HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.04.27_OPGA MinutesNUTWINSI-0 014:W." 1 *1 Tuesday, April 27, 1993, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall NEEMEBERS PRESENT Tom Rikkola Brian Skelton Glenna Anderson Bob Oldefest Ed Sokolosky STAFF PRESENT Marcia Boutwell Rodney Ray Don Armstrong Jim Fitzsimmons The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, April 27, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 1993. RWNNINNNKW� �## r111 Chairperson Tom Rikkola called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 13 1993 SPECIAL MEETING Bob Oldefest moved to approve the minutes as written; seconded by Glenna Anderson. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO BAILEY GOLF RANCH MANAGEMENT INC FOR EXPENS.ES A list of expenses in the amount of $22,912.47 for reimbursement to the start-up account was included as a part of the agenda packet. Glenna Anderson moved to approve the reimbursement. Motion was seconded by Bob Oldefest and carried 5-0. Six claims were submitted for payment, with a total amount of $25,546.36. Bob Oldefest moved to approve payment of the claims. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. I VWX U A 109113 - I Mr Ray discussed the need for auditors for FY92-93. The firm of Stanfield & O'Dell serves as auditors for the City, and it was the consensus to invite representatives of the firm to the next meeting of the Authority for discussion concerning their work and fee schedule. Owasso Public Golf Authori Minutes of April 27, 1993 Page 2 1 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE EXPENDITURE FOR MATERIALS FROM THE COUNTY BID LIST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLUBHOUSE ROAD. Mr Ray stated that actual work to construct the clubhouse road will be done by Tulsa County, however, the Authority will be responsible for purchasing materials. Those materials may be purchased from the County bid list. Glenna Anderson moved to authorize staff to utilize the County Bid List to purchase materials for the construction of a clubhouse road. Motion was seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO WAIVE THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GOLF CART FACILITY AND DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AS PROVIDED FOR IN 61 O.S. SECTION 136, SUBSECTION (B). Bid documents for the cart facility have been developed, however, the length of time required to publicly bid the project will extend the completion of the facility beyond the date set for the arrival of golf carts. Leaving the carts unprotected would cause mechanical and operating problems, thus endangering the persons who operate the carts, as well as those persons in the vicinity of the carts. A delay in opening the course as a result of delaying the construction of the cart facility would result in a loss of projected income in excess of $4000 per week until the facility is completed. There was discussion concerning the length of time to be given to the management firm to negotiate a contract for construction of the facility, with the feeling being that 10 days isn't long enough. Glenna Anderson moved that the Trustees declare an emergency to exist in reference to the construction of the Bailey Golf Ranch golf cart facility, and authorize the management firm to negotiate a contract for the construction; provided that the contract must be submitted for approval by the Trustees within 14 days of the date of this action. Motion seconded by Bob Oldefest. AYE: Anderson, Oldefest, Sokolosky, Skelton, Rikkola hTAY: None The motion carried 5-0. ki KNEW L Al. Specifications for the construction of a golf clubhouse facility have been completed, however, the length of time required to publicly bid the project will prolong the completion of the facility beyond the date now set for opening the golf course. The detrimental effect on the quality of the total golf experience would have a definite effect on the future income potential. Delaying the opening of the golf course as a result of the delay in the construction of the clubhouse will Owasso Public Golf Authorill Minutes of April 27, 1993 Page 3 1 result in not only an obstacle to the long term reputation and income, but will also risk a projected income during that time in excess of $10,000 per week until the facility is completed. Brian Skelton moved that the Trustees declare an emergency to exist in reference to the construction of the Bailey Golf Ranch clubhouse facility, and authorize the management firm to negotiate a contract for the construction; provided that the contract must be submitted for approval by the Trustees within 14 days of the date of this action. Motion seconded by Ed Sokolosky. AYE: Skelton, Sokolosky, Anderson, Oldefest, Rikkol.- NAY: None The motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO WAIVE THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLUBHOUSE PARKING LOT AND DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AS PROVIDED FOR IN 61 O.S. SECTION 136 SUBSECTION (B). Specifications for the construction of a parking lot for the clubhouse have been completed, however, the length of time required to publicly bid the project will have a detrimental effect on the quality of the total golf experience and would have a definite effect on the future income potential. Delaying the opening of the golf course as a result of the delay in this construction will result in not only an obstacle to the long term reputation and income, but will also risk a projected income during that time in excess of $10,000 per week until the facility is completed. Glenna Anderson moved that the Trustees declare an emergency to exist in reference to the 0 construction of a clubhouse parking lot, and authorize the management firm to negotiate a C) contract for the construction; provided that the contract must be submitted for approval by the Trustees within 14 days of the date of this action. Motion seconded by Ed Sokolosky. AYE: Anderson, Sokolosky, Oldefest, Skelton, Rikkola NAY: None The motion carried 5-0. guy _00FUNIr, Work to construct the clubhouse parking lot can be done by utilizing materials on the County Bid List. Brian Skelton moved to authorize staff to utilize the County Bid List to purchase materials for the construction of a clubhouse parking lot. Motion was seconded by Glenna Anderson and carried 5-0. •wasso Tub ic Uolf Authorii Minutes of April 27, 1993 Page 4 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO TH AWARD OF A BID FOR THE CQNSTRUCTION OF A MAINTENANC FACILITY. I Bids for the construction of a maintenance facility were opened on April 13, 1993, with two bids being received. The bid consisted of a base bid and seven alternates. Bids were reviewed by staff and the recommendations was to award the base bid only to Builders Unlimited. The alternate bids were discussed and it was felt that Alternate V, an alarm system for the building, should also be awarded. Bob Oldefest moved to award the bid for the construction of a maintenance facility to Builders Unlimited in the amount of $97,861 base bid and $820 alternate #7. Motion was seconded by Brian Skelton and carried 5-0. FAINIOW, M. 0 This item was postponed until the next meeting. LTEM 13- GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ISSUES Adonal financing was discussed. The proposal for a conditional grant from the City will be placed on the May 18 City Council Agenda. A question was raised concerning the deeds of dedication for easements and rights -of -way. Staff will check on the status. The Chair called for a Special Meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 11, 1993, Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Bob Oldefest to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. T M Rikkola, Jr, Chairperson Marcia outwell, Auth rity Secretary