HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.09.11_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, September 11, 2023, in the Council
Chambers at Old Central, 109 North Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting filed
Friday, December 9, 2022; and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200
South Main Street, at 11:30 am on Thursday, September 7, 2023.
1. Call to Order- Dr. Balthrop called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
2. Flag Salute
3. Roll Call - A quorum was declared present.
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Dr. Chad Balthrop -Vice Chair Tim Miller - Chair
David Smith David Vines
Brian Cook
Brian Dempster, Community Development Director
Alexo Beemer, Planning Manager
Wendy Kramer, City Planner
Cyndi Townsend, Recording Secretary
Julie Lombardi, City Attorney
4. Presentation of the Character Trait of Resilience
Wendy Kramer presented the character trait for the month of September.
S. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the minutes of the August 7, 2023, Regular Meeting
Mr. Cook moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, to approve the minutes, as presented.
YEA: Balthrop, Cook, Smith
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the rezoning (OZ 23 -06) of approximately 2.22 acres
+ / -, located west of the North Mingo Road and East 102nd Street North intersection, from Agriculture
(AG) to Residential Estate (RE)
Wendy Kramer presented the item, recommending approval. There were no comments from the
audience. Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Dr. Balthrop, to recommend approval to City Council, as
YEA: Cook, Balthrop, Smith
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
Consideration and appropriate action relating to a planned unit development (OPUD 23 -05) request
for Morey Apartments, a proposed multifamily development of approximately 1.42 acres + / -, located
west of North 125th East Avenue and south of East 86th Street North, currently zoned Residential
Multifamily (RM)
Wendy Kramer presented the item, recommending approval. There were no comments from the
audience. Mr. Cook moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, to recommend approval to the City Council, subject
to the following Technical Advisory Committee comments:
• Title page - correct the document number
• Change all mention of "Elk Creek Condominiums Amended" to "Elm Creek Condominiums
• Page 2 - First paragraph, correct the street names mentioned to East 86th Street North and North
1251h East Avenue
• Within the PUD document, list proposed residential density of project in gross density figures
• Within the PUD document, add anticipated timeline for development
• Page 3 - Development Standards: Permitted Uses: change "all uses allowed by right in the RM
Zoning District" to "all uses allowed within this PUD"
• Page 3 - Development Standard: Minimum Internal Landscape Open Space: adjust minimum
landscape open space to 20% of net area, not 15%
Owasso Planning Commission
September 11, 2023
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• Page 3- Development Standard: Minimum Internal Landscape Open Space: also list the acreage
of minimum open space alongside the percentage
• Page 3 - Development Standard: Minimum Building Setbacks: remove "zero lot lines"
• Page 3 - Parking Ratio: adjust to 2 spaces per unit - if you want to include the garages to meet this
minimum, contact city staff
• Page 5 - Signage: change all wording to "All signage reviewed via a separate sign permit, in
accordance with Chapter 18 of Owasso Zoning Code"
• Clarify to city staff whether the property will stay one lot, or are there plans to further subdivide
• Page 6: remove the platting requirement paragraph
• Fix north arrows direction on the following maps /drawings: existing conditions, hydraulic conditions,
conceptual site plan, and conceptual landscape plan
• Include dates of preparation on all drawings
• Add another zoning map showing zoning conditions before PUD
• Revise the PUD number shown from PUD 23 -07 to PUD 23 -05 on the current zoning map
• Conceptual Site Plan: show the buffer yards, building setback lines, and callout the screening
fence abutting the residential area
• Conceptual Site Plan: show the square footage on proposed buildings
• Conceptual Site Plan: add bike rack
• Conceptual Site Plan: call out plat or easement document number for mutual access easement
(also include documents filed separately with resubmittal)
• Conceptual Landscape Plan: show required amenities
• Conceptual Landscape Plan: include legend
• Add a Hammerhead for fire and waste management turnaround to the northern end of the
• Coordinate with Public Works to discuss detention pond outlet
YEA: Balthrop, Cook, Smith
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a combined preliminary and final plat request for
Twill Johnson Ranch, a proposed multifamily development of approximately 22.55 acres + / -, located
at the northwestern corner of East 101st Street North and North 129th East Avenue, zoned Residential
Multifamily (RM) under Planned Unit Development OPUD 23 -01
Alexa Beemer presented the item, recommending approval. There were no comments from the
audience. Mr. Smith moved to approve the preliminary plat, seconded by Dr. Balthrop, subject to the
following Technical Advisory Committee comments:
• On both preliminary and final plat: add main address to plat face, 10300 North 129th East Avenue
• On both preliminary and final plat: show curb cuts on east side of North 1291h East Avenue on plat
• On both preliminary and final plat: add adjacent platted subdivision (Glenn -Mur Acres) on plat
• Preliminary & Final Plat Deed of Dedication (DoD) - add standard landscaping language "Following
the completion of the planting of all landscape material, the property owner or Homeowners'
Association shall be responsible for long -term health, care, and maintenance of all plant material
on site. Dead and diseased plant material shall be replaced as per the approved landscape plan."
• Provide to city staff required Oil and Gas letter from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC)
• Coordinate with Public Works on sewer easements and which sewer lines will be public
• Show resulting sewer easements after discussion with Public Works on plat
• Coordinate with Public Works on the position of the west property line and any adjustments that are
necessary to shown easements, building lines, and dedicated right -of -way (ROW)
• Fences running parallel to the centerline of Grand River Dam Authority's (GRDA) ROW /easement
are not permitted
• No signs are initially allowed under GRDA lines; however, contact GRDA staff about size and
location of the sign to determine if it will impact their operation and maintenance of the 69kV line
• Provide any sidewalk and drive grade adjustment information to GRDA staff to determine if any
drives will have impact on line clearances
• Drives, signs, fences, etc. cannot be installed within 25 feet of any GRDA structure or equipment
Owasso Planning Commission
September 11, 2023
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RWD #3:
• This item is in RWD #3 service area
• DoD: item c.: Water: the plat language appears to be sufficient
• Submit water line plans to RWD #3 staff - reserve the right to comment after review
• Conceptual Improvement Plan: disagree with some information, contact RWD #3 staff to discuss
• RWD #3 requires a 20 foot utility easement
YEA: Smith, Balthrop, Cook
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3-0
Dr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Mr. Cook, to recommend approval of the final plat to the City Council,
subject to the aforementioned Technical Advisory Committee comments.
YEA: Balthrop, Cook, Smith
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a final plat request for The Reserve at Owasso, a
proposed multiuse development of approximately 51.44 acres + / -, located at the northwestern corner
of East 106th Street North and North 145th East Avenue, zoned Commercial Shopping (CS), Office, (0),
and Residential Multifamily (RM), under Planned Unit Development OPUD 23 -02, and is within the US-
169 Overlay District
Wendy Kramer presented the item, recommending approval. There were no comments from the
audience. Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Cook, to recommend approval to the City Council, subject
to the following Technical Advisory Committee comments:
• Coordinate with Public Works on escrow requirements for intersection improvements and traffic
• Change the street name from "N 135th E Ave" to "North 137th East Avenue"
• Add addresses for each lot, as provided by city staff
• Label the dimensions of all of the Limits of No Access
• Per the approved PUD document, there is one additional allowed point of access off North 145th
East Avenue, into Lot 12, Block 2. Show on plat face if said access point will be installed later
• The offsite drainage easement perpendicular to North 1451h East Avenue will need to be filed and
the document number will need to be placed on the plat face prior to the filing of this plat
• Provide entrance detail(s), showing any landscaping or signage for all access points. If you are
doing entrance landscaping / signage, places these in Reserve Area (s) and add language
regarding entrance maintenance to the DoD
• Section 11- add "with the exception of Reserve Area A" to the last paragraph
• Section I.J- add language that the sidewalks along East 106th Street North will be escrowed
• Clarify the property line and ROW line locations in the SE corner of the subject property. Currently
appears there is a strip of land excluded from the property and the ROW (see below)
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Owasso Planning Commission
September 11, 2023
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• Ensure that the 10' strip of ROW being dedicated along East 106th Street North is included in the
legal description found within the DoD. Additionally, adjust the southern property line so that the
ROW is included within the area to be platted (see below)
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Washington County Rural Water District #3:
• This item is in Washington Co. RWD #3 service area.
• 20 ft. utility easement at minimum along all streets and ROW (additional easements may be needed
based on design)
• We have had some communications with the engineer, but water has not been requested to date.
• Waterline plans have not been submitted, reviewed, or approved to date.
• How will entrances be addressed for each lot?
• We reserve comments until we have an opportunity to review and comment on waterline plans.
• The Deed of Dedication and the Restrictive Covenants appear to be sufficient.
• At such time as water service is requested, all requirements of the district must be met.
YEA: Cook, Smith, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
10. Discussion relating to proposed updates of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations
Alexa Beemer presented the proposed updates.
11. Community Development Report - Brian Dempster reported on the Monthly Building Report and Permit
Activity for August 2023.
12. Report on items from the August 16, 2023 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting -Brian Dempster
reported on a Site Plan for Vision Hardwood located at 11717 North Garnett Road, Collinsville, Oklahoma.
13. Report from Planning Commissioners - None
14. New Business - None
15. Adjournment - Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Cook, to adjourn the meeting.
YEA: Balthrop, Smith, Cook
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 6 :29 p.m.
di Townsend, Recording Secretary