HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.01.07_OPGA AgendaNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: January 7, 1997 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 3, 1997. Marcia Bo well, Authority Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of December 17, 1996 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 5. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 Owasso Public Golf Authority January 7, 1997 Page 2 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for the Purchase of 12 Electric Golf Carts and Authorization for Payment, and to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation to the Golf Course Fund Budget in the Amount of $14,400; Mr Lehr Attachment #6 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend that Trustees award the bid for 12 used electric golf carts to Justice Golf Car Co Inc, Oklahoma City, OK in the amount of $14,400; and authorization for payment. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval to Barter a Jacobsen 720 Sweeper for Three Electric Golf Carts with Beds and Chargers. Mr Lehr Attachment #7 The staff will recommend that a barter of a golf course sweeper for three electric golf carts offered by Jacobsen Textron be approved. L 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Trustee Authorization ' to Solicit Bids for the Purchase of 60 Sets of New Golf Cart Batteries. Mr Lehr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Trustee authorization for the solicitation of bids for the purchase of 60 sets of golf cart batteries. F� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Owasso Public Golf Authority January 7, 1997 Page 3 9. Report from OPGA Manager 10. Report from OPGA Attorney 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business 13. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 17, 1996 ' The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 1996. 1 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ewing called the meeting to order at 8:57 p.m. I ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was given during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Danny Ewing, Chair Joe Ramey, Vice Chair Mary Lou Barnhouse, Trustee Michael Helm, Trustee Tracy Standridge, Trustee is STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary 6 A quorum was declared present. ABSENT ' ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3. 1996 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Standridge moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Standridge, Barnhouse, Helm, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL CLAIMS. December 17, 1996 Chairman Ewing moved, seconded by Mr Helm, that the following claims be approved as submitted: (1) Bailey Golf Ranch $12,815.33; (2) Payroll $15,993.81. AYE: Ewing, Helm, Standridge, Barnhouse, Ramey NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PRESENTATION OF AN INDEPENDENT AUDIT OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE OPGA FUND FOR FY 1995-96 AND A REQUEST FOR THE TRUSTEES TO RECEIVE THE AUDIT REPORT The report from the auditor was given during the City Council meeting. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to receive the audit for review and information. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Standridge, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OPGA MANAGER No report. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OPGA ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 9: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS None 2 Owasso Public Golf Authority ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Standridge, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary December 17, 1996 Danny Ewing, Chairperson 3 r1,G,:�.�-7 6:5 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY BAILEY GOLF RANCH ? CL A I t; REPOR T APAPVP. PAGE: 1 p r-, # I - IEITOR L rC" pT -t.PT I ON At411,17m . jC 1 ` 11 _ ------------------------------ PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11, 96 USE 165.00 DELBERT E BROOKS DEC' Cr'.RT MAINTENANCE 437.50 JUSTICE GOLF CAR CO INC REPAIR. PARTS ---_----15_70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___. 618.20 rGOLF SHOP OPERATIONS ------------------------------ rASHWORTH INC GOLF SHIPTS 156.;"E THE BOOKLEGGEF.' BOOM'- 11.4 THE BOOKLEGGEP, BOOKZ, 37.58 CALLAWAY GOLF GRAPHITE CLUBS 1,124.25, CALLAWAY GOLF GRAPHITE CLUBS -DISCOUNT -22.10 GEAR FOR SPORTS WIt,D_: IRTS 375.51 ' FORRESTERS GORETEX JKT= 195.75 NIKE INC GOLF CAPS 93.04 SUN ICE USA INC 11111D'=HIRTS 44.74 ' SUN ICE USA INC WINDSUITS. 4.16 crrN ICE USA INC WIND JACKET=; 320.85 SUN DEPARTMENT TOTAL �,002.i2 301 F COURSE OPERATIONS i------------------------------ PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 135.62 PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 33.37 r PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 16.48 PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 18.89 r PUBLIC SERVICE CO PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 11/96 USE 100.55 64.36 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS CO 11/96 USE 122.75 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS MONITORING 1/97 29.95 NAPA AUTO PARTS BRGS,ANTIFREEZE 59.40 NAPA AUTO PARTS BRGS,ANTIFP.EE7E 15.05 NAPA AUTO PARTS BEARINGS 27.96 NAPA AUTO PARTS WRENCH 30.20 ' NAPA AUTO PARTS BEARINGS 77.36 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 21.46 WATER PRODUCTS WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR. PARTS REPAIR PARTS 15.14 360.10 NICK KNOTT TURF SUPPLY FERTILI= 1,003.20 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 5.99 OINASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY BAILEY GOLF RANCH o . - : 39A / P' CLAIM: REPORT APAPVR PAGE: tTT uD # �Fii"SD0R ----------------------------------- DEC= RIi TY ------------------------- A1'i iJLT iT ------------- I;I11{PALL ACE HAPDWARE REPAIR 3.UP:' IES KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 1C;,�� KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SILT FPI T"IES HERCULES TINE SALES INC TIRES 105.68 HERCULES TIRE SALES IPiC TIRE -CREDIT 1 . HERCULES TIRE SALES Ill TIRES,ALIGHMENT . 3C1,4,2 4',i': GRAINC ER INC PUMPHOUSE HEATER 92.45 LESCO INC PEP'AIR PARTS 9.00 SAFETY KLEEH SERVICE PARTS CLEANER 133.00 WESTERN UNIFORM SERVICE TOWEL SERVICE 15.00 MIDWEST B£ARIHG & CHAIN I CHAIN,SEALS 54.9t LEROY'S REEL MOWER TRACTION SHAFT 176.00 E-7-GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 38,75 E-7-GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 76,9J E-Z-GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 81,42 E-7-GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 9^. -4 / , E-7-GO TEXTRON REPAIR PARTS 3,76 NAPA AUTO PARTS REPAIR PARTS DYNA SYSTEMS. REPAIR SUPPLIED 10L11 �lI NICK KNOTT TURF SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 11:.25 DEPARTMEr-IT TOTAL =___. ------------- 3 L88.94 FOOD Z BEVERAGE OPERATIONS; ------------------------------ CAIN'S COFFEE CO COFFEE 44.40 CAINi S COFFEE CO COFFEE 44.40 CAMPBELL WHOLESALE CO INC SNACKS 145.33 FADLER CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 247,13 FADLER CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 28,05 FADLER CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 187,80 FADLER CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 65.80 FADLER CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 57.80 LANCE INC SHACKS 38,00 PEPSI COLA COMPANY SOFT DRINKS 104.52 PEPSI COLA COMPANY SOFT DRINKS 58.90 PEPSI COLA COMPANY SOFT DRINKS 78.20 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =_= 1,100.33 CLUBHOUSE OPERATIONS ------------------------------ MCI 11/96 USE 13.18 PUBLIC SERVICE CO 11/96 USE 350.8= GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS MONITORING 1i97 L9,40 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY BAILEY GOLF RANCH ' 1 't:3!'?7 - : 5? : 39 /P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVIR PAG£ : 3 PC, # VENDOR DESCF'IPTION AMOUNT ---------- ' ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- FADLEP CO INC FOOD,SUPPLIES 26.25 1 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ------------- 419.88 ''GENERAL & ------------------------------ ADMINISTRATIVE SWBYPS 11/96 ADVERTISING 89.98 ' US POSTMASTER BULK MAILING FEE 65.00 SOUTH CENTRAL PUBLICATION ADVERTISING 25.O0 SOUTH CENTRAL PUBLICATION 12/96 ADVERTISING 371.Z5 SOUTH CENTRAL PUBLICATION 11/96 ADVERTISING 371.25 ' RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS CLASSIFIED ADS 22.05 ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ------------- 964.53 DEBT SERVICE i------------------------------ THE SCOTSMAN GROUP CLUBHOUSE LEASE 1/97 2,150.00 LIBERTY BANK & TRUST DEBT SERVICE 1/97 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ----10,09_.3L3 12,.'47.33 ------------- FUND TOTAL =___; 22,041.'3333 1 ------------- 1,212 =___) GRAND TOTAL .33 i 1 d OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING D 12/15/96 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Golf Shop Operations 0.00 4,775.90 t`€p.xf ..... ....,.,..,Q... Food & Beverage 0.00 1,406.11 APPROVE 01/07/97 Chairman Trustee Trustee I OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY 'PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING D 12/21/96 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Golf Shop Operations 0 00 1,799 54 ::.: ::::. :<.......:::... .: Food & Beverage 0.00 186.50 Mw >' `< APPROVE 01/07/97 Chairman Trustee Trustee I MEMORANDUM n TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FROM: WARREN LEHR DIRECTOR OF GOLF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE TWELVE GOLF CARTS DATE: December 31, 1996 BACKGROUND: On November 19, 1996, the OPGA authorized the solicitation of bids for the purchase of 12 electric golf carts which would match our existing fleet of 60. This was precipitated by an offer from Justice Golf Car to sell us our 12 current seasonal lease carts for $1200 each. It was recognized that such a purchase would result in an equity benefit of approximately $10,000 and reduce the wear and tear on our current fleet. On December 5, 1996, the staff issued bid documents soliciting sealed bids for twelve 1993 Club Car Model DS electric golf cars. Only the Justice Golf Car bid was received by the December 19th opening date. SOURCE OF FUNDS: The FY96-97 budget does not include funds for the purchase of these carts. Therefore, the staff will request a supplemental appropriation to the FY96-97 budget in the amount of $14,400, such funds derived from the existing fund reserves. RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends that the OPGA accept the bid proposal for the purchase of twelve electric golf cars from Justice Golf Car Company of Oklahoma at a total cost of $14,400, and recommends a supplemental appropriation to the FY96-97 budget in the amount of $14,400. ' ATTACHMENTS: 1. Specifications 2. Bid Proposal 3. November 12, 1996 Memorandum SPECIFICATIONS Equipment Description 12 - 1993 beige Club Car electric golf cars, two (2) passenger, four (4) wheel model, with batteries, hard tops, and automatic chargers. Also to be equipped with two (2) golf bag racks, scorecard and pencil holders, four (4) beverage holders, ball holders, spike proof floor mats, hill brakes, forward and neutral and reverse switch, key operated. Motor 36 volt DC, 2 HP at 2800 RPM Batteries 36 volt DC, 220 Amp., 6 volt storage batteries, heavy duty, deep cycle with 114 plates minimum, group H case, reserve capacity of 107 minutes minimum. Drive Train Direct motor shaft connected to axle pinion shaft. Tires 18.00 x 18.50 - 8.00 power rib tubeless, 4 ply rated. Brakes Mechanical drum type on each rear wheel. Parking brake/hill brake with release Body Standard color: Beige; all weather fiberglass. Scuff guards on rear fenders. Mud guards on wheel well sides. Tops Hard top, unbreakable plastic, must cover both passenger seats. Seats Bench type with backrest. Thick, solid foam, waterproof and mildew resistant with no buttons or seams. Steering Automotive type rack and pinion. Suspension Leaf springs, front and rear, with hydraulic shock absorbers or comparable substitute Differential Helical gear type. Battery Charger Automatic 21 amp, UL approved. Reconditioning Disclosure Supplier must disclose exact age and model year, and location and nature of original and subsequent usage of all reconditioned cars. Supplier must specify exactly as to the type and nature of any and all improvements made in reconditioning process. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE 12 - 1993 Beige Club Car Electric Golf Cars for Bailey Golf Ranch Ua TOTAL LUMP SUM BID FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT _ _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Page. Title �r Address BID OPENING: DECEMBER 19, 1996 @2:00 p.m. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT EQUIPMENT PROPOSED: Justice Golf Car Co., Inc. is bidding the following- (12) 1993 Club Car Model DS Electric golf cars equipped per specifications. These cars meet all specifications exactly. ORIGINAL AND SUBSEQUENT USAGE: The (12) 1993 Club Car DS Electric golf cars proposed by Justice Golf Co., Inc. have been in use at Bailey Golf Ranch, Owasso, Oklahoma, since early in the 1996 season. Prior to being at Bailey Golf Ranch, these cars were owned and operated by Forest Ridge Golf Club which is located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. RECONDITIONING: Prior to being placed at Bailey Golf Ranch, Justice Golf Car Co. fully serviced each of the (12) Club Car golf cars being proposed. All electrical and mechanical systems were inspected and brought into good condition. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FROM: WARREN LEHR DIRECTOR OF GOLF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE 12 SEASONAL LEASE GOLF CARTS DATE: November 12, 1996 BACKGROUND: In August of 1993, the OPGA lease/purchased 60 electric Club Car golf carts from Justice Golf Car in Oklahoma City. In the bid it was stipulated that Justice would provide an additional 12 carts as needed on a seasonal lease basis from April to September. These carts are needed to accommodate large tournaments and . periods of extremely heavy play. This lease option was exercised in August and September of 1993, April -September of 1994, and April -September of 1996. During 1995 we experimented by renting carts from a local supplier only on days of large tournaments as needed. At a daily rental rate of $25.00 versus a monthly rate from Justice of $60.00, we did not experience a significant monetary savings or loss in 1995. However, we did not benefit from the lessened wear and tear on our original 60 carts which results from a fleet rotation of 72 carts versus 60. Our regular and tournament play has now increased to the extent that a 72 cart fleet is an absolute necessity for the April -September season and is sometimes needed in the off-season. Recently, Justice Golf Car offered to sell us our 12 current seasonal lease carts for $1200 each. PROPOSAL: The purchase of 12 seasonal lease carts for a total price of $14,400 would seem to be a prudent business decision when compared to a rental rate of at least $12,960 for the carts over the next three years (assuming no monthly rental rate increase). The benefit of purchasing the 12 cars is seen in the equity/trade-in/ownership value of approximately $10,000 at the end of the three- year period. Our tentative plans are to keep our cart fleet for one year after the lease/purchase is paid off in July of 1998. SEASONAL GOLF CART PURCHASE NOVEMBER 12, 1996 PAGE 2 SOURCE OF FUNDS: In our current 96-97 fiscal year, we have budgeted $16,000 for the purchase of new batteries. Preliminary battery discharge tests and on course performance have not indicated a need for this expenditure at this time. However, use of these funds would require us to budget for replacement batteries during the 97-98 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that OPGA authorize the solicitation of bids for the purchase of 12 electric golf carts. 1 r MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FROM: WARREN LEHR DIRECTOR OF GOLF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO BARTER GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT DATE: December 31, 1996 BACKGROUND: On November 19, 1996, the OPGA declared a Jacobsen Sweeper surplus to the needs of the OPGA and authorized the solicitation of such for sale or barter, pursuant to City Code, Section 7-108. On November 29th, the staff advertised the piece of equipment for sale or barter. Though several calls were made to maintenance equipment representatives and area golf course superintendents, the only offer made was for a trade whereby the OPGA would receive three 1994 EZ-GO electric golf cars from Jacobsen Textron of Oklahoma in return for the sweeper. The present value of the Sweeper has been established at $5100. Our research indicates that the present value of the three carts is $5100. When purchased, the Sweeper cost $9445 and the carts new cost was $3200 each ($9600). The benefits of this proposed trade are detailed in a memo to the OPGA dated November 12, 1996. In summary, this trade would provide us with equipment which is much more useful and will increase the efficiency and productivity of our golf course maintenance crew. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the OPGA approve the trade proposed by Jacobsen Textron of Oklahoma, whereby the OPGA would receive three 1994 EZ-GO electric golf cars in return for our 1993 Jacobsen Sweeper. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Jacobsen Trade Offer 2. November 12, 1996 Memorandum JAC0BSEN • Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc. Oklahoma Branch December 18, 1996 Bailey Golf Ranch 10320 E. 86th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: Mr. Tim Lampton SUBJ: E-Z GO ELECTRIC VEHICLES The following prices are forwarded to you for your consideration. (3) E-Z Go Electric golf carts with beds. $1,500.00 each (3) E-Z Go golf cart chargers. $ 200.00 each TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE $1,700.00 each Less trade-in of Jacobsen 720 sweeper Net after trade-in $4,500.00 total $ 600.00 total $5,100.00 total less $5,100.00 Please call me with any questions you may have regarding this quote. $ 0.00 E-Z GO/JACOBSEN TEXTRON Staley Faulkner Jr. (918) 688-0144 Mobile (918) 274-8858 Home (800) 335-8873 Watts 902 N. Ann Arbor, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127-5800 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FROM: WARREN LEHR DIRECTOR OF GOLF SUBJECT: GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT TRADE DATE: November 12, 1996 BACKGROUND: In the Spring of 1993, prior to the golf course opening, the OPGA purchased a Jacobsen Sweeper designed to be pulled behind a tractor or utility vehicle for the purpose of picking up small rocks, limbs, or leaves. It was used to pick up small rocks, which virtually covered our #14 fairway during the "grow -in" phase of the golf course. Since opening, it has been used on a limited basis during the Fall to pick up leaves and small limbs. However, since this sweeper has not be used on a frequent basis, we have determined that there are other types of equipment which would be of much greater use to the golf course if the sweeper could be sold or traded. The depreciated value of the sweeper is approximately $5000 according to our Jacobsen representative, but it is a very specialized machine, which has limited marketability. Upon notifying some area golf course superintendents and two local equipment representatives, our best potential reciprocal value for the sweeper has been an offer of a trade for three (3) 1994 EZ-GO electric golf carts. Both the original retail value and the current depreciated value of the golf carts is very close, if not greater, than the comparable value of the sweeper. In terms of usage value, the golf carts would be utilized as daily reliable, low maintenance transportation for the golf course superintendent and his staff. Quiet, low cost transportation is especially important for the superintendent, his assistant, and greens' syringer, each of whom make frequent trips around the course while golfers are playing. Electric carts are quiet so as not to disturb golfers, and extremely convenient in terms of starting and stopping without the need to start the engine, shift gears, and kill the engine upon each entry and exit. The carts could also be used for rental if a large tournament or other situation warranted their need. Also, some fuel cost and maintenance expense would be realized in lieu of the normal use of gasoline engine trucksters. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the OPGA declare the Jacobsen Sweeper surplus to the needs of the OPGA and authorize the solicitation of such for sale or barter, pursuant to City Code, Section 7-108. U, UI -• 1 J I TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY I FROM: WARREN LEHR DIRECTOR OF GOLF I SUBJECT: GOLF CART BATTERY PURCHASE ft DATE: December 31, 1996 IBACKGROUND: ' Our fleet of sixty 1993 Club Car DS electric golf carts came factory equipped with Trojan T-105 batteries. This brand and type of battery is widely accepted in the golf industry as the best battery on the market, with no close competitors. These batteries have performed extremely ' well for over three years. We have recently completed battery testing with the use of a discharger, hydrometer, and load tester. Our results show a need to purchase 60 new sets of six (360) deep cycle golf cart batteries which will allow our carts to run strong for three more ' years, one year beyond our final lease/purchase payment. The estimated cost of these batteries is approximately $15,000 and was included in the FY96-97 budget. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the OPGA authorize the solicitation of bids for the purchase of 60 sets (360) new Trojan T-105, 6 volt, deep cycle golf cart batteries. .1