HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.06.15_City Council Agenda1 I PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 15, 1999 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 11, 1999. ' Marcia outwell, City Clerk ' AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Wilken 2. Flag Salute I1 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 1, 1999 Regular Meeting and June 8, 1999 aiTi}9� 41iWaSpecial Meeting f. Attachment #4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4 -13 C. Action Relating to a Contract Extension for Maintenance to the City's Storm Sirens. Attachment #4 -C 1 ' Owasso City Council June 15, 1999 Page 2 ' The staff recommends that the contract with Goddard Enterprises for preventative maintenance to the City's storm sirens be extended for the 1999 -2000 fiscal year. ' D. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Castle Point, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, ' Oklahoma. Attachment #4 -D IStaff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. F.-.j 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Adoption of Resolution 99 -03, a Resolution Adopting a FY 1999 -2000 Budget for all Funds Administered by the City. Mr Hancock Attachment #5 The staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #99 -03 and that the appropriate filing of the budget occur subsequent to the adoption of the resolution. ' 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a Supplemental Appropriation to the Collision Self- Insurance Fund, the City Garage Fund, and ' the General Fund. Ms Bishop Attachment #6 r The staff will recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the Collision Self- Insurance Fund budget in the amount of $3000, for the purpose of funding repairs to city vehicles insured by the fund; to the City Garage Fund budget in the amount of $15,000, for the purchase of parts for resale; and to the General Fund, increasing revenues by $211,211 and expenditures by the same amount for a transfer to the OPWA Sales Tax Fund. Owasso City Council June 15, 1999 Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #99 -04, a Resolution Approving Action Taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Authorizing Issuance, Sale and Delivery ' of Two Promissory Notes of the Authority to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Ratifying a Certain Lease, as Amended; Establishing the City's Reasonable Expectations with Respect to the Issuance of Tax - Exempt Obligations on Behalf of Said City in Calendar Year 1999; ' Authorizing Documents Pertaining to a Year -to -Year Pledge of Certain Sales Tax Revenue; and Containing Other Provisions Related Thereto. Mr Brooks Ms Bishop Attachment #7 1 The staff will recommend City Council approval of Resolution #99 -04. 6 8. . Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Owasso Market, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Mr Warlick Attachment #8 ' The staff will recommend Council approval of the final plat for Owasso Market, a seven -lot subdivision located on the north side of E 96" St N, west of Highway 169. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Brentwood Village, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. ' Mr Warlick Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of the final plat for Brentwood Village, a 64 -lot subdivision located north of Brentwood Estates. �1 1 Owasso City Council June 15, 1999 Page 4 r 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Lease Agreement Between the City of Owasso and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce Providing for an Annual Lease of a Building ' Located at 315 South Cedar, and Requiring Compensation to the City in the Amount of $34,850.04. Mr Hancock ' Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of the lease for the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2003, lease payments as outlined in the agreement, and authorization for the +� Mayor to execute the document. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Purchase of Computer Networking Hardware. Mr Knight Attachment #11 The staff will recommend the purchase of computer servers, ethernet hubs, and printers from ' DELL Computer Corporation in the amount of $41,000, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the purchase contract. 1 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #3, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Horizon Construction Co of Owasso, OK for Street Rehabilitation Projects. Mr Henderson 1 Attachment # 12 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #3, increasing the contract by an 1 amount not to exceed $27,726.18 for a sidewalk and bridge on the east side of N 1291h East Ave, and relocating a gas service line on Atlanta Ave, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 1 Owasso City Council June 15, 1999 Page 5 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to Various Boards, Trusts, Commissions and Committees. Mayor Wilken Attachment # 13 The Mayor will offer appointments to various positions and request confirmation by the Council of those appointments. 14. Report from City Manager 15. Report from City Attorney 16. Report from City Councilors 17. New Business ' Owasso City Council June 15, 1999 Page 6 ' 18. Adjournment ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ' Tuesday, June 1, 1999 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 in the Council Chambers t at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 28, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. ' ITEM 2: INVOCATION IThe invocation was offered by Jim McElrath, Director of Support Services. W ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Councilor Barnhouse led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL ' PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wilken, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor ' Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ' A quorum was declared present. ' ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 18, 1999 Regular Meeting. ' B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #616, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located Northwest of N 109`x' East Ave, Adjacent to Country ' Estates II; from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), Containing 71.62 Acres, More or Less. n 1 I Owasso City Council June 1, 1999 The consent agenda included minutes of the May 18, 1999 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $34,259.88; (2) Collision Self- Insurance Fund $391.45; (3) Workers' Comp Self -Ins Plan $2,541.89; (4) Ambulance Service Fund $2,659.49; (5) City Garage $5,288.71; (6) Capital Projects Grant $116,385.15; (7) Bond Projects Fund $93,487.50; (8) Payroll $161,840.09; (9) City Garage Payroll $3,818.91. Item C requested approval of Ordinance #616, rezoning the above listed property. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: REQUEST BY FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE #149 TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL ON APPROPRIATION OF MATCHING FUNDS FOR FEDERAL GRANTS. Officer Kenny Yount requested, on behalf of FOP Lodge # 149, that this item be withdrawn from the agenda. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO _A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN ANTI- DISPLACEMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ODOC POLICY #426 REQUIRED BY CONTRACT NUMBER 8095 CDBG 97, AND THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE DOCUMENT. Mr Henderson said that Items 7 & 8 are requirements of the grant awarded by ODOC to assist in the renovation of the Community Center. Item 7 deals with displacement of low /moderate income dwelling units, and item 8 certifies that funds are available for the remainder of the project. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the Anti- Displacement Plan, and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 2 IOwasso City Council June 1, 1999 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST ' FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATION OF LEVERAGE REQUIRED BY CONTRACT NUMBER 8095 CDBG 97, AND THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE DOCUMENT. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the Certification of Leverage, and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Barnhouse, Williams, Bode, Voss, Wilken NAY: None ' Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE. Mr. Knight said that the staff has completed the bidding process and review for a financial and administrative services software package, and recommends the award of a contract to Creative Computer Solutions. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to award the bid and approve the contract for computer software to Creative Computer Solutions, Pleasanton, CA, in the amount of $215,017. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #99 -02, A RESOLUTION MODIFYING PERMIT FEES ' HERETOFORE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION #86 -16 AND 97 -02, ESTABLISHING PERMIT FEES UNDER JURISDICTION OF THE BUILDING ' INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. Mr Rooney presented the item. He said that building permit fees and miscellaneous service fees were established by resolution in 1986. Due to a notable increase in permit activity over the last three years and a time frame of nearly 13 years since the existing fees were established, the Community Development staff conducted a review of the fees charged by several communities in the Tulsa metro area. Results of that review led staff to revise the fee schedule. Owasso area builders have been informed of the proposed new fee schedule through a letter to each builder who 3 Owasso City Council June 1, 1999 has constructed more than one dwelling in the last year. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Resolution #99 -02, modifying permit fees under jurisdiction of the building inspector's office. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Willken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S COUNCIL OF OKLAHOMA TO ASSIST IN FUNDING SAFETY NEEDS, APPROVAL OF MATCHING FUNDS, AND APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND'S POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Chief Alexander said that application was made earlier this year to the District Attorney's Council requesting participation in a Local Law Enforcement Grant Program. The grant is designed to aid police departments with needs that present a safety concern. A grant amount of $3430 was approved and may be used for protective vests, ammunition, pagers for reserve officers and traffic investigative materials. The grant requires matching funds from the City in the amount of $382, which must be placed in a designated fund prior to the deposit of the grant funds. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr ■ Williams, to accept the Law Enforcement Grant in the amount of $3430, approve the grant conditions and matching funds in the amount of $382, approve a supplemental appropriation to the Police Department budget in the amount of $3812, and to approve placement of the matching funds in the appropriate account. ' AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF DRUG SEIZURE AND ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS FROM THE TULSA COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $439.96; AND FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND'S POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET. 1 n W 1 IOwasso City Council June 1, 1999 I The Owasso Police Department participates in a drug seizure and asset forfeiture partnership with the Tulsa County District Attorney's office. Chief Alexander said that drug investigations resulting in property being seized under federal asset forfeiture laws are sold after the judicial process is completed. The proceeds are returned to the agencies that were involved in the investigations, to be used in law enforcement endeavors in drug enforcement or to provide training and/or equipment. The police department purchased a combination TV/VCR to view confidential videotapes in the amount of $439.96. Reimbursement was provided through the drug seizure and asset forfeiture partnership. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to accept $439.96 from the Tulsa County District Attorney's office, such funds resulting from the City's involvement in the Regional Drug Task Force, and approval of a supplemental appropriation to the Police Department budget in the amount of $439.96. AYE: Barnhouse, Williams, Voss, Bode, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE DONATION OF A POLICE CANINE. Chief Alexander presented the item. Following the recent death of Nick, the police canine, Strathe ' Veterinary Clinic established a tax free fund at First Bank of Owasso for funds to be pledged for the purchase of a new canine. It is expected that enough funds will be donated to purchase the dog, and payment will be made directly from the bank to the supplier. The cost to purchase the new dog is ' approximately $6500. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to accept donations from the Owasso Community for the purchase of a police canine valued at approximately $6500, to be purchased from Canines Unlimited. AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND AUTHORIZATION RELATING TO AN APPLICATION FOR A COPS IN SCHOOLS PARTNER INITIATIVE GRANT. Mr Hancock said that it has recently been learned that a grant is available for three School Resource Officers through funds from the U.S. Department ofJustice, Office of Community Oriented Policing. If the City should receive the grant, funds will be provided for three officers for three years. The City would have to commit to funding the three officers for one year after completion of the grant 5 1 �J Owasso City Council June 1, 1999 funds. Chief Alexander said that any officer currently with the Owasso Police Department would be given the opportunity to apply for the positions. If a current officer is selected, then that officer would have to be replaced. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve the application for a COPS in Schools Partner Initiative Grant. AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)(3) Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to enter into executive session for the stated purpose. AYE: Voss, Williams, Bode, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the Council moved into executive session at 7:00 p.m. Out of executive session at 7:35 p.m., at which time Mayor Willken reconvened the meeting. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY EASEMENTS FROM MICHAEL L & CHERYLL L BUKER, PHIL L & MARLENE BUKER, GREGORY A WORLEY, BOB L & RUBY F WAYLAND, CHARLES W SPENCER, JAMES D LAVENDUSKY, AND KENNETH W LAVENDUSKY TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DOCOUMENTS. Mr Hancock said that seven of the ten property owners in the area of the proposed North Owasso Wastewater project have executed easements required for the project. The lack of the other three easements will not delay the start of the project. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to accept the easements mentioned above, and authorize the Mayor to execute the documents. AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 31 Owasso City Council June 1, 1999 ITEM 17: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER The City Manager reported that the budget has been completed and copies distributed to the Council. Approximately 65 copies will be distributed to interested citizens. A briefing for the Council will be held at the work session on June 8, and a public hearing on the proposed budget will be on June 10. Mr Hancock also reported that an informal Board of Education/City Council dinner will be held on Friday, June 4`'' ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Ms Voss reported that a community Y2K meeting will be held at the high school on June I Oth at 7:00 p.m., with several area agencies and service providers participating. ITEM 20: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 21: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 7 Mark Wilken, Mayor 6 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 8, 1999 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting called on Tuesday, June 1, 1999, and Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 7, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Present: Mark Wilken, Mayor; Mary Lou Bamhouse, Vice Mayor, Denise Bode, Councilor; Melinda Voss, Councilor; H C "Will" Williams, Councilor; City Manager Jeff Hancock; Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney; City Clerk Marcia Boutwell; City Attorney Ron Cates; Finance Director Sherry Bishop; Public Works Director Robert Carr, Support Services Director Jim McElrath, Bond Projects Manager Dwayne Henderson, Community Center Director Jan Worley, Jerry Farrar, Dave Chafin, and Jay Updike. A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2. DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY CENTER CARPET. y. Ms Worley showed the Council several carpet samples that are being considered for the community center. Mr Henderson updated the Council on the status of the community center project. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO BOND ISSUE PROJECTS. A. CITY HALL/POLICE STATION PROGRAM REPORT AND BOND ISSUE ' SCHEDULE. B. CHANGE ORDER #3 FOR STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS. ' Mr Farrar presented the program report on the city hall /police station facility, and a schedule of other bond issue projects. Mr Henderson said there will be a change order on the June 15t' City Council L agenda for the street rehab project. The change order will add a sidewalk and bridge on 129t'' East Ave and relocate a gas service line on Atlanta. ITEM 4. PUBLIC WORKS ITEMS. A. NORTH OWASSO INTERCEPTOR BID AWARD B. ATOR SEWER RELIEF LINE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT C. ISSUES WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT D. SEWER TREATMENT PLANT REPORT E. ISSUES RELATED TO DEQ Mr Carr, Mr Cates, and Mr Updike discussed the items listed and updated the Council on the status of each. Owasso City Council June 8, 1999 ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO TIME OF SPECIAL MEETINGS. By consensus the Council agreed to begin work sessions at 5:30 p.m. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS. Appointments to various boards and commissions were discussed, with the Mayor receiving input from Councilors regarding those appointments. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER. A. THREE LAKES PARK B. Y2K MEETING C. CITY COUNCIL ORIENTATION D. OWASSO MARKET E. YMCA F. PURCHASE OF COMPUTER NETWORKING HARDWARE Mr Rooney discussed an area of Three Lakes that is not being maintained by the owner, and the possibility that it could be turned into a park. He said there will be a community -wide Y2K meeting on Thursday evening. City Council orientation will be held in conjunction with the regular work sessions, with the July 13th meeting being held at the fire station. A final plat for Owasso Market will be on the June 15th City Council meeting. The YMCA is planning an expansion. Mr Knight and Mr Rooney discussed the purchase of computer networking hardware. A recommendation will go to the Council on June 15tH ITEM 8. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A. WASHINGTON COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING B. RENTAL CONTRACT WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C. PRECISION COMPONENTS ' Mr Hancock briefly discussed a meeting to be held with Washington County Rural Water District. The rental contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the Tulsa County Health Department ' Building now owned by City was discussed. Councilor Bode recused herself from the Chamber contract discussion. Mr Hancock also discussed the anticipated expansion of Precision Components. ITEM 9: FY 1999 -2000 BUDGET BRIEFING. Mr Hancock presented the FY 1999 -2000 budget, with Councilors responding with questions and concerns. After a lengthy discussion, the Network Owasso line item amount of $28,200 under General Government was removed. In the Capital Improvement Fund, the Council proposed increasing the amount designated for signalization at the site of the new Wal -Mart supercenter. A public hearing on the budget will be held on Thursday, June 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center. 2 Owasso City Council June 8, 1999 ITEM 10: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO SETTING A TIME FOR REVIEW OF THE CITY MANAGER AND DISCUSSION OF CONTRACT. Mayor Wilken requested that the Council set a time for the City Manager's review and to discuss his contract. By consensus, that will be done on July I" at 5:30 p.m. in executive session. The schematic design for the city hall /police facility may also be ready for review at that time. D u : �aL�1�J_��1��1�1►Cr1 Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ki Mark Wilken, Mayor x/10/99 19:23:17 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT B APAPVR PAGE: 4 PO it VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 992928 NEIL KRAMER REFUND BOA FEE 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUNDS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> �NAGERIAL ---------------------- - - - - -- 991480 REASORS FILM DEVELOPING 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 992941 REGENA GUTHRIE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 992943 ALLAN HARDER REIMB MILEAGE 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT ----------------------- - - - - -- 990138 TULSA COUNTY MIS 991480 REASORS 992795 BOCA INTERNATIONAL 992824 CITY GARAGE 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH 992960 OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 992978 ALL COPY SUPPLIES 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> i 4 I C I PAL COURT ----------------------- - - - - -- 990286 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> NGINEERING ---------------------- - - - - -- DIAL -UP SERVICE FILM DEVELOPING CODE BOOKS VEHICLE MAINT 05/99 REIMB PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH LICENSE RENEWAL- McCORD TONER CARTRIDGE 5/99 PLEXAR OFFICE SUPPLIES 5/99 PLEXAR 75.00 50.00 125.00 2.64 16.12 180.00 147.56 75.06 421.38 40.00 5.28 359.00 25.71 6.00 7.48 3.25 25.00 65.00 43.06 579.78 7.49 59.43 66.92 5/10/99 19:23:17 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 990286 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.98 992737 WILLIE WESLEY HARD DRIVE REPAIR 249.00 992825 OKLAHOMA SAFETY COUNCIL SAFETY TRAINING 100.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 378.98 4ERAL GOVERNMENT 4---------------------- - - - - -- 990003 RONALD D CATES RETAINER 700.00 990003 RONALD D CATES LEGAL SERVICES 2,738.88 990188 OKLAHOMA EAGLE EMPLOYMENT ADS 43.92 990286 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.95 990837 FEDEX POSTAGE 30.75 990961 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL QUARTERLY SERVICES 337.50 991316 ALTERNATIVE ENVIRONMENTS QUALITY TRAINING 262.50 992802 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.65 992867 THREE LAKES MINI STORAGE EQUIP STORAGE 90.00 992895 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE LEGISLATIVE ASSESSMENT 359.75 992896 COMMERCE & LEGAL NEWS LEGAL AD 122.40 992930 DALE MARLAR ABATEMENT MOWING 50.00 992961 IMC ONLINE WEBHOSTING 74.85 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 217.39 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 429.20 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 5,510.74 UPPORT SERVICES t-990258-CN-HASKELL-&-ASSOC- --------------------- COMPUTER SERVICES 337.50 990281 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 225.14 990285 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 182.23 990286 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.98 990416 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE- McELRATH 13.97 991984 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 10.18 992824 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT 05/99 156.85 992825 OKLAHOMA SAFETY COUNCIL SAFETY TRAINING 50.00 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH CLEANING SUPPLIES 22.66 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,000.51 m KETERY ----------------------------- 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 15.40 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND i/10/99 19:23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ,ICE SERVICES 15.40 990032 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE -ALL 274.48 990032 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE - ALEXANDER 83.57 990033 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER /SERVICES 180.00 990034 FIRST BANK CLAREMORE FSB COPIER LEASE 202.00 990041 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINTENANCE 156.00 990281 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 47.85 990286 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 183.74 990375 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 1,129.56 991891 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES 321.15 991891 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES 8.56 '992292 WAL -MART OFFICE SUPPLIES 121.76 992292 WAL -MART MAINT /OFFICE SUPPLIES 235.05 992295 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.94 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 469.87 R 992297 REASORS FILM PROCESSING 53.71 ' 992299 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 16.46 992299 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 10.38 992348 POLICE PETTY CASH POSTAGE 71.00 '992348 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB -CELL PHONE USE 2.31 992348 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB TRAINING 30.02 992765 TULSA PORTABLE BUILDING C STORAGE BUILDING 1,800.00 992802 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.30 992821 LYNN PEAVEY CO EVIDENCE TAPE 66.70 992824 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT 05/99 1,370.72 992888 DAY TIMERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 26.74 992889 DOZIER PRINTING PRINTED FORMS 58.85 992889 DOZIER PRINTING COLOR COPIES 3.96 992890 DAVID RENFRO TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 177.00 '992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 306.70 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 373.41 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 7,342.92 ')r,ICE ---------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS 992292 WAL -MART FILM PROCESSING 134.95 992297 REASORS PRISONER MEALS 170.54 992348 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9.25 992887 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BULK LAUNDRY 154.13 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH .99 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 469.87 R CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND /10/99 19:23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- IMAL CONTROL ----- - - - - -- 990026 DON TAYLOR VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 990027 CHRIS WILSON VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 991480 REASORS FILM DEVELOPING 29.67 '992156 990285 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.40 WAL -MART 992292 WAL -MART MAINT /OFFICE SUPPLIES 157.29 REPAIR PARTS 992887 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BULK LAUNDRY 38.25 992889 DOZIER PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.00 '992932 992870 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 16.56 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUNDS 20.00 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 21.53 ! 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 144.10 992877 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> GEAR BAGS 458.13 -RE SERVICES 992879 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP ----------------------------- 990023 JEFF CARNEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 PLUMBING REPAIR 990024 RANDALL STARK VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 5/99 PLEXAR 990025 RON STUCKEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 990026 DON TAYLOR VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 990027 CHRIS WILSON VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 991480 REASORS FILM DEVELOPING 29.67 '992156 LAMPTON WELDING SUPPLY EQUIPMENT RENTAL 31.80 992158 WAL -MART MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 86.58 992159 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 217.83 7 992160 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 29.01 992177 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE -ALLEN 18.77 992177 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE -ALL 75.61 992627 WAYEST SAFETY, INC. SCBA - 04/20/99 23,611.00 992870 OSU FIRE SERVICE TRAINING TRAINING - SADDORIS 100.00 992872 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE REPAIR 105.60 992873 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO FLOOR MATTING 109.49 ! 992876 EMED CO CYLINDER BRACKET 104.00 992877 JANIE PARK GEAR BAGS 402.50 992879 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORMS 461.45 992914 ACTION PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIR 54.00 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 218.86 im 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 364.98 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 26,268 65 "ERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - 990257 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE - STAMPER 15.17 990337 GODDARD ENTERPRISES STORM SIREN MAINTENANCE 1,875.00 7 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND D/10/99 19:23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 992898 RADIO SHACK WEATHER RADIO 72.38 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 21.53 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 64.13 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 2,048.21 3EETS w--------------------- - - - - -- :NUNITY CENTER ---------------------- - - - - -- 990007 PSO STREET LIGHTING 2,430.92 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 990296 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENTAL 11.65 LANDSCAPE PLANTS 990709 KOCH MATERIALS CO ASPHALT EMULSION 21.68 71.62 990788 APAC - OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT 447.40 992807 991999 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 14.25 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 992011 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 35.70 5/99 USE 992011 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 35.70 ADAM ROCK ATOR EASEMENT 4/6/99 25.00 '992592 992593 IVAN MORRIS CENTER MEDIAN- 4/6/99 29.00 992594 BRYAN SCHAFFNER EL RIO EASEMENT 4/6/99 55.00 992594 BRYAN SCHAFFNER MEDIANS /FRONTAGE 4/6/99 115.00 992805 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA SAND BAGS 384.40 992806 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA EQUIPMENT RENTALS 36.30 992809 HUGHES LUMBER CO REPAIR SUPPLIES 2.86 992811 A.I.M. EQUIPMENT DOZER RENTAL 388.50 992824 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT 05/99 938.28 992825 OKLAHOMA SAFETY COUNCIL SAFETY TRAINING 225.00 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR SUPPLIES 16.63 '992864 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 21.53 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 342.75 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 5,577-55 :NUNITY CENTER ---------------------- - - - - -- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 837.53 'tiRK MAINTENANCE ----------------------- - - - - -- SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 24.85 '990281 990416 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE -SR VAN 11.27 990431 WAL -MART LANDSCAPE PLANTS 17.64 992160 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 71.62 992763 DORSEY COPIERS COPIER REPAIR 173.75 992807 WORLEYS GREENHOUSE LANDSCAPE PLANTS 10.00 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR 126.26 992986 PSO 5/99 USE 402.14 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 837.53 'tiRK MAINTENANCE ----------------------- - - - - -- CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/10/99 19:23 :17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 9 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 991480 992357 992359 992807 992824 992825 992985 992986 REASORS IVAN MORRIS LARRY TURNER WORLEYS GREENHOUSE CITY GARAGE OKLAHOMA SAFETY COUNCIL SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE PSO DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> �ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----------------------- - - - - -- FILM DEVELOPING MOW -ELM CREEK PARK MOW - RAYOLA PARK LANDSCAPE PLANTS VEHICLE MAINT 05/99 SAFETY TRAINING 5/99 PLEXAR 5/99 USE 991996 ALL COPY SUPPLIES COPIER RENTAL 992889 DOZIER PRINTING COLOR COPIES 992932 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE - TOBIAS 992985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 5/99 PLEXAR ID]mi 9.1votaIwlmilly =call ll.1� FUND TOTAL =___> 1.80 195.00 642.00 5.18 119.40 25.00 51.99 803.00 1,843.37 50.00 42.70 335.50 80.15 1&7§r:JWfml 53,453.29 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS PLAN 3/10/99 19:23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 4ERAL GOVERNMENT ---------------------- - - - - -- 990044 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS IN ADMIN FEE 992852 FONDA S MORGAN CSR D03287 992852 FONDA S MORGAN CSR D04218 DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL =___> 933.75 57.50 57.50 1,048.75 1,048.75 1 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3710/99 19.23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- „1ERAL GOVERNMENT ---------------------- - - - - -- 992866 COMP USA INC HP 5000 PRINTER 992962 CREATIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIO SOFTWARE 6/1/99 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> GREETS ---------------------- - - - - -- 990135 CH2M HILL INC DEPARTMENT TOTAL LINAGE ---------------------- - - - - -- 992804 BROWN FARMS SOD 992807 WORLEYS GREENHOUSE 992808 WATKINS SAND CO INC 992809 HUGHES LUMBER CO 992810 BROWN FARMS SOD �� sm'h1ta941mi m =toll Il.1� FUND TOTAL =___> i� I� I� �o ENG SERVICES 2/3/98 SOD ANCHOR PINS SANDY LOAM REPAIR SUPPLIES SOD /STAPLES 1,533.33 22,550.00 24,083.33 975.00 975.00 883.87 50.00 320.00 51.72 555.00 1,860.59 26,918.92 19 CITY OF OWASSO BOND PROJECTS FUND 5/10/99 19:23:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: �PO # -- - - - - -- VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- aT 1INEERING ----------------------------- ' 990131 CH2M HILL INC ENG SERVICES 5/26/98 - - -- 38,073_00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 38,073.00 ",ILITY IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------------- ' 992869 ARK WRECKING CO OF OK INC HOUSE REMOVAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => p 1. TREET IMPROVEMENTS -------------------------- 991413 HORIZON CONST CO INC ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 4,060.00 4,060.00 STREET REPAIRS 10/20/98 128,965.01 128,965.01 171,098.01 501,217.79 20 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 4,875.00 WORKER'S COMP SELF INS TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 10,000.00 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 20,000.00 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E -911 FUND 1,621.67 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM BOND PROJECT FUND 4,202.78 TRANSFERS TOTAL 40,699.45 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 18.75 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 3,818.56 TRANSFERS TOTAL 3,837.31 I I Municipal Court.: : :: : :::: 0. 00 :::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.:: 2,176. 14:: . 3hgneanng ....................... >::: > <:: >:: >> 0;00 .... ....`< >' >'`::«` ... ............................... ><<: >......26.08 . } .....:... Information Systems::::: 0.00:::::::::.::::::::::, 2,768.85.::. :::::::::.:::::::::::::; ?P ....:._.:. ..:: :....::: :: _..._ ...._ : :: ::::::;::::: : ::::::::::::::: ..............._ __...........__ ..... ................................................. €« <4 29:080> ............................... Po.. lice 1254.47 :: ;.::.;::.; :.;;:.;;.;:.;:.;.;:.;:.:.:.;:.. .................. 52,329.38 Ce ra ;Dis atch. :: n.. :::.X.:: :::::: > » > >:: >: >::::::::::: ' :' 200:51..:: .. ...:. :::.::.::: : :::::::::::.::: , ................................ ..... 5 5.5:6.90 . Animal Control 0.00 1,793.83 ..........::...:..................................:.....:............................ Fir...:::::.: ::::::::::. :: ::::::::::::.:. :.:::: : ::::.: :::::::::........... .....................::::...... ::,.:: :::::. _ : ......................:........... .................................................... 7 .........:.::;;::- :.:;:.::.;::. ............................... Street 76.70 10,851.99 OR Garage Fund Total $117.60 $3,735.28 APPROVED: 06/15/99 Mayor M IR Council Member Council Member go MEMORANDUM I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ' SUBJECT: REQUEST TO EXTEND CONTRACT FOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS TO THE CITY'S STORM SIRENS IDATE: June 9, 1999 1 s BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso currently maintains seventeen storm warning sirens. In order to keep those sirens functioning properly, the staff initiated a preventative maintenance program in fiscal 1995 -96. The program was based on the use of a maintenance contract that required each siren to be inspected twice each year on dates to be determined by the Emergency Preparedness Director. The contract requires that any siren found to be inoperable during the semi - annual inspection is to be prepared at that time. Additionally, the City Manager or the Emergency Preparedness Director has the authority under the contract to request service or repair on any siren found to be inoperable at any time. Several vendors were contacted prior to initiating the program, however only one of the vendors indicated they would be able to inspect the system and make repairs. A bid packet was prepared and mailed to that vendor on August 4, 1995. The following bid was received: COMPANY BASEBID Goddard Enterprises $3750 PERCENTAGE OF ALLOWABLE MARK -UP FOR REPA R PARTS 25% The City Council awarded a contract to Goddard Enterprises for FY95 -96, and extended that contract for FY 1996 -97, FY 97 -98, and FY 98 -99. This has proven to be a very effective maintenance program and the contractor has performed to the contract standards, therefore, the staff believes the maintenance program should be continued, utilizing the existing vendor. Mr. Joe Goddard, owner of Goddard Enterprises, has been contacted and has agreed to the contract extension. FUNDING Funding for this item is included in the FY99 -2000 Emergency Preparedness budget. 1 ' RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends that the City Council extended a contract for preventative maintenance and repair for the city's storm sirens for FY 1999 -2000 with Goddard Enterprises, Guthrie, OK in the amount of their original bid, $3750, plus a 25% allowable mark -up for repair parts. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract Extension Agreement 2. 1998 -99 Contract Extension Document 3. FY 1995 -96 Contract with Goddard Enterprises 19 n II II II I I I I I I 11- I I I I ' CONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT ' PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STORM SIRENS ' Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Goddard Enterprises, entered into on the 5th day of September 1995 for FY 1995 -96 and extended for FY 1996 -97, FY 1997 -98, and again for FY 1998 -99, my signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the period from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000. GODD NTERPRISES By ' Goddard, Owner I Date tThe City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Goddard Enterprises for a period of twelve months between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000. Ma CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Mark Wilken, Mayor Date ICONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STORM SIRENS ' Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Goddard Enterprises, entered into on the 5th day of September 1995 for FY 1995 -96 and n extended for FY 1996 -97 and again for FY 1997 -98, my signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the period from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999. Date The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract Yr between the City of Owasso and Goddard Enterprises for a period of twelve months between July 1, 1998 and June 30, 1999. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Denise Bode, Mayor WWRIM",. ./_ lei ►� /..'_� CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made this 5th day of September , 1995, between the City of Owasso (CITY), and Goddard Enterprises (CONTRACTOR). r WITNESSETH: 1. That for and in consideration of the sum indicated on the BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE, CONTRACTOR will furnish to CITY preventative maintenance services for the city's storm sirens as indicated in the specifications. 2. The CONTRACTOR will furnish all of the labor and other services necessary to maintaining the sirens as required in the Contract Documents and Bid Specifications. 3. The CITY shall pay the for maintenance services performed by CONTRACTOR and repair parts following the submission of an invoice. 4. This Contract shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 5. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 6. This Contract shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 7. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ' By G ' Charles L Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia outwell, Contract Administrator 1 AS TO FORM & CONTENT: D Cates, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Title MEMORANDUM I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO I FROM: PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS CASTLE POINT, PHASE I ' DATE: June 8, 1999 BACKGROUND: ' The subject project is located on the Highway 169 east service road north of the Walmart store (see attached location map). These utility systems include 1,475 LF of 6" water and 841 LF of 8" sewer lines. ODEQ permits were issued in 1995 for the same design as ' installed. However, construction was not started within one year following permit issue and a permit extension was not allowed. The utility designs were resubmitted to ODEQ -for new permits and the developer opted to proceed with construction at his own risk. The permits were reissued on June 4, 1999. (see attached). 1 1 FINAL INSPECTIONS: Public Works personnel conducted sanitary sewer and water systems final inspections with the construction contractor on January 28, 1999. Punch lists of items requiring correction were given to the contractor on that date and all items have been completed. The contractor has provided one -year maintenance bonds for both utility systems (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Castle Point Phase I water and sanitary sewer systems. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. ODEQ permit renewals 3. Maintenance bonds ■ w -ul .i a ci H H W Z Q C� Ioq) Z� co 91 ST 90TH 86TH ST. N. LOCATION MAP CASTLE POIIiiT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION i °ATE 2/99 PAQE Na 1 OF 1 L MARK COLEMAN Executive Director June 4, 1999 0 K L A H 0 M A DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY F. Robert Carr, Jr. Owasso Public Works Authority P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. WL000072950249 Castle Point Water Lines PWSID 3007218 Dear Mr. Carr: 51� ii v I V - V �! JUN 0 7 1999 � I The request for an extension of Permit No. WL000072950249, dated February 9, 1999 has been reviewed and approved. The permit will be extended to June 4, 2000. Construction for this project should begin by this date and follow all of the conditions given in the permits. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on May 2, 1995. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Chief Engineer before changes are made. Sincerely, Bronson Bolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division BBB /HJT /aw CC' Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Dennis Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 ' printed on recycled paper with soy ink FI MARK COLEMAN Executive Director June 4, 1999 L O K L A H O M A DEPARTMENT OF ENYIRO,"ENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY F. Robert Carr, Jr. Owasso Public Works Authority P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072950250 Castle Point Sewer Line S -21310 Dear Mr. Carr: FRANK KEATING Governor The request for an extension of Permit No. SL000072950250, dated February 9, 1999 has been reviewed and approved. The permit will be extended to June 4, 2000. Construction for this project should begin by this date and follow all of the conditions given in the permits. This extension is granted based on the information that the additional sewage collected by this sewer line will not cause overflows at any downstream lift stations or manholes. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on May 2, 1995. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Chief Engineer before changes are made. Sincerely, � �4- Bronson Bolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division BBB /HJT /aw ' cc: Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ ' Dennis Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineedng ' 707 NORTH ROBINSON P.O. BOX 1617 OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA 73101 -1611 printed on recycled pa:_r with soy ink C� 1-- ' OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 ' TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74101 DEFECT MD ' BOND NUMBER Wi- 0033822 KNOW ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPLtY as Principal, and OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, an Oklahoma corporation, having its principal place of business in the City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF OWASSO & TYANN DEVELOPMENT, INC. as Obligee, RictX Eight Th usand in the penal sum of eve Hundred-Forty and no /100------ - - - - -- Dollars (s 68, 740.00 lawful money of the United States of America, forthe payment of which, well and tndy to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severalty, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS the said Principal has constructed certain improvements described as follows: Castle Point, Owasso, Okla (Water Supply System & Sanitary Sewer System) Which said improvements have been constructed to conform with spedfications prepared by NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATfON IS SUCH, that, If the said Principal shall maintain said improvements for a period of One years) against any failure due to detective workonanship or materials, said one yws) period to begin with the date of compkebon and acceptance of such completed improvements described above, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subject however to the following vgxm provision: The Obligee, by and through its proper representative, shall give the Prkncipal and the Surety written notice of all repairs of this maintenance guarantee; and the said Principal and Su pa required to fulfill the terms g pal Surety shall, after receipt of any such notice, be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to make arty such repairs. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 2nd clay of February- 1999 President Principal OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY �✓�/ ; By Michael 1 e f Ora Atto rney4n fact I MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JEFF HANCOCK CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #99 -03 ADOPTING A FISCAL YEAR 1999 -2000 BUDGET DATE: June 11, 1999 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to statutory and Charter provisions, an annual operating budget for the General Fund, OPWA Fund, OPGA Fund and other funds has been developed and was transmitted for your review on May 28, 1999. In addition, copies of the proposed budget were sent to 62 citizens, the news media, and have been available for public review at the Owasso Library and City Hall. On June 8', the.. City Council reviewed and discussed in detail the proposed FY 1999 -2000 budget at a City Council public meeting. That discussion resulted in modified recommendations in the General Fund. Within the General Fund, the Street Department budget was increased $40,000 for streets in capital outlay, and expenditures of $28,800 and revenues of $24,000 for Volunteer Network Owasso eliminated. On June 3`a, legal notice of a public hearing was given in the Owasso Reporter, and such hearing was ' conducted on June 10`h. Communicated at that meeting were the recommended General Fund changes. This public hearing provided additional opportunity for citizen comment and questions relating to the proposed budget. Recommended changes in the budget resulted in changes to pages 9, 10, 11, 12, 26, 27, 42, & 43. A computer miscalculation resulted in a change to pages 60 & 70. These changes have been delivered to you, the original 62 citizens, the news media, and available for public review at the Owasso Library and City Hall. State statute requires adoption of an annual budget by the City Council through a resolution. Resolution #99 -03 with Attachment "A" (budget summary) provides for the adoption of a fiscal year ibudget for the General Fund and other funds of the city. I RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #99 -03 adopting a FY 1999 -2000 budget for all funds of the city. ATTACHMENTS: r 1. Resolution #99 -03 11 I I I I CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 99 -03 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL; CLASSIFYING REVENUES FOR EACH FUND; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: It is the intent of the Owasso City Council to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 1999 -2000; and WHEREAS: The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and WHEREAS: Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and WHEREAS: Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT: The revenues, expenditures and transfers as shown on Attachment "A" be adopted for each fund; and THAT: The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 1999. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 1999 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Mark Wilken, Mayor M M IM Attachment A City of Owasso Budget Summary Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Projected Expenditures Projected Fund Balance Revenues & Personal Materials & Other Capital Debt Transfers Fund Balance FUND 07/01/99 Transfers In Services Supplies Services Outlay Service Out 06/30/2000 General $1,300,000 $12,306,117 $4,638,680 $323,535 $759,465 $600,925 $0 $6,064,250 $1,219,262 City Garage 2,000 298,575 118,625 113,700 58,900 7,350 0 0 2,000 Ambulance Service 166,000 368,000 0 27,800 57,715 0 0 310,800 137,685 Ambulance Capital 194,500 62,000 0 0 0 160,000 0 0 96,500 Collision Self -Ins 73,000 9,920 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 67,920 Workers' Comp Self -Ins 905,000 215,400 0 0 289,500 0 0 0 830,900 Juvenile Court 27,300 5,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 27,800 Emergency Siren 12,000 8,500 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,500 E - 911 99,000 103,500 0 2,500 29,000 20,000 0 20,822 130,178 Cemetery Care 69,000 3,250 0 0 0 65,000 0 0 7,250 Capital Improvements 25,000 330,000 0 0 0 141,500 0 0 213,500 Park Development 190,000 48,000 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 218,000 Capital Projects Grants 0 235,245 0 0 0 235,245 0 0 0 Bond Projects 8,000,000 600,000 0 0 0 8,483,325 0 57,500 59,175 Pleasant View Sewer Distric 3,775 11,700 0 0 0 0 5,520 0 9,955 TOTALS $11,066,575 $14,605,707 $4,757,305 $482,535 $1,199,580 $9,743,345 $5,520 $6,453,372 $3,030,625 I MEMORANDUM r HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FISCAL YEAR END June 11, 1999 The City of Owasso operates under the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act of 1979. In accordance with the Budget Act, all funds of the City with revenues and expenditures are required to have annual budgets. The level of control at which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations is the object category level by department within a fund. The Budget Act recognizes the following object categories as the minimum legal level of control by department within a fund: ' Personal Services • Materials and Supplies • Other Services and Charges ' Capital Outlay • Debt Service • Interfund Transfers All transfers of appropriations between departments and supplemental appropriations require City Council approval. The City Manager may transfer appropriations between object categories within a department without City Council approval. In accordance with Title 60 of the Oklahoma State Statutes, the OPWA, the OPGA, and the OEDA are required to prepare an annual budget and submit a copy to the City as beneficiary. However, there are no further requirements such as a legal level of control. Accordingly, staff is not requesting supplemental appropriations for the OPWA or the OPGA. Staff is requesting supplemental appropriations to three City funds before the close of the fiscal year. Those requests are as follows: • General Fund, Interfund Sales Tax Transfer - $211,211 • Collision Self- Insurance Fund, Vehicle Maintenance - $3,000 • City Garage Fund, Repair Services - $15,000 TO: ' FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: 1 BACKGROUND: r HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FISCAL YEAR END June 11, 1999 The City of Owasso operates under the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act of 1979. In accordance with the Budget Act, all funds of the City with revenues and expenditures are required to have annual budgets. The level of control at which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations is the object category level by department within a fund. The Budget Act recognizes the following object categories as the minimum legal level of control by department within a fund: ' Personal Services • Materials and Supplies • Other Services and Charges ' Capital Outlay • Debt Service • Interfund Transfers All transfers of appropriations between departments and supplemental appropriations require City Council approval. The City Manager may transfer appropriations between object categories within a department without City Council approval. In accordance with Title 60 of the Oklahoma State Statutes, the OPWA, the OPGA, and the OEDA are required to prepare an annual budget and submit a copy to the City as beneficiary. However, there are no further requirements such as a legal level of control. Accordingly, staff is not requesting supplemental appropriations for the OPWA or the OPGA. Staff is requesting supplemental appropriations to three City funds before the close of the fiscal year. Those requests are as follows: • General Fund, Interfund Sales Tax Transfer - $211,211 • Collision Self- Insurance Fund, Vehicle Maintenance - $3,000 • City Garage Fund, Repair Services - $15,000 GENERAL FUND. Under the pledged revenue requirements of the OPWA bond indentures, the City transfers all of its sales tax collections to the OPWA Sales Tax Fund, then the OPWA transfers two cents of the sales tax back to the General Fund. Because the sales tax revenue in the General Fund is over budget, the transfer to the OPWA will exceed budget also. The final sales tax collection was received Thursday from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. The total sales tax ' revenue for the year was $5,533,211, which is $211,211 over budget. The transfer from the General Fund to the OPWA Sales Tax Fund will exceed budget by the same amount. A supplemental appropriation of $211,211 is requested. COLLISION SELF - INSURANCE FUND. The City self -funds for collision insurance on all vehicles. Pending repairs due to a recent collision involving a city vehicle will cause the expenditures in this fund to exceed appropriations. A supplemental appropriation of $3,000 is requested. ' CITY GARAGE FUND. The City Garage provides maintenance and repairs for city vehicles and other equipment. The City Garage Fund pays vendor invoices for parts and services and bills departments for those expenses. Expenses for parts and services this year have far exceeded the original budget. The appropriation for parts and services was increased by $60,000 earlier this fiscal year. Pending repairs are expected to cause this expense to exceed the budget again. A supplemental appropriation of $15,000 is requested. ' RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the City Council approve the following supplemental appropriations: General Fund, Interfund Transfer to the OPWA Sales Tax Fund for $211,211; Collision Self- Insurance Fund, Vehicle Maintenance for $3,000; and ' City Garage Fund, Repair Services, for $15,000. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR RESOLUTION #99 -04 OWRB LOAN June 11, 1999 In December of 1996, the OPWA Trustees authorized an Interim Construction Promissory Note with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to finance improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. Those improvements have since been completed and the construction loan must be converted to permanent financing. There are a variety of restrictions placed on the use of funds from the loan programs administered by the OWRB. In order to take advantage of the best interest rates available from the OWRB, this financing will actually consist of two loans. The 1999A Note for an amount not to exceed $931,609.92 will utilize the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF). This note will bear interest at a zero percent (0 %) interest rate, plus a one -half of one percent (1/2 %) annual administrative fee. The 1999B Note for an amount not to exceed $570,000 will bear interest at a variable interest rate established by the Board (OWRB). City of Owasso Resolution 99 -04 approves the action taken by the OPWA Trustees authorizing the issuance of promissory notes. This resolution also ratifies the previous lease and revenue pledges between the City and the OPWA and authorizes the execution of documents. ' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #99 -04. ATTACHMENTS: ' Resolution #99 -04 JUN -11 -99 12 =00 FROM.FAGIN BROWN BUSH ID:4052362e07 PAGE 13 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTIONNO. 99 -0t{ A RESOLU'T'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING ACTION TAKEN BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF TWO (2) PROMISSORY NOTES OF TIM AUTHORITY TO THE OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD; RATIFYING A CERTAIN LEASE, AS AMENDED; ESTABLISHING T14E CITY'S REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF TAX - EXEMPT me OBLIGATIONS ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY IN CALENDAR YEAR 1999; AUTHORIZING DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A YEAR -TO -YEAR 1 PLEDGE OF CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUE; AND CONTAINING OTIIER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority ") did, by its Resolution adopted on June 15, 1999, authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of its (i) Series 1999A Clean Water SRF Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board and (ii) Series 1999B Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board, in order to refinance the outstanding principal amount of the Authority's Series 1996 Direct SRF Interim Construction Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board which financed improvements to the Authority's wastewater system; and WHEREAS, tho Mayor and City Council hereby determine that the actions taken by the Authority should be authorized and approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C'I'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: Section 1. Issuance of Notes. That the issuance, sale and delivery of (i) The Owasso Public Works Authority, 'Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Series 1999A Clean Water SRF Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the principal amount of not to exceed $931,609.92 (the "1999A Note ") and (ii) The Owasso Public Works Authority, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Series 1999B Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the principal amount of not to exceed $570,000 (the " 1999B Note "), all as approved by said Authority on June '15, 1999, be and hereby are authorized, approved and ratified. Section 2. ,approval. That all actions heretofore taken by the Authority in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the 1999A Note and the 1999E Note, and all other aspects of the transaction be and are hereby authorized, approved and ratified. 2 1 JUN -11 -98 12.01 FROM.FAGIN BROWN BUSH ID.4062362607 PAGE 14 Section ease_ The Lease dated July 31, 1973, as amended by an Amendment to Lease dated as of July 1, 1996, between the City and the Authority, whereby the City leases its water, sanitary sewer, garbage and trash collection systems and the Bailey Ranch Golf Club to the Authority, is hereby ratified and confirmed and the term of said Lease, as amended, shall extend until the Notes are paid. Section 4. Certificate of Doianatiorz The City anticipates that the total amount of tax- exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) issued by the Authority or other issuers on behalf of said City will not exceed $5,000,000 for calendar year 1999, and the City hereby irrevocably allocates to the Authority not to exceed $570,000 of the City's $5,000,000 exemption from the rebate requirements pursuant to Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and authorizes the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk to execute and deliver on behalf of the City a Certificate of Designation to that effect. Section-15. ale (' P edge. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver any and all documentation on behalf of the City pertaining to a year -to -year pledge of certain sales tax revenue levied pursuant to OrdinanceNo. 103 of the City, as amended by Ordinance No. 153 of the City. Section 6. Necessary Action. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City any and all other documents or instruments reasonably necessary to accomplish the issuance, sale and delivery of the 1999A Note and the 1999B Note and all other aspects of the transaction. LRemainder of page Intentionally Left Blank] 3 JUN -11 -88 12.01 FROM•FAGIN BROWN BUSH ID =4052352807 PAGE 15 1 . y APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 1999. (SEAL) ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney n Mark Wilken, Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT OWASSO MARKET DATE: June 10, 1999 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review a final plat for Owasso Market, a 45.94 acre, 7 lot subdivision located in the S/2 of Section 17, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located on the north side of E 96' Street N, west of the Owasso Expressway. The subject property is undeveloped land zoned CS (Shopping Center) District. To the south of the subject property, across E 966' Street N, is the ONG facility located in the Oak Tree Business Park. Areas to the north and west of the subject property are undeveloped and zoned RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High - Density) District. A 50 foot strip of OL (Light Office) District surrounds the ' subject property and is intended to serve as a buffer strip between the abutting residential areas. To the east of the subject property is the Owasso Expressway. ' The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their May 26, 1999 meeting and changes have been made to reflect their requests. The Owasso Planning Commission approved the plat at their June 8, 1999 regular meeting. The applicant has successfully addressed all ' planning, zoning, and subdivision requirements, as well as the requests of the Technical Advisory Committee. The completed plat is included within your packet. Water and sewer permits for this development have not been received. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that no ' building permits be issued on the site until evidence of water and sewer permit approval for the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is presented to Community Development staff. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Owasso Market subject to the following condition: 1. That no building permits shall be issued on subject property until the Oklahoma ' Department of Environmental Quality approves its water and sewer systems. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. ENCLOSURE 1. Final plat for Owasso Market. C: \Owasso\PC \06- 08 -99\FP Owasso Market \COLJNCIL MEMO FP Owasso Market.doc RE OUT 01. iii r,11,A I I CS 2 om O M RM-2-i AG 1 MEMORANDUM TO: :8u_ SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER FINAL PLAT BRENTWOOD VILLAGE June 10, 1999 The City of Owasso has received a request from Kourtis Properties for a review of a final plat for Brentwood Village, a 20.48 acre, 64 lot subdivision. The subject property is described as part of the W/2 of the SEA of Section 21, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, generally located north of Brentwood Estates, east of Barrington Estates, and west of the Willows at Silver Creek additions. The subject property is zoned RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density). N 139`' East Avenue will connect Brentwood Estates to the south with Nottingham III to the north. The subdivision will also link Barrington Estates to the west with the Willows of Silver Creek to the east. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat via mail the week of May 30, 1999 and their requested changes have been on the plat within your packet. The Owasso Planning Commission approved the plat at their June 8, 1999 regular meeting. Water and Sewer permits from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality are attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. DEQ Water and Sewer Permits. ENCLOSURE Final plat for Brentwood Village. C:\0wasso\PC \06- 08 -99\FP Brentwood Village \COUNCIL MEMORANDUM FP Brentwood Village.doc PL _............................. AG ZZ solo, Barrington Addn. ,.93rd CT- N. Nottingham Addns. i,Sj i AG � ject erty \ 1 Silvercreek Addns. W 9CS. f b I N� I 9t H C CT � W >:::<::......: >:: >::::> ::: , Brentwood Addns. ti AG ---,u OU 1' U' cl; I, r' l 1 N. �l Le-gar-la Sales R Leasing Fax:918- 2172 -0216 1u.n 10 '99 9:19 P.02 Mob M_Nftb' 0 K L A H 0 M A MARK (OLEMAN DEMtNtNt OF ENVIEONNENTAI OUAUtY FRANK KEATING ' Executive director OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Governor December 10, 1998 ' F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E., Dir. of Public Works City of Owasso ' 270 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 ' Re: Permit No. SL000072981044 Brentwood Village Sewer Line Project S -21310 IDear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072981044 for the construction of 3,113 L.P. of eight (8) inch sewer line and appurtenances to serve the Brentwood Village Sewer Line Project, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on December 10, 1998. Any deviations from the approved plans and ' specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer ' and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, Bronson Bolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division BBB /HJT /da Enclosure ' cc: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Wayne Craney, P,E., WPC Unit Supervisor Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73161 -1677 ' primad on rgcyclad paper with eoy inK a Legacy Sales R Leasing Fa.):' :918- 272 -0216 Jun 10 '99 9 :20 P.03 MARK COLEMAN Executive director November 30, 1998 0 K l A H 0 M A OERAQTWNT Of INVItONMENTAI DUMP OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY F. Robert Carr, Jr,, P.E., Dir. of Public Works City of Owasso 270 S, Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 FRANK KEATING Governor Re: Permit No. WL000072981045 Brentwood Village Waterline Project PWSID No, 3007218 Dear Mr. Carr: ' Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072981045 for the construction of 1,862 L,F. of six (6) inch and 1,748 L_F. of eight (8) inch waterline and appurtenances to serve the Brentwood Village Waterline Project, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. ' The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on November 30, 1998. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the ' Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of ' Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, L4"" LL Bronson Bolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division ' BBB /HJT /da Enclosure cc: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Mary Arnold, PWS District representative, DEQ Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, FA BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101.1677 printetl an recycled pUer WIM say ink �I MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JEFF HANCOCK CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OWASSO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF A BUILDING AT 315 SOUTH CEDAR AND REQUIRING CITY COMPONSATATION DATE: June 10, 1999 BACKGROUND Last summer the Tulsa City - County Health Department indicated that the existing lease with the City at $1 a year could no longer continue and that they were planning to sell the building at 315 S Cedar. While the City in 1996 had conducted an appraisal that indicated the building was valued at $77,000, an appraisal by the Tulsa City - County Health Department indicated the value of the property to be $105,000. Negotiations resulted in a purchase price of $79,900. On September 1, 1998 the City Council approved a contract and authorized payment to the Tulsa City- County Health Department. Because of the purchase, negotiations for a new lease with an additional rent amount between the City and Chamber began in the beginning of this year. The lease amount was determined after reviewing our purchase price and determining a 10% of purchase price to be an appropriate annual lease. Because of a need by the Chamber to adjust from paying a $1 a year to $7900 a year and our desire to maintain a tenant, a payment ramp up over three years was agreed to. Payment for this year is to be retroactive. Compensation of $4800 a year at $400 a month would be paid from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999. $6450 a year or $529.17 a month is to be paid from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. In January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2003, the sum of $7900 a year or $658.33 per month would be paid. Either party could cancel the agreement after January 1, 2001 upon giving the non- terminating party not less than a six -month notice. The Chamber has approved the terms of the agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the lease for the period of January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2003 for a total compensation for $34,850, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. ATTACHMENT: 1. Lease Agreement A. January 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999, the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars and No /100 ($4,800.00), payable at the rate of Four Hundred Dollars and No /100 ($400.00) per month; B. January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000, the sum of Six Thousand Three ' AGREEMENT ' This agreement is entered into this day of June, 1999, by and between the ' City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, having its principal place of business at 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the Owasso Chamber ' of Commerce, a non - profit corporation, having its principal place of business at 315 South ' Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "Chamber ". ' WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter provided, City and Chamber agree as follows, to -wit: ' PURPOSE - The City is desirous of the Chamber conducting activities within the corporate limits of City and environs in close proximity thereto, such activities calculated to foster and promote commerce and economic development within said City. The Chamber is amenable to performance of such activities. The parties are desirous of setting forth each party's understanding in terms of the activities required of Chamber by City and the assistance, monetary or otherwise, City shall provide Chamber in respect thereto. _ TERM - The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, beginning the 1 st day of January, 1999 and ending the 31st day of December, 2003. Renewal hereof, under like terms and conditions, may only occur by virtue of affirmative action taken by the governing bodies of both respective entities. City shall, during the term hereof, allow Chamber, for conduct of its ' activities, exclusive use of the facility located at 315 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, and popularly known as the former Tulsa City- County Health facility. However, such use is continually dependent upon Chamber adherence to all reasonable rules and regulations existing or as may hereinafter be promulgated by City pertaining to the use of said facility. COMPENSATION - In consideration for the use and possession of these premises, Chamber ' agrees to pay City the monthly fees, indicated in the table below, on or before the 15th day of each month during the term of the lease. A. January 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999, the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars and No /100 ($4,800.00), payable at the rate of Four Hundred Dollars and No /100 ($400.00) per month; 11 B. January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000, the sum of Six Thousand Three ' Hundred Fifty Dollars and No/] 00 ($6,350.00), payable at the rate of Five Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars and 17/100 ($529.17) per month; and, ' C. January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2003, the sum of Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and No /100 ($7,900.00) per year, payable at the rate of Six Hundred Fifty -Eight Dollars and 33/100 ($658.33) per month. ' Total rental for the lease term is Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars and 04/100 ($34,850.04). OTHER - Chamber shall not be responsible for any external upkeep of the building including but not limited to exterior walls, foundation, downspouts, sewers, and paving and parking areas. Chamber agrees to maintain the nonstructural internal portions of the building, including painting and ordinary repairs and maintenance of plumbing, floor drains, floor covering, light fixtures, air conditioning and heating up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per occurrence. Chamber may, at its own cost and expense, alter or remodel the interior of the premises in any manner it desires, provided; first, the structural strength of the building shall not be impaired by such work, and; _ second, that the plans and specifications for such alteration or remodeling shall be submitted to the City for approval before any work is commenced. The City agrees the approval of such alteration or remodeling plans shall not be unreasonably withheld. In this connection, it is also agreed that Chamber shall indemnify and hold the City harmless of, from and against liens for ' labor and material resulting from such alteration and remodeling. 11 J 11 Chamber agrees to provide all janitorial services and utilities for the entire facility, including the provision of the necessary toilet and janitorial supplies. City will maintain and be responsible for the roof of the building as well as for outside yard maintenance. The City shall be responsible for any modification to the premises mandated by any regulatory agency charged with enforcement of local, state or federal regulations applicable to the leasehold premises. Chamber agrees to carry and keep in force during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance on Chamber's contents, casualty insurance on the building and liability insurance on the building and premises in amounts deemed adequate by City, provided such amounts shall not be unreasonable. City shall be named as additional insured on such policies of insurance. EARLY TERMINATION - Either party may terminate this agreement at any time after January 1, 2001, upon giving the non - terminating party not less than six (6) months written notice at the respective address set forth above, or alternative address if hereinafter provided, of such terminating party's desire to terminate. In the event that a six (6) month termination notice is given by the City or the Chamber, it is understood that the Chamber's final lease payment will be the first day of the last month of the agreed termination date. If a notice to terminate this agreement is not received by either party during the term of this lease, this lease shall continue in full force and effect on a month -to -month basis subsequent to the final effective date hereof. The requirement for a six -month notice of termination, as discussed above, shall apply at all times during the term of this lease including the last six months hereof. ENTIRE AGREEMENT - The provisions hereof shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto. No modification, amendment, or alteration of the terms hereof shall be effective unless reduced in writing and executed by both parties to this Agreement. GOVERNING LAW - The construction, interpretation and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma. SUCCESSORS. ASSIGNS - The•provisions of this Agreement shall insure to the benefits and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Mark Wilken, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Pennekamp, Secretary 2780- 342.agt (382) OWASSO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By: Brian Smith, Chairperson 3 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: COMPUTER MANAGEMENT TEAM MS BISHOP, MR ROONEY, MR KNIGHT SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO PURCHASE SERVERS, PRINTERS, and NETWORKING SOFTWARE I DATE: JUNE 10, 1999 ' BACKGROUND The CMT produced an all- inclusive schedule for the computerization of the City. The initial step in this schedule /plan was the acquisition of computer hardware. This was accomplished in October/November 1998. Under City Code 7 -107 the City is allowed to purchase equipment at a price not exceeding that set by the State Purchasing Agency. A total of forty computer workstations were purchased from DELL op Computer Corporation at a cost of $68,280 and a savings of $20,000 to $100,000 from State Contract k SW84040 for Computers and Peripherals. These computers are installed and are utilizing Microsoft Office 97 desktop automation products. V� Tulsa Technology Center was hired to provide education on Windows 98 and the Microsoft Office 97 products through their Mobile Lab. This ongoing education has covered all the basics for over fifty different employees and is continuing with advanced classes in each application. W r w r The next step in the schedule was to acquire software for a Financial and Administrative Software System. In January 1999, the City Council gave their approval to the City to submit a Request for Proposal for this type of system. Eleven RFP's went out on January 18, 1999 and were accepted on February 19, 1999. In the April 20, 1999 City Council Meeting, approval was given to negotiate a contract with Creative Computer Solutions for their software package. This contract was approved at the June 1, 1999 City Council Meeting. STATUS UPDATE With the recent approval of a Financial and Administrative Software System contract, it is now necessary to provide a platform of system servers, printers, and networking software. Using the same City Code 7 -107 where the City is allowed to purchase equipment at a price not exceeding that set by the State Purchasing Agency, the Computer Management Team has solicited quotes for these products. 1 A total of seven vendors (local vendors, vendors recommended by third parties, and vendors expressing an interest in quoting) were solicited to submit quotes. DELL Computer Corporation provided the best price for equipment. Sebring Systems Technologies, Inc. returned the most complete package. Each of these vendors provided pricing below that solicited in the State contract. The rest of the vendors submitting quotes provided pricing for pieces of the system and centered mainly on the wiring /cabling portion. A vendor will be selected from this group to do the wiring /cabling for the ' existing City Hall. The City previously purchased computer workstations from DELL Computer Corporation. They have again provided the best - priced solution for our needs. DELL is number one in sales of servers across the nation and provide excellent telephone support 24 hours a day. Each unit comes with a 3 -year next business day on -site maintenance contract from Wang. DELL's purchase price provides a $9,000 savings over our original estimate. System software will be loaded at DELL, but some installation consulting will be needed upon arrival. This will be purchased from a selected vendor on an hourly rate basis. RECOMMENDATION y The Staff recommends the purchase of Computer Servers, Ethernet hubs, and Printers from DELL Computer Corporation for $41,000. ENCLOSURES rl Quote Comparison DELL Computer Corporation Quote 1 1 1 1 6/11/99 Ethernet Hubs /Switchs Servers (w /Software) Printers Installation Total System Cost Computer Cabling/Patch Pan - Southwestern Bell only quoted the wiring /cabling installation. -KSI only quoted the wiring/cabling installation but did not quote enough'drops' and left out the 'patch panel' hardware. -Atlas quoted wiring /cabling and servers with installation, but did not give prices for the servers. - Sebring Systems Technologies submitted the most complete solution, but were the high quote in most areas. - InterLink quoted installation and wiring /cabling. Their wiring /cabling price was very good. - LANLYNX provided the lowest wiring/cabling price. The company was recommended by Anixter. -DELL Computer Corporation submitted the best price quote for hardware and are our choice for this purchase. 9:40 AM City of Owasso Server, Printer, Networking Quote City Hall SEBRING SWB InterLink KSI LANLYNX ATLAS DELL STATE 3,000 2,150 1,432 2,559 29,736 28,988 29,854 11,119 10,580 11,650 3,325 1,560 4,500 N/A N/A 47,180 1,560 2,150 4,500 41,000 44,063 3,350 3,255 2,340 1,660 2,260 2,923 N/A N/A - Southwestern Bell only quoted the wiring /cabling installation. -KSI only quoted the wiring/cabling installation but did not quote enough'drops' and left out the 'patch panel' hardware. -Atlas quoted wiring /cabling and servers with installation, but did not give prices for the servers. - Sebring Systems Technologies submitted the most complete solution, but were the high quote in most areas. - InterLink quoted installation and wiring /cabling. Their wiring /cabling price was very good. - LANLYNX provided the lowest wiring/cabling price. The company was recommended by Anixter. -DELL Computer Corporation submitted the best price quote for hardware and are our choice for this purchase. 9:40 AM 96/11/99 9B :46:39 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 91B2724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 082 C"`, QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT June 11 1999 CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 220 -3085 1 Dell PowerEdge 6300, 6,555.00 6,555.00 500MHz /512K,PIIIX,Redundant Power Supplies 310 -0016 1 Logitec System Mouse w /Driver Disks,Factory Install 310 -0181 1 Tower Option, Rubber Feet for Dell PowerEdge 4300/6300, Factory Install 310 -0284 1 Uninterruptable Power Supply, 594.00 594.00 1400,Stand Alone, Factory Install 310 -7002 1 Dell Quiet Key,Factory Install 311 -0485 1 6 Bay Hard Drive Backplane, 371.00 371.00 1.6" or 1.011, for Dell PowerEdge 6300, Factory Install 311 -0560 1 Dell PowerEdge 6300, Terminator Card, Factory Install 311 -0712 1 2561,1B RAM,4 X 64MB EDO DIMMs, for Dell PowerEdge 6300, Factory Install 313 -7008 1 14/40X SCSI CD ROM #l,Black, for Dell PowerEdge 4300/6300, Factory Install For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Sales Representative: KATHERINE GROCE Quote #: 28211587 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer # ' 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX BEV_c 06 /11/99 88:49:49 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 683 0"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR June 11 1999 SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 320 -0071 1 Dell 800F Series, 1511, Model 185.00 185.00 No 828FI with 13.81' Viewable Image Size, Color Monitor 340 -0608 1 1.44MB, 3.5" Floppy Drive, for Dell PowerEdge 4300/6300, Factory Install 340 -0634 1 RAID 5 Hard Drive Config #5, for Dell PowerEdge 6300, Factory Install 340 -5755 1 PERC2 /SC Single Channel RAID 557.00 557.00 Card,16MB Cache,Cabled to the Backplane,for Dell PowerEdge 6300 Factory Install 340 -6121 1 12/24GB DDS -3 DAT Internal 697.00 697.00 Tape Back Up, Black, for Dell PowerEdge 6300, Factory Install 340 -8460 1 4 X 9GB LVD SCSI Smart Hard 2,228.00 2,228.00 Drives,l ",10000RPM, for Dell PowerEdge 4300/6300, Factory Install 365 -1234 1 READYWARE INSTALLATION FEE 14.00 14.00 420 -0185 1 Backup Exec Multi Server 743.00 743.00 Edition for NT (7.2) and NetWare (8.0,Factory Install For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Sales Representative: KATHERINE GROCE Quote #: 28211587 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer # : 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing and Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX REV-c 66/11/99 00:51:14 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9102724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 884 C"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR nWhCCn nK Tan RC; June 11 1999 SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 430 -0111 1 Intel Pro 100 Plus Ethernet 64.00 64.00 Network Card, Factory Install 430 -2185 1 Microsoft NTS 4.0 on CD, 743.00 743.00 10 Client Access Licenses, OEM Packaging, US Version, Factory Install 460 -9052 1 Required: Generated by DELL.COM Configurator 900 -2750 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, Initial Year, Wang 900 -2752 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, 2 Year Extended, Wang 365 -0013 1 DellPlus Routing SKU 365 -4100 1 DellPlus,Integration Fee, 179.00 179.00 Hardware Install,Servers * * * * * * ** 0 SETUP 1 -9G AS HSPARE 906591 40 MOL -A WIN NT SVR V4.0 CLIENT 31.45 1,256.00 351 -00220 00632 -49 4 HP LaserJet 5000N Printer 2,019.95 8,079.80 C4111A #ABA 44746 -49 1 HP LaserJet 8000N Printer 2,499.95 2,499.95 C4086A #ABA For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Sales Representative: KATHERINE -GROCE Quote #: 28211587 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Customer # : 5909585 Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX REV-c 06/11/99 00:53:30 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9102724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 005 D"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO, OK 74055 June 11 1999 UNIT SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION I RICE I EPR QED This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of sale. SUB TOTAL 24,767.75 TAX .00 SHIPPING and /or HANDLING .00 OTHER .00 Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL $24,767.75 * * * * ** 36 MONTH LEASE * * * * ** AMOUNT FINANCED 24,767.75 MONTHLY PAYMENT 817.34 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer number which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28211587 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Flnendal Servloes, an Independent entity- Leasing # : 59095 85 Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX aEV.c 86/11/99 88:55:17 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 886 E"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR �rr� c cn nrr "T A n r, r; June 11 1999 SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 220 -3172 1 Dell PowerEdge 2300 Base,PIID, 1,454.00 1,454.00 400MHz Processor with 512K Cache 310 -0016 1 Logitec System Mouse w /Driver Disks,Factory Install 310 -0284 1 Uninterruptable Power Supply, 594.00 594.00 1400,Stand Alone, Factory Install 310 -7002 1 Dell Quiet Key,Factory Install 311 -0247 1 Dell PowerEdge, Processor Terminator Card, Factory Install 311 -0437 1 256MB RAM,2 DIMMs,for Dell 411.00 411.00 PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 311 -0446 1 1X6 Hot Pluggable Back-plane 185.00 185.00 for Dell PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 313 -0361 1 Aztech 56K Internal PCI Modem 92.00 92.00 for Dell PowerEdge 2200/2300/ 4200/4300/4350 Servers, Factory Install 313 -0372 1 17 /40X,SCSI CD -ROM Internal, Black for Dell PowerEdge 2300/ 2400/4350/6350,Factory Install For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer nurnber which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28234512 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer #: 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX REV-c 86/11199 08:57:40 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Pekge 007 C"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR n4.7 71 CCn nW 7nnRr. June 11 1999 - — - - - - SKU # - QTY DESCRIPTION UNI T PRIG EXTENDED PRICE 320 -0071 1 Dell 800F Series, 15 ", Model 185.00 185.00 No 828FI with 13.81' Viewable Image Size, Color Monitor 340 -0543 1 Hard Drive Configuration #1, all On Board, Hard Drive Increasing Order, for Dell PowerEdge 2300,Factory Install 340 -0551 1 1.44MB Floppy Drive for Dell PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 340 -0868 1 9.1GB LVD SCSI Hard Drive, 557.00 557.00 10000RPM, for Dell PowerEdge 2300 Server, Factory Install 365 -1234 1 READYWARE INSTALLATION FEE 14.00 14.00 430 -0111 1 Intel Pro 100 Plus Ethernet 64.00 64.00 Network Card, Factory Install 430 -2185 1 Microsoft NTS 4.0 on CD, 743.00 743.00 10 Client Access Licenses, OEM Packaging, US Version, Factory Install 460 -0792 1 TSR,PHILLIPS,PAUL (ID #5967) 460 -6504 1 Install NT Server as Primary Domain Controller 460 -9052 1 Required: Generated by For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Sales Representative: KATHERINE GROCE Quote #: 28234512 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer # 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX ssV -C 86/11/99 09 :88:11 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Pdge 000 0"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT June 11 1999 CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO, OK 74055 UNIT EXTENDED SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE DELL.COM Configurator 900 -2750 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, Initial Year, Wang 900 -2752 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, 2 Year Extended, Wang 906591 40 MOL -A WIN NT SVR V4.0 CLIENT 31.45 1,258.00 351 -00220 This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of sale. SUB TOTAL 5,557.00 TAX .00 SHIPPING and /or HANDLING .00 OTHER .00 Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL $5,557.00 * * * * ** 36 MONTH LEASE * * * * ** AMOUNT FINANCED 5,557.00 MONTHLY PAYMENT 186.16 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer number which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28234512 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Customer # : 5909585 Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX sEV-c 06/11/99 89:92:28 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9102724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 689 D"" QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR nn— -- "l nnC C June 11 1999 SKU # QTry DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 220 -3172 1 Dell PowerEdge 2300 Base,PIID, 1,454.00 1,454.00 400MHz Processor with 512K Cache 310 -0016 1 Logitec System Mouse w /Driver Disks,Factory Install 310 -0284 1 Uninterruptable Power Supply, 594.00 594.00 1400,Stand Alone, Factory Install 310 -7002 1 Dell Quiet Key,Factory Install 311 -0247 1 Dell PowerEdge, Processor Terminator Card, Factory Install 311 -0437 1 256MB RAM,2 DIMMs,for Dell 411.00 411.00 PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 311 -0446 1 1X6 Hot Pluggable Back-plane 185.00 185.00 for Dell PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 313 -0361 1 Aztech 56K Internal PCI Modem 92.00 92.00 for Dell PowerEdge 2200/2300/ 4200/4300/4350 Servers, Factory Install 313 -0372 1 17 /40X,SCSI CD -ROM Internal, Black for Dell PowerEdge 2300/ 2400/4350/6350,Factory Install For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer number which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28234509 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer #: 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Flnandal Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX aEV.c 86/11/99 69:84:48 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 818 0"` QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO. OK 74055 June 11 1999 SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 320 -0056 1 UltraScan 1000HS, 17 ", Model 371.00 371.00 D1025TM with 16.0" Viewable Image Size, Color Monitor 340 -0543 1 Hard Drive Configuration #1, all On Board, Hard Drive Increasing Order, for Dell PowerEdge 2300,Factory Install 340 -0551 1 1.44MB Floppy Drive for Dell PowerEdge 2300, Factory Install 340 -0868 1 9.1GB LVD SCSI Hard Drive, 557.00 557.00 1000ORPM, for Dell PowerEdge 2300 Server, Factory Install 365 -1234 1 RENDYWARE INSTALLATION FEE 14.00 14.00 430 -0111 1 Intel Pro 100 Plus Ethernet 64.00 64.00 Network Card, Factory Install 430 -2185 1 Microsoft NTS 4.0 on CD, 743.00 743.00 10 Client Access Licenses, OEM Packaging, US Version, Factory Install 460 -6503 1 Information,Backup Domain Controller 460 -9052 1 Required: Generated by DELL.COM Configurator For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer number which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28234509 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Customer # • 5909585 Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX aEV.c 06/11/99 09:06:53 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 011 9"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR nsanccn nV '7AnVR June 11 1999 SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 900 -2750 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, Initial Year, Wang 900 -2752 1 SelectCare, Next Business Day .00 .00 On -Site Service Contract, 2 Year Extended, Wang 365 -0013 1 DellPlus Routing SKU 365 -0458 1 Request per Quote, Labor, 120.00 120.00 Integration Charge * * * * * * ** 0 INSTALL VIDEO CARD 202769 1 MONTEGO A3D XTREAM SOUND CARD 46.95 46.95 64 -VOICE CARD PCI MONTEGO 906591 40 MOL -A WIN NT SVR V4.0 CLIENT 31.45 1,258.00 351 -00220 26722 -07 1 MS EXCHANGE SVR V5.5 W/25 CLT 1,984.95 1,984.95 312 -00691 757818 25 MOL -A EXCHANGE CLIENT V5.5 53.95 1,348.75 FOR 381 -01033 This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of sale. For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Prices and tax rates are subject to change Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: KATHERINE GROCE Quote #: 28234509 Customer #: 5909585 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX asv.0 06/11/99 09:89:10 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9102724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 012 D"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO. OK 74055 June 11 1999 I SKU # QTYI DESCRIPTION RITE I EXTENDED SUB TOTAL 9,243.65 TAX .00 SHIPPING and /or HANDLING .00 OTHER .00 Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL $9,243.65 * * * * ** 36 MONTH LEASE * * * * ** AMOUNT FINANCED 9,243.65 MONTHLY PAYMENT 309.66 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, Sales Representative: your quote number and your customer number which will provide KATHERINE GROCE you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Quote #: 28234509 Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Independent entity. Customer # : 5909585 Leasing Documentation Fee $55 DELL MP.RKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX aEV-c 06/11/99 10:03:28 DELL COMPUTER CORP -> 9182724999 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 002 D"L QUOTATION FRANK KNIGHT June 11 1999 CITY OF OWASSO PO BOX 180 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO, OK 74055 UNIT EXTENDED SKU # QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE 026447 2 SUPERSTACK II BASELINE DUAL 710.00 1,420.00 SPEED HUB, 24 PORT AUTOSENSE 10 3C16593A SUB TOTAL 1,420.00 TAX .00 SHIPPING and /or HANDLING 11.97 OTHER .00 Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL. $1,431.97 * * * * ** 36 MONTH LEASE * * * * ** AMOUNT FINANCED 1,431.97 MONTHLY PAYMENT 47.97 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an Irdependent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: KATHERINE GROCE Quote #: 28221121 Customer #: 5909585 DELL MARKETING L.P. ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 981 -3355 EXT 40916 (800) 433 -9527 SALES REP FAX REV-c 1 it 1 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: H. DWAYNE HENDERSON, P.E. CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGE ,4 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO.3 1998 BOND ISSUE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS DATE: June 8, 1999 tBACKGROUND: ' On October 20, 1999, the City Council awarded a bid to Horizon Construction Co. Inc., of Owasso for the purpose of reconstruction of several streets as part of the Bond Projects. Necessary documents were returned to the City Clerk's office and the construction of the improvements began on November 30, 1998. The total contract amount for the improvements was $836,954.95 On December 15, 1998 Change Order No. 1 for this project was approved by City Council for a not ' to exceed cost of $19,270.94 for the use of quick -set flowable fill to stabilize the subgrade under 11 m Street because of ground water problems. ' On May 4, 1999 Change Order No. 2 was approved by City Council for a not to exceed cost of $81,023.79 to reconcile the quantities on 11'h Street; add fabric reinforcement, replace deteriorated storm drainage and reduce roadway repairs on Atlanta; and reroute storm drainage away from P and ' Carlsbad to the east side of Bailey Golf Ranch. Since Change Order No. 2 has been approved the contractor has completed 111' Street, is 99% ' complete with Atlanta, is approximately 85% complete with Carlsbad/Beaumont and has started on N. 129' E. Avenue between the Owasso High School and E 93d Street North. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER: ' North 129' East Avenue: The original project scope for North 129' East Avenue included a sidewalk on the east side of the roadway adjacent to the right -of -way line from the Owasso High School ' parking lot to the front entrance of Camden Park. The scope included a wooden bridge south of the Camden Park entrance for pedestrians to cross the concrete flume draining the storm water detention pond. The sidewalk and bridge were to be constructed as a separate project using funds budgeted in the 1998 -99 Capital Outlay. Since the project to rehabilitate North 129' East Avenue was being designed last year, the sidewalk and bridge were included in this contract to get better bids. The projects were included as additive alternates, which allowed the City of Owasso to receive bids on the items without them being in the base bid. Since the bid amount of $27,323.00 for the two items was higher than the $15,000 budgeted, they were not awarded with the base bid. ' June 11, 1999 Request for Approval of Change Order No. 2 ' 1998 Bond Issue Projects - Street Rehabilitation Projects ' Staff has included an additional $15,000 for the project in the FY 99 -00 budget. This, added to the previous budgeted amount, will allow the project to be constructed. ' Atlanta Avenue — In Change Order No. 2, storm drainage improvements were made on Atlanta Avenue, which included the removal and replacement of 24" and 36" pipe. During the replacement of the line, a natural gas residential service line was relocated because of a grade conflict. The line was encountered after the previous change order was prepared, and is included in this change order. 1 I J I M FUNDING: The funding of this change order is listed in the table below: Budgeted Project Funds $1,107,543.00 Professional Fees _ $12,323.00 ($45,892.00) Total Construction Funds Available $15,000.00 $1,061,651.00 Funding for Gas line relocation Original Contract Amount $836,954.95 Change Order No. 1 Addition $19,270.94 Change Order No. 2 Addition $81,149.34 Proposed Change Order No. 3 Addition Add sidewalk along east side of N. 129 E. Ave. — Add Alt 1 $13,734.00 Add wooden bridge - Add Alt 2 $13,589.00 Relocate Existing Gas Line $403.18 Subtotal - Change Order # 3 $27,726.18 New Contract Amount $964,572.68 Funding for sidewalk and bridge FY 98 -99 ACCT # 51- 410 -5461 _ $12,323.00 / -T FY 900 ACCT # 81- 410 -5471 $15,000.00 Funding for Gas line relocation Bond Funds $403.18 June 11, 1999 Request for Approval of Change Order No. 2 1998 Bond Issue Projects - Street Rehabilitation Projects Contingencies Remaining in Bond Funds I I I $123,872.59 I Capital Improvements Committee approved a project budget revision on March 4, 1999 and the increase to $1,107,543.00 19W was approved at that time. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order No. 3 in an amount not to exceed $27,726.18, and authorization for the mayor to execute the document. ATTACHMENTS Change Order No. 3 1 1 1, k CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: Street Rehabilitation Projects Capital Improvements Projects TO CONTRACTOR: Horizon Construction Company Inc. P.O. Box 690 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Three DATE: June 7, 1999 CONTRACT DATE: October 20, 1998 CONTRACT FOR: Street Repairs The Contract is changed as follows: Addition of the sidewalk and bridge on the east side of North 129` East Avenue from the Owasso High School to East 93rd Street North as listed in the original contract as Additive Alternates or item numbers 59 and 60 and the relocation of a gas service line that conflicted with the storm drainage improvements on Atlanta. Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. I Horizon Construction Company, Inc. CONTRACTOR IN P.O. Box 690, ADDRESS Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 BY DATE City of Owasso OWNER 207 South Cedar, ADDRESS Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 M1 DATE The original Contract Sum was $ 836,954.95 ' Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 100,294.73 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 937,249.68 The Contract Sum will be (increased) by this Change Order in the amount of $ 27,726.18 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 964,572.68 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by ( 60 ) days. ' The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is September 26, 1999 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. I Horizon Construction Company, Inc. CONTRACTOR IN P.O. Box 690, ADDRESS Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 BY DATE City of Owasso OWNER 207 South Cedar, ADDRESS Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 M1 DATE MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARK WILKEN MAYOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS DATE: June 9, 1999 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2 -4, subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. It is, therefore, the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confirmation the following appointments to the positions indicated: ' PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Bill Ellison (reappointment) 13121 E 79th Ct N Term Ending 6/30/02 ' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Ms Vicki Tapp (reappointment) 1212510 E 77th St N ' Term Ending 6/30/02 Mr Dewey Brown (reappointment) 10804 E 991h St N ' Term Ending 6/30/02 Ms Susan Kimball (new appointment - unexpired term) 13908 E 87th PI N Term Ending 6/30/01 1 APPOINTMENTS JUNE 9, 1999 PAGE 2 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE ) i m Term Ending 6/30/02 Ms Pat Woods (reappointment) PO Box 3 Term Ending 6/30/02 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE - All terms ending 6/30/00 Ms Melinda Voss - City Council Ms Mary Lou Barnhouse - City Council Mr Cloyd O'Dell - Citizen Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Jim Ablett - Citizen/PSO Mr Tom Kimball - OEDA Representative Mr Frank Enzbrenner - Banking Representative Mr Dale Prevett - Banking Representative Mr Scott Buckmaster - Chamber Representative Mr John Groth - Citizen Ms Sherry Bishop - City Finance Director Mr Bob Allen - Fire Chief Ms Maria Alexander - Police Chief Mr Robert Carr - Public Works Mr Tim Rooney - Community Development Director Mr Jeff Hancock - City Manager PERSONNEL BOARD Mr Jack Green (reappointment) 303 E 16`h St Term Ending 6/30/02 ' OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr Tom Kimball (reappointment) 13908 E 87`h PI N Term Ending 6/30/04 Mr Mark Wilken (Council Representative) 9221 N 133rd E Ave Term Ending 6/30/00 Mr Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) 315 S Cedar Term Ending 6/30/00 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE ) i m Term Ending 6/30/02 Ms Pat Woods (reappointment) PO Box 3 Term Ending 6/30/02 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE - All terms ending 6/30/00 Ms Melinda Voss - City Council Ms Mary Lou Barnhouse - City Council Mr Cloyd O'Dell - Citizen Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Jim Ablett - Citizen/PSO Mr Tom Kimball - OEDA Representative Mr Frank Enzbrenner - Banking Representative Mr Dale Prevett - Banking Representative Mr Scott Buckmaster - Chamber Representative Mr John Groth - Citizen Ms Sherry Bishop - City Finance Director Mr Bob Allen - Fire Chief Ms Maria Alexander - Police Chief Mr Robert Carr - Public Works Mr Tim Rooney - Community Development Director Mr Jeff Hancock - City Manager J Ir� 1 APPOINTMENTS JUNE 9, 1999 PAGE 3 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE - All terms ending 6/30/99 Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Charles Willey - Planning Commission Mr Dale Johnson - Public Schools Ms Melinda Voss - City Council Mr H C "Will" Williams - City Council Mr Bob Allen - Fire Department Ms Maria Alexander - Police Department Mr Robert Carr - Public Works Mr Jeff Hancock - City Manager Mr Tim Rooney - Assistant City Manager Mr Theron Warlick - City Planner Mr Ron Cates - City Attorney INCOG BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr Mark Wilken, Mayor Term Ending 4/30/00 Mr Jeff Hancock, City Manager Alternate ' INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Allan Harder, Human Resources Officer Term Ending 6/30/00 REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop ' City Treasurer Term Ending 6/30/00 t Mr Robert Carr Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/00 INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/00 11- 1� APPOINTMENTS JUNE 9, 1999 PAGE 4 METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/00 TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Mark Wilken, Mayor Term Ending 6/30/00 Mr Karl Fritschen, Alternate Comprehensive Planner TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/00 Mr Phil Lutz, Alternate Engineering Staff REGIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD Ms Maria Alexander Police Chief Term Ending 6/30/02 RECOMMENDATION: I recommend Council confirmation of the above appointments. ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of Boards, Commissions, Trusts, Committees with current membership B0ARDS \APP0INT \99AP0INT. WPD 1 1 1 t OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FY 98 -99 MEMBERS Ray Haynes, Chairperson 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9884 Term Expires: 6/30/00 Bob Randolph 303 E 14th St Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2531 Term Expires: 6/30/00 Charles Willey, Vice Chairperson 2401 N Birch Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1924 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Larry Helton 322 N Elm PI Owasso, OK 74055 272 -8453 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Bill Ellison 13121 E 79th Ct N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9569 Term Expires: 6/30/99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFF SUPPORT Theron Warlick City Planner Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary This Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Meetings last approximately two hours. Staff support is provided by the Community Development Department. This is a quasi- legislative commission whose function is to review and recommend to the City Council actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, and other related planning functions. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three -year terms, with City Council confirmation. BOARDSTLANCOMM MM 1 MEMBERS Joe Ramey, Chair 10125 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2520 Term Expires: 6/30/00 Ken Foster 13207 E 93rd St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7211 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Jerry Duke (resigned) 123.06 E 77th PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -8432 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Vicki Tapp, Secretary 12510 E 77th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 Term Expires: 6/30/99 Dewey Brown 10804 E 99th St N Owasso, OK 74055 (unlisted phone) Term Expires: 6/30/99 OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FY 98 -99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFF SUPPORT Theron Warlick City Planner Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary This Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. as called by the Chairperson when there is business to be addressed. The Board acts on all requests with regard to zoning variances and exceptions. The meetings last approximately one hour, with an average of three to four meetings a year. Meetings are held at the Community Center with staff support given by the Community Development Department. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three -year terms, with City Council confirmation. Boards \Brdadjst.wpd Rev Dale Blackwood 9808 N 147th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3581 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Jack Green 303 E 16th St Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9019 Term Expires: 6/30/99 James Hughes 8943 N 133rd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 274 -0222 Term Expires: 6/30/00 OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD FY 98 -99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFFSUPPORT Regena Guthrie Human Resources Clerk This Board meets where there is business to be addressed relating to appeals of personnel decisions. Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from an employee is received in the City Clerk's office per the Personnel Policy Manual. Meetings are held in the Lower Level Conference Room at the City Hall and last two to three hours. The members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. BOARDSTERSNNEL. WPD ■ LJ r 0 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FY 98 -99 MEMBERS Gary Akin, Chair Frank Enzbrenner 315 S Cedar PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2141 (w) 272 -1493 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/99 274 -1401 (w) (Chamber Representative) Term Expires: 6/30/01 Mark Wilken Brian Smith, Secretary 9221 N 133rd East Ave 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 274 -0411 (h) 274 -8570 (h) 588 -7105 (w) 272 -5922 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/99 Term Expires: 6/30/02 (Council Representative) Tom Kimball Dee Sokolosky, Vice Chair 8301 Owasso Expy PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2519 (h) 272 -6752 (h) 272 -1146 (w) 272 -5301 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/99 Term Expires: 6/30/03 Brenda Lawrence STAFF SUPPORT 7702 Owasso Expy Robert Tobias Owasso, OK 74055 Director of Economic Development 371 -2489 (h) 272 -0809 (w) Sherry Bishop Term Expires: 6/30/00 Finance Director Jeff Hancock City Manager (OEDA Manager) Marcia Boutwell City Clerk (Agendas) Marcia Hensley Community Deve Secretary (Minutes) This Authority meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Meetings last approximately one hour. The duties of this Authority are to plan, implement and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. - Members are appointed by the Mayor for five -year terms, with City Council Confirmation. Boards /EconDeve.wpd �4 MEMBERS Cloyd O'Dell 9706 N 109th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7615 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/99 Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5112 (h) 272 -4333 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/99 Katheryn Holman PO Box 502 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9733 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/01 Ted Vancuren 17701 E 108th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3305 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/01 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE FY 98 -99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Edward (Doc) Sokolosky 2005 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5380 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/00 STAFF SUPPORT Warren Lehr Director of Golf Marcia Boutwell City Clerk This committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Bailey Ranch Golf Club Maintenance Facility. Meetings last approximately one hour. y Members of the committee serve three -year staggered terms. Appointments are made by the Mayor with City Council Confirmation. BOARDS \GOLFADVS. WPD OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE FY 98 -99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Mary Lou Barnhouse Denise Bode 303 N Elm 2306 N Birch Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4796 (w) 272 -6496 Cloyd O'Dell Ray Haynes 8524 N 129th E Ave 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7616 (w) 272 -9884 Jim Ablett PSO Owasso Office PO Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 599 -3264 (w) Frank Enzbrenner PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 274 -1409 (w) Dale Prevett PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5301 (w) Sherry Bishop PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Bob Allen PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1473 Tom Kimball 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1146 (w) John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 Scott Buckmaster Bank of the Lakes 8504 N 128th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 274 -3535 (w) Robert Carr PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4959 Jeff Hancock PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Tim Rooney STAFF SUPPORT PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Marsha Hensley, Secretary 272 -2251 Community Development Secretary This committee meets for three to four months in late winter and early spring to review Capital requests and recommend action to the City Council. The committee also adopts a revised Capital Improvements Plan each year for recommendation to the Council. Meetings are held in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall, and last from one to two hours. Staff members and City Council membership on the committee is determined by virtue of their position. Other members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Terms expire on June 30 of each year. l-1 BOARDSTAPIMPRO. M ' OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE FY 98 -99 IOWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Ray Haynes Maria Alexander Planning Commission Owasso Police Chief 110 E 24th Ct PO Box 180 272 -9884 272 -2244 Charles Willey Robert Carr Planning Commission Public Works Director ,* 2401 N Birch PO Box 180 272 -1924 272 -4958 This Committee meets as needed to review annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria. w Meetings are generally held at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Terms expire on June 30 of each year; with some members serving by virtue of another office or authority. BOARMANNEXATN.WPD Dale Johnson Theron Warlick Owasso Public Schools City Planner 1501 N Ash PO Box 180 272 -5367 272 -2251 Melinda Voss Tim Rooney City Council Assistant City Manager 13108 E 77th PI N PO Box 180 272 -9686 272 -2251 Duston Smith Jeff Hancock City Council City Manager 8912 N 124"' East Ave 207 S Cedar 272 -6411 272 -2251 Bob Allen Ron Cates Owasso Fire Chief City Attorney PO Box 180 Suite 680, Parkcentre 272 -1473 Tulsa, OK. 74103 582-7447 STAFF SUPPORT Marsha Hensley, Secretary Community Development Department This Committee meets as needed to review annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria. w Meetings are generally held at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Terms expire on June 30 of each year; with some members serving by virtue of another office or authority. BOARMANNEXATN.WPD l� 1 INDIVIDUAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FY 98 -99 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT - INCOG Denise Bode Mayor (4/30/99) Jeff Hancock, Alternate City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a two year term expiring on December 31 of each year. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Aaronson Auditorium at Tulsa City - County Library and last approximately two hours. This is a regional council of local governments involved with planning functions and Federal grant review functions. 1NCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Allan Harder Human Resources Officer REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY (RMUA) Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Tulsa City- County Library and last approximately one hour. This is a Public Trust of area cities emphasizing sewer planning and operations. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Term ending on June 30 of each year. METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. No term specified in the Trust Indenture. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. and last approximately two hours. TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY -POLICY COMMITTEE Denise Bode Mayor i Karl Fritschen, Alternate ' Comprehensive Planner Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each ' year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall of the City of Tulsa and last approximately one and one -half hours. This Authority is a regional transportation planning organization emphasizing long range highway ' and street systems. E TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY - TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ' Robert Carr Public Works Director Phil Lutz, Alternate Engineering Staff Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each ' year. Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month on the 11th floor at Tulsa City Hall and last approximately one and one -half hours. This is the technical advisory group for the TMATS policy committee. REGIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD Maria Alexander Chief of Police Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a three -year term. The current term will expire on June 30, 1999. BOARDS \INDVDUAL. WPD City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 April 28, 2000 Tyann Development, Inc. P.O. Box 397 Owasso, OK 74055 SUBJECT: Maintenance Period Inspections Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Castle Point Dear Sirs or Madams: (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272.4999 The subject water and sanitary systems were accepted by the City of Owasso on June 15, 1999. Your construction contractor provided one-year maintenance bonds for both utilities which are due to expire on June 15, 2000. Public Works personnel conducted maintenance period inspections on April 17, 2000. Attached are punch list items which must be corrected prior to the City Council immediately preceding the bonds expiration date. Please notify this office when your contractor completes the punch list. If you require further information, contact this office at 272-4959. Sincerely, OWAA}SSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IN Project Manager cc: Public Works Director LRoger Stevens DLH Engineering, Inc. Ira Green Construction, Inc. 7