HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.12.10_Worksession AgendaThis meeting is a worksession for Council/Trustee discussion only. There is no opportunity for public comments at worksession. PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE RECEIVED OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DEC O6 2024 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY (OPWA) OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY (OPGA) City Clerk's Office Council Chambers Old Central Building 109 North Birch, Owasso, OK Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 6:00 PM NOTE: APPROPRIATE ACTION may include, but is not limited to: acknowledging, affirming, amending, approving, authorizing, awarding, denying, postponing, or tabling. AGENDA 1. Call to Order - Mayor/Chair Alvin Fruga 2. Roll Call 3. Discussion relating to a request for a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) for lst Street Lofts, a multi- family development located at 207 West In Street, as referenced in application OPUD 24-02 Wendy Kramer 4. Discussion relating to proposed amendments to Part 11, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, of the Owasso Code of Ordinances, establishing a film permit and associated fee schedule Shellie Wingert / Alexa Beemer 5. Discussion relating to proposed amendments to Part 13, Public Safety, of the Owasso Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2 Fire Department, Article C Ambulance Service, Section 13-236, Funding for Ambulance Service as it relates to multi -family residential dwelling units David Hurst 6. Discussion relating to the monthly Sales and Use Tax Report and Revenue Outlook Carly Novozinsky 7. City/Authority Manager report 8. City Councilor/Trustee comments and inquiries 9. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk on Friday, December 8, 2023, and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 South Main Street, at 12:00 pm on Friday, December 6, 2024. WON M. Stevens, City Clerk me c_ay or uwasso encourages cmzen parncipanon. io requesr oryaccommoaarion due to a aaaomry, contact the aty cierK prior to the scheduled meeting by phone 918-376-1502 or by email to istevens@citvofowasso.com Ojm�.5_MR� TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Wendy Kramer, City Planner SUBJECT: Planned Unit Development (OPUD 24-02) - I It Street Lofts DATE: December 6, 2024 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application for 1st Street Lofts, a proposed multi -family development located at 207 West lst Street, near the northwestern corner of the intersection of North Atlanta Street and West 1:t Street. The subject property is approximately 0.33 acres in size and is currently zoned Residential Multi -Family (RM) within the Downtown Overlay District. SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROJECT DATA: Property Size 0.33 acres +/- Current Zoning Residential Multi -Family RM Present Use Vacant Land Use Master Plan Redbud District Within a Planned Unit Development (PUD)? No Within an Overlay District? Yes; Downtown Overlay Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks/Fees Assessed at Permitting) N/A (previously platted) CONCEPT OF A PUD: • A PUD is a development concept that allows for greater creativity and flexibility than typically allowed under traditional zoning and planning practices. For example, PUDs often allow developers to place different zonings and land uses in close proximity to each other. Developers may also have more flexibility in certain aspects of development, such as lot width requirements and building height limitations, which can be more restrictive in standard zoning districts. A PUD should not be considered as a tool to circumvent the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. All aspects of the PUD application are subject to public comment as well as consideration and approval from the Community Development Department, the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee, the Owasso Planning Commission, and the Owasso City Council. PUD applications presented to the Planning Commission and City Council are for approval of the uses and the overall conceptual development plan as it relates to the context of the surrounding area. GROWASSO 2035 LAND USE MASTER PLAN CONSISTENCY: • The GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan is a document that acts as a moderately flexible tool for evaluating development proposals. • The GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan identifies the property as within the Redbud District which represents an area targeted for future higher density housing uses, including multi -family uses, so the proposed development is in keeping with the uses called out for this location. OPUD 24-02 Page 2 ANALYSIS: • The conceptual development plan submitted for OPUD 24-02 states that the applicant intends to construct one (1) two-story apartment building, containing up to twelve (12) units. o The proposed maximum density of the 0.33-acre subject tract is thirty-six (36) dwelling units per acre (DU/Ac). • Per Section 10.12.17 of the Owasso Zoning Code, a PUD overlay is required for all multi -family developments in excess of six (6) dwelling units within the Downtown Overlay District. • The conceptual development plan limits the proposed development to one (1) curb cut off of West 1 sf Street. This property is currently platted and therefore access point(s) location(s) will be reviewed at the site plan process as a replat is not required for this property for this proposed configuration. • Per the OPUD 24-02 document, a screening fence will be required to be located adjacent to any single-family uses, in order to adequately screen the subject property from said lower - intensity residential uses. • The OPUD 24-02 document proposes one (1) six-foot monument sign to be allowed in the development. Otherwise, all signs shall conform to Chapter 18 of the Owasso Zoning Code. • The conceptual site layout within the OPUD 24-02 document shows an internal private parking lot east of the proposed building. Further, the OPUD document also states public parking will be constructed along West 1st Street. o A fully detailed landscape plan will be required to be submitted for City staff approval at the time of site plan review for development. All landscaping and parking will be required to meet the requirements identified in the Owasso Zoning Code. • The City of Owasso will provide police, fire, ambulance, water, and sanitary sewer services to the subject property. • Any development that occurs on the subject property shall adhere to all development, Zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Residential Multi -Family (RM) Vacant/ Residential Redbud District City of Owasso South Residential Multi -Family (RM) Residential Redbud District City of Owasso Single Family East Residential Multi -Family (RM) Residential Single -Family Redbud District City of Owasso West Residential Multi -Family (RM) Residential Quadplex Redbud District City of Owasso PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will consider this item at their regular meeting on December 9, 2024. OPUD 24-02 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan Map OPUD 24-02 Document A, ea _nm � It 4 ji: _4 'T "SUBJECT TRACT 69 ;Z�_Qq_ L m 226ME IRYM w H " 7f fa Note: Graphic overlays may not precisely align withpity.1cal Subje ct 0 100 200 400 features on the ground. Tract OPUD-24-02 I I j 3021-14 Aerial Photo Date. 2023 m Feet r 1st Street Lofts Multi -Family Development City of Owasso, Oklahoma Proposed land use and density_ A PUD development consisting of a single 2-story building with up to 12 multi -family residential units in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Location: 207 W 1st St, Owasso, OK 74055 Legal Description: LT 3 BLK 12 Owasso - Original Town Date Prepared: October 30, 2024 (Modified December 2, 2024) Owner: Keltner Homes, LLC P.O. Box 652 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 918-809-9839 josh@cstulsa.com Surveyor: Darrell Bible 918-640-4182 darrellbible@gmail.com Applicant: Architect: Brandy Salazar Kenny Martin 916-390-6901 918-381-6332 brandy@brandysalazar.com Engineer: Abstract: TBD Randall Coffman 918-582-5882 rcoffman@tulsaabstract.com PUD INTENT - We are requesting a PUD overlay for this development to accommodate a proposed density exceeding six residential units on the property, with plans for up to 12 units. PROPOSED LAND USE: Multifamily residential. Density: 12 total units on 0.33 acres, for a total gross density of 36 dwelling units per acre. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT: The lst St Lofts are a proposed Planned Unit Development ( PUD) consisting of 0.33 acres in Owasso, Oklahoma. The property is located west of the intersection of W. 1st Street and N. Atlanta St. The site is generally characterized by relatively flat terrain. There is currently no floodplain located onsite, according to the FEMA Floodplain Maps. The site will be controlled with localized drainage structures to control the stormwater onsite in the post -developed conditions. Soil types found on -site are typical for the area and create no unusual development problems that are not commonly encountered in most other area developments. Overall, this site has excellent development possibilities due to its gentle terrain. The 1st ST Lofts will feature a 12-unit single -owner apartment building within the allotted area These buildings will be located on the west side of the Site, maximizing green space and parking. The development is consistent with the surrounding properties, with duplex and condo buildings in the immediate area. This PUD will help make the subject property feasible for this development, allowing for densities but continuing the neighborhood feel within the area. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Total Planned Unit Development Area: ± 0.33 gross acres DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE: We plan to begin full construction and development drawings to submit for our building permit as soon as we receive PUD Approval —construction and development in under 12 months. COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT: This multi -family development project is designed to align seamlessly with the surrounding multi -family residential properties, enhancing and preserving the neighborhood's established character. Our architectural approach ensures consistency with nearby developments, fostering a cohesive and harmonious community aesthetic. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT with GrOWASSO 2035 Land Use Master Plan: Our proposed development aligns with the goals of the GrOwasso 2035 Land Use Master Plan. This residential multi -family project will adhere to the area's design standards, preserving the small-town character within the Downtown Overlay District of Owasso. In response to the increasing demand for affordable housing, our development will offer smaller multi -family units, contributing to accessible housing options in the community. Additionally, the project's location and accessibility will appeal to residents interested in walkability, cycling, and public transit options. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Permitted Uses:' Minimum Internal Landscape Open Space: Minimum Building Setbacks: Parking Ratio: All Uses Allowed by Right in the RM Zoning District and Downtown Overlay District 15% of Net Area Zero Lot Line 1 Space Per Unit Building Height: Approx30' LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: The landscape concept Is Intended to achieve unity throughout the PUD as well as provide an attractive view of the project from the surrounding streets and neighborhoods to achieve continuity throughout the PUD, all landscaping must adhere to Chapter 19 of the Owasso Building Code. SCREENING AND BUFFERING: Areas abutting developments outside of this PUD that are single-family In use will require some screening barrier between properties. Fences shall consist of wood, concrete, decorative metal, and/or masonry materials to match the building. Chain link fencing of any kind Is not allowed. All screening must adhere to Chapter 19 of the Owasso Building Code. PARKING: 2 Public parking spaces will be constructed along the 1st Street roadway easement for additional guest and public parking".We do not plan to use the alleyway on the adjacent side of the property. SIGNAGE: The Development proposes one 6-foot monument sign shallow be allowed in the development, and its location and placement will be determined at the time of site plan review. Except as note( herein, all signs shall conform to the current Owasso Sign Ordinance of the Owasso Zoning Code (chapter 18). Signage must be backlit or have lights pointed directly. at the sign. No video signage will be allowed. All signage must be set in a landscape base. VICINITY MAPS: CURRENT ZONING MAP: PROPOSED ZONING MAP: 4309 310 3U3 301 Epp 2I ,102 312 308 306 210 307 I I 219 I 211 201 zo6 [-201 201 A 105 K lOt Y 103 10. 0 310 310 1W a C �i- 202 24., 201 1 1 1 1 �E�Od090.V�VdY_57� � zp6 [-201 201A n3 M1 �.•:( 10+ w 2un s CREATED GMDS] S 20a 108 11u try3 0< z 0 2U' tpi 2 S w 151 5T 16 T6 ?1] x41 12 8 217 120512DI 4 16 03 10 M3, IfYi OFG EE IH �LlNdOAU'4ViYSJ� SOIL MAP: =16 ZJ c� I 5 NO TH a— w F a z• mru X91G DIY01 saps am0 au= sues . a � Hq Sak:i:3A0YptRplmAlar6a¢e(li'xt157Li[el b� N 0 8 to m p trrs Ao is a m m P1xp PN�:Ntl,Me¢ar tb�,vmNwrs: ve;91a r>tyena: utrn�tmv.Gsa1 ism Natural Resources Web Soil Survay Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 841P Leee%p YaPe61M Twm e+. m w�.a.arww..r.Wo+w W. rtlww.aytl. �"'°" 1 r eusrwa..arw+r.rs.r..woae. tl yN�vygn Wtlapp�CtivmgtlW p e+ww... ~ pwFO Ym xn�Mtl•a• V �• vt� rrWm wwmrwimwrbrap A nur•we y u..�.... � r.+o•.re.+. wr..p0°'�«`w�.�+...e.uw.Wrarvartl ear a,.•n+...w w.r. a W eq o e.••rr�o.i. w... n..gn.xw o www rvm>�.e.. } r.. NN�IwnSrr.mr�lrtr�+ w. n.xu-w e.ww s - Soil Map —Tulsa County, Oklahoma a N o Y• 142N F 9 S n e 2 l5 11/1/2024 Page 1 of Map Unit Legend nNtareeareew algwex.ne AaeeMaa r.rrwada 13 WnJeei banib3paaM 0.8 100.8% 1 -law t.,wakar.t oe /W.8% PROPERTY SURVEY: PRO1 4SlONAL LOR SURPEOAN 7NSP%Cf1ON PLAT ,,,a��m..}}��,,yyyN�...��pp tt� ■iY18 IdORFGAGS fAAN pL'RPOSS 4N 1iAKM ENU Crow Na. 231m, tAi4b3VRYGi?i14,LLC ta�Anle�Nm.rxe+Fseoe,uc =4 West 111th 9b t 14akm. OK T4M sm, HNNN Hyxp1, L1.O O"M fa16i640-41a2 PAX (ate)*04-6249 Nkr*mlb r2d1717 ds llDlelN4maOeam Wdmr:Rkw2mtSpro, 4 SCAU Legal IpScrlp`ion Lot Three t31, block Twelve d121, ORIgINAL TOWN OF ORASSO, TUlea Ceancy, State of Oklaher.�a, acc0rdlrtg to the Recorded Plat thereof. �� ]n'eeesrlNOrpP�/ 103.2' ti w _ WOO A _ W. 13E ST. M SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE 'UNSHADED X" AN AREA OF MIN1,,HAI, FLOOD HAZARD AS SHOW ON FIRM IIAPl40143CO133L, DARED ID/16/12, pmpeAy rmr W7 WON 1N S1am NOR% Oemm,. O%1h1. SURVEYORS SIATENENT 1pTpp r� o DARRELL am Derrell Bible s MOLE MOLE 1Ve-PWl a eq. OKLAHOMA REGISTERED o LAND SURVEYOR No. 1001 1 N p+N.. a pw. s+w emt. CA /65" EXPIRES 4/30/243 0 klAH04 FMt 11k171021 COLORED CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION & SITE PLAN: }a. 4v O i• .� r a i I i NORTH: h, j CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION: mac` O G IF L: CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN: NONE 11 Will all Ia. N. itll W-110moll 0111,111111111111im ON -- o , ---- . ^ � � ~ ---' X ~ ---- �V | CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN: mu wso nw tta � ' I�-eE0R0oM.,,&1 B�fl00M #7 E Y e 64Y EEIII y Yb! o w OM rjTHR fl00_Ocxl Oo 1 o $C, FL CIS J a 6 � Closel NTILRY Nd r _ KTCI OW� �SINK LMNG ROOM 3 e C ��o If FURTHEP DETAILS: oej �AudaX GGOVLNO'OSS9MOIaa4SISL'MLD9 :Aj P*m � 1 1 — 11 , N SIR IGOAS IS I IJ J I I � I �k4 \`�/ { /°+.�e 2 , � .cc d9 110 LOU 6. 0 aodf-0, TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Shellie Wingert, Economic Developer SUBJECT: Draft Ordinance and Resolution Film Friendly Permit DATE: December 6, 2024 PROPOSED PERMIT AND FEE SCHEDULE: During the November 12, 2024, Worksession, staff presented the necessary qualifications for the City to become film -friendly certified. One key requirement for certification is the establishment of a film permit. To prepare for this, staff researched film permits used by peer communities across the state. The proposed film permit would: • Guide city staff when filmmakers request to film in public parks, trails, or other areas that might involve road or sidewalk closures, the use of large or extensive props, explosives, or coordination with city personnel and resources. • Provide a comprehensive method for recording logistical intake information, including details about production insurance,. filming locations, specifics of the shoot, and any city services or approvals needed. • Grant authority to the City Manager to establish additional rules and regulations for the permitting process as needed, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness to various production requirements. • Establish a fee schedule. This permit will streamline communication between filmmakers and the city, ensuring efficient coordination and safety for all parties involved. BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Film + Music Office was founded in 1979, and oversees the "Oklahoma Film Friendly Community Program," which helps communities promote themselves to the state's growing entertainment industry. Securing the "Film Friendly" designation places a city within the Oklahoma Film + Music Office's online directory, enhancing its visibility to filmmakers and encouraging them to shoot in a community, including at notable sites such as the state-of-the-art Cherokee Film Studio on HWY 20. Film certification can also boost local economic activity as filmmakers stay in local hotels, and shop, dine, and enjoy recreational activities. Currently, over 30 cities in Oklahoma have earned Film Friendly Certification, including neighboring communities such as Tulsa, Sapulpa, Jenks, Broken Arrow, Claremore, and Collinsville. To apply for the State's Film Friendly Certification, a city must: o Designate at least two "Film Friendly Liaisons" o Submit photos and information of 12 unique possible filming locations in the community- The City of Owasso has submitted over 20 locations Film Friendly Page 2 o Fill out a Survey providing information about the city, including population, airports, lodging, dining/food, shopping/supplies, major hospitals, notable landmarks/attractions a Create and establish a Film Permit ECONOMIC IMPACT OF FILM INDUSTRY: Over the last decade, the industry has experienced steady growth in both employment and wages. In 2014, the industry supported 466 part-time and full-time jobs. By 2023, that number had increased to 7,652 jobs. Wages followed a similar trend, rising from $1.8 million in 2014 to $58 million in 2023, with a peak of $75.8 million in 2021. According to the Oklahoma Municipal League of Cities, filming a movie can generate an average of $50,000 per day for a city through increased patronage of hotels, restaurants, hardware stores, and other local businesses. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance Draft Resolution Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs PART 11 CHAPTER 3 SPECIAL EVENT PERMITTING Section 11-301 Definitions Section 11-302 Special Event Permitting Section 11-303 Special Event Permit Fees Section 11-304 Film Production Permitting Section 11-305 Film Production Permit Fees SECTION 11-301 DEFINITIONS Special Event is defined as any organized activity involving the use of, or having an impact upon public property and /or facilities, including but not limited to streets, sidewalks, parks, and trails, or the use of private property in a manner that requires the provision and coordination of city staff, resources, and services. (Ord. 1136, 11/6/18) SECTION 11-302 SPECIAL EVENT PERMITTING It shall be unlawful for any person, business, or non-profit entity to engage in the conduct of any special event on public property without first obtaining a Special Event Permit and paying the applicable fee(s). A special event permit may be issued for multiple dates of the some reoccurring event within the some calendar year. Applicable fees will be assessed per occurrence listed on the special event permit. The City Manager shall from time to time promulgate additional rules and regulations for said special event permit as considered necessary. (Ord. 1 136, 11/6/18) SECTION 11-303 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEES The schedule of fees related to Special Event Permits shall be determined by Resolution of the Owasso City Council. Events conducted by the City of Owasso are exempt from payment of fees. (Ord. 1136, 11/6/18) SECTION 11,-304 FILM PRODUCTION PERMIT It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any process conducted to make motion pictures, television programs, video games, commercials, or film productions, involving the use of public facilities or having an impact upon public property, without first obtaining a Film Permit and paying the applicable permit fee(s). The City Manager shall promulgate rules and regulations for said film permit as necessary. SECTION 11-305 FILM PERMIT FEES The schedule of fees related to Film Permits shall be determined by Resolution of the Owasso City Council. Events conducted by the City of Owasso are exempt from payment of fees. Page 11-1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2024-xx A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING NEW FEES RELATED TO A FILM PRODUCTION PERMIT, AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE MASTER RATE AND FEE SCHEDULE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Oklahoma's Film Industry is evolving; and, WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Film + Music Office, through their "Film Friendly Community Program" is working to ensure Oklahomans across the state can participate in and engage with the opportunities that film productions bring when filming on -location; and, WHEREAS, Securing a "Film Friendly" designation places''Owasso within the Oklahoma Film + Music Office's online directory, enhancing our,yisbility to filmmakers to boost local economic activity as filmmakers stay in local hotels, shopjdine and enjoy recreational activities; and, WHEREAS, the creation of a Film Permit will'coordinate city personnel and resources when filmmakers request to film in public parks or;other public facilities oe<when filming will have an impact upon public property and provide a`egmprehensive method 'fgc;,rrecording logistical intake information, including details about the'production„dnd any city 'services or approvals needed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council Permit. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THAT: _ SECTION ONE: Frorff; dhd after Comprehensive Master Rate and charged by the„Cify of OvJelssb;for associated with the Film Friendly OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a of this —resolution, the City of Owasso be amended to include the following fees GeneralApplication`Fee,fnon-refunclable) Per production $100.00 Application Fee received fewer than 96 hours befoPe filmin nor?cefundable f,. Per production $250.00 Road Closur`e;Fee Per day, Per location $250.00 SECTION TWO: Evegts,conducted.by the City of Owasso are exempt from payment of fees. SECTION THREE: The fees estabished pursuant to this Resolution shall become effective January 1, TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: David Hurst, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to the Collection of the Ambulance Fee DATE: December 6, 2024 BACKGROUND: • During the November 12, 2024 Worksession, staff presented a proposed amendment to the current ambulance service fee as it relates to multi -family residential properties. Following discussion, the City Council requested an item be placed on the December Worksession agenda for additional discussion. • The ambulance service fee covers emergency medical ambulance services at no additional charge above payment from an insurer, if any. • Currently, some residents living in individual units of multi -family residential dwellings are not assessed the monthly ambulance service fee and would incur an emergency medical service charge based on the existing fee schedule of thirteen hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per response, plus fifteen dollars ($15.00) per loaded mile. • These residents may subscribe to the ambulance service for a fee of forty-eight dollars ($48.00) paid annually. Of the estimated three -thousand nine -hundred and eighty-two (3,982) multi -family residential units, there are thirteen (13) unit subscribers to the ambulance service. • In an effort to reduce the financial hardship of our residents living in multi -family residential dwellings, when faced with pre -hospital medical emergencies, and to secure funding for the ambulance services provided, staff is proposing an ordinance change to include multi- family dwelling units in the ambulance service fee. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance Revisions November 12, 2024 Worksession Memorandum Public Safety ARTICLE C AMBULANCE SERVICE SECTION 13-230 DEFINITIONS The following terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings: 1. "Advance life support" means the provision by an emergency medical provider of advanced emergency medical care services which: a. Exceed the level of basic life support as defined in the Emergency Medical Service Improvement Act, Section 330.71 through 330.83 of Title 63 O.S. of the Oklahoma State Statutes; b. Include the use of sophisticated transportation vehicles and equipment and telemetry communications; C. Are staffed by advanced level certified emergency medical technicians; and d. Are capable of providing onsite, pre -hospital and inner -hospital mobile intensive care in conjunction with specialized critical care units in emergency departments in appropriately staffed health care facilities within the State of Oklahoma; 2. "Ambulance" means any ground vehicle designated and equipped to transport and provide emergency medical patient care to one or more acutely ill or injured persons, such ground vehicle at all times meeting the requirements as set forth under the provisions of Section Two (2) Subsection Three (3) of the Rules and Regulations of the Emergency Medical Services Division, Oklahoma State Department of Health promulgated pursuant to the "Emergency Medical Service Improvement Act", Sections 330.71 et seq. of Title 63 of the Oklahoma State Statutes; 3. "Ambulance service" means the transport component of an emergency medical service system possessing vehicles designed specifically for transport of the crifically injured and the sudden illness patient, equipped with life supporting supplies and equipment as defined under the provisions of the Emergency Medical Service Improvement Act, Section 330.71 through Section 330.83 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma State Statutes, to sustain the patient at the scene and in route to a hospital. Further, such shall be construed and interpreted to include personnel trained in emergency procedures, as defined in the aforereferenced act, and capable of stabilizing the patient at the scene and maintaining that stable condition while transporting the patient; 4. "Emergency patient" means an individual who is acutely ill, injured or otherwise incapacitated or helpless and who requires emergency medical services; 5. "Emergency Transfer" means the movement of an actually ill or injured patient from the scene to a health care facility (pre -hospital), or the movement of an acutely ill or injured patient from one health care facility to another health care facility (inter -facility), and 6. "Long Term Care Facilities" include nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, residential care homes, assisted living centers, continuum of care homes (which include an assisted livina center and a nursing facility) and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) as licensed by the State Health Department. 76. "Non -Emergency Transfer' means the movement of any patient in an ambulance other than an emergency transfer. Page 13-1 Public Safety SECTION 13-231 ORGANIZATION A. There is hereby created within the fire department of the city, and placed under the control and supervision of the fire chief of the department, an ambulance service for the purpose of providing the citizenry of the city and persons in areas adjacent thereto, as hereinafter delineated, emergency medical services and non -emergency medical transport services. B. The City of Owasso's ambulance service is hereby designated as the sole provider of emergency ambulance transport in the Regulated Service Area pursuant to 63 O.S. 1991 §§ 1- 2515 et seq. No person or entity may provide emergency, ambulance services in the Regulated Service Area unless notified by the City of Owasso of an emergency medical incident. SECTION 13-232 SERVICE PROVIDED A. Emergency medical services to be provided are as follows: 1. The emergency medical service to be provided hereunder shall at all times be no less than that level of service denoted as advanced life support service; 2. The minimum level of service above referenced shall at all times be maintained and operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Commissioner of Health, Department of Health, State of Oklahoma, promulgated pursuant to the provisions of the "Emergency Medical Services Improvement Act", Section 330.71 through Section 330.83 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and 3. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not construed or interpreted so as to preclude the proper officers of this city from providing' more advanced levels of emergency medical services than that required hereunder. B. Non -emergency services to be provided are as follows. Non -emergency medical services may, under the limitations set forth below, be provided hereunder, provided some shall at all times comply with the provisions of the Emergency Medical Services Improvement Act, Title 63 O.S. Section 330.71 through Section 330.83, and further, such provision of non -emergency medical service shall at all times be subordinate to the provision of emergency medical service as provided hereunder. SECTION 13-233 AREA OF SERVICE The ambulance service herein provided for shall be authorized to provide emergency and non - emergency medical', services to 2persons within the geographical limits as set forth on the attached map, referenced as Exhibit "A" hereto, same generally being those areas within the fence line of the city, as existing; provided, however, such area may be expanded to include any areas outside such designation which are subsequently annexed to the city or enclosed within the fence line thereof. The foregoing shall not be construed so as to preclude the ambulance service from providing emergency medical service, as defined herein, outside the above designated service area in aid to other jurisdictions, or ambulance services, pursuant to mutual aid agreement, interlocal cooperation agreement, or otherwise; provided, however, payment therefore, if not pursuant to mutual aid or interlocal cooperation agreement, shall be based upon existing fee schedules. Page 13-2 Public Safety SECTION 13-234 PERSONS SERVED A. Subject to the limitations set forth below, the emergency medical service to be provided in the areas above referenced shall be provided at no charge ia-exEes above the payment from an insurer under a policy of insurance, if any, providing coverage +hereff^•p to the following persons,fe wi#: 1. Residents of the city residing within single-family dwellings and multi -family dwellings, as defined under the zoning code of the city, whether same be permanent structures or movable manufactured housing, as well as all household members, both temporary and permanent, thereof; 2. RA;iGI(;A4 Af the .-'i., . SidiR .ithiR It' fGFRi I., dwellin S GS .lef Red i n.Jer the the GleSig rhe.d n bSGr fiGR fee therefore; 3. Persons residing within areas outside the corporate limits of the city, but within the area included within Section 13-233, as well as all household members, both temporary and permanent, who subscribe to the ambulance service and pay the designated subscription fee; and 4. Any other person within the designated area set forth in Section 13-233 in need of emergency medical service for payment of the actual cost of the service. B. No person, residing outside the area of service as set forth in Section 13-233, shall be allowed to participate in the subscription service provided for in this section. SECTION 13-235 EXTENT OF SERVICE PROVIDED A. For emergency medical service, the following is provided: 1. Upon proper notification,. and under the limitations herein set forth, the ambulance service herein provided for shall respond to an emergency patient, within the areas set forth in Section 13-233, upon response providing on -site and transfer emergency medical service to the level of care as mandated herein as well as authorized under the license issued by the Commissioner of Health, State Department of Health, State of Oklahoma; 2. The emergency transfer -herein provided for shall consist solely of vehicular transfer and to medical care facilities lying within a twenty-five (25) mile radius of the corporate limits of the city; 3. The foregoing shall not be construed or interpreted so as to obligate or require the ambulance service to provide emergency medical transport service other than vehicular, nor, authorize the incurrence of obligation therefore. In the event it is determined, onsite, by the emergency medical technician, or, any health care provider, in such person's sole discretion, that a more advanced level of care or expeditious mode of transport is medically necessary, such alternative advanced level of care or mode of transport shall be considered as being outside the obligations and requirements of this article. B. Upon proper notification, and under the limitations set forth herein, the ambulance service shall respond to a request for non -emergency medical transport of a non -emergency medical patient, as defined herein, residing within the areas set forth in Section 13-233, if no other provider is available, and, provided that: Page 13-3 Public Safety 1. The fire chief determines that, in his or her judgment and discretion, the City's ability to provide emergency medical service would not be adversely affected by such transfer, and; 2. Such non -emergency medical transport shall be to or from an area within that area set forth in Section 13-233 hereof, and, to or from a health care provider within a radius of twenty-five (25) miles of the corporate limits of the city; and 3. A charge for such non -emergency medical transport shall be assessed and collected in accordance with a fee schedule as approved by the city council by motion or resolution. SECTION 13-236 FUNDING FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE A. For areas within the corporate limits of the city receiving water service from the city or areas within the corporate limits of the city receiving only sanitary sewer service from the city, a water rate increase or a sewer rate increase, respectively, is established as follows: 1. For every single-family residence, whether some is of a permanent nature or movable manufactured housing, multi -family dwelling, commercial, or industrial establishment, as defined under the zoning code of the city, there is hereby a fee of Four Dollars ($4.00) per month per residence or establishment above -referenced, to be charged and collected on a monthly basis by the Owasso Public Works Authority as in the case of existing water, sewer and other utility charges. �t . e �._ le residential units shall be rounded down, but to not less than one. which shall be used to determine the monthly calculation as outlined in 13-236 A(2). c. Multi -family residential property owners failing to comply, or fraudulently representing the number of living units occupied, may be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Punishable by a fine of not more than seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00). B. For residents within Long -Term Care Facilities within the service area as referenced in Section 13-233 and desirous of subscribing to the ambulance service for the benefit of the person may do so upon the payment of a subscription fee of Forty-eight Dollars ($48.00) per year. C. For residents residing in areas outside the corporate limits. ^ SIJb&G4PtiGR fop is oSF^hrShea AR ' PeFSGR re din^ but within the service area ebeve as referenced in Section 13-233, desigaeted, desirous of subscribing to the ambulance service for the benefit of the person or the person's household members, whether same be temporary or permanent, may do so upon the payment of a subscription fee of Seven Dollars ($7.00) per month if such person is connected to Page 13-4 Public Safety the Owasso water and/or sewer system, or Eighty-four Dollars ($84.00) per year if such person is not connected to the Owasso water and/or sewer system. SECTION 13-237 ESTABLISHMENT OF FUNDS, UTILIZATION OF REVENUES A. There continues to be established, under the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, a special revenue fund, denoted as the Owasso Ambulance Service Fund, such funds to be utilized solely for ambulance service equipment or facility acquisition or improvement, education, public relations, ambulance service personnel salaries, or other special uses related to the ambulance service. 1. Eighty-five percent (85%) of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created resulting from the increased water and/or sewer rate herein charged or subscription fees shall be placed in the Owasso' Ambulance Services Fund. 2. Eighty-five percent (85%) of all ambulance service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed in the Owasso Ambulance Service Fund. B. In addition to the foregoing, there is hereby created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, a capital project fund, denoted as the Owasso Ambulance Capital Fund, such funds to be utilized solely for improvements related to equipment and facilities of the ambulance service. 1. Fifteen percent (15%) of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created resulting from the increased water and/or sewer rate herein charged or subscription fees shall be placed into the Owasso Ambulance Capital Fund. 2. Fifteen percent (15%) of all ambulance service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed in the Owasso Ambulance Capital Fund. SECTION 13-238 FEE: DIMINUTION A. Any person residing within the service area 'above referenced and connected to the Owasso water or sanitary sewer system, whether such connection is pursuant to single-family residence or multi -family residential dwellings as herein provided, over the age of sixty-five (65) years, or living below the national poverty level as determined by the United States Government, may, upon proper application therefore, receive a diminution in the rate increase or subscription fee provided for herein in an amount of two dollars ($2.00) per month per household. B. The application shall be on forms as provided by the office of the city manager of the city, and shall be considered by the(city manager of the city or his designee. C. In the event a rate diminution is sought and refused by the office of the city manager of the city, the applicant may appeal the decision by filling a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the city within ten (10) days from the date of denial, whereupon, same shall be considered by the city council of the city. SECTION 13-239 AMBULANCE SERVICE REVIEW A. A review of the provisions of Part 13, Public Safety, Chapter 2, Fire Department, Article C, Ambulance Service, Section 13-230 through 13-238, shall be conducted not less than every five years. B. The Chief of the Owasso Fire Department shall evaluate the effectiveness of the provisions set forth in Section A hereof and shall submit to the City Council proposals as needed to insure the effectiveness of the ambulance service. Page 13-5 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: David Hurst, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to the Collection of the Ambulance Fee DATE: November 7, 2024 BACKGROUND: In City of Owasso Ordinance Section 13-236 - Funding for Ambulance Service, there is a four dollar ($4.00) per month ambulance service fee collected by Owasso Public Works Authority. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the fees collected are utilized for operating expenses and fifteen percent (15%) are used for capital expenses. The ambulance service fee is assessed to single family residences, movable manufactured housing, multi -family dwellings, and commercial or industrial establishments, as defined under the zoning code of the city. • The ambulance service fee covers emergency medical ambulance services at no additional charge in excess of payment from an insurer, if any. • Currently, residents living in individual units of multi -family residential dwellings are not assessed a monthly ambulance service fee and would incur an emergency medical service charge based on the existing fee schedule of thirteen hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per response, plus fifteen dollars ($15.00) per loaded mile. • These residents may subscribe to the ambulance service for a fee of forty-eight dollars ($48.00) paid annually. However, this subscription is underutilized and residents incur the cost that insurance does not pay, or the entire cost, if uninsured. Often, billing for these services is not recovered. • Of the estimated three -thousand nine -hundred and eighty-two (3,982) multi -family residential units, there are thirteen (13)unit subscribers to the ambulance service. • In an effort to reduce the financial hardship of our residents living in multi -family residential dwellings, when faced with pre -hospital medical emergencies, and to secure funding for the ambulance services provided, staff is proposing an ordinance change to include multi- family dwelling units in the ambulance service fee. • An Item has been placed on the November work session agenda for additional discussion. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Staff is proposing to amend the ordinance language to authorize the Owasso Public Works Authority to collect the ambulance service fee from the multi -family residential properties, based on the four dollars ($4.00) per -month per -unit increasing estimated funding in the ambulance service fund by $13,538.00 per month. Ambulance Fee Page 2 Staff surveyed each property for unit occupancy and determined these properties are 95% occupied. Utilizing apartment population density of 2.33 per unit, staff estimates multi -family residential population in the City of Owasso 8,814.15. Staff sought input from the multi -family dwelling owners and managers in our area and received nine (9) replies. Six (6) replies did not want to see the fee added to their utility bill and requested that it remain optional for the tenants to pay on their own. Three (3) replies are in support of including tenants in the ambulance service fee. COMPARISON TO OTHER CITIES: Staff looked at other Tulsa area cities for comparison. Tulsa Ambulance Service Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) is a Public Trust that has other funding options and also contracts with other smaller cities to provide ambulance services. EMSA utilizes an opt -out program, where a fee of $5.45 is charged and residents must opt -out in writing to the city if they do not want to pay the fee. The City of Skiatook and Collinsville both have higher rates. Collinsville is at $10.00 and Skiatook at $7.00 a month. They do not require apartments to pay the ambulance fee. The City of Broken Arrow and the City of Bixby are more closely comparable. Broken Arrow ambulance service fee is at $6.45 and Bixby at $7.50 a month. Both, by city ordinance, include apartment units in the ambulance service fee. The City of Broken Arrow and Bixby also include a rebuttable presumptive language for the total number of living units occupied. Broken Arrow established seventy percent (70%) and Bixby eighty- five percent (85%), presuming the total number of residential living units are occupied to formulate the fee.