HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.09.15_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE
DATE: September 15, 1998
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center
Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin
board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 11, 1998.
Marcia outwell, City Clerk
1. Call to Order
Mayor Bode
2. Invocation
Jim McElrath
Support Services Department
3. Flag Salute
4. Roll Call
5. Request by Citizens to Address the City Council.
Citizens from the 86th St N & N Main St Area
Attachment #5
The City Clerk has received several written requests from residents in the area of N Main
& 86th St N, to address the City Council regarding intersection improvements at 86th &
Owasso City Council
September 15, 1998
Page 2
6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent
Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Ciry Council to be
routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item
from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.
A. Approval of the Minutes of September
1998 Special Meeting.
Attachment #6-A
1, 1998 Regular Meeting and September 8,
B. Approval of Claims.
Attachment #6-B
C. Action Relating to Extension of a Contract Between the City of Owasso and a "Third
Party Administrator" for the Ciry's Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Fund.
Attachment #6-C
The staff recommends the extension of a contract with United Safety and Claims for
one year at a rate of .003 % of annual payroll, to provide the services of a third party
administrator to assist in the management of the city's self-insurance workers
compensation program.
D. Action Relating to Council Approval for the Expenditure of Funds for Self-Insured
Workers Compensation Excess Coverage Policy Renewal.
Attachment #6-D
The staff recommends Council approval of an expenditure in the amount of $ .310 per
$100 of payroll to National Union Insurance Company for the purchase of workers
compensation excess insurance.
E. Request Approval to Close a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lots 8 & 9,
Block 5, Hale Acres Addition.
Attachment #6-E
The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and
recommends Council approval of the requested easement closing. The staff concurs
with the recommendation.
Owasso City Council
September 15, 1998
Page 3
F. Request Approval to Close a Portion of a Utility Easement Located Along the East
Line of Lot 3, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Center (11501 E 76th St N).
Attachment #6-F _.
The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and
recommends Council approval of the requested easement closing. The staff concurs
with the recommendation.
7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Resignation by the Ward 3 Councilor
and Authorization for the City Clerk to Publish a Notice of Vacancy and Request for Letters
of Interest.
Mr Cates
Attachment #7
The City Attorney will recommend that the Council accept the resignation of Councilor Dr
Tracy Standridge, declare a vacancy to exist in Ward 3, and instruct the City Clerk to
publish a Notice of Vacancy and request for Letters of Interest to fill the position.
8. Report from City Manager
9. Report from City Attorney
Owasso City Council
September 15, 1998
Page 4
10. Reports from City Councilors
DATE: September 11, 1998
The reconstruction of the intersection at East 86~ Street North and North Main Street has
' been an ongoing project for the City of Owasso since 1988. Theme project was originally a
~ part of a project to widen East 86'~ Street North from North 129 East Avenue to North
Main. Since funds were limited, the project was shortened and ended at Dogwood.
The City of Owasso resurrected the project in 1995 and included it in the Capital
Improvement Program. Capital Improvement funds were obligated based on the consulting
~ engineer's estimates, and the project was designed. Unfortunately, the preliminary
construction costs estimated after preliminary design exceeded the funds available and the
project was delayed until future funds could be secured. FHC Inc was the design engineer.
~,, In October 1997, this project and 19 others were included in a bond issue and approved by
the citizens of Owasso for $10 million in improvements. Concurrently, the Oklahoma
Department of Transportation (ODOT) obligated $750,000 in Federal Highway
Administration Funds.
Since the bond issue was approved, Public Works staff we has been working diligently with
ODOT and FHC Inc, the consulting engineers, to complete the requirements for federal
funding. The first step was for ODOT to perform an environmental review of the project,
which included a noise study and Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) study. Both
studies have been completed and the noise study indicated that there will not be a significant
increase in noise to warrant a noise barrier on the project. The LUST study indicated that
there are two possible sites that will need to be monitored during construction for
contaminated soil. These sites are as follows:
• The northeast corner of the 86`~/Main intersection where the 19"' Hole existed, and
• The southeast corner of the intersection where the Tire Barn is located.
SEPTEMBER 11, 1998
The second step in completing the environmental review was for the City of Owasso to hold
a public meeting to inform the citizens about the proposed new construction, potential right-
of-way issues, project funds, and the environmental studies mentioned above. In return, the
public was encouraged to express any questions and concerns they had about the project.
Representatives from ODOT, along with City staff, were at the meeting to present
information and answer questions.
The requirements of FHWA are that the public meeting be advertised in a local newspaper as
a Legal Notice at least twice prior to the meeting. A Press Release was also required to be
published in the main body of the newspaper. Personalized letters were to be sent to the
department directors at ODOT, state and federal representatives and senators, planning
districts, and residents who will be impacted by the project.
The public meeting was held and 26 Owasso citizens attended the meeting. The minutes of
this meeting were transcribed, including each question and concern by the residents present.
The minutes, which included the exhibits prepared by Public Works showing the proposed
improvements, were sent to each of the meeting attendees, the ODOT department directors,
Owasso City Council, INCOG, and to each resident who will be impacted by the project,
whether they were at the public meeting or not.
On September 8, 1998, I received a call from a resident on Main Street asking me about the
project and why we are needing 15 feet of right-of--way on the Main Street side of his
property for the construction of the intersection, when his property is south of the
intersection. I informed the resident that we are needing the additional right-of--way to widen
the lanes along Main Street to allow more room for the vehicles, to relocate utilities, and to
move the new sidewalk to a safer distance from Main Street. The resident responded with
surprise and said that none of the residents along Main Street he had talked to are aware of
the need for additional right-of-way.
Since that initial call, the City Clerk has been contacted by almost all of the residents along
Main Street who will be affected by this project. They have asked to address the City
Council at the September 15, 1998 Council Meeting and voice their concerns regarding this
project, especially the right-of--way issue. The City Clerk has forwarded all of the requests
to me to review, along with a few documented questions. The residents who have requested
to address council at this meeting are the following:
Keith Hampton 806 N Ash
John Partin 902 N Ash
Faye Smith 904 N Ash
Terry Rowan 906 N Ash
Mildred Thornton 908 N Ash
Dudley and Faye Barnwell 1002 N Ash
Lisa Smith 1004 N Ash
SEPTEMBER 11, 1998
Oscar Morales 1006 N Ash
Dallas Kelsey 1008 N Ash
Donna Morgan 1012 N Ash a
Letters of concern are attached to the memorandum. We plan to address specific questions
contained within those letters at the Council meeting. We also plan to discuss possibilities
and/or recommendations at this meeting.
One of the exhibits sent to the residents in the public meeting minutes packet was incorrect
and may have alarmed a few of the residents. The exhibit showing the improvements along
Main Street shows the direction of travel for each of the four lanes with arrows. One of the
arrows was drawn in the wrong place and the exhibit appears to be adding a fifth lane to
Main Street with our project, which is not the case.
Nevertheless, the issue is with right-of--way, and our consulting engineers have prepared the
plans showing that we need the right-of-way to make the street safer. We were able to
reduce the right-of-way on the south side of East 86~' Street North between North Main and
Dogwood, and we have visited with the engineers this week as a result of the concerned calls
to see if the needed right-of-way can be reduced.
A preliminary review indicates the following in order to have the potential to reduce the
right-of-way along Main Street and to allow for the roadway to be widened:
1) Reduce the six (6) foot sidewalk to four (4) feet wide.
~ 2) Construct a two (2) foot buffer between back of curb and sidewalk.
3) Locate overhead electric and poles within the existing right-of-way.
4) Relocate the gas line under the sidewalk.
This modification will allow a potential to reduce the right-of-way needs along the east side
of Main Street south of East 86~' Street North. The options are being reviewed by the design
engineer to determine feasibility. An update of their review will be presented at the
September 15, 1998 City Council meeting.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call Mr
Hancock, Mr Carr, or me.
Letters from Citizens
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9.Sept. 98
P etitio n
By: Keith Hampton
806 N. Ash
Owasso, OK 74055
Home # 918-272-9612
Work # 918-590-2115
:_:; SEP 0 9 1998
To address the next officially convening City Council Meeting
concerning the Main street and 86`h Street intersection street project.
What manner of compensation to be expected from the City for the requested
right of way from the individual homeowners affected by the street widening
• Description of decision process by which the decision to take the requested
right of way from only the east side of Main St.
To provide an exact definition of the area requested for right of way as
pertaining to lot 13, owned by Mr. And Mrs. Hampton.
Thank You for Your Consideration,