HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.04.28_OPGA MinutesOWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 28, 1992, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Rikkola Brian Skelton Ed Sokolosky (out at 6:05) Bob Oldefest (in at 5:50) MEMBERS ABSENT Glenna Anderson STAFF PRESENT Marcia Boutwell Rodney Ray Sherry Bishop The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, April 28, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Tom Rikkola called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 24 1992 AND APRIL 14, 1992 On Item 4 of the March 24th minutes, motion was made by Ed Sokolosky and seconded by Glenna Anderson. Ed Sokolosky moved to approve the minutes of March 24, 1992 as corrected and April 14, 1992 as written; seconded by Brian Skelton. Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE REQUISITIONS Four requisitions were submitted for payment, with a total amount of $428,578.24. Brian Skelton moved to approve payment of the requisitions. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 3-0. WON 010121 • C) '' s �, • • , ,, There was discussion concerning the 86th Street underpass construction. Staff is recommending that 86th Street be closed during a portion of the construction (no longer than 30 days). Cecil Cotner updated the Trustees on construction plans. Ed Sokolosky moved that the Trustees authorize the advertisement for bids pending the coordination of utilities relocation. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 4-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of April 28, 1992 Page 2 ITEM 5: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT ISSUES A. Management Firm Selection - Staff has looked through the letters of interest and put together a short list from which to solicit proposals. Bob Oldefest and Ed Sokolosky will meet with Ms Boutwell and Mr Ray to discuss the requests and select times for proposals to be presented to the Authority. A letter from Danny Hickman, Executive Director of the South Central Section of the PGA, was distributed. They are interested in on -site management. Ms Boutwell and Mr Ray will be meeting with Mr Hickman. B. Discussion of Unresolved Items: Clubhouse, Cart Barn, Maintenance Building - No discussion on these items. C. Drainage Study - Cecil Cotner and Rhonda Barnes of Poe & Associates presented the drainage study, a copy of which will be on file with other golf course documents. By consensus the Trustees accepted the report and took it under consideration and advisement. Staff will begin meeting with the interested parties on the drainage. D. Other Items - A letter from Roy Cartwright concerning drainage on the golf course & surrounding property was discussed. This letter raised questions concerning the stormwater retention. (See attached) ITEM 6: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT Bob Oldefest moved, seconded by Brian Skelton to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. T M Rikkola, Jr, Chairperson Marci Boutwell, Auth rity Secretary