HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.04.26_OPGA MinutesOWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 26, 1994, 5:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT Glenna Anderson Bob Oldefest (in at 5:45) Ed Sokolosky Tom Rikkola MEMBERS ABSENT Brian Skelton STAFF PRESENT Jim Fitzsimmons Warren Lehr Dirk Ruark Don Armstrong Rodney Ray Janis Worley The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, April 26, 1994 at 5:30 p.m. in the Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 20, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Glenna Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 22, 1994 REGULAR MEETING Ed Sokolosky moved to approve the minutes as written. Motion seconded by Tom Rikkola and carried 3-0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE FINANCIAL, REPORTS Mr Fitzsimmons reviewed and discussed the financial reports for the month of March (see attached cash analysis through June 1, 1994). He also discussed the actual budget versus the budgeted amount through February 27, 1994 (see attached report). No action was taken. CONSIDERA JON AND APPROPRIATEITEMS LISTED FROM BRAINSTORMING SESSIONS AS BAILEY GQLF RANCH NEEDS From the list of items that was divided into aesthetic and functional, it was decided that Ms Anderson would write Mr Cartwright concerning the two items that should be taken care of now - the fans for holes 1 and 13, and vertical cut reels for greens mower. Ms Anderson suggested that a motion be made to start the purchase of these two items now due to the functional necessity of them. Motion made by Ed Sokolosky and seconded by Bob Oldefest. Motion carried 4-0. GENERALITEM 5: OAND UPDATE ON GOLF COURSE MANAGEME'4T ISSUES There was discussion concerning the Lone Star Tour Event which will be hosted by Bailey Golf Ranch on June 27, 28 & 29. Fee for playing will be $25.00 per person per day, with no fee Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of April 26, 199' Page 2 to the public to watch. The Tour will be advertised in the Oklahoma Golfer, and it is hoped that it will draw 80 to 100 players. Purse is $35,000, D A Weibring will hold a free clinic at Bailey Golf Ranch on May 19, 1994. The junior clinic will be at 4:30 and an open clinic at 6:30. Mr Fitzsimmons said that he felt the Spring Run (Patron Tournament) went very well. Over all, the comments received were very positive. Advertising for upcoming events will be in the Owasso Reporter, South Central Golf, and Tulsa World. ITEM 6: GENERAL DISCUSSION CONCERNING FY94-95 BUDGET Mr Fitzsimmons said that everything is on schedule for the Trustees to receive a preliminary draft of the FY94-95 budget by May 17. The budget will be presented and discussed at the regular meeting on May 24. Discussion on the proposed budget will probably take about an hour. There may be need for a special meeting to discuss any changes, so the budget will be ready for approval at the regular meeting in June. ITEM 7: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr Rikkola asked if there would be any backfilling around the cart paths. Mr Ruark stated it would be done in the middle of May or as staff increases. If there are specific concerns or changes to the "to do" list, they need to be discussed at a meeting of the Trust. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Ed Sokolosky moved, seconded by Bob Oldefest to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Brian Skelton, Chairperson o Mar ,ia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Note: These minutes were taken and transcribed by Janis Worley in the absence of Ms Boutwell.