HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.10.27_OPGA Minutes0511 ffll 9 W093 WELL-111-1 salwaill Tuesday, October 27, 1992, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall I Tom Rikkola Brian Skelton Glenna Anderson Bob Oldefest Ed Sokolosky -- FF-Pl- "Z ENT Marcia Boutwell Rodney Ray Ron Cates Dennis Shirley Don Armstrong The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, October 27, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 23, 1992. Chairperson Tom Rikkola called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 11-EM 2 REQUEST APPROVAL OF !HE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 22.,- 1992 REGULAR MEETING Bob Oldefest moved to approve the minutes as written; seconded by Brian Skelton. Motion carried 5-0. Items 3 & 4 were deferred until later in the agenda after action on other items pertaining to expenditures. H-EM5' PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF "USE OF FUNDS" REPORT Mr Ray presented an updated report outlining the use of revenue bond funds through Septembet 30, 1992. The report detailed budgeted and encumbered amounts, as well as the amount actually spent through September 30. LT-EM6. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIN REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #4 TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE OPGA AND PAUL CLUTE AND ASSOCIATES DECRE BY 50 000 Change Order #4 covers $50,000 remaining in the landscape budget. The landscaping has not been done and these funds have not been used. Glenna Anderson moved to approve Change Order #4. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. 4 Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of October 27, 1992 Page 2 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT COMPLETION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE OPGA AND PAUL CLUTE AND ASSOCIATES AND AUTHORIZATION OF FINAL PAYMENT INCLUDING ALL RETAINAGE DUE ACCORDING TO TERMS OF THAT CONTRACT AND INITIATING A ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE BOND PERIOD Mr Pittman submitted a letter to the Trustees in which he recommended total acceptance of the golf course and final payment to Paul Clute & Associates. Both the Trustees and staff expressed some concerns about the project completion. Following discussion, Glenna Anderson moved to deny final payment and acceptance of the project until such time as a punch list is developed and all items on that punch list have been taken care of to everyone's satisfaction. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. relatingAn agreement was entered into with Pittman -Poe & Associates on August 5, 1991 for professional services to the golf course project, with a dollar amount of $148,000. With the October payment $130,000 will have been paid on the contract. Staff recommendation was ., $18,000 remaining on the contractbe paid at this time. Ed Sokolosky moved to continueo f..y out the contract0 per montha' to provide his services until the contractfai;f. out. ! off' seconded by Bob Oldefest. Following discussion, both the motionand second were withdrawnand no action ; =.f a o this item. LT-EM9. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A FROM COO ERS & LYBRAND FOR ADDITIONAL WORK TO COMPLETE c . R r There is currently a dialogue f ' on between opF_ concerning money that Coopers & Lybrand feels is owed them by OPGA for completion of the feasibility study. It is the position of the City that Coopers & Lybrand did not fulfil their obligations to OPGAconcerning the feasibilitys as agreed By consensus the Trustees requested that Mr Cates o whatever i, necessary to get this matter taken care of. On October 19, 1992 sealed bids were received and opened for the lease of the above mention , f documents -f to ten dealers and the f • was advertised twice in The Owass1 Reporter. Tworf -- -, Norton f bid of $11,500. and a monthl lease of • •' and MikeQuinn Dodge f pf of $13,439.15and a monthly- Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of October 27, 1992 Page 3 $299. The bids were reviewed by management staff and their recommendation was to reject both bids as being above budget. Brian Skelton moved to reject both bids as being above budget and to authorize staff to rebid. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXPENDITURE OF $4815.50 TO PLAZAR/PLAZA RENTAL & SALES OF TULSA FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING A TENT TO BE USED AS A TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREA AND LATER AS AN EVENT FACILITY Management staff requested the expenditure of the above mentioned amount to purchase a tent to temporarily house equipment. After a permanent maintenance facility has been completed, the tent will be used as an event facility. Bob Oldefest moved to authorize the expenditure of $4815.50 to Plazar/Plaza Rental & Sales for the purchase of a tent. Motion was seconded by Glenna Anderson and carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF DAVIES ARCHITECT INC FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING DESIGN SERVICES--ANa_ BID DOCUMENTS FOR THE rnMQIr---- FACILITY - TION OF —A MAINTENANCE An architect needs to be involved in the design of a maintenance facility, as well as providing specifications for the bid documents. Brian Skelton moved to authorized the employment of Davies Architect to provide design services and bid documents for the construction of a maintenance facility, with their work not to exceed 80 hours. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Brian Skelton Bob Oldefest Glenna Anderson Ed Sokolosky - No Tom Rikkola H—EMI 3 CONSID THE ADOPTION OF A GOLF COURSE LOGO Mr Shirley had several logos to show the Trustees. Copies will be made of the logos and fistributed to the Trustees for action at a later date. No formal action was taken on this item. Minutes of October 27, 1992 r-age 4 ITEM 14: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ISSUES Mr Shirley & Mr Armstrong discussed cart paths, clubhouse, cart barn, maintenance facility, maintenance equipment, restrooms, and fees. There was also discussion concerning the depth of the lakes and the costs associated with dredging. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO BAILEY GOLF RANCH MANAGEMENT INC FOR EXPENSES Mr Shirley presented a list of expenses in the amount of $33,503.74 for reimbursement to the start-up account. Brian Skelton moved to approve the reimbursement. Motion was seconded by Glenna Anderson and carried 5-0. With the denial of payment to Paul Clute & Associates, eleven requisitions were submitted for payment, with a total amount of $106,852.88. Glenna Anderson moved to approve payment of all the requisitions except Paul Clute. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. A Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Bob Oldefest to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. T M kkola, Jr, 'airperson Marci4�Bo2utw�ell, AutcitySecretary w� J