HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.08.24_OPGA MinutesEUV I 104tel 9 a&$) W.14 Kelm My•m kyl 001 Val Tuesday, August 24, 1993, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tom Rikkola Marcia Boutwell Brian Skelton Ed Sokolosky Glenna Anderson Bob Oldefest Rodney Ray Jim Fitzsimmons Don Armstrong Warren Lehr Kirk Ruark The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 24, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 20, 1991 Chairperson Tom Rikkola called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. and declared a quorum present. LI—EM2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 27, 1993 REGULAR MEETING AND August 2R 1993 SPECIAL MEETING Brian Skelton moved, seconded by Ed Sokolosky to approve the minutes of July 27 and August 2 as written. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION FOR TRUSTEE ACTION TO DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY TO THE BAILEY TRUST Because hole #4 and hole #7 on the golf course were not placed as originally intended, there was some land available to be dedicated back to the Bailey Trust. The legal description of this land was included in the agenda packet. Brian Skelton moved that the golf authority dedicated back to the Bailey Trust the land as described in the attachment to the deeds. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. ITEM 4- REQUEST APPROVAL OF AN EXPE•ITURE -DE-12256.00 To LIGHTHOUS " ELECTRI OR CLUBHOUSESETUP At the time approval was given for the lease of the clubhouse facility, no authorization was given for costs associated with the set up. Lighthouse Electric presented a statement for $2756.00 for electrical work on the clubhouse. Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Glenna Anderson, to approve the expense. Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of August 24, 1993 Page 2 ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF AN EXPENDITURE OF $13, 000 TO OKLAHOMA UTILITY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. OWASSO, OK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER LINE TO CLUBHOUSE; AND INVALIDATING ACTION TAKEN ON JULY 20, 1993 WHEREBY A CHANGE ORDER TO BUILDER'S UNLIMITED CART BARN CONTRACT WAS AUTHORIZED IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,355.00 FOR THE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION On July 20, 1993 the Trustees authorized a Change Order to the contract of Builder's Unlimited for the construction of a sewer line. The contractor did not follow through with action on that Change Order and the work was done by another contractor, who has now presented a statement for his services. Ed Sokolosky moved to authorize the expenditure of $13,000 to Oklahoma Utility Construction Co, Inc for the construction of a sewer line, and to invalidate the action taken on July 20, 1993 relative to a change order to Builder's Unlimited contract. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOLF CART FACILITY Warren Lehr stated that there are a few things to be completed on the cart facility. Following discussion, Ed Sokolosky moved to accept the project pending completion of the items on the punch list and to withhold the final payment until the project is completed. Motion seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. LT-EM7- CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Kirk Ruark stated that there are still some items to be completed on the maintenance facility. Following discussion, Ed Sokolosky moved to accept the project pending completion of the items on the punch list and to withhold the final payment until the project is completed. Motion seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. ITEM 8- DISCUSSION OF JULY FINANCIAL REPORTS July financial reports were presented for discussion by Jim Fitzsimmons. ITEM 9: REVIEW OF FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT FOR THE GROW IN PERIOD Jim Fitzsimmons and Don Armstrong reviewed the final accounting report for the grow in period. ITEM 10: REVIEW OF FF & E AND START UP LIST The FF & E and Start Uj2 lists were reviewed qn*� iiscusse Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of August 24, 1993 Page 3 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF A FY 1993-94 OPERATING BUDGET A proposed FY 1993-94 operating budget was distributed to the Trustees in July for study and review. Following discussion, Glenna Anderson moved to adopt the proposed budget. Motion was seconded by Brian Skelton and carried 5-0. ITEM 12: REQUEST APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO BAILEY GOLF RANCH MANAGEMENT INC FOR EXPENSES A list of expenses in the amount of $28,282.08 for reimbursement to the start-up account was included as a part of the agenda packet. Brian Skelton moved to approve the reimbursement. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. ITEM 13: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Fifteen claims were submitted for payment, with a total amount of $123,385.53. Glenna Anderson moved to approve payment of the claims, with the exception that the checks to Builder's Unlimited in the amount of $46,255.54 be withheld until such time as the Trustees are notified that the cart barn and maintenance facility have been completed. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. ITEM_l 4 CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE AUTHORITY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE FORECLOSING RIGHT TO REOPEN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR EASEMENT jnCASE j_CJ 93 03091 WILLIAMS VS CITY OF OWASSO, ET AL The Trust was named as a defendant, along with the City of Owasso, in a friendly suit to close a portion of North Carlsbad Street and West First Avenue, and foreclosing the City of Owasso's right to reopen the public right of way or easement. This action will allow the Trust attorney to approve a Decree of Foreclosure in the action. Glenna Anderson moved to authorize approval of the Decree of Foreclosure, with the stipulation that costs associated with this action will not be assessed against the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Motion seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. ITEM 15. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ISSUES Jim Fitzsimmons presented an amendment to the management contract relative to the accounting policies and procedures which were adopted at the July 27, 1993 meeting. Since this was not on the agenda, action will be taken on the amendment at the next regular meeting. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of August 24, 1993 Page 4 LT E -Ml 6. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE .,_ GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Items discussed were the greens, cart paths, maintenance building, and lake dredging. The Trustees asked to see a proposal on the costs associated with completion of the maintenance facility. That will be included in the next agenda. ITEM 17: UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12 The Trustees of the Bailey Foundation would like to meet with the OPGA to prioritize items needed at the golf course that the Foundation may be able to help with. The Chair asked that each Trustee compile a list of items and get them to Ms Boutwell by September 15. The lists will be included in the next agenda packet for discussion and prioritization. The Chair recessed the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened at 7:45 p.m. ITEM 19: DISCUSSION WITH TASK FORCE FROM CITY OF MCKTNNEY TEXAS CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MUNICIPAL, GOLF COURSE Three persons from the City of McKinney were present to discuss the construction of a municipal golf course. ITEM 20- ADJOURNMENT Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Brian Skelton to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. T M Rikkola, Jr, Chairperson a Marci .Boutwell, Autho ty Secretary