when a new house or business is built, but customers can also request an additional irrigation meter. The cost of materials to install a new meter has risen to a point where the meter connection fees are no longer covering the cost of installation. City staff is proposing the following changes: Connection Size Current Fee Proposed Fee 5/8" - 3/4" Meter $800.00 No change 1" Meter $1,000.00 $1,500.00 1 1/2" Meter $2,100.00 $3,400.00 2" Meter $2,600.00 $4,200.00 3" Meter $2,800.00 No change An item has been placed on the September 12, 2023 Worksession agenda for discussion of the proposed fee changes. September 2023 Sales & Use Tax Report HEAL Oeepla -aEAL CM1enclar 0.EAL COmmunlry Total Monthly Sales Tax Comparison $4,500,000 54.o00,0aD s2,sbD,DOD 33,0Dg,000 52,500,OOD 52.000,000 S1,500,000 St,Da0,000 5500.000 S. Jul Aug Sep 0.1 Nov D. Jan Feb Mar Apr MAY Jun �Adual —o— Budget . .t y.. Year-to-Date Sales Tax Total 0000 0,000 ,000 F ,goo ,aoo ,,000 $20.000,000 $fs,aDO,DOo stD,DDD,ogo 55,000,000 S. Jul Aug Sep Oq Nov Dee Jen fah Mw Apr May Jun - +Budgoi City of Owasso Total Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2023 -2024 2022 -2023 2021 -2022 2020 -2021 2019 -2020 Jul $ 3,809,901 $ 3,859,805 $ 3,440,377 $ 3,464,240 $ 3,005,671 Aug 3,892,331 3,888,306 3,558,829 3,386,133 2,968,434 Sep 3,629,534 3,743,687 3,522,962 3,227,732 2,969,838 Oct - 3,767,889 3,653,860 3,093,584 3,067,281 Nov - 3,750,140 3,443,276 3,162,417 2,855,219 Dec - 3,854,603 3,538,043 3,214,507 3,105,262 Jan - 4,145,010 3,890,744 3,466,684 3,399,527 Feb 4,055,635 4,033,475 3,406,382 3,294,059 Mar - 3,334,731 2,990,573 2,987,980 2,677,677 Apr - 3,659,838 3,491,187 2,803,716 2,845,063 May - 4,018,971 3,726,630 3,596,560 2,953,020 Jun - 3,797,070 3,678,903 3,714,051 2,907,154 $ 11,331,766 _145.875,686 $ 42,968,861 $ 39,523,987 $ 36,048,205 City of Owasso Total Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison September 8, 2023 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals 2023 -2024 2023 -2024 Actual Collections Budget Projections Over (Under) Projection Amount Percent Amoun Percent Amount Percent $ 3,809,901 8.8% $ 3,700,059 8.5% $ 109,842 3.0% 3,892,331 9.0% 3,871,550 8.9% 20,781 0.5% 3,629,534 8.4% 3,739,518 8.6% (109,984) -2.9% $ 11,331,766 26.1% $ 11,311,128 26.1% $ 20,639 0.2% City of Owasso Total Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparison September 8, 2023 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals 2023 -2024 2022 -2023 Percent Percent Amount of Budget $ 3,809,901 8.8% 3,892,331 9.0% 3,629,534 8.4% Amount of Actual $ (49,905) -1.3% $ 3,859,805 8.4% 3,888,306 8.5% 3,743,687 8.2% Increase or (Decrease) Amount Percent $ (49,905) -1.3% 4,026 0.1% (114,153) -3.0% $ 11,331,766 26.1% $11,491,798 25.0% $ (160,032) -1.4% Fiscal Year 2024 Sales Tax Budget is $43.403 million; Fiscal Year 2023 Sales Tax Budget was $43.913 million. City of Owasso Monthly Use Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 2024 Use Tax Budget is $5.061 million 2023 -2024 2022 -2023 2021 -2022 2020 -2021 2019 -2020 Jul $ 485,519 $ 401,124 $ 326,380 $ 320,463 $ 224,427 Aug 418,758 363,566 404,700 308,877 213,728 Sep 450,327 425,319 318,417 319,035 258,541 Oct - 357,484 392,609 322,295 211,009 Nov - 406,252 339,020 325,866 212,040 Dec - 422,765 368,226 353,105 226,537 Jan - 478,272 487,449 406,969 280,550 Feb - 574,438 509,782 493,847 404,153 Mar - 378,203 330,651 291,099 187,882 Apr - 440,597 310,281 286,867 233,275 May - 505,331 390,745 439,483 257,842 Jun - 415,151 348,589 316,929 321,127 $ 1,354,604 $ 5,168,503 $ 4,526,849 $ 4,184,835 $ 3,031,109 Fiscal Year 2024 Use Tax Budget is $5.061 million City of Owasso Total Use Tax Report Two Year Comparison September 8, 2023 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2023 -2024 Percent Amount of Budget 2022 -2023 Percent Amount of Actual $ 485,519 9.6% $ 401,124 418,758 8.3% 363,566 450,327 8.9% 425,319 Increase or (Decrease) Amount Percent 7.8% $ 84,395 21.0% 7.0% 55,192 15.2% 8.2% 25,008 5.9% Totals 1 1,354,604 26.8% $ 1,190,010 23.0% $ 164,594 13.8%