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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.10.25_OPGA MinutesOWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 25, 1994, 5:30 p.m. Bailey Golf Ranch Maintenance Facility MIEMIBERS PRESENT MIEMIBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Brian Skelton Bob Oldefest Warren Lehr Glenna Anderson Tim Lampton Tom Rikkola Jim Fitzsimmons Ed Sokolosky Marcia Boutwell The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, October 25, 1994 at 5:30 p.m. at the Bailey Golf Ranch Maintenance Facility per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 1994. Chairperson Brian Skelton called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m., and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER - 27 1994 REGULAR MEETING AND OCTOBER 14 1994 SPECIAL ME TING. Glenna Anderson moved to approve the minutes as written. Motion seconded by Ed Sokolosky and carried 4-0. Mr Fitzsimmons reviewed and discussed the financial reports for the month of September. He reported that September receipts and rounds were slightly under budget and it appears that October will be the same. Discussion revealed that rounds of play need to be increased. Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Tom Rikkola, to approve the financial reports. Motion carried 4-0. LT-EM4' RECONSIDERAl AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE LNC. F RANCH MANAGEMENT A draw arrangement was approved by the Trustees at the September 27 meeting and revised at a special meeting on October 14. Determination has been made that the arrangement needs to be further modified. Ed Sokolosky moved to revise the draw arrangement and authorize First Bank of Owasso to transfer from the OPGA account to the Bailey Golf Ranch operating account a sum not to exceed $60,000 on the 10th of each month and a sum not to exceed $40,000 on the 9-5th of each month. Motion seconded by Tom Rikkola and carried 4-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of October 25, 1994 Page 2 ITEM 5: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A WATER FILTERING SYSTEM. The need for a lake filtering system was discussed. A water analysis has been completed, but the test results have not been analyzed. This will be done prior to the November meeting and the Bailey Foundation will be approached for assistance if the test results show that a filtering system is necessary. ITEM 6: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT ISSUES Tom Rikkola discussed the lake study report provided by INCOG. There are still unanswered questions concerning the lake dredging. A meeting will be set up with the City Manager to try to resolve some of these questions. Other items discussed were the completion of the entry road to the clubhouse and the part that the Trust will play in that project, and the condition of the greens. There was some feeling that the greens are bumpy and need some work. Plans for a clubhouse were discussed briefly, with the consensus being that such a discussion is probably premature. It was decided that the Larkin Bailey Foundations should be contacted as quickly as possible regarding funds to obtain greens covers. Because of many items that need to be discussed and the need for some long-range planning, Mr Skelton called a special meeting for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November I - The meeting will be a work session, with no formal action taken. ITEM 7- UNFINISHED BUSINESS W RN Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Tom Rikkola to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Mar4ciaoutwell, Aut ority Secretary