HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.07.27_OPGA MinutesTuesday, July 27, 1993, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall Brian Skelton Ed Sokolosk-f iio •il ililhr W" STAFF PRESENT Marcia Boutwell Sherry Bishop Rodney Ray Jim Fitzsimmons Don Armstrong Warren Lehr The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, July 27, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 22, 1993. Chairperson Tom Rikkola called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. and declared a quorum present. LT E U_M2 REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 22 1993 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 6. 1993 AND JULY 20, 1993 SPECIAL -MEETINGS,-- _AND JULY 15, 1993 EMERGENCY MEETING Item 2 of the July 6 minutes should read " Glenna Anderson moved ...... Glenna Anderson moved, seconded by Bob Oldefest to approve the minutes of June 22, July 20 and July 15 as written and the minutes of July 6 as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO BAILEY GOLF RANCH MANAGEMENT INC FOR EXPENSES A list of expenses in the amount of $41,808.50 for reimbursement to the start-up account was included as a part of the agenda packet. Glenna Anderson moved to approve the reimbursement. Motion was seconded by Ed Sosky and carried 5-0. H-EM8 CONSIDERATION - AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE SELECTION OF A LOCAL BANK DEPOSITORY FOR OPGA FUNDS RE NOTE Trustees discussed the use of a local bank as a depository for funds from the Revenue Anticipation Not instead of using the Trustee bank. Brian Skelton moved to deposit the $400,000 at First Bank of Owasso. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. The Chair recessed the meeting at 5:50 p.m. and reconvened at 6:00 p.m. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of July 27, 1993 Page 2 ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS June financial statements were explained by Mr Fitzsimmons ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF A FY 1993-94 OPERATING BUDGET A proposed operating budget was included in the agenda packet. Trustees requested more time to review the budget. Bob Oldefest moved, seconded by Brian Skelton, to adopt a temporary budget for a 30-day period and consider the FY 1993-94 operating budget at the August 24th meeting. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE REQUISITIONS Nine claims were submitted for payment, with a total amount of $156,543.30. Jim Fitzsimmons requested an additional $50,000 be added to the management company's reimbursement account. Glenna Anderson moved to approve payment of the claims, including the additional amount to the management company, for a total of $206,543.30. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. LTEM-7 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PETTY CASH FU- This item was stricken from the agenda. InN] ON MLIJUNINVE UIMININ Glenna Anderson, Jim Fitzsimmons, Warren Lehr, Pam Marshall, and Sherry Bishop met earlier in the day to discuss accounting procedures. Mr Fitzsimmons presented two scenarios to be considered. Those scenarios are attached to and made a part of these minutes. Under Scenario I, Bailey Golf Ranch Management would continue handling accounting operations with the hiring of a part-time accounting clerk. Utilizing Scenario II, a full time, on site account would be hired to handle all of the accounting. Glenna Anderson moved to approve Scenario I for a six month period and to evaluate the procedures at the end of that time period. Motion was seconded by Brian Skelton and carried 5-0. Plans are in place for the golf course opening activities. A media day will be held on August 3 and a celebration of the opening on August 4. The first day the course will be open to the public will be August 6. Mr Lehr requested that OPGA plan the program for the day of celebration. The Chair appointed Glenna Anderson, Brian Skelton and Marcia Boutwell to a committee to plan the program, and called a special meeting of the Authority at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 2nd to discuss those plans. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of July 27, 1993 Page 3 ITEM I 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ISSUES A question was raised concerning the lease/purchase of the golf carts. At the July 6 meeting, the Trustees voted that the payment option for the golf cars be eight months of no payments, followed by 52 monthly payments, pending approval of the Trust attorney. Ms Boutwell reported that approval was given provided a Change Order was executed documenting that option. None Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Brian Skelton to adjourn. Motion carried and the meetin�p was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. T M Rikkola, Jr, Chairperson Marc a Boutwell, Aut Secretary The following summarizes two different scenarios for handling the accounting operations at Bailey Golf Ranch (BGR). Because of the timing of the clubhouse completion and the fact that there has not been adequate space or responsibility for an accounting clerk to have been hired to date, we feel Bailey Golf Ranch Management, Inc. (BGRM) should continue handling the accounting operations at the corporate office as these operations are currently in place. A full time on site accounting clerk would need extensive training in the accounting software and responsibilities which are involved in the day-to-day operations of BGR. With the opening date of August 6, and the recent clubhouse completion, there is not adequate time to purchase and install the computer system and thoroughly train this individual. BGRM also feels it is in the best interest of BGR to have the accounting handled at the corporate office. In past experiences, we feel we are able to keep much tighter controls on the entire operation by processing all financial reporting including payables, payroll, bank reconciliations, etc. for the project; therefore, BGRM suggests Scenario I below for a time period of six months to one year. SCENARIO I - BGRM TO CONTINUE HANDLING ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS BGRM is currently handling all accounting operations for BGR. The computer system is set up at the corporate headquarters with all financial information in place. This system has worked out very well thus far, and the following explains how this would continue to work after opening. A part time accounting clerk would be hired at an anticipated rate of $6.00/hr° to process daily paperwork. This individual would be needed approximately 20 hours a week and would be responsible for the following: 1. Collect the previous day's paperwork (register tape) and cash from the safe 2. Count out the cash 3. Fill out the Daily Sales Report from the register tape. The Daily Report will contain all pertinent information, such as all sales, cash deposit amount, credit card amount, sales tax amount, all currency collected, as well as the weather conditions (see form attached). 4. Fax the daily report to the management company each day. The original of this report would be sent to the management company on a weekly basis. 5. Make the daily bank deposit which must tie back to the daily sales report, register tape and bank statement. 6. Assist with filling in a biweekly payroll worksheet for the golf shop, cart and food & beverage employees. This is simply a transfer of information from the time cards to the payroll worksheet which is provided by BGRM. The golf course superintendent is responsible for turning in the maintenance employees time. 7, Mail a weekly package to BGRM consisting of all original daily reports and backup, invoices to be paid and any other paperwork needed by BGRMT . BGRM currently has a very secure handle on all cash and daily operations. With Scenario 1, BGRM would continue to handle the following: 1. Financial reporting for OPGA 2. Accounts payable 3. Payroll 4 Bank reconciliations for four accounts a. Daily Operating Account b. Operating Account c. Depository Account d. Payroll Account The bank accounts are currently in place and are set up as follows: Daily Operating Account ® First Bank of Owasso, Owasso, OK a. This account was set up as an on site operating account for the Director of Golf and Superintendent. b. Any COD or emergency items are paid out of this account. c. The maximum balance is $3,000, which is reimbursed monthly out of operating. d. 2 signatures are required for amounts over $250 (one of these signatures must be a BGRM officer) e. Signers are Warren Lehr, Kirk Ruark, Jim Fitzsimmons, Don Armstrong, John Hungerford and Sam Swanson. 2. Operating Account ® Southwest Bank, Dallas, Texas a. This account is the main operating account which all bills are paid out of and payroll is reimbursed out of. b. 2 signatures are required on all checks (one of these signatures must be John Hungerford, Sam Swanson or Don Armstrong) c. Signers are John Hungerford, Sam Swanson, Don Armstrong, Jim Fitzsimmons and Pam Marshall d. Up until opening, this account has been funded by the OPGA. After opening, funds deposited into the Depository Account will be transferred to this account for operating. a. This account is strictly for deposits only. b. All daily cash/checks are deposited into this account. c. Transfer checks which are preprinted, made out to the operating account, are used to transfer this money into the operating account in Dallas 2. BGRM Payroll Account - Southwest Bank, Dallas, Texas a. This account was set up to handle all payroll for BGR employees b. 2 signatures are required on all checks (one of these signatures must be John Hungerford, Sam Swanson or Don Armstrong) c. Signers are John Hungerford, Sam Swanson, Don Armstrong, Jim Fitzsimmons and Pam Marshall d. This account is reimbursed by BGR operating account 4D Under this scenario, a full time accountant would be hired to handle all aspects of accounting at the clubhouse site. The budgeted salary for this individual is $19,760 which has been reduced from an original budget of $24,000. This individual would be responsible for the following: 1. Financial reporting for OPGA 2. Accounts payable 3 Bank reconciliations for three accounts a. Daily Operating Account b. Operating Account c. Depository Account Payroll would continue to be handled by BGRM. The bank accounts would be changed so that this individual, along with the Director of Golf could sign on all checks. The operating account would be moved to a local bank - A computer system would have to be purchased. We suggest ACCPAC accounting software. The cost of this software is low end and it is very user friendly. This is the software currently used by BGRM. A breakdown of cost for the above two scenarios is as follows: Stand alone computer $ 3,000 Anticipated salary for part time accounting clerk 6,240 Add'l fee to BGRM for handling accounting ($1,000/Mth) 12.000 Total for Scenario 1 J21,240 Approximate cost of computer hardware and software $ 6,500 All historical financial information would have to be input into the on site system. Approximate travel expense for start-up and transfer of information 2,000 Full time accounting clerk salary _19,760 Total for Scenario 11 JIM60 Handicaps Paid Outs Total Green Fees S Credit Cards Daily $ Checks $ Twi-Lite $ Sunset $ $100.00 $ Senior $ Junior $ $50.00 $ Patron Discount-Grn Fees ($ $20.00 $ Range $ $10.00 S- Merchandise $ $5.00 $ Patron Disc ounts-Mchdse ($ $2.00 $ Tournaments $ $1.00 $ Club Rentals $ $.50 $ Patron Card Sales $ $.25 $ Lessons $ $.10 $ Repairs $ $.05 $ Gift Certificates $ .01 $ Tax Exempt: Cash in Drawer $ Green Fees $ Leave in Drawer $ (500.00) Cart Rentals $- Merchandise $ Remaining in Drawer $ Sales Tax $ Over/(Short) $ Cash On Tape $ Total Sales* S Total A/R Charges $ *Total Sales = Cash on Tape A/R Charges (+/-) Over/Short Total Sales MC/Visa A/R Charges Paid Out: Acct # Paid Out: Acct T# Paid. Out: Acct # Cash Over/(Short) Net Golf Cash Deposit I 91 Term - Hi/Lo Weather Cond Cart Rentals Daily Fee Twi-Lite Sunset Seniors 'Juniors Comps f.\word5\forms\goffrep I Food .Sales Less: Comps Emp, % Total Net Pood Sales Food Tournament Sales Beer Sales Less Comps Net Beer Sales Beer Tournament Sales Wine Sales Less Comps Net Wine Sales Wine Tournament Sales Misc. Rentals Cigarettes Less Paid Out: Less A/R Char -es Less MC/Visa Cash Over/(Short) f -.\word5\forms\f&b rep 1 QN3 omwj 1--wiff, ''.pro:] Saies Tax Total F&B Income Acct Tr Acct List Deposits _Separately: 1. 2, 3, S Net F&B Deposit