HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.08.17_City Council AgendaNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 17, 1999 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 16, 1999. Marc Boutwell, City Clerk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on August 13, 1999. Items numbered 1 through 7 shall remain the same. Anew item number 8 is listed below. Items numbered 8 through 12 are now numbered 9 through 13. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a Proposal and Contract for Services Related to Staff Development for the City. Mr Williams Mr Williams will request City Council approval of a proposal and contract for services with Greenwood Performance Systems Inc in an amount not to exceed $11,355 plus expenses; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. ~~ i~ PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 17, 1999 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 13, 1999. Marcia B utwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Wilken 2. Invocation Jim McElrath Support Services Director 3. Flag Salute Chris Roberts Public Works Department 4. Roll Call 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Wilken Attachment #5 The Mayor will present a proclamation to members of Eta Mu Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha honoring their 40`h anniversary, which occurs during the month of August. Owasso City Council ' August 17, 1999 Page 2 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. ~ A. Approval of the Minutes of August 3,1999 Regular Meeting and August 10,1999 Special Meeting. Attachment #6-A B. Approval of Claims. '~ Attachment #6-B C. Action Relating to Resolution #99-06, a Resolution for the Election of One Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Official Ballot. Attachment #6-C The City may cast, by resolution, one vote for the office of OMRF Trustee-at-Large. The staff recommends the Council cast a vote for Randy R Swinson, Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Stroud. '*' r^ 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract for Services Between the City of ~ Owasso and J Jeff Hancock. Mayor Wilken The Mayor will recommend City Council approval of a contract for services between the City of Owasso and the City Manager for the period July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000. r~ 8. Report from City Manager. ii Owasso City Council August 17, 1999 Page 3 9. Report from City Attorney. 10. Report from City Councilors. ~- 11. New Business. 12. Adjournment. PROCLAMATION ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, It is the desire ofthe Owasso City Council to recognize persons and groups who give tirelessly of themselves for the betterment ofthe community; and, WHEREAS, Voluntary participation strengthens us as a nation, strengthens our communities, and fulfills us as individual human beings; and, ! WHEREAS, Eta Mu Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha is dedicated to the community and to helping where there is a need; and, WHEREAS, On the national level, Eta Mu helps support St. Jude's Research Hospital for Children; and, r WHEREAS, Local projects include supporting a student each year at the school for the blind and ' a student each yeaz at the school for the heazing impaired, providing citizenship awazds to the elementary schools, and sponsoring 1-2 delegates to Girls State each yeaz; and, WHEREAS, ESA is a philanthropic organization involved in many other community projects and worthy causes; and ! WHEREAS, The contributions of time, energy, and services provided by this organization have benefitted many citizens and the community of Owasso; and, WHEREAS, Eta Mu Chapter of ESA is celebrating its 40`~ anniversary during the month of August, ~ NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mazk Wilken, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby recognize the members of Eta Mu Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha for the work they do within the community of Owasso and the nation, and offer thanks and best wishes from City Council and the citizens of Owasso for their commitment to helping others. ~ IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe City of Owasso to be affixed this 17th day of August, 1999. Mark Wilken, Mayor i~ ^ ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 3, 1999 .~ The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 3, 1999 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 30, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER ~ Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION Pastor Lynn Wood of Rejoice Freewill Baptist Church offered the invocation. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE ' City Attorney Ron Cates led in the flag salute. ' ITEM 4: ROLL CALL II i~ [~ PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wilken, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE .VEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of July 20, 1999 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to a Request to Extend the Term of a Revenue Anticipation Note Relating to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, Dated August 4, 1998. The consent agenda included minutes of the July 20,1999 regular meeting, b}' reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $24,026.12; (2) Workers' Comp Self-Insurance Plan $5,166.70; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,194.32; (4) E- 911 $1,901.75; (5) City Garage $4,234.36; (6) Capital Improvements $4,314.71; (7) Bond Projects i~ Owasso City Council August 3, 1999 Fund $900.00; (8) Payroll $161,965.79; (9) City Garage Payroll 53,830.80. Item C requested that the term of a Revenue Anticipation Note between the City Council and the OPWA Trustees relating to the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer project, be extended for two }ears, to mature August 4, 2001. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken , NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. -ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF DIGITAL RECORDING EQUIPMENT. Chief Alexander said that the current recording device for the Communications Division has been malfunctioning, and the "heads" of the recording device need to be replaced. The cost to replace the heads is $8000, and it is more cost effective to purchase a new system than to repair the old system. Quotes have been received from five vendors for the new equipment, and staff recommended the purchase of recording equipment from the vendor offering the lowest quote. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to authorize the immediate purchase and payment of an Eventide Digital Recording System from Electronic Dictation at a cost of $13,995. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Williams, Bode, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 86r" STREET NORTH AND MAIN STREET ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND FHC INC. Mr Henderson presented the item. This is a project that was originally included in the 1988 Capital Improvement Fund projects. Because cost estimates have exceeded funds available, the complete project was not funded. Preliminary design for the project was done by FHC Inc. The scope of the project has now been expanded so that changes need to be made to the plans. FHC Inc has submitted a fee proposal for an amendment to their design contract, and staff recommended approval of that amendment. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve Amendment No 1 to an Agreement for Engineering Services for the 86`h Street North and Main Street Roadway Improvements between the City of Owasso and FHC Inc at a cost of $23,624. AYE: Williams, Bode, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 2 Owasso City Council August 3, 1999 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLAT AMENTMENT TO THE FAIRWAYS V ~ PLAT. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL ON MAY 3 ' 1999. Mr Warlick said that staff has received a request to amend the final plat for Fairways V at Bailey ' Ranch. The final plat was previously approved by the City Council with numeric street names in accordance with the Tulsa County addressing system. It has been proposed that these street names remain unchanged and that additional names be added to two of the streets. Those names are Sophia Ct to be added to E 90`h Ct N, and Shelly Ave to be added to N 100"' East Ave. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the amendment to the final plat for Fairways V, adding two street name designations to the plat. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ' ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE A DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST IN THE MATTER OF MONTE E GONDLES JR ' ET AL_VS OSAGE RAILROAD COMPANY, ET AL. Mr Cates said that this legal action stems for an action filed in July 1996 by the State of Oklahoma ~ against the Osage Railroad Company. The action was a condemnation to acquire property to construct or maintain state transportation system facilities. Staff has been unable to find any interest of the City of Owasso in and to any real property located in Osage County, and requested that a Disclaimer of Interest be filed in the matter. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to authorize the City Attorney to file a disclaimer of interest in the matter of Monte E Gondles Jr, et al vs Osage Railroad Company, et al. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None i~ i~ Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Hancock reported that he had just returned from atwo-week vacation and, during that time Tim Rooney served as acting City Manager. He also reported that resignations were accepted from two department directors, Maria Alexander and Warren Lehr, on August 17`h i~ Owasso City Council ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None. ITEM 13: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m. August 3, 1999 Mark Wilken, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING Tuesday, August 10, 1999 ii i~ The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing called on Tuesday, July 13, 1999, and Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 3, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Councilor Bode led in the flag salute. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Mark Wilken, Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor ITEM 3: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION. INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENT AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #99-OS A RESOLUTION APPROVING OR DISAPPROVING A PROPOSED LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT APPLICATION. Mayor Willken opened the public hearing by explaining that the purpose of the hearing is for consideration of the recommendation to the Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority of approval or disapproval of the proposed development of Redwood Development Inc. He explained that the issue before the Council is not whether the proposed apartments are appropriate at this location or the impact of their construction and occupancy. Rather, the Council must decide whether or not this is an appropriate location for low income tax credit housing, and if the application should continue in the OHFA process. Mr Wilken read the following ten guidelines established by OHFA that the Council will be considering: 1. Whether the Proposal meets the adopted comprehensive plan for the City of Owasso; 2. Whether the Proposal meets identified housing needs found in the City of Owasso; 3. Whether the Application and the Market Study accompanying the Application contains errors, inconsistencies or omissions; ii Owasso City Council August 10, 1999 4. Whether the Applicant or Developer has shown evidence of a commitment to use the tax credits, if allocated, through a syndication commitment, financing commitment or other similar agreement; 5. Whether the Applicant or Developer has shown evidence of neighborhood and community participation in the planning of the project; 6. Whether the Applicant or Developer has shown evidence of appropriate zoning, as well as the ability to meet applicable subdivision requirements; 7. Whether the Applicant or Developer has shown evidence of site plan approval if required; 8. Whether the Applicant or Developer has shown evidence of the availability of adequate public facilities/services for the development; 9. Whether the Applicant has presented a viable business plan for the proposed development, including therewith information concerning Applicant's financial wherewithal to complete such development, as well as any historical data relating to Applicant's operation of developments similar to the proposed development. 10. Whether the Applicant or Developer have otherwise met and complied with the threshold requirements, selection criteria, financial feasibility analysis, and additional requirements contained in OHFA's Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Rules. Mr Robert Nichols, attorney for the applicant, presented the application and the reason for the applicant choosing the City of Owasso for the development. The first speaker during the public comment section was Dale Johnson, superintendent of the Owasso Schools. Mr Johnson requested that the public hearing be postponed until such time as all Council members can be present. Mayor Wilken stated that the comment period ends of August 13, 1999, and there will be no opportunity for hearing beyond that date. Mr Johnson then spoke against the use of tax credits for the project. Other speakers who spoke against the project were Carl Bartholomew, Dawn Cindle, Sue Bergwall, Richard King, Allan Baird, John Groth, and Rep Phil Ostrander. Some of the issues cited were the burden on the schools, the burden on city infrastructure, no neighborhood participation in the planning, use of tax dollars, inconvenient location for disabled persons, no elevator shown on building plans, and no answers provided to citizens when questions were asked about the project. Mr King asked if the project meets the comprehensive plan and housing needs. Ms Cindle mentioned a petition from citizens opposing the apartments; however, no petition was presented to the Council nor was any request made that it be entered into the record. David Vines spoke in support of the project, citing that there are no mid- price rentals within the City of Owasso. During the rebuttal period, Mr Nichols pointed out that entry-level wages for city workers, teachers, and employees at Whirlpool and WorldCom do not allow those employees to rent apartments within the City of Owasso. Mr Rick Schroeder, owner and developer of the project, stated that he is committed to own and manage the property for 30 years. He further stated, when questioned by Councilor Voss, that he 2 ~ Owasso City Council August 10, 1999 ' manages 60 properties. Twenty of those properties are for cities, and none of those properties have been sold. ' Tim Rooney provided the staff position. He addressed each of the ten guidelines established by OHFA. He said that it appears that the applicant has met all the guidelines contained within the application procedures outlined within OHFA rules. Based on the information contained within the application and a review of the items outlined by the Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority for consideration on the local government level, staff recommended Council approval of Resolution ' #99-OS in the affirmative form. Each Councilor was then given an opportunity to provide any comments they wished regarding this application. ii ii At the conclusion of the Councilor comments, Mayor Wilken called the question. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to adopt Resolution #99-OS in the affirmative, recommending approval of the proposed low income housing tax credit application. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and Resolution #99-OS was adopted in the affirmative. ITEM 2: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Mark Wilken, Mayor ii ii i~ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 3 i~ CITY OF OWASSO "` GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 4 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- - --------------------------- ~ 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ^ IAGERIAL 200008 METROCALL 200216 GO SYSTEMS 200234 CITY GARAGE 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE REFUND DEPOSITS PERMIT REFUND PERMIT REFUND PAGER USE FUEL-7/99 VEHICLE N1P,INT-7/99 REIMB PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES MILEAGE-BOUTWELL 7/99 USE 7/99 PLEXAR 50.00 20.00 30.00 100.00 7.04 23.35 8.49 34.00 281.91 30.38 15.53 74.01 n DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 1 NANCE ------------------------------ 200477 METRO GRAPHIC SYSTEMS 200578 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ~~MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ ------------------------------ II i~ i~ CONSOLIDATED CHECKS COMPUTER PAPER 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 200021 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN FILE CABINET 200058 REASORS FILM PROCESSING 200216 GO SYSTEMS FUEL-7/99 200234 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 200307 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 200412 BOCA INTERNATIONAL APPROVED STICKERS 200482 DOZIER PRINTING PRINTING 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 474.71 277.82 112.23 390.05 34.26 99.99 11.52 131.81 19.25 12.99 18.00 69.70 6.44 41.68 445.64 i~ CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ---------------- JNICIPAL COURT 2UU570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE 11.25 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 57.09 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 68.34 NGINEERING ----------------------------- 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 14.09 42 63 200216 GO SYSTEMS FUEL-7/99 . 88 35 200317 WAL-MART OFFICE SUPPLIES . 25 8 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH . DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 121.84 rENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 200007 RONALD D CATES RETAINER 700.00 60 258 4 200007 RONALD D CATES LEGAL SERVICES . , 00 34 200155 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES . 76 391 200340 TULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT ADS . 45 130 200354 OKLAHOMA EAGLE EMPLOYMENT ADS . 40 44 200386 CLAREMORE PROGRESS ADVERTISING . 50 16 200387 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING . 47 115 200388 TULSA WORLD ADVERTISING . 00 138 200472 APCO INC RADIO LICENSE . 00 90 200507 THOMASON & TYLER BOND RENEWAL . 89 49 200569 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 NON-PLEXAR . 22 118 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE _ . 37 944 200571 200572 PSO SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 USE 7/99 PLEXAR . 219.44 200580 PITNEY BOWES INC POSTAGE METER RENTAL 320_00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 7,571.10 SUPPORT SERVICES ------------------------------ 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 27.14 50 20 200023 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES . 22 4 200023 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES . 36 20 200026 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT . CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 PO # 200027 200029 200216 200218 ' 200234 200528 ~ 200528 ] 1ETERY A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES CROW BURLINGAME GO SYSTEMS CROSSROADS COMMERCIAL CITY GARAGE WAL-MART WAL-MART DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ----------------------------- 200031 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE '~ 200112 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 200216 GO SYSTEMS ' 200571 PSO DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ~ULICE SERVICES ------------------------------ I ~' 200008 200023 200041 200045 200047 200140 200216 200234 200266 200311 200312 200375 200473 200474 200478 200479 200480 200508 200510 200516 200518 200529 I ~ 200529 200569 METROCALL SAM'S CLUB YALE CLEANERS HOWARD STAMPER FIRST BANK CLAREMORE FSB BUSINESS & INSTITUTIONAL GO SYSTEMS CITY GARAGE OSU-OKLAHOMA CITY LYNN PEAVEY CO SIRCHIE HOLIDAY INN-DUNCAN US POSTMASTER ACTION APPLIANCE DOZIER PRINTING MICHAEL DENTON DAVID RENFRO SPRINT CONFERENCE LINE GALL'S INC_ TOTAL RADIO APERTURES INC TREASURER PETTY CASH TREASURER PETTY CASH SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE PHONE USE-McELRATH REPAIR SUPPLIES FUEL-7/99 BUILDING CLEANING VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES UNIFORM PANTS MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS FUEL-7/99 7/99 USE PAGER USE MAINT SUPPLIES UNIFORM CLEANING RETAINER/SERVICES COPIER LEASE LITERATURE RACK FUEL-7/99 VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 TRAINING-YOUNT/RENFRO EVIDENCE SUPPLIES EVIDENCE SUPPLIES LODGING-JONES POSTAGE STAMPS AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR ENVELOPES TUITION REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSE-EYE GLASSES CONFERENCE CALL CHARGES PEPPER SPRAY RADIO REPAIR PHOTOS REIMB PETTY CASH PER DIEM-YOUNT/RENFRO 7/99 NON-PLEXAR 15.47 7.95 242.65 1,075.00 392.01 12.88 119.01 1,937.19 3.99 28.50 27.70 15.77 75.96 356.64 20.94 1,143.46 150.00 193.88 359.85 2,419.22 1,274.05 600.00 57.85 44.10 200.00 198.00 528.59 79.73 90.00 40.00 73.12 107.89 162.00 45.86 5.14 140.00 49.89 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 7 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE 88.32 200571 PSO 7/99 USE 589.24 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 289.71 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___~ 9,307.48 ~IIMAL CONTROL ----------------------------- 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 7.04 200216 GO SYSTEMS FUEL-7/99 76.53 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REFUND DEPOSITS 20.00 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE 5.64 200571 PSO 7/99 USE 165.23 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 21.17 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 295.61 'IRE SERVICES 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 9.13 200048 CHRIS WILSON VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200049 RON STUCKEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200050 DON TAYLOR VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200051 JEFF CARNEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200052 RANDALL STARK VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200054 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER LEASE/MAINT 181.78 200056 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 108.64 200057 WAL-MART MAINT SUPPLIES 495.86 200058 REASORS FILM PROCESSING 28.60 200060 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 403.47 200061 LAMPTON WELDING SUPPLY CYLINDER RENTAL 31.80 200216 GO SYSTEMS FUEL-7/99 380.78 200252 EVE INC MAINT SUPPLIES 244.00 200307 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 8-99 200378 B & M TIRE CENTER INC TIRE 46.68 200379 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC BARREL FAN 598.00 200391 DISCOUNT GLASS DOOR GLASS 165.00 200396 OK FIRE CHIEFS ASSO DUES-ALLEN/STUCKEY 52.00 200397 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE REPAIR 407.00 200489 CURTIS RESTAURANT SUPPLY ICE MACHINE 1,950.00 200491 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALLEN 16.97 200491 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALL 62.26 200493 KENNY A PEACOCK VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200494 LONNIE D GREEN VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 200498 PAGENET PAGER USE 114.19 CITY OF OWASSO GENERA L FUND ':/1 3/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 'O # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 200512 CLASSIC GOLF CARTS IGNITION SWITCH 25.00 200513 DALE & LEE SERVICE INC A/C REPAIR 61.50 200514 OK FIRE CHIEFS ASSO TRAINING-STUCKEY 25.00 " 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 7.00 d 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 10.00 200568 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/99 USE 84.68 4 200570 200571 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PSO 7/99 USE 7/99 USE 42.85 720.90 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 181.62 ~' DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 6,810.20 ~!'~'RGENCY PREPAREDNESS - --------------------------- 200569 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 NON-PLEXAR 95.75 ~ 200571 PSO 7/99 USE 64.09 ~'~ 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 20.84 ~' DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 180.68 ""ZEETS --------- -------------------- 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 49.29 200015 IVAN MORRIS CENTER MEDIANS 4/6/99 58.00 200015 IVAN MORRIS EXPY EASEMENT 4/6/99 55.00 200016 BRYAN SCHAFFNER MOW EL RIO EASEMENT 4/6/9 110.00 200016 BRYAN SCHAFFNER MOW FRONTAGE 4/6/99 270.00 200023 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 7.96 200024 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENTAL 12.66 200029 200031 CROW BURLINGAME KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR PARTS _MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 17.00 86.94 200038 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 35.70 200038 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 71.40 ~" 200080 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD-REPAIRS 60.00 1~ 200082 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC_ GRAVEL 207.31 200084 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA EQUIPMENT RENTAL 93.58 200085 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE 150.00 ~, 200113 WAL-MART UNIFORM JEANS 490.48 200115 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES SAFETY BOOTS 117.00 200200 200216 MEMCO GO SYSTEMS SAFETY SUPPLIES FUEL-7/99 60.35 540.79 200234 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 1,402.91 200302 WAL-MART MAINT SUPPLIES 81.81 200306 J B STIGALL EASEMENT MOWINGS 65.00 200307 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE DRILL BIT 26.29 8 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT WEEDEATERS 975.00 EASEMENT MOWINGS 660.00 CROSSWALK STRIPING KITS 2,808.50 DOOR REPAIR 190.00 DOZER RENTAL 7-12/99 378.00 RADIO BATTERY 61.70 STREET REPAIRS-10/20/98 13,163.00 7/99 USE 311.96 7/99 PLEXAR 20.84 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 200308 OWASSO MOWER CENTER 200309 BRYAN SCHAFFNER 200315 FLINT TRADING CO 200316 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 200401 A.I.M_ EQUIPMENT 200403 MULTIPLIER CORP 200476 HORIZON CONST CO INC 200571 PSU 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> '-OMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 200027 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 200194 WAL-MART 200197 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 200216 GO SYSTEMS 200234 CITY GARAGE 200314 EVE INC 200329 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 200571 PSO 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ?ARK MAINTENANCE ----------------- 200008 METROCALL 200082 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC_ 200131 LARRY TURNER 200132 ARLEY OWENS 200216 GO SYSTEMS 200234 CITY GARAGE 200377 BRYAN SCHAFFNER 200398 PAT'S RAINBOW OF RIBBON 200408 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 200409 HUGHES LUMBER CO 200410 TUCKER JANITORIAL 200411 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 200413 JENSEN FORD TRACTOR 200481 TUCKER JANITORIAL 200568 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 200571 PSO APAPVR PAGE: 9 22,638.47 PHONE USE-SR VAN 10.97 CLEANING SUPPLIES 167.03 OFFICE SUPPLIES 209.49 FUEL-7/99 36.27 VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 130.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 91.57 MAINT SUPPLIES 102.46 7/99 USE 4.72 7/99 USE 953.87 7/99 PLEXAR 118.20 1,824.58 PAGER USE 21.13 GRAVEL _ 36.04 MOW RAYOLA PARK 642.00 MOW PRIDE PARK 147.00 FUEL-7/99 243.26 VEHICLE MAINT-7/99 12.95 MOW ATOR PARK 70.00 WINTER WONDERLAND 242.00 WEEDEATER PARTS 94.91 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11.09 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 346.85 REPAIR SUPPLIES 38.41 TRACTOR FUEL PUMP 52.05 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 183.60 7/99 USE 91.87 7/99 USE 1,067.11 ' CITY OF OWASSO ' GENERAL FUND 8/16/99 6:56:02 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 200590 ROBERT TOBIAS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> REIMB JEEP TOP 240.00 240.00 FUND TOTAL =___> GRAND TOTAL =___> 240.00 240.00 1 .. .. r, CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR 50.82 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 3,351.09 CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------- 200017 ALL COPY SUPPLIES 200291 SPRINT PCS ~' 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH ~,,, 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 1N' ~ DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL =___> COPIER RENTAL PHONE USE-TOBIAS MILEAGE-TOBIAS 7/99 USE 7/99 PLEXAR 50.00 54.04 330.04 21_U1 77.60 532.69 56,125.43 10 .. .. CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- ENERAL GOVERNMENT ----------------------------- 200342 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS IN ADMIN FEES 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS C09178 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS T01059 200504 PPU SOLUTIONS 501139 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS 501139 200504 PPU SOLUTIONS S01139 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS PU2029 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS P02029 200504 PPU SOLUTIONS P02029 200504 PPU SOLUTIONS PU2029 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS C04279 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS B06109 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS B06109 200504 PPO SOLUTIONS SU6109 200506 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD D04218 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL =___> 933.75 4.03 2.01 3.11 2.15 1.94 9.63 4.69 1.18 1.18 4.39 2.45 3.57 1.94 100.00 9.95 1,085.97 1,085.97 1 ^ CITY OF OWASSO ^ AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 3/13/99 8.24.32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- tULANCE 200055 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL ' 200059 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 200150 AMERIHOST INN LODGING-KELLEY 200210 MEDICLAIMS, INC. MONTHLY SERVICE FEE ' 200253 AMERIHOST INN LODGING-WOFFORD 200491 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALL 2UU529 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASY. ' 200529 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM-WOFFORD DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL =___> 30.00 340.00 224.00 2,751.13 280.00 54.63 2.00 98.00 3,779.76 3,779.76 2 i~ CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- )LICE COMMUNICATIONS ----------------------------- 200006 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> E-911 SERVICE 1,903.02 1,903.02 3 FUND TOTAL =___> 1,903.02 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 16 ~. PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - ------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- I Y GARAGE - --------------------------- ,~ 200008 METROCALL PAGER USE 200018 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO BATTERIES `` 200022 B & M TIRE CENTER INC TIRE/VEHICLE REPAIRS 200022 B & M TIRE CENTER INC REPAIR PARTS '~ 200024 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENTAL ~= 200026 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 200029 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR SUPPLIES 200029 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 200044 ALSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC TRUCK REPAIR 200216 GO SYSTEMS FUEL-7/99 200399 PARTS ASSOCIATES INC BOLTS/CONNECTORS ~,, 200520 TULSA AUTO COLLECTION REPAIR PARTS 200521 SPECIALTY PRODUCTS & SVS FREON DETECTOR 200522 VICTOR WELDING SUPPLY CO WELDING SUPPLIES 200523 AUTO ZONE REPAIR PARTS 200524 ALLIED TOWING TOWING FEES 200525 B & M OIL COMPANY BULK ATF FLUID ~ 200526 CLASSIC CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 200527 ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC REPAIR PARTS 200528 WAL-MART MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 200528 WAL-MART REPAIR PARTS 200530 BERNROD'S TRUCK & TRAILER VEHICLE REPAIR 200570 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/99 USE 200571 PSO 7/99 USE 200572 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/99 PLEXAR DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> i~ II II n n FUND TOTAL =___> 7.05 162.85 660.20 36.00 259.57 61.10 14.26 1,525.94 1,604.14 12.01 442.44 44.20 131.00 31.25 215.99 99.00 1,054.75 106.97 127.98 12.92 53.86 224.13 14.49 295.79 63.18 7,261.07 7,261.07 i~ CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 18 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ~~ --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ENERAL GOVERNMENT ----------------------------- 200257 DELL COMPUTER CORP SOUND CARDS, SPEAKERS 3,377.55 200258 DELL COMPUTER CORP COMPUTERS 4,848.00 200560 INFINETE TECHNOLOGY SOLUT STATUS REPORT 255.00 200581 TULSA TECHNOLOGY CENTER COMPUTER TRAINING 3,330.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 11,810.55 TREETS ----------------------------- 200476 HORIZON CONST CO INC STREET REPAIRS-10/20/98 15,000.00 200584 CH2M HILL INC ENG SVS 2/3/98 1,463.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 16,463.00 FUND TOTAL =___> 28,273.55 ~~ CITY OF OWASSO BOND PROJECTS FUND 3/13/99 8:24:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- I EET IMPROVEMENTS - --------------------------- A~ 200476 HORIZON CONST CO INC STREET REPAIRS-10/20/98 115,892.59 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 115,892.59 FARTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------------- 200374 FRIX & FOSTER CONST CO IN 4-PLEX CONST-2/2/99 ~ DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ~. FUND TOTAL =___> GRAND TOTAL =___> 34,650.00 34,650.00 150,542.59 429,769.83 19 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 07/31/99 Department Overtime Expenses Total ExRenses General Fund Managerial 0.00. 10,369.79 Finance 0.00 6,893.04 Community Development 0.00 8,750.74 Municipal Court 0.00 2,246.90 Engineering 0.00 4,611.43 Information Systems 0.00 2,770.20 Support Services 97.50 4,154.71 Police 1411.73 53,039.32 Central Dispatch 393.96 6,024.80 Animal Control 0.00 1,770.20 Fire 779.22 44,102.75 Street 121.28 11,215.42 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,286.72 Park Maintenace 0.00 4,273.81 Economic Development 0.00 2,05.1.76 General Fund Total $2,803.69 $165,561.59 Garage Fund Garage ~ $30.00 $3,747.56 Garage Fund Total $30.00 $3,747.56 APPROVED: 08/17/99 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 75.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 3,974.21 TRANSFERS TOTAL ,0 9. CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT 1 1 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND TRANSFER FROM BOND PROJECT FUND 4,875.00 10, 000.00 20,000.00 1, 621.63 4,202.78 TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: J. JEFF HANCOCK ~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 1999 ELECTION OF TRUSTEE -TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND DATE: August 12, 1999 '~' BACKGROUND: As a municipality participating in the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF) retirement programs for its employees, the City of Owasso is entitled to vote for trustees when "r vacancies occur or when a term for an existing trustee expires. OMRF has notified the City of the election of a Trustee-At-Large due to the expiration of the term of Randy R. Swinson who has served as trustee since 1994. The City will cast one vote via resolution of the governing body for one of three candidates for the vacancy. DISCUSSION: II I n In addition to Mr. Swinson, Candy Richardson and Bob Provine are candidates for trustee. Mr. Swinson is the incumbent and is currently the Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Stroud. He is past City Manager for the City of Seminole, Tecumseh, and Shawnee. Ms. Richardson is City Clerk/Treasurer for the City of Altus with a total of 19 years municipal government experience. Mr. Provine is Comptroller for the City of Midwest City, a CPA and has over 30 years financial management experience. RECOMMENDATION: Each of the three appears to be qualified, but there is no compelling reason to replace Mr. Swinson as trustee. Staff would recommend the City execute the resolution ballot and its vote be cast for Mr. Swinson. ATTACHMENT: Information sheet from OMRF and Official Ballot i~ 1999 ELECTION OF TRUSTEE -TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND The governing body of each employer is entitled to cast by resolution one vote for the office of OMRF Trustee-at-Large. The resolution must be returned no later than August 30, 1999, by REGISTERED OR CERTIFIED MAIL. Please note: Ballot Resolutions returned other than by registered or certified mail, or unsigned, will not be valid. CAST ONE VOTE FOR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NOMINEES ON THE ENCLOSED RESOLUTION: , RAND Y R. SWINSON • Mr. Swinson has been on the OMRF Board of Trustees since 1994. • Presently he is the Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Stroud, holding that position since ~ October 1998. • He has been City Manager for City of Seminole, Tecumseh and Shawnee, starting his career in City Government in September 1973. ' • Mr. Swinson has his Bachelors' degree from East Central State University. • Mr. Swinson is a Past President and Board Member of: ~ City Management Association of Oklahoma Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma CANDY RICHARDSON • Ms. Richardson is the City Clerk -Treasurer for the City of Altus, holding that office since 1991. She has worked for the City since 1981, having 19 years experience in municipal government ~ finance and administration. • Ms. Richardson is a graduate of Oklahoma State University Business Ext Institute for Clerks and Treasurers. • She has served on the OMPA Executive Energy Services Committees for 6 years; President of the 1 Oklahoma Municipal Clerk, Treasurers and Finance Officials Association. She is a Past President of the Oklahoma Municipal Treasurers Association; member of the OML Task Force for Municipal Finance; OMPA 2000 Planning Committee; and member of Government Finance Officers ' Association of Oklahoma. BOB PROVINE • Mr. Provine has been the Comptroller for the City of Midwest City since 1988. He is a CPA and has •~ over 30 years of financial management experience. ~. • Mr. Provine is currently the Acting City Clerk and Treasurer for the City of Midwest City. • He has a Bachelors' degree in Business from the University of Central Oklahoma and Graduate School in accounting at UCO, Wichita State University and the University of Oklahoma. II RESOLUTION NO. 99-06 OFFICIAL BALLOT .~ ii ii n A RESOLUTION OF CITY OF OWASSO ,OKLAHOMA, CASTING A VOTE FOR ONE TRUSTEE OF THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TO FILL THE EXPIRING TERM OF ONE TRUSTEE. WHEREAS, the C, tv of c)wasso ,Oklahoma, participates in the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund and is eligible to cast one vote for the Trustee's office of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund to fill the expiring term for Trustee- at- Large. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Authorized Agent indicates the result of our vote on the ballot and returns this ballot to the Trust Administrator between July 20, and August 30, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by CITY of olaasso , Oklahoma, that its vote for the Trustee shall be cast for the following nominee (fill in name of nominee): 1, Randy R Swinson ii ***END*** The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Resolution was introduced before the City Council of City of Owasso ,Oklahoma, and was duly adopted and approved on the 17th day of August , 19Q~. MAYOR ; PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN I n i~ ii i~ ATTEST: CLERK OR SECRETARY AUTHORIZED AGENT (SEAL) RETURN B}' REG/STERED OR CERT/F/ED AIAIL TO: ObIRF, CYO BANK ONE P.O. Box 25848, 7TH FLOOR OKLAHO.NA CITY, OK 73125 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR, P.E. ~. ~~~ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: TULSA COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - 76a` STREET NORTH RAILROAD CROSSING PAVING DATE: August 17, 1999 BACKGROUND: The SK&O Railroad contacted the Public Works Department today to schedule repairs to the railroad crossing at the west city limits on 76~' Street North. They have scheduled the repairs over the period of August 30 -September 3, 1999. The road will be closed to through traffic during the construction, but a bypass only for emergency vehicles will be provided. Neither the SK&O Railroad nor the City of Owasso have suitable paving equipment to repair the road surface. Therefore, coordination has been made with Tulsa County to repave upon modification to the railroad tracks. An Interlocal Agreement has been drafted with Tulsa County that includes the following: The City of Owasso shall provide all required materials and traffic control; Tulsa County shall provide all necessary labor and equipment to complete the project; and Duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the project. FITNDING: Funding for the paving materials to be used by Tulsa County is included in the FY99-00 Street Division budget for operating supplies (line item 51-410-5220). Materials and traffic control sign rental are expected to be approximately $1,500-2,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Tulsa County for paving at the SK&O Railroad crossing on 76~' Street North at the west city limits and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Interlocal Agreement i ~ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made the day of , 1999, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "COUNTY" and the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "CITY". WTTNESSETH: WHEREAS, by virtue of 69 O.S. 1981, Section 1903, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities to construct, improve, and repair any of the streets of such municipalities, and; WHEREAS, the County is desirous of participating in projects and the provision of services mutually advantageous to the COUNTY and other units of government; THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the projects described herein, based upon the COUNTY'S work schedule. 2. The purpose of the Agreement shall be for paving following replacement of the SK&O Railroad crossings on 76~' Street North at the west Owasso City Limits. SK&O has scheduled replacement of the road crossings for the time period of August 30 -September 3, 1999. 3. The CITY shall provide for payment for all paving materials used by the COUNTY. 4. The COUNTY shall provide all labor and equipment required to complete the paving. 5. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of execution thereof and is intended only for the purpose detailed in Section 2 above. 6. The rights, duties and obligations under and arising from this Agreement shall not be assigned by either party hereto without the express written consent of the other. Page 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Interlocal Agreement -City of Owasso and Tulsa County Ron Cates, City Attorney ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Mazk Wilken, Mayor Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney ATTEST: Joan Hastings, County Clerk DATE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Robert Dick, Chairman