HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.01.23_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING DATE TIME PLACE Regular January 23, 2006 6:30 PM Council Chambers Old Central 109 N. Birch Owasso, OK Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 AM on Friday, January 20, 2006. _ Stevens, AGENDA 1. Call to Order Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman 2. Roll Call Ms. Stevens 3. Request Approval of the July 25, 2005 Minutes Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment #3 4. General Discussion of Projects and Status Report Ms. Stagg Attachment #4 5. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 Assistant Owasso City Council January 23, 2006 Page 2 6. Project Completion Reports Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment #6 7. Consideration and approval of Progress Report for Public Distribution Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment #7 8. New Business 9. Adjournment OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 25, 2005 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in a regular meeting on Monday, July 25, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Old Central Building, 109 N. Birch, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Thursday, July 21, 2005. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Brenda Snow DJ Gall (arrived 6:02pm) Steve Mowery (arrived 6:15pm) David Boggs Donna Pepper ABSENT Terry Azamber Jeff Ferguson Rhett Morgan STAFF PRESENT Danny Ewing (arrived 6:04pm) Bob Barnes Erik Miller Pam Holt Jeff Westerfield Guy Nightingale Rodney Ray, City Manager Ana Stagg, Public Works Director Sherry Bishop, Finance Director Teresa Willson, IT Director Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Eric Wiles, Community Development Director Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant Julie Trout Lombardi, City Attorney ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 24 2005 MINUTES Mr. Boggs moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2005 Regular Meeting. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Motion carried 7 -0. Watchdog Committee July 25, 2005 Page 2 of 2 ITEM 4: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS AND STATUS REPORTS Mr. Gall arrives 6:02pm. Ms. Stagg summarized the Project Status Report, included in the agenda packet, provided by the Public Works Department dated July 2005. Mr. Ewing arrives at 6:04pm. Mr. Mowery arrives at 6:15pm. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS Ms. Bishop reviewed the financial reports included in the agenda packet and a lengthy discussion was held by members as to the content of the reports. A duplication error was noted in the Capital Improvement Fund expenditure report and a corrected copy of the report will be included with the minutes of the meeting and delivered to each member of the Watchdog committee. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Discussions were held regarding the format of the report. Mr. Ewing moved to approve the Progress Report for Public Distribution, Mr. Gall seconded the motion. Aye: 8 Nay: 0 Motion carried 8 -0. ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS No new business. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Mowery moved, seconded by Ms. Pepper to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:20PM. Aye: 8 Nay: 0 Motion carried 8 -0 Brenda Snow, Chairman 7 PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City OF Owasso Public Works Department January 19, 2006 • E. 96th Street North Widening (Garnett Road to Owasso Market) - Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $2,776,294.20 - Construction began on March 2, 2005 - Substantial completion achieved in October 2005 - Final completion scheduled for February 2006 • N. Garnett Road Widening (E. 86th Street North to E. 96th Street North) - Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $4, 691,722.80 - Roadway segment north of fire station completed - Roadway reopened on November 22, 2005 - Final completion scheduled for January 2006 • E. 86th Street North and N. Mingo Road Intersection - ODOT reopened project - Right -of -way acquisition completed - Utility relocations scheduled in January 2006 - Advertisement scheduled for February 2006 • N. 129th E. Avenue Widening (South of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North) - Final design completed in November 2004 - Project on -hold pending project prioritization • Intersections Preliminary Engineering - Engineering services related to the conceptual design for the preparation and submittal of funding applications to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). Locations to be studied: • North 145th East Avenue and East 96th Street North • North Garnett Road and East 106th Street North • North Mingo Road and East 96th Street North • North 145th East Avenue and East 106th Street North - Work began in December 2005 and is to be completed by April 2006 Silver Creek Drainage Improvements - Project to provide additional stormwater detention storage and infrastructure to remediate existing drainage problem - Developer began construction of on -site improvements in December 2004 - Off -site contract awarded to Keystone Services, Inc., Oklahoma in the total amount of $569,229.95 - On -site improvements to be completed by March 2006 - Off -site improvements scheduled for completion by September 2006 Water System Improvements (Booster Pump Station /Transmission Main /Elevated Water Tank) - Elevated tank — completed and in service. - Transmission main (Phase I - E. 106th Street North from N. Mingo Road to mid - section to elevated tank to N. Garnett Road) — completed and in service - Transmission main (Phase II — Master meter to Elevated Storage Tank) — ROW acquisition underway - Advertisement occurred on December 8, 2005 - Bids received on January 9, 2006 - Construction award scheduled for February 7, 2006 - Construction to begin in March and be completed by September 2006 City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund Project Status Summary Report As of December 31, 2005 Percent of Project Cost Expended Expended Contract & Budget Percentage Estimate Project Budget FY 2006 to Date Encumbrances Expended Complete • Computerization 624,481 624,481 9,992 624,481 - 100% 100% o Fire Station Remodel 200,000 202,000 15,525 194,344 7,656 96% 98% o New Fire Station 1,200,000 1,198,000 - 400 259,800 0% 0% 86 & Mingo Intersection 1,500,000 696,466 15,600 252,066 44,400 36% 15% • 86 Street Widening 3,302,000 3,312,099 351,642 3,303,741 100% 100% • 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 1,744,000 1,747,745 211,537 1,747,745 100% 100% 0 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 1,500,000 1,412,978 173,412 1,349,964 96% 100% • 129 E Ave Widening (engineering only) 360,000 358,404 - 339,498 18,906 95% 95% 0 96 Street Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 5,400,000 5,248,512 1,069,836 4,507,818 461,046 86% 95% o Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 5,400,000 5,430,000 2,721,968 4,800,789 448,390 88% 95% ❑ Intersections, Preliminary Engineering 100,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 95,000 5% 5% ❑ Silver Creek Drainage Improvements 1,330,000 750,000 - - 600,000 0% 0% 0 Sports Park Expansion 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 1,722,998 - 86% 30% o YMCA Pool 1,000,000 1,000,000 517,852 517,852 482,148 52% 52% $25,660,481 $24,080,684 $5,092,363 $19,366,696 $2,417,345 80% • Project initiated prior to Oct 2003 election o Resolution 2004 -11 Priority Projects ❑ Resolution 2005 -15 Priority Projects 86 & Mingo Intersection project originally included in Bond Projects Fund City of Owasso Sales Tax Collections and Restricted Use of One Percent Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Three Percent Sales Tax Collection Debt Service Payments 2004 One Percent Defeasance 2004 Sales 2005 Sales Sales Tax (1/3) RAN Tax Rev Note Tax Rev Note Development Agreement Excess to Capital Debt Improvements Fund Jul $1,017,573.68 339,191.23 109,086.43 134,706.25 5,829.31 89,569.24 Aug 1,015,717.94 338,572.65 109,086.43 134,706.25 5,573.15 89,206.82 Sep 1,035,632.81 345,210.94 109,086.43 134,706.25 7,522.93 93,895.33 Oct 981,341.39 327,113.80 109,086.43 134,706.25 3,397.68 79,923.44 Nov 961,699.87 320,566.62 109,086.43 134,706.25 5,225.69 71,548.26 Dec 989,988.83 329,996.28 109,086.43 135,432.29 5,686.25 79,791.31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Fees Totals $6,001,954.52 $2,000,651.51 $654,518.55 $808,963.54 $0.00 $33,235.01 $503,934.41 2004 RAN to defease 1997 & 1998 Revenue Bonds 2004 Sales Tax Revenue Note to fund capital projects 2005 Sales Tax Revenue Note to fund capital projects City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2005 -2006 2004 -2005 2003 -2004 2002 -2003 2001 -2002 Jul $1,017,573.68 $910,733.72 $884,378.03 $902,614.21 $730,980.71 Aug 1,015,717.94 914,007.46 783,796.99 849,816.70 742,510.61 Sep 1,035,632.81 988,704.68 837,825.86 810,343.87 739,427.61 Oct 981,341.39 851,782.01 827,379.65 797,994.95 702,584.38 Nov 961,699.87 835,499.88 789,547.23 772,338.00 661,865.50 Dec 989,988.83 951,169.18 813,304.21 752,158.14 707,295.77 Jan 1,103,892.80 966,868.14 901,348.13 875,769.31 842,241.31 Feb 1,050,127.03 953,027.35 833,903.37 929,305.19 Mar 863,064.72 804,496.79 725,837.29 769,895.99 Apr 886,006.83 806,574.14 698,079.88 721,356.83 May 1,026,634.39 911,823.30 828,522.14 848,756.62 Jun 1,008,761.99 904,253.31 824,521.64 850,447.01 $7,105,847.32 $11,253,360.03 $10,217,754.99 $9,671,899.50 $9,246,667.53 City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund - Claims Paid July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Eff Date Reference Vendor Name 08/31/05 Claim 43333 INTUIT INFORMATION T 10/18/05 Claim 44308 ATLAS COMPUTERS INC 12/20/05 Claim 45966 DELL MARKETING L.P. Transaction Description PO# Check# Tran Amount Project Total SOFTWARE 22175 57538 2,051.50 UPGRADE WIRELESS EQUIPMENT 22495 58602 7,495.00 NETWORK UPGRADES /EXPANSION 22966 60173 445.15 COMPUTERIZATION PROJECT TOTAL 9,991.65 08/16/05 Claim 42592 BARTON CONSTRUCTION FIRE STATION REMODELING 21795 56857 12,303.10 08/25/05 Claim 43208 NEIS FURNITURE BEDS 22051 57571 638.00 10/18/05 Claim 44339 TULSA OVERHEAD DOOR CODED DOOR OPENERS 22174 58756 1,280.00 11/01/05 Claim 44562 MAXWELL ENTERPRISES, A/C REPAIRS 22541 59023 287.13 11/01/05 Claim 44566 BARTON CONSTRUCTION AIR CONDITIONER COILS 22517 58945 1,017.00 FIRE STATION REMODEL TOTAL 15,525.23 11/15/05 Claim 44995 C2A ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SVS- 86 /MINGO 22727 59313 5,200.00 12/20/05 Claim 45697 C2A ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SVS- 86 /MINGO 22727 60151 10,400.00 86 & MINGO INTERSECTION PROJECT TOTAL 15,600.00 08/22/05 Claim 42909 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT 86TH STREET EASEMENT 22076 57052 346,122.00 08/22/05 Claim 42910 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT REPLACEMENT OF FENCING 22076 57053 5,520.00 86th STREET WIDENING TOTAL 351,642.00 10/04/05 Claim 43878 WINDSOR LAKE HOMEOWNER LANDSCAPING REPAIR 22313 58410 45.96 10/11/05 Claim 44358 HOME DEPOT USA, INC CHANGE ORDERS -FINAL PAYMENT 22503 58468 205,286.03 10/11/05 Claim 44359 HOME DEPOT USA, INC PERFORMANCE /STATUTORY /MAINT BONDS 22502 58469 6,205.00 96 & 129 E AVE INTERSECTION TOTAL 211,536.99 08/26/05 Claim 43220 BECCO CONTRACTORS IN US 169/96 ST N 7/20/04 21821 57462 173,412.02 96 & HWY 169 INTERCHANGE TOTAL 173,412.02 10/18/05 Claim 44330 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY ENGINEERING 21822 58622 2,707.04 08/29/05 Claim 43248 CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22119 57481 468.75 10/04/05 Claim 43869 CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22341 58247 200.00 11/15/05 Claim 44893 CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22668 59319 437.50 12/20/05 Claim 45791 CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22859 60153 50.00 08/16/05 Claim 42686 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 96 /GARNETT INTERSECTION 21819 56858 56,830.23 10/04/05 Claim 44030 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 96 /GARNETT INTERSECTION 21819 58235 266,204.54 10/18/05 Claim 44425 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 96 /GARNETT INTERSECTION 21819 58609 402,154.20 11/15/05 Claim 45169 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 96 /GARNETT INTERSECTION 21819 59306 254,687.59 12120/05 Claim 45846 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 96 /GARNETT INTERSECTION 21819 60144 65,772.04 08/16/05 Claim 42577 OK NATURAL GAS RELOCATE GAS LINE 21769 56952 20,323.99 96 STREET WIDENING (GARNETT TO OWASSO MKT) TOTAL 1,069,835.88 City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund - Claims Paid July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Eff Date Reference 08/02/05 Claim 42338 08116/05 Claim 42596 09/20/05 Claim 43621 07/19/05 Claim 42228 08/16/05 Claim 42733 08/25/05 Claim 43181 08/29/05 Claim 43248 10/04/05 Claim 43548 11/15/05 Claim 44893 12/20/05 Claim 45783 12/20/05 Claim 45791 12/20/05 Claim 45842 08/16/05 Claim 42687 10/04/05 Claim 44130 10118/05 Claim 44426 11/15/05 Claim 45168 12/20/05 Claim 45845 Vendor Name C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH GUARANTY ABSTRACT TULSA ABSTRACT & TITLE CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS GUARANTY ABSTRACT CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS FR ELLIS II CO, INC CHARNEY, BUSS, & WILLIAMS TULSA COUNTY CLERK BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 12/20/05 Claim 45696 C2A ENGINEERING, INC Transaction Description PO# Check# Tran Amount ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 21818 56516 636.20 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 21818 56862 1,272.40 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 21818 57879 636.20 ROW ACQUISITION - GARNETT WIDENING 21843 56155 41,712.00 ROW ACQUISITION - GARNETT WIDENING 22001 56907 440.00 BASE ABSTRACTING, ROW 22080 57659 825.00 LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22119 57481 425.50 RADIUS REPORT, ROW 22257 57925 600.00 LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22668 59319 187.50 APPRAISAL SERVICES, ROW 22848 60185 4,612.50 LEGAL SERVICES, ROW ACQUISITION 22859 60153 985.75 FILING, ROW 21663 60313 52.00 GARNETT RD IMPROVEMENTS 21820 56858 591,311.17 GARNETT RD IMPROVEMENTS 21820 58235 703,958.98 GARNETT RD IMPROVEMENTS 21820 58609 527,639.00 GARNETT RD IMPROVEMENTS 21820 59306 367,399.44 GARNETT RD IMPROVEMENTS 21820 60144 479,273.89 GARNETT WIDENING (86 TO 96) TOTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 22852 60151 5,000.00 INTERSECTIONS, PRELIMINARY ENGR TOTAL 08116/05 Claim 42665 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 57035 4,015.00 08/30/05 Claim 43294 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 57687 50,439.50 10/04/05 Claim 43993 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 58417 127,243.00 10/18105 Claim 44343 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 58780 103,913.41 11/01/05 Claim 44788 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 59128 148,677.00 12/20/05 Claim 45858 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT - MATERIALS 21997 60338 83,564.00 YMCA POOL PROJECT TOTAL Project Total 2,721,967.53 5,000.00 517,851.91 TOTAL 5,092,363.21 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: E. 96" Street North and U.S. Highway Interchange Improvements DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: July 20, 2004 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: August 16, 2005 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Public Works Department STAFF COMMENTS: The project consists of widening and permanent signalization at the U.S. Highway 169 (north ramp) and E. 96th Street North interchange and the widening of E. 96th Street North east to N. 133rd East Avenue, to complete improvements at E. 96th Street North and N. 129th East Avenue constructed under The Home Depot Development Agreement. On July 20, 2004, City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $1,183,113.76. One change order was issued at project completion for - $55,999.65 to reflect actual quantities provided during the construction of improvements. Final construction cost for the project was $1,127,114.11. Total project cost was $1,349,964. Ana C. Stagg PROJECT COORDINATOR Public Works DEPARTMENT PROJE T COORD January 19, 2006 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: E. 96th Street North and N. 129th East Avenue Intersection Improvements DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: July 23, 2003 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: August 16, 2005 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Public Works Department STAFF COMMENTS: The project consists of widening and permanent signalization at the E. 96th Street North and N. 1291h East Avenue intersection and the construction of approximately 857 linear feet of the Owasso Expressway_ On July 23, 2003, City Council approved a Development Agreement with The Home Depot for construction of improvements in an amount of $1,442,000.00. One change order was issued at project completion for $211,491.03 to reflect actual quantities provided and scope changes made during construction. Final construction cost for the project was $1_,653,491.03. Total project cost was $1,747,745. Ana C. Stagg PROJECT COORDINATOR Public Works DEPARTMENT PROJE T COORD January 19, 2006 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Computerization DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: FY 1997 -98 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: December 20, 2005 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Information Svstems STAFF COMMENTS: The project consisted of purchasing computer technology_ (hardware and software) for the City of Owasso Items purchased as a result of expenditures from this line item include all computer hardware currently in use the finance and accounting package utility billing software all networking needs (servers switches, cabling), wireless connectivity between city facilities and upgrades and user training. The total cost of the training $624,481. Teresa Willson PROJECT COORDINATOR Information Systems Department DEPARTMENT M--A& January 19, 2006 DATE SALES TAX PROJECTS WATCHDOG COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT FY 2005 -2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS Progress Report #45 Dated 12/31/05 PROJECT Cost Estimate Expended Design Bid Construction Computerization 624,481 624,481 Fire Station Remodel 200,000 194,344 New Fire Station 1,200,000 400 86 & Mingo Intersection 1,500,000 252,066 86 Street Widening 3,302,000 3,303,741 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 1,744,000 1,747,745 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 1,500,000 1,349,964 129 E Ave Widening (Engr only) 360,000 339,498 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 5,400,000 4,507,818 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 5,400,000 4,800,789 Intersections, Preliminary Engineering 100,000 5,000 Silver Creek Drainage Improvements 1,330,000 0 Sports Park Expansion 2,000,000 1,722,998 YMCA Pool 1,000,000 517,852 Total $ 25,660,481 $ 19,366,696 Legend: -In Progress - Complete N -Not Applicable