HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.05.19_Joint Meeting Agenda_CC_OPWA_SpecialNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING JOINT SPECIAL SESSION OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL AND THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: May 19, 1998 TIME: 7:05 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 1998. Marci Boutwell, Crty Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order PUBLIC HEARING 2. Presentation and Open Discussion, Including Public Comment, of the Fiscal 1998-99 Budget. Mr Ray Ms Bishop The staff will make a short presentation of the proposed budget and answer questions, as well as accept for consideration any public comments offered. 3. Adjournment PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 19, 1998 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 1998. I RA Fri, gwom F % P/rA Marcia%outwell, AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Bode 2. Invocation Pastor Alex Thornburg First Presbyterian Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request By Citizens to Address the City Council. Ms Terry White & Ms Penni Aurilio Attachment #5 Ms White & Ms Aurilio have provided the City Clerk with a written request to address the Council relating to facilities for the swim team. Owasso City Council May 19, 1998 Page 2 ' 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be ' routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 5, 1998 Regular Meeting and May 12, 1998 Special; Meeting. Attachment #6 -A ' B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 -B , C. Action Relating to Ordinance #518 Amended, an Ordinance Amending a Legal Description Contained in Ordinance #518. Attachment #6 -C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #518 Amended, correcting a legal description contained in a previously approved ordinance (Ordinance #518). D. Action Relating to Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for a Restroom Facility at the Owasso Sports Park, Between the City of Owasso and Pettijohn Construction, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. ' Attachment #6 -D The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the , contract, and that release of retainage and final payment in the amount of $8919.00 be authorized. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Bids Received on Surplus Vehicles. Mr Rooney Attachment #7 Bids have been received and opened on the two surplus vehicles, and the staff will recommend that the bid received on the 1981 International Bus be rejected and the bid received on the 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury be accepted. 1 ' Owasso City Council May 19, 1998 ' Page 3 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Approval of a Sports Park ' Building Site Ground Lease with Future Owasso Rams. Mr Rooney Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council approval of a lease agreement with Future Owasso Rams in the amount of $10.00 per year for land to construct an office building; and authorization tfor the Mayor to execute the document. ' 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Approval of the Prioritization of Projects to Receive Funding from the "Equipment Contingency Fund" Line ' Item of the General Government Department Budget. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 ' The staff will recommend funding from the Equipment Contingency Fund in the amount of $112,000.00 for an emergency services radio system; $43,329.77 for restriping & crack sealing on 86th St N; $3,000.00 for golf course fencing; $7,957.79 for restriping & crack ' sealing at the 76th & Main intersection; and $8,712.44 for an engine analyzer. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #2, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Horizon Construction Company Inc for the Construction of Parking Lot Improvements at Owasso Sports Park. Mr Henderson Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #2, increasing the contract by $4384.67, for the purpose of adding flyash to the subsurface soil in two areas for ' stabilization. 1 Owasso City Council May 19, 1998 Page 4 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of Contracts for Engineering /Architectural Services and Program Management Services for the 1998 Bond Issue Projects. Mr Carr Attachment # 11 The staff will recommend Council approval of a contract for engineering /architectural services with CH2M Hill /Page. Zabrowski in the amount of $562,171; and a contract for program management team services to Lioness Realty Group in the amount of $238,080; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the documents. 12. Report from City Manager 13. Report from City Attorney 14. Reports from City Councilors 15. New Business 1 ' Owasso City Council May 19, 1998 ' Page 5 16. Adjournment 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITIZEN REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING THE OWASSO SWIMMING POOL DATE: May 14, 1998 ' BACKGROUND: During the week of May 4, 1998, Ms. Terry White of the Owasso Swim Team , staff contacted regarding concerns they were having with the YMCA regarding their ability to utilize the pool ' this summer for their annual swimming am. Ms. White stated that in previous years, when gP ro g the pool was being operated by the City of Owasso, the swim team had been able to utilize the ' pool without any fee. Recently, she had contacted the YMCA and was told that they could no longer offer the pool to the swim team "free of charge." tI then contacted Mr. John Swift of the YMCA regarding Ms. White's concerns, and expressed a desire on the city's behalf to reach an agreement. Mr. Swift expressed to me that operating a pool did require funding, a lifeguard, and insurance and that he would be willing to work out some form of agreement for a reduced rate this year, but that a "normal" fee should be anticipated by Ms. White next year. Ms. White was then contacted and the above agreement was discussed. I asked Ms. White to fax me a copy of the dates that the swim team needed the pool, and forwarded that information to Mr. Swift. Ms. White stated that the problem this year was that they had already spoken with their sponsors and received monetary commitments and that had she known, she would have requested additional money from the swim team's sponsors. Ms. White seemed satisfied with the arrangement. After learning of their request to address the Council, I contacted Ms. White again to see if their ' were any concerns that I did not address. Ms. White stated that I was helpful but that she still felt that the swim team should be provided a facility to use and that perhaps the City Council could assist her with her concerns. Ms. White requested a copy of the YMCA lease agreement and Ms. Aurilio picked up that document from City Hall on Wednesday. I have asked Mr. Mikos, Manager of the Green Country YMCA (Owasso) to be present on Tuesday evening to answer any questions that you may wish to address to him. 0 May 11, 1998 To: City of Owasso Re: City Council Agenda I MY 12 1998 � 3 I would like to discuss the lack of city owned swimming facilities. The Owasso Swim Team is being confronted with a lot of opposition from the YMCA concerning the pool. Please place this item on the May 19th city council meeting agenda. Thank you very much, Terry White and Penni Aurilio 2rIz- 6- S3 2r7z -L.94 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 5, 1998 FP The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda 14 posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 1998 ' ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION Pastor Arvle Knight of First Assembly of God Church offered the invocation. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Councilor Wilken led in the flag salute. IITEM 4: ROLL CALL ' PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Tracy Standridge, Vice Mayor ' Mark Wilken, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor -Elect ' STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. .6v ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. 'Mayor Barnhouse and City Manager Rodney Ray presented a proclamation to Helen & Buford Williams in recognition and thanks for their many contributions to the City of Owasso. ' ITEM 6: OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COUNCILOR -ELECT VOSS. ' City Clerk Marcia Boutwell administered the oath of office to Councilor -Elect Melinda Voss. Councilor Voss then took her seat at the council bench. Owasso City Council ITEM 7: ELECTION OF MAYOR Dr Standridge nominated Dr Bode for Mayor, seconded by Mr Wilken. AYE: Standridge, Wilken, Voss, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 8: ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR May 5, 1998 Dr Standridge nominated Mr Wilken for Vice Mayor, seconded by Ms Barnhouse. AYE: Standridge, Barnhouse, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and Vice Mayor Wilken presided over the remainder of the meeting in the absence of Mayor Bode. ITEM 9: ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF CITY MANAGER AND INTRODUCTION OF THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE TO THE COMMUNITY. Vice Mayor Wilken introduced Mr Jeff Hancock, who has recently been hired by the Council as Owasso's City manager. Mr Hancock spoke briefly and introduced his wife Sheila, Daughter JoAnna, and son Clay. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of April 14, 1998 and April 30, 1998 Special Meetings and April 21, 1998 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the Off -Site Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Lakeshore Greens, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #579, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located Immediately North of 704 N Carlsbad; from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density). F] tOwasso City Council May 5, 1998 E. Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for a Civil Defense Warning ' Siren. F. Action Relating to the Settlement of a Worker's Compensation Claim. ' The consent agenda included minutes of the April 21, 1998 regular meeting and the April 14, 1998 and April 30, 1998 special meetings, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $68,836.44; (2) Workers Comp Self - Insurance Fund $1,435.41; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $732.98; (4) City Garage $6,686.35; (5) Capital Improvements $17,392.43; (6) Payroll $139,754.62; (7) City Garage Payroll $2,825.80. Item C requested acceptance of the infrastructure improvements constructed to serve Lakeshore Greens. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #579, rezoning property located immediately north of 704 N Carlsbad. Item E requested approval to award a contract in the amount of $6500 to Goddard Enterprises, Guthrie, OK for the delivery and installation of a general alarm warning siren. Item F requested the acceptance of a settlement offer of $20,000 and associated legal and filing fees for Worker's Compensation claims filed by George Haley, and authorization for payment. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Standridge, Barnhouse, Voss, Wilken ' NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ' ITEM 11: 1 • REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ' No report. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS INo report. ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS None. Owasso City Council ITEM 15: ADJOURNMENT Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Standridge, Barnhouse, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 0 Denise Bode, Mayor May 5, 1998 I 6 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 12, 1998 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 12, 1998 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, 1998. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. Mayor Bode called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilors present: Denise Bode, Mayor; Mark Wilken, Vice Mayor; Dr Tracy Standridge, Councilor; Melinda Voss, Councilor. Councilors absent: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor. Staff present: Rodney J Ray, City Manager; Timothy Rooney, Assistant City Manager; Sherry Bishop, Finance Director. A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANT TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. Several items were discussed, including the proposed FY 1998 -99 Budget. No action was taken on any item. ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge to adjourn. AYE: Wilken, Standridge, Voss, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. IMarcia Boutwell, City Clerk Denise Bode, Mayor � A� � U� CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/14/98 20:08:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------- -------------------- -- 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 982306 REASORS 982361 SAM'S CLUB 982449 GO SYSTEMS 982565 EHRLE'S 982569 DOZIER PRINTING 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 982589 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FINANCE ~~ ------ ................................ .............................. ................... DEPOSIT REFUND APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT -- ------------- PAGER USE EMP APPRECIATION OFFICE FURNITURE/PRINTER FUEL 4/98 COUNCIL RECEPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES COUNCIL RECEPTION CITY MGR EXPENSE REIMB PETTY CASH COUNCIL WORK SESSION OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4/98 USE 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-BISHOP 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMQ PETTY CASH 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ----------------------------- mm w� "�°°�, r/xc^ rmwry m�'� 980033 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 982363 CITY GARAGE 982449 GO SYSTEMS 982494 BOCA INTERNATIONAL 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH DIAL-UP SERVICE PHONE USE-ROONEY PAGER USE 4/98 REPAIRS FUEL 4/98 STICKERS LAMINATION 50.00 ------------- 50.00 7.07 121.53 596.92 54.12 73.55 60.00 121.34 282.92 6.00 30.15 210.45 16.99 19.20 25.17 1,625.41 28.83 6.00 12.44 --------- 47.27 40.00 42.71 33.21 124.13 89.86 54.00 4 5/14/98 20w08w43 PO ## VENDOR CITY OF OWASSO GEhIERAL. FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982 592 L. & M OFFICE FURNITURE 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL_ = = = =. MUNICIPAL COURT ..... ..................... . ......................... ............................................... ........ 982074 OMC;CA 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENGINEERING 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 982363 CITY GARAGE 932449 GO SYSTEMS 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL_ GENERAL GOVERNMENT 980036 RONALD D CATES 9800::6 RONALD D CATES 980160 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 980247 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 9£:2120 BUILDER'S SQUARE 982173 FEDEX 982361 SAM'S CLUB 982361 SAM'S CLUB 982533 3 TULSA WORLD 982564 ALL COPY SUP'P'LIES 982567 TULSA WORLD 982 560 DOERNER . SAUNDERS .. DANIEL 982570 T- -SHIRT EXPRESS ETC 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982577 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUP'P'LY 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 982588 WAL -MART APAPVR P�.7E a I DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REIMB PETTY CASH 1:8.00 OFFICE CHAIR 101.7'..0 () 4/98 USE 46.01 54-4.7 2 TRAINING - GRIMES /;JACKSON 1505.00 REIMS{ PETTY CASH _,.00 4/98 USE 15-00 11 7.00 PAGER USE 7.07 4/98 REPAIRS ? . 00 FUEL 4/98 1' ?.15 OFFICE SUP'P'LIES 04..00 5-7.22 RETAINER 70D.00 LEGAL SERVICES 1.,5703 _84 COPIER MAINTENANCE 406 .22 LEGAL NOTICES 4i%4.60 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIE`: 2x.44 POSTAGE 1227.50 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 7 j.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES zol.99 SURPLUS VEHICLE: ADS 41.88 COPIER TONER 2605 .. 00 LEGAL NOTICE 110-40 LEGAL_ SERVICES 2L 'L . 00 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 6Cj.00 COLOR COPIES 12 ARBITRATION FEE 100.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES E;2.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6n.87 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/14/98 20:08:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ��---------- --------------_-------___ -------------------------- --------------- 5 397 36 982.589 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.13 N� 982593 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 4/98 NON-PLEXAR 51.40 «� 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 449.18 981793 982602 THE LOCKSHOP CHANGE LOCKS,KEYS 142.5O 982361 982616 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 2.97 99.04 982363 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE 5 397 36 IDEPARTMENT TOTAL 564 82 POLICE N� ------------------------------ SUPPORT SERVICES -----------------------'------ AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALL 239.50 U� 980184 CN HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER SERVICES 382.50 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 7.07 N� 982361 SAM'S CLUB MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 145.58 982363 CITY GARAGE 4/98 REPAIRS 1,58O.58 982363 CITY GARAGE 4/98 REPAIRS 17.98 ~~ 9G2446 RO��RK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 2O7.58 - �� 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 98 152.98 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.17 982588 WAL-MART RETURNED SUPPLIES -2.O3 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 2,52'0.41. CEMETERY ----------------------------- 982363 CITY GARAGE 4/98 REPAIRS 2.06 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/90 34.79 H� 982475 ESTES INC. WEED CHEMICALS 512 72 ^ U� 982594 PSG 4/98 USE 15.25 IDEPARTMENT TOTAL 564 82 POLICE N� ------------------------------ SERVICES 980004 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALL 239.50 U� 980004 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALEXANDER 45.57 288.00 980006 L.E.T.N. SUBSCRIPTION 980010 FIRST BANK CLAREMORE FSB COPIER LEASE 202.00 980011 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY UNIFORM CLEANING 550'95 980012 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER SERVICES 150.00 ~~ 980577 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 91.00 N� 981.793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE K-9 TRAINING SUPPLIES 70.70 326.85 982344 RAY ALLEN 6 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/14/98 20:08:43 A/F CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR = -LAGE: PO # ---------- VENDOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- --------------- AMOkJ,�'Tr 982344 RAY ALLEN K-9 TRAINING SUPPLIES -14.95 982361 SAM'S CLUB MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES B]5.68 982363 CITY GARAGE 4/98 REPAIRS 0*67.70 982419 CAR SMART REPAIR AIR COND 0078.75 982420 DOZIER PRINTING DARE CERTIFICATES -70.66 982425 EMBLEM ENTERPRISES CORPORAL UNIFORM CHEVRONS ~55.51 982431 PATROL TECHNOLOGY BADGES --29.00 982432 MICHAEL K#EBEL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE -1=60..00 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH UNIFORM SUPPLIES 8.64 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH LOCKER/FUEL KEYS -32..00 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH TRANSISTORS 6.12 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH POSTAGE 4.85 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB CELL PHONE USE �3O.00 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH STAFF TRAINING �24.41 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 1~_i_f58.34 982518 C.M.I. INTOXILYZER THERMOSTATS =2.20 982519 JOES PRINT SHOP PRINTING-ANNUAL REPORT 982553 STEPHEN EARNHEART SERVICE INT8XILIZER ~5O..0() 982554 C.M.I. INTOXILYZER PARTS =64.18 982555 I.A.C.P. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 160. 00 982556 OK SHERIFFS & PEACE ANNUAL DUES =.00 982569 DOZIER PRINTING LETTERHEAD �050.08 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 6.45 982582 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES �790.22 982589 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES "10.32 982590 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM REPLACEMENTS =72.95 982591 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 8.10 982593 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 4/98 NON-PLEXAR ~51.40 982594 PSO 4/98 USE =6-34 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE OB7.71 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 7~= 18.13 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 980011 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY PRISONER LAUNDRY n41.81 982444 POLICE PETTY CASH LAMINATE MAP 12.95 -------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ~54.76 ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------------ 980011 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BULK LAUNDRY -12.00 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 7'07 982449 00 SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 -19-11 5/14/98 2O:08:43 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 8 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNl — .......... ........ _— --_---_____--_--_---_---- -------__-----_---_--_—_— --_----_— FIRE SERVICES ------------------------------ V� 982558 STRATHE VETERINARY EUTHANASIA DRUGS 95.66 N� 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 20.00 ` 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 239 11 ^ n� 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE 4.68 N� U� 982539 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE—ALLEN ------------- 63 "= 982539 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> PH04E USE—ALL 397 . FIRE SERVICES ------------------------------ V� 980039 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER LEASE/MAINT 165.25 =- 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 7.07 PAGER USE 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 363.25 n� 982520 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SLIDE PROJECTOR BULBS 39.98 31.87 U� 982539 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE—ALLEN 982539 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PH04E USE—ALL 48.40 982563 BAILEY EQUIPMENT ENGINE REPAIRS 145.49 U� 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM—HOLCQMB 49.00 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM—HOLCOMB 49.00 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 347.O3 pt 982595 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 4/98 USE 553.46 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE 23.42 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 1,823.22 EMERGERCY MGMT OPERATIONS ......... .......... --------_---_—...... 982,593 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 4/98 NON—PLEXAR 53.43 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 64.14 Q� 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE 6.93 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 124.50 STREETS ------- 980072 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENT 11.65 98O851 PSO STREET LIGHTING 2,425.52 U� 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 42.42 982361 SAM'S CLUB MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 49.93 982363 CITY GARAGE 4/98 REPAIRS 277.39 U� 9Q2446 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE WEED CONTROL CHEMICALS 6O9.93 — 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 6O8 78 . 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 10.00 N� 982591 CROW BURLIN8AME REPAIR PARTS 325.70 �� CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/14/98 20:08:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------- ----------------- 982594 PSO 4/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 982361 SAM'S CLUB MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 982497 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY WATER FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES 982566 W W GRAINGER INC TIMER-OUTDOOR LIGHTS 982578 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC MAINT SUPPLIES 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE ------------------------------ APAPVR 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/98 982456 J B STIGALL NOW ATOR PARK 982456 J B STIGALL NOW RAM PARK 982515 BRUSHHOG SERVICES NOW ELM CREEK 982531 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT TRIM PAINT 982559 BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUP LIGHT BULBS-RAYOLA FIELD 982576 BAILEY EQUIPMENT WEEDEATER PARTS 982576 BAILEY EQUIPMENT SAFETY SUPPLIES 982594 PSO 4/98 USE 982616 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 982638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------------------- 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-TOBIAS DEPARTMENT TOTAL PAGE: AMOUNT ---------- 345.59 .... .... .... ................................... 4,706.91. 19.24 35.70 25.00 360.06 10.06 459.O5 14.14 109.42 75.00 47.00 200.00 80.00 454.40 9.75 100.00 590.36 113.62 4.93 1,798.62 327.0,3 ---------- 327.O3 ------------- FUND TOTAL 27,094.26 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 5/14/98 20:O8:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT AFAPVR PAGE: P8 # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL GOVERNMENT N� ------------------------------ 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH U� 982571 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> F'UND TOTAL H08017 14.30 T4138 14.15 _____________ 28.45 - -------- - 28.45 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 511114/98 20 :08:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT U� --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -_--------_-__ N� AMBULANCE ------------------------------ 980550 MEDIC-AIMS, INC. 982307 MED SOURCE CORP 98240 0 MED SOURCE CORP 982426 MOORE MEDICAL CORP 982428 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 982430 MED SOURCE CORP 982539 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOTAL F'UND TOTAL MONTHLY SERVICE FEE AMBULANCE SUPPLIES AMBULANCE SUPPLIES AMBULANCE SUPPLIES AMBULANCE SUPPLIES AMBULANCE SUPPLIES PHONE USE-ALL 2,653.97 524.22 213.10 N� 91.O0 249.21 121.88 N� 39.79 3,893.17- U� --------- 3,893.1� U� m� Ip PM CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 ' - CLAIM) 5/14/98 2O:O8:43 */r u-��M) xt:.run/ PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION �������������� ������----------- w�---------- --------------��� POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ��----......................... ............ ............................................................ 980037 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL E-911 SERVICE APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT ----- ------------- 1,874.18 ------------- 1.874.18 ------------- 1,874.18 I CITY OF OWA SSO L.`1:TY BARAGE:: 5/14/98 20.0884:3 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CITY GARAGE 980072 WELSCD INC CYLINDER RENT 980090 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 981793 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 982361 SAM'S CLUE{ MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 982371 BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUP MAINT SUPPLIES 982449 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 4/93 982 ::34 TULCO OILS INC OILS,LUBES 982535 JIM LANG'S UPHOLSTERY REUPHOLSTER SEAT 982537 PAULS ALTERNATOR SERVICE ALTERNATOR 932571 TREASURER PETTY CASH MANUALS 9c32571 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 98 579 WHITE STAR REPAIR FARTS 9E:32580 RELIABLE TIRE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTS 982 581 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIRES /REPAIRS 982584 MASTHEAD HOSE & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 932585 LESTER'S GEAR & PARTS REPAIR FARTS 982 587 CCN,fTINENTAL. BATTERY CO BATTERIES 942591 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR SUP'P'LIES 982591 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 982591 CROW BURLINGAME ENGINE 982594 PSO 4/96 USE 98 638 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 36..90 58..80 7..07 85..94 91.81. 1.7..66 592.90 117..00 153.83 39.98 6.00 44.67 60.00 1.0'5..94 44.14 25..77 45.95 1.7.9`5 —39.49 1, 556..87 121.64 17..57 3,206.70 3,206.70 CITY OF OWASSO BOND PROJECTS FUND 5/14/98 20:08:43 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -------------- ------------------------- ------------- SPORTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------ 982245 HORIZON CONST CO INC DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL SPORTS PARK LOT 3y17/98 80,174.91 ------------- 00,174.91. ------------- 80,174.91 14 1 CITY OF OWASSO ' A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ' TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 346.88 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 5,576.54 TRANSFERS TOTAL 5,923.42 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 4,562.50 WORKER'S COMP SELF INS TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 10,000.00 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 17,916.66 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E -911 FUND 1,515.92 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM BOND PROJECT FUND 4,007.04 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 5,367.03 TRANSFERS TOTAL 43,369.15 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/09/98 Department Overtime Expenses Total Expenses General Fund ...... Finance 0.00 7.586.02 Municipal Court 0.00 2M6.58 Support Services 60.00 3,488.16 Central Dispatch 433.53 51264.00 Animal ol . ::: ntr 1643 6S > Q Q .. ............... . ...O. Fire 354.03 36,541.29 for Center 9 1N Economic Development 0.00 1,800.66 General Fund Total $3,081.94 $140,013.32 Garage Fund _ . . : :;;: : ::.:.:.:.. :G ; : . $ ,.... Garage Fund Total $0.00 $31690.15 APPROVED: 05/19/98 Mayor Council Member Council Member c MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 518, AMENDED DATE: May 12, 1998 BACKGROUND: In January of 1996, the Owasso City Council adopted Ordinance No. 518 in order to close a drainage easement located within Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, Country Estates Addition. Ordinance No. 518 contained an error within the legal description of the described drainage easement to be closed and Ordinance No. 518 Amended would correct that error. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 518 as well as Ordinance No. 518 Amended, which corrects the error and formally closes the drainage easement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 518 Amended. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. 518 2. Ordinance No. 518 Amended I ULJA l.UUiY I Y ULGMr, - J VAN IINd 11IVUJ K%lr I I vaY VU Uv/ U4/ 70 1 0. I I : U 1 VOC 0 96033806 FCC 0.00 PGS 1 S/P 5798/1428 -1428 CITY OF OWASSO CITY OF OWASSO P.O. Box 180 ORDINANCE NO. 518 Owasso, OK 74055 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOTS FOUR AND FIVE (4 & 5), BLOCK FOUR (4), COUNTRY ESTATES ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE co ABSOLUTE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF cv ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a certain drainage easement; rn t,— WHEREAS, said drainage easement is described as follows: trn The drainage easement located on Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, of Country Estates Addition. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42 -110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said drainage easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and /or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and /or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and /or TCI Cable Television Company; and, WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said drainage easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, Section 1. The following described drainage easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: The drainage easement located within Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, Ram Plaza Addition. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of January, 1996. City of Owasso, Oklahoma v `8 Char es L. Burris, Mayor S Clerk AS TO FORM: D. Cates, City Attorney RK TS ,9 oS .k4ANOMP....•••••. n 1 1 n CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 518, AMENDED AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 518 AND CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOTS FOUR AND FIVE (4 & 5), BLOCK FOUR (4), COUNTRY ESTATES ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 518 contained a scriveners error in the described drainage easement to be closed, such error being Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, of Ram Plaza Addition and Ordinance No. 518, Amended provides the correct legal description; and WHEREAS, The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a certain drainage easement; and WHEREAS, said drainage easement is correctly described as follows: The drainage easement located on Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, of Country Estates Addition; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42 -110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said drainage easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and /or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and /or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and /or TCI Cable Television Company; and WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said drainage easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: SECTION 1. The following described drainage easement be, and the same hereby is, closed to the public use, to -wit: The drainage easement located within Lots 4 & 5, Block 4, Country Estates Addition. SECTION 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same hereby are, expressly repealed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma this 19th day of May, 1998. (SEAL) FIN to 0—MIM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Denise Bode, Mayor I D I MEMORANDUM I TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ' SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT RELEASE OF RETAINAGE SPORTS PARK RESTROOM FACILITY DATE: May 14, 1998 BACKGROUND: In May of 1997, the Parks Department staff and the Sports Park User Groups began a process to develop a design, obtain approval of that design, solicit bids, and award bids for the ' construction of a restroom facility at the Owasso Sports Park. After a rejection of the first submitted bids, and redesign/rebid of the proposed facility, it is with great pleasure that I may report to you that the construction of the restroom facility is complete. The contract for the construction of the restroom facility was awarded to Pettijohn Construction of Owasso, Oklahoma for a total cost of $85,405.00, however, due to several change orders ' throughout the construction project, the final contract price is $84,070.00. Payments to Pettijohn Construction have been processed at various stages of the construction of the restroom and this action, if approved by the Council, would be the final step in the payment process. The ' final application and certificate for payment is attached for your information and review. The final walk through inspection of the restroom facility occurred on Friday, May 1, 1998. All items and aspects of the construction contract have been met. The final product is one of quality and durability, providing a low lifetime maintenance cost to the City of Owasso. Please note that the restroom facility has been open for public use the last two weeks and has been ' warmly received. Several finishing touches to the facility will be completed by the Parks Department including the ' installation of a sidewalk around the restroom, as well as the placement of sod and landscaping. Staff is currently working with PSO toward the placement of two overhead lights outside of the ' restroom for security purposes and lighting needs within the facility itself. The lights are anticipated to be in place prior to Memorial Day Weekend. ' If you have not had an opportunity to visit the facility and would like to visit it when it is not in use, please contact Mr. Warren or me. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council final acceptance of the Sports Park restroom facility and authorization for the release of retainage and final payment in the amount of $8,919.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Application and Certificate for Final Payment A+�,�CA'�ION AND ��T$ FQR PAYM�T PuBe One of TO (ownar) City of Owasso FROM Jim pettijohn Pettijohn Construction . ;1 AppUcWm Pad To.— Db lbcttion To-. NMI. ility at the Owasso Sports Park Cbftm Restraam Facility at the Owasso Sports Park 'S AMjCA'i' ON FOR PAXMM4T Owner AtCWOW Contra W Bnginecr Ap ►liioatlaa is poAdo p"m ss Chown below, in CODWCtiot with the ContrW. Condnad n greet is awted. X, orwod C" nuw Stith 2, Not Chits by OuP Otders ' 3. CantrWt Sum to DvA WN i & 2) 4, TOW CoWate5 & SwfA to Data ( Columm G on C.oadaaAon Sbeat) 1 85 405.00 s 1,335.00 84,070.00 S 84,070.00 S, tea: 8 4.�' ° 7,°- �°lumn D & E L °90 of CM4 Wak b., 0 % of SWW Mata� 5- .' (Column F on Coutinuad" Shoat) TOW Ratalup (LW Sa & Sb) d, Too ftned Lot ReWOP 4 leas Um 5 Total) 7, Lm Frauds Cadfkates for Paymnt ow 0.00 X4,070.00. 75,151.00 9 of 14 ARCHITECT'S I ENGINEER'S CERTIFTCAn FOR PAYMENT Wed on On-site observations and the data ' In acxordance with the contract documents r certifies to the Owner that to the beat comprising the above application, the AtchitectlB � Work has progressed as ' of the phi +sffinginw's knowtiedge, information and belief, the indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and . Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. !►FOUNT CERTIFIED $— differs from the amount applied for.) (Attach Explanation if amount ARCHITECT' / ENGINEER: ' By. Date: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named berets. Issuance, payment and awepto= of payment without prejudice to any rights of ' the Owner or Contactor under this Contract. f r 1b 1� 1 p030o .10 of 14 ' 0997 I � i 1 a. CURRENT PAYMffiN T DUE 4. 8alan6 W Finish, Plus Rataina8e ' (Tina 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: ChMe, Ordas gpproved is pravIcM Mo'M by OWM TOTALS 8,919.00 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS 1,335.00 AppmVCd this Month Numbu ^__.. --« Due Approved TOTALS � 1,335.00 Net dWV by Change Orders • s kr�wiedge, formation The undersigned Ctaatcr ceartifia that to the, best of the Canua=l � been �nf � th Apphcadoa for Payme b the CotPrectos' for and bolK the waRx r MUM, that au amts have been paid Y w=danca with the Cantrac outs r=ivcd f OM the Work for which previous {�dfu ates for Fay is now due. PaYm 1 QQVm, and that current PaYMW shomm bemin CONTRA R: 'r AT8 OF OKLAHOMA ) } as COUNTY OF -- - this day of `� , pg� Subscribed and sworn to before m e (SEAL) Notary Public idly Commission �xpizeso � M p- -9of14 27- Apr -98 PETTIJOHN CONSTRUCTION Page 1 of 1 8100 N 177 E AVE OWASSO, OK 74055 -8450 A B C D E F G H I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D +E) WORK COMPLETED THIS PERIOD MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D +E +F) % (G /C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C -G) RETAINAGE Insurance Policy & Surety Bond 2,285.00 2,285.00 - - 2,285.00 100% - - Footing Labor 300.00 300.00 - - 300.00 100% - Masonry (Materials Stored) 20,385.00 20,385.00 - 20,385.00 100% - Masonry Benches 700.00 700.00 - 700.00 100% - Pad Clearing & Digging Footing 350.00 350.00 - 350.00 100% Dig, Form & Pour Interior Footings 500.00 500.00 - 500.00 100% - Termite Pretreat 150.00 150.00 150.00 100% Place Steel 600.00 600.00 - - 600.00 100% - Install Visqueen wiremesh & Pour Concrete 950.00 950.00 - - 950.00 100% - Install Wall Louvers 1,000.00 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 100% - Drywall 1,450.00 1,450.00 - - 1,450.00 100% - - Roofing Metal 1,500.00 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 100% - Roofing Labor 6,000.00 6,000.00 - - 6,000.00 100% - Skylights 450.00 450.00 - - 450.00 100% - Framing 5,500.00 5,500.00 - 5,500.00 100% - Steel Structure 1,900.00 1,900.00 - 1,900.00 100% - Door & Frames 2,140.00 2,140.00 - 2,140.00 100% - Hardware & Hollow Metal 1,641.00 1,641.00 - - 1,641.00 100% - Toilet Partitions 1,135.00 1,135.00 - - 1,135.00 100% - Painting 2,750.00 2,750.00 - - 2,750.00 100% - - Misc. Trim 800.00 600.00 200.00 - 800.00 100% - - Plumbing 15,300.00 13,770.00 1,530.00 - 15,300.00 100% i - 1p 0 - Apr -98 PETTIJOHN CONSTRUCTION Page 2 oft � 8100 N 177 E AVE OWASSO, OK 74055 -8450 A B C D E F G H I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D +E) WORK COMPLETED THIS PERIOD MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D +E +F) % (G /C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C -G) RETAINAGE Sealants 1,530.00 - 1,530.00 - 1,530.00 100% Two outside slabs 254.00 - 254.00 - 254.00 100% Overhead 6,500.00 5,850.00 650.00 - 6,500.00 100% Profit 8,000.00 7,200.00 800.00 - 8,000.00 100% - TOTALS 84,070.00 79,106.00 4,964.00 - 84,070.00 0.00 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SURPLUS VEHICLE BIDS DATE: May 13, 1998 BACKGROUND: At the April 21, 1998 regular meeting, the Owasso City Council declared two vehicles no longer ' needed for city operations as surplus, thus authorizing staff to solicit bids for the purchase of those vehicles. The vehicles declared a surplus consisted of a 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury and a 1981 International 27- passenger bus. Advertisements for sealed bids were published in the April 23rd issue of the Owasso Reporter, as well as the April 26th issue of the Tulsa World. In addition to the newspaper publications, ' information regarding the vehicles was placed on the Community Center marquee in front of City Hall and forwarded to the monthly letter sent to area ministers. Bids for both vehicles were opened on May 5, 1998 at 1:30 PM. A total of two bids were submitted, one for each vehicle: 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury Dan McElrath, Owasso, $310.00 1981 International Bus James Gibbs, Coweta, $1,150.00 ' ANALYSIS: Staff's review of the submitted bids indicates that while the bid submitted on the 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury is acceptable, the bid submitted on the 1981 International Bus is not. The Grand Fury has a 156,000 mile history and is in poor condition, while the International Bus has a new engine and is in relatively good condition. It is staff's opinion that the value of the bus far exceeds the bid submitted. With the above information in mind, staff would recommend that the Council accept the bid on the Plymouth Grand Fury as an additional solicitation of bids is not likely to result in a higher bid being submitted. In addition, staff would also recommend the Council reject the bid ' submitted for the International Bus, thus allowing staff to re- advertise. 1 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the bid submitted by Dan McElrath to purchase of the 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury for the amount of $310.00. Furthermore, staff recommends Council reject the sole bid submitted for the purchase of the 1981 International Bus. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copies of submitted bids. 2. Copies of advertisements. Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 103 / 0, C-) - 3 E A ZL- 41 ) - Affidavit Of Publication OWASSO REPORTER STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the Owasso Reporter, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a news- paper qualified to publish legal notices, advertise- ments and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: April 23rd 199 8 av ea Subscribed and sworn to before me this n day of A, , 'P�b�ic; �) ��o j' �1y.;. j , i GIs y My Commission expires -` ' ' :,j� ..: ., 11-2001 , ` V,arv.: G �K�'� -ci �5,::•'.i;:.:' -. :I:;i:::.t".v.°.C.'i.,.� PUBLISHER'S FED•$ Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla - homa, April 23,1686. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of Owasso Is receiving ;salad bids for the sale of: 1686 Plymouth Grand Fury, 166,000 miles, &a 1861 International 27- passenger bus, new engine. May be soon at Community Center 307 S. Cedar. Bids must be separate and Identified for each vehicle and received In the office afthe City Clark at 207 South Cedar until 1:30 p.m., May ti, 1686. The City of Owasso reserves the right to rood any and all Bide. hl Marcia Boutwell Marda Boutwell, City Clark LJ� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION OF SPORTS PARK GROUND LEASE FOR FUTURE OWASSO RAMS BUILDING SITE DATE: May 11, 1998 BACKGROUND: Over the past six months, the Future Owasso Rams (FOR) has been in negotiations with the City of Owasso regarding the ability to lease a portion of land at the Owasso Sports Park in order to construct an office /storage building for the FOR. A copy of the proposed lease agreement is attached for your information and review, as well as a site map. The lease agreement would provide an area of land of sufficient size to construct a building measuring 40' x 80', approximately 20' east of the existing concession stand. The agreement, if approved, would provide a meeting place and storage facility for the FOR program. Space currently needed for these activities is being rented by the FOR. The agreement itself requires the FOR to insure the proposed building, pay all utilities associated with the proposed building, and complete the construction of the facility in a timely manner. All building codes of the City of Owasso will be applied and any utility extensions (water, sewer, and electric) would be at the FOR's expense. The structure itself must also "match" the Park Office building located at the Sports Park in terms of color scheme. The proposed lease agreement is for a ten (10) year period, and renews automatically every ten (10) years unless terminated by the FOR. If terminated by the FOR at any time, the building would become the property of the City of Owasso. Mr. Cates has reviewed the proposed lease agreement and is comfortable with its language. Staff has no concerns with this request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the Sports Park ground lease for the FOR building site and authorization for the Mayor to execute the lease. ATTACHly, EN! 1. Propowo Lease Agreement 2. Site flan FUTURE OWASSO RAMS SPORTS PARK BUILDING SITE GROUND LEASE I THIS LEASE, made at Owasso, Oklahoma on the day of , 1 1998, by and between the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, an Oklahoma municipal corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter called "LESSOR ", and FUTURE OWASSO ' RAMS ( "FOR ") YOUTH SPORTS, hereinafter called "LESSEE ". W I T N E S S E T H: That LESSOR does hereby let and lease unto LESSEE the premises situated in the City of Owasso, County of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, and further described as follows: An area, located at the Owasso Sports Park, Area "A ", at 116th Street North, West of Old HWY 169, and 20 feet from the existing concession stand, of sufficient size to construct a 40 feet by 80 feet office and provide ample parking space adjacent to the office structure. (See EXHIBIT "A ") To have and to hold unto LESSEE for the term of ten (10) years, commencing on the 1st day of April, 1998, and ending on the 31st day of March, 2008, upon the covenants and agreements herein set forth. 1. The LESSEE hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the LESSOR as rent for said premises during the said term, the sum of Ten Dollars and no /100's ($10.00) per year upon execution of this lease and each extension hereof. Construction at the facility shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the LESSEE. Such construction shall be accomplished in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state and federal laws pertaining thereto. LESSEE shall hold harmless LESSOR, LESSEE agreeing to indemnify LESSOR, from and against any and all claims, cost, damage, expense, including any LESSOR incurred Attorneys fees, cost of Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys fees and costs, or loss incurred or suffered by LESSOR arising out of LESSEE'S construction. Lessee further warrants and agrees that the construction shall be conducted and completed free and clear and that LESSEE shall prevent the filing of liens by any contractor or subcontractor. If, upon the expiration of the term hereof, and for a period of Five (5) years thereafter, LESSOR sells such Sports Park herein demised, then, in such event LESSOR shall pay LESSEE, solely from the proceeds of such sale, an amount of money for the construction value enhancement resulting from the improvement by LESSEE; provided, however, such value enhancement repayment from proceeds shall equal the value of the construction from A the date of completion as depreciated on a straight line basis over the term of years from date of completion until the date of sale. For the purposes of this Lease depreciable life of said construction shall be fifteen (15) years. 2. Not withstanding any other provision hereof to the contrary, either party hereto may terminate this Lease Agreement at any time upon one hundred twenty (120) day written notice to the other party. If LESSEE so terminates, it shall forfeit all its right, title and interest to said construction to LESSOR. If LESSOR so terminates, the parties hereto shall seek to negotiate a mutually satisfactory settlement. In the event the parties cannot agree, determination of LESSEE'S damages shall be settled by arbitration. Such arbitration shall be before three disinterested arbitrators, one named by LESSOR, one by LESSEE and one by the two thus chosen. The arbitrators shall determine the controversy and their determination shall be final and binding on both LESSOR and LESSEE. Any mandatory award issued by the arbitrators against LESSOR shall be payable by LESSOR to LESSEE solely from revenue derived by LESSOR from LESSOR'S operation of the Sports Park. 3. LESSOR shall not allow said premises to be used in any manner which shall unreasonably interfere with LESSEE'S occupancy and /or programs, nor which shall, in any way, cause ' any damage to the facility or to LESSEE'S equipment located thereon. 17 4. LESSEE will use and occupy said premises and appurtenances in a careful, safe and proper manner, in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and LESSEE will not allow said premises to be used for any purpose in any way that will increase the rate of insurance thereof, nor for any purpose other than as offices for FOR and storage of FOR equipment, nor to be occupied in whole or in part by any other persons; and will not permit liquor to be sold at wholesale or retail, or consumed on the premises; nor assign this Lease, without in each case, the written consent of LESSOR first obtained; and will not permit any transfer by operation of law of LESSEE'S interest in said premises. LESSEE shall not use the premises for any unlawful purpose or in any way that will injure the reputation of the same, or disturb the neighborhood; and will not permit any substantial alteration of or upon any part of said demised premises, nor allow any sign or placard posted or placed thereon, except by written consent of LESSOR unless otherwise provided in said written consent. A 5. LESSEE shall have the to said premises: following duties with reference 2 a) to keep said premises clean, as stated herein; b) to properly use, operate, maintain and replace, if reasonably necessary, any building constructed upon the premises; c) to maintain the grounds of the leased premises in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. 6. LESSOR may have free access to the premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of examining the same. 7. Every demand for rent due wherever and whenever made shall have the same effect as if made at the time it falls due and at the place of payment or on the premises. LESSOR may receive and collect any rent due, and such collection or receipt shall not operate as a waiver of, nor affect such notice, suit or judgment. Any notice or summons to be served by or on behalf of LESSOR upon LESSEE under this Lease or in connection with any proceeding or action growing out of this Lease or the tenancy arising therefrom, may be sufficiently served by leaving such notice or summons addressed to LESSEE upon the said demised premises. 8. The LESSEE shall insure the subject premises against loss by personal injury or property damage. Such insurance shall be at LESSEE'S cost and in an amount not less than One- m1140 J dd llamas ( 4 /, 000, 000 C°— ) , and shall name the City of Owasso as a co- insured. A copy of the evidence of insurance shall be supplied to the City Manager of LESSOR. 9. The LESSOR shall pay any and all property tax obligations imposed upon the property of LESSEE during the term of this Lease, including any increases thereon. LESSEE shall pay any such tax upon the building to be constructed. LESSEE shall pay all utility expenses of the building to be constructed. 10. And the LESSOR hereby covenants and agrees that if the LESSEE shall perform all the covenants and agreements herein stipulated to be performed on LESSEE'S part, the LESSEE shall at all times during said term have the peaceable and quiet enjoyment and possession of said premises without any manner of let or hindrance from LESSOR or any person or persons lawfully claiming said premises. 11. LESSOR and LESSEE mutually agree that LESSOR and LESSEE may terminate this Lease at the end of the above - stated initial term by giving LESSOR written notice thereof at least sixty (60) days prior thereto. In the absence of such notice, this Lease shall continue on the terms and conditions contained herein and in force prior to the expiration of the above - stated initial term for an additional Ten (10) year term unless 3 G w 1 terminated by LESSEE upon sixty (60) days written notice. 12. LESSEE shall hold the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, its officers, agents, employees and independent contractors, harmless and fully indemnify said City of and from any and all claims of neglect, negligence, liability for personal injury or property damage occurring during the term of this Lease, except as the same may arise from the negligence of LESSOR, LESSOR'S agents or employees. This indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall extend to reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred in defending itself from any claims made during the term of the Lease, including therewith Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys fees and costs. 13. LESSOR or LESSEE may request that the terms and provisions of this Lease be reopened upon thirty (30) days notice in writing to the other party. Each party shall attempt, at this point, to address any such issues raised by the other, but the process of reopening or renegotiating shall not obligate either party to accept the proposal of the other party or to vary the terms of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA BY: LESSOR 4 FUTURE OWASSO RAMS MAYOR ATTEST: SECRETARY 5 LESSEE [am CHAIRMAN 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANTCITY MANAGER ' SUBJECT: FY 1997 -98 EQUIPMENT CONTINGENCY FUND iDATE: May 12, 1998 BACKGROUND: The FY 1997 -98 budget for the City of Owasso contained an "Equipment Contingency Fund" line item within the General Government Department. This appropriation was requested as a result of increased revenues during FY 1996 -97 and the desires of staff to provide additional funding for capital purchases utilizing a surplus carry -over from the previous year. The concept is based on a determination that, when the General Fund's rainy day reserve is adequately funded, surplus monies from the previous operating year should be "put to work" in the succeeding fiscal year. The "Equipment Contingency Fund" line item contains $175,000.00. The ability to utilize funds from this line items involved a several step process. The first step in the process involved the department directors submitting requests for project funding. The ' second step was for a prioritization process to occur, in which, all submitted requests for project funding would be reviewed by the management team, and priorities for funding established. The third and final step involved the presentation of those project priorities to the City Council for review and allocation of funds. On April 27, 1998, the department directors submitted requests for the funding of projects from ' that line item. The following list, in no particular order, contains all projects that were submitted: Emergency Services Radio System ...................... $ 200,000.00 ' Restriping /Crack Sealing - 86th Street North .................. 43,329.77 Restriping /Crack Sealing - 76th and Main Intersection ............. 7,957.79 Industrial Power Broom Attachment to Backhoe ................ 51,287.56 Pavement Router ..... ............................... 1,650.00 Engine Analyzer .... ............................... 12,714.50 Storage Building ..... ............................... 5,725.00 ' Vehicle Maintenance Parking Lot Paving .................... 40,000.00 Golf Course Fencing ... ............................... 3,000.00 Gazebo Repairs /Painting ............................... 5,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED ...................... $ 370, 664.62 I Upon the completion of the staff review, it was agreed that the Emergency Services Radio System was a priority. While the total cost of the project is currently estimated at $200,000.00, partial funding for that project was already allocated in the FY 1997 -98 budget. The amount ' already allocated to that project was $88,000.00, thus reducing the amount needed to completely fund that project to $112,000.00. With the knowledge that the Emergency Services Radio System was a priority and was to receive , funding, this reduced the amount of projects for consideration to a total of 9 projects, at a total estimated cost of $170,664.62. The total funds available for funding, after the allocation of $112,000.00 to the Emergency Services Radio System was $63,000.00. The department ,. directors agreed to review their requests for accuracy, review their department's budget for possible carry-over to fund their requests, and prioritize the need of their projects (if multiple projects were submitted). On May 4, 1998, the department director's met to prioritize the projects submitted for funding. , At that time, the following projects were removed from consideration due to the ability to fund the requests either within the existing budget or through a carry -over request, or the feeling by the department director that the submitted project should no longer be considered to receive funding: Gazebo Repairs /Repainting ............................. $ 5,000.00 Industrial Power Broom Attachment to Backhoe ................ 51,287.56 Pavement Router ..... ............................... 1,650.00 Storage Building ..... ............................... 5,725.00 Upon the elimination of those items, the amount of projects for consideration was reduced to a ' total of 5 projects, at a total estimated cost of $107,002.06. At that point, the department directors prioritized the five remaining projects based on the information submitted by the requesting department director and the discussion regarding that request. The highest priority project was given a value of 1, the lowest priority was given a value of 5. The following table is the result of that process: 1. Restriping /Crack Sealing - 86th Street North .................. 43,329.77 2. Golf Course Fencing ... ............................... 3,000.00 3. Restriping /Crack Sealing - 76th and Main Intersection ............. 7,957.79 4. Engine Analyzer .... ............................... 12,714.50 5. Vehicle Maintenance Parking Lot Paving .................... 40,000.00 A review of the prioritization indicates that the first three projects (Restriping /Crack Sealing - E. 86th Street North, Golf Course Fencing, and Restriping/Crack Sealing - 76th and Main) could be completely funded through the funds in the Equipment Contingency Fund, resulting an a remaining balance of $8,712.44. The next project on the list (Engine Analyzer - 12,714.50) would still need an additional $4,002.06 to be funded. Upon review of the Garage Budget, it ' was determined by Ms. Bishop that the remaining $4,002.06 to fund the Engine Analyzer could be realized through money not likely to be spent in the Personal Services portion of that budget. This money is the result of a mechanic's helper position that was vacant for a period of time I between the existing employee and the former employee. I � In conclusion, it was recommended that any remaining funds that may be available as a result of a cost savings on the Emergency Services Radio System be allocated to the Vehicle Maintenance Parking Lot Paving project. RECOMMENDATION: The Management Team of the City of Owasso recommends the following projects receive the followings funds from the Equipment Contingency Fund: Emergency Services Radio System ...................... $ 112,000.00 Restriping /Crack Sealing - 86th Street North .................. 43,329.77 Golf Course Fencing ... ............................... 3,000.00 Restriping /Crack Sealing - 76th and Main Intersection ............. 7,957.79 Engine Analyzer ..... ............................... 8,712.44 TOTAL........ ............................... $ 175,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Project Request Memos II 11 1 NOTE: If the Council agrees with the staff's recommendations for project funding, the staff will proceed with the necessary bidding and /or purchasing process for the above recommended projects. Depending upon the project and the total cost of the project, several of the projects will be subject to additional Council review and approvals. MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray q� City ,Manager\ FROM: M. A. Alexander�F Chief of Police Bob Allen Fire Chief SUBJECT: Radio Cost Estimate DATE: 4 -23 -98 The radio consultant hired to perform the needs assessment for the City of Owasso Fire and Police communication has completed his analysis and will be forwarded his recommendation to the radio committee very soon. The expected cost of the stand alone commercial radio system is estimated at a cost not to exceed $200,000. 61 C City of Owasso Radio Feature /System Format Comparison Y Y Y N 10 portable coverage y y Z' Y 16 Channel Mobile y N Y Y 16 Channel Portable Y N y Y 25 mile mobile coverage Y y N Y1 Y Back up Power y N2 y Data Capable (Future) N Y y N Intrinsically Safe Portables N2 y N Y Mobile Data Terminals y Y Y N7 Multiple Sites Y Multiple Talk Groups ( >5) N N3 N4 Y Y8 Y Mutual Aid Tulsa N N4 Y Y N4 Mutual Aid UHF N N4 NA N4 Mutual Aid VHF y y Y SCBA Compatible N y N Speaker Y Scrambling Y y mikes Y y Y Y Y Status Messaging N N y y NS System Redundancy Y y N N6 Telephone Interconnect 1. This needs to be confirmed with Tulsa. Most likely they do have backup power. New may not be available when needed. 2. The adding of data will require a separate channel for data. channels Adding talk will require additional channels that may not be available when needed. 3. groups be by cross patching in the console via the dispatcher. The reason for a no classification is that it is not 4. This can accomplished part of the system. 5. It is not known what type of alternate system Tulsa uses when main system is down. 6. Tulsa system has this capability but it is not known if this is available and what the charge will be. 7. The location of the multiple sites may not provide coverage for Owasso. with the City of Tulsa for use of system, attention should be given to the future needs of Owasso with 8. In the contracting process the total number of talk groups the city will be allowed for growth. an agreement concerning Requirements for SRD (Tasks to be included in report) , 1. Study the structure of various mobile radio systems. Completed with results in the Radio Feature/System Comparison Document 2. Study channel loading for all radio systems. Completed with results in the Radio Feature/Systems Comparison Document 3. Determine equipment age and projected life. The assumption is made that the question is directed toward the existing equipment. The existing equipment has been used beyond its useful life. The exception is some of the new equipment that has been purchased in the last few years. The condition of the station equipment is not known with the exception of a site visit to determine the model and type of repeaters that are being used. The 2 stations observed do have a useful life if it can be determined that they will operate at factory specs. At the time of this report the city was trying to get keys to the site. Concerning the life of any new equipment purchased the assumption can be made that all equipment will last a minimum of 10 years. 4. Review control equipment medium costs. Not - Completed. More definition is needed before this objective can be met. , ■ 5. Study dispatcher's equipment and methods of handling traffic. Not - Completed. This will require knowledge of how the dispatch center operates ' and some observation in the dispatch center to watch the flow of traffic. Based on traffic flow findings a methods recommendation can be made along with the equipment that will be needed to accomplish those objectives. ' 6. Determine coverage and coverage requirements for Police and Fire departments. Completed — This finding was reached in the survey results and also in the interview ' sessions. Results are listed in the survey results document. 7. Study maintenance methods and costs. ' Not - Completed. This issue will be addressed later. 8. Project radio needs for at least the next 10 years. Not - Completed. A discussion with the department leadership needs to address this issue. This has not taken place. ' 9. Make recommendations as to whether existing radio's can be improved. M g P Completed. The existing system does not meet the needs of the departments today. Most of the radio equipment has been used beyond its useful life. The exception is , that equipment that is still operating at factory specifications. The other issue is that of capacity. The existing system simply cannot handle the division requirements a (channels or talk groups) both police and fire need. The only way the existing radio's can be improved is remove those units that are not functional and replace ' them. The other issue of adding capacity to the existing system is one of the options that are being evaluated at this time. ' 10. Evaluate possibilities of consolidating mobile radio systems to improve overall operations and /or reduce costs. Not - Completed. More evaluation needs to take place concerning this matter. Some study of communication efficiency versus manpower will need to take place to the answer this question. This discussion will need to take place with management of various departments. ' 11. Evaluate technologies such as mobile data terminals, 450, 800, 900 MHz systems that may be available to improve overall operations and/or to reduce cost. ' Not - Completed. This is partially completed with the exception of the reducing cost portion. Again, management will need to be in this discussion to make the judgement calls concerning how the communications efficiency will impact the organization. ' the 12. Interview each of the police and fire personnel to assist in the defining of needs of the various departments within the city. ' Completed — See the attached results of the survey and focus group meetings. 13. Inventory the present system and determine the value of that system in relation to the present and future needs of the city. Does the old system have a trade -in value and how much? Not - Completed. This will be resolved at a later date when the plans for the old ' system are determined. Typically the trade in process is more of a give away process since vendors don't like to sell used equipment. Depending on which direction the a city goes with the system format decision; the equipment may be able to be passed down to other departments in the city. This will be determined at a later date. a_ 14. Present a plan for a dispatch center for the City of Owasso. This would include the cross patching, if necessary, to the various groups that need to interact with the City of Owasso, including 911 service. Not Completed. This one will be interesting! 1 15. Examine the issue of redundancy. How will the communications system are exposed during system failure? How will the city function during this outage? Not Completed. Some initial study has been done to look at various sites and alternatives. We have listed as one of the requirements for the new system to have back up power and redundancy due to lightning strikes. This will be refined as the process unfolds. 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY NIANAGER FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR.. P.E. i PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ' �1 SUBJECT: CAPITAL CONTINENCY FUND UTILIZATION DATE: April 24, 1998 The following items are submitted for consideration by the Department Directors for the Capital Continency Fund included in the FY97 -98 City of Owasso Budget: CAPITAL PROJECTS: 86th Street North (from Dogwood to 129th E Avenue) RestrippingKrack Sealing The FY97 -98 Public Works Department Street Division budget includes $15,000 as part of Operating Supplies (51- 410 -5220) for repairs to 86th Street North. The roadway was constructed approximately 8 years ago. Very little has been done since that time to repair the surface. No stripping has been replaced and the reflectivity of the existing stripping is very low. Drawings and specifications for the project have been prepared by the Engineering Division (see attached). The most current estimate of cost for this project is $58,329.77. Insufficient funds are available to make these repairs unless supplemented by the Capital Continency Fund. A total of $43,329.77 would be required from the fund. Main Street/76th Street Intersection North Restripping /Crack Sealing In addition to the above project, similar repairs are needed at the intersection of 76th Street North and Main Street. Improvements to the intersection were completed approximately 4 years ago. Very little has been done since that time to repair the surface. No stripping has been replaced and the reflectivity of the existing stripping is very low. Dra-.Ings and specifications for the project iii. Z-ee,. prepared by dr :e En-gin Bring Divisio, (See attached). The most current estimate of cost for this proiect is S7,957.79. insufficient funds are available to make these repairs unless supplemented by the Capital Continency Fund. Should the C I � Page 2 capital Contingency- Fund above project be approved, all of the funds to complete this project would be required from the fund. EQUIPMENT: Industrial Power Broom Attachment to Backhoe Removal of accumulated dirt and debris from curbed streets is important for the overall appearance of the community. In specific areas of the community, dirt/debris accumulation occurs frequently. In other situations, both private and public construction activities results in- dirt/debris in the roadway. The method to remove this material is labor intensive and usually involves hand push brooms, shovels and trash cans. Although the FY 98 -99 budget includes some funds for contracted street sweeping along the major arterials in the city, Streets Division projects at various locations, such as Hale Acres, would be able to utilize this equipment. Total cost of the equipment is $4,400 (see attachment for equipment details). IPavement Router ' The FY97 -98 Public Works Department Street Division budget includes $2,500 as part of Operating Supplies (51 -410 -5220) for street repair crack sealing. In order to accomplish this objective in an efficient and long - lasting manner, cracks should be removed with a router and sealant material applied to the exposed area. A router machine is needed to accomplish this work. Cost of the machine is $1,650 (see attachment for equipment details). I RECOMMENDATIONS: tPublic Works Department Staff recommends to the following uses for the Capital Continency Fund: CAPITAL PROJECTS: 86th Street North Restripping/Crack Sealing $43,329.77 Main Street/76th Street Intersection North $7,957.79 Restripping/Crack Sealing Subtotal $51,287.56 EQUIPMENT: Industrial Power Broom Attachment to Backhoe $4,400.00 Pavement Router $1,650.00 Subtotal S6,`?5!).;,Q TOTAL 557,337.5-6 go MEMORANDUM TO: ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS FROM: TIM LAMPTON GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: FENCE PROPOSAL DATE: May 5, 1998 BACKGROUND: Since the opening of the Golf Course in August 1993, there has been a problem with golfers trying to retrieve golf balls on holes # 1 and 410 which is property owned by Mrs. Mills. The fence which borders these two holes is not much of a deterrent to golfers and has gradually deteriorated over time and is in need of some repair. Golfers have ignored the ten "No Trespassing" signs that were set out in May 1997 by the Golf department. Mrs. Mills, Rodney Ray, Warren Lehr, and Tim Lampton met March 27, 1998 to discuss the issue. RECOMMENDATION: The staff feels their is no legal obligation at hand, however, there is the responsibility of the city and the Golf Course to protect its investment (i.e. cows walking across greens), while acting as a "Good Neighbor 'towards Mrs. Mills. Quotes for new fencing along hole # 1 and # 10 are as follows: 1. Five foot chain link with 3 barbed wires $10,202 2. Five foot chain link $7,400 3. Five foot barb wire with 6 barbs $2,400 An additional amount of $600 may be needed for clearvng trees and brush before installaz.ion. MEMORANDUM TO: DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS FROM: JIM McELRATH SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF ENGINE ANALYZER AND SOFTWARE DATE: April 24, 1998 BACKGROUND: Vehicle Maintenance needs to purchase additional equipment in order to be able to adequately maintain and repair late model vehicles, as well as to provide more accurate diagnosis for all vehicles. At the present time the garage has plans from budgeted funds for the immediate purchase of a engine scanner with certain diagnostic capabilities. While this addition will be welcome and helpful, it will still leave the garage with diagnostic gaps in two areas: engine analysis and complete factory/diagnostic manuals for all passenger/light truck vehicles. In addition to a scanner, both of these are also needed to accurately diagnose and repair the highly sophisticated modem engines, brake systems and all electronic components and to more fully resolve driveability symptoms. ' These needs have been all too evident recently, particularly this current fiscal year, in the outside repairs that have been necessary on late -model patrol cars that are no longer under warranty. Since July 1, 1997, alone the City of Owasso has spent $3,600.00 for outside t repairs that could not be accomplished due to lack of technical equipment. Also, there have been numerous times that, while the Garage has not sent vehicles out for repairs, added service time had to be spent on vehicles due to the lack of proper diagnostic equipment. Finally, at times, the necessity of using a "trial and error" method of removal and repair of electronic parts has also added to the expense of in -house repairs. Although the Garage has a set of generic manuals that cover basic repairs and provide safety - related information -- such as torque settings -- full diagnostic and repair capacity can only be achieved with the ability to refer to factory manuals. This is particularly true, and becoming more critical with each year, as pertains to the computerized and/or electronic components of vehicles. Dealerships and some private shops, while possessing the needed information, usually cannot take the time to look it up for the City's technicians. Also, even when such research is graciously provided, Garage technicians are hesitant to keep calling back to do the depth of analysis that is often necessary in the course of a given repair. One also has to ask whether it is right constantly to ask these sources to provide information, at the cost of their time and money. MEMORANDUM ANALYZER AND SOFTWARE PURCHASE April 24, 1998 PAGE 2 ENGINE ANALYZER: Garage staff has researched a number of possibilities for the purchase of an engine analyzer. Many manufacturers provide such equipment. Two analyzers currently under consideration are models made by Interro and Snap -On. All models provide an ignition scope and four channel multimeter that allow complete diagnosis of ignition and driveability problems. For the purposes of portability and use in driving tests, a handheld device is considered to be the most suitable. All models under consideration provide the feature of providing recording of data while test- driving an vehicle and electronically "marking" the spot during the recording that the driveability problems occur. Prices for a handheld analyzer are in the $6,000 to $6,500 range. FACTORY MANUALS: In addition to an analyzer, it is also necessary to subscribe to one of the services that provides electronic, CD ROM service manuals for vehicles in our fleet. As already indicated, present manuals, with a few exceptions during the last two years, are generic and do not contain the information necessary for the advanced electronic diagnosis that will be possible with a scanner and analyzer. Subscription to one of these services will allow the discontinuance of purchase of expensive and bulky factory manuals and will also provide the only means available to receive the Technical Service Bulletins that the Manufacturers send out regularly. This is particularly critical in the case of our late -model Police Vehicles as they continually go out of warranty. The information is updated four times a year to ensure the availability of the latest information. Cost, of a subscription to `Mitchell On- Demand' runs $5,652 for a five year subscription, or approximately $1,130 per year. At the present time, depending upon the number of new models purchased each year, the City is already spending from $150 to $300 per set of bound factory and parts manuals, per vehicle model purchased. In the future, it would no longer be necessary to spend these monies. Also, the latest set of parts manuals that we received came on microfiche, a medium that we cannot utilize without the purchase of a microfilm reader. In addition to the Mitchell on Demand software, in order to fully utilize the capabilities of the electronic equipment, it would also be necessary to purchase a subscription for GM chassis software that would allow diagnosis and repair of such vehicle functions as computerized brakes, not covered in software that is provided with engine software. The cost of this software is $562.50 for a three year subscription. MEMORANDUM ANALYZER AND SOFTWARE PURCHASE April 24, 1998 PAGE 3 RECOMMENDATION: The total of the analyzer and software needed comes to $12,714.50. Vehicle Maintenance staff recommends that the City set as ide this amount from the Equipment Contingency Fund for the purchase of these items. 1 f] MEMORANDUM TO: DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS FROM: JIM WELRATH SUBJECT: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PARKING LOT DATE: April 24, 1998 BACKGROUND: The parking lot at the City Vehicle Maintenance Facility is in need of a variety of repairs or work: 1. For the sake of safety, the lot needs to reconfigured so as to remove the existing northern entrance, which is too close to the intersection to be safe. Removal of this entrance would also remove the possibility of vehicles driving too rapidly through the parking lot from one entrance to the other. In conjunction with this change, the southern entrance would have to be widened to allow adequate access for two -way traffic. The lot itself would also need to be somewhat widened on the west side to allow for the widened south entry and for the adequate width needed for vehicles to turn around in the parking lot itself. 2. The drainage ditch is in need of erosion repair and beautification. 3. The parking lot itself has begun tp deteriorate in some areas due to constant, heavy traffic and is in-need of repair. 4. The entire lot needs to be paved to provide the hard surface that would bring it into conformance with City code. Paving would also provide a solution for the constant problem with dust from the gravel surface. Robert Carr has allowed Phil Lutz and Eric Mikel to do work providing preliminary cost estimates for the above - listed work. Total cost is estimated at $35,500, but because of the t preliminary basis of this projection, Mr. Lutz has recommended that $40,000 be set aside for this project. ' J MEMORANDUM VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PARKING LOT April 24, 1998 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: Support Services staff recommends that the Vehicle Maintenance Facility parking lot be reconfigured and paved in accordance with the preliminary drawings and cost estimates of the City of Owasso Engineering Department and that $40,000.00 be set aside from the Equipment Contingency Fund and designated for these purposes. ATTACHMENT: Drawing and preliminary cost estimates for parking lot as provided by City of Owasso ' Engineering Department. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: MANAGEMENT TEAM CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: EQUIPMENT CONTINGENCY FUND REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF FUNDS DATE: April 27, 1998 BACKGROUND: In FY 1997 -98, the Parks Department budget included $5,000.00 for the replacement of the Gazebo roof at Friendship Park. This project, completed two weeks ago, has addressed the water entering the structure through the roof through the entire replacement of the wood shingles with heritage shingles. However, with the completion of this project, additional areas of refurbishing are needed. The water entering the roof has warped and/or water marked several areas of the "natural" interior ceiling of the gazebo and should be replaced. Additionally, several of the floor boards within the gazebo area also warped and /or water marked and should be replaced, if not the entire floor itself. Both of these portions of the project will also require the "staining" of the wood to a natural state. Perhaps the more significant problem is the condition of the paint on the gazebo. If funded, staff will be recommending a lighter color than the dark brown that the gazebo is currently painted, hopefully selecting a color that will tie the structure into the new fence along the Owasso Expressway. Finally, upon the completion of these improvements, staff would also like to plant azalea bushes around the base of the gazebo, between the sidewalk and the gazebo itself. This area is slightly elevated, drains well, and should provide the necessary environment for that type of plant's success. While significant discussion has been conducted regarding the need for Owasso to have a "focal point," the current "focal point" identified by many who reside within or pass through our community is the gazebo. The improvements outlined above will ensure a proud "focal point." RECOMMENDATION: $5,000.00 be allocated to the "Buildings" line item of the Parks Capital Outlay Budget for gazebo repairs. I I F1 LI i MEMORANDUM TO: DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS ' FROM: JIM McELRATH 1 SUBJECT: SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING ' DATE: April 24, 1998 1 BACKGROUND: The Support Services Department has grown in both numbers of employees and in pieces of equipment over the last few years. At the present time, since Support Services ' administration is located in the City Garage, equipment for Support Services is kept in one of the garage workbays. The accumulation of equipment in the garage welding/fabrication 1 bay has begun to infringe upon the garage facility to such an extent that it has begun to interfere with garage functions. In addition to the overcrowding, there have been numerous times that the need to perform maintenance /repairs or to accomplish fabrication 1 have also interfered with garage functioning, and, at times, even the safety of operations. One partial remedy to this problem came earlier this fiscal year in the provision of a walled trailer for storage of a good deal of the mowing/spraying equipment assigned to Support Services. However, the need has not been erased, and nothing but further accumulation and growth can be anticipated with future growth. 1 There is also a growing need on the part of Support Services to make and to warehouse bulk purchases for savings of scale. At the present time there are very few options for 1 long -term storage except in rental spaces. Finally, for some time, Support Services has been exploring the possibility of acting as a depository and check out point for various 1 tools needed by departments on an occasional basis. The negative overcrowding and the positive need to expand services both point to the 1 need for an expansion of facilities. Support Services has done research and determined that a storage /work building of 30 feet by 15 feet would serve the department's needs described above for the next five years. Although this would by nature be a somewhat ' temporary solution, it would alleviate current overcrowding and also allow Support Services to begin to explore some long - considered expanded avenues of service. ' Support Services has researched various possibilities for buildings, and has determined that the best site for such a building would be immediately adjacent to and west of the City Garage. It is proposed that a 4,500 square foot building be built on a concrete slab, from 1 - MEMORANDUM SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING April 24, 1998 PAGE 2 a custom pre -cut kit, with a garage door at the south end and two steel entry doors, with three windows on each side. The and w d be insulated and sheetro ked. eat. It would be wood frame, with shingle roof would Proposed plans for the building have been drawn up utilizing as a basis plans drawn up by the plans department at Builder's Square. Electrical costs are based upon two. estimates received from Electrical contractors. Except for electrical and plumbing work, labor for the construction of the buildingwould tedphat provided by onssruc�on would be employees, the the assisted by DOC workers. It is September 1, 1998. Costs would break down as follows: I. Building and slab: $3.075.00 2. Electrical installation: $2,150.00 3. Gas plumbing and heater: 4 Total: $5,725.00 RECOMMENDATION: Support Services staff recommends that the City set aside $5,725.00 of the Equipment Contingency Fund for the construction of a building for the use of Support Services Department. ATTACHMENTS: Various documents relating to the plans and estimates for building construction. I MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: H. DWAYNE HENDERSON, P.E. CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER ' SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 1998 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS - SPORTS PARK PARKING LOT EXPANSION DATE: MAY 12, 1998 BACKGROUND: in On March 17, 1998, the City Council awarded a bid to Horizon Construction Co. Inc., of Owasso for the purpose of constructing the expansion of the large parking lot at the Owasso Sports Park. Necessary documents were returned to the City Clerk's office and the construction of the improvements began on Monday, April 13, 1998. The total contract amount for the improvements was $77,777.77. On April 21, 1998 Change Order No. 1 for this project was approved by City Council for a not to ' exceed cost of $8,299.75 for the repair of unstable subgrade. The soil encountered in the subgrade was a mixture of silt and clay. The top 18 inches of the unstable areas was comprised of silt with the clay layer below. Horizon Construction Co. Inc., suggested that the most cost effective alternative ' was to excavate the subgrade to a depth of 24 inches and mix the silt and clay materials together. This process would bind the two soils together and allow for adequate stability and compaction. Change Order No. 1 was recommended by staff as a trial solution to the problem. This olution roved successful on 80% of the unstable are but unsuccessful on an area at the s p a, ' southwest corner of the parking lot and a small area at the northeast corner of the parking lot. These two areas have a high silt and high moisture content and a low clay content. These conditions warrant the need for fly ash to be incorporated into the top 24 inches of the soil to help reduce the moisture and stabilize the silt. Horizon Construction Co. Inc., has submitted a proposed cost estimate to repair the two areas with fly ash.(Attachment 1) A copy of the proposed parking lot expansion with the two areas r superimposed is included for your review (Attachment 2), as well as the proposed cost estimate submitted by Horizon Construction Co. Inc. �1 Page 2 Request for Approval of Change Order No. 2 1998 Bond Issue Projects - Sports Park Parking Lot Expansion May 12, 1998 FUNDING: The allotted funding for this project, through the bond election, is $150,000.00. The original cost of the bid awarded to Horizon Construction was $77,777.77 and the addition of Change Order No. 1, Attachment 3, increased the total cost by $6,616.87 to $84,394.64. Change Order No. 2, (Attachment 4) increases the project cost by $4,384.67 to $88,779.31. The budgeted surplus for this project is $65,605.36, therefore sufficient funding is available. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order No. 2, a change order in the amount not to exceed $ 4,384.67. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Cost Estimate 2. Site Map 3. Change Order No. 1 4. Change Order No. 2 S -07 -1998 7.07AM FROM HORIZON CONST CO 9182346507 P.7 a PROPOSAL REQUEST NO.TWO nC10 ON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. PARKING LOT AT OWASSO SPORTS PARK J 0.1042 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MATOR: MAX WOLF OWNER: CITY OF OWASSO RATE: — _ 07- May -98 DESCRIPTION AND ITEMS -- .,...... I J MATERIAL J LABOR I QUANITY UNIT I UNIT I EXTENSION I CODE I UNIT 1 EXTENSION I `COOS - _._ - -- J PRICE I TOTAL I NO, J - -------- - - - - -- I — I -- I - -•- - -- I -- PRICE I TOTAL J NO. _.-- -- I I I 1 0.001 ! -- I — - ----- i 0.00 — I -Y -ASH UNSTABLE SUBGRADE , . . 1 33.3 , 0 0.45 600.00 i J _Y.ASH � I 80.50 1 TN 22.00 1,771.00 I I o.00 I I i i 1 I 0.00 I 1 0.00 I I I i I 0.00 i f I 0.0o I i ! J I f f ! ! 0.00j I I 0.00j I I I I I 0.00 ; I I 0.00 ! I I I I I 0.00 J I 1 0.00 ! j I I I 0.00 I i I 0.00 J I E I I 0.00 I I I 0.00 SUB -TOTAL MATERIALS , — °.- . — 2,904.33 0.00 j I SUB -TOTAL LABOR - -- SUPERVISION I J WKS ( 600.00 I I 950,00 j 0.00 I 1 DRAY I I J I 0.00 ] EQUIPMENT RENTAL J I LS I 450.00 I 0.00 I I SALES TAX ON MATERIAL I j 0.00% J PAYROLL INS. & TAXES I 1 42.00% I I 0,00 I I I 252.00 ] ) TOTAL HORIZON HORIZON WORK - — - i 3_._7_56_.33 SU9CONTRACTS I � �S 0.02 J 56.34 J I SUBTOTAL I 3,812.67 I I _ VERHEAD AND PROFIT 15% 1 J 572.00 1 1 f TOTAL ADD PER $Y 3.29 I 4,384.67 I I —7V Gam. APPROVED DATES= J DATE RIZON CONSTRUCTIP< COMPANY INC. - OWNER -� -- — -- -_ �� - - -- 1 i ) TRAN. #1 (EX.) EX, FIELD #E PROPOSED PARKING LOT FILL AREA 1 D 250' Lso X.50 PROPOSED PARKING LOT 0 0 0 0o EXISTING EXISTING FIELD #2 'FIELD##5' PROP, ❑ C °mil F-----, PROPOSED I PROPOSED FIELD #1 FIELD #6 PROPOSED FIELD #12 PROP, ❑ CON, PROPOSED FIELD# 7 FILL AREA 2 'ROP. TRAN42 CITY OF ❑WASSO OK, n, ❑WASS❑ SPORTS —PARK PROP. PSO TRANS. LOCATION "iG' ■ V, s PROJECT: Parking Lot at Owasso Sports Park TO CONTRACTOR: Horizon Construction Co Inc CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 DATE: April 21, 1998 CONTRACT DATE: March 17, 1998 CONTRACT FOR: Parking Lot ' The Contract is changed as follows: ' Stabalize subsurface soil conditions ' Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was $77,777.77 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ -0- The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $77,777.77 ' The Contract Sum will be (increased) (docseased) (efthmind) by this Change Order in the amount of $ 66 1 6.87 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ The Contract Time will be One (demr me (unchanged) by —o— days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ' NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Horizon Construction Co Inc CONTRACTOR PO Box 690 ADDRESS Owasso OK 74055 BY DATE April 21 1998 wpdata\fomrs\d nordr.frm City of Owasso OWNER PO Box 180 ADDRESS Owasso OK 74055 BY 42)G2,(z DATE April 21 1998 PROJECT: Parking Lot at Owasso Sports Park TO CONTRACTOR: Horizon Construction Co Inc CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 DATE: May 12, 1998 CONTRACT DATE: March 17, 1998 CONTRACT FOR: Parking Lot The Contract is changed as follows: Add flyash to subsurface soil conditions to stabalize Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was $77,777.77 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 6,616.87 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $84,394.64 The Con_ tract Sum will be (increased) (dee£essed) (uae4maged) by this Change Order in the amount of $ 4,384.67 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $88,779.31 The Contract Time will be (ifressed) (deffeased) (unchanged) by ( -0- ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Horizon Construction Co Inc CONTRACTOR PO Box 690 ADDRESS Owasso, OK 74055 BY DATE mgy 19, 1 94ft wpd&UWb=\d ngoidr.frm City of Owasso OWNER PO Box 180 ADDRESS Owasso, OK 74055 DATE I MEMORANDUM 1 11 1 1 1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCH, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: H. DWAYNE HENDERSON, P.E. CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER SUBJECT: 1998 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING (A/E) FIRMS FEE NEGOTIATIONS DATE: MAY 12, 1998 BACKGROUND: In October 1997, the citizens of Owasso approved a $10 million bond issue for Capital Improvement Projects within the City of Owasso. Projects in the bond issue included street and intersection improvements, remodeling of two existing facilities, construction of a New City Hall and improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. In November 1998, the City of Owasso employed a Capital Projects Manager to oversee the projects and the Architectural/ Engineering (A/E) procurement and Program Management Team (PMT) negotiation process was initiated. A chronology of the A/E procurement procedure and the PMT negotiations services is shown as Attachment 1. In order to compete with the 1998 Oklahoma Department of Transportation Capital Improvement Program, the City of Owasso combined the Bond Issue Projects into one package for A/E design services. Staff felt that combining the projects would gain the attention of the larger A/E firms in Tulsa, which would not have occurred if the projects were separated. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS: On December 5, 1997, Request for Qualifications (RFQ) were sent to area A/E firms informing them of the projects and the intent of the City of Owasso to procure A/E services. On January 9, 1998, seventeen (17) firms submitted Qualification Statements in response to the RFQ. Each RFQ was reviewed by members of a Selection Committee, comprised of Mayor Barnhouse; Councilor Bode; Rodney Ray, City Manager; Robert Carr, Public Works Director; Mark Brown, City of Tulsa Traffic Engineer and Owasso resident; and Dwayne Henderson, Capital Projects Manager. The Statements were ranked according to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the committee and the three (3) top ranked firms were determined to be "Qualified and Highly Responsive." These firms are: Page 2 Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms Fee Negotiations May 12, 1998 (1) CH2MHill/ Page•Zebrowski (CH2/PZ) (2) Burns & McDonnell/ Bruton Knowles & Love (BM/BKL) (3) Dewberry Design Group (DDG). Each firm was requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services and Fee Proposal for final evaluation. ENGINEERING PROPOSALS: The firms submitted Scope of Services and Fee Proposals on March 26, 1998. Office visits to each firm were conducted by Mr. Carr and Mr. Henderson on March 19, March 20 and April 7, 1998. Interviews/ presentations of each firm were held with the Selection Committee on March 30 and 31, 1998. On April 6, 1998, the Selection Committee met to review the presentations and tabulate final scores of each team. The firms were ranked as follows and proposed fees summarized as follows: The team selected for negotiations was MMHM/Page•Zebrowski. SCOPE AND FEE NEGOTIATIONS: On April 23, 1998, Mr. Carr and Mr. Henderson met with CH2/PZ at their offices to discuss the Scope of Services and A/E fees. The proposed concept presented in the proposal scope of work detailed the intent of the City to utilize two (2) teams comprised of the A/E and a Program Management Team (PMT). The PMT is to consist of construction management, engineering and space planning professionals and is intended to supplement the A/E team during construction. As a result, some definition of services was needed to clarify the roles of the A/E and PMT for the City Hall, Community Center and Police Department Projects. Since the A/E portion of work was expected to be significantly affected by the PMT Scope of Work, Mr. Joe Waters of the Lioness Group and Cowen Construction, the proposed City of Owasso PMT for the architectural projects, were asked to be at the meeting to clarify their roles in the project and to resolve any questions CH2/PZ had in regards to Scope of Work. The Scope of Work of the PMT and the A/E were discussed in detail, which helped to reduce fees. Page 3 Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms Fee Negotiations May 12, 1998 Negotiations continued the entire week of April 27, 1998 to reduce the A/E fees to what staff felt was acceptable. Attachment 2 summarizes the original fee proposal by CH2/PZ and the reductions made throughout the negotiation process. The significant reduction in fees from $920,976 to $562,171 was based largely on clarifying the role of the PMT to the A/E, allowing the A/E to be involved in the planning phase with the PMT and reducing unnecessary work items. Also, defining the responsibilities of the Capital Projects Manager helped reduce fees by deleting unnecessary administrative duties proposed by the A/E. A detailed description of the negotiated items are listed below. OR Architectural Projects: Programming - New City Hall and Police Station: The programming document for a new building ' is the first step in an architectural project. The document is a result of interviews with key personnel to determine departmental needs, such as office and storage space, equipment, parking, electrical and mechanical upgrades, furniture planning and other items that need to be accounted for before initial design begins. A planning document will be needed for the New City Hall and the New Police Station in order to determine the needs before design begins. The PMT has proposed to prepare the programming document as part of their scope. In order to reduce A/E fees needed to become familiar ' with this document, the A/E proposes to assist the PMT with the programming document. Community Center: The programming document for this project will be reduced to a Roof Study where three (3) alternatives and associated sketches of each alternative will be prepared by the A/E. The PMT will prepare a cost estimate of each alternative and present the information to the City of r Owasso for selection. Design, Bidding and Construction: The A/E scope of work was reduced by eliminating unnecessary details and deleting items that overlapped with the PMT Scope. These items are: (1) A/E will prepare only one set of contract documents (in lieu of multiple contracts) and the PMT will administer the individual contracts; (2) A/E will prepare only one final design and one color rendering after the final building layout has been accepted. Building selection shall be made by utilizing schematic plans and pencil sketches; (3) Value engineering sessions will be combined with the regular progress meetings; (4) PMT will be responsible for preparing meeting minutes, reviewing pay requests, approving quantitative change orders (not design change orders); and (5) PMT will be responsible for bidding the projects by discipline. 10 Page 4 Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms Fee Negotiations May 12, 1998 Engineering Projects: General: The scope of work of the A/E was reduced by deleting items that overlapped with the duties of the Capital Projects Manager. They are: (1) Reviewing and approving all pay requests; (2) Reviewing and approving all contractor submittals; ' (3) Providing base maps of all utilities; , (4) Providing property ownership and right -of -way maps for each project; and ' (5) Providing thorough review of all reports and preliminary plans and specifications to reduce needed time in final design. I Intersection Projects: The scope of work for each project was reduced by combining project designs and several items. Those items are as follows: I I (1) The preliminary engineering, design phases and contract documents shall be for the major intersection projects will be combined. Construction shall be in phases; , (2) Oklahoma Department of Transportation standard drawings and construction specifications shall be utilized throughout the projects. These documents are used by the City of Owasso and will reduce A/E design time. Street Resurfacing Projects: Carlsbad, Atlanta Beaumont and I' Street shall be combined into one contract, but constructed in phases. FUNDING SOURCE: The funds for the A/E fees are included in the $10 million Bond Issue. SUMMARY COMMENTS: Based on previous experience with CH2MHi11 (they presently are providing engineering design services for the U.S. Highway 169/ East 76'' Street North Interchange Improvements), the final negotiated A/E fees and our meetings with the design team, staff recommends the award of the A/E design services for the City of Owasso Capital Improvement (Bond Issue) Projects to CH2MHilU Page•Zebrowski. Attachment 3 is the completed Agreement of Engineering Services. The contract has been submitted to the City Attorney for review. Page 5 Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms Fee Negotiations ' May 12, 1998 RECOMMENDATIONS: r Staff recommends award of the A/E Design Services for the Owasso Capital Improvement (Bond Issue) Projects to CH2MHi11/ Page•Zebrowski in the lump sum amount of $562,171. Pi ATTACHMENTS: I. Chronology of A/E Procurement Process ' 2. Fee Negotiation Progression 3. Agreement for Engineering Services t a City of Owasso Bond Issue Projects - Chronology of A/E Procurement Process Prepared Bv: Owasso Public Works Denartment Mav 12 1 QQR EVENT DATE OCCURRED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQS) MAILED TO A/E FIRMS DECEMBER 5, 1997 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SENT TO A/E FIRMS DECEMBER 11, 1997 ADVERTISEMENT PLACED IN TULSA WORLD AND OWASSO REPORTER DECEMBER 12, 1997 RFQS RECEIVED AT PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY 9, 1998 RFQS DISTRIBUTED TO SELECTION COMMITTEE JANUARY 15, 1998 SELECTION COMM 11= RFQ REVIEW MEETING JANUARY 26, 1998 SELECTION COMMTITEE RFQ FINAL REVIEW MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1998 PMT AND ARCHITECTURAL SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUESTED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 5, 1998 PMT SCOPE OF SERVICES RECEIVED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 20, 1998 ARCHITECTURAL SCOPE OF SERVICES RECEIVED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 25, 19981 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFPS) MAILED TO SHORT LISTED FIRMS FEBRUARY 26, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI MARCH 19, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO BURNS & MCDONNELLJ BRUTON KNOWLES & LOVE MARCH 20, 1998 RFPS RECEIVED AT PUBLIC WORKS MARCH 26, 1998 RFPS DISTRIBUTED TO SELECTION COMMITTEE MARCH 27, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY BURNS & MCDONNELL/ BRUTON KNOWLES & LOVE MARCH 30, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY CH2MHILU PAGE ZEBROWSKI MARCH 31, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY DEWBERRY DESIGN GROUP MARCH 31, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO DEWBERRY DESIGN GROUP APRIL 7, 1998 SELECTION COIvIIMITTEE FINAL SELECTION MEETING APRIL 13, 1998 =N[HILLI PAGE ZEBROWSKI INFORMED OF DTIENT TO NEGOTIATE APRIL 15, 1998 I � I I I i I � I � ATTACHMENT 1 I I 1 I � Page 2 Attachment A Chronology of A/E Procurement Process NEGOTIATIONS V= CH2MHII.L/PAGE ZEBROWSKI WT-RE HELD AT CF.2,MHILL. LIONESS REALTY GROUP AND COWEN CONSTRUCTION WERE PRESENT TO CLARIFY PMT SCOPE OF SERVICES APRIL 23, 1998 RECEIVED FIRST REVISED FEE PROPOSAL FROM CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI APRIL 27, 1998 RECEIVED PRELIMINARY PMT FEE PROPOSAL FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP APRIL 29, 1998 RECEIVED SECOND REVISED = PROPOSAL FROM C92MHII_L/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI APRIL 29, 1998 SENT CH2MHIL.L/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI TARGET FEE APRIL 30, 1998 RECEIVED SAMPLE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP APRIL 30, 1998 RESPONDED TO ORIGINAL PMT FEE PROPOSAL AND SCOPE OF WORK MAY 1, 1998 STAFF MET TO DISCUSS PMT PROPOSAL AND A/E OPTIONS MAY 4, 1998 RECEIVED CH2MHII.0 PAGE ZEBROWSKI FINAL FEE PROPOSAL MAY 4, 1998 STAFF MET TO DISCUSS FINAL A/E PROPOSAL AND DECIDED TO RECOMMEND CH2M1M.LI PAGE ZEBROWSKI FOR A/E SERVICES CONTINGENT COMMENTS FROM PMT ON A/E SCOPE. MAY 6, 1998 RECEIVED FINAL SCOPE AND FEE PROPOSAL FROM PMT MAY 8, 1998 RECEIVED FINAL REVISED SCOPE AND FEE PROPOSAL FROM A/E MAY 11, 1998 STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF CONTRACTS MAY 12, 1998 ATTACHMENT 1 ..; CITY OF OWASSO BOND ISSUE PROJECTS A/E FEE COMPARISONS PREPARED BY: OWASSO PUBIJC WORKS C'H2MIIII,IJPZ OS/05H8 -- ITEM ORIGINAL ADJUSTED %OF % %OF %OF CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION ORIGINAL ADJUST. 04/27/98 ADJUST. 04/30/98 ADJUST. 05/04/98 ADJUST. BUDGET BUDGET FEES CONST. FEES CONST. FEES CONST. FEES CONST. DESCRIPTION INTERSECTION AND SIGNALUATION IMPROVEMENTS 861N SIR. N. AND MINOO ROAD INTERSECTION $580,000,00 $580,000.00 $80,42800 13.9% 9 3°,o $54 14800 9.3 °0 $43 500.00 7.5% 76TH 3 N. AND N. 1291'1 E. AVE. INTERSECTION $775 000.00 $775 000.00 $94 75800 10.9% 56 533.00 7 3 °io 556 533 (X) 7.3°0 556 50000 7.3% . 116TH STR. N. AND OARNETT ROAD INTERSECTION $510 000.00 $510 000.00 $84 758.00 166% 56 567.00 11 1 °h $56 567.00 11.1% 543 800.00 i.6% 861 -H STR N. AND N 145111 E. AVE. INTERSECTION $775,000.00 $773,00000 $94.758,00 10.9% $56_533,00 73% $56 533.00 7.3% $56.5W.00 7.3% 86TH STR N. AND N 123k 1) E. AVE INTERSECTION $65 0N) (K) $65.000.00 $28.05300 43.2% $19,65200 30 2%: $19,65200 30.2% $16,47200 % SUBTOTA I.: INTERSECTION AND SIGNALIZATION PROJECTS S2,705,000.00 S2 705 000.00 5362 757.00 13.4% 5243 433.00 9 0°/6 S24J 43J.00 9.01/6 S216,772.00 .0% STREET REHABILITATION -- - RESURFACE N MAI N STR I ST TO 9TH STR $280,00000 $280,000,00 $52,65900 $51.3 27 00 551 327.00 $51 300.00 RESURFACE AII.ANIA 3R1)TOII III SIR . $I800W.00 __-- -_ -. -- _ RESURFACE CARLSBAD 3RD TO 5111STIL AND BEAUMONT $175000.00 RESURFACE N 129111 F AVE. HIGH SCHOOL TO E. 93RD ST. N. S85 000.00 RESURFACE E 86 I'll S'1'K MAIN TO MINOO $3S OW W - - RESURFACE 1 I II I SI R NIAIN TO CEDAR $31,000,00 $50,000.00 SUB7'O 'I'A1.: STREET REIIIABILTTATION PROJECTS S786,000.00 S1,175,000-00 S52,659.00 4.5% $51 27.00 4.4% _$51 27.00 4.4% $51,300.0 4A% NEW SPORTS PARK CONSTRUCTION NEW FOUR PLEX SOFI'BAI.L/BASEBALL FIELDS S241,000.00 $241,000.00 $28,100.00 11.7% 528 100.00 11.7% S28,100.0 11.7•/. $25-300.00 1 10.5% NEW CITS' IIA1.1/EXISTING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCT NEW CITY l{A1.L FACILITY $2,500,000.00 $277 743.00 11.11/0 $229.000,00 92',/. $214,000.00 82% $196491.W 7.9% RENOVATE EXIS'T'ING CITY HALL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT $600000.00 SI32 587.00 22.1% $125.667.00 20 $8o,667 0o 13.4% $62,878,00 10.5% REPLACE ROOF AND CAR PET AT CONOAUMTY CENTER ES3J35,000.00 $235 000.00 566 630.00 28.4% $53.925,00 22.9% $36,300,00 15.4% $9.43000 4.0% SUBTOTAL: NEW CITY HALI /EXISTING FACILITY P"ROVEMENTS u 35 000.00 S476,960.00 14.30/(6 5408 592.00 12.3% S32U %7.00 9.6% S268 799.00 8.1% TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET f7 067 000.00 197 456 000.00 5920176.00 12 3•N► S731,452.00 9.8% S643,827.00 8.6% '9562-171 7.5% ATTACHMENT ' Agreement for ' Engineering Services Capital Improvement Projects ' City of Owasso, Oklahoma ITUUGWAS=C1P /C0NTRACT.D0C Attachment 3 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, of the State of 199 Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and CH2M HILL, INC., hereinafter referred to ' as ENGINEER; ' WITNESSETH: intersection improvements, architectural WHEREAS, CITY intends to construct street and and a sports park expansion project, collectively hereinafter referred to as th6 projects, ' PROJECT; and, WHEREAS, CTTY requires certain professional services in connection with the PROJECT, ' hereinafter referred to as the SERVICES; and, Architects Planning WHEREAS, ENGINEER, in association with Page•Zebrowski and Design Group, is prepared to provide such SERVICES; tWHEREAS, funding is available for the PROJECT through the 1997 Capital Improvement Projects bond election. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF PROTECT. The scope of the PROJECT is described in Attachment A, ' SCOPE OF PROTECT, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. ' 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 3. CTI -y�S RESPONSIBILITIES. CITY shall be responsible for all matters described in Attachment C, RESPONSIBIL.TTIES OF THE CITY, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 4. COMPENSATION. CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION, and further described in Attachment E, FEE /MANHOUR ' BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEME'N'T. SCHEDULE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERI VICES, in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment F, SCHEDULE, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this ' AGREEMENT. ITUUGWAS=C1P /C0NTRACT.D0C Attachment 3 .8 6. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES undertaken in a manner consistent with the prevailing accepted standard for similar services with respect to projects of comparable function and complexity and with the applicable laws and regulations published and in effect at the time of performance of the SERVICES. The PROJECT shall be designed and engineered in a good and workmanlike manner and in strict accordance with this AGREIIv1ENT'. All engineering work shall be performed by or under the supervision of Professional Engineers licensed in the State of Oklahoma, and properly qualified to perform such engineering services, which qualification shall be subject to review by CITY. All architectural work shall be performed by or under the supervision of a Professional Architect licensed in the State of Oklahoma, and properly qualified to perform such architectural services, which qualification shall be subject to review by CITY. Other than the obligation of the ENGINEER to perform in accordance with the foregoing standards, no warranty, either express or implied, shall apply to the SERVICES to be performed by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT or the suitability of ENGINEER'S work product 7. LIlyETATION OF RESPONSIBILITY. 7.1. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, or safety precautions and programs in connection with the PROJECT. 8. OPINIONS OF COST AND SCHEDULE. 8.1. Since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others, or over contractors', subcontractors', or vendors' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, ENGINEERS cost estimates shall be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer and Professional Architect 8.2. Since ENGINEER has no control over the resources provided by others to meet construction contract schedules, ENGINEER'S forecast schedules shall be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer and Professional Architect 9. USABRM AND INDEMNIFICATION. 9.1. ENGINEER shall defend and indemnify CITY from and against legal liability for damages arising out of the performance of the SERVICES for CITY, including but not limited to any claims, costs, attorney fees, or other expenses of whatever nature where such liability is caused by the negligent act, error, or omission of ENGINEER, or any person or organization for whom ENGINEER is legally liable. Nothing in this paragraph shall make the ENGINEER liable for any damages caused by the CITY or any other contractor or consultant of the CITY. 92. ENGINELI� shall not be habie to CI Y for any special, indirect or ' consequential damages, such as, but not lirruted to, loss of revenue, or loss of anticipated profits. TUL10WASS0VCIPICCNTRAC T. DCC ' 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. 10.1. In performance of the SERVICES, ENGINEER shall comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state, and local laws, rules, ' regulations, orders, codes, criteria and standards. ENGINEER shall procure the permits, certificates, and licenses necessary to allow ENGINEER to perform the SERVICES. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for procuring permits, certificates, and licenses required for any construction unless such responsibilities are specifically assigned to ENGINEER in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES. 10.2. The ENGINEER shall take the necessary actions to ensure its facilities are in compliance with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. It ' is understood that the program of the ENGINEER is not a program or activity of the CITY OF OWASSO. The ENGINEER agrees that its program or activity will comply with the requirements of the Americans With ' Disabilities Act. Any costs of such compliance will be the responsibility of the ENGINEER. Under no circumstances will ENGINEER conduct any activity deemed to not be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act 11. INSURANCE. 11.1. During the performance of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, ENGINEER shall maintain the following insurance: 11.1.1. General Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 ' for each occurrence and not less than $100,000 in the aggregate. 11.1.2. Automobile Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each person and not less than $1,000,000 for each ' accident and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each accident ' 11.13. Worker's Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employers' Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence. ' . 11.1.4. Errors and Omissions Insurance to o remain in effect during the PROJECT and the term of any legal liability. Errors and Omissions coverage to be for a minimum of $1,000,000, deductibles subject to approval. 11.2. ENGINEER shall furnish CITY certificates of insurance which shall include a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled without at least 30 days w- ritten nctice to the CITY. 12. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCliMENTS. 12.1. All documents, including original drawings, estimates, specifications, field notes and data shall become and remain the property of the CITY. ITutJQWASSO /aNCONTRACT.DOC 122 CITY'S reuse of such documents without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended shall be at CTIY5 risk 13. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. 13.1. The obligation to continue SERVICES under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon fifteen days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. 13.2. CITY shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT, or suspend performance thereof, for CITY'S convenience upon written notice to ENGINEER; and ENGINEER shall terminate or suspend performance of SERVICES on a schedule acceptable to CITY. In the event of termination or_ suspension for CITY'S convenience, CTFY shall pay ENGINEER for all SERVICES performed to the date of termination in accordance with provisions of Attachment D, COMPENSATION. Upon restart of a suspended project, payment shall be made to ENGINEER in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION. 14. NOTICE. 14.1. Any notice, demand, or request required by or made pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be deemed properly made if personally delivered in writing or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address specified below. To ENGINEER: CH2M HILL, Inc. 502 South Main, Suite 400 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 - Attention: Jerry Farrar To CITY: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attention F. Robert Carr, Jr. 14.2 Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of ENGINEER and CITY. 15. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES. Neither CITY nor ENGINEER shall be considereed to be in default of this AGREEMENT if delays in or failure of performance shall be d1ue to forces which are beyond the control of the parties; including, but not limited too: fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage; inability to procure permits, licenses, or authorizations from any state, local, or federal agency or person for any of the supplies, materials, accesses, or services required to be provided by either CITY or ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT.- str es, work slo,.vdow n s or otter labor disturbances, and judicial : restraint. TUL/ownsso/aa/C0NTRACT.D0C ' 16. SEVERABILTTY. If any portion of this AGREEMENT shall be construed by a court herefrom, of competent jurisdiction as unenforceable, such portion shall be severed ' and the balance of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect includes Attachments 17. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION. This AGREEMENT A, B, C, D, E, F and represents the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the ' parties; and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements pertaining to the SCOPE OF SERVICES herein, either written or oral. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by a written instrument signed by each of the Parties. 18. DLSPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In c: -e event of a dispute between the ENGINEER and the CITY over the interpretation or application'of the terms of this AGREEMENT, the matter shall be referred to the City's Director of Public Works for resolution. If the Director of Public Works is unable to resolve the dispute, the matter may, in the Director's discretion, be referred to the City Manager for resolution. Regardless of these procedures, neither party shall be precluded from exercising any rights, privileges or opportunities permitted by law to resolve any dispute. 19. ASSIGNMENT. ENGINEER shall not assign its obligations undertaken pursuant to this AGREEMENT, provided that nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing such independent consultants, associates, and subcontractors as ENGINEER may deem appropriate to assist ENGINEER in the performance of the SERVICES hereunder. 20. APPROVAL. It is understood and agreed that all work performed under this AGREEMENT shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Public Works Department of the City of Owasso, and any plans or specifications not meeting the ' terms set forth in this AGREEMENT will be replaced or corrected at the sole expense of the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will meet with the City staff initially and ' monthly thereafter and will be available for public meetings and /or City of Owasso presentations. 21. KEY PERSONNEL. In performance of the SERVICES hereunder, ENGINEER has ' designated Jerry B. Farrar, P.E., as Project Manager for the collective projects described herein; Kathleen Page, AIA, as Project Architect for the architectural related projects; Kenneth E. Hill, P. E., as Lead Design Engineer for the street and for tintersection improvement projects; and Jim Crosby, ASLA, as Project Architect °:' the Sports Park Expansion project. ENGINEER agrees that no change will be made in the assignment of these positions without prior approval of CM. ITUtJOWASSOICIPIC- TPACT -DOC H IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in multiple copies` on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso. APPROVED: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney TULj0wASS0jCtPIC0NTRACT. DOC CH2M HILL, Inc. Murry L. Fleming, Vice President Date CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Mayor Date 0 s 1 7, Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Capital Improvement Projects Scope of Project Attachment A SCOPE OF PROJECT, The PROJECT shall consist of the collective listing of projects included in this Attachment A and further described as follows: The 1998 Capital Improvement Projects consist of street and intersection improvements, a new City Hall, renovations to the existing Community Center, renovations to the existing City Hall to accommodate the Police Department, and the addition of a four field softball/ baseball complex. The street improvement, projects include the widening and signalization of four intersections, signalization of an improved intersection, and rehabilitation and resurfacing of six streets. Intersection and Signalization Improvements ' East 86th Street North and North Mingo Road Intersection • East 76th Street North and North 129rtfi Fast Avenue Intersection • East 116th Street North and North Garnett Road Intersection ' East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Intersection • East 86th Street North and North 123rd East Avenue Intersection Street Rehabilitation • Resurface North Main Street (1n Street to 9th Street) ' Resurface Atlanta Street (3rd Street to 11th Street) • Resurface Carlsbad (3rd Street to 5th Street) and Beaumont Street (5th Street to 7th Street) Resurface North 129th East Avenue (High School to East 93,d Street North) • Resurface East 86'h Street North (North Mingo Road to Main Street) • Resurface 11th Street (Main Street to Cedar Street) 1 1 1 Sports Park Projects • New Four -Field Softball /Baseball Complex Architectural Projects • New City Hall • Community Center Renovations • EYistina City Hall Renovations TWOWASS01GPIATTAC4_A DOC A -1 Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Capital Improvement Projects Scope of Services Attachment B The services to be performed b-%- the ENGINEER, CH2_%1 HILL, under this AGREEN F, NT will consist of three phases, as stated below. Further, it is understood and agreed that the date of beginning, rate of progress, and the time of completion of the work to be dome hereunder are essential provisions of this AGREEMENT; and it is further understoomd and agreed that the work embraced in this AGREEMENT shall commence upon executiaon of this AGREEMENT and receipt of Notice to Proceed. It is further understood that the_ PROJECT will be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Owasso cdesign criteria and specifications for construction. The Basic Services of ENGINEER include, but are not necessarily limited to, the follcowing tasks: • Designate a representative to coordinate all information between ENGINEER anad CITY. • Perform necessary surveys and investigations for the PROJECT. • Prepare all drawings in conformance with CITY requirements. • Provide routine project progress reports to CITY staff and City Council, as requeested. • Act as liaison to the CITY in communicating with Page•Zebrowski Architects amd Planning Design Group, subconsultants to CH2M HILL, in matters related to thee PROJECT. A. Intersection and Signalization Improvements CH21M HILL shall furnish the CITY the following professional engineering services for the proposed intersection and signalization improvements projects: A.I. Investigation A.1.1. Attend initial design workshop with CTTY to review generail requirements for each of the five (5) intersection projects, esstablish critical design parameters, and discuss scheduling for the prroeects. A.1.2. Collect and review available documents pertaining to each Troject and sites, including but not limited to record drawings, utiliity plans, accident records, traffic counts, and other pertinent documents provided civ the CITY. A.1.3. Existing right -of -way- and abutting ownerships will be reseaarched and information provided on the drawings. TUUO W ASSO/CIPIATTACH_B.DOC " I I 1 A.1.4. Design and topographic surveys will be performed to establish design/ construction horizontal and vertical control points. Surveys will reflect planimetrics, utilities, drainage structures, and right -of- way. The horizontal and vertical control will be set in a manner to allow the contractor to use the same points during construction. A.1.5. Conduct traffic turning movement countsat each intersection. Turning movement counts are necessary to determine phasing requirements, and timing calculations.. :x.1.6. Existing utilities will be located by field surveying, including "potholing" when required, to determine the horizontal and vertical location of affected utilities. "Potholing" of CITY -owned facilities will be coordinated with CITY Staff. ENGINEER will coordinate with other utility owners to obtain utility locations, including "potholing." ENGINEER is not responsible for actual "potholing' or digging. A.1.7. Review accident history. Accident records will be furnished by CITY. A.1.8. Videotape each of the projects to record current conditions, including but not limited to pavement, sidewalks, driveways, right - of -way, structures in close proximity to proposed construction limits and aboveground utilities. Provide one copy of recorded tape to CITY prior to bidding of each project. A.2. Predesign A.2.1. Develop a conceptual layout of possible intersection improvements. The conceptual layout will be a single -line drawing overlaying each of the existing intersections (except East 86th Street North and North 123rd East Avenue Signalization). The approximate limits of the intersection improvement projects will be 600 feet in each direction from the intersection, except the west leg of the East 86th Street North and North Mingo Road intersection shall extend west to include the railroad crossing and approach transition from the west. Current CITY codes, regulations, engineering design criteria and construction standards will be used for the designs. A.2.2. Projected traffic volumes for the selected design year will be developed from existing and new traffic count information obtained during the Investigation Phase. A.2.3. Develop conceptual level construction cost estimate of improvements for each intersection. A.2.4. Prepare a single Predesign Report, including conceptual layouts and construction cost estimates for the four major intersection umprovement projects. ITWO WASSOICNATTACH B.DOC B'Z A.2.5. Conduct a meeting with the CITY to present the conceptual layout and discuss work completed in the Investigation Phase. ENGINEER will present a report including the recommended layout and a conceptual cost estimate of the improvements. Boring locations for geotechnical investigation will be determined at this meeting. A.3. Preliminary Design A.3.1. Modifications to the recommended layout resulting from the Predesign Meeting will be incorporated into the base plan for the ' plan -in -hand design and development of construction drawings. A.3.2. ENGINEER shall prepare one (1) set of construction documents for ' the four major intersection projects combined for bidding and construction, and one (1) set of construction documents for the East 86th Street North and North 123rd East Avenue Signalization ' project. A.3.3. The preliminary design will include: • Typical Pavement Section Sheet • Intersection Geometry • Horizontal and Vertical Alignments • Grading Plan • Drainage Plan • Traffic Signal Plan • Wiring Diagrams • Phasing Diagrams /Timing Schedule • Preliminary Signing and Pavement Marking Plan • Utility Plan • Right -of -way Plan • Construction Sequence /Traffic Control Plan • Preliminary Pay Quantities and Pay Item Notes Sheet Prepare construction drawings in accordance with CITY criteria and format. A.3.4. Coordinate geotechnical investigations, including soil and pavement borings. The results will be presented in a report consisting of subsurface exploration, laboratory testing data, and pavement design recommendations from a qualified geotechnical testing company. A.3.5. Develop phasing sequence and timing schedules for each traffic signal system. A.3.6. The OPTiCO%l priority- control system, which provides right-of- way pre - emption for emergency- vehicles, will be included in the - design of the signal s-,-stem. TUUOWASSO1CIP /ATTACH_8.DOC &3 ' A.3.7. Design storm sewer / drainage system within the project limits. The adequacy of existing drainage systems upstream and downstream of this project will not be evaluated. A.3.8. Temporary construction easements, and permanent rights -of -way needed for the constniction of this project will be shown on the preliminary plans. A.3.9. Prepare a detailed est .mate of construction cost for each project. A.' MO. Meet with CITY staff as requested. A.3.11. Conduct an internal Quality Assessment/ Quality Control (QA /QC) review. Following this review and any resulting modifications, the preliminary plans will be submitted to the CITY for review along with a preliminary estimate of construction cost. A.3.12. ENGINEER shall furnish five (5) copies of the Preliminary Design and other documents listed in A.3. at no additional cost to the CITY. Drawings shall be furnished in half -size (11" x 17 ") format on bond paper for review. A.3.13. Representatives of the project team including the project manager will be present during the preliminary review meeting and field review with the CITY. ENGINEER will prepare minutes of the meeting and disseminate to all attendees. A.4. Public Meeting A.4.1. At the CITY's request, CH2M HILL will conduct (or assist, at the CITY's option) a single public meeting to present an overview of the street improvement projects and answer questions. Displays of the projects will be prepared for the presentation that show the major aspects of each project. A summary of the meeting will be transcribed and provided to the CITY. This Public Meeting is intended to cover intersection /signalization projects, signalization project, and street rehabilitation projects. AS. Final Design ?; A.5.1. Following the preliminary review, Final Design will be prepared. a Modifications and comments from the preliminary review will be incorporated into the design and construction plans, and the Final Design completed. A.5.2. Conduct additional field investigations, including field surveys, as required to complete Final Design. A.5.3. -1 ne follo,,�-ing draw i.- o-s w ill be developed, as a minimum. • Title Sheet • Pay Quantities and Notes • Typical Pavement Section Sheet TUUOWASSOICIPIATTACH -B.DOC B-4 • Right -of -Way Map • Utility Relocation Sheet • Plan and Profile Sheets • Construction Sequence and Traffic Control Plan • Drainage Plan and Details • Storm Sever Plan and Profile Sheets • Pavement Mariana and Signing Plan • Signalization Plan • Signal Phasing and Sequencing Plan • Signal Wiring Diagram • Miscellaneous and Standard Details • Cross Sections A.5.4. ODOT standard construction details as required will be referenced on the Title Sheet. ODOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction will be referenced for use on these projects. A.5.5. Prepare detailed traffic control plans for each phase of construction for each project. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained at all times. A.5.6. Legal descriptions of any right -of -way needs for the project will be prepared and submitted to the CITY. Proposed permanent and temporary rights -of -way will be shown on the plans. Legal descriptions and parcel maps of proposed rights -of -way will be prepared and provided to the CITY for acquisition. Copies of the deeds for such properties and other supporting documentation will also be provided. A.5.7. Prepare a utility plan identifying utilities that have a potential for conflict with construction of the proposed improvements. A.5.8. Assist CITY in coordinating the relocation of those utilities in conflict with the proposed construction. ENGMER will conduct a meeting of affected utility providers to receive input in regard to ' the relocation of facilities and projected schedule. A.5.9. Prepare technical specifications for items of work and materials not ' covered by ODOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. A.5.10. Prepare bidding documents that include notice- to-bidders, bid ' forms, special provisions, special technical specifications and construction drawings. CITY shall provide to ENGINEER contract documents that include bidding requirements, contract forms, contract conditions, and special provisions for assimilation b ,,- ENGINEER for reproduction and disbursement to prospective bidders. A.5.11. Prepare an updated estimate of construction cost. TUUOWASSO/CW/ATTACH -B.DOC B -5 ' A.5.12. Meet with CITY staff as requested. A.5.13. An internal QA /QC review will be conducted by a senior engineer of ENGINEER. Following this review and any resulting modifications, the construction plans and contract documents will be submitted to the CITY for review. 1 A.5.14. ENGINEER shall furnish five (5) copies of the Preliminan.- Design and other documents listed in A.5. at no additional cost to the CIT`: . ' Drawings shall be furnished in half -size (11" x 17 ") format on bond paper for rev.e : , . A.5.15. Representatives of the project team including the project manager ' will be present during the final review meeting with the CITY. ENGINEER will prepare minutes of the meeting and disseminate to all attendees. A.6. Final Revision A.6.1. Following receipt of final review comments, final revisions to the ' construction plans and technical specifications will be made as appropriate. ' A.6.2. Prepare an updated estimate of construction cost. A.6.3. An internal QA/ QC review will be conducted by a senior engineer of ENGINEER. Following this review and any resulting ' modifications, the Construction Documents will be submitted to the CITY for review. A.7. Bidding A.7.1. Disburse plans to prospective bidders at no cost to the CM. The ' ENGINEER may, however, charge the cost of the plans and specifications to the prospective bidders and suppliers. (CITY has the option to not use ENGINEER to disburse bid documents. If the CITY chooses this option, the ENGINEER will furnish CM one reproducible set of drawings and specifications). A.7.2. Answer questions from prospective bidders and suppliers and issue k clarifications and interpretations by addenda to plan holders. A.7.3. Conduct the pre -bid conference with CTTY staff and prospective bidders to present project requirements and answer project - related questions. A.7.4. Attend the bid opening(s) and prepare a tabulation(s) of the bid proposals received. Analyze the bids and low apparent bidder and provide a recommendation to the CITY for awarding contracts for ' construction. A.7.5. Assist the CITY in preparing final construction contracts. ITWOWASSOICIPIATTACH B.DCC y f-I A.S. Construction ' A.8.1. Furnish sufficient number of sets of drawings and specifications to the CITY. ' A.8.2. Provide sufficient number of sets of drawings and specifications to the contractor. A.8.3. Conduct preconstruction conference to discuss project requirements. ry A.S.4. Provide horizontal and vertical controls so the contractor can stake and construct the project. Detailed horizontal and vertical construction staking shall be the responsibility of the contractor. A.8.5. Issue interpretations or clarifications of the intent of the drawings and specifications to protect the CITY against deficiencies in construction on the part of the contractor(s). A.8.6. Conduct periodic inspections of work performed by the contractor(s) as construction progresses. A.8.7. Prepare Change Orders and Work Change Directives as required, for modifications, additions, and deletions in work. A.8.8. Upon request by the contractor and after confirmation by CITY staff that the project is complete, the ENGINEER will conduct a final inspection with CITY staff and the contractor to examine all construction and prepare a punch list of items to be corrected or completed. Provide copies of the punch list to the contractor and CITY. ' A.8.9. ENGINEER will furnish the CITY one set of "Record" drawings on mylar reproducible media and the electronic files on CD -ROM in ' AutoCAD Release 13 format. "Record" drawings shall reflect all changes in the plans as directed through change orders, and other changes recorded by the CTTY resident project representative and the contractor. Street Rehabilitation ENGINEER shall furnish the CITY the following professional engineering services for the proposed street rehabilitation projects: B.1. Investigation B.1.1. Attend initial design workshop with CITY to review general requirements, establish critical design parameters, and discuss scheduling for each of the projects. B.1.2. Collect and review available documents pertaining to each project and sites, including but not limited to record drawings, utility plans, and other pertinent documents provided by the CITY. TuUowasso1aPAT-rAcH_s. Doc B -7 1 B.1.3. Design and topographic surveys will be performed, as required, to establish design/ construction horizontal and vertical control points. Surveys will reflect planimetrics, utilities, and drainage structures. The horizontal and vertical control will be set in a manner to allow the contractor to use the same points during construction. B.1.4. Existing utilities will be located, as necessary, by field surveying, including "potholing " when required, to determine the horizontal and vertical location of affected utilities. "Potholing" of CITY - e,�.-ned facilities will be coordinated with CITY Staff. ENGINEER it coordinate with other utility- owners to obtain utilitv locations, including "potholing. ENGINEER is not responsible for actual "potholing" or digging. B.1.5. Videotape each of the projects to record current conditions, including but not limited to pavement, sidewalks, driveways, right - of -way, structures in close proximity to proposed construction limits and aboveground utilities. Provide one copy of recorded tape to CITY prior to bidding of the project. B.2. Preliminary Design ' B.2.1. Evaluate the condition of the existing pavement to verify existing pavement structure or base stability. ENGINEER will perform a visual inspection of the existing pavement and review the ' pavement borings to determine the extent of pavement removal and replacement and/or rehabilitation. ' . B.2.2. Develop typical sections and details for pavement removal and replacement. B.2.3. Coordinate geotechnical investigations, including soil and pavement borings. The results will be presented in a report consisting of subsurface exploration, laboratory testing data, and pavement design recommendations from a qualified geotechnical testing company. B.2.4. A single set of construction plans and documents will be prepared for the combined projects as follows: • Resurface Atlanta Street (3rd Street to 11th Street) • Resurface Carlsbad Street (3rd Street to 5th Street) and Beaumont Street (5th Street to 7th Street) • Resurface 11th Street (Main Street to Cedar Street) ' B.2.5. The preliminary design will include: • Typical Pavement Sections Sheet • Preliminary Pay Quantities and Pav Item Notes Sheet • Plan Sheets • Preliminary Signing and Pavement Marking Plan ITUUOWA=/aP/ArrACH_B.DOC B$ • Traffic Control Plan • Utility Plan • Miscellaneous Details, including Pavement Removal and Replacement Prepare construction drawings in accordance with CITY criteria and format. B?.e. Evaluate drainage conditions within the project limits. The adequacy of the existing drainage collection systems %-ill not be evaluated. B.2.7. Prepare a detailed estimate of construction cost for each project. B.2.8. Meet with CITY staff as requested. B.2.9. Conduct an internal Quality Assessment/ Quality Control (QA /QC) review. Following this review and any resulting modifications, the preliminary plans will be submitted to the CITY for review along with a preliminary estimate of construction cost. B.2.10. ENGINEER shall furnish five (5) copies of the Preliminary Design and other documents listed in B.2. at no additional cost to the CITY. Drawings shall be furnished in half -size (11" x 17') format on bond paper for review. B.2.11. Representatives of the project team including the project manager will be present during the preliminary review meeting and field review with the CITY. ENGINEER will prepare minutes of the meeting and disseminate to all attendees. B.3. Final Design B.3.1. Following the preliminary review, Final Design will be prepared. Modifications and comments from the preliminary review will be incorporated into the design and construction plans, and the Final Design completed. B.3.2. Conduct additional field investigations, including field surveys, as required to complete Final Design. B.3.3. The following drawings will be developed, as a minimum. • Title Sheet • Pay Quantities and Notes • Typical Pavement Sections Sheet • Plan Sheets • Pavement %lar king and Signing Plan • Miscellaneous and Standard Details • Cross Sections TuUowAsso/CIP /ArfACH_B.DOC a -9 IODOT standard construction details as required will be referenced TUUOWASSO /OPIATTACH -B.DOC B-10 on the Title Sheet. ODOT standard specifications will be referenced ' for use on these projects. B.3.4. Prepare miscellaneous details including typical sections for the ' removal of fatigued or failed pavement areas prior to resurfacing. B.J.J. Prepare detailed traffic control plans for each phase of construction for each project. access to businesses and residences will be ' maintained at all times. B.3.o. Identifv utilities that have a potential for conflict within the ' pavement section or proposed construction of improvements. B.3.7. Assist CITY in coordinating the adjustment of those utilities within the pavement section in conflict with the proposed construction. ' ENGINEER will coordinate with affected utility providers in regard to the relocation of facilities and projected schedule, if required. ' B.3.8. Prepare technical specifications for items of work and materials not covered by ODOT standard specifications. B.3.9. Prepare bidding documents that include notice - to-bidders, bid ' forms, special provisions, special technical specifications and construction drawings. CITY shall provide to ENGINEER contract documents that include bidding requirements, contract forms, contract conditions, and special provisions for assimilation by ENGINEER for reproduction and disbursement to prospective ' bidders. B.3.10. Prepare an updated estimate of construction cost. B.3.11. Meet with CITY staff as requested. B.3.12. An internal QA /QC review will be conducted by a senior engineer of ENGINEER. Following this review and any resulting modifications, the construction plans and contract documents will be submitted to the CTTY for review. B.3.13. ENGINEER shall furnish five (5) copies of the Preliminary Design and other documents listed in B.3. at no additional cost to the CTI'Y. Drawings shall be furnished in half -size (11" x 17 ") format on bond paper for review. B.3.14. Representatives of the project team including the project manager gill be present during the final review meeting with the CITY. ' ENGINEER will prepare minutes of the meeting and disseminate to all attendees. TUUOWASSO /OPIATTACH -B.DOC B-10 B.4. B.5. B.6. Final Revision B.4.1. Following receipt of final review comments, final revisions to the construction plans and technical specifications will be made as appropriate. B.4.2. Prepare an updated estimate of construction cost. B.4.3. An internal QA /QC review will be conducted by a senior engineer of ENGINEER. Following this review and any resulting rnodifications, the Construction Documents will be submitted to the CITY for review. Bidding B.5.1. Disburse plans to prospective bidders at no cost to the CITY. The ENGINEER may, however, charge the cost of the plans and specifications to the prospective bidders and suppliers. (CITY has the option to not use ENGINEER to disburse bid documents. If the CITY chooses this option, the ENGINEER will furnish CITY one reproducible set of drawings and specifications). B.5.2. Answer questions from prospective bidders and suppliers and issue clarifications and interpretations by addenda to plan holders. B.5.3. Conduct the pre -bid conference with CITY staff and prospective bidders to present project requirements and answer project related questions. B.5.4. Attend the bid opening(s) and prepare a tabulation(s) of the bid proposals received. Analyze the bids and low apparent bidder and provide a recommendation to the CITY for awarding contracts for construction. B.5.5. Assist the CITY in preparing final construction contracts. Construction B.6.1. Furnish sufficient number of sets of drawings and specifications to the CITY. B.6.2. Provide sufficient number of sets of drawings and specifications to the contractor. B.6.3. Conduct preconstruction conference to discuss project requirements. B.6.4. Provide horizontal and vertical controls so the contractor can stake and construct the project. Detailed horizontal and vertical construction staking shall be the responsibility of the contractor. B.6.5. Issue interpretations or clarifications of the intent of the drawings and specifications to protect the CITY against deficiencies in construction on the part of the contractor(s). TUUOWASSO /CIP /ATTACH_B. DOC B-11 I r 1 u B.6.6. Conduct periodic inspections of work performed by the contractor(s) as construction progresses. B.6.7. Prepare Change Orders and Work Change Directives, as required, for modifications, additions, and deletions in work. B.6.8. Upon request by the contractor and after confirmation by CITY staff that the project is complete, the ENGINEER will conduct a final inspection with CITY staff and the contractor to examine all construction and prepare a punch list of items to be corrected or completed. Provide copies of the punch list to the contractor and CITY. B.6.9. ENGINEER will furnish the CITY one set of "Record" drawings on mylar reproducible media and the electronic files on CD -ROM in AutoCAD Release 13 format. "Record" drawings shall reflect all changes in the plans as directed through change orders, and other changes recorded by the CITY resident project representative and the contractor. C. Sports Park Expansion Project C.1. Project Statement and Program Analysis Phase C.1.1. Conduct introductory meeting with City of Owasso. C.1.2. Review previous plans, studies and proposal for the Owasso Sports Park. C.13. Interview CITY's key personnel. • Public Works Director • Capital Projects Manager • Park Director / Park Staff C.1.4. Interview user groups. • Girls Softball Association • Baseball Association C.1.5. Perform Site Evaluation/ site analysis C.1.6. Develop guidelines, goals, evaluate design criteria, and planning objectives. • Develop two (2) fields being approximately 250 feet along the foul line. • Develop two (2) fields being approximately 200 feet along the foul line. • Fields will be designed with recreation lighting (20/30) for night play. ' 8 -t2 TuU0wASSOJCIPIArrACH_0.000 I • Fields will be designed with an automatic underground sprinkler system. • Fields will be designed with adequate fencing and backstops. • Fields will have Proper grading and underground drainage to allow for well- drained fields. C.1.7. Prepare program summary. C.1.8. Assist CITY in organizing public workshop for public viewing and input. C.1.9. Attend and facilitate public workshop. C.1.10. Document planning alternatives. C.2. Project Statement and Program Analysis Phase C.2.1. Develop base plans showing existing site features. • Existing Topography • Buildings and structures • Roads, drives, parking, sidewalks, and railroads • Property lines • Easements and setbacks • Utilities and overhead lines C.2.2. Develop and evaluate optional design solutions where necessary. C.2.3. Design Phase • Develop site plan. • Develop grading and drainage plan. • Develop lighting and electrical plans • Develop underground irrigation plans. • Develop fencing and backstop details. • Develop miscellaneous details. • Develop project specifications C.2.4. Conduct a plan review and evaluation with City of Owasso staff • Supply two (2) sets of plans and specifications to the City. • Supply one (1) set of plans for public viewing. C.2.5. Prepare project preliminary cost estimate. C.3. Design Phase C.3.1. Based on approved preliminary plans and cost estimate prepare final construction dccaments. TWOWASSO/CIP/ATTACH -B.DOC B -13 ' C.4. C.5. C.3.2. Prepare technical construction specifications to accompany the plans. C.3.3. Prepare bidding information, proposal forms and other contract documents require to bid the project. C.3.4. Conduct final plan in hand review with city. C3.5. Make any final adjustments to the plans based on plan in hand review. C3.6. Prepare project final cost estimate. Construction Document Phase C.4.1. Advertisement for bidders. C.4.2. Conduct a pre -bid conference. C.4.3. Answer questions and issue addenda as required. C.4.4. Bid opening. C.4.5. Prepare bid tabulations from all bids received. C.4.6. Recommend award of contract. Construction Phase C.5.1. Conduct a pre - construction meeting. C.5.2. Review and approve contractors shop drawings and submittals. C.5.3. Review and approve contractors pay requests. C.5.4. Make regular visits to the project site to observe construction procedures. C.5.5. Respond to construction questions and give proper direction. C.5.6. Make and issue change order recommendations. C.5.7. Prepare and administer contract close out. C.5.8. Produce "Record" drawings from contractor mark ups. • One (1) set of reproducible mylar • One (1) set of electronic files on CD ROM in AutoCad version 13 format Architectural Projects D.1. New City Hall The scope of services includes architectural, interior, and landscape design; 1 TUUOWASSO/CIPIATTACH3 .DOC B-14 1 1 D. i C.4. C.5. C.3.2. Prepare technical construction specifications to accompany the plans. C.3.3. Prepare bidding information, proposal forms and other contract documents require to bid the project. C.3.4. Conduct final plan in hand review with city. C3.5. Make any final adjustments to the plans based on plan in hand review. C3.6. Prepare project final cost estimate. Construction Document Phase C.4.1. Advertisement for bidders. C.4.2. Conduct a pre -bid conference. C.4.3. Answer questions and issue addenda as required. C.4.4. Bid opening. C.4.5. Prepare bid tabulations from all bids received. C.4.6. Recommend award of contract. Construction Phase C.5.1. Conduct a pre - construction meeting. C.5.2. Review and approve contractors shop drawings and submittals. C.5.3. Review and approve contractors pay requests. C.5.4. Make regular visits to the project site to observe construction procedures. C.5.5. Respond to construction questions and give proper direction. C.5.6. Make and issue change order recommendations. C.5.7. Prepare and administer contract close out. C.5.8. Produce "Record" drawings from contractor mark ups. • One (1) set of reproducible mylar • One (1) set of electronic files on CD ROM in AutoCad version 13 format Architectural Projects D.1. New City Hall The scope of services includes architectural, interior, and landscape design; 1 TUUOWASSO/CIPIATTACH3 .DOC B-14 mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering; structural engineering; and civil engineering for the new City Hall. These services include supervision of and coordination with the following sub - consultants: • Bellwether Design - Interior Design and Space Planning • CEI, Inc. -Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing Engineering (MEP) • Wallace Engineering - Structural Engineering • Planning Design Group - Landscape and Irrigation Design • CH2LI HILL - Civil Engineering As indicated in the Request for Proposal, the architectural services would begin with the review of the Site Selection and Project Planning information developed by the Project Management Team (PMT). Scope of services and fees are based upon the following assumptions: • The building size remains 25,000 square feet, plus/ minus 10 percent • The construction budget remains $90 per square foot, plus/ minus 10 percent • Construction period not to exceed 52 weeks. D.1.1. Site Evaluation and Selection Review (Not in contract) D.1.2. Project Planning D.1.2.1. Site research. • Zoning (Review of work product developed by PMT) • Boundary and legal survey ' • Topographic survey • Geotechnical investigations and report ' • Utility locations (facility capacities to be provided by City and utility owner) ' • Parking and access requirements D.122. Space and Use Planning (Review of work product developed by PMT) D.1.2.3. Furruture, Fixture, and Equipment Planning (Review of work product developed by PMT) D.12.4. Preliminary Budget (Review of work product developed by PMT) D.1.2.3. Prelin- nan- Schedule (Review of work product developed by P%1T) I � TUUoWAwo/aP /ArfACN_s.occ 8_15 1 D.1.3. Schematic Design During the Schematic Design Phase, basic building code constraints will be established, and three conceptual designs will be developed and presented. These alternate designs may vary both in exterior appearance and in functional layout. D.1.3.1. Preliminary Building Code review D.13.2. Site Plan and conceptual landscape plan D.1.3.31. Floor Plan D.1.3.4. Elevations D.1.3.5. Presentation Meetings (limited to 8 staff hours) D.1.3.6. Review Meetings (limited to 16 staff hours) D.1.3.7. Exterior material recommendations D.1.3.8. Provide input to PMT to update schedule D.1.3.9. Provide input to PMT to update budget D.1.4. Design Development ' One of the three alternatives, or combination of the three alternatives, will be selected by the CITY for continued development. During the Design Development Phases, the engineering sub - consultants will develop preliminary design of ' structural and MEP systems, layout and sizing, and establish the rough grading of the site. The interiors subconsultant will make preliminary selection of interior finishes. This information will be integrated by ENGINEER into the selected alternative and presented to the CITY. D.1.4.1. Building, Fire, and MEP Code Review D.1.4.2. CAD base of Site Plan, including utilities ' D.1.4.3. CAD base of Floor Plan D.1.4.4. CAD base of exterior elevations ' D.1.4.5. Wall Sections D.1.4.6. Outline specifications, including MEP ' D.1.4.7. Preliminary Structural Drawings ' D.1.4.8. Preliminar MEP Drawings D.1.4.9. Prelimirar: Civil Site Plan including parking and access ps `. ITUL/OWASSO/CIP/ATTACH_B.DOC B -16 D.1.5 D.1.6. Tul10WASSO/CIPIATTACH -e DOC D.1.4.10. PMT coordination, reviews, and revisions including continuous Value Engineering review through the coordination meeting process. D.1.4.11. Provide input to P% LIT to update Schedule D.1.4.12. Provide input to PMT to update budget D.1.4.13. Preparation of presentations drawings Construction Documents Upon approval of the development alternative by the CITY, the ENGINEER will complete the Construction Documents (CD). Detailed drawings and specifications will be prepared to convey to construction contract bidders all of the information required to price and build the new City Hall. D.1.5.1. Prepare CD drawings as single package D.1.5.2. Prepare Project Manual, including finish schedules and specifications D.1.5.3. Coordination and review with PMT D.1.5.4. Provide input to PINT to update schedule D.1.5.5. Provide input to PMT to update budget D.1.5.6. Review, seal, and issue CD's to PMT/ City of Owasso D.1.3.7. Furnish the CITY one set of construction drawings on mylar reproducible media and the electronic files on CD- ROM in AutoCAD Release 13 format. Bidding D.1.6.1. ENGINEER will furnish CITY one reproducible set of drawings and specifications for reproduction and disbursement of plans to prospective bidders by the PMT. PMT to reproduce and distribute plans and specifications including multiple construction trade documents if necessary to bidders. D.1.6.2. Answer questions from Project Management Team (PMT) and issue clarifications and interpretations in writing to PI MT. D.1.6.3. Attend the pre -bid conference with CITY staff, PMT, and prospective bidders to present project requirements and answer project related questions. D.1.6.4. Attend the bid opening. PMT to prepare a tabulation of the bid proposals received. &17 1 1 1 D.1.6.5. PMT to assist CITY in preparing final construction contract documents. D.1.7. Construction Phase During the Construction Phase, ENGINEER and appropriate sub - consultants will: D.1.7.1. Attend pre - construction conference D.1.7.2. Respond to requests for information from the PMT D.1.7.3. Attend weekly construction meetings with PMT, and contractor(s), all trades D.1.7.4. PLAIT to receive, log, and review all shop drawings and submittals. Submittals will be reviewed with ENGINEER at weekly construction meetings. Shop drawings will be reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER. D.1.7.5. PMT to perform construction inspection. ENGINEER will not perform construction inspection and will not be responsible for quality of completed work or assure completed work is in compliance with construction documents. D.1.7.6. Respond to qualified requests for clarifications from PMT only. D.1.7.7. PMT will prepare change orders. ENGINEER will review and approve change orders, with Contractor and CITY. D.1.7.8. PMT will receive, review, and approve contractor pay applications. D.1.7.9. Attend final inspection D.2. Existing City Hall Renovations The scope of services outlined herein for the renovation of the existing City Hall to accommodate the Police Department assumes that the "detention' facilities are to be designed for 24 -hour detention. The Scope of Services assumes the drawings of the existing facility are reasonably accurate and provide adequate information. Scope of Services assumes construction phase is concurrent with the New Cit•,- Hall. TWOWASSOICIP/ATTACH 8.000 B-18 Dal. Schematic Design D.2.1.1. ENGINEER shall review the program furnished by the CITY to ascertain the requirements of the project and shall arrive at a mutual understanding of such requirements with the CITY. It is understood that the planning phase or development of the programming documents, including space planning requirements, will be performed by the Program Management Team (PINT). D.2.1.2. ENGINEER shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the CITY's program, schedule and construction budget requirements. D.2.1.3. ENGINEER shall evaluate and present three (3) alternate solutions available to the CITY, and after consultation with the CITY, recommend to CITY the solution which in the ENGINEER's judgment best meets the CITY's requirements for the project. D.2.1.4. ENGINEER shall prepare a Report containing schematic layouts, sketches and conceptual design criteria. This Report will be accompanied by ENGINEER's opinion of Total Project Costs for each alternative. Estimate of construction cost will be provided by the PMT. D.2.2. Design Development TUUOWASSOICIPIATTACH_B LOC One of the three alternatives, or combination of the three alternatives, will be selected by the CITY for continued development. During the Design Development Phases, the engineering sub - consultants will develop preliminary design of structural and MEP systems, layout and sizing, and establish the rough grading of the site. The interiors sub - consultant will make preliminary selection of interior finishes. This information will be integrated by ENGINEER into the selected alternative and presented to the CITY. D.2.2.1. Building, Fire, and MEP Code Review D.2.2.2. CAD base of Site Plan, including utilities D22.3. CAD base of Floor Plan D.2.2.4. CAD base of exterior elevations, if required D.2.2.5. Wall Sections, if required D.2.2.6. Outline specifications, including MEP D.2?.77 . Preliminary Structural Drawings, if required D.2.2.8. Preliminary MEP Drawings a -1s 1 ' D.2.2.9. Preliminary Civil Site Plan including parking and access D.2.2.10. PMT coordination, reviews, and revisions including ' continuous Value Engineering review through the coordination meeting process. ' D.2.2.11. Provide input to PIT to update schedule D.2.2.12. Provide input to PtiIT to update budget D.21.2.13. Preparation of presentation drawings D.2.3. Construction Documents Upon approval of the development alternative by the CITY, the ENGINEER will complete the Construction Documents (CD). Detailed drawings and specifications will be prepared to convey to construction contract bidders all of the information required to price and build the renovation of City Hall into a Police Department. D.2.3.1. Prepare CD drawings as single package D.2.3.2. Prepare Project Manual, including finish schedules and specifications D.2.3.3. Coordination and review with PMT D.2.3.4. Provide input to PMT to update schedule D.2.3.5. Provide input to PMT to update budget D.2.3.6. Review, seal, and issue CD's to PMT /City of Owasso D.2.3.7. Furnish the CITY one set of construction drawings on mylar reproducible media and the electronic files on CD -ROM in AutoCAD Release 13 format. D2-4. Bidding TUU0WASS0 /CIP /ATTACN3.DCC D.2.4.1. ENGINEER will furnish CITY one reproducible set of drawings and specifications for reproduction and disbursement of plans to prospective bidders by the PMT. PMT to reproduce and distribute plans and specifications including multiple construction trade documents if necessary to bidders. D.2.4.2. Answer questions from Project Management Team (PINT) and issue clarifications and interpretations in writing to P-NIT. D.2.4.3. Attend the pre -bid conference with CITY staff, PLAIT, and prospective bidders to present project requirements and answer project related questions. B -20 D3. D.2.4.4. Attend the bid opening. PMT to prepare a tabulation of the bid proposals received. D.2.5. Construction Phase During the Construction Phase, ENGINEER and appropriate sub - consultants will: D.2.5.1. Attend pre - construction conference D.2.3.2. Respond to requests for information from the PMT D.2.5.3. Attend weekly construction meetings with P'.vIT, contractor(s), all trades D.2.5.4. PMT to receive, log, and review all shop drawings and submittals. Shop drawings to be reviewed with ENGINEER at weekly construction meetings. Submittals will be reviewed and approved by ENGINEER. D.2.5.5. PLATT to perform construction inspection. ENGINEER will not perform construction inspection, will not be responsible for quality of completed work, and will not assure the conformance of the completed work with the Construction Documents.. D.2.5.6. Respond to qualified requests for clarifications from PMT only. D.2.5.7. PLAIT will prepare change orders. ENGINEER will review and approve change orders with the Contractor and the CITY. D.2.5.8. PLAIT will receive, review, and approved contractor pay applications. D.2.5.9. Attend final inspection Community Center Renovations D.3.1. ENGINEER shall review the program furnished by the CITY to ascertain the requirements of the project and shall arrive at a mutual understanding of such requirements with the CITY. D.3.2. ENGINEER shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the CITY's program, schedule and construction budget requirements. D.3.3. ENGINEER will evaluate the current roof and source of leaks. Both TUVOWASSO /CtP!ATTACN B.00c sloped - design and "improved" flat roofs will be evaluated and presented in a roof study. B -21 ' D.3.4. ENGINEER shall evaluate and present three (3) alternate solutions available to the CITY and PINT, and after consultation with the CITY D3.8.5. and PITT. P?NIT shall recommend to CITY the solution, which in the ' ENGNEER's and PIIT's judgment, best meets the CITY's requirements for the project. ' D.3.5. ENGINEER shall prepare a Report containing the statement of the CITY's requirements for the project, as well as, schematic layouts, ' D3.8.6. sketches and conceptual design criteria. Estimate of construction costs ' will be provided by the PITT. ' D.3.6. After selection of an alternative by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall prepare a "performance specification' for the roof system. The ' D.33.8. specification shall require the successful contractor to submit detailed ' roof installation shop drawings as a part of their contract. D.3.7. Bidding D.3.7.1. Answer questions from PLATT and issue clarifications and ' interpretations in writing to PMT. D.3.8. Construction Phase During the Construction Phase, ENGINEER and appropriate subconsultants will: ' D.3.8.1. Attend pre - construction conference D.3.8.2. Respond to requests for information from the PMT ' D.3.8.3. Attend weekly construction meetings with PMT and contractor(s), all trades providing construction concurrent with New City Hall. ITUUOWASSOI01PlATTAOH_8.000 B-22 D.3.8.4. The ENGINEER will receive, log, and review all shop drawings. D3.8.5. PITT to perform construction inspection. ENGINEER will not perform construction inspection, will not be responsible for quality of completed work, and will not assure M conformance of the completed work with the Construction Documents. ' D3.8.6. Respond to qualified requests for clarifications from PMT only. ' D3.8.7. PITT will prepare change orders. ENGINEER will review and approve change orders, with Contractor and CITY. D.33.8. P%IT to receive, review, and approve contractor pay ' applications. D.3.8.9. Attend final inspection ITUUOWASSOI01PlATTAOH_8.000 B-22 E. Schedule The design, bidding and construction phase services shall be performed and completed within timeframes shown on Attachment F, Projects Schedule, for each respective project. Architectural scope of services and fees assumes concurrent construction of New City Hall and Existing City Hall Renovation. TUUOW ASSO/C!P /ATTACH_B.DOC B-23 ' Agreement for Engineering Services tCity of Owasso, Oklahoma Capital Improvement Projects ' Responsibilities of the City Attachment C t RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY. The CITY a, ees: ' 1.0 Reyorts, Records, etc. To furnish, as required by the work, and not at expense to the ENGINEER: 1.01. Records, reports, studies, plans, drawings, and other data available in the ' files of the CITY that may be useful in the work involved under this AGREEMENT. ' 1.02. Standard construction drawings and standard specifications. ' 2.0 Access. To provide access to public and private property when required in performance of E NGINEER's services. ' 3.0 Staff Assistance. Designate in writing a person to act as its representative in respect to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and ' define CITY'S policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the services covered by this AGREEMENT. ' 3.01. Furnish staff assistance in locating, both horizontally and vertically, existing CTTY owned utilities and in expediting their relocation as described in Attachment B. Further, = will furnish assistance as required in obtaining ' locations of other utilities, including N potholing " . 3.02. Furnish legal assistance as required in the preparation of bidding, construction and other supporting documents. 1. 4.0 Review. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, estimates, specifications, drawings, tProposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services ' of ENGINEER. 5.0 Construction Phase Services For Street Projects. Review and take appropriate action on contractor shop drawings and material submittals, and review of ' contractor pay estimates. 6.0 New City Hall and Renovation of Existing City Hall. Contract with Program ' Management Team (PMT) to perform planning, review of architectural design, C -1 ' TULIOWASS0JC1P1ATTACH_C.00C I continuous value engineering reviews, and provide construction phase services, including construction inspection, review of contractor shop drawings and material t submittals, review of contractor pay estimates, and coordinate scheduling of project with the CITY. ' TULIOWAS=CIPIATTACH- C.DOC I I ' Agreement for ' Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma ' Capital Improvement Projects Compensation Attachment D 1 The CITY agrees to pay, as compensation for services set forth in Attachment B, a total lump ' sum fee of Five Hundred Sixty Two Thousand One Hundred Seventy -One Dollars (5562,171) for the services described in Attachment B. ' ENGINEER shall submit monthly invoices based upon the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing. Invoices are due and payable within 30- calendar days of receipt by the CM. A breakdown of the lump sum amount to be billed for each of the projects is shown as follows: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ' City of Owasso, Oklahoma Fee Project No. Project Description Fee Intersection and Signalization Improvements ' 1 East 86th Street North and North Mingo Road Intersection $ 43,500 2 East 76th Street North and North 129th East Avenue Intersection $ 56,500 3 East 116th Street North and North Garnett Road Intersection $ 43,800 4 East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Intersection $ 56,500 5 East 86th Street North and North 123rd East Avenue Intersection $ 16,472 Total Intersection and Signalization Improvements $216,772 1 S' Street Rehabilitation ' 6 Resurface North Main Street (1 st Street to 9th Street) $ 51,300 (Combined fee for all Street Rehabilitation Projects 6 through 11 as ' reflected below) 7 Resurface Atlanta Street (3rd Street to 11th Street) ' 8 Resurface Carlsbad Street (3"d Street to 5th Street and Beaumont Street (5th Street to 7th Street) 9 Resurface North 129th Eat Avenue (High School to East 93rd ' Street North) ' TULIOWASSOICIP(ATTACH_D.DOC t CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS City of Owasso, Oklahoma Fee Project No. Project Description Fee 10 Resurface East 86th Street North (North Mingo Road to Main Street) 11 Resurface 11 th Street (Main Street to Cedar Street) Total Street Rehabilitation 5 51,300 Sports Park Projects 12 New Four -Field Softball /Baseball Complex Total Sports Park Projects Architectural Projects 13 New City Hall 14 Community Center Renovations 15 Existing City Hall Renovations TU U0 W ASS0 /C; P /ATTACH_D.DCC Total Architectural Proejcts $ 25,300 $ 25,300 $196,491 $ 9,430 $ 62,878 $268,799 Total Fee $562,171 D-2 1 r 1 1 1 t do MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: H. DWAYNE HENDERSON, P.E. CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER SUBJECT: 1998 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM (PMT) FEE NEGOTIATIONS DATE: MAY 12, 1998 PROJECT BACKGROUND: In October of 1997, the citizens of Owasso approved a $10 million bond issue for Capital Improvement Projects within the City of Owasso. The projects included for funding within that bond issue included street and intersection improvements, remodeling of two existing facilities, construction of a New City Hall and improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. In November 1998, the City of Owasso employed a Capital Projects Manager to oversee the projects and the Architectural/ Engineering (A/E) procurement and Program Management Team (PMT) negotiation process was initiated. A chronology of the A/E procurement procedure and the PMT negotiations services is shown as Attachment 1. NEW CITY HALL SITE SELECTION: The City of Owasso formed a Citizens Advisory Committee shortly after the passing of the Bond Issue. The committee met several times to identify potential sites, develop selection criteria for the sites, assign values to the criteria and evaluate sites based on the assigned criteria. After the committee had reduced the sites to the top four and ranked them in order of preference, the Lioness Group, of Kansas City, Missouri, was retained to perform site evaluations of the four sites and give their recommendations. Page 2 May 12, 1998 Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations PMT SERVICES: A Program Management Team is a team of construction management, engineering, and space planning consultants that assist clients by preparing intial programming documents, providing design management, ancillary design and construction management during the construction phase of an architectural project. The programming document for a new building is the first step in an architectural project. The document is a result of interviews with key personnel to determine departmental needs, such as office and storage space, equipment, parking electrical and mechanical upgrades, furniture planning and other items that need to be accounted for before initial design begins. A planning document will be needed for the New City Hall and the New Police Station in order to determine the needs before design begins. Design and cost management are provided by the PMT throughout the Schematic Design (preliminary), Design Development (details) and Construction Document (final) phases of the design process. The PMT updates budgets and schedules weekly to keep the project on track. Ancillary design is the design of all telephone and computer cabling systems that A/E firms would normally provide. The Lioness Realty Group, the proposed City of Owasso PMT, is qualified to provide this design. In construction management a PMT has the ability to save funds by acting as the general contractor and dividing the projects into sub - contracts and managing the construction. PMTS claim that a general contractor will add 15 % overhead to a project, while the PMT fees range from 4 -6 %. Therefore the benefits of using a PMT on an architectural project is to assure that proper planning is provided for the project, budgets are maintained during the design and an excellent facility is constructed with a cost savings. PMT AND A/E SCOPE OF SERVICES: During the preparation of the Request for Proposals for A/E services, the City of Owasso requested a proposed PMT Scope of Services from the Lioness Group in order to prepare the A/E Scope of services for the three (3) architectural projects. The PMT prepared their proposed scope of services, as well as a preliminary A/E Scope of Services for the A/E firms to use in establishing their fee proposals. The purpose for requesting the PNIT to provide the two scopes was to reduce overlap between the PMT and A/E. Both the PMT and A/E are capable of providing programing documents, design budgeting and various duties in construction management, but only one firm is needed for these services. 1 Page 3 May 12, 1998 ' Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations A/E NEGOTIATIONS: On April 23, 1998, Joe Waters of the Lioness Group met with Mr. Carr and Mr. Henderson at the offices of CH2MHil1 assist in clarifying the PMT Scope of Services in order for the A/E to find reductions in their fees. Mr. Waters was assisted by Cowen Construction. PMT SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEE PROPOSAL: After the initial negotiations with the A/E, the Lioness Realty Group was requested to formally submit their proposed Scope of Services and Fee Proposal for the architectural projects. ' Fee Proposal: Attachment 2 shows the original fee submitted by the Lioness Realty Group for their proposed ' scope of services and the changes made through the A/E negotiations because of project scheduling. Scope of Services: The Lioness Realty Group proposes design management services that will assist the Capital ' Projects Manager, professional services that are needed to complete these projects and construction management for the projects. A/E design management by the PMT will be used to coordinate the architectural projects, monitor schedule and provide updated construction estimates throughout the A/E design. Professional services that normally are provided by the building architect are needed with or without a PMT are space and equipment planning, cost estimating for the facilities, scheduling the A/E projects design, Environmental Assessments (if necessary), systems furniture design, telephone and data systems cabling design. Construction Management services to be provided will be used to keep the project on schedule and within the budget. Constriction inspection is to be provided, along with pay application review, shop drawing review, value engineering, testing, and change orders. The Lioness Realty Group proposes to reduce costs by dividing the construction contracts into multiple sub - contracts, thereby bypassing a general contractor. The Lioness Realty Group proposes to coordinate and inspect the individual contracts for a considerable cost savings. 1 Page 4 May 12, 1998 Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations Cost Savings Evaluation The budget for each architectural project and proposed fees of the A/E and the Lioness Realty Group have been tabulated to compare budgets of each project with and without PMT services. Lioness Realty Group has claimed that the savings in using a PMT is in the construction phase of a project. Lioness Realty Group stated that a general contractor will add up to 15% overhead to each contract for overhead and bonds. We have contacted two general building contractors, Ross Construction of Tulsa and Chambers Construction of McAlester, about the overhead costs for a building the size of our New City Hall. Both contractors mentioned that their overhead for this facility would be between 8 -9 %. In order to compare the other proposed services of the PMT we contacted York Electronic Systems of Tulsa for telephone and data cabling design and reviewed the CH2M1-1ill/ Page Zebrowski proposal for furniture systems design. The findings are that the Lioness Realty Group fees are lower than other firms in the area. The following tables lists the anticipated savings by using the Lioness Realty Group. The bottom line in each table is the funds available for building construction by using the PMT versus using a general contractor. FUNDING SOURCE: The funds for the PMT fees is included in the $10 million Bond Issue. SUMMARY COMMENTS: Based on the cost savings evaluation and previous similar projects performed by the PMT, staff recommends the award of the Program Management Services for the City of Owasso Capital Improvement (Bond Issue) Projects to the Lioness Realty Group. Attachment 3 is the completed Agreement of Program Management Services. The contract has been submitted to the City Attorney for review. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends award of the Program Management Services for the Owasso Capital Improvement (Bond Issue) Projects to the Lioness Realty Group in the lump sum amount of $238,080. I I I I I I I I I I 1 7,11 2 w Page 5 May 12, 1998 Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations T ,1,1e 1 'Mu 1-41, Wnll Prnfacc;nnal QPrviCPS Cmmnarison NEW CITY HALL W/ PMT" W/O PMT USING 9% MARKUP W/O PMT USING 15% MARKUP PROJECT BUDGET $ 2,500,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 CONTRACTOR FEE N/A $167,975.00 $264,930.00 PMT SERVICES Site Selection $15,800.00 $15,800.00 $15,800.00 Programming $13,320.00 $13,530.00 $13,530.00 Design Management $52,670.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Cabling Design $2,610.00 $5,000.00* $5,000.00* Furniture Design $3,960.00 $3,300.00 ** $3,300.00 ** Construction Management $75,630.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Anticipated Expenses $26,508.00 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL $190,708.00 $37,630.00 $37,630.00 A/E DESIGN FEE $197,000.00 $228,000.00 * ** $228,000.00 * ** LAND COST * ** $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 AVAH,ABLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUNDS $1,912,502.00 $1,866,394.00 $1,764,470.00 * Estimate provided by York Electronics Systems ** Estimate from the CH2MIEll/PZ proposal Speculative number - used for this estimate only Page 6 May 12, 1998 Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations Table 2 - New Police Statinn Prnfecc;nnal CPnnrrac Cmmnaricnn NEW POLICE STATION W/ PMT W/O PMT USING 9°f MARKUP W/O PMT USING 15 % MARKUP PROJECT BUDGET $ 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 CONTRACTOR FEE N/A $70,887.00 $67,118.00 PMT SERVICES Programming $9,100.00 $3,560.00 $3,562.00 Design Management $12,960.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Construction Management $17,040.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Anticipated Expenses $7,005.00 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL $46,105.00 $3,560.00 $3,560.00 A/E DESIGN FEE $62,878.00 $84,885.00 * ** $84,885.00 * ** AVAILABLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUNDS $491,017.00 $472,582.00 $447,923.00 fable 3 - Community Center Professional Services Comparison COMNIINTTY CENTER W/ PMT W/O PMT USING 9% MARKUP W/O PMT USING I5% .. PROJECT BUDGET $ 235,000.00 $.235,000.00 $ 235,000.00 CONTRACTOR FEE N/A $18,488.00 $29.217.00 PMT SERVICES Programming $5,880.00 $3,560.00 $3,560.00 Design Management $3,050.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Construction Management $5,750.00 IN-HOUSE IN-HOUSE Anticipated Expenses $2,597.00 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL $17,277.00 $3,560.00 $3,560.00 A/E DESIGN FEE $9,430.00 $11,080.00 * ** $11,080.00 * ** AVAILABLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUNDS $208,293.00 $201,872.00 $191,143.00 I I Page 7 May 12, 1998 Program Management Team (PMT) Fee Negotiations ATTACHMENTS: 1. Chronology of A/E and PMT Procurement Process 2. Fee Negotiation Progression 3. Agreement for Program Management Services City of Owasso I Bond Issue Projects - Chronology of PMT Procurement Process Preoared Bv: Owasso PiNic Work,, T)PnartmPnt M-:317 1) I ooQ EVENT DATE OCCURRED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQS) MAILED TO A/E FIRMS DECEMBER 5, 1997 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SENT TO A/E FIRMS DECEMBER 11, 1997 ADVERTISEMENT PLACED IN TULSA WORLD AND OWASSO REPORTER DECEMBER 12, 1997 RFQS RECEIVED AT PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY 9, 1998 RFQS DISTRIBUTED TO SELECTION COIvIIviTI-IEE JANUARY 15, 1998 SELECTION COMMITTEE RFQ REVIEW MEETING JANUARY 26, 1998 SELECTION COMMITTEE RFQ FINAL REVIEW MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1998 PMT AND ARCHITECTURAL SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUESTED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 5, 1998 PMT SCOPE OF SERVICES RECEIVED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 20, 1998 ARCHITECTURAL SCOPE OF SERVICES RECEIVED FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP FEBRUARY 25, 1998 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFPS) MAILED TO SHORT LISTED FIRMS FEBRUARY 26, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI MARCH 19, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO BURNS & MCDONNELL/ BRUTON KNOWLES & LOVE MARCH 20, 1998 RFPS RECEIVED AT PUBLIC WORKS MARCH 26, 1998 RFPS DISTRIBUTED TO SELECTION COMMITTEE MARCH 27, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY BURNS & MCDONNELL/ BRUTON KNOWLES & LOVE MARCH 30, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI MARCH 31, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY DEWBERRY DESIGN GROUP MARCH 31, 1998 OFFICE VISIT TO DEWBERRY DESIGN GROUP APRIL 7, 1998 SELECTION COMMITTEE FINAL SELECTION MEETING APRIL 13, 1998 CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI INFORMED OF INTENT TO NEGOTIATE APRIL 15, 1998 ATTACHMENT 1 I I I 11 7-] W Page 2 Attachment 1 Chronology of PMT Procurement Process NEGOTIATIONS WITH CH2MHILL/PAGE ZEBROWSKI WERE HELD AT CH2MHILL. LIONESS REALTY GROUP AND COWEN CONSTRUCTION WERE PRESENT TO CLARIFY PMT SCOPE OF SERVICES APRIL 23, 1998 RECEIVED FIRST REVISED FEE PROPOSAL FROM CMMHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI APRIL, 27, 1998 RECEIVED PRELIMINARY PMT FEE PROPOSAL FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP APRIL 29, 1998 RECEIVED SECOND REVISED FEE PROPOSAL FROM CH2Mi L/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI APRIL 29, 1998 SENT CH2M11ILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI TARGET FEE APRIL 30, 1998 RECEIVED SAMPLE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FROM LIONESS REALTY GROUP APRIL 30, 1998 RESPONDED TO ORIGINAL PMT FEE PROPOSAL AND SCOPE OF WORK MAY 1, 1998 STAFF MET TO DISCUSS PMT PROPOSAL AND A/E OPTIONS MAY 4, 1998 RECEIVED CH2MHILL/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI FINAL FEE PROPOSAL MAY 4, 1998 STAFF NET TO DISCUSS FINAL A/E PROPOSAL AND DECIDED TO RECOMMEND CH2MHILI/ PAGE ZEBROWSKI FOR A/E SERVICES CONTINGENT COMMENTS FROM PMT ON A/E SCOPE. MAY 6, 1998 RECEIVED FINAL SCOPE AND FEE PROPOSAL FROM PMT MAY 8, 1998 RECEIVED FINAL REVISED SCOPE AND FEE PROPOSAL FROM A/E MAY 11, 1998 STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF CONTRACTS MAY 12, 1998 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF OWASSO BOND ISSUE PROJECTS PMT FEE COMPARISONS PREPARED BY: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS 05/11/98 PROJECT NEW CITY HALL CONSTR. BUDGET F04130/98 S % CONST BUDGET OS /08/98 FEES ORIGINAL FEE W/O PMT Project Planning $13200.00 S13,320.00 Schematic Design S 17,040.00 S17,760.00 Design development S17,200.00 S17,920.00 Construction Documents S22,940.00 $23,560,00 Bidding S10,560.00 $10,560.00 Construction S651070.00 S65,070.00 Anticipated Expenses S26,508.00 Subtotal: New City Hall $2,500 000.00 S145 910.00 5.8% $174,698.00 7.0% POLICE STATION Project Planning S9,100.00 S9.100.00 Schematic Design $3,840.00 S3 840.00 Design development S3990.00 $3,99000 Construction Documents S5'130.00 $5,130'00 Bidding $2,400.00 S2,400.00 Construction S14,6-40.00 S14,640.00 Anticipated Expenses S71005.00 Subtotal: Police Station $600,000.00 S39,100.00 6.5% S46,105.00 7.7% COMMUNITY CENTER Project Planning S5,340.00 S5880.00 Schematic Design $900.00 $900.00 Design development 5940.00 5940.00 Construction Documents S1,210.00 $1 10.00 Bidding 5560.00 S1,060.00 Construction S3,440.00 S41690.00 Anticipated Expenses S21597.00 Subtotal: Conununity Center S235,000.00 S12 90.00 5.3% $17,277.00 7.4% TOTAL S3,335,000.00 S197,400.00 5.9% S238,080.00 7.1% Note 1 - Anticipated expenses were not included in the original fee proposal Note 2 - Costs were increased in the design process because the PMT anticipated a shorter A/E design schedule in their initial proposal ATTACHMENT 2 ' AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1998, between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and Lioness Realty Group Inc. representing the Program Management Team, hereinafter referred to as PMT; ' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY intends to construct a new City Hall at 1 st Street and Main, renovate the texisting City Hall for the Police Department and replace the roof, carpet, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and other cosmetic items at the Community Center. WHEREAS, CITY requires certain professional services in connection with the PROJECTS, hereinafter referred to as the SERVICES; and, WHEREAS, PMT is prepared to provide such SERVICES; WHEREAS, funding is available for the PROJECTS. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF PROJECTS . The scope of the PROJECTS is described in Attachment A ' SCOPE OF PROJECTS, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. ' 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY PMT. PMT shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B,SCOPE OF SERVICES, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 3. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. CITY shall be responsible for all matters described in Attachment C, RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. - 4. COMPENSATION. CITY shall pay PMT in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION, and further described in Attachment E, FEE/MAN -HOUR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 5. SCHEDULE. PMT shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, ' SCOPE OF SERVICES, in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment F, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. Attachment 3 6. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. PMT shall perform the SERVICES undertaken in a manner consistent with the prevailing accepted standard for similar services with respect to projects of comparable function and complexity and with the applicable laws and regulations published and in effect at the time of performance of the SERVICES. The PROJECTS shall be managed and implemented in strict accordance with this AGREEMENT. Other than the obligation of the PMT to perform in accordance with the foregoing standard, no warranty, either express or implied, shall apply to the SERVICES to be performed by the PMT pursuant to this AGREEMENT or the suitability of PMT'S work product. 7. LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY. PMT is not serving as Architect, Engineer or Contractor for the record for these projects, rather as the CITY'S representative in the management of the projects. The responsibilities of those parties are not intended or implied to be transferred to the PMT. 8. OPINIONS OF COST AND SCHEDULE. 8.1. Since PMT has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others, or over contractors', subcontractors`, vendors', Architects' or Engineers' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, PMT'S cost estimates shall be made on the basis of qualification and experience as a PMT active on a daily basis in the Tulsa market. 8.2. Since PMT has influence but not ultimate control over the resources provided by others to meet construction contract schedules, PMT'S forecast schedules shall be made on the basis of qualification and experience as a PMT active on a daily basis in the Tulsa market. 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1. Because in this engagement the PMT is not rendering the services of Contractors, Architects or Engineers, the PMT cannot be responsible for these functions. the PMT role is to coordinate and manage the service of these professionals, accordingly, the CITY agrees to waive any claims against the PMT for these professional services and to hold the PMT harmless, insure, defend and indemnify PMT, against any and all claims arising from the prudent execution of the PMT duties as contained in this AGREEMENT. All Contractors, Architects, Engineers and others retained under the scope of these PROJECTS will be required to supply proof of insurance for their respective services. Of course, hold harmless and indemnification would not extend to gross negligence or malicious acts on the part of the PMT. 9.2. PMT shall not be liable to CITY for any special, indirect or consequential damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue, or loss of anticipated profit. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 10.1. In performance of the SERVICES, PMT shall comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state and local laws, rules regulations orders, codes ' and standards. PMT shall procure the permits, certificates and licenses necessary to allow PMT to perform the SERVICES. PMT shall not be responsible for ' procuring permits, certificates and licenses required for any construction unless specifically included as an item to be procured on the CITY'S behalf as a reimbursable item. ' 11. INSURANCE ' 11.1. During the performance of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, PMT shall maintain the following insurance-. ' 11.1.1. General Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for ' each occurrence and not less than $100,000 in the aggregate. 11.1.2 Automobile Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than ' $1,000,000 for each person and not less than $1,000,000 for each accident and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each ' accident. 11.1.3. Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employers' Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence. 12. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS 12.1. All documents, including reports, estimates, specifications, notes and data shall become and remain the property of the CITY. 12.2. CITY'S reuse of such documents without written verification or adaptation by PMT for the specific purpose intended shall be at CITY'S risk. 13. TERNUNATION OF AGREEMENT 13.1. The obligation to continue SERVICES under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon fifteen days written notice in the event of INS substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. 13.2 CITY shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT, or suspend performance thereof, for CITY'S convenience upon written notice to PMT; and ' PMT shall terminate or suspend performance of SERVICES on a schedule acceptable to CITY. In the event of termination or suspension for CITY'S convenience, CITY shall pay PMT for all SERVICES performed to the date of ' termination in accordance with provisions of Attachment D, COMPENSATION. Upon restart of a suspended project, payment shall be made to PMT in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION. 11 14. NOTICE. 14. 1. Any notice, demand, or request required by or made pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be deemed properly made if personally delivered in writing or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address specified below. To PMT: Lioness Realty Group, Inc. 3100 Broadway, Suite 303 Kansas City, Missouri 64111 ATTN: Joe Waters To CITY: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 ATTN: F. Robert Carr, Jr. 14.2. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of PMT and CITY. 15. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES. Neither CITY nor PMT shall be considered to be in default of this AGREEMENT if delays in or failure of performance shall be due to forces which are beyond the control of the parties; including, but not limited to: fire, floor, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage; inability to procure permits, licenses, or authorizations from any state, local, or federal agency or person for any of the supplies, materials, accesses, or services required to be provided by either CITY or PMT under this AGREEMENT; strikes, work slowdowns or other labor disturbances, and judicial restraint. 16. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this AGREEMENT shall be construed by a court of competent jurisdiction as unenforceable, such portion shall be severed herefrom, and the balance of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect. 17. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION. This AGREEMENT includes Attachments A, B, C, D, E, & F and represents the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the parties; and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements pertaining to the SCOPE OF SERVICES herein, either written or oral. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by a written instrument signed by each of the Parties. 18. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In the event of a dispute between the PMT and the CITY over the interpretation or application of the terms of this AGREEMENT, the matter shall be referred to the City's Director of Public Works for resolution. If the Director of Public Works is unable to resolve the dispute, the matter may, in the Director's discretion, be referred to the City Manager for resolution. Regardless of these procedures, neither party shall be precluded from exercising any rights, privileges or opportunities permitted by law to resolve any dispute. 19. ASSIGNMENT. PMT shall not assign its obligations undertaken pursuant to this AGREEMENT, provided that nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent PMT from 4 e e employing such independent consultants, associates, and subcontractors as PMT may deem appropriate to assist PMT in the performance of the SERVICES hereunder. 20. APPROVAL. It is understood and agreed that all work performed under this AGREEMENT shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Public Works Department of the City of Owasso, and any plans not meeting the terms set forth in this AGREEMENT will be addressed immediately by the PMT. The PMT will meet with the City staff' initially and monthly thereafter and will be available to public meetings and/or City of Owasso presentations as referenced in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES. 21. KEY PERSONNEL. In performance of the SERVICES hereunder, PMT has designated Jim Stacy of Lioness Realty Group, Inc. (LRG) as Project Principal, Joe Waters, R. A. of LRG as PMT Manager, John Cowen of Cowen Construction as Construction Principal, Fred Schmidt, P.E. of Schlagel & Schmidt P.A. as Engineering Principal. PMT agrees that no change will be made in the assignment of these positions without prior approval of CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in multiple copies on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso. APPROVED: City Clerk _,- APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 1 1 1 LIONESS REALTY GROUP, INC. James M. Stacy, President Date CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Mayor Date Attachment A AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT & COMMUNITY CENTER SCOPE OF PROJECT ** Lioness Realty Group Inc * Cowen Construction * Schlagel & Schmidt PA ** 1. New City Hall I The new City Hall will be located on the "Police Department" site at 1 st and Main. The facility is projected by staff to be 20,000 sf when opened with the ability to expand on site to ' an additional 10,000 sf. The facility will house the City offices currently located in City Hall (City Manager, Finance, Planning, etc.) as well as Public Works. The project budget is $2,500,000 including fees. Sequencing moves with construction and renovation will be required; however, the City is anxious to move quickly with the project and may make interim moves to expedite work. Close coordination with anticipated Main Street road improvements will be required. The site will require demolition of existing structures and preparation of the site in advance of general construction. The downtown site was selected in large part because the project is expected to take advantage ofthe excellent opportunity to create a lasting image for the City and provide a catalyst for rejuvenating the area. 2. Police Department Renovation The Police Department will be located in the existing City Hall, a building that was originally constructed as a fire station. The building is approximately 16,000 sf and staff projects that ' this is adequate space for the Police Department. The facility will house the existing Police Department functions. In addition, the department is investigating the required number of holding cells and the duration of detainee stay in the facility and is pursuing funding for this ' from grant sources (if not affordable within the budget). The project budget is $600,000 including fees. Staff reports that specific issues for the project, in order of priority, are: 1. electrical system upgrade, 2. constructing communications center, 3. constructing holding ' cells, 4. roof repair/modification and 5. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAQ systems. 3. Community Center The Community Center project includes re- roofing, HVAC replacement and then cosmetic improvements to the interior such as carpet replacement and potentially ceiling replacement. The project budget is $235,000 including fees. The selected roofing system may significantly impact HVAC system locations, structural requirements, etc. Early investigation of alternatives and then identification of the re -roof system to be used is critical. i Attachment B AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT & COMMUNITY CENTER ** Lioness Realty Group Inc * Cowen Construction * Schlagel & Schmidt PA ** SCOPE OF SERVICES Our quotation for services are based upon the following scope for each of the three projects and the general description of the projects in Attachment A, SCOPE OF PROJECT. Variations from the description in the SCOPE OF PROJECT, such as a change in the project site or an increase in excess of 10% in; the number or type of departments to occupy the building, the building square footage, the total project cost or the total project duration, will require an adjustment in fees to be negotiated between the PMT and the City based upon the hourly rates presented in Attachment D, COMPENSATION or upon a negotiated flat fee. The City is planning interim moves for the Police and City Hall departments in order to allow the work to be done simultaneously. This will also allow the PMT to work as efficiently as possible and our fee has been reduced accordingly. The Preliminary Schedule in Attachment F, SCHEDULE is the basis of our fee proposal and reflects these two projects being done concurrently. Similar to the variations above, if this schedule is increased more than 10% in any stage of the work, an adjustment in fees will be negotiated between the PMT and the City based upon the hourly rates presented in Attachment D, COMPENSATION or upon a negotiated flat fee. 1. New City Hall 1. Site evaluation and selection recommendation - COMPLETE 2. Project Planning functional evaluation of needs assessment or Programming a. Project Planning is the process of identifying the specific needs and expectations of the departments, user groups and others affected by the project, preparing a budget ' and establishing a schedule for the project. Two 2 -day sessions with staff to gather and then review information are planned. ' The programming report will include: 1. Site information -from site selection process. 2. Parking requirements - public & staff, current & future 3. Traffic flows 4. Space requirements -by department & including future projections as well as private office & work station space allocations In 5. Future expansion - facility & parking expansion needs 6. Departmental needs - specialty equipment & functions, adjacency needs, public interaction 7. Equipment requirements 8. Interior furnishings- intentions & general needs relative to work station and /or reuse of existing furniture 9. HVAC systems- special requirements & minimum needs 10. Electrical/lighting needs -light level requirements & electrical special needs 11. Communications -basic & special needs by the department 12. Computer networking b. Project Budget - prepare a preliminary project budget that addresses the full scope of expenses that can be expected on the project including: fees, construction, property acquisition (information from City if requested), moves, telephones, cabling, furniture, specialty systems and equipment. c. Project Schedule - prepare a schedule for the work that incorporates the Police Station Renovation in order to assure the work is accomplished as efficiently as possible with as little disruption as possible to City services. d. In addition, the PMT, utilizing the project cost and schedule information, will prepare an analysis that compares constructing the facility in the traditional method utilizing Program Management cost control with a lease/purchase scenario in which a private entity designs and constructs the facility. 3. Schematic Design Schematic Design is the phase in which the Programming document, adjacency requirements and site conditions begin to define the shape of a building. Three on -site sessions to review design with A/E and staff are anticipated. a. Manage and coordinate A/E and the City 1. communicating between all parties 2. documenting decisions & needs 3. clarifications and changes 4. expediting timely /critical information. b. Environmental Assessments - procure for the A/E on the City's behalf, any necessary information, such as environmental assessments as needed by the A/E and/or as required by good practice. c. Systems Furniture Schematic Design 1. this proposal presumes new or used systems furniture will be acquired as a part of the project 2. provide alternatives and then finalize with staff systems furniture and office standards. ' d. Inventory Existing Furniture 1. areas such as private offices, conference rooms, break rooms, etc. will be furnished from the City's existing inventory of furniture ' 2. gather inventory data on all pertinent furnishings e. Cabling ' 1. identify requirements for telephone and data systems, outline requirements for staff and equipment connectivity. 2. preliminary planning for location of wiring closets and computer rooms. f Value Engineering - ongoing VE and constructability reviews with A/E and City staff. ' g. Project Budget - manage and update. c. Existing Furniture - existing furniture to be reused will be located on the plans. ' d. Cabling - service entry, riser locations, distribution closets, horizontal distribution systems, termination hardware, etc. will be identified with the City staff. ' e. Value Engineering - ongoing VE and constructability reviews with A/E and City staff. f. Project Budget - manage and update. ' Pr ject Schedule - manage and update. g 1 b 1� h. Project Schedule - manage and update. 4. Design Development ' Design Development is the phase in which the site plan, floor plan, building elevations, etc. become hard line drawings and finish materials are selected. Three on -site visits to review design with A/E and staff are anticipated. a. Manage and coordinate A/E and the City ' 1. communicating between all parties 2. documenting decisions & needs 3. clarifications and changes ' .. 4. expediting timely /critical information. ' b. System Furniture Design Development 1. coordinate the A/E work with the ongoing development of furniture standards and layouts 2. establish the systems furniture components and variations within the standards (i.e. panel heights, file storage, side chairs, overhead storage, visibility and transaction tops). c. Existing Furniture - existing furniture to be reused will be located on the plans. ' d. Cabling - service entry, riser locations, distribution closets, horizontal distribution systems, termination hardware, etc. will be identified with the City staff. ' e. Value Engineering - ongoing VE and constructability reviews with A/E and City staff. f. Project Budget - manage and update. ' Pr ject Schedule - manage and update. g 1 b 1� 0 5. Construction Documents Construction Documents is the phase in which the Design Development documents are detailed for construction purposes. The documents will be prepared as a single package and separated by the PMT in the bid phase as needed by trade. Three on -site visits to review and coordinate details with A/E and staff are anticipated. a. Manage and coordinate A/E and the City 1. communicating between all parties 2. documenting decisions & needs 3. clarifications and changes 4. expediting timely /critical information 5. coordinate systems furniture, cabling, telephones and specialty equipment with A/E documents is required to minimizes electrical and rough in changes in the field during construction. b. Systems Furniture Construction Documents 1. prepare performance specifications and plans 2. review and approve with City staff c. Cabfing 1. prepare bid documents 2. review and approve with City staff d. Value Engineering 1. ongoing VE and constructability reviews with A/E and City staff 2. specific attention to review of construction details. e. Project Budget - manage and update. f. Project Schedule 1. manage and update 2. attention focused on move sequencing for City planning 6. Bidding a. Bid Documents 1. separate the Construction Documents as needed by trade in order to achieve the most cost effective combination of bids 2. incorporate the "Boiler Plate" requirements of the City b. Advertise & Print 1. City to advertise bids on PMT schedule 2. printing by PMT as a reimburseable expense � I ' c. Pre -Bid Conference 1. conduct meeting and answer all pre -bid questions 2. support as needed by A/E ' d. Award 1. evalute and qualify the bids 2. review for gaps or variances from the documents 3. compare the bids with the established budget and schedule and recommend awards accordingly. 7. Construction Phase ' The PMT will manage and coordinate contractors and vendors on the project in the implementation phase on the City's behalf. ' Schedule a. Project 1. prepare detailed critical path schedule from the project schedule which overlays all major components of the project ' 2. manage critical activities and issues to maintain schedule. ' b. Pre - Construction Meeting - conduct a pre - construction meeting to initiate the project and outline responsibilities, expectations, parking, security, materials delivery, safety, ' etc. c. Progress Meetings - conduct scheduled project meetings throughout the construction process with contractor superintendents to discuss schedule, coordination, etc. ' d. A/E & City Meetings s - schedule City and A/E meetings on a less frequent basis to coincide with these sessions. e. Management - 1. monitor progress of the work 2. maintain the critical path schedule and anticipating and resolving obstacles to the schedule or the budget r f. Information - 1. review, process and expedite shop drawings, requests for information, clarifications, change orders, etc. 2. clarifications or changes requiring A/E review and approval will be communicated-to the A/E with PMT comments and cost review. 3. shop drawing review by A/E. 4. communications between contractors, City, A/E, etc. will be managed by the PMT. g. Change Orders - 1. review and analyze, seeking A/E support as needed 2. review and negotiate price changes with contractors 3. prepare C.O. documents and recommend approval to City as required. h. Pay Applications - review and recommend approval to the City on applications for payment. Resident Project Manager - 1. on -site daily 2. conduct periodic inspections of the site in the course of the daily services 3. call for necessary inspections by the A/E, owner and code officials 4. punch lists will be prepared and followed up with each contractor /vendor until ' completion 5. coordinate systems start ups, project close out manuals, as- builts, and owner training. , 2. Police Department Renovation The description of the scope of work for the New City Hall is virtually identical to the Police ` Department Renovation. The work will be approached in the same fashion and for purposes of our proposal is presumed to be done concurrently to expedite both projects and to maximize efficiency. ' Renovation, particularly for a special use such as a Police Department, may require involvement of special consultants and vendors on issues such as: environmental conditions and materials, communications/dispatch, detention housing and security, etc. These special considerations will taken into consideration early in the project to assure initial planning and budgeting are done accurately. While the priorities have been clarified for the Police Department, the work that becomes clear after the Project Planning is complete could vary a great deal. The extent of demolition, inclusion of extended -stay holding cells, etc. will impact both the design and construction trades involved. After discussion with Public Works, both the PMT and A/E are proposing fees for services through Project Planning - Programming. Fees for the balance of the work are provided as an estimate based upon a percentage of the construction cost. It is understood that when the extent of the work has been defined and estimated at the completion of Project Planning, the estimated fee we are providing will be re- visited. 3. Community Center Due to the limited size and scope of the Community Center work, the scope of work for the PMT can also be limited in order to reduce fees. The Project Planning can be reduced described below. 2. Project Planning ' a. Report - 1. A/E will prepare three alternative roofing sketches. ' 2. PMT will address the impact on HVAC systems, skylights, etc. 3. PMT will prepare cost comparisons and preliminary schedules for each alternative. 'I I I The remainder of the work (design, documents, bid and construction) will follow the same procedure as the City Hall, with the exception of staff level approval at project milestones, combination of Schematic Design and Design Development phases, far fewer contractors and a more simple schedule ' and budget. In addition, the A/E Construction Documents will be a "performance specification" with details reviewed at the shop drawing stage by PMT & A/E. ' Similar to the Police Department Renovation, the PMT and A/E are proposing fees for services through Project Planning - Programming. Fees for the balance of the work are provided as an estimate based upon a percentage of the construction cost. It is understood that when the extent of ' the work has been defined and estimated at the completion of Project Planning, the estimated fee we are providing will be re- visited. 4. General Terms Our Program Management Team, Lioness Realty Group Inc., Cowen Construction and Schlagel & Schmidt PA, will exercise our best efforts and call upon our collective experience to serve in the capacity of your consultant. We will of course, hold any information we receive in the strictest confidence. We will provide reports, drawings, etc. in a concise and professional manner and in the format rdescribed in the assignment. You will be copied on all correspondence and you will receive minutes of all significant meetings and conversations. 1 1 Attachment C AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT & COMMUNITY CENTER RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY "Lioness Realty Group Inc * Cowen Construction * Schlagel & Schmidt PA ** 1. The process of planning, designing, constructing and occupying requires a teamwork approach between the CITY, PMT and other professionals and contractors outside this agreement. Full participation by the CITY departments involved in each project will be required and timely and unwavering decisions at each step in the process by the CITY will be required as well as full participation in planning sessions of appropriate staff and department managers. 2. Staff Assistance. Designate in writing a person to act as its representative in respect to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define CITY'S policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the services covered by this AGREEMENT. 3. Timely reviews of all documents requested, such as programming data, cost estimates, drawings, etc. ranging from several days for more basic or repetitive documents to a maximum of 2 weeks for architectural detailed documents. 4. Information systems department provide CITY standards or desires for cabling types and termination devices as well as computer or LAN system requirements. 5. Furnish legal assistance as required in the preparation of construction and other supporting documents. Bid phase support with; advertising of bids, timely contracts review, provision of contract "boiler plate" or AIA standard modifications, accessibility for pre -bid walk - throughs. Attachment D AGREEMENT ' FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO ' CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT & COMMUNITY CENTER I** Lioness Realty Group Inc * Cowen Construction * Schlagel & Schmidt PA ** ICOMPENSATION & STAFF FEE SCHEDULE ' COMPENSATION. The CITY agrees to pay, as compensation for PMT staff services set forth, a total lump sum as scheduled below. PMT shall submit monthly invoices based upon the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing. Invoices are due and payable within 30- ' calendar days at receipt by the CITY. The terms of this agreement will be for 21 months (refer to Attachment F, SCHEDULE). The maximum amount to be billed for staff services for each phase of work is as follows: ' STAFF SERVICES FEES 7 r u 1 *As per Attachment B, the Police Department Renovation fee is estimated at 5% of the project budget for phases 3 through 7. * *As per Attachment B, the Community Center projects fee is estimated at 3.75% of the project New City Hall Police Dept. Renov. Community Center 1. Site Evaluation (complete) done n/a n/a 2. Project Planning $13,320.00 $9,100.00 $5,880.00 3. Schematic Design $17,760.00 *$3,840.00 * *$900.00 4. Design Development $17,920.00 *$3,990.00 * *$940.00 5. Construction Documents $23,560.00 *$5,130.00 * *$1,210.00 6. Bidding $10,560.00 *$2,400.00 * *$1,060.00 7. Construction Phase $65,070.00 *$14,640.00 * *$4,690.00 Subtotal $148,190.00 *$39,100.00 * *$14,680.00 S. Nnticipated Expenses $26,508.00 $7,005.00 $2,597.00 TOTAL $174,698.00 $46,105.00 $17,277.00 *As per Attachment B, the Police Department Renovation fee is estimated at 5% of the project budget for phases 3 through 7. * *As per Attachment B, the Community Center projects fee is estimated at 3.75% of the project budget for phases 3 through 7. STAFF FEE SCHEDULE Lioness Realty Group Jim Stacy, President $lzs/hr Joe Waters, R. A. Project Director 90/hr Technical and Financial Analysis $60/hr Paraprofessional 45/hr Cowen Construction John Cowen, Principal Cindy Fuller, Estimator/ Proj. Dev. Project Manager ANTICIPATED EXPENSES BREAKDOWN Schlagel & Schmidt Ed Schlagel, P.E. $90/hr Principal Project Engineer 60/hr Design Engineer Engineering Tech. $60/hr Clerical Estimated reimbursable expenses ITEM 1. printing, reproduction, photography, freight/postage 2. travel expenses to include: meals (for overnight travel) lodging mileage @ $.32 /mi air fare and car rental/parking if required 3. job -site expenses include: job office (if rental is needed) utilities telephone office supplies lab tests (if not included under separate agreements) building permit job sign BUDGET ESTIMATE $7,700.00 200.00 300.00 $5,150.00* $8,000.00** 1,250.00 ** 5,000.00** 1,500.00 5,000.00 by City 2,000.00 0 90/hr 75/hr 60/hr - $50/hr 30/hr TOTAL $36,110.00 PP Y * Assumes air travel. If by vehicle, will lower costa approximately $1,500.00 ' ** These items could be reduced or eliminated if the City can provide a structure or space on site. 9 All reimbursable expenses will be invoiced to you at direct cost without any mark -up for profit. Additional services of outside consultants, such as environmental specialists, security or detention specialists, communications systems (typically by selected vendor) is not anticipated at this time, however, ifit becomes necessary, proposals and recommendations for these services will be presented to the City for approval prior to proceeding with the work. N 0 a N 00 In rn ro a 1 0 c� +J ro Q) a V1 v c 0 •r J a N N r� 0 00 rn a� v 4.0 Design Development 1 manage/coord. A/E & owner 2 2 systems furniture d.d. 3 cabling d.d. 4 value eng. /construcability 5 meetings and presentations 6 project budget & schedule 12 Staff Totals: 3,120.00 3,580.00 4,200.00 2,420.00 2,970.00 3,120.00 1,530.00 450.00 4,140.00 2,760.00 2.790.00 4,210.00 1,260.00 990.00 4,020.00 3,960.00 3,480.00 AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER FEEJMANHOUR BREAKDOWN Attachment E PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM Project PMT Const. Project Eng. Admin. Other Principal Manager Other Princi al E ineer Clerical New City Hall Principal Manager $45/hr $60 /hr $901hr $60/hr $801hr $90mr $75/hr $30/hr $1251hr $90/hr Category of Services 1.0 Site evaluation and selection COMPLETE 2.0 Project Planning 8 4 1 meetings and interviews 24 1 2 draft and final doc. prep. 2 32 8 2 40 3 project budget and schedule 16 4 2 1 2 4 traditional vs lease /purchase 4 12 8 _ 3.0 Schematic Design 1 1 manage/coord. A/E & owner 30 4 32 2 2 manage soils, surveying, etc 10 4 3 furniture inven., systems 16 2 4 cabling schematics 4 2 2 32 2 2 10 5 value eng. /construcability 10 2 _ g 8 6 meetings and presentations 16 4 --" 2 32 4 7 project budget & schedule 4 2 4.0 Design Development 1 manage/coord. A/E & owner 2 2 systems furniture d.d. 3 cabling d.d. 4 value eng. /construcability 5 meetings and presentations 6 project budget & schedule 12 Staff Totals: 3,120.00 3,580.00 4,200.00 2,420.00 2,970.00 3,120.00 1,530.00 450.00 4,140.00 2,760.00 2.790.00 4,210.00 1,260.00 990.00 4,020.00 3,960.00 3,480.00 �1 0 d N 00 rn LD H 00 a 0 U 41 ro v V) v c 0 a N 0 00 rn a� 0 TOTAL HOURS: 10 457 56 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: 514 � I `d `i II�J it 8 115 1353 142 4 32 0 148,190.00 AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER FEEIMANHOUR BREAKDOWN Attachment E PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM Staff Project PMT Principal Mama er Const. Project Admin. Other Princiral Ma a er Eng. $90/hr al of Clerical New City Hall $125 /hr $90/hr $45 /hr $60 /hr $901h $60 Sher $75/hr 530/hr Category of Services 5.0 Constrlctim Documents 8 1B 6 4890,00 1 manage/coord. A/E & owner 2 28 4 1,170.00 2 systems furniture d.d. 12 2 1,170.00 3 cabling d.d. 12 2 4 60 16 2 10 6,750.00 4 value eng. /construcability 10 8 16 16 4,080.00 5 meetings and presentations 16 4 60 - 12 5,400 00 6 project budget d, schedule 7 2 6.0 Bidding 4 — 4 40 2 3,240.00 1 prepare bid packages 2 8 2 1,140.00 2 pre -bid and Q& A 4 2 24 2 1,920.00 3 bid open, rev., recommend 2 4 60 2 4,260.00 4 project budget & schedule 2 7.0 Construction Phase __. 6 40 10 4,980.00 1 construction meetings 16 12 40 10 8,240.00 2 A/E meetings 24 28 12 40 10 6,600.00 3 City meetings 4 construction coordination 18 2 12 710 10 45,990.00 5 system. fum. ccord.Anspec. 6 2 630.00 630.00 6 cabling coord.Anspec. 6 2 TOTAL HOURS: 10 457 56 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: 514 � I `d `i II�J it 8 115 1353 142 4 32 0 148,190.00 N 00 H m rn 00 a D 0 L C7 r ro v a 0 W c 0 J a a N m 0 rn 0 tr . r it it r it Ir it r r r � r r 6.0 Bidding SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 7.0 Constnx1ion Phase SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW TOTAL HOURS: 2 52 12 0 11 40 —4 0 0 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: $9,100 for Project Planning, estimated fee for balance of PMT work Is 5% of projeELtact of AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER FEE/MANHOUR BREAKDOWN Attachment E PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM Staff Project Principal PMT Const Project Eng Manager Admin. Other Principal Maur er al Totals; Police Department Renov. $125/hr $90 /hr $45/hr $60/hr $90/hr $80 Amer �90mr $75/ht�r $30/hr Category of Services 2.0 Project Planning 2,580.00 8 4 1 meetings and interviews 18 2,880.00 1 2 draft and final doc. prep. 2 24 8 5,660.00 2 40 3 project budget and schedule 10 4 3.0 Schematic Design SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 4.0 Design Development SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 5.0 Construction Documents SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 6.0 Bidding SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 7.0 Constnx1ion Phase SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW TOTAL HOURS: 2 52 12 0 11 40 —4 0 0 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: $9,100 for Project Planning, estimated fee for balance of PMT work Is 5% of projeELtact of LD 0 a H N 03 r, rn LD 00 a 0 c� r ro a� w 0 0 c 0 a Ln N M 0 ro o� 0 6.0 Bidding SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 7.0 Construction Phase E-=-- SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW TOTAL HOURS: 0 22 6 0 11 40 4 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: $5,880 for Project Planning, estimated fee 0 0 $30/hr Totals: 1,880.00 990.00 3,210.00 0 5,880.00 AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF OWASSO CITY HALL, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER FEEJMANHOUR BREAKDOWN Attachment E PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM Project Princi at PMT Const Project Eng. Mana er Admin. el Manager Other Community Center $125/hr $90/hr $4 5/hr $t3 0/hrr j90/hr $90/hr Category of Services 2.0 Project Planning 8 8 4 1 meetings and interviews 1 2 draft and final doc. prep. 8 4 2 40 6 2 3 project budget and schedule LEE 3.0 Schematic Design SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 4.0 Design Development SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 5.0 Construction Documents E::� SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 6.0 Bidding SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW 7.0 Construction Phase E-=-- SEE PERCENTAGE BELOW TOTAL HOURS: 0 22 6 0 11 40 4 GRAND TOTAL STAFF FEE: $5,880 for Project Planning, estimated fee 0 0 $30/hr Totals: 1,880.00 990.00 3,210.00 0 5,880.00