HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.08.04_City Council Agendan II II II II I I II n PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 4, 1998 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, 1998. Marcia outwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Bode 2. Invocation Cpl Ken Yount Owasso Police Department 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of July 21, 1998 Regular Meeting and July 28, 1998 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 -B Owasso City Council August 4, 1998 Page 2 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #584, an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. Attachment #5 -C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #584, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on July 21, 1998 to approve the easement closing and authorize an ordinance. w D. Action Relating to Ordinance #585, an Ordinance Amending the Defined Benefit Portion of the Municipal Retirement Plan, Changing the Employee Contributions Rate ' to a Fixed 4.26%. Attachment #5 -D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #585, and the execution of all ' documents relating to the retirement plan amendment. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #98 -06, a Resolution Authorizing the Approval and Execution of the Investment in a Revenue Anticipation Note of the Owasso Public Works Authority, and the Approval of the Loan Agreement and Revenue Anticipation Note of the OPWA. Ms Bishop Mr Cates Attachment #6 The staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #98 -06 providing for an investment in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 through the acquisition of a Revenue Anticipation Note for the Owasso Public Works Authority. IL I I Owasso City Council August 4, 1998 Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of Three Vehicles by the Owasso Police Department; and Emergency Equipment for Those Vehicles. Chief Alexander Attachment #7 The staff will recommend a contract be awarded to Fred Jones Ford, Oklahoma City, OK for the purchase of three 1999 Ford Crown Victoria full size police vehicles at a purchase price of $19,261 each ($57,783 total); and the purchase of emergency police equipment from Fox at a cost of $7,930.95 and from Trim -Rite at a cost of $1,378.20. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 (Police). Mr harder Attachment #8 ' The staff will recommend City Council approval of a contract between the City and FOP Lodge #149 (police) for FY 1998 -99, providing for wages, benefits and other working conditions, such contract negotiated by representatives of the parties and ratified by the FOP ' Lodge #149. 1 9. Report from City Manager ' 10. Report from City Attorney 1 11. Reports from City Councilors Owasso City Council August 4, 1998 Page 4 11. Reports from City Councilors 12. New Business 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Acquisition of Real Property Located at 301 W Second Ave, 315 S Cedar, Owasso, OK, and Additional Water System Properties, Such Executive Session Provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(3). Mr Hancock ' The City Manager will request Council approval of an executive session for the purpose of discussing the acquisition of real property. I 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acquisition of Real Property Located ' at 301 W Second Ave, Owasso, OK. ' Mr Hancock Staff recommendation will be made following guidelines established during the Executive I Session. IFI II II II 1 1 Owasso City Council August 4, 1998 Page 5 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acquisition of Property Located at 315 S Cedar, Owasso, OK. Mr Hancock The staff will request City Council action to accept a proposal from the Tulsa City- County Health Department for the City of Owasso to purchase property located at 315 S Cedar, currently occupied by the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. 16. Adjournment II OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 21, 1998 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 21, 1998 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 17, 1998 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bode called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. IITEM 2: INVOCATION ' The invocation was offered by Pastor Bert Snethen of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Owasso Police Chaplain Coordinator. ' ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Councilor Voss led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL I1 PRESENT ABSENT Denise Bode, Mayor Tracy Standridge, Councilor Mark Wilken, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor ' Melinda Voss, Councilor STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ' A quorum was declared present. ' ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Bode presented a proclamation to Ms Gaye Gardner, recognizing Uptown Hair & Hails as Business of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 1998. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 16, 1998 Regular Meeting B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Council July 21, 1998 C. Action Relating to a Contract Extension for Maintenance to the City's Storm Sirens. D. Request Approval of a Plat Amendment to the Covenants for Nottingham Estates II. E. Request Approval to Close a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. F. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and ` Wastewater Collection Systems Constructed to Serve Caudle Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. G. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Entrance Road Constructed to Serve Nottingham Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The consent agenda included minutes of the July 7, 1998 regular meeting and the July 14, 1998 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $40,273.18; (2) Workers Comp Self- Insurance Fund $1,048.78; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $3,140.86; (4) E -911 $1,877.09; (5) City Garage $5,863.67; (6) Interfund Transfers $43,443.72; (7) Interfund Transfers $3,849.84; (8) Payroll $168,194.44; (9) City Garage Payroll $3,307.23. Item C requested an extension to a contract for maintenance to the city's storm sirens at a cost of $3750, plus a 25 % allowable mark -up for repair parts. Item D requested approval of a text amendment to the final plat for Nottingham Estates II, that would allow for lot splits within the subdivision so long as the resulting lots are permanently enjoined to adjacent neighboring lots. Item E requested approval of an easement ' closing located on Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at its July 14, 1998 meeting. Item F requested acceptance of the water and wastewater collection systems constructed to serve Caudle Estates. All the items required for acceptance have been completed. Item G requested acceptance of the entrance road constructed to serve Nottingham Estates. A two -year maintenance bond has been provided by the contractor. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Mr Wilken to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Standridge, Wilken, Barnhouse, Voss, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. FA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Owasso City Council July 21, 1998 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES FOR A POLICE AND FIRE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Fire Chief Bob Allen presented the request to approve a contract with EIS Communications to provide the city with services related to detailed system design, project implementation and project supervision for a police and fire communication system. The following items will be performed as outlined in the Scope of Services: 1. Complete the application process that will be required for filing and acquisition of frequencies. 2. Select site(s) for radio system towers. 3. Prepare the bid specifications - to include warranty coverage. 4. Organize and facilitate a pre -bid meeting with interested vendors. 5. Determine the exact modifications and specifications that will be needed for the dispatch center. 6. Participate in the selection process of a final bidder for the selection of equipment and services. 7. Train police and fire personnel on the use and operation of the radio system. 8. Assist with the programming and setup of the new system. 9. Oversee the installation of the system to insure that quality workmanship is used. 10. Train a person designated as the radio system manager to take care of the internal programming and operating of the radio system. 11. Insure all components of the proposed communications system are completely operative. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve a contract with EIS Communications for services in the amount of $7000 to provide services related to system design, project implementation, and project supervision for a radio communication system; and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the document. AYE: Wilken, Barnhouse, Voss, Standridge, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR UNIFORM CLEANING SERVICES. Chief Alexander presented the item for cleaning services. Bid documents were prepared and mailed to nine area cleaners, with only one responding. Yale Cleaners submitted the bid, which was then compared with the previous vendor. The Yale bid was higher than previous cleaning 3 Owasso City Council July 21, 1998 contracts, however staff believes that Yale would provide a better quality of service, allowing the uniforms to last longer and providing a more professional image to the public. The staff recommended acceptance of the bid from Yale Cleaners. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to award a contract to Yale Cleaners as submitted in the bid proposal, for the purpose of providing uniform cleaning services to the Owasso Police Department for the period August 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, with an option to renew. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Standridge, Wilken, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ENGINEERING PLAN REVISIONS FOR THE 86TH ST N & MAIN STREET INTERSECTION. Mr Henderson said that in 1988 the City of Owasso funded the E 86th St N widening project as part of the 1988 Capital Improvement Fund Project. The original project scope was to widen E 86th St N from N 129th East Ave to N Main St, but the project exceeded the budget and the improvements ended at N Dogwood. In 1995 the remainder of the project was included in the Capital Improvement Program by the City of Owasso. Funds were obligated based on the consulting engineer's cost estimates and the project was designed. The preliminary construction costs estimated exceeded the funds available and the project was delayed until future funding could be secured. The project was included in the 1997 Bond Issue. Because of ODOT standards and some other improvements that were not included in the original design, it was necessary that the design be revised. Since FHC Inc was the engineer of record on the original design, any changes would have to be approved by them. The staff requested that FHC prepare a proposal to make the changes. After several discussions, a proposal of 110 man -hours and a fee of $7891 was submitted. An Agreement for Engineering Services has been reviewed and approved by Mr Cates, and funds for the fee are included in the Bond Issue. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve revisions to the engineering plan prepared by FHC Inc for the 86th St N & Main St intersection, at a cost not to exceed $7891; and authorization for ' the Mayor to execute the agreement. AYE: Wilken, Standridge, Voss, Barnhouse, Bode ' NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. II Owasso City Council July 21, 1998 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER A CONTRACT FOR ' CONSTRUCTION OF A PARKING LOT AT THE OWASSO SPORTS PARK BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND HORIZON CONSTRUCTION CO INC AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND RELEASE OF ' RETAINAGE TO THE CONTRACTOR. Mr Henderson said that on March 17, 1998, the City Council awarded a bid to Horizon ' Construction Co Inc of Owasso for the purpose of constructing an expansion to the large parking lot at the Owasso Sports Park. The total contract amount was $77,777.77. Change Order #1 in the amount of $8299.75 was approved by the City Council on April 21, 1998 for the repair of unstable subgrade on the north end of the parking lot. Change Order #2 was approved in May to increase the contract in the amount of $4384.67 for the addition of fly -ash to repair ' unstable soil found on the west end of the parking lot. The final contract amount was $88,779.31. A partial payment has been made to Horizon for $80,174.91. The project has been completed and Horizon Construction has requested their final payment. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to accept the work performed by Horizon Construction Inc for the construction of a parking lot at the Owasso Sports Park, and authorize final payment and release of retainage in the amount of $8604.40. ' AYE: Voss, Wilken, Standridge, Barnhouse, Bode ' NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #583 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 402, PART TWO CHAPTER FOUR OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ' ORDINANCES RELATING TO RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL. ' The time of City Council meetings is set by Charter and may be changed by ordinance. Mr Hancock said that there has been some discussion for several months relative to changing the time of regular Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This would allow citizens ' to attend Council meetings and still be able to participate in other community events beginning at 7:00 or 7:30. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve Ordinance #583, ' changing the time for regular City Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 1 z 1 Owasso City Council July 21, 1998 AYE: Barnhouse, Standridge, Voss, Wilken, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. The ordinance will be published in the Owasso Reporter as required by law, and the time change will take effect thirty days from the date of publication. The first City Council meeting to be affected by the change will be September 1, 1998. ITEM 12 REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Hancock reported that a tentative agreement has been reached on the FOP contract. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None. ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. AYE: Standridge, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk R Denise Bode, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, July 28, 1998 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, 1998. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. Mayor Bode called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Denise Bode, Mayor Mark Wilken, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Tracy Standridge, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANT TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. Several items were discussed. No action was taken on any item. ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge to adjourn. AYE: Wilken, Standridge, Barnhouse, Voss, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Denise Bode, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND U� 8 39 17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO 7731/98 : : # VENDOR DESCRIPTION _ . ------------------------- ------------------ APAPVR PAGE: 5 AMOUNT ---- ------------- IAL ���--------------------------- �� 99OO11 SPRINT PCS PHONE USE-HANCOCK 39.36 � 9OO13 '9O2O1 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 7.07 23.5 - OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUF'PLIES . / ' 990264 J JEFF HANCOCK RELOCATION EXPENSES 116.60 9903O6 N� OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE CITY CLERK CERTIFICATION REIB PETTY CASH M 30. 00 . 6 p7 w� 99O361 TREASURER PETTY CASH 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 8.O1 34.0 O 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOZIER PRINTING COUNCIL WORK SESSION BUDGET PRINTING 488.56 990387 ' 188.8O 990395 CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATI ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP �"O398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 92 5O . '' N� 99O399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE 17 62 . 990445 REASORS FILM DEVELOPING ___12.48 1,O65.54 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ANCE ---------------------------- 990306 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TREASURER CERTIFICATION TOTAL ====> ________3O.O0 30 . OO � N� DEPARTMENT MMUNITY ��---_--------------_--------- DEVELOPMENT U� 990O13 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE . 33 21 399.13 - 990O17 BURR KANNADY ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS ��[2C� ~`"�"^ OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN " OFFICE SUPPLIES 8 98 . , B� 990304 7�RIANGLE CO OFFICE SUPPLIES REIVIP, PETTY CASH 55'25 .80 «� 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH 25.00 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH MECH LICENSE 44.99 99O374 RADIO SHACK ANSWERING MACHINE MEMBERSHIp DUES 2,364,5O 99O386 INCOG 99 w� 990392 RADIO SHACK CK TAPE DECK 49 . 45 8O ""O398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR . '' N� 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE FILM DEVELOPING 11 10 .' 990445 REASORS DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,146.97 ICIPAL U� ---------------------------- � �� COURT �ENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 99012OI-­<I::'.THERI_ORDPUBLICATIONS CITY OF OWASSO ^ 990188 GENERAL FUND � 7/31/98 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 ^� PO # --'------ VENDOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- N� 9900 12 BRETT BURTON BAILIFF DUTIES 7198 18O.00 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 20. 00 990389 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE COURT CLERK DUES 40.00 W� 990 398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 60.67 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE 14.29 990308 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 42.00 ------------- N�� 314.96 HELLO DIRECT �NGINEERING '---------------------------- 129.98 990333 �� 990013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 19.01 EMPLOYMENT ADS 990162 RIDGWAYS FOAM BOARD 43.75 99O258 Chi HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 518. 00 46.00 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH . 7 5O 990440 W W GRAINGER INC MEASURING WHEEL 105.36 PITNEY BOWES INC DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ----------------. ° 233.62 �ENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 99012OI-­<I::'.THERI_ORDPUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICES 2�.30 990188 OKLAHOMA EAGLE EMPLOYMENT ADS 47.25 990201 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 990251 BEACON STAMP AND SEAL REFURBISH EMBOSSER .89 2O.00 990251 BEACON STAMP AND SEAL SELF-INKING CITY SEAL 23.81 990273 SKIDMORE TREE SERVICE TREE REMOVAL 450 11 00 990297 A HOME PAGE WEB SITE MAINT 225.00 990299 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT SVS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 9O.65 990308 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 1997 CODE UP-DATE 459.00 990308 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MUNICIPAL CODE BOOK 42.00 990 328 HELLO DIRECT TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT 129.98 990333 TULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT ADS 389.76 99O334 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS EMPLOYMENT ADS 26.20 990335 CRAWFORD & COMPANY INVESTIGATION/REPORT 231.00 990 336 MEDCENTER INC 14 0 0 185412 46.00 99O347 THE LOCKSHOP LOCK REPLACEMENT 142.00 990 363 WAL-MART AUDIO/VIDEO TAPES 76.67 990373 PITNEY BOWES INC POSTAGE METER RENTAL 317.5O 990385 INCOG LEGISLATIVE ASSESSMENT 359.75 990391 ALL COPY SUPPLIES PRINTER TONER 45.00 99O393 DOZIER PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.0O 990397 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 29.20 99O398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 22O.71 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6198 USE 1O3.52 99O4OO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 6/98 USE 29.22 1131/98 8:39:17 VENDOR x......... _---_-__---- CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT DESCRIPTION ---------- ----------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> SERVICES m�....--------------------------- APAPVR AMOUNT ------ ------------- 990 013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 990195 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL 99O2O1 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 990258 CN HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER SERVICES 99O346 WAL-MART UNIFORM PA,ITS-EVANS 990348 EV INC E CLEANING SUPPLIES 99O361 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 990 361 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC MEALS 9904O2 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC WORKERS/PAY 99O416 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-McELRATH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ERY .................................................................................................................. 990305 OKLAHOMA MONUMENT CO MOVE HEADSTONE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> OLICE SERVICES ib 99OO13 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 990041 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINTEI---IANCE L7 ------------- 3,786.91 99��C�I�EP�SSI� TRAINI�VI�O 990238 POLICE PETTY CASH TIRE REPAIRS 99O238 POLICE PETTY CASH EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 990238 POLICE PETTY CASH POSTAGE 99O25O GEORGETOWN PUBLISHING SUBSCRIPTION 990 265 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORMS,EQUIPMENT 990274 PHILLIPS POLICE EQUIP OFFICER EQUIPMENT 990278 INTEGRIS HEALTH PHYSICAL-DAVIS 99030 9 TOW DOLLY VEHICLE UNLOCKING DEVICES 990329 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 990340 DAVID G SMITH, EDD Ill MPI-BARNES 990342 POLICE PETTY CASH SWEARING-IN CEREMONY 99O342 POLICE PETTY CASH TOLL FEES/'PARKING 990 342 POLICE PETTY CASH POSTAGE 990342 POLICE PETTY CASH CELL PHONE USE 18.56 23.8O 4.37 292.5O 42.17 11O.27 13.73 45.11 43O.32 2O.14 i,O0O.97 75.O0 ------------- 75.00 77.77 191.53 55.95 6.00 8.27 11.45 97.00 225.O5 59.8O 31O.00 126.8O 3.8O 35.00 37.65 21.30 5.85 16.O4 7 7/31/98 8:39:17 PO # VENDOR --------- ----------------- CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT 990342 POLICE PETTY CASH 99O343 HOUSE OF VACUUMS 990 361 TREASURER PETTY CASH 990371 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 990376 NATIONAL DARE OFFICERS 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 990400 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS DEPARTMENT TOTAL 'OLICE COMMUNICATIONS ..................... ____ ....... ....... ___ 990037 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 990339 ONYX CORPORATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> )NIMAL CONTROL '----------------------------- 99OO13 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 990279 W W GRAINGER INC 990338 STRATHE VETERINARY 990342 POLICE PETTY CASH 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH 990377 DOZIER PRINTING 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTA{ �IRE SERVICES ------------------------------ DESCRIPTION - ----------------- 990013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 990059 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF- 9901 WORKPLACE LEARNI 990 252 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF 990254 RANDY O'S TRUCK REPAIR 990275 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA 99O329 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 990 330 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 99O331 TRIM RITE INC 990 365 WATEROUS COMPANY DRY-ERASE BOARD VACUUM BAGS REIMB PETTY CASH REPAIR PARTS MEMBERSHIP DUES-TRYON 6/98 PLEXAR 6/98 USE 6/98 USE OLETS RENTAL TONER CARTRIDGE PAGER USE AIR COND REPAIR VET SERVICES UNIFORM HAT DEPOSIT REFUNDS OFFICE SUPPLIES 6/98 PLEXAR 6/98 USE PAGER USE VALVE KIT TRAINING VIDEOS PROTECTIVE GEAR BRAKE REPAIR COPIER MAINT OFFICE SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTION RENEWA( REFLECTIVE STRIPING PUMP REPAIR KITS APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT ---- ........................... .... -- 7.96 26.00 22.85 4O.21 25.0O 248.62 80.78 39.1O 1,779.78 350.00 59.95 4O9.95 24.22 100.. 00 13.49 60. 00 3O.00 23.O2 4.68 ------------- 262.48 7.07 8G.00 UUU.Vo 376.00 279.04 181.78 83.88 425.00 1OO.00 98.57 8 ^ r_ � _ CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND o31/98 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO it VENDOR DESCRIPTION________ AMOUNT____ ���----_-- -----------------------_- _------_---� MGMT OPERATIONS �.. .................................... ............................... 990372 CLASSIC CHEVROLET BELL TELE REPAIR PARTS 6/98 PLEXAR 1O3.63 231.34 99O398 SOUTHWESTERN 6/98 PLEXAR 23.02 8.33 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2 888.48 MGMT OPERATIONS �.. .................................... ............................... 990257 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-STAMPER 14.14 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 23.02 8.33 99O399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 45 ^ 49 REETS --_-- ........................................................................ � 990007 PSO STREET LIGHTING 2,431.25 990013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 42.42 ^� 99O164 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 40.. 0_7 990218 FENSCO INC. GUARD RAIL REPAIR 121.25 N� 99O219 BRUSHHOG SERVICES NOW LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE LAKES DRAINAGE 00 00 4O0.0 O 990219 BRUSHHOG SERVICES NOW THREE °� 990219 BRUSHHOG SERVICES NOW EL RIO FRONTAGE 30.. 00 990219 BRUSHHOG SERVICES TURNER NOW 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY NOW 1,65O.00 120 .00 99O220 LARRY 99O221 J B STIGALL MOW MAIN STREET EASEMENTS 5511 00 990221 J B STIGALL MOW ATOR EASEMENT 28.00 N� 990246 DIAMOND LAWN MAINTENANCE MOWING FEE 18O.0 O 26.99 - 99O291 WELSCO INC OXYGEN/ ACETYLENE 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 2'A*:',. 9O N� OO 990,11-00 OKAHOMA NATURAL GAS L 6/98 USE TAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 26.O9 57.63 ~~ 990486 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL ------------- N� DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 5,531.6O w� MMUNITY �.------------------_--------- CENTER - 99O2O1 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 94.66 N� 99O343 HOUSE OF VACUUMS BELL TELE VACUUM BAGS/BELTS 6/98 PLEXAR 6O.35 164.41 99O398 SOUTHWESTERN m� 99O399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6/98 USE 23 33 .' 99O4OO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 6/98 USE 49.28 990416 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-SR VAN 12'94 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/31/98 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 1O PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT n--------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL 404.97 'ARK MAINTENANCE ............................................ ............. ............................................. .... ........ 990013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 14.14 990015 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE—WARREN 33.64 990018 ROBERT HUGHETT CLEAN ELM CREEK RESTROOMS 199.00 990019 J B STIGALL MOW ATOR PARK 75.00 990019 J B STIGALL NOW RAM PARK 47.00 990021 BRUSHHOG SERVICES NOW ELM CREEK PARK 200.00 990307 WATER STORE INC 180 DEG DRIVE ASSY 282.00 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 11.75 990370 W W GRAINGER INC RESTROOM SUPPLIES 117.42 990397 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 63.20 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 53.87 990400 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 6/98 USE 367.28 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 1,464.30 1CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT '----------------------------- 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 6/98 PLEXAR 115.94 990416 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE—TOBIAS 75.06 _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 191.00 _____________ FUND TOTAL ====> 22,632.02 CITY OF OWASSO COLLISION SELF—INSURANCE 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: N� PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT U0�-------- --_----_----------------- ------------------------- ------------- �_---����� A GOVERNMENT I ---------------------------- 990063 PRUITT'S BODY SHOP INC n� DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL TRUCK REPAIR 1,8O1.55 ------------- 1,8O1.55 ------------- 1,8O1.55 1 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 7/31/98 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION --------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --- ENERAL GOVERNMENT ----------------------------- 990044 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS IN ADMIN FEE 990083 MEDCENTER INC K06068 990084 MEDCENTER INC B06098 990085 SHERYL DUGGAN D02238 990089 SCOTT MEDICAL CLINIC B062498 990150 SHERYL DUGGAN D02238 99O185 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD 006266 990186 BEST,SHARP,HOLDEN,SHERIDA C07264 990354 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD H02096 990354 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD H08017 990357 EASTERN OKLA ORTHO CTR IN J05318 990441 WARREN CLINIC R04278 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL ====> PAGE: AMOUNT ---------- 933.75 8O.36 111.48 740.00 81.53 180.00 72.00 182.77 40.00 408.00 724.07 3,603.40 ------------- 39603.40 CITY OF OWASSO �mn/x�wcF SERVICE FUND '^'---'-- -- 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 3 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT U�L------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- NCE U F--------------------------- IFUND TOTAL 668.00 88.85 636.74 273.00 957.58 ------------- 2,844.17 ---------- 2,844.17 990175 PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARNI TRAINING VIDEOS 990176 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 9903O3 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 990 361 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM/3 EMTS 99O366 FRN OF TULSA LLC REPAIR MEDIC 2 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> IFUND TOTAL 668.00 88.85 636.74 273.00 957.58 ------------- 2,844.17 ---------- 2,844.17 CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 7/31/98 8:39:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION --------- ------------------------- ------------------- OLICE COMMUNICATIONS ----------------------------- 990004 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 990349 CLASSIC ELECTRIC INC 990349 CLASSIC ELECTRIC INC DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL E-911 SERVICE ELECTRICAL WIRING ELECTRICAL WIRING APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT --- ------------- 1,885.84 13.80 50.00 ------------- 1,949.64 ------------- 1,949.64 4 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE //31/98 8:39:17 � PO # VENDOR a-------- -------------------- GARAGE K�---------------------------- " ~= A/P CLAIMS REPORT DESCRIPTION -- ------------------- 990013 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 990170 ALLIED TOWING 990194 ALSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC 990195 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL 990198 VETRONIX 990198 VETRONIX 990280 YOUNG'S TIRE SERVICE 990282 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO 990283 CROW BURLINGAME 990283 CROW BURLINGAME 990283 CROW BURLINGAME 990287 OWASSO TIRE BARN 990287 OWASSO TIRE BARN 990288 RELIABLE TIRE AND AUTO 990291 WELSCO INC 990292 TULCO-OILS INC 990293 RICH WHOLESALE TIRE 990294 A TINT & MORE 990295 DRIVE TRAIN SPECIALISTS 990299 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT 990300 J & P AUTO 990344 RADIATOR SHOPPE INC 990345 MAC'S HYDRAULICS INC 990346 WAL-MART 990361 TREASURER PETTY CASH 990369 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 990398 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 990399 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 990400 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 990444 AUTO ZONE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> APAPVR PAGE: 18 AMOUNT ___ _____________ PAGER USE 7.07 TOWING FEE 237.45 VEHICLE REPAIRS 1,248.15 UNIFORM RENTAL 49.80 VEHICLE MAINT MANUALS 408.75 TOOLS 15O ^ OO TIRE REPAIRS 70.00 BATTERIES 98.90 REPAIR SUPPLIES 20.44 REPAIR PARTS 2,169.18 REPAIR PARTS 15.00 VEHICLE/TIRE REPAIRS 235.80 TIRE TUBE 8.95 VEHICLE REPAIRS 162.75 OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 85.47 HYDRAULIC FLUID 200.20 TIRES-POLICE 521.88 SIDE STEP INSTALLATION 160.00 REPAIR PARTS 27.48 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERV 46.40 VEHICLE REPAIR 50.00 REPAIR RADIATOR 215.97 REPAIR CYLINDERS 147.25 UNIFORM PANTS-EVANS 42.17 REIMB PETTY CASH 10.95 REPAIR BAY DOOR 150.00 6/98 PLEXAR 45.92 6/98 USE 10.10 6/98 USE 20.48 REPAIR PARTS 38.98 6,655.49 ------------- FUND TOTAL 6,655.49 7/31/98 8:39:17 PO --------- # --------------- VENDOR CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: DESCRIPTION AMOUNT --------- ------------------------- ------------- TREETS _____________________________ 990135 CH2M HILL INC DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENG SERVICES 2/3/98 10,483.00 ------------- 1O,483.00 ------------- 1O,483.00 19 CITY OF OWASSO onun nnn"F FUND � I I APAPVR PAGE 7/31/9C3, 39 : 17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT : 2O 8 : ` .�PO_#___ VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT | IRTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS . NOV---- 990378 SISEMORE HALL & WEISZ INC TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY � � FUND TOTAL I 800.00 ------------- 8OO.00 8OO.00 i t CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 07/18/98 Department Overtime Expenses T_ otal Expenses General Fund :.. Maria a 'al .......<« € > < >> » > » >< »< >: > >> < >:: >.:::: :..:.::::::: :.::::::::.::::::::.:::.::;::.:::.:::;;;;::;;;:.;:.::.::::.:.::.;;: ............................. ............................... >: >: >;<<:<::: :>::: <:::::::: :::::.::.;;:;Q,00 ::.:..................:::.....: .........:. 10 862 46: :.: Finance 0.00 8,190.73 per.... nxty Develt�pment. '::':' : >'>:: >:: x,00....... 7;006.92 Municipal Court 0.00 2101.37 E?cig?atu?g........ >:;::..; :: `: >::. >:: >:: »: 4,944.13 Information Systems.. 0.00 22711.55 .................................. ::...: ...:::.::::::::.....:.:.. u ..art :: ex ce .:...:.::;>:: : >:: < > >: > >::: > :::.:...:.......: :.:.:...::.:::::::::::::::.:::: ...........::... . .. ..... :.:: :`:'::<:;:::......Z5.75. _::.::::::::::::.:.>:.>:: .:;:.::;;::::::.:..:.:..: ........ ............................:.: 4188873: :. Police 797.59 461936.07 e` C. astral Das .atcl ........... <«> »'> >< < ......::::< ....... ::<:<:<;:< :: > ? ::...; . >< <' : , :::::.: 0.00.:::..::<<::::<:<:` >?: 5 243.42 Animal Control 45.00 1616.28 ire :::: ;.;.: >.: ::;:: »:: » :........:::::> ........ ............................... ::::::::::::::..:..: 3::::::::::: :..;:. :::.::: »::;:: 565. ,:::.::::::. ::. :.:.:. Street 326.12 9,962.27 :: Commum - 8unior lent r. ><::: ::. .......... .................. ......... 00 ...... ':: > _ : >< : »;::.......... 0.....::::: :.:...................... .........:..::::::::::::..:.:.. .: >:: >: 3164 06: <: :.. Park Maintenace 0.00 2.505.22 General Fund Total $1,294.39 $150,964.81 Garage Fund Grag .:>:>::: :::::>: >:: >:::: >:: >::;;:::;:::: $63:00 $3,430.92 Garage Fund Total $63.00 $3,430.92 APPROVED: 08/04/98 Mayor Council Member Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 584 DATE: July 22, 1998 BACKGROUND: At the July 21, 1998 meeting, the Owasso City Council unanimously approved a request to close a 15' utility easement located within on Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to the City of Owasso. The Easement Closing Memorandum from the July 21, 1998 meeting and a Subject Map are attached for your information and review. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 584 which formally adopts the City Council's action of July 21, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 584. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Easement Closing Request Memorandum Dated July 15, 1998 2. Subject Map 3. Ordinance No. 584 r r C MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: J THOMAS SLEMONS EASEMENT CLOSING DATE: July 15, 1998 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request for J Thomas Slemons, owner, to close an easement located at 11505 E 83`d St. N., further described as Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. A subject map is attached for your information and review. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this proposal on June 24, 1998 and had no comments or concerns. The City of Owasso or area utility providers are not currently utilizing this easement and there are no plans to utilize it in the future. The easement, as it exists, bisects the lot. As a result, it presents unnecessary constraints on the development of the property if it were to remain. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the July 14, 1998 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request. If approved by the Council, an ordinance formally adopting the easement closing will be presented at the August 4, 1998 meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the closing of this easement. ATTACHMENTS 1. Area Map 2. Subject Property Map C: \Owasso\Planning Commission \7- 14 -98 \J Thomas Slemons \Council MEMO - Easement Closing.doc CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 584 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT FOURTEEN (14) "F ", BLOCK THREE (3), THREE LAKES ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a portion of a certain utility easement; WHEREAS, said utility easement is described as follows: A 15' utility easement located within Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to the City of Owasso. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42 -110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and/or TCI Cable Television Company; and, WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, Section 1. The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: A 15' utility easement located within Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to the City of Owasso. Section 2 The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August, 1998. ATTEST: City of Owasso, Oklahoma Denise Bode, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney u MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ALLAN E. HARDER HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE #585, AMENDING THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN IDATE: July 29, 1998 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso offers as a retirement benefit, participation in the Oklahoma Municipal ' Retirement Fund (OMRF) Defined Benefit Plan. All regular, full -time employees except police officers and firefighters are required to participate in the plan. Contributions to the system are made by both the employee and the City. Previously, the contribution has been ' split with the employee paying 60% and the employer paying 40% of the contribution determined by actuarial studies. Actuarial studies are performed annually by OMRF to ' determine contribution amounts necessary for acceptable fund performance. Based upon the OMRF Employee Retirement System of Owasso, Oklahoma ACTUARIAL ' VALUATION OF FUNDING REQUIREMENTS, Effective for the Year Starting July 1, 1998, Exhibit 1: SUMMARY OF 1998 -99 PLAN CONTRIBUTION RATES, funding requirements increased from 7.1 % to 9.17 % of employee compensation, the first substantial change in 10 years. Based on the new requirement and to continue to improve employee benefits, a decision was made during the budget process to change the contribution ratios. This decision complied with recommendations from the Employee Benefits Committee which ' includes representatives from each City department of the City. Any changes in the contribution rates must be made by Ordinance approved by the Council. ' CONTRIBUTION CHANGES: As noted above, the Employee /Employer contribution split has been 60 %/40 %. The contribution amendment fixes the employee contribution at 4.26 % of the employee's compensation. The City contributes the balance (4.91 %) as determined by the 1998 actuarial study. Both contribution rates are included in the current budget. (Under the previous 60/40 contribution split, the employee share would have been 5.502 %.) OMRF, in the cover letter to the supplied Ordinance and Joinder agreements notes "that the Employer will be required to contribute more or less next year depending on the changes that occur in the City of Owasso's Employee group." IN ACTIONS REQUIRED TO EFFECT THE CHANGES IN CONTRIBUTION RATES: Changes in the Employee Retirement System Defined Benefit System Plan are required to be made by Ordinance and execution of new Joinder Agreements. OMRF has provided both documents for Council action. Both the Ordinance and Joinder Agreement have been reviewed and approved for content by Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney. STAFF RECOAIMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the Ordinance and the Mayor and Council be authorized to execute all documents relating to the retirement plan amendment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN 2. Joinder Agreement 3. OMRF Cover Letter II ORDINANCE NUMBER 585 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; PROVIDING THEREIN FOR RETIREMENT BENEFITS- -DEATH AND SURVIVOR BENEFITS FOR ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THEIR SURVIVING SPOUSES AND BENEFICIARIES; MAKING PARTICIPATION BY EMPLOYEES EMPLOYED AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE SYSTEM A MANDATORY CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE, AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF SUCH SYSTEM; AUTHORIZING AND RATIFYING EXECUTION OF THE FORMAL INSTRUMENTS AMENDING SUCH SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS TO FUND THE BENEFITS, PAY OPERATING EXPENSES, AND FOR PORTABILITY OF BENEFITS OR REFUND OF EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS UPON EMPLOYEE LEAVING SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A FUND TO FINANCE THE SYSTEM, TO BE COMBINED OR POOLED BY CONTRACT WITH OTHER INCORPORATED CITIES AND TOWNS WITH SIMILAR FUNDS OF SUCH CITIES AND TOWNS FOR PURPOSES OF MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT AS A PART OF THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SPONSORED BY THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS AND FUND ASSETS BY THE TREASURER TO THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND FOR MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION OF SUCH SYSTEM BY A BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND AN AUTHORIZED AGENT APPOINTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR FRAUD AND DISHONEST CONDUCT; DECLARING THE FUNDS TO BE EXEMPT FROM LEGAL PROCESS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY AND SAVING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, ' OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: The Employee Retirement System of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, ' is hereby amended as reflected on the attached Exhibit "A ", which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. ' SECTION TWO: The Employee Retirement System of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, except as modified in the attached Exhibit "A ", shall remain in full force and effect according ' to its original terms and conditions. SECTION THREE: The City Clerk and Mayor be, and they hereby are, authorized and ' directed to execute the amended Retirement System Plan documents and do all the other acts I necessary to put said amendment into effect. The executed amended document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects. SECTION FOUR: If, regardless of cause, any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this ordinance, including the System as set forth in Exhibit "A" is held invalid or to be unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or clauses shall continue in full force and effect and shall be construed thereafter as being the entire provisions of this ordinance. SECTION FIVE: Any ordinance inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed, provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. SECTION SIX: This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma this 4th day of August, 1998. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality on August 4, 1998. Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Denise Bode, Mayor The foregoing ordinance was introduced before the Owasso City Council on the 4th day of August, 1998, and was duly adopted and approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 4th day of August, 1998, after compliance with notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law (25 OS, Section 301, et seq). Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 2 OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM MASTER DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN AND TRUST JOINDER AGREEMENT City of Owasso, a city, town, agency, instrumentality, or public trust located in the State of Oklahoma, with its principal office at Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby establishes a Defined Benefit Plan and Trust to be known as City of Owasso Plan and Trust (the "Plan ") in the form of The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement System Master Defined Benefit Plan and Trust. Except as otherwise provided herein, the definitions in Article II of the Plan apply. 1. Dates: a. The Effective Date of this Joinder Agreement shall be July 1, 1998. b. The Effective Date of the Plan shall be July 1, 1972, the effective date of the original plan continued without interruption through adoption of this Joinder Agreement. 2. Employee. Employee shall mean: [X] Any person who, on or after the Effective Date is receiving remuneration for regular full -time personal services rendered to the Employer (including any elected official and any appointed officer or employee of any department of the Employer, whether governmental or proprietary in nature), including persons on Authorized Leave of Absence. Employees, shall not include independent contractors. Elected members of the City Council shall not be considered to be Employees solely by reason of their holding such office. [ ] Any person who, on or after the Effective Date, 1 31001 -25 [X] The term Employee shall not include any individual who is covered by any other state or local retirement system unless, with respect to the other state or local retirement system, the individual is in pay status currently receiving benefits and not an active participant. [ ] Any person who, if last hired after July 1,1972, had not reached his 60th birthday at the time of hiring. (Deleted 8/98) 3. Eli ibg ility. Employees shall be eligible to participate in the Plan: (Select only one) [ ] months (any number of months up to twelve) after the Employee's Employment Commencement Date. [ ] On the first day the Employee's service for the Employer is no longer temporary, probationary or provisional. [X] On the Employee's Employment Commencement Date. 4. The Employer hereby elects the following Plan design: [X] Mandatory Contribution Option. An employee shall be required to contribute to the Plan for each Plan Year the percentage of his Compensation ( "Mandatory Contributions ") required by the Plan. Mandatory Contributions shall be made by payroll deductions. An Employee shall authorize such deductions in writing on forms approved by, and filed with, the Committee. If the Employee's contributions are to be taxed deferred: [X] Pick -Up Option. The Employer hereby elects to have the provisions of Section 3.3 of the Plan apply. The Employer shall pick -up and pay the percentage of each Participant's Compensation required to be contributed as of July 1, 1992. [ ] Non- ContributoryOption. Participants shall not be required nor permitted to contribute to the Plan. 2 31001 -25 5. A. Payment Options. The Employer hereby elects the following minimum number of payments for employees eligible to receive benefits under Article IV of the Plan: [X] Sixty (60) monthly payments. [ ] One hundred and twenty (120) monthly payments. B. Plan Options. The Employer hereby elects the following plan designation and percentage used in calculating benefits under Section 5.1 of the Plan. [ ] Plan AA - 2.625 % [X] Plan BB - 2.25 % [ ] Plan CC - 1.875 % [ ] Plan A - 1.5 % [ ] Plan B - 1.25 % [ ] Plan C - .75 % C. Normal Retirement Age. Normal retirement age shall be: [ ] Age 65 [X] Age 62 and completion of 30 years of credited service. D. Vesting Options. The Employer hereby elects the following vesting option to determine an employee's eligibility to receive retirement benefits. [ ] 10 Year Cliff Vesting [ ] 7 Year Cliff Vesting [X] 5 Year Cliff Vesting E. Service Credit Prior to Effective Date. The Employer hereby elects to include the following limitation of service prior to the effective date. [X] No limitation [ ] Service credit prior to the effective date shall not exceed years. 3 31001 -25 T 7 Contributions by Employees. If Employees are required to contribute to the cost of providing benefits under this System, either under the Pick -Up Option or the Mandatory Contribution Option, such contributions shall be based on the plan designation selected in Section 5 above and shall apply to pay periods commencing on and after July 1, 1993. a. [ ] The employee contribution formula in Section 3.2 of the Plan shall use the following maximum percentage for the Plan Option selected in Section 5B of this Joinder Agreement: Plan AA - 5.25 % Plan BB - 4.5 % Plan CC - 3.75 % Plan A -3% Plan B - 2.25 % Plan C - 1.5% b. [X] The contribution formula shall be 4.26% of compensation. (Not to exceed the percentages in above paragraph). (8/98) c. [ ] Annual contribution (expressed as a percentage of payroll) shall be shared by the Employee and Employer. Employee portion 60% Employer portion 40 % (Employee plus Employer percentages must total 100 %) Cost -of- Living Option: For purposes of adjusting retiree and beneficiary pensions, the Employer hereby elects the following: [X] No Cost -of- Living Option. [ ] Cost -of- Living Option. This election applies to Sections 5.1 (Normal Pension), 5.4 (Deferred Vested Pension), 6.3A and 6.313 (Death After Commencement of Pension), and 6.4 (Spouse's Pension) and provides annual benefit increases of the smaller of three percent (3%) or the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. 4 31001 -25 1 The effective date of the Cost -Of- Living Option shall be , 19 , the original date that the Employer elected the Cost -Of- Living Option. 8. Retiree Plan Improvement Option. Benefits payable to or on behalf of a former Employee under Article V, Article VI, or Article VII of the Plan, which are due or in the course of payment of the Effective Date of this Joinder Agreement, shall [ ] be redetermined according to the Plan Option elected herein. Such increased benefits shall be reflected in any periodic payments due or paid on or after the Effective Date of the Joinder Agreement. It is not intended for this change to be retroactive and any periodic payments due prior to such date shall not be affected. [X] not be redetermined, but shall continue to be paid under the terms of the Previous Plan. 9. Limitations on Optional Benefit Forms. Section 7.2 of the Plan provides for a lump sum payment form, an installment payment form that would be payable over a fixed number of years (at which time all payments would cease), or the purchase of an insured annuity. The Employer hereby elects the following: [X] Optional benefit forms under Section 7.2 of the Plan will not be permitted. [ ] Optional benefit forms under Section 7.2 of the Plan will be permitted, subject to Retirement Committee approval for any such elections by an Employee, subject to the following limitation(s): ' (The above election has not effect on the joint and survivor optional benefit forms under Section 7.1). 1 5 31001 -25 10. The Committee, consisting of the following members, agrees to administer the Plan and Trust pursuant to the provisions thereof. Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature The Employer has consulted with and been advised by its attorney concerning the meaning of the provisions of the Plan and Trust Agreements and the effect of entry into the plan and Trust. 6 31001 -25 IN WITNESS WHEREOF has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be duly executed in its name and behalf by its duly authorized offices this day of , 1998. City of Attest: LE Title: Mgyor (SEAL) The foregoing Joinder Agreement is hereby approved by The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement System this day of , 19 Attest: Secretary (Seal) By: Title: 7 THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM 31001 -25 rAT / . Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund City of Owasso Allan Harder P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Allen, June 10, 1998 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCY ALEXANDER, DISTRICT S, STILLWATER JERRY FARNHAM, DISTRICT 3, ADA JAY HEIFRICHS, DISTRICT 1, BROKEN ARROW JIM HUDG ENS, DISTRICT 2, SALLISAW JIM LUCKETT' JR., DISTRICT S, GUTHRIE RUSSELL SMITH, DISTRICT 5, MIDWEST CITY RANDY SWINSON, AT- LARGE, SEMINOLE GEORGE WILKINSON, DISTRICT 7, WEATHERFORD BERTHA ANN YOUNG, DISTRICT 4, SHAWNEE Jodi Cox, Account Administrator 10EIVED JUL 2 0 1998 BY: Enclosed please find the documents which Michelle and Regina have requested (i.e. to change the Employee contribution rate to a fixed 4.26% effective August 1, 1998). This change will delete the Employee /Employer contribution rate split from 60 %140% to Employee rate remaining constant and the City contributing the difference based on the actuarial study. Please note that the Employer will be required to contribute more or less next year depending on the changes that occur in the City of Owasso's Empfo­yee group. The following items are enclosed: 3 Amending Ordinances 3 Joinder Agreements , ALL COPIES OF THE JOINDER AGREEMENT AND ORDINANCES MUST BE SIGNED BY YOUR RETIREMENT COMMITTEE. ' After your governing board has approved the resolution, please return the ' following: 2 Ordinances ' 3 Joinder Agreements After the OMRF Board of Trustees has signed the Joinder Agreements, one original will be returned for your files. If you have any questions about the enclosed material, please feel free to call. Have a great daylll Enclosures 997� C-&7C 100 North Broadway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 1- 800 - 395 -2662 Ext. 6313 elf MEMORANDUM 1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO I FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: RESOLUTION #98 -06 INVESTMENT IN A REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF OPWA DATE: July 31, 1998 BACKGROUND: At the March 17, 1998 meeting, the OPWA Trustees approved a concept plan for the construction and funding of the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor project. The concept allows the ' interceptor to be constructed with city - backed financing supported by a private sector "pay- back" as the property develops. Plans and specifications for the project were completed and bid. On June 16, 1998, the OPWA Trustees awarded a contract for construction contingent upon funding for the project. The trustees also authorized staff to develop documents and conduct negotiations for a bank loan and ' a revenue anticipation note (RAN) of the OPWA. The bank loan for $1,200,000 has been negotiated and documents for that portion of the financing will be prepared by Allan Brooks who has served as Bond Counsel for the authority on several previous financings. Staff expects to present those documents for approval in ' September. State statutes allow cities to invest in a RAN issued by a public trust for which that City is a beneficiary. In 1993, the Owasso Public Golf Authority issued a RAN for $400,000 in which the City invested. The OPGA has since been making principal and interest payments to the City according to the debt service schedule agreed upon in the RAN. Staff is recommending "temporary" financing for this project with a one -year RAN until all costs for the project have been finalized. Based on current estimates, the total project may exceed $2,000,000. This RAN is structured similar to a construction loan. The OPWA will draw funds as needed and interest will accrue on the balance. This RAN provides funding so that the construction contract can be locked in and easements approved. When the interceptor project 4 A PF and all costs have been finalized, this RAN will be paid off and a RAN with a debt service schedule will be presented for approval. Mr. Cates has completed the necessary documents which are attached for your review. If approved, City Resolution #98 -06 authorizes the City Treasurer to invest in a RAN of the OPWA in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000. The resolution also approves the OPWA RAN and loan agreement between the City and the OPWA. This RAN bears an interest rate of 5.2% with a maturity date of August 4, 1999 and may be prepaid at any time. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #98 -06 authorizing the City Treasurer t to invest in a Revenue Anticipation Note of the OPWA and approving the proposed Loan Agreement and Revenue Anticipation Note. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution #98 -06 Memorandum dated June 10, 1998 - Contract Award I Memorandum dated April 29, 1998 - Authorization to Bid CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO INVEST CERTAIN UNAPPROPRIATED AND UNENCUMBERED MONIES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, SURPLUS TO THE PRESENT NEEDS OF SAID CITY, IN A REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, AN OKLAHOMA PUBLIC TRUST, HAVING THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS IT'S BENEFICIARY, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE MILLION, EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (1,800,000), APPROVING THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, OR VICE —MAYOR AS THE CASE MAY BE, CITY CLERK OR DEPUTY CITY CLERK, AS THE CASE MAY BE AND THE CITY TREASURER OR DEPUTY CITY TREASURER, AS THE CASE MAY BE, TO EXECUTE, DELIVER AND RECEIVE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTATION, OR AMENDMENTS THERETO, BEING LAWFULLY NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE INVESTMENT PURPOSES SET FORTH HEREINAFTER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, finds that the City presently maintains funds that have reserves which have reached a level that would allow for investments of a significant nature and for long term investments that might produce a higher yield; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, finds that investment opportunities are problematical due to low level of interest rates presently existing in the market as well as legal restrictions placed upon the placement of public funds in the market; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, finds that after exploration of several investment opportunities and the discovery that the return on investments of a traditional nature would not be significant, alternatives to traditional investments that would produce a higher yield in an otherwise depressed investment climate have been ascertained; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has determined that the Owasso Public Works Authority, an Oklahoma Public Trust, having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as it's beneficiary, has a present need to raise additional funds for the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Project; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, finds that a present need in the amount not to exceed One Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000) exists on the part of the Owasso Public Works Authority, and that the Owasso Public Works Authority, is desirous of obtaining such funding from the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in a manner that would produce for the City higher yield on it's investments while at the same time assisting the Owasso Public Works Authority in completing the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, a community enhancement project; and, WHEREAS, under the public finance provisions of the statutes of the State of Oklahoma, relating to municipal investment of funds, 68 O.S. Section 348.1 /Authorized Investments /Disposition of Income, the City Treasurer of the City, when authorized by the City Council by written investment policy, ordinance or resolution, is authorized to invest monies in the custody of the City Treasurer in Revenue Anticipation Notes issued by a public trust for which such City is a beneficiary thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO -WIT: SECTION ONE. The City Treasurer of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby authorized to invest certain unappropriated and unencumbered monies of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, surplus to the present needs of said City, in the custody of the City Treasurer of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in a Revenue Anticipation Note to be issued by the Owasso Public Works Authority, an Oklahoma Public Trust having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as it's beneficiary, in an amount not to exceed One Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000). The City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby approves the proposed Agreement and Revenue Anticipation Note to be issued by the Owasso Public Works Authority, a copy thereof being attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A ". SECTION TWO. The Mayor, or vice -Mayor as the case the may be, the City Clerk or the Deputy City Clerk as the case may be, and the City Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer as the case may be, of the City of Owasso, be and they hereby are, authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to execute, deliver and receive the Agreement and Revenue Anticipation Note of the Owasso Public Works Authority exhibited hereto and such further agreements and documents and to take such actions as such officer or officers may deem necessary or desirable in order to carry out and perform the investment and to effect the purposes thereof and to consummate the transaction contemplated thereby. SECTION THREE. That in accordance with public finance provisions of the Statutes of the State of Oklahoma relating to municipal investment of funds, 68 O.S. Section 348.1(5), the income received by the City of Owasso from the investment herein contemplated shall be placed, on a pro rata basis as hereinafter set forth, in the Contributing Funds within the City of Owasso, Oklahoma Consolidated Cash Account. Such pro rata distribution of income shall be made on the percentage basis that the Contributing Fund within the Consolidated Cash Account of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, bears to the Contributing Funds within the Consolidated Cash Account of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on an average monthly basis, as determined semi - annually, on July 1, and January 1, for distribution of the income earned in the preceding six (6) month period. Any Contributing Fund within the Consolidated Cash Account of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, subsequently closed by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall receive no further pro rata distributions of income. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August, 1998. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Denise Bode, Mayor Exhibit "A" TO CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER 98 -0� LOAN AGREEMENT THIS LOAD' AGREEMENT (the "Agreement ") made and entered into as of the 4th day of August, 1998 by and among the Owasso Public Works Authority, an Oklahoma public trust, (the "Authority "), and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation (the "City "). WITNES SETH: WHEREAS, the City has determined to make a loan to the Authority, aggregating $1,800,000.00 to be evidenced by the Authority's Revenue Anticipation Note payable to the order of the City in the original principal amount not to exceed $1,800,000.00, (the "Note ") to enable the Authority, pursuant to certain of its approvals, to finance costs of the construction of the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Project (the "Project "). WHEREAS, pursuant to the term and conditions hereinafter set forth, the City is willing to make such loan to be evidenced by the Note, and WHEREAS, the payment of the Note is to be secured by a subordinate security interest in the revenues of the Authority, receipts and receivables, under the conditions as set forth hereinafter. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein made and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE AUTHORITY NOTES 1.1 The City's Commitment. The City agrees, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to make the loan to the Authority in the amount not to exceed $1,800,000.00. 1.2 Issuance of the Authority Note. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof and in reliance on the representations and covenants made herein, the Authority agrees to issue the Note to the City. The loan shall be repaid with interest in accordance with the terms of the Note. The Note shall be delivered to the City at a closing (the "Closing ") which will occur at such time and place as may be agreed on by the Authority and the City. Upon the issuance and delivery of the Note, and the satisfaction of all conditions precedent of this Agreement, the City shall, upon receipt and approval of requisitions therefor, advance the proceeds of the loan to the Authority to pay the costs of the Project. 1.3 Loan Advances. The loan advances on the Note shall be made pursuant to a Loan Schedule to be executed after final approval of the construction contracts for the Project. Each request for an advance shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the project manager, describing the invoices for which the loan advances are sought, certifying that the work, labor or materials for which the loan advance is sought have been performed according to the plans and specifications or as approved by the City, and certifying that sufficient funds are available under the Note to complete the construction of the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. Lien waivers from all contractors and subcontractors shall be provided by the Authority with each loan advance. 1.4 Terms of the Note. The Note shall be in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Interest shall accrue, be p ayable and subject to adjustment, as provided for in the Note on the outstanding and unpaid principal balance thereon from the date of first advance thereon until payment ' in full thereof as set forth and provided therein. 1.5 Payments. etc. Payment of principal and interest on the Note and other charges ' under this Agreement to be made to the City shall be made in lawful money of the United States of America, and shall be made at City's principal office in Owasso, Oklahoma, not later than 11:00 o'clock a.m. on the date due. If any such payment falls due on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday at the place of payment thereof, then such due date shall be extended on the next succeeding full business day at such place and interest shall be payable in respect of such extension. ARTICLE II ' CONDITIONS PRECEDENT 2.1 Conditions. The obligations of the City to make the loan pursuant to this Agreement are subject to there being no Event of Default hereunder or an event which with notice or lapse of time would become an Event of Default hereunder and the City having received in form and substance satisfactory to it: ' a :A duly ertified copy of the resolutions of the Authority authorizing execution and Y delivery of this Agreement, and related instruments, and the issuance, execution and ' delivery of the Note; (b) Original duly executed counterparts of (f) this Agreement, (ii) such financing ' statement(s) as respect the foregoing, ' (c) Such certificates, documents and certificates respecting the Authority, as City counsel shall reasonably require; ' (d) Such opinions of counsel for the Authority, as City counsel shall reasonably require; (e) A detailed description and cost breakdown analysis of the Project (the "Breakdown ") and all amendments thereto, all for approval by City; 2 (f) Such other and further materials and /or information as the City may reasonably r request; and t ARTICLE III SPECIAL OBLIGATION; PLEDGE; SATISFACTION 3.1 Special Obligation. The Note shall constitute a limited and special obligation of the Authority. The principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable by the Authority solely from, and shall be enforceable only out of the revenu --s of the Authority being hereby pledged by the Authority to such payment. The Note and all other obligations of the Authority hereunder shall not be construed or considered to be an indebtedness of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, or any municipality, county or political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision of the State of Oklahoma, under any circumstances. 3.2 Satisfaction of Debt. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Note, or in any instrument or document executed by or on behalf of the Authority in connection herewith, no stipulation, covenant, agreement or obligation contained herein or therein shall be deemed or construed to be a stipulation, covenant, agreement or obligation of any present or future member, trustee, officer, employee or agent or any successor to the Authority, in any such person's individual capacity, and no such person, in his individual capacity, shall be liable personally for any breach or non - observance of or for any failure to perform, fulfill or comply with any such stipulations, covenants, agreements, or interest on the Note or for any claim based thereon or on any such stipulation, covenant, agreement or obligation, against such person, in his individual capacity, either directly or through the Authority or any successor to the Authority, under any rule of law or equity, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or penalty or otherwise, and all such liability of any such person, in his individual capacity is hereby expressly waived and released. The ' Authority and the City expressly recognize and agree that this Agreement, the Note and any documentation issued, executed and delivered therewith, are subordinate and junior to all Revenue Bond obligations of the Authority. ARTICLE IV COVENANTS OF THE AUTHORITY The Authority hereby agrees with the City that, so long as the Note remains outstanding: 4.1 Performance of Aereements. The Authority shall take all action and do all things which it is authorized by law to take and do in order to perform and observe all covenants and agreements on its part to be performed and observed under this Agreement and the Note and in order to provide for and to assure payment of the principal of the Note and interest thereon when due. ' 4.2 Creation of Charges an Revenues. The Authority shall not create or suffer to exist any additional assignment, pledge, security interest or other lien, encumbrance or charge on any ' revenues of the Authority to be pledged. 4.3 Amendment. The Authority shall not alter, amend or repeal the resolutions described ' in Section 2.1(a) hereof, or, without the prior written consent of the City, agree to any alteration or amendment of any of the instruments described in Sections 2.1(b) and 2.1(c) hereof, or take any action impairing any authority, right or benefit given or conferred by such resolution or instruments. 1 4.4 payment. The Authority shall pay or cause to be paid the principal of and the interest on the Note as the same becomes due, whether by acceleration or otherwise, but solely from ' the sources referred to in Article III hereof. 4.5 R egresentations and Warranties of Authority. The Authority represents and ' warrants to the City as follows: ' (a) The Authority is an Oklahoma public trust duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and all other states in which it is necessary that the Authority be qualified to do business. ' b The Authority and the Owasso City Council have taken all necessary actions to authorize entering into this Agreement and to authorize the execution and delivery of the ' Note, and the other documents contemplated hereby. (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and, the Note, will not cause, ' constitute or result in a breach of any agreement, contract or other undertaking to which the Authority is a party. ' (d) The Authority shall deliver to the City copies, certified by the Authority's Secretary, of all resolutions and actions undertaken by the Authority or the Owasso City Council to authorize this transaction. (e) The Authority shall maintain its existence in Oklahoma. ' (f) The Authority shall deliver to the City, within one week after they are prepared, copies of the Authority's quarterly financial statements. ' ARTICLE `d DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 5.1 Events of Default. Any one or more of the following shall constitute and "Event of Default" hereunder; (a) Nonpayment when due of interest and principal in accordance with the terms of the Note; or (b) The attachment of any involuntary lien in the sum of $25,000 or more, of any kind or character, upon the Revenues, or any portion thereof, except for taxes due but not in default and liens being contested in such a manner as to prevent execution on the Property; or (c) The entry against the Authority or Lessee of (I) any judgment in an amount of $25,000 or more oil a claim not covered by insurance which is not discharged within thirty (30) days of such judgement becoming a final judgment; or (d) If the Authority shall (I) apply for or consent to the appointment of a received, a trustee or liquidator of themselves or itself, or of all or a substantial part of its assets, or (ii) file a petition or answer seeking reorganization or admit (by answer, default or otherwise) the material allegations of a petition filed against them in any reorganization proceeding, or (e) If the Authority shall (I) become insolvent, generally fail to pay, or admit in writing their respective inability to pay their respective debts as the fall due, (ii) make a general assignment for the benefit of their or its respective creditors, (iii) be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or (iv) file a voiuntary petition in bankruptcy or file a petition or answer seeking an arrangement with creditors or to take advantage of any insolvency laws or admit (by answer, default or otherwise) the material allegations of a petition filed against any of them in any bankruptcy, arrangement or insolvency proceeding, or take or omit to take any action for the purpose or with the result of effecting any of the foregoing, or (f) If a petition in bankruptcy is filed against the Authority and is not dismissed within thirty (30) days, or if an order, judgment or decree by any court of competent jurisdictior_ shall be entered, adjudicating the Authority to be bankrupt or insolvent, without the application, approval or consent of the Authority or if the Authority shall seek or consent to or fail to timely contest any order, judgment or decree appointing a custodian of all or a substantial part of its assets, or if the Authority shall seek or consent to, or fail to timely contest any order, judgment or decree approving a petition seeking reorganization or appointing a receiver, trustee or other custodian or liquidator of all or a substantial part of its assets, or (g) Failure of the security interests granted in the Agreement to constitute a duly perfected, valid security interest in the Revenues; or I u I (h) The breach of, or default under, any covenant, agreement, term, condition, provision, representation or warranty contained in this Agreement, the Note, not specifically referred to in this Section, if such breach or default is not cured within thirty (30) days of the occurrence thereof; or (i) In any event of default shall occur and shall continue for more than the period of grace, if any, provided with respect thereto, under this Agreement; or (j) The Project cannot be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City with the funds remaining to be advanced on the Note. 5.2 Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 5. hereof shall have occurred, the City may take any one or more of the following remedial steps: (a) Declare all amounts payable hereunder and pursuant to the Note or any renewal thereof, to be immediately due and payable without notice of default, presentment or demand for payment, protest or notice of nonpayment or dishonor, or other notices or demands of any kind whatsoever, whereupon the same, together with the accrued interest thereon, shall become immediately due and payable; or (b) Realize upon its rights under the security agreement and such other collateral documentation as may from time to time inure to the benefit of the City; or (c) Take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the amount then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance or observance of any obligations, agreements or covenants of the Authority under the Note, this Agreement, or otherwise. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Defeasance. If the Authority shall pay or cause to be paid or otherwise provide for, or there shall otherwise be paid or provided for, the principal and the interest on the Note and all other amounts payable by the Authority at the times and in the manner stipulated in this Agreement or the Note, then all covenants, agreements and other obligations of the Authority hereunder, and the security interest created by the Assignment, shall thereupon terminate and be discharged and satisfied, and thereupon all the moneys of the Authority then subject to such security interest shall be free and clear thereof 7.2 Waivers, etc. INTO failure on the par of the City to exercise and no delay in exercising, and no course of dealing with respect to, any right under this Agreement, or any other I agreement or instrument referred to in this Agreement, shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The remedies herein and therein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law. 7.3 Successors, etc. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any subsequent holder of the Notes and its successors and assigns. 7.4 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. 7.5 Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended, modified or waived except with the written consent of the parties hereto. 7.6 Notices. All requests and notices under the Agreement shall be hand delivered or sent by United State Mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows, except that either party may be written notice change of address, its counsel or its counsel's address for subsequent notices to be given hereunder: Authority Owasso Public Works Authority 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attention: Denise Bode, Chairman with a copy to: Ronald D. Cates Authority .Attorney Suite 680, Park Centre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 City: City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attn: Denise Bode, Mayor Ronald D. Cates City Attorney Suite 680, ParkCeiitre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 7 Notice given hereunder shall be deemed given upon receipt by the principal addressee. 7.8 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 7.9 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. ATTEST: By: Marcia Boutwell, Secretary (SEAL) ATTEST: By: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk RV. Owasso Public Works Authority Denise Bode, Chairman "Authority" City of Owasso, Oklahoma By: Denise Bode, Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER CONTRACT AWARD DATE: June 10, 1998 BACKGROUND: The impact of growth places demands on the infrastructure of the city, specifically on the wastewater collection and treatment system. It is the policy of the Owasso Public Works Authority to be proactive, rather than reactive in matters of growth and development. On January 6, 1998, Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution No. 98 -01 adopted the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as a policy statement for the extension, expansion and development of privately - financed and publicly - financed improvements of the City of Owasso municipal wastewater collection and treatment system. System needs are detailed in the Master Plan based on the present, 5 -, 10- and 20 -year growth projections. Proposed development in the Elm Creek drainage area has been occurring as described in the Master Plan. Development plans have been submitted that will require wastewater collection for essentially the entire undeveloped area south of 86th Street North between North 129th E. Avenue and North 145 E. Avenue (Albertson's and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club). Other development is likely to occur north and east of 86th Street North and North 145th E. Avenue, as well as with continued development north of 86th Street North west of North 145th E. Avenue (Silvercreek Addition). Recent activity involving the undeveloped area south of 86th Street North between North 129th E. Avenue and North 145 E. Avenue (Albertson's and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club) has resulted in a long -term method to provide wastewater collection. Consulting engineers (Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc.) for Lindsey Properties (Owasso Golf and Athletic Club) have determined that constructing the interceptor would eliminate costs of constructing interim lift stations presented in the Master Plan that are intended to be rather short - lived. The majority of expense of lift station and force main construction would be lost once the interceptor is ultimately constructed. Crafton, Tull has proposed that Lindsey construct the portion of the interceptor from 76th Street North to a point on the south side of the Owasso Golf and Athletic Club property. The portion of the interceptor from the 117th E. Avenue lift station to 76th Street North would be constructed by the City of Owasso. Construction of the interceptor in this ' ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR AWARD JUNE 10, 1998 ' PAGE 2 manner (i.e., from south to north) will enable wastewater collection to be accomplished without the need for interim facilities and enable the system easily to be extended north. Costs of construction will be allocated to appropriate undeveloped property in the basin in order to proportionately distribute engineering, easement acquisition and construction expenses to present ' and future users of the interceptor. ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The interceptor is sized and designed to carry additional flows for the total area to be served ultimately. The interceptor has been designed as 21 -inch diameter and essentially is to be built 1 adjacent to Elm Creek in the flood plain. The concept for construction is shown on the attached Location Map. BID ANALYSIS: ' Crafton, Tull & Associates have developed design documents and specifications for the interceptor. Public Works Department Engineering Division staff have reviewed the documents. ' The final plans were approved by Engineering and an advertisement was published on May 7, 1998. A Pre -bid Conference was conducted on May 27, 1998. Bids were opened on June 9, 1998. Five (5) bids were received and summarized as follows: Bidder Base Bid Deductive Alternate Total Bid rRamEngineering Kansas City, KS) $1,551,469.20 $55,000.00 $1,496,469.20 thers (Tulsa, OK) 1,816,049-00 15,000-00 1p801,049-00 and Construction (Tulsa, 1, 684,170.90 10, 000.00 1, 674,170.90 T -G Excavating (Catoosa, OK) 2,073,039-00 40, 000.00 2, 033, 039.00 ' Tam Har, Inc. (Sapulpa, OK) Not submitted 35,000.00 1,612,580.00 ' The solicitation required submittal of a base bid (for construction of cast -in -place concrete manholes) and a deductive alternate bid (for construction of pre -cast concrete manholes). The apparent low bid was received from HMG, Inc., Kansas City, Kansas for both the base and deductive alternate bids. Staff will recommend that the award be made based on the deductive alternate bid. The Engineer's estimate is $1,587,382.00. r f ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR AWARD JUNE 10, 1998 PAGE 3 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The proposed schedule for the project is as follows: Notice to Proceed June 24 Construction Complete November 21 (150 calendar days) The developer desires to have the first phase of apartments completed around October 1st. As a result, means to expedite construction will be evaluated. PROJECT FUNDING: The City has historically required those infrastructure improvements necessary to the development of property to be funded by the developer. The only exception to that policy was the construction of the "Ranch Creek" interceptor (built in the early eighties and located on the western border of the city). In that case, the City paid for the improvements using the proceeds of a bond. In this case, the staff has recommended, and the Trustees have reviewed a plan that will provide the initial capital cost through the public sector, with an eventual recouping of those funds through an assessment to each piece of property located in the line's service area. The concept is to require each tract of land to pay its share of the cost of the project when the property is developed and "tie in" to the system is requested. This concept allows the City to avoid temporary facilities and lift stations in favor of a permanent solution. The staff has researched the options available and will recommend that the project be funded through the combined use of a low - interest private sector loan and "revenue anticipation note" issued by the OPWA to the City of Owasso (essentially a self - funded loan from the City's various fund reserves). Under this concept, approximately one million dollars would be borrowed from a local bank at a low- interest rate (loans to the OPWA are tax exempt for the bank) and the remainder of the funds (approximately $700,000) supplied by the City through an "investment" on an OPWA revenue anticipation note. Both loans would be retired from revenues generated by the "payback" requirement. It should be noted that the staff projects an estimated $185,000 will not be repaid because there is some land in that area that may never develop. The staff has requested quotes from all three local banks on a low interest loan and is in the process of reviewing those quotes. The staff has also met with the City's financial advisor (Keith McDonald) and bond counsel (Alan Brooks) to enlist their assistance in ensuring such a loan will not have an adverse impact on our already issued debt. Both have advised that the proposed concept is valid and can work as long as the bank loan does not exceed 1.5 million dollars and the successful bank recognizes the loan cannot be secured by a "first" lien. r r� ' ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR AWARD JUNE 10, 1998 ' PAGE 4 t The City Council discussed this concept in a work session in May, and the staff is in the initial stages of drafting the necessary documents (Mr Brooks has volunteered to complete the draft). The staff (Ms Bishop & Mr Ray) is also in the first stages of negotiating the interest rate for the f low interest loan component of the package. The recommendation (below) requests authorization for the staff to finalize this funding concept by completing loan negotiations and developing the documents for the revenue anticipation note. ' It should be noted that finalizing the financing package is critical because state law will not allow final award of the contract until funds are appropriated. RECOXV4ENDATION: ' The staff recommends that the Trustees award a contract for the construction of the Elm Creek Interceptor to HMG, Inc., Kansas City, KS in the amount of $1,496,469.20, contingent upon receipt of funding for the project, and further authorize the staff to develop documents and ' conduct negotiations for a low interest bank loan and a revenue anticipation note, provided however, such financing be presented to the Trustees for final approval prior to execution. ATTACK WNTS: ' 1. Location Map 2. Bid Tabulation 1 r 1 O d w U z_I 3 w I w a m 0 Wl >1 Q' . I W' STREET earr ccT 1 I I' 1 LOI V ' 1 �I �TRF_ET DAM Ljl- CITY OF OWASSO ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 698 1 OF 1 CRAFTON TULL ASSQ'.IATES - 0 C4 JUI�I -10 -1598 1ppa�loppOOp VU G N N C f N E $888888$�o ^0{,BH�,8nF $8 $pp8888888$8$8p8ppp$88 S8 �$ O ��� y� �� H N N V� N �.j N M� N N N Q� •'� �� S S 8�� g� v N ryry _ N N N N N N } O .j+ G N N N O N b N C. T O F N V11 N �i � LI N A N p ~ U p Oryry N N N N N N N x N ^ Y1 iNA x P.02/02 o A N � iw H O N d P1 p p O O O8 Q M O O M � M Oryr O N N O ri O �} O r N1 N S O 8 a 8 0 N N O o cl 00 N ° 0 o oa th lo O V N N Y (A N O O 8 G N N N N N N x N x N N N N N N N N p p p p p p p pp pp pp pp p p pp W88 QQ OQ S yO, !Oq� yp H� Opry rI M1^ V} p ip r. O N O O N I^ N` N N $$ gNN ^ 0 N uj Z N N N N N N N N N N N � N x Z N N W pr., O O f n N oo O• O M `n '. e� t� Y N oo M N .-. f� N '. �D Y Z b�at! t b o u a @) O&��gU4,6,4,9 a {� E F+ Fi G� �7 V �t u' Su' Su '3vSu'iu'Sul- 9k�g °�Q� ° U L u U 2 B 0 0 0 e Q 8 r fg o u a al N fn O vl �O O` µ r - N N N O N N �i O O VNi N N E U ~ N c C A !/� pp pp pp pp pp pp p pp pp p oQ pQ O p p O S O: N O O O O W o 8 w N O O Vf O r 8 ry h r 0 H v1 r Q H N N N N H N N N N r y� „ a0 x N �^ Q N N N N E V1 N N N N N N N O Q p O C N Npo pO po p po p pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp o p p 8 G Op O O Q O Op O O y Oy�� p Op O o S S p S vi S P h O. O• h r W O '• P �`L ^ p _ 8 6 i � O .o w �+ W N N N N �" N N Q � V� N •'. pQ �Q7, O M O M N O. .� M N� N N M O ,L.1j vI. Z� Q 0 O 0 IfAj Fu g��N �U O of Ww ggg 8888 �gggQg{8 1888 oog Q Q $ pq 25 25 2R$5 § � �g _ N ' Q Q Q Q QC °°O., �i 2$ ZS a1 vl, `° °` e'l _ rn 25 2$ V. Q W m 25 25 N ♦m♦ ..j O O r Nr N O U H N N N N p p p p p p p pp p pp p p pp pp pp pp pp pp pQ p p p p pp p p pp pp pp O p N M S 8 O S O x N 00 0\ N N N N N N N N O O N C N N P.02/02 o A N � iw H O N d P1 p p O O O8 Q M O O M � M Oryr O N N O ri O �} O r N1 N S O 8 a 8 0 N N O o cl 00 N ° 0 o oa th lo O V N N Y (A N O O 8 G N N N N N N x N x N N N N N N N N p p p p p p p pp pp pp pp p p pp W88 QQ OQ S yO, !Oq� yp H� Opry rI M1^ V} p ip r. O N O O N I^ N` N N $$ gNN ^ 0 N uj Z N N N N N N N N N N N � N x Z N N W pr., O O f n N oo O• O M `n '. e� t� Y N oo M N .-. f� N '. �D Y Z b�at! t b o u a @) O&��gU4,6,4,9 a {� E F+ Fi G� �7 V �t u' Su' Su '3vSu'iu'Sul- 9k�g °�Q� ° U L u U 2 B 0 0 0 e Q 8 r fg o u a al N fn O vl �O O` µ r - 1/-- I 1 j� TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR AUTHORIZATION TO BID DATE: April 29, 1998 BACKGROUND: The impact of growth places demands on the infrastructure of the city, specifically on the wastewater collection and treatment system. It is the policy of the Owasso Public Works Authority to be proactive, rather than reactive in matters of growth and development. On January 6, 1998, Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution No. 98 -01 adopted the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as a policy statement for the extension, expansion and development of privately - financed and publicly - financed improvements of the City of Owasso municipal wastewater collection and treatment system (see Attachment 1). Proper planning and development of infrastructure directly impacts future growth and the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan was prepared to serve as the "road map" for present and future wastewater collection system infrastructure needs. The document incorporates a methodology that combines detailed sewer drainage basins, projected land uses and estimated population densities to calculate wastewater flow in the basin. The flow values were then evaluated to determine collection line and lift station pump sizes, which are computer - modeled to assess existing and future system needs. System needs are detailed in the report based on the present, 5 -, 10- and 20 -year growth projections. It was recognized that implementation of the Wastewater Master Plan has the potential to have significant wide - ranging impacts concerning present and future infrastructure. Costs associated with expansion and extension of the wastewater collection and treatment system can affect development feasibility. SYSTEM GROWTH REQUIREMENTS: As new development occurs in Owasso, wastewater collection system expansion is generally projected to be divided into two (2) major collection zones. These zones are east of Highway 169 and west of Highway 169. Presently, all collected flow is ultimately transported to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR APRIL 29, 1998 PAGE 2 Flows from the east side of Highway 169 are pumped to the plant through a lift station located ' at 117th E. Avenue near 71st Street North. The Master Plan indicates that a significant portion of the future development that is projected to occur in the next 20- ' years will contribute now to the 117th E. Avenue Lift Station. The growth that is projected on the eastern side of Highway 169 will require that some improvements are made in order to allow these higher flows to reach the main plant. ' In addition, the Master Plan provides detail concerning development in the Elm Creek drainage basin as follows: The Elm Creek basin is projected to have a substantial amount of development within the next 20- years. A large portion of this growth will occur in the next 5 -years in the ' vicinity of the Brentwood lift station [located on 86th Street North east of the Junior High School]. The station itself has adequate ability to serve all of the new development that is projected to the north of 86th Street North and east of the existing development; ' however, the flows will cause severe overloading in the Elm Creek interceptor downstream of the Brentwood discharge... Ultimately, the construction of a rg avity line aloniz Elm Creek will relieve the Brentwood station and in doing so will relieve the ' overloading. Some development is expected to occur south of the Brentwood lift station within the ' next 5- years. These areas cannot be served by RravLty lines into the Brentwood lift station or into any part of the existing collection system. Additional development is projected further south (downstream) of the area within 10- years. Further downstream more development is projected within 20- years. Develgpment of this basin from upstream to downstream prevents the natural iterative construction of the East Elm Creek ' Interceptor. Because of this, intermediate alternatives [were] evaluated to determine the most cost - effective method of providing sewer service to these areas. Proposed development in this area has been occurring as described in the Master Plan. At present, development plans have been submitted that will require wastewater collection for essentially the entire undeveloped area south of 86th Street North between North 129th E. Avenue and North 145 E. Avenue (Albertson's and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club). Other development is likely to occur north and east of 86th Street North and North 145th E. Avenue, as well as with continued development north of 86th Street North west of North 145th E. LAvenue (Silvercreek Addition). To accommodate growth as projected, the Master Plan incorporates scenarios that combine expansion of gravity interceptors, interim lift stations and force mains over a 20 -year period. The 5 -year development plan (see Attachment 2 - Figure V -15 from the Master Plan) includes extension of the interceptor to the north, flow diversion from the Brentwood lift station and construction of two (2) interim lift stations and force mains. As development continues, the 10- year development plan includes elimination of the two lift stations, extension of the interceptor south to 76th Street north and construction of another.interim lift station and force main (see ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR APRIL 29, 1998 PAGE 3 Attachment 2 - Figure V -16 from the Master Plan). The 20 -year development plan (see Attachment 2 - Figure V -17 from the Master Plan) shows the elimination of the lift station and continuation of the interceptor south toward the 117th E. Avenue lift station. Ultimately, the Elm Creek basin will be served by a gravity sewer interceptor system. Three (3) interim lift stations and three (3) force mains will be removed or abandoned. PROPOSED ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR -PROJECT: Recent activity involving the undeveloped area south of 86th Street North between North 129th E. Avenue and North 145 E. Avenue (Albertson's and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club) has resulted in discussion concerning a long -term method to provide wastewater collection. Provision of interim lift stations and force mains for this area and their short -term costs have been evaluated. Consulting engineers ( Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc.) for Lindsey Properties (Owasso Golf and Athletic Club) have approached engineering staff to determine feasibility of constructing the interceptor. Constructing the interceptor would eliminate costs of constructing lift stations that are intended to be rather short - lived. The majority of expense of lift station and force main construction would be lost once the interceptor is ultimately constructed. Crafton, Tull has proposed that Lindsey construct the portion of the interceptor from 76th Street North to a point on the south side of the Owasso Golf and Athletic Club property (see Attachment 3). The portion of the interceptor from the 117th E. Avenue lift station to 76th Street North would be constructed by the City of Owasso. Construction of the interceptor in this manner (i.e., from south to north) will enable wastewater collection to be accomplished without the need for interim facilities and enable the system easily to be extended north. PROJECT COSTS: The interceptor is sized and designed to carry additional flows for the total area to be served ultimately. As a result, costs of construction should be allocated to appropriate undeveloped property in the basin in order to proportionately distribute construction expenses to present and future users of the interceptor. A detailed evaluation of construction costs has been performed by Crafton, Tull & Associates. Considerable effort was also expended to identify the extent of rock in along the route of construction in order to prepare a realistic cost estimate. As a result of this work, the interceptor has a total probable construction cost of approximately $1,587,382. The line will continue through a portion of the Club property at the developer's expense and then extended to the intersection of 86th Street North and North 145th E. Avenue. Engineering for the project is estimated to be $75,000 and a right -of -way acquisition allowance of $50,000 has been included. Total probable project cost is estimated to be $1,712,382. Users of the interceptor are expected to contribute to the project costs based upon their contribution to the amount of wastewater generated. Staff believes that this contribution is IELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR APRIL 29, 1998 ' PAGE 4 directly attributed to development acreage. Therefore, the present undeveloped interceptor drainage area has been compiled to determine a per acre charge for the interceptor construction. ' A total of 1378 undeveloped acres were identified (see Attachment 3). ' Present and near -term development potential Reimbursement of project costs have been estimated as $1,242.66 per undeveloped acre (total project cost of $1,712,382 =1378 acres). Based on present and near -term development plans, ' approximately 909.6 'acres (areas 'D, F, H, I, J, K, L, P, and Q) are identified- to develop relatively quickly. Reimbursable costs of $1,130,324 (approximately 66% of the total estimated project costs) are associated with these areas. ' Short -term development potential Another 369.4 acres (areas E, G, M and N) can be expected to develop in the in the next few ' years. Reimbursable costs of $459,039 (or an additional 27% of the total estimated project costs) area associated with these areas. Long-range development The remaining 99 acres (areas A, B, C and O) are not expected to develop in the immediate r future. Associated costs of $123,023 (7% of the total project) would remain uncollected until development occurs. OTHER PUMPING AND TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS: Flow Equalization at 117th E Avenue lift station Wastewater flows in the Elm Creek Interceptor to the 117th E. Avenue lift station. As the flows increase, the Master Plan indicates that some improvements will need to be made in order to allow these higher flows to reach the Main Plant. The most cost - effective improvement will be the construction of a flow equalization basin near the lift station to provide storage and constant pumping to the plant. Land will need to be acquired near the lift station to accommodate a total of 10- million gallons of wastewater storage. It is projected that the facility would be constructed in two 5- million gallon phases by year 2002 and 2007. Total present worth capital cost is estimated as approximately $3,600,000. ' Wastewater Treatment Capability The present Wastewater Treatment facility will have capacity to treat 2.15 million gallons per ' day (MGD) at the completion of Phase I improvements presently under construction. Phase II improvements will need to be operational in the year 2001 to increase capacity to 3.3 MGD (see Attachment 4 - Phasing of Improvements). Future planning for additional capacity will need to be initiated in the year 2012. Treated wastewater flows to Owasso Creek, then ultimately to Bird Creek. The discharge effluent quality to the creek is modeled based on Bird Creek water quality criteria. An amendment to the Facility Plan for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (prepared in September 1994) indicates that ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR APRIL 29, 1998 PAGE 5 the present [treatment plant] site may not be cost - effective for expansion beyond the proposed planning period [through the year 2015]. Future growth will more than likely occur east of Highway 169 in which case a new second plant in that area may prove to be more cost - effective than to pump the flow top the present site for treatment. Further expansion of the existing site will require considerable amount of fill and flood protection. Construction of-a new facility on the -east side of Highway 169 would- be expected to be in the vicinity of the 117th E. Avenue lift station, since the station is the terminus of the gravity collection system and the proposed location of flow equalization. Discharge of treated wastewater from the facility would likely be to another location on Bird Creek. Water quality modeling for this discharge would be performed by INCOG. Based on conversations with modeling personnel, it is anticipated that modeling will result in significantly higher treatment requirements for a new facility as well as for the existing plant. Advanced treatment to remove more organics, suspended solids and to include nutrient removal should be expected for both discharges. Construction costs of a new facility and needed retrofitting of the existing plant cannot be accurately determined until the level of treatment is defined. However, the 1.15 MGD expansion for Phase II improvements at the existing facility is projected to be approximately $6.7 million. If construction of a 2 MGD plant is needed on the east side of Highway 169 in year 2015, costs at that time can be expected to exceed $12 million. INTERCEPTOR DESIGN DOCUMENTATIONS: Crafton, Tull & Associates have developed design documents and specifications for the interceptor. Public Works Department Engineering Division staff have reviewed the documents. The final plans have been approved by Engineering. Bid documents and the advertisement are ready to be published. PROJECT SCHEDULE: The proposed schedule for the project is as follows: Advertisement Pre -bid Conference Bid Opening Award of Bid Notice to Proceed Construction Complete May 7 and 14, 1998 May 27 June 9 June 16 June 24 November 21 (150 calendar days) The developer desires to have the first phase of apartments completed around October 1st. As a result, means to expedite construction will be evaluated. N iw ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR APRIL 29, 1998 ' PAGE 6 PROJECT FUNDING: ' During the March 17, 1998 meeting of the OPWA, the staff reported to the Trustees that there was a "unique window of opportunity" available to partner with the private sector in constructing this interceptor (see attached memo dated March 13, 1998). The concept forwarded was one 1 that allows the entire interceptor to be constructed (rather than utilizing costly temporary solutions) with city - backed financing supported by a private sector "pay - back" as property develops. The Trustees directed the staff to further develop the financing concept, as well as the construction plans for the project. 1 As stated above, the plans and specifications have been completed and the project is ready for bid. Additionally, the staff has explored three options as viable approaches to financing the project using the "pay- back" concept. Those options are 1) a self - funding (revenue anticipation ' note to the OPWA from the City of Owasso) method; 2) use of a local financial institution (direct loan to the OPWA); and 3) a revenue bond issued by the OPWA. ' An analysis of those options is currently in progress, with a recommendation expected within the next week. ' RECOMMENDATION: ' Staff recommends Trustees authorization to bid construction of the Elm Creek Interceptor. 10 ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Memorandum Dated March 13, 1998 2. Resolution No. 98 -01 3. Elm Creek Basin plans from 1997 Wastewater Master Plan (3 sheets) 4. Elm Creek Interceptor Drainage Area 5. Phasing of Improvements 6. Design Drawings MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO DEVELOP CONCEPT PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR (WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINE) DATE: . March 13, 1998 BACKGROUND: For the past several months, the staff has monitored the increasingly rapid development of the area east of 129th East Ave between 76th St N and 96th St N. Recent land purchases and residential development in that area have, predictably, resulted in development plans that are even greater than originally thought (and a more rapid rate of development). A factor influencing growth in that area is the ability/capability to provide wastewater collection and treatment facilities in order to create an economically feasible development. The City has recently adopted a wastewater master plan that addresses the needs and projections for the development of the area east of 129th East Ave (specifically) as a part of the entire system. Generally, the plan notes the need for an interceptor line (a major collector line that serves to collect wastewater from a large area) to be constructed to collect wastewater from a significant area east of 129th East Ave and north of 76th St N. That Interceptor is planned to "gravity flow" to the 117th St lift station where the flow would be "pumped" to the city's treatment plant. Eventually, the city's facility plan and master plan call for the construction of a second treatment plant at the 117th St lift station site. Based on the known development plans for the area, the staff believes the city has a unique window of opportunity to partner with the private sector. The concept is for the construction of the base portion of the proposed gravity flow interceptor line, thus avoiding costly temporary lift stations and "forced mains." While the temporary solutions that would be allowed under the city's development plans will allow development, they will have to eventually be removed and the interceptor constructed. The problem with the immediate construction of the interceptor by the private sector is that it is not economically feasible for one developer to undertake. Additionally, it is difficult for developers to jointly undertake such a project because those separate projects do not generally take place in the same time frame. 0 ATTACHMENT ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR MARCH 13, 1998 PAGE 2 ■ There is, however, an opportunity for the city government to play a role in the project by providing financing to the project under a "payback" concept. While the base portion of the loper can justify, the city could use its borrowing powers to project is larger than a single deve complete that portion of the project and require developers to tie into the system and "payback" the city its proportional share of the cost of the design, construction and financing of the project. ' This concept is widely utilized in most growth cities as a means to develop large areas by sharing the cost of infrastructure. ' In 1982, the City of Owasso (OPWA) determined that the western and northern areas of the city needed a development incentive (as well as an improvement to some existing facilities) and ' constructed the Ranch Creek Interceptor." The entire project cost was born by the city using borrowed funds. While the project did accomplish an immediate goal of improving the collection system (and allowing for the shutdown of several costly lift stations), its success as ' an incentive for development was not as hoped. Eventually, the interceptor proved beneficial as a relief for the rest of the system, but only now are we realizing the originally planned benefits for growth. Th e proposed Elm Creek Interceptor, however, differs conceptually from that previous project p in that development plans (Owasso Golf and Athletic Club, KMO Commercial Development, ' Silver. Creek residential and two unnamed office -type developments) are currently being processed by the city. Additionally, the use of a "payback" concept should result in the city having only to pick up about $132,000 of the estimated 1.8 million dollar project (due only to ' the fact that some of the property in the collection area may not develop in the foreseeable future. REQUEST: 1 The request is for authorization for the staff to develop a plan for the design, construction and funding of a 1.8 million dollar wastewater project based on the above - described "payback concept. If the request is approved, the staff will further develop the concept and present options to the Trustees as soon as possible. r NOTE: Approval of this request does not authorize the project or expenditure of any funds without future Trustee approval. RECOMMF,NDATION The staff recommends Trustee approval of a request to authorize the City Manager to develop a plan for presentation to the OPWA that relates to the use of a "payback" concept in the design, construction and funding of the Elm Creek Interceptor project. ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR ' MARCH 13, 1998 PAGE 3 NOTE: Please review the attached detailed memorandum from Robert Carr outlining cost and other issues relating to this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from Robert Carr. 2. Maps showing proposed project and areas- subject to payback provisions,.� POLICE VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT JULY 30, 1998 ' PAGE 3 Trim -Rite for the striping of the police vehicles, $1,378.20 and to Buddy Pales, $1,500 for installation of emergency equipment. The total expenditure for this purchase is within the limits of the 1998 -1999 Police Department budget. ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. State Vehicle Bid Packet 2. Emergency Equipment Quotes ' 3. Budget Reference f 1 a City Of Owasso Annual Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 1998 -99 Activity / Police Department / Police Actual Actual Budget Proposed Line Item Description 1995 -96 1996 -97 1997 -98 1998 -99 51 310 5101 Salaries & Wages 724,211 777,946 929,140 1,037,140 5106 Overtime (Emergency) 42,750 42,432 23,000 20,000 5110 FICA 5,026 4,801 11,290 13,840 5111 Retirement (OMRF) 5,656 6,743 8,550 9,760 5112 Retirement (Police) 79,318 88,258 109,840 122,680 5120 Unemployment Insurance 2,802 2,594 3,630 3,750 5130 Medical Insurance 65,377 71,981 91,235 104,375 5131 Life Insurance 2,752 2,781 3,290 3,506 5135 Other Insurance 0 0 1,075 1,180 5161 Tuition Reimbursement 1,610 1,565 1,000 500 5165 Incentives 0 1,114 2,275 2,275 5171 Uniform Allowance 11 300 9,900 10,280 11,650 70 "Total Personal Services* 0 0 51 310 5210 Office Supplies 4,137 2,121 3,400 3,500 5211 Printed Forms 1,326 580 1,150 1,500 5212 Books and Periodicals 837 363 900 1,000 ' 5213 Copying Expense 2,013 1,808 3,240 3,300 5220 Operating Supplies 14,185 11,263 14,920 14,000 5221 Uniforms & Prot. Clothing 14,455 13,406 13,670 16,000 5222 D.A.R.E. Supplies 888 131 1,000 750 5250 Repair & Maint. Supplies 1,092 1,203 1,300 800 5260 Vehicle Maint. (Parts) 9,793 14,606 15,000 22,000 5261 Gasoline & Fuel 22,554 19,206 18,950 20,000 ' 5290 Misc. Supplies 70 178 0 0 *Total Materials & Supplies* 7;€ €:, t8 ' �� , L 3ffl { = 51 310 5310 Prof. & Tech. Services 4,868 3,897 7,550 8,850 5321 Utilities 5,957 6,554 7,800 8,000 r 5330 Repair & Maint. Services 3,271 1,849 2,000 2,000 5336 Uniform Services 0 0 9,000 9,000 5340 5371 Rentals Telephone 2,072 6,649 2,478 7,973 3,500 9,800 3,500 10,000 , 5372 Postage 535 387 400 400 5380 Travel & Training 8,286 9,091 9,500 12,000 _ 5383 Dues & Fees 1 083 700 980 1 000 *Total Other Services &Charges � 51 310 5420 Building Improvements 1,350 0 2,500 0 5430 Improvements 0 0 12,000 0 5441 5442 Machinery & Equipment Vehicles 615 48,502 7,090 38,952 5,750 86,700 9,100 69,150' 5443 Furniture & Fixtures 0 40 300 1,000 *Total Capital Outlay< Total Police Operations $1,095,340 $1,153,992 $1,425,915 $1,547,506 41 1 1 1 1 II ❑ KANSAS CITY. MO 841081 3313 QUOTATION ❑5700 NORTH WASHINGTON DENVER. CO 80218 3032950218 125 WEST COSTILLA ❑ COLORADO SPRINGS. CO 80903 303836 -5134 ❑ TULSA. OK 4120 918582 -8274 ❑ CAfl HAGS AIR 64838 417.3587985 TUXaLlk 505 NORH PORTLAND Q5A 2543 Please refer to above number on all correspondence when ordering. ❑ OKLAHOMA CITY.OK73107405-WMD4 UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT, INC. Toil Free: Nationwide 1- 800 - 6414242 ❑ 2123 VAUGHN RD. A U4.1d1wr a C 9. s�I1e a A—. 1— Inside MO. 1- 800 - 4924910 GREAT FALLS. MT 59404 406-75147W Inside C0.1- 800 - 523 -8377 138 &W. 153RD ST. Inside MT. 1-800 -332 -5962 ❑ SEATTLE. WA 98108 208241 -818 �- V+S50 j� Inside .1- 800-522 -6763 L Name f —? Inside WA. 1- 800 443 -9511 Date l ` a6 12 Address Person Inquiring: City State Zip Phone Quotation herein contained is guaranteed for thirty days from date, unless otherwise stated, after which prices are subject to change. _^ vCI /W 00 This quotation is in answwer to your request # , dated and specifications dated . Anv chanaes In specifications will necessitate a new quotation. ITEM# LOT N DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT PRICE ITEM TOTAL W R �- r1A5/�R 3�'J 4 5 6 R ►� K M -� - .o�,. �s 7 s °° 8 FN�a Ef} SO 9 )ML �. 4t «k co (Gas 10 11 12 13 14 16 A YLOJS 17 18 19 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS THE ABOVE PRICES SUPERSEDE ALL PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS. TERMS: NET 30 0 CASH O DELIVERY SALESMAN _ SUBMITTED BY JP13862 F.O.B. Oklahoma City/Tulsa /Carthage Denver /Colorado Springs /Kansas City APPROVED BY Title WHITE CIICTnUP0 rtnDV w1 IIC 1711 C rnoV DUJ1/ CAI CCUAU +c t-noV JUL -27 -98 MON 16:03 FOX INTERNATIONAL FAX NO. 8003699110 P.01 Fox International Ltd., Inc. With One Call You Can Get It AM 23600 Aurora Rd. Bedford Hts.. Ohio 44146 440.439.8329 Fax 800.389.9110 The following number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices: QUOTE NUMBER: 2098 QUOTATION 2098 To: OWASSO POLICE DEPT SHIP TO: SAME ATT: LT MOTTO 101 N MAIN OWASSO.OK 74055 P.O. DATE REQUISITIONER SHIP VIA F.O.B. POINT TERMS 7/28/98 LT MOTTO P3104 - SECURITY CAGE BEDFORD HTS 807.00 QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 3 EA P3104 - SECURITY CAGE 269.00 807.00 3 EA VC4810 - 3 VECTOR LIGHTBAR 689.00 2067.00 6 EA SML - REAR DECK LIGHTS ) 55.26 331.56 3 EA FHL2 - HEADLIGHT FLASHERS 34.73 104.19 3 EA MS100 -04 - DYNAMAX SPEAKER 132.00 396.00 3 EA PA400SS- INTERCEPTOR 399.00 1197.00 3 EA MNCT -SB - MICROPHONE — 1 53.00 159.00 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX SHIPPING 8 HANDLING FOB OTHER TOTAL Send aA correspondence to Donna Calvey Fox International Ltd.. Inc 23600 Awora Rd Bedford Hts.. Oho 44146 440 439 8329 ; Fax 800.3W.91 10 AUTHORIZED BY: DONNA CALVEY DATE 07!28/98 Quote Form ymm in- -- rrrr / /.s//f %�/fr %ffr HIM rrrrrrr> >rrriflrit x r PG Box SS208 2680 Palumbo Dr. Lcxineron. KY 405SS Phone. (800) 477 -7766 Fax: MM) 944 -2557 Quote !l: 10013606 Account Rep: Terry Jones Terms: Net 30 Account #: 2935179 Phone: 18001477-7766 X2169 FOB. Oriain Reference #: Ouote Date: 711198 Ship Via: UPS 2nd Dav Air Customer. OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT 101 N MAIN I p OWASSO, OK 74055 I p Attention: LT CLIFORD MOTTO Phone: 918- 272 -2244 Fax: 918- 272 -4900 Item Number Product Description Qty Unit Price Extended Price Delivery Days ARO P3104 PROGUARD SECURITY CAGES 3 \ $302.35 $907.05 30 LB373 FE01 VECTOR W15 ROTATORS 2 ALLEYS 2 TAKEDO 3 $731.49 $2,194.47 5-7 LB203 CV2 FED SIG ADAPTER KIT 1997 FORD CRN VIC - ZA675 ------------------------------------------------------ SK064 CRV FE01 FHL2 FLASHER UNIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DYNAMAX COMPACT 100 WATT SPEAKER 1997 CRN 3 3 r $44.09 $156.79 $132.27 $470.37 30 5 -7 GR100 AMB BLU 4X3 STROBE LIGHT HEADS WIBLACK HOUSING AMB 6 $123.49 $740.94 2-3 SK045 PA40OSSSIREN 3 N $417.09 $1,251.27 2-3 SML2 2 STROBE HEADS - IF I CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE FEEL Subtotal $5,980.59 FREE TO GIVE ME A CALL Freight $0.00 Sales Tax $0.00 Total $5,980.59 PLEASE REFER ALL INQUIRIES AND ORDERS TO QUOTE * ABOVE. PRICES ARE FIRM FOR 90 DAYS: QUOTE VALID ONLY IN ITS ENTIRETY. 7kesday, July 21, 1998 Page 1 of I STATE OF OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES B-12 STATE CAPITOL BUILDING OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 -4888 NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT CONTRACT TITLE ..... ..........................MOTOR VEHICLES - CARS & TRUCKS CONTRACT NUMBER ............ ........................SW80035 CONTRACT PERIOD .................DECEMBER 12, 1997 THRU JULY 31, 1998 ( or notice from vendor of manufacturer's production cut -off) AUTHORIZED USERS ...... All State agencies, cities, counties, school districts and municipalities CONTRACT PRIORITY...... Under provisions of the Agency Procedures Manual, Page 2, Section 4, Methods of Purchasing, Paragraph A.1: "Statewide "00" contracts are the first priority in all purchases. If the item being purchased, regardless of price, is available from a "00" contract, it must be purchased from that source and none other." F.O.B ............ Prices are F.O.B. requesting agency, or purchasing unit (i.e., city, county, municipality, etc.), including shipping, packaging, handling and delivery charges, fully prepaid by the contract holder. DELIVERY .............Within 120 days after receipt of order by the contract holder TERMS ..............See Vendor Information Sheet CANCELLATION CLAUSE ........... This contract shall be in force until expiration date or until thirty (30) days after notice has been given by the State of Oklahoma of it's desire to terminate the contract. Immediate cancellation shall be effected when violations of the contract will impede the function of the agency and conditions preclude a thirty (30) days written notice. Contract holders must notify the Central Purchasing contracting officer of proposed changes to the contract (discontinued products, model upgrades or replacement, price decreases, etc.) within ten (10) working days of notification by their suppliers. Failure to comply with this condition may result in removal from the contract or suspension of the contract holder. r I- um W. 1 1999 DEALER ORDER RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT —FD PAGE 47 ALTER —ORDER ** DEALER SUBMITTED ** 52G201 FRED JONES FD OF OKC ' 800Y P71 BEGIN ORD 2441 ar UNITS 001 SPEC ORD# ORDER TYPE SI y00RA PROCESSED 06/16/98 PM ":.`ORDER RCPT DATE 06/01/98 SCHD FIRM PRICES NOT AVAILABLE 'A 06/16/98 PRIORITY H9 FIN. CODE OH719 SSEMBLY PLANT VIN FP71W X ' THIS ORDER IS CONDITIONED UPON FINAL PRICE LEVEL CERTIFICATION OF THE VEHICLE. 900 ".1999 CR VIC POLICE INTERCEPTOR VEHICLE NOT FOR SALE :;:W.T VIBRANT WHITE CLEARCOAT ' .`•I CLOTH BUCKETS /VINYL REAR SEATS DARK DENIM BLUE 1199W .4_6L OHC SEFI V8 ENGINE '44U .ELECTRONIC AUTO 0/0 TRANS ..:T23 .PZ25 /60VRX16 ALL SEAS SSW TIRE' .,:,,153 FRONT LICENSE PLATE BRACKET 445F 3.55 RATIO— AXLE /TRACTION —LOK .51Y DRIVER AND PASSENGER SPOT LAMP ° S.BH AM /FM STEREO RADIO W /CASSETTE FLEET FUEL FILL DELETE REMARKS TRAILER 96C 80DYSIDE MOLDINGS INSTALLED 4 U.S. GAL GAS FACTORY NET INVOICE FLEET OPTION PRICED DORA PRICE ADJUSTMNT NOTICE APPLIES -79 PRICE CONCESSION REQUESTED QUALIFIES FOR DISCOUNT PEP —PREF EQUIP PKG & CHANGES -- ORIG CODE '';ADDS: * DENOTES PROCESSED 51Y DELETES: * DENOTES PROCESSED .51C 51A ADDS: * DENOTES PROCESSED *45F 1 16 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC' NC. -------------- CUSTOMER -- - — -- - - - - -- CUST* OWASSO PD LETALEXAN GE855 -------------- PRICE CONCESSION PRCN #1036- 222W11/24/970K 0001400 * # * * # # * * ** END OF DORA NC Nc NC NC NC NC NC NC NC %'E :-cIES 730732005 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73101 DAVID CAMPBELL PHONE: (405)278 -2954 EXT: LARRY SPENCER CHEVROLET INC ATTN DAVID BRACKSIECK FLT MGR 2424 W MAIN ST NORMAN OK 73069 -6328 DAVID BRACKSIECK FLT MGR PHONE: (405)321 -7021 EXT: FADE 2 BP14645 1� I' 1 Ve: ^icles 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) PAGE c that needed to meet maximum performance standards. Alternator: Minimum rating -120 amperes. Shall be of heavy duty design capable of withstanding patrol vehicle operation at 110 m.p.h.; transis- torized regulator. Battery: 12 volt, 69 ampere hour minimum. ' Minimum cold cranking amperes 730 at 0 degrees F. Maintenance free type. Cooling System: Vehicle to have maximum size ' available with police package. "Coolant Recovery" system to be incorporated factory installed. Fan to have flex blades if available with no less than ' five (5) blades. Speedometer: To be calibrated to within 2% 1 accuracy. Scale to be 2 m.p.h. increments, and to be from 0 -120 m.p.h. scale. Suspension: To be equipped with heavy duty shock absorbers front and rear. Springs front and rear or torsion bars on front with springs on rear. ' Wheels: To be equipped with five (5) full size rims. Wheels shall be painted black and shall conform to the National Wheel and Rim Association, ' Inc. Specification No. X9030. Tires: Vehicle sha_l be equipped with five (5) full size blackwall tubeless tires constructed ' with two (2) radial polyester cord body plies and two (2) nylon overlays. Tires are to be certified by the manufacturer for high -speed police pursuit. ' bid submitted. Spare tires and rims must be factory new. All tires must be rated for the maximum speed of ' the vehicle. ' Inside Hood Release Rear Window Defogger Unit: To be factory installed electronic grid. Control to be con- ' venient to driver's reach. Lights: Dome light(s) to be standard manufacturers Engine and trunk compartment lights to be equipped with mercury switch. Gauges: Ammeter or voltmeter, water temperature and oil pressure gauges. Vehicles 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) PAGE E whichever occurs first from the date of delivery. If such failure renders the vehicle incapable of being driven, the vendor will be responsible for having the vehicle transported to his place of business. If such failure takes place outside the dealer's service area, the vendor will be respon- sible for reimbursing the nearest authorized dealer for services rendered under this warranty. Do you have a standard 36 month /36,000 miles full coverage warranty (except tires)? Yes x No Tires are exempt from this warranty, but must be covered by the tire manufacturer's standard warranty and serviced by the local authorized dealer of the tire manufacturer. D -5 Parts: The State of Oklahoma shall expect the manufacturer to have an adequate stock of replacement parts available to service State vehicles and to make delivery within a reasonable time of all replacement parts to their dealers who may service State vehicles. The State further expects that warranty service and repair as well as non - warranty service and repairs will be handled without prejudice by local dealerships throughout the United States. D -6 Decals: No decals or markings of any type pertaining to advertisement shall be placed on vehicles delivered to the State, except trademarks or model designation normally installed by manufacturers on the automobile. D -7: OPTIONS (SEE CONTRACT) Make & Model Bidding:_FORD CROWN VIC POLICE INTER Vehicle Made in USA? YES_No_X_ CANADA Factory Production Code:_P71 Engine Size: 4.6L Wheel Base: —114 Tires - Size:P225 /160VRX16 PLY: 6 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : 20,118.000000 - 100 -22 Option # 22 Split Bench Seat with cloth fabric (PR) VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: EP14605 PRICE PER EA : 79.000000 - 100 -23 Option # 23 Power seats ' Vehicles Option # 36 Four (4) Factory Carpet Floor pad` F Mats 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) (12H -12Q) ' ' VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD (127) BPO NUMBER: EP14605 PRICE PER EA 48.000OOC ' - 100 -37 DELETES CARPET Deduct: OPTION 553 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD ' BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : - 667.000000 BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA 23.000000 - 100 -34 Option # 34 ' ' Standard /Police Duty vinyl rear seat center of dash (1R) FRONT CLOTH /REAR VINYL PW7 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD ' BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : 57.000000 - 100 -35 Option # 35 standard radio (PR9). Speakers are mounted in ' Factory 16" Wheel Pursuit Rim ' VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD customer connection to radio. Entertainment radio BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : 62.000000 ' - 100 -36 Option # 36 Four (4) Factory Carpet Floor Mats (12H -12Q) ' VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: EP14605 PRICE PER EA 48.000OOC ' - 100 -37 Option # 37 Delete "ABS" Braking System Deduct: OPTION 553 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD ' BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : - 667.000000 - 100 -319 Option # 31 Wiring package, Front (PW7): Five - circuit harness ' one end coiled on RH shock tower routes through dash panel with the other end in .a 36 -inch coil at center of dash PW7 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD ' BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : 57.000000 - 100 -40 Option # 40 Auxiliary Speakers and wiring for use with standard radio (PR9). Speakers are mounted in ' right -hand and left -hand front doors and are connected to wiring which is routed to center of instrument panel with a 36 -inch coil of wire for ' customer connection to radio. Entertainment radio operates through rear speakers. ' PR9 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA 44.000000 - 100 -41 Option # 41 Vehicles PAGE i0 0070 -06-10 (CONTINUED) 1 - 100 -47 Option # 47 Anti -theft System ' AFTERMARKET VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : 59.000000 ' - 100 -50 Option # 50 Electronic Remote Control Mirrors left /right hand side VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA * ** NC - 100 -51 Option # 51 Daytime Running Lights AFTERMARKET , VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHA.RDSON FORD BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA 110.000000 - 100 -97 Option 97 OPTION 58F ' CASSETTE PLAYER DEDUCT:$159.00 VENDOR: 730686065 DUB RICHA.RDSON FORD ' BPO NUMBER: BP14605 PRICE PER EA : - 159.000000 -150 Mid -Size Police Pursuit I D. Requirements:' D -1 The automobile furnished must have interior ' and exterior trim and appointments listed by the manufacturer in printed specifications and litera- ture as standard equipment on police pursuit package automobiles and meet or exceed the follow- ' ing detailed specifications: D -2 Each automobile must have a minimum trunk ' space as indicated in the most recent edition of the Gas Mileage Guide published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy of the following: ' Trunk Space: Specify: 15.5 CU /FT Engine: Must be six (6) cylinders. Cubic inch ' displacement is at manufacturer's option, but cannot be less than 3.0 liter with sequential electronic fuel injection and unique electronic ' engine control strategy. Engine must be the largest manufacturer's engine for police package and offering maximum performance. NOTE: Engine included must be adequate to meet or exceed minimum performance criteria as tested by I.A.C.P. or Michigan State Police Tests. ' ' Vehicles PAGE l2 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) by the manufacturer for high speed police pursuit. ' The type, size and ply ratings are to be stated on bids submitted. Spare tires and rims need to be factory new. All tires must be rated for the maximum speed of the vehicle. ' Steering Wheel: Tilt /adjustable, with anti -slip surface. Inside Hood Release Rear Window Defogger Unit: To be electronic grid. 1 Control to be convenient to driver's reach. Lights: Dome light (s) to be standard manufac- turer's. Engine and trunk compartment lights to ' be equipped with mercury switch. Gauges: Ammeter or voltmeter, water temperature ' and oil pressure gauges. Radio: Factory installed Am /Fm /Cassette ' Anti- Freeze: Serviced to -29 C ( -20 F) or lower Horns: Dual note, Dual Horn ' Deck Lid: Electronic remote release with control within convenient reach of driver Catalytic Converter: Heat shield to Eliminate ' grass fire hazard, if available ' Locks: Single key locking system (all locks on one car keyed alike). Three (3) keys to be furnished with each car. Mirrors: Rear view inside day /nite type. Match- ' ing rear view outside: Left hand remote control type and manual right hand installed on doors. ' Control(s) to be within convenient reach of driver. Floor Covering: Standard carpet, color ' coordinated Upholstery: To be manufacturer's standard, and to be color compatible with vehicle exterior. This ' includes headliner, floor covering and seat covering. Seats: Heavy duty bucket front seat 40/40 or Ve.hi:les 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) PAGE 14 Iles delivered to the State, except trademarks or model designation normally installed by manufac- turer's of the automobile. D -7 Options: See CONTRACT (1) Acceleration: Bidders will submit current Michigan State Police Test results for their ve- hicles. (1997 specifications will be accepted if no changes are made in the 1998 vehicles that would affect performance.) (2) Top Speed: A speed of at least 120 mph will be reached on a level course within a three (3) mile distance from the initial speed of 0 mph with a clean roof configuration. (3) With anti -lock brakes, the vehicle will stop in a straight line on dry pavement. (4) Vehicle will be expected to provide outstand- ing roadability, maneuverability, cornering and other road handling characteristics necessary for a vehicle engaged in high speed patrol pursuit work. E. Electrical: All electrical equipment shall be shielded to minimize radio interference in the 40 -50 mhz, 150 -155 mhz, and the 800 mhz ranges, and will include radio interference suppression bonding strap. In the event that radio frequency noise is generated by the vehicle and it inter- feres with the normal operation of the communica- tions equipment, it shall be the responsiblity cf the vendor to rectify the interference problem. The vendor shall perform any repairs or replace any parts necessary to solve the interference prob lems with no charges to the ordering agency. MODEL BIDDING: CHEVROLET /LUMINA 4 DR SE ICLE MADE IN USA? X_YES _NO FAC Y PRODUCTION CODE: 1WL69T 9C3 ENGI IZE: V -6 3.8 LITERS /231 CU IN S WHEELBAS 107.5 TIRES - SIZ • 215/65R15 PL SPEED RATED VENDOR: 0945947 C _ER IN AGENCY INC BPO NUMBER: , P14601 RICE PER EA : 18,608.000000 - 150 -24 Option # 24 Tilt /Cruise /Inte 'ttent pers ZQ3 VEND 730945947 CARTER EVROLET AGENCY INC BP NUMBER: BP14601 PRICE PER 200.000000 ,. -_. STATE OF OKLAHOMA CENTRAL PURCHASING DIVISION ' ROOM B -19, STATE CAPITOL BUILDING OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 -4888 ' ADDENDUM #1 I EFFECTIVE DATE OF ADDENDUM: 12 -19 -97 Contract Title ............. ............................... Vehicle Contract Number ...... ............................... SW80035 i Contract Period ................. .......................December 12, 1997 through July 31, 1998 ' Vendor........ ......... ........................Various; See Vendor Information Sheet on Contract BPO ..................... ........................Various; please note on each item. This contract is emended to read: ' The following items are to be cancelled from this vendor: CANCEL: 0070 -06 -10 -100 - Police Pursuit Package in its entirety. Items 001 through all options ending with Option 97, ON BP RDSON FORD, OKC. This automobile is h reby.RE- AWARDED to FRED J ,.S FORD OF OKC, FEI # ' 73- 0747916, BP1460 0070 -06 -10 -100 Ford Crown Victoria, Factory Production Code: P71, PRI $19,789.00 ' with the following options: 0070 -06 -10 -100 OPTION #22, PRICE: $90.00 ' 0070 -06 -10 -100 OPTION #23 PRICE: $360.00 ' 0070 -06 -10 -100 OPTION #24, PRICE: $210.00 0070 -06 -10 -100 OPTION #27, PRICE: $75.00 ' 1 in PRICE: ' ADD: 0070-48-05-100 OPTION #1, Larger Gas Engine, CE: $957.00 to BP14600, LYNN HICKEY DODGE, OKC. ' CANCEL: 0070 -06-15 -150 Compact 4 -Door Package in its entirety, including all options. (See Below) ' to BP14604, HUDIBURG CHEVROLET, MWC. ADD: 0070 -06- 15-150 Compact 4 -Door Package, (including options below) to FRED JONES FORD, OKC, to BP14608 AT $17,611.00. 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #27, PRICE: $75.00 0070- 06 -15 -150 OPTION #28, PRICE: $125.00 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #29, PRICE: $299.00 ($50.00 Deductible) 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #30, PRICE: $570.00 ($50.00 Deductible) 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #31, PRICE: $560.00 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #48, PRICE: $610.00 (Only available with power windows and ' electric remote control mirrors and speed control) 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #50, PRICE: $610.00 (Only available with power locks and I power windows and speed control) 0070 -06 -15 -150 OPTION #97, PRICE: $- 100.00 (058H) , OPTION #83, Alternative Bi -Fuel CNG, PRICE: $17,611.00 CANCEL 0070 -48 -10 -100, 2WD Fleetside Pickup on BP14606 to REYNOLDS FORD, ' OKC. ADD: 0070 -48 -10 -100, 2 -WD Fleetside pickup (including options listed below) is hereby ' re- awarded to FRED JONES FORD, OKC PRICE: $14,258.00 to BP14608. 1 ADD: The following options to BP14608: 0070 -48 -10 -100 OPTION #1 PRICE: $1,297.00 99L 1 0070 -48 -10 -100 OPTION #5, PRICE: - $475.00 (992) t 0070 -48 -10 -100 OPTION #12, PRICE: $400.00 (535) ' 3 73- 1141185 H.D. COPELAND BP14607 24,000- 33,000 Diesel Truck for air conditioning Option #9, refer to commodity code line: 0070- 51 -20- 100 -09 - $654.00. ADD: 0070 -51 -20 Option #24, Air suspension driver's seat with two (2) passenger bench seat, PRICE: $478.00 to BP14607, H.D. COPELAND. 0070-06-20-2)0. Mid -Size 4 -door sedan, alternative fuel to BP14606, Awarded to REYNOLDS FORD, OKC: Make the following additions: ADD: 0070 -06 -20 -200 Option #85, Alternative fuel ethynol, E -85, PRICE $14,446.00 to BP14606, REYNOLDS FORD, OKC. ■ ADD: 0070 -48 -05 -100- Option #74, 2WD Extended cab, fleetside pickup, 6,000 GVW ' long bed option, 157 ", PRICE: $255.00, to BP14606, REYNOLDS FORD, OKC. For options, see original award. ' ADD: 0070 -48 -05 -100 Option #74, 2WD Extended cab, fleetside pickup, 6,000 GVW, long bed option, 157 ", PRICE: 425.00 to BP14604, HUDIBURG CHEVROLET, OKC. ' ADD: 0070 -48 -05 -100, Option #74, 2WD Extended cab, fleetside pickup, 6,000 GVW long bed option, 157 ", PRICE: $238.00 to BP14600, LYNN HICKEY DODGE, OKC. ' * *Adpics Users ** Please note: the three (3) prior additions are out of sequence as far as the commodity codes are concerned; therefore they will print out on your releases before t the base vehicle. Do not be alarmed at this; it is the only way we can add this option to the addendum. 0070- 48 -20- 100 -11: The verbage with this item should be on Option #12, LYNN HICKEY DODGE. Adpics Customers: This correction has been made by DCS on the system. All others please make corrections when placing order. Please note when ordering alternative fuel vehicles, you must fill in a description of the vehicle in free form when ordering that option number. NOTE: Be sure and verify the proper vendor with the BPO numbers per vendor information sheet of original contract. If you have any questions regarding this addendum, please call (405) 521 -2127. Jeff Hogue, Senior Contracting Officer MEMORANDUM ' TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ALLAN E. HARDER HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE OWASSO LODGE #149 DATE: July 29, 1998 6 BACKGROUND: t Negotiators for the City and the FOP met weekly in formal and informal negotiations since the first week of March, attempting to reach a collective bargaining agreement (contract) for FY 1998 -99. Initial negotiations were unsuccessful and mediation through the Federal ' Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) was sought. Mediation was conducted with the assistance of Mediator Norman Beattie on May 7, 1998. Mediation did not result in an agreement and the collective bargaining process moved toward Binding Interest Arbitration. Fortunately, throughout the process, there was a willingness by both parties to come back to the negotiation table for further discussion. Although mediation failed and an arbitration panel was sought from FMCS, the parties reached a tentative agreement on July 20, 1998, avoiding arbitration. A copy of the contract is enclosed for your review. AGREED MODIFICATIONS TO THE PREVIOUS FOP AGREEMENT: Although much of the tentatively agreed upon contract is without change from previous agreements, the negotiators did agree to other language modifications in addition to the modifications in compensation noted below. Following is a brief discussion of some of the more significant agreement modifications. ' Article 11, RECOGNITION -- Language is deleted that previously did not allow probationary employees coverage under the contract grievance procedures. Probationary employees in the bargaining unit will now have ' access to the contract grievance procedures. Article 15, OFFICER BILL OF RIGHTS -- Language is modified that affects the processes of an internal investigation by extending the same rights to officers being interviewed in an investigation as are afforded officers being investigated or interrogated. The scope of questions that may be asked during an internal investigation is better defined. The grievance process is recognized for resolving disputes about unclear language. Officers' rights under the Constitution and laws, rules, regulations and ordinances are specified. Article 23, WORK SCHEDULE -- Language identifying a Relief Shift Officer is deleted. Language is modified to allow Officers to determine if excess hours worked will be compensated as overtime or compensatory time until an accrual limit of 128.25 hours compensatory time is reached at which time the Chief will determine the method of compensation. Language requiring the City to buy compensatory time accrued during the contract period is deleted. Article 24, SENIORITY -- Language is inserted better defining promotion procedures. Procedures include a written test administered by the Chief or designee and establish a review board that will evaluate and examine job performance and ability of applicants for promotion and define membership on the board to include one member selected by the Lodge. COST OF CONTRACT: The cost of the contract for fiscal year 1998 -99 is $891,654.14. This represents an increase over previous contracts generally resulting from modifications to language in Article 32, COMPENSATION of the contract. Modifications delete language added last year that created Relief Shift Officers, Professional Pay Increases, and Incentive Pay Increases and insert language that provides for an across - the -board salary increase of 4.75 %, effective retroactively to July 1, 1998. Officers who are scheduled for anniversary date 5 % step increases will continue to receive those increases as well as the 4.75 % increase. Other contract language that affects compensation remains unchanged from previous contracts. EFFECTS OF THE AGREEMENT: While new or modified language in the agreement will require adjustments, it does not create undue hardships to departmental operations. The across - the -board salary increase of 4.75 % is higher than the sought by the City but is within the budget. The agreement meets issues communicated by the Lodge. The Lodge is to be commended for structuring the salary increases to provide the greatest percent of increase to officers with the least tenure. It provides an opportunity for Owasso to continue to recruit and retain quality officers. The contract truly illustrates effective communications. FOP LODGE #149 ACTIONS: FOP Lodge #149 met on July 22 to consider ratification of the agreement. The President of the Lodge has informed the City that, at that meeting, the proposed agreement was accepted and that Lodge representatives were authorized to execute the contract document. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the document on behalf of the City Council. ENCLOSURE: Proposed contract between the City of Owasso and the FOP Lodge #149