HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.05.26_City Council Agenda_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: May 26, 1998 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office f. the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May V, 1998. 1. Call to Order Mayor Bode IN 2. Invocation Pastor Alex Thornburg First Presbyterian Church -] 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Announcements Mr Ray iAarcikBoutwell, AGENDA Owasso City Council May 26, 1998 Page 2 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 5, 1998 Regular Meeting and May 12, 1998 Special Meeting. See Attachment #6 -A in May 19 agenda packet B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 -B and attachment #6 -B in May 19 agenda packet C. Action Relating to Ordinance #518 Amended, an Ordinance Amending a Legal Description Contained in Ordinance #518. See Attachment #6 -C in May 19 agenda packet The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #518 Amended, correcting a legal description contained in a previously approved ordinance (Ordinance #518). D. Action Relating to Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for a Restroom Facility at the Owasso Sports Park, Between the City of Owasso and Pettijohn Construction, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. See Attachment #6 -D in May 19 agenda packet The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that release of retainage and final payment in the amount of $8919.00 be authorized. E. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Mowing Contract for Rayola Park. Attachment #6 -E The contractor who was awarded the bid by the City Council on April 21 to mow Rayola Park has notified staff that he will be unable to continue the work. Staff will recommend that the contract be awarded to the next low bidder, Larry Turner, at $239 per mowing. 6 Owasso City Council May 26, 1998 ' Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Bids Received on Surplus Vehicles. ' Mr Rooney See Attachment #7 in May 19 agenda packet ' Bids have been received and opened on the two surplus vehicles, and the staff will recommend that the bid received on the 1981 International Bus be rejected and the bid received on the 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury be accepted. 6 t r 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Approval of a Sports Park Building Site Ground Lease with Future Owasso Rams. Mr Rooney See Attachment #8 in May 19 agenda packet The staff will recommend Council approval of a lease agreement with Future Owasso Rams in the amount of $10.00 per year for land to construct an office building; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Approval of the Prioritization of Projects to Receive Funding from the "Equipment Contingency Fund" Line Item of the General Government Department Budget. Mr Rooney See Attachment #9 in May 19 agenda packet The staff will recommend funding from the Equipment Contingency Fund in the amount of $112,000.00 for an emergency services radio system; $43,329.77 for restriping & crack sealing on 86th St N; $3,000.00 for golf course fencing; $7,957.79 for restriping & crack sealing at the 76th & Main intersection; and $8,712.44 for an engine analyzer. L 17 FJ J r, 1 1 1 Owasso City Council May 26, 1998 Page 4 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #2, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Horizon Construction Company Inc for the Construction of Parking Lot Improvements at Owasso Sports Park. Mr Henderson See Attachment #10 in May 19 agenda packet The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #2, increasing the contract by $4384.67, for the purpose of adding flyash to the subsurface soil in two areas for stabilization. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of Contracts for Engineering /Architectural Services and Program Management Services for the 1998 Bond Issue Projects. Mr 46wFle»derson See Attachment #11 in May 19 agenda packet The staff will recommend Council approval of a contract for engineering /architectural services with CH2M Hill/Page.Zabrowski in the amount of $562,171; and a contract for program management team services to Lioness Realty Group in the amount of $238,080; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the documents. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Adoption of Resolution #98 -04, a Resolution Adopting an FY 1998 -99 Budget for all Funds Administered by the City. Mr Ray Attachment # 12 The staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #98 -04 and that the appropriate filing of the budget occur subsequent to the adoption of the resolution. Owasso City Council May 26, 1998 Page 5 13. Presentation and Discussion of Information System Request for Proposal Mr Knight 1 14. Report from City Manager 15. Report from City Attorney r 1 ' 16. Reports from City Councilors 1 17. Adjournment 1 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/21/98 11:01:53 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE 2 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ���������� �-----���������� 1ANAGERIAL �------------------------------ � 982636 SIMPLY FRAMES DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENGINEERING MAYOR RECOGNITION 30.00 ------------- 30.00 982385 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 2.98 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 2.98 SUPPORT SERVICES ------------------------------ 980091 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC WORKERS/PAY 462.77 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 462.77 CEMETERY ------------------------------ 982385 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 20.56 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 20.56 POLICE SERVICES ------------------------------ m� w� 980006 L.E.T.N. SUBSCRIPTIO# 982557 ONYX CORPORATION PRINTER TONER DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> � POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 980009 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL mild 982557 ONYX CORPORATION PRINTER TONER DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> w� FIRE SERVICES N�------------------------------ 288.00 94.95 _____________ 382.95 350.00 59.95 ------------- 4O9.95 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 5/21/98 11:O1:53 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 3 ^ PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT m—........... — ........... ............ ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- � 0 ------------- N N� FUND TOTAL ====> 4,0 93.0 7 981.896 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF REPAIRS—ENGINE I 46.00 " 981913 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF VINYL COVERS/RUNNERS 507.00 982065 OSU FIRE SERVICE TRAINING TRAINING CLASS—HOLCOMB 25.0 O v= 982067 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 118.O3 982574 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY PRINTER CARTRIDGE 20.97 ' 982596 LAMPTON WELDING SUPPLY AIR CYLINDER RENTAL 26.28 N� DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ------------' 743.28 TREETS ----------------------------- 982246 982385 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SAW BLADES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 93.5O 81.O5 — 982502 BIRD—X INC BIRD REPELLENT 182.45 982530 AW DIRECT ARROWSTICK LIGHTS 403.75 982547 PINKLEY SALES ROAD MARKERS 315.50 W� 982606 HUGHES LUMBER CO REPAIR SUPPLIES 5.70 982608 A-1 FENCE INC SIGN POLES/CAPS 267.80 982613 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD—GARNETT PROJECT 60.00 ~ o� 982615 CROW BURLINGAME SAFETY GOGGLES 25.83 982632 WOODS PORTABLE WELDING FABRICATE/INSTALL RACK 250.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ------------- 1,685.58 PARK MAINTE�NANCE� �..... .................................................................. ...... .... .... .... .... ..................... 982456 J B STIGALL NOW ATOR PARK 75. 00 982456 J B STIGALL MOW RAM PARK 47.00 982513 TOWN & COUNTRY LANDSCAPIN MOW RAYOLA 233.00 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 355.00 0 ------------- N N� FUND TOTAL ====> 4,0 93.0 7 APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT -- .............. ......... ....... - 30. 00 ------------- -SO. 00 ------------- 30.00 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 5/21/98 11:01:53 A/P CLAIMS REPORT N� PO # w�_ ......... ............. VENDOR ......... ........... ..... .... ... _ ...... ____ DESCRIPTION ....... ......... �MBULANCE ������������������������������� 98O241 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA B10-WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL ====> APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT -- .............. ......... ....... - 30. 00 ------------- -SO. 00 ------------- 30.00 1 FUND TOTAL ====> � APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT ----- ------------- 323.9O 78.,00 401 .90 ------------- 4O1.9O 6 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 5/21/98 11:01:53 A/P CLAIMS REPORT N N� PO # VENDOR _________________________ DESCRIPTION __________________ �ITY GARAGE ------------------------------ 982631 YOUNG'S TIRE SERVICE FLAT REPAIRS 982633 FRICTION PROD BRAKE BRAKE REPAIR/PARTS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL ====> � APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT ----- ------------- 323.9O 78.,00 401 .90 ------------- 4O1.9O 6 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 5/21/98 11:O1:53 A/P CLAIMS REPORT N� PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------- ------------------ K L VRAINAGE � -------------------_--------- 982542 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 982543 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC. DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL ====> GRAND TOTAL ====> � CONCRETE ROCK & GRAVEL APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT ---- ------------- 92.25 253.52 ------------- 345.77 345.77 8,183.65 m 1 E ' MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANTCITY MANAGER ' SUBJECT: AWARD OF MOWING CONTRACT TO THIRD LOW BIDDER RAYOLA PARK DATE: May 20, 1998 1 BACKGROUND: At the March 17, 1998 meeting, the Owasso City Council awarded bids submitted for the mowing of various city properties, including easements and parks, to the lowest bidder for those specific areas. Mowing of those areas was scheduled to begin on April 13, 1998. Subsequent to those bids being awarded, one successful bidder for three city properties (Bartlesville Turf and Landscape) did not honor their bid, thus requiring the city to award those contracts to the next lowest bidder. The City Council awarded those contracts to the next lowest bidder on April 21, 1998. One of the contracts, Rayola Park, was awarded to Town and Country Landscape. After mowing Rayola Park two times, Town and Country Landscape contacted Mr. Warren of the Parks Department to inform him that they were no longer interested in honoring their bid. The reasons that they provided Mr. Warren for no longer honoring their bid was that the grass was too high and it damaged their equipment. Staff has contacted the third lowest bidder for Rayola Park. Mr. Larry Turner of Owasso submitted the third lowest bid at a cost of $239.00 per mowing, $6.00 more per mowing than Town and Country Landscape. Mr. Turner has been awarded mowing contracts for the City of Owasso in previous years, and the city has found his mowing to meet contract specifications. Additionally, Mr. Turner has no concerns regarding the mowing of Rayola Park. Attached, for your information and review, is a map from the Rayola Park mowing contract, as well as the Bid Tabulation Sheet. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council award the Rayola Park mowing contract to Mr. Larry Turner of Owasso for $239.00 per mowing. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Rayola Park Map 2. Bid Tabulation Sheet Item: Mowing City Property :ity of Owasso / Owasso Public Works Authority Opening Date: February 25 1998 '07 South Cedar - Number of Bids: See Below )wasso, Oklahoma 74055 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: Chris Roberts Witness: David Warren PROPERTY BIDDER 1997 Bid Arley Owens Bartlesville Larry Turner Town try BrushHog Services J.B. Stigall Hardy Landscape k Turf & Landscape Landscape Rayola Park $193.00 $250.00 $182.00 $239.00 $233.00 4 Elm Creek Park $219.00 $274.00 $199.00 $300.00 $263.00 $200.00 5 Ator Heights Park $75.00 $95.00 $69.00 $100.00 $75.00 4 5 Ram Park (86th Street) $44.00 $55.00 $52.00 $52.00 $74.00 $47.00 2 $28.00 Ator Heights Utility Easement $27.50 $32.00 E1 Rio Vista Center Medians & Frontage $40.00 $165.00 $143.00 $125.00 4 96th & Garnett Intersetion $75.00 $172.00 22nd & Garnett Median $15.00 2 El Rio Vista Drainage Easement $30.00 $42.00 $30.00 2 Three Lakes Drainage Easement $390.00 $372.00 $400.00 1 $300.00 Lakeridge Drainage Easement $250.00 Owasso Expressway West Side Easement $60.00 $125.00 $90.00 $105.00 $110.00 4 76th St N Center Medians $50.00 $55.00 2 Main, 5th St, & 3rd & Main Easements $50.00 $68.00 3 U.S. Highway 169 Right -of -Way $1650.00 $1587.00 $2634.00 $1650.00 TOTAL BIDS $3168.50 Certification: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to - ' the best of m�kngIGedbe��t 'rl%13rdd�ocumentation is true and correct. I, I; Signature: (SEAL)T✓` MEMORANDUM 1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY ' CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #97 -07 ADOPTING A ' FISCAL YEAR 1998 -99 BUDGET DATE: May 20, 1998 ' BACKGROUND: Pursuant to statutory and Charter provisions, an annual operating budget for the General Fund, ' OPWA Fund, OPGA Fund and other funds has been developed and transmitted for your review. Legal notice of a public hearing was given in the Owasso Reporter on 14th, and such hearing ' was conducted on May 19th. The public hearing provided opportunity for citizen comment and questions relating to the proposed budget. Copies of the budget were distributed to 66 citizens and have been available for public review at the Owasso Library and City Hall. State statute requires adoption of an annual budget by the City Council through a resolution. Resolution #98 -04 with Attachment "A" (budget summary) provides for the adoption of a fiscal year budget for the General Fund and other funds of the city. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #98 -04 adopting a FY 1998 -99 budget for all funds of the city. ATTACHMENTS: 11 1. Resolution #98 -04 1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 98 -04 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL; CLASSIFYING REVENUES FOR EACH FUND; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: It is the intent of the Owasso City Council to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 1998 -99; and WHEREAS: The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and WHEREAS: Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and WHEREAS: Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT: The revenues, expenditures and transfers as shown on Attachment "A" be adopted for each fund; and THAT: The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 1998. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of May, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Denise Bode, Mayor City of Owasso Budget Summary Fiscal Year 1998 -99 Fund General City Garage Ambulance Service Ambulance Capital Collision Self Insurance Workers' Comp Self Ins Juvenile Court Emergency Siren E -911 Cemetery Care Capital Improvements Park Development Capital Projects Grants Bond Projects Projected Fund Balance Revenues & 07/01/98 Transfers In $1,284,000 $10,884,590 5,600 212,000 166,000 362,000 158,000 56,250 84,500 10,100 823,000 209,410 21,000 11,000 6,300 2,300 36,800 90,000 64,600 4,625 749,000 30,000 138,000 46,000 0 454,000 8,835,000 316,100 Attachment A Totals $12,371,800 $12,688,375 $4,351,756 $435,065 $991,015 $10,838,415 $0 $5,789,465 $2,654,459 Expenditures Projected Personal Materials Other Capital Debt Transfers Fund Balance Services & Supplies Services Outlay Service Out 06/30/99 $4,252,306 $301,965 $671,775 $376,419 $5,382,125 $1,184,000 99,450 93,700 8,850 10,000 5,600 21,900 45,390 293,250 167,460 168,000 46,250 15,000 79,600 229,000 803,410 5,000 27,000 8,600 2,500 31,000 10,000 19,460 63,840 69,225 705,896 37,630 35,474 20,000 164,000 454,000 0 9,094,100 57,000 0 Totals $12,371,800 $12,688,375 $4,351,756 $435,065 $991,015 $10,838,415 $0 $5,789,465 $2,654,459