HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.07.07_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 1998. Marci Boutwell, Authority Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 16, 1998 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4 -B TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 7, 1998 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 1998. Marci Boutwell, Authority Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from tconsent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 16, 1998 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4 -B Owasso Public Works Authority July 7, 1998 Page 2 5. Report from OPWA Manager 6. Report from OPWA Attorney I 7. New Business 8. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 16, 1998 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 16, 1998 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 12, 1998. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bode called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was given during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Denise Bode, Chair Tracy Standridge, Trustee Mark Wilken, Vice Chair Mary Lou Barnhouse Trustee Melinda Voss, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary ABSENT ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 2, 1998 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda included minutes of the June 2, 1998 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPWA Fund $135,339.00; (2) OPWA Capital Improvement Fund $108,018.39; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $89,550.00; (4) Payroll $32,459.91. AYE: Barnhouse, Wilken, Voss, Standridge, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority June 16, 1998 ' ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE , AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER. _ Mr Carr said that development in the area of 86th St N and 145th East Ave has resulted in the need to improve infrastructure in that area. A sewer line needs to be constructed that will serve the area into the future, as well as service the immediate needs. The consulting engineers for Lindsey Properties (Owasso Golf and Athletic Club) have proposed that Lindsey construct the portion of the interceptor from 76th St N to a point on the south side of the Owasso Golf and Athletic Club property. The portion of the interceptor from the 117th East Ave lift station to 76th St N would be constructed by the City of Owasso. Construction of the interceptor in this manner will enable wastewater collection to be accomplished without the need for interim facilities and enable the system to easily be extended north. Costs of construction will be allocated to appropriate undeveloped property in the basin in order to proportionately distribute engineering, easement acquisition and construction expenses to present and future users of the interceptor. Bid documents were developed and advertised, with bids being opened on June 9, 1998. Five bids were received. The apparent low bid was received from HMG Inc, Kansas City, Kansas in the amount of $1,496,469.20. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to award a contract for the construction of the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer to HMG Inc, Kansas City, KS in the amount of $1,496,469.20, contingent upon receipt of funding for the project. It was further moved that the staff be authorized to develop documents and conduct negotiations for a low interest bank loan and a revenue anticipation note, with the financing presented to the Trustees for final approval prior to execution. AYE: Wilken, Barnhouse, Voss, Standridge, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE , ORDER #3. A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AND WALTERS MORGAN CONSTRUCTION CO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ' THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY. Mr Carr presented the item. A contract for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant improvements was awarded to Walters- Morgan Construction co on November 5, 1996 in the amount of $1,923,900. While performing excavation work near the location of the clarifiers, the contractor encountered rock that he believes was unforseen and warrants additional payment and time extension. A meeting was held on November 3, 1997 with all parties involved, resulting in an opinion that the contractor would be entitled to compensation and /or time, but 2 Owasso Public Works Authority June 16, 1998 determination of reasonable amounts of each was questioned. Talks continued between the parties, with the following proposal submitted by Mr Cates and agreed to by the contractor: • Substantial completion date of June 23, 1998, with final punch list on or before that date; • Final completion date of August 7, 1998 • Contractor will: - complete final punch list on or before August 7, 1998 - withdraw the "rock claim" against the city - install one additional 12 -foot fence gate - adjust effluent manhole at the oxidation ditch - leave in place "as is" the 96" steel culvert creek crossing - 2500 sq yards of sod and three acres of seeding - asphalt paving to control structure - provide drainage on west side of access road - install base course rock in lieu of treated subgrade for asphalt paving - complete remaining work included in the original contract • City will: - not assess liquidated damages against contractor unless substantial or final completion dates are not met - not assess any engineering or inspection costs against contractor - release contract retainage in full not later than thirty days after final completion For these items, the Authority will pay an additional sum of $46,890, resulting in a final construction amount of $1,953,375.86. Walters- Morgan Construction has agreed by letter to these items. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to approve Change Order #3 to a contract with Walters- Morgan Construction Co, containing the changes listed above and outlined in a letter dated June 9, 1998 and an acceptance letter dated June 10, 1998. AYE: Voss, Wilken, Barnhouse, Standridge, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE REFUSE COLLECTION DEPARTMENT OF THE OPWA FUND. Ms Bishop said that the Refuse Division budget has incurred expenses that were unanticipated at the time the budget was prepared. Requests for polycarts have occurred in greater numbers than was projected, repairs required for the refuse vehicles have been greater than anticipated, and the landfill tipping fees were not reduced as was anticipated. A supplemental appropriation is required to offset these unanticipated expenses. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Ms Voss, Owasso Public Works Authority June 16, 1998 to approve a supplemental appropriation to the FY97 -98 OPWA Fund Refuse Collection Budget in the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of funding unanticipated expenses. AYE: Wilken, Voss, Barnhouse, Standridge, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER Mr Ray made a statement about his time as City Manager /OPWA Manager and said that this is his last meeting in that capacity. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Wilken, Barnhouse, Standridge, Voss, Bode NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary 4 Denise Bode, Chairperson CITY OF OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY OWASSO O2/98 8:59:35 A/p CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: J. 2 71 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 982955 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 11.34 11'34 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ZV ADMINISTRATION . 98O221 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-CARR 42.24 980221 AT&T WIRELESS SE}VICES PHONE USE-ROBERTS 17.14 981793 AT&[ WIRELESS SERVICES F'AGER USE 7 22 981865 AMERICAN WATER WORKS AWWA CONFERENCE FEE-CARR 4O.0 O 2,7OO.00 982548 FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPH AERIAL MAPPING 982643 OKLAHOMA SAFETY COUNCIL TRAINING-GUTHRIE 145.0 0 MESO DOT DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTS 292.5O 982847 982898 LASERWORKS TONER CARTRIDGES 49 OO 982902 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.48 982943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.95 982955 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 13.88 982955 TREASURER PETTY CASH CARR-PER DIEM, LODGING 214.5O 98297O OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 5/9B USE 26 09 . 982971 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 5/98 USE 92 82 15O. O0 99OOO6 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER/SERVICES 3 833.82 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ITY BILLING 98O095 US POSTMASTER UTILITY BILL POSTAGE 1,5OO.00 982842 BRAD SPARKMAN METER READER READER 4 25.25 352.20 982843 RANDY ALEXANDER METER 982845 BRANDON HAMILTON METER READER 296.1O 982846 TYRONE DINKINS METER READER METER READER 269.1O 284.85 982848 OSCAR MCiAURIN 829O3 PALACE O-FICE SUPPLY COMPUTER F'A FIE R 43'5O DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3 OOO.00 98O221 98O351 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES WATER PRODUCTS INC PHONE USE-ALL METER CAN LIDS 20.44 242.1O CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 7/02/98 8:59c35 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE:: 13 it PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION 980351 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER CAN LID':--; 980396 WARR[N CLINIC HEPATITIS SHOTS—JUHNSON 980423 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER METERS 3/18/97 980423 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER METERS 3/18/97 980656 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 98O843 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM TRAINING MANUALS 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PAGER USE 982262 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 982262 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 982457 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET SUPPLIES 982457 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET SUPPLIES 982457 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET SUPPLIES 982457 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET SUPPLIES 982693 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY EQUIPMENT 982694 HEALY—RUFF RELAY SWITCHES 982715 DAVIS INSTRUMENTS CHART RECORDER 982796 K CONSTRUCTION INC ROAD BORE 982896 CROW BURLINGAME DRIVE RATCHET 982971 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 5/98 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ­=:> 4ASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ---------------------------'-- 980656 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL 980836 SHERRY LABORATORIES INC 981190 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 982485 W W GRAINGER INC 982679 WHITE STAR 982693 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 982748 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 982751 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 982751 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF 0KLA 982939 AQUA—BEN CORP 982940 SHERRY LABORATORIES INC 982955 TREASURER PETTY CASH 982955 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT 982960 MAILBOXES. ETC 982971 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOTAL ====> WASTEWATER COLLECTION _____________________ UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT SLUDGE ANALYSIS LAB SUPPLIES PAGER USE LIGHT BULBS BOBCAT REPAIRS SAFETY EQUIPMENT WEED CONTROL CHEMICALS TIPPING FEES TIPPING FEES HOLDING TANK CHEMICALS TCLP/PAINT FILTER TESTS LICENSE—WASHINGTON CARR—LODGING PACKING/SHIPPING CHARGES 5/98 USE AMOUNT ---------- 29.50 7O.00 3,173.20 7,933.O0 128.40 45.00 28.88 1,608.56 50.00 1,644.92 277.29 2,3O8.32 12,491.30 43.02 4O8.00 1,129.87 189.00 27.95 6.65 ------------- 31,855.4O 148.8O 200.00 129.82 21.66 163.32 707.19 47.16 136.99 111.10 450.49 382.60 800.00 5O.00 492.68 174.28 8.76 ......... ......... ------- 4,OO4.85 980221 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE—ALI 20.09 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION 98O656 CITY OF OWASSO 98O843 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM ~� OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 02/98 8:59:35 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> CYCLE CENTER ---------------------------- 98O656 YALE RENTAL 98O843 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM 981793 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 981873 982546 WATER PRODUCTS INC 9826O4 MARSH-McBIRNEY INC LODAL REPAIR 982613 BROWN FARMS SOD 982686 E NC RICSSON I 982796 982693 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 982695 ACTION TRUCK WORKS 982.750 WATER PRODUCTS INC 982795 98280 4 W W GRAINGER INC EAGLE PRECAST N� 9828O5 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL 982886 ROTO-ROOTER 982941 TIMMONS 0111. CO 982954 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY 982970 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ~ - �IlSE COLLECTIONS N�. . . ... -- .... ------- ... .... - 98O656 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL N� 98250 7 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 982686 ERICSSON INC 982693 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 982693 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 982695 ACTION TRUCK WORKS 982751 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA N� 982751 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 982833 DARR EQUIPMENT 982946 ALSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC ~, DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ��CYCLE CENTER ---------------------------- APAPVR PAGE: 14 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENJ TRAINING MANUALS PAGER USE FORCE MAIN REPAIR PARTS COMPUTER CABLE SOD-REPAIRS VEHICLE RADIO SAFETY EQUIPMENT BEDLINER & TOOLBOX 8" LAMPHOLE CASTING CONCRETE TOOLS MANHOLE EXT RINGS GROUTING MATERIALS SE�VICE CALL DIESEL FUEL HOSE REPAIR 5/98 USE YALE UNIFORM RENTAL 980656 MILL CREEK LUMBER & 981191 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES GARRETT SIGNS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 981793 OKLA 981873 N� 982751 OKLA 982751 FEES LODAL REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR 982752 N� 982796 APAPVR PAGE: 14 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENJ TRAINING MANUALS PAGER USE FORCE MAIN REPAIR PARTS COMPUTER CABLE SOD-REPAIRS VEHICLE RADIO SAFETY EQUIPMENT BEDLINER & TOOLBOX 8" LAMPHOLE CASTING CONCRETE TOOLS MANHOLE EXT RINGS GROUTING MATERIALS SE�VICE CALL DIESEL FUEL HOSE REPAIR 5/98 USE YALE UNIFORM RENTAL CLEAN/RENT MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES GARRETT SIGNS SAFETY EQUIPMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA K CONSTRUCTION INC FEES UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT POLY CART LIDS VEHICLE RADIO SAFETY EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT BEDLINER & TOOLBOX TIPPING FEES TIPPING FEES LODAL REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT REPAIR SUPPLIES PAGER USE SIGNS FOR YARDWASTE AREA TIPPING FEES TIPPING FEES RECYCLE REFUSE ROAD BORE AMOUNT 96.8O 4O.00 7.22 27.23 78.87 12O.00 749.35 43.O2 444., 00 65.8O 38.97 91O.00 351.6O 517..50 179.58 25.00 82.53 .... .... .... ....................................... 3,377.56 122.8O 2,167.53 749.36 57,.00 30.51 474.00 3,O7O.91 4,743.63 4,187.38 2,4O1.9O 18,OO5.0� i8.4O ' - - ` - ' `' - ' 7.22 415.00 731.94 1,212.51 4,841.53 217.0O CITY OF OWASSO ------------- FUND TOTAL OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 7/02/98 8:59:35 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- 982802 LOCKE WHOLESALE ELEC ELECTRICAL PARTS 303.71. ! 982813 WORLEYS GREENHOUSE LANDSCAPING PLANTS 13895 982894 HUGHES LUMBER CO FENCING MATERIALS 982896 CROW BURLINGAME MAINT SUPPLIES 470.81 3.00 982942 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT PAINT SUPPLIES 207.14 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ------------- 8,7O0.79 ------------- FUND TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO OPWA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND t02/9'D 8:59:35 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION________ ___AMOUNT____ T SERVICE 9OOO2 BANK ONE TRUST CO, NA LO AN 21,01,11"P. 116.11 99O0O2 BANK O9 NE TRUST CO, NA OWRB LOAN 3,390.24 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 24 5O6.35 ASTEWATER 7,50 0 982532 HUB + GARVER ENG SVS 3/17/98 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 7 50O 0() FUND TOT AL ====> ------------- 32 O06.35 CITY OF OWAS!. GPWA SALES TAX FUND 7/02/98 8:59:35 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ZEVENUE'BONDS 990001 990001 BANK BANK ONE TRUST CO, NA ONE TRUST CO, NA 1997 1998 REVENUE REVENUE BONDS BONDS 44,775.00 79,O18.13 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 123,793.13 FUND TOTAL ====> 123,793.13 As----------- GRAND TOTAL ====> 451,963.83 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/20/98 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES OPWA Administration 0 00 $5,000.12 Utilitv Billine 0.00 3,216.13 APPROVED: 07/07/98 Chairman Trustee Trustee