HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.08.11_City Council Agenda_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL I TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: August 11, 1997 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, OK Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 7, 1997. Marcia Voutwell, City C erk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #553, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance #326 Dated April 19, 1983, as Amended by Amended Ordinance #326 Dated May 5, 1983, as Further Amended by Ordinance #395 Dated August 18, 1988; Amending the Purpose of the One Percent (1 Sales Tax Levied by Ordinance #326, as Previously Amended; Including the Authorization of Debt and the Use of Capital Future Funds; and Requiring All Provisions of the Ordinance to be Subject to the Approval of a Majority of the Registered Voters Voting at an Election Called for Such Purpose; Establishing an Effective Date of This Ordinance; and Containing Other Provisions Related Thereto. Mr Ray Ms Bishop Mr McDonald Attachment #4 The staff and the financial advisor will brief the City Council relative to the proposed projects list, proposed funding methods, and comments received from the public during the course of three public hearings. The staff will then recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #553, the provisions of which are subject to approval of a majority of the registered voters of the city voting in the manner prescribed by law. Owasso City Council August 11, 1997 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #97-08, a Resolution Authorizing the Calling and Holding of an Election in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City") for the Purpose of Submitting to the Registered Qualified Electors of Said City the Question of Approval or Rejection of Ordinance #553 of the City, Which Amends Ordinance #326 of the City (as Heretofore Amended), by Changing the Purpose for Which Certain Sales Tax May be Used, All As More Specifically Set Out in Ordinance #553 of A Said City. Mr Ray Mr McDonald See Attachment #4 The staff and city's financial advisor will brief the City Council relative to this issue and will then recommend Council approval of Resolution #97-08. 6. Adjournment I MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO L FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSAL 4. DATE: August 8, 1997 r BACKGROUND: On April 19, 1983, the City Council enacted Ordinance #326 (attached). That ordinance established a temporary "third" penny sales tax for the purpose of constructing improvements to the municipal water system (built a water storage tank on 96th St). That ordinance was approved by the voters, and the temporary sales tax was initiated for a ten-year period. On August 18, 1988, the City Council enacted Ordinance #395 (attached). Ordinance #395 amended the 1983 ordinance (#326) and extended the "third" penny sales tax fifteen years (from 1993 to 2007). Ordinance #395 also restricted revenue from the third penny to Capital Improvements projects, established a Capital Future Fund, and created a citizens oversight group to report to the public. In January 1996, the Capital Improvements Committee began discussions relating to the need for a major Capital Improvements Funding program to complement the 1988 bond projects. Since that discussion, and during an ensuing eighteen months, the Capital Improvements Committee, the Facilities Planning Team, the staff and City Council have worked together to develop a proposal that attacks basic capital needs in the areas of streets and city facilities. On July 17, 1997, the Capital Improvements Committee voted to recommend to the City Council a proposal that included: A. $6,021,000 for street projects, B. $3,200,000 for building projects, C. $500,000 for Sports Park projects, D. issuance of debt to be repaid from the third penny sales tax, E. access to monies accumulated in the Capital Future Fund through FY 2001, F. calling of an election to gain voter approval or rejection of the issue. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSAL AUGUST 8, 1997 PAGE 2 The staff conducted three public hearings to solicit citizen input relative to the proposal (see attached comments and correspondence). Over one-hundred copies of the proposal have been distributed during the past three weeks, however, fewer than twenty people attended the three public hearings (see attached sign-up sheets). Working in conjunction with the city's financial advisor, Mr Keith McDonald (Leo Oppenheim & Co), and the city's bond counsel, Mr Allan Brooks (Fagen, Brown, Bush, Tinney & Kiser), the staff has developed the necessary resolution and ordinance to accomplish the recommended ' 1997 Capital Improvements Bond Program. Based on advice from bond counsel and the City Attorney, the appropriate process includes enactment of an ordinance that includes the specifics of the program (projects and funding methods) and requires approval of the ordinance by a majority of the voters in a special election called for such purpose (without voter ratification, the ordinance is not enacted). The process also includes adoption of a resolution that authorizes the calling of an election and establishes a "ballot title" to be presented to the voters. The resolution actually allows and directs the Mayor to issue a proclamation establishing the election process and notifying the County Election Board of the need for an election. Subsequent to the election, there are several steps that must be taken by the City Council and OPWA to finalize the bond issue and initate the projects. THE PROPOSAL: The proposal is attached for your review. While there have been three public hearings and one letter received relating to the project list, the staff has not altered the basic proposal to be presented to the City Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS Twenty people attended the three public hearings. Comments included concerns relating to property acquisition for right-of-way for 86th Street to concerns relating to the use of additional public funds for Sports Park improvements. Suggestions for additional projects include sidewalks on 76th Street and 129th East Avenue, projects in Elm Creek Park (see letter attached), and better playground equipment. There were also supportive comments relating to all projects. Overall, the staff's perception of the comments gained from the hearing process is that most of the concerns relate, not to the need for the projects, but to the details of how those projects will be implemented, particularly the issue of right-of-way acquisition for the 86th Street project. Eleven of the twenty citizens in attendance at the hearings were specifically concerned about that issue. ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSAL AUGUST 8, 1997 PAGE 3 ORDINANCE #553: The ordinance (attached) details the project list, allows for additions and deletions based on funds available, sets forth the funding process to allow debt of not to exceed $8,500,000 (the additional $500,000 is shown simply to allow the Council flexibility in case interest rates fall significantly and additional money can be borrowed without affecting the ability of the city to "make" debt service payments), allows the use of Capital Future Funds accumulated through 2001, and requires voter aipproval of the ordinance. RESOLUTION #97-08: The resolution (attached) simply authorizes the Mayor to issue a proclamation calling an election and setting forth the ballot title. Please note that the ballot title must, by state law, be readable and understandable. The net effect of Resolution #97-08 will be to set an election for October 14, 1997 in order to present the proposal to the citizens for approval or rejection. L RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council enactment of Ordinance #553 and Council adoption of Resolution #97-08. Q ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance #553 2. Resolution #97-08 3. Proposed Proclamation 4. Summary of Public Hearing and Question/Comment List 5. Correspondence from Mr Erick Miller 6. Ordinance #395 dated August 18, 1988 7. Ordinance #326 dated April 19, 1983 r 1 C: \WPDATA\CrFYCNCL\MEMOS\ 1997\970811. CIP ORDINANCE NO. 553 ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 326 DATED APRIL 19, ' 1983, AS AMENDED BY AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 326 DATED MAY 5, 1983, AS FURTHER AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 395 DATED AUGUST 18, 1988; AMENDING THE PURPOSE OF THE ONE PERCENT (1$) SALES TAX LEVIED BY ORDINANCE NO. 326, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED; ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section i. Amendment of Prior Ordinance. That Ordinance No. 326 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City") dated April 19, 1983, as heretofore amended by Amended Ordinance No. 326 of the City dated May 5, 1983, and as further amended by Ordinance No. 395 of the City dated August 18, 1988 (collectively, the "Prior Ordinance") is hereby amended by deleting Section 4 of the Prior Ordinance pertaining to the purpose of the Ordinance and said Section 4 is replaced in its entirety with the following: "Section 4. Purpose. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this Ordinance to provide revenues to finance or fund capital projects and related costs only; said projects to be reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee, approved by the City Council, with oversight given by the Citizens' Watchdog Committee established by the City Council, and subject to competitive bidding as required by law. Specifically, the revenues shall be used (i) to pay the principal and interest requirements on The Owasso Public Works Authority's Public Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1988 issued in the original principal amount of $6,100,000 and/or the Authority's Public Improvement Revenue Bonds to be issued in the original principal amount of not to exceed $8,500,000, or any indebtedness issued to refund said bond issues, (ii) after paying debt service on the referenced bond issues, for making deposits in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the proceeds of said one percent (1%) sales tax to the Capital Future Fund of the City for the purposes of funding future capital improvement projects of the City as authorized by the voters of said City in an election called for that purpose, provided that the amounts in the Capital Future Fund accumulated to date, plus those amounts to be accumulated through June 30, 2001, shall be immediately available to fund those projects listed on Exhibit "A" hereto, and (iii) to finance or fund other capital projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee, approved by the City Council, with oversight given by the Citizens' Watchdog Committee established by the City Council. Any additional indebtedness, except as referenced above, incurred by the City and/or the Authority utilizing the proceeds of said one percent (10) sales tax must be approved by a majority of the registered, qualified voters of the City, voting at periodic elections for such purposes. Because the project costs and the sources of revenue referenced on Exhibit "All involve estimates and projections, the City Council based upon a recommendation from the Capital Improvements Committee is authorized to add to those capital projects listed or to delete and/or modify individual projects based upon actual project costs and revenue :receipts." Section 2. Effective Data, The provisions of this Ordinance No. 553 shall be effective on October 14, 1997 subject to approval by a majority of the registered voters of the City voting on the same in the manner prescribed by law. Section X_Q oas of prior Ordinance Unaffected. Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Prior Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of August, 1997. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA (SEAL) By Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST By Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 11 2 11 I Exhibit "A" The projects to be funded and the total estimated cost of said projects are set forth below: STREETS: A. 86th St (Cedar to Main) Improvements (4 lane) B. 86th & Mingo Intersection C. 76th & 129th Intersection D. 116th & Garnett Intersection E. 86th & 145th Intersection F. Signalize 86th & 123rd G. Resurface N Main (1st to 9th) H. Resurface Atlanta (3rd to 11th) I. Resurface Carlsbad (3rd to 5th) F J. Resurface 11th St (Main to Cedar) ik K. Resurface 129th E Ave (High School to 93rd) L. Resurface 86th (Main to 97th E Ave) M. Right-of-Way & Utility Relocation (76th & 169) TOTAL STREETS $6,021,000 P~ FACILITIES: w A. Renovate City Hall for Police Department ^f B. Replace Roof & Carpet in Community Center l~ C. Construct City Hall Facility TOTAL FACILITIES $3,200,000 SPORTS PARK DEVELOPMENT: A. Parking Lot Extension B. Second Restroom (soccer) C. Construction of FourPlex Field D. Construction of Soccer Field " TOTAL SPORTS PARK S 500,00 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS ,$9,721,000 NOTE: There has been discussion that consideration should be given to the acquisition of at least 50 acres of property suitable for industrial development. Cost of acquiring such property would be between $200,000 and $350,000, depending upon location and access to utilities. While it appears that there is considerable interest and support for such a project, there is a belief that earmarking the land acquisition as a project, without the resources necessary to develop the property, might not be in the best interest of the community. Therefore, the proposed funding sources total $262,000 Exhibit A - 1 J more than the total project costs, leaving excess potentially available for land acquisition t l a a ater date. The projects estimated funding sources are set forth below: for the above referenced dh A. Revenue Bonds (Net) $6,960,000 ($8,000,000 Gross) B. Interest on Bond Reserves & Construction Account $ 100,000 C. Capital Future Fund Account (As of 6/30/98) $1,239,000 D. Annual Appropriation to Capital Future Fund (next three fiscal years) $ 931,000 E. 86th Street Reserves on Hand $ 653,000 F. Existing monies already allocated to City Hall $ 100,000 $9,983,000 Exhibit A - 2 RESOLUTION NO. 97-08 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CALLING AND HOLDING OF AN ELECTION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA (THE "CITY") FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE QUESTION OF APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF THE CITY WHICH AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 326 OF THE CITY (AS HERETOFORE AMENDED) BY CHANGING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH CERTAIN SALES TAX MAY BE USED, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF SAID CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTIM 1. That the Mayor of the City be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to call a special election to be held in said City on the 14th day of October, 1997, for the purpose of submitting to the registered, qualified voters thereof the following proposition: "SHALL ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO BE APPROVED, WHICH ORDINANCE AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 326 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO (AS HERETOFORE AMENDED) BY CHANGING THE PURPOSE OF THE SALES TAX LEVIED BY ORDINANCE NO. 326 IN ORDER (I) TO ALLOW SAID SALES TAX TO BE UTILIZED TO DEBT SERVICE ADDITIONAL BONDS OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS ■r AUTHORITY WHICH WILL FINANCE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SPORTS PARK FACILITIES AND (II) TO UTILIZE EXISTING AND FUTURE MONIES EARMARKED FOR THE CITY'S CAPITAL FUTURE FUND FOR THE FUNDING OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SPORTS PARK FACILITIES, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF SAID CITY?" / / YES - FOR THE ABOVE PROPOSITION / / NO - AGAINST THE ABOVE PROPOSITION SEGTjoN Z. That such call for said election shall be by proclamation, signed by the Mayor of the city and attested by the ' City Clerk, setting forth the proposition to be voted upon and the hours of opening and closing of the polls. That the ballots shall set forth the proposition to be voted upon substantially as set out in Section 1 hereof, and that the returns of said election shall be made to and canvassed by the Tulsa County Election Board. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: By: Name: Marcia Boutwell Title: City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney By. 2 Name: Mary Lou Barnhouse Title: Mayor ' STATE OF OKLAHOMA )SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) I I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Owasso, in said County and State, hereby certify that the foregoing copy of proceedings is a true and complete copy of the proceedings had by the City Council of said City at a Special meeting held on the date therein set out, insofar as the same relate to the introduction, reading and adoption of Resolution No. 97-08 as the same appears of record in my office. I further certify that said meeting complied in all respects with the "Open Meeting Law". WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 11th day of August, 1997. (SEAL) 3 City Clerk Under and by virtue of the Statutes of the State of Oklahoma, and Acts complementary, supplementary, and enacted pursuant thereto, and a Resolution of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, dated August 11, 1997, authorizing the calling of an election on the proposition hereinafter set forth, I, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby call a special election and give notice thereof to be held in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 14th day of October, 1997, for the purpose of submitting to the registered, qualified voters in said City, the following proposition: 11 "SHALL ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO BE APPROVED, WHICH ORDINANCE AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 326 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO (AS HERETOFORE AMENDED) BY CHANGING THE PURPOSE OF THE SALES TAX LEVIED BY ORDINANCE NO. 326 IN ORDER (I) TO ALLOW SAID SALES TAX TO BE UTILIZED TO DEBT SERVICE ADDITIONAL BONDS OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY WHICH WILL FINANCE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SPORTS PARK FACILITIES AND (II) TO UTILIZE EXISTING AND FUTURE MONIES EARMARKED FOR THE CITY'S CAPITAL FUTURE FUND FOR THE FUNDING OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SPORTS PARK FACILITIES, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ORDINANCE NO. 553 OF SAID CITY?" YES - FOR THE ABOVE PROPOSITION NO - AGAINST THE ABOVE PROPOSITION That only the registered, qualified voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, may vote upon the proposition as above set forth. The polls shall be opened at 7:00 o'clock a.m. and shall remain open continuously until and be closed at 7:00 o'clock p.m. Such election shall be conducted by those precinct officers designated by the County Election Board of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, which officers shall also act as counters and certify the results thereof as required by law. The number and location of the polling places for the election shall be the same as prescribed by the County Election Board for state and county elections and shall include all precincts totally or partially contained within the city limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 0 DATED this 11th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) Mayor 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON 1997 BOND PROPOSAL 7/29/97, 7:00 P.M., COMMUNITY CENTER w Councilors present: Barnhouse, Bode, Wilken; staff present: Ray, Bishop, Carr, Alexander, McElrath, Tobias, Allen, Stuckey, Walker, Boutwell; others: Akin, Robinson, 9 citizens Mr Ray introduced the staff, gave a brief history of the 1988 bond issue and discussed the projects completed, and discussed the reason for a 1997 bond issue proposal. The following phases of the proposal were presented and discussed and questions and comments received on each phase separately: 1) Street Projects, 2) Facilities, 3) Sports Park, 4) Financing. Adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 7/31/97, 7:00 P.M., COMMUNITY CENTER Councilors present: Barnhouse, Bode, Wilken; staff present: Ray, Tobias, Rooney, McElrath, Carr, Boutwell; 8 citizens ■ Mr Ray introduced the staff, gave a brief history of the 1988 bond issue and discussed the projects completed, and discussed the reason for a 1997 bond issue proposal. The following phases of the proposal were presented and discussed and questions and comments received on each phase separately: 1) Street Projects, 2) Facilities, 3) Sports Park, 4) Financing. Adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 8/7/97, 1:00 P.M., COMMUNITY CENTER Staff present: Ray, Tobias, McElrath, Walker, Mikel, Lutz, Bishop, Worley, Alexander, Boutwell; 3 citizens Mr Ray introduced the staff and opened for questions. Following a question and answer period, he discussed the bond proposal issues. Adjourned at 2:15 p.m. C AWPDATA\CAPIMPRO\BONDHRNG. NTS QUESTION AND COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC HEARINGS REGARDING A PROPOSED BOND ISSUE - 7/29/97, 7/31/97, 8/7/97 STREETS Is there assurance that funds are sufficient to complete the 86th St Project? Will bids come in under budget? 7/29 Is Main St reconstruction four lane? Will $280,000 cover a Main St project? 7/29 Streets should come first; Sports Park should get only excess funds. Can 114th St get some attention? Need YIELD sign on 169 off ramp exiting west on 86th St. 7/29 How will l lth St and 86th St projects impact the homeowners with rear yards on 86th? Can there be a buffer between 86th St & rear yards of 11th St residents to cut down on noise level? 7/29 Will 86th St be completely torn out or done one side at a time? 7/31 Is it in the plan to route 86th St traffic on 11th SO 7/31 How will back yards be affected for people living on 11th SO 7/31 Are there plans to rezone 86th? 7/31 Will the city moved fences along 86th St (11th St back yards)? 7/31 Will all utilities be underground? 7/31 Will the service lines to the homes be underground? 7/31 What plans are there to reduced the noise level for 11th St residents? 7/31 Will the residents on 11th St have input in the design for 86th SO 7/31 Will property be taken on both sides of 86th SO 7/31 Will left turn lanes be added to the west service road at 86th SO 7/31 Explain "milled down". 7/31 What is the time frame for doing the street projects? 7/31 What needs to be done at 76th St and 169? 7/31 a I I II 11 11 11 BOND ISSUE HEARINGS PAGE 2 Don't want to donate property for 86th St widening. 7/31 Will 86th St improvements increase or decrease the value of the homeowners' property? 7/31 Are there plans to take 86th St to Highway 75? 7/31 Will the 86th St construction connect to (be as wide as) the existing 5-lane? 8/7 Will there be property acquisition required for 86th SO 8/7 What will happen to the existing 6" high-pressure gas line?L We wouldn't want it under a sidewalk. 8/7 How long will the 86th St project take? Will the street be closed? 8/7 Will business be affected by the 86th St project? 8/7 Citizens need to know who is "in charge" (contact person) to bring questions and concerns to during construction. 8/7 What are the plans for the intersection at 76th St and 129th E Ave? 8/7 Is 76th St and 129th E Ave a treacherous intersection? 8/7 FACILITIES Purchase price for land belonging to Columbia Health Care is excellent. 7/29 SPORTS PARK Streets before Sports Park. 7/29 Isn't $65,000 high for a bathroom? 7/31 Why is there nothing for girls sports? 7/31 Girls softball puts money back into the community - hotel, food, etc. 7/31 NOTE: Staff explained that the user groups have agreed to split the fields. BOND ISSUE HEARINGS PAGE 3 FINANCING ' What will happen if the issue isn't passed? 7/31 ' In 1988 it was said that 86th St is the number one priority (from high school to Main). Other projects have been done ahead of 86th St. 7/31 ■ Each project had to be initiated through the Capital Improvements Committee. 7/31 C: \WPDATA\CAPIMPRO\BONDHRNG. 97 • 1. 2.1 3~ 4. 5. 6 7. 9.~ 10~ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20 _ --y, /I, i / -I, Z 72- - 1-7 _z - 4 ~ --5-7 i-2-- 1/ 2 7 o~ ]PLSE SIGH III 1. _ Z 0 3 oc/ 3.. 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.- 8.- 9.- 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Phone a~~- 707 PUBLIC HEARING 1997 BOND ISSUE JULY 31, 1996 - 7:00 PM Name Address Phone 21. 22 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. i• 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 i . i 32. , 33 . 34. 35 r . Y. 36. 37. 38. 4. 39 . 40. Name 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 57. 58. 59. 60. Phone 1 Name Address Phone 1.~ i 4-~. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. t6.- IT. 18. 19. 20. 7 ~ -7 CK3c I I AUG 0 G 1997 r s Members of Owasso City Council, Mr. Rodney Ray, Owasso City Manager Capital Improvements Committee Members Ladies and Gentlemen, August 5, 1997 Erik Miller 7713 N. 126th Ave. E. Owasso, OK 74055 The proposed bond issue for the City of Owasso contains a number very worthwhile projects. The idea of using the existing city hall as the new police station and building a new city hall is a creative, and seemingly wise use of the bond money. The proposed bond issue does contain however projects that I feel are not a good use of- the bond money- spending more money on the Owasso Sports Complex. A frequently used selling point of Owasso is it's "Quality of Life". Owasso's "Quality of Life" is promoted frequently by local builders, the Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Owasso. It is time to start asking some difficult questions; What does it mean to have a good "Quality of Life?" What progressive steps has the City of Owasso taken to ensure that the high quality of life in Owasso isn't gradually, subtlety eroded to the point where Owasso's Quality of ,r Life is not something to brag about? The sports complex is already very large and well equipped. But it benefits only a small, highly focused, albeit vocal and active segment of Owasso's population. There are other aspects of life in Owasso that need to be addressed, but thus far have been neglected. For example- Have you or your children ever tried to ride your bicycle from the east side of Owasso, from perhaps the Elm Creek or Double Oaks neighborhoods, to the Library? To Braums? There is no safe path for adults, much less children to walk or ride their bikes to the library. How about spending some of that bond money to put in sidewalks along 76th street? Why not F spend some of that bond money to put in pedestrian crosswalks across Ik 129th Ave at Copper Meadows so children can get across without dodging cars? Why not build a pedestrian bridge across 169 in the area of Mazios? Some Owasso money, plus some state money, plus some federal money, and it could be done. I challenge any one of you to try and walk, or ride your bike from the east side of 169, from the housing areas serviced by 76th street, to the Owasso Public Library. Feel Safe? Now send your kids along the same route without you! The Parks in Owasso are in a gradual state of decay. The wood jungle gym at Elm Creek for example, is rapidly approaching a state of being unsafe- not through age, but through neglect. The pond at Elm Creek is filling in with silt and sediment, caused primarily by lack of erosion control during housing construction in the area. Each year the geese and ducks can be seen standing in the water where they couldn't stand before. The fish population is decreasing rapidly. This is evidence by the continuously smaller catch taken each year at the Rotary fishing contest. On hot summer days the pond just plain stinks! The Elm Creek pond, its embankment, and the park grounds are in dire need of attention. Attention that will require money. And that is just Elm Creek Park. What state are the other parks in? It is important to remember that the parks serve everyone- elderly,, handicapped, clubs and associations, children, families, couples out for a walk. In summary, I can not support a bond issue that dumps more money into the already large and well-equipped sports complex, while other important issues, issues that affect a much larger portion of Owasso's families, children, remain ignored. The attractiveness of a city, a city's Quality of Life, is not measured by how many soccer fields, how many softball fields the city has. Sincer ly, / Erik Miller C) ` 59 PAGE 532 BOOK513~ 165 ORDINANCE NO. 395 if. C 1 1 1 1 HEREBY AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 326, AS AMENDED, WHICH WAS AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SALES TAX OF ONE PERCENT (1%) IN ADDITION TO PRESENT SALES TAXES UPON THE GROSS PROCEEDS OR GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM ALL SALES TO ANY PERSON TAXABLE UNDER THE SALES TAX LAW OF OKLAHOMA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CERTAIN ENUMERATED SALES LISTED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ONE PERCENT (1%) SALES TAX; PROVIDING EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTED FROM THE SALES TAX LAW OF OKLAHOMA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, d o a CERTAIN ENUMERATED EXEMPTIONS LISTED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION o>-C) (f) LAJ OF TAX; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS; PROVIDING o n-`` ~~n►~- FOR INTEREST AND PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO PAY TAX U- v s~ WHEN DUE; PROVIDING FOR TAXPAYER TO KEEP W JM ° RECORDS; REQUIRING VENDORS TO COLLECT TAX FROM =~J o oQ PURCHASER AT TIME OF SALE; ESTABLISHING LIENS; (n a:) ' ~-J AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE ADMINISTRATION AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND 1/~ ~ ADDITIONS, EXCEPT TAX RATE; MAKING THE TAX •;,,,e,~Q~%,,~ CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; • A ¢ , REQUIRING APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE BY MAJORITY OF REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR * - `SSUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND FIXING THE ?y!~'=EFFECTIVE DATE. rv , p Yr R ?:JT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASS , rr~~i+~+ 1 ~,\\'.~Section 1. That the ordinance heretofore passed by the Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City"), numbered Ordinance Number 326, as amended, providing for the levying and assessing of a sales tax of one percent (1%) in addition to present sales taxes upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales to any person taxable under the sales tax law of Oklahoma, including but not limited to certain enumerated sales listed therein; providing for the purpose of the one percent (1%) sales tax; providing exemptions exempted from the sales tax law of Oklahoma, including but not limited to, certain enumerated exemptions listed therein; providing for the administration and collection of tax; requiring the filing of returns; providing for interest and penalties for failure to pay tax when due; providing for taxpayer to keep records; requiring vendors to collect tax from purchaser at time of sale; establishing liens; authorizing the City Council to make administration and technical changes and additions, except tax rate; making the tax cumulative; providing severability of provisions; requiring approval of ordinance by majority of registered voters voting at an election held for such purpose as provided by law; and fixing effective date, should be and same is hereby amended insofar as Sections Three (3) and Four (4) thereof are concerned to read as follows, to wit: boox513'7 PAGE 1658 "Section 3. Effective Date and Termination. This Ordinance shall become effective on November 1, 1988, subject to approval of a majority of the registered voters of the City of Owasso voting on the same in the manner prescribed by law; provided that upon approval by the voters as required above, this Ordinance shall remain in effect until October 31, 2007." "Section 4. Purpose. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this Ordinance to provide revenues for the purpose of placing such revenues in the Debt Service Fund of the Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") to be used to pay the principal and interest requirements on the 1988 Revenue Bonds issued by the Authority through October 31, 2007, and to continue to make deposits to the Sinking Fund on the outstanding General Obligation Bonds of 1983 of the City through August 31, 1992, and thereafter for making deposits in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the proceeds of said one percent sales tax to the Capital Future Fund of the City for the. purposes of funding future capital improvement projects of the City as authorized by the voters of said City in an election called for that purpose. All revenues generated from said one percent sales tax must be restricted for the use of capital projects only; said projects to be reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee, approved by the City Council, with oversight given thereto by the Citizens' Watchdog Committee, which shall be established by the City Council, and subject to competitive bidding as required by law. Any additional indebtedness incurred by the City and/or the Authority utilizing said one percent sales tax must be approved by a majority of the registered, qualified voters of the City, voting at periodic elections for such purposes." Section 2. That all other provisions of the above referred to Ordinance No. 326, as amended shall remain in full form and effect and be unaffected by the terms hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of August 1988. 7Y p~ ~~(SEA~ Q C 4_LE _ Mayo ~irferk 16383G aood q ZIGE 451 ORDINANCE No. 32~G AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SALES TAX OF-ONE PERCENT (1%) -IN ADDITION TO PRESENT SALES TAXES UPON THE GROSS PROCEEDS OR GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM ALL SALES TO ANY-PERSON TAXABLE UNDER THE SALES TAX LAW OF OKLAHOMA; INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO-, CERTAIN ENUMERATED-SALES LISTED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE-OF THE ONE PERCENT (1%) -SALES TAX; PROVIDING - EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTED FROM THE SALES TAX LAW OF OKLAHOMA', INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO-, CERTAIN - ENUMERATED EXEMPTIONS LISTED THEREIN; 37> C- of PROVIDING ' FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND C - COLLECTION OF TAX; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST AND PENALTIES FOR-FAILURE TO PAY" TAX WHEN-DUE; -PROVIDING k-4~c-,(-,. FOR "TAXPAY-ER TO- KEEP RECORDS; REQUIRING rig VENDORS TO COLLECT TAX FROM PURCHASER AT TIME OF' SALE; ESTABLISHING LIENS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO HAKE ADMINISTRATION' AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS, EXCEPT TAX RATE; MAKING THE "TAX -CUMULATIV-E; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REQUIRING C APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE BY- "MAJORITY OF o Wli - REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED 'BY LAW; FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, a - cn c '`>o CY) o Section 1. Citation and Codification. This Ordinance shall may b-e cited as the City of Owasso Special Sales Tax Ordinance of 1983 and hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance". is Section 2. Subsisting State Permits. All valid and subsisting permits to do business by Oklahoma. Tax Commission pursuant to the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code are, for the purposes of this Ordinance, hereby ratified, confirmed, and adopted in lieu of any requirement for an additional City permit for the same purpose. Section 3. Effective Date and Termination. This Ordinance shall become and be effective on or after July 1, 1983, subject to approval of a majority of the registered voters of the City of Owasso voting on the same in the manner prescribed by law; provided that upon approval by the voters as required above, this Ordinance shall remain in effect and not be repealed unless repealed by a majority of the registered voters of the City voting to repeal same in the manner as required by its approval. 1 a001699PAr,E 452 Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this Ordinance to provide revenues for the purpose of placing such revenues in the Sinking Fund of the City to be used to pay the principal and interest requirements on-the $2,775,000 General Obligation Bonds of 1983 of the City with the surplus of such one cent sales tax, after satisfaction of such Sinking Fund Requirements, to be retained in the General Fund of the City to be used for any lawful purpose. Section 5. Tax Rate-Sales Subject to Tax. There is hereby levied an additional excise tax of one percent (1%) upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales taxable under the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code, including but not exclusive of the following: (a) Tangible personal property. (b) Natural or artificial gas, electricity, ice, steam, or any other utility or public service, except water. (c) Transportation for hire of persons by common carriers, including railroads, both steam and electric, motor transportation companies, taxi-cab companies, pullman car companies, airlines and all other means of transportation for hire. (d) Service by telephone and telegraph companies to subscribers or users, including transmission of messages, whether local or long distance. This shall include all services and rental charges having any connection with transmission of any message. (e) Printing or printed matter of all types, kinds and characters and the service of printing or over-printing. (f) Service of furnishing rooms by hotels, apartment hotels, public rooming houses and public lodging houses and tourist camps. (g). Service of furnishing storage or parking privileges by auto hotels and parking lots. (h) Foods, confections and all drinks sold or dispensed by hotels, restaurants, or other dispensers, and sold for immediate consumption upon the premises or delivered or carried away from the premises for consumption elsewhere. (i) Advertising of all kinds, types and character, including any and all devices used for advertising purposes and the servicing of any advertising devices, except as provided herein. (j) Dues or fees to clubs, and the sale of tickets or admission to places of amusement, to athletic, entertainment, recreational events, or dues or fees for the privilege of having access to or the use of amusement, entertainment, athletic or recreational facilities, including free or complimentary passes, tickets, dues or fees are hereby declared to have a value equivalent to the sale price of 2 I BOOK,109 PWE 453 tickets, passes, admissions, fees or dues of like kind or character, except as provided in subsection (v) of Section 6 hereof. (k) For the purpose of this Ordinance, sales of service and tangible personal property made for the purpose of developing real estate even though such real estate is intended for resale as real property, are hereby declared to be sales to consumers or users. Sales of ' service and tangible personal property, including material,-supplies and equipment made to contractors who use same in the performance of any contract, are hereby declared to be sales to consumers or users ■ and not sales for resale. Sales of tangible personal property to peddlers, solicitors and other salesmen who do not have established places of business shall be deemed to be sales to consumers or users, and, therefore, taxable. Section 6. Exemptions. There is hereby specifically exempted from the ' tax levied by this Ordinance the gross receipts or gross proceeds exempted from the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code inclusive, but not exclusive of, and derived from the: (a) Sales of non-intoxicating beverages taxed as provided by State Law. (b) Sale of cigarettes and such tobacco products as are taxed by State Law. (c) Sale of raw products from the farm, orchard or garden, where such sale is made by the producer of such raw products directly to the consumer or user; gross receipts or gross proceeds derived from the sale of livestock, poultry, poultry products, and dairy products by the producers; exemptions granted by this subdivision shall not apply when such articles are sold, even though by the producer thereof, at or from an established business place" not on a farm; neither shall this exemption apply unless said articles are produced or grown within the State of Oklahoma. The provisions of this subsection are intended to-exempt the sale by livestock producers of livestock sold at special livestock sales. The provisions of this subsection are intended to exempt the sale of dairy products when sold by a dairyman or farmer who owns all of the cows from which the dairy products he sells are produced. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to exempt-sales by florists, nurserymen and chicken hatcheries. (d) Dues paid to fraternal, religious, civic, charitable or educational societies or organizations by regular members, thereof, provided, such societies or organizations operate under which is commonly termed the lodge plan or system, and provided such societies or organizations do not operate for a profit which inures to the benefit of any individual member or members thereof to exclusion of other members. 3 BOOKS X99 PAGE 454 (e) Sale of tangible personal property or services to or by churches, except where such organizations may be engaged in business for profit savings, competing with other persons engaged in the same or similar business. (f) Gross receipts and gross proceeds deriving from the transportation of school children. to and from schools and high schools in motor and other vehicles. (f-1) Transportation of persons where the fare of each person does not exceed fifteen cents (15¢), or local transportation of persons within the corporate limits of cities and towns except by taxicabs. (g) Sale of food in public, common, high school or college cafeterias and lunch rooms operated primarily for teachers and pupils, not operated primarily for the public and not operated for profit. (h) Carrier sales made directly to consumers or users of newspapers or any other periodicals where any individual transaction does not exceed twenty-five cents (254). A carrier is a person who regularly delivers newspapers or periodicals to subscribers on an assigned route. (i.) Sales to the United States government, State of Oklahoma, or any of its political subdivisions. (j) Sale of gasoline or motor fuel on which the Motor Fuel Tax, Gasoline Excise Tax or Special Fuels Tax has been paid' to the State of Oklahoma. (k) Sale of crude petroleum or natural or casinghead gas and other products subject to gross production tax under the provisions of the laws of this State. This exemption shall not apply when such products are sold to a consumer or user for consumption or use, except when used for injection into the earth for the purpose of promoting or facilitating the production of oil or gas. (1) Sale of motor vehicles, attached optional equipment and accessories, on which sale the Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Excise Tax has been paid. (m) Sales by County, District and State Fairs. (n) Sale of advertising space in newspapers and periodicals and billboard advertising service. (o) Sales for resale to persons regularly engaged in the business of reselling the articles purchased, whether within or without the State, provided that such sales to residents of this State are made to persons to whom sales tax permits have been issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission as provided by law. This exemption shall not apply to the sales of articles made to persons holding permits when such persons purchase items for their use and which they are not regularly engaged in the business of reselling; neither shall this exemption 4 ■ aoo-Q X99 PAGE 455 apply to sales of tangible personal property to peddlers, solicitors established i ts or and other salesmen who do not have sales tax perm places of business. (o-1) Goods, wares, merchandise, and property sold for use in for i ng manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling or prepar f sale shall be classified as having been sold for the purpose o t (a) such resale or the subject matter of resale only in the even R goods, wares, merchandise, or property are purchased for the purpose le and if it becomes a i d c art of being manufactured into a finishe f the manufactured, compounded, recognizable, integral part o assembled or prepared products or (b) if it is consumed in rocessed i ik. , p ng or the process of manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembl preparing products for resale. E (p) Sale of machinery and equipment purchased and used by persons and a Okl h , om a establishing new manufacturing or processing plants in the i n machinery and equipment purchased and used by persons eration of manufacturing plants already established in Oklahoma, o d i 111 p nery an n shall not apply unless such mach ti rrr o provided, this exemp t is incorporated into, and is directly used in, the process equipmen of manufacturing property subject to taxation hereunder. The term rimarily ts h i p men s "manufacturing plants" shall mean those establ and generally ns ti , o engaged in manufacturing or processing opera recognized as such. (q) Sale of tangible personal property manufactured in Oklahoma when sold te t a by the manufacturer to a person who transports it to another s for immediate and exclusive use in some other state. (r) Sale of an interest in tangible personal property to a partner or h i n suc other person who after such sale owns a joint interest s or Use Tax has S l e e a tangible personal property where the Oklahoma previously been paid on such tangible personal property. (s) Sales of containers shall be exempt when sold to a person regularly or filled containers , engaged in the business of reselling empty or ose of packaging raw r h p e pu when he purchases such containers for t arden or orchard, for resale to the consumer or m f f , g ar products o provided, this exemption shall not apply to the sale of cessor , pro containers used more than once and which are ordinarily known as cted ll i e s co returnable containers unless a tax under this Ordinance tor with respect to each and every C ll ec o and paid to the Tax transfer by such person of title or possession of such returnable container if made to any consumer or user within this State; nor ther materials delivered shall it apply to the sale of labels or o ith items sold but which are not necessary or absolutely along w essential to the sale of the sold merchandise. (t) Sales of baby chicks, turkeys, poults and starter pullets, used in rovided the s d , p egg commercial production of chickens, turkeys an sales i ce or purchaser certifies in writing on the copy of the invo 5 800069f)PAGE 456 ticket to be retained by the Seller that the pullets will be used primarily for egg production. (u) Sales of tangible personal property or services to Council organizations or similar state supervisory organizations of the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of USA and the Campfire Girls shall be exempt from sales tax. (v) The proceeds from any amount separately stated on the ticket of admission for the repayment of money borrowed by an accredited state supported college or university for the purpose of constructing or enlarging any entertainment facility as prescribed by the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code. (w) In addition to all other exemptions allowed by this Ordinance, the sales of agricultural fertilizer to persons regularly engaged for profit in the business of farming and/or ranching which are exempt from State sales. taxes under provisions of 68 O.S. 1971, Section 1305(a) shall likewise be exempt from the Sales tax-herein levied. (x) In addition to other exemptions allowed by this Ordinance, the sales of farm machinery to be used directly on a farm or ranch in the production, cultivating, planting, sowing, harvesting, processing, spraying, preservation or irrigation of any livestock, poultry, agricultural or dairy products produced from such lands which are exempt from State Sales Tax under provision of Title 68, O.S. 1971 41305(c) shall be likewise exempt from the Sales Tax herein-levied. Each purchaser o:E farm machinery must certify, in writing, on the copy of the invoice or sales ticket to be retained by the seller that he is engaged in farming or ranching and that the farm machinery will be used in farming or ranching. (y) In addition to the other exemptions allowed by this Ordinance, the sales and purchases of feed, subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in Title 68, O.S., 1971 41312, which are exempt from the State Sales Tax under such-statute, shall also be exempt from the sales tax levied herein. SECTION 7. Other-Exempt Transfers. Also there is hereby specifically exempted from the tax levied the transfer of tangible personal property exempted from the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code inclusive but not exclusive of the following: (1) From one corporation to another corporation pursuant to a reorganization as used in this subsection the term "reorganization" means: (a) A statutory merger or consolidation. 6 500 O W") P&r,F 4.57 (b) The acquisition by a corporation of substantially all of the properties of another corporation when the consideration is solely all or a part of the voting stock of the acquiring corporation, or of its parent or subsidiary corporation. (2) In connection with the winding up, dissolution or liquidation of a corporation only when there is distribution in kind to the shareholders of the property of such corporation. (3) To a corporation for the purpose or organization of such corporation where the former owners of the property transferred are immediately after the transfer in control of the corporation, and the stock or securities received by each is substantially in proportion to his interest in the property prior to the transfer. ' (4) To a partnership in the organization or such partnership if the former owners of the property transferred are immediately after the transfer, members of such partnerships and the interest in the partnership, received by each is substantially in proportion to his interest in the property prior to the transfer. (5) From a partnership to the members thereof when made in kind in the dissolution of such partnership. Section 8. Tax Due When - Returns - Records. The tax levied hereunder Code prescribed for SalesaTaxform ~ shall be due and aSales tTaxeuntime and in the der the Oklahomamanner payment of the State Section 9. Payment of Tax. The tax herein levied shall be paid to the Tax Collector at the time and in the form and manner provided for payment of state sales tax under the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code. Section 10. Tax Constitutes Debt. Such taxes, penalty and interest due hereunder shall at all times constitute a- prior, superior and paramount claim as against the claims of unsecured creditors, and may be collected by suit as any other debt. Section 11. Classification of Taxpayers - For the purpose of this Ordinance the classification of taxpayers hereunder shall be as prescribed by State law for the purpose of the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code. Section 12. Vendor's Duty to Collect Tax: (a) The tax levied hereunder shall be paid by the consumer or user to the vendor, and it shall be the duty of each and every vendor in this City to collect from the consumer or user, the full amount of the tax levied by this Ordinance, or an amount equal as nearly as possible or practicable to the average equivalent thereof. 7 800K1699 PAGE 458 (b) Vendors shall add the tax imposed hereunder, or the average equivalent thereof, to the sales price or charge, and when added such tax shall constitute a part of such price or charge, shall be a debt from the consumer or user to vendor until paid, and shall be recoverable at law in the same manner as other debts. (c) A vendor, as defined herein, who willfully or intentionally fails, neglects or refuses to collect the full amount of the tax levied hereof, or willfully or intentionally fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions or remits or rebates to a consumer or user, either directly or indirectly, and by whatsoever means, all or any part of the tax levied herein, or makes in any form of advertising, verbally or otherwise any statement which infers that he is absorbing the tax, or paying the tax for the consumer or user by an adjustment of prices or at a price including the tax, or in any manner whatsoever shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) including; costs. Section 13. Returns and Remittances - Discounts. Returns and remittances of the tax levied herein and collected shall be made to the Tax Collector at the time, and in the manner, form and amount as prescribed for returns and remittances required by the State Sales Tax Code; and remittances of tax collected hereunder shall be subject to the same discount as may be allowed by said Code for collection of State Sales taxes. Section 14. Tax Collector Defined. The term "Tax Collector" as used herein means the department: of the City government or the official agency of the State duly designated according to law or contract authorized by law to administer the collection of the tax herein levied. Section 15. Definitions. The definitions of words, terms and phrases contained in the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code, Section 1302, Title 68 O.S. 1971, are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 16. Interest and Penalties - Delinquency. Section 217 of Title 68 O.S., 1971, is hereby adopted and made a part of this Ordinance and interest and penalties at the rates and in the amounts as therein specified are hereby levied and shall be applicable in cases of deliquency in reporting and paying the tax levied by said Ordinance. Provided, that the failure or refusal of any taxpayer to make and transmit the reports and remittances of tax in the time and manner required by said, Ordinance shall cause such tax to be delinquent. In addition, if such delinquency continues for a period of five (5) days the taxpayer shall forfeit his claim to any discount allowed under said Ordinance. Section 17. Waiver of Interest and Penalties. The interest or penalty or any portion thereof accruing by reason of taxpayer's failure to pay the tax herein levied may be waived or remitted in the same manner as provided for said waiver or remittance as applied in administration of the State Sales Tax provided in 68 O.S., 1971, Section 220; and to accomplish the purposes of this section, the applicable provisions of said Section 220 are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. 8 6~GK~~9~ PAGE ~~9 11 Section 18. Erroneous Payments - Claims for Refund. Refund of erroneous payment of the Sales Tax herein levied may be made to any taxpayer making such erroneous payment in the manner and procedures, and under the same limitations of time, as provided for administration of the State Sales Tax as set forth in 68 O.S., 1971, Section 227, and to accomplish the purposes of this section, the applicable provisions of said Section 227 are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. Section 19. Fraudulent Returns. In addition to all civil penalties provided by this Ordinance, the willful failure or refusal of any taxpayer to make reports and remittances herein required, or the making of any false and fraudulent report for the purpose of avoiding or escaping payment of any tax or portion thereof rightfully due under this Ordinance shall be an offense, and upon conviction thereof the offending taxpayer shall be subject to a fine of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) including costs. Section 20. Records Confidential. The confidential and privileged nature of the records and files concerning the administration of the Sales Tax is legislatively recognized and declared, and to protect the same the provisions of 68 O.S., 1971, Section 205 of the State Sales Tax Code, and each subsection thereof-is hereby adopted by reference and made fully effective and applicable ' to administration of the Sales Tax as if here set forth in full. Section 21. Provisions Severable. The provisions hereof orre clause hereof declared to be severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or inoperative by any court of competent jurisdiction such decision shall not affect any other section, paragraph, sentence or clause hereof. ! Section 22. Amendments. The people of Owasso, Oklahoma, by their appro- val of this Ordinance at the election herein above provided, hereby authorize the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Owasso, by Ordinances duly enacted to make such administrative and technical changes or additions in the method and manner of administration and enforcing this Ordinance as may be necessary or proper for efficiency and fairness except that the rate of the tax herein provided shall not be changed without approval of the qualified electors of the City as provided by law. Section 23. Provisions Cumulative. The provisions hereof shall be cumulative, and in addition to any and all other taxing provisions of the City ! ordinances. Section 24. (EMERGENCY) WHEREAS, it being immediately necessary for the Oklahoma, preservation of the peace, health and safety of the City of Owasso, and the inhabitants thereof, that the provisions of this Ordinance be put into full force and effect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force as provided in Section 3 hereof and as provided by law. 9 BOOK1 ~99 PAGE 460 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19111, DAY OF APRIL, 19£13. Mayor cam.-~.. I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Owasso, in said County and State, hereby certify that the foregoing copy of Ordinance Number 32(o is a true and complete copy of Ordinance Number 321A as shown by the records of my office. WITNESS d and the seal of said City this 19th day of April, 1983. City Clerk 7 ss, COUNTY OF TULSA) iop i T 8000 C E 461 163837 ORDINANCE NO. 326, AMENDED AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SALES TAX OF ONE PERCENT (1%) IN ADDITION TO PRE- SENT SALES TAXES UPON THE GROSS PROCEEDS OR GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM ALL SALES TO ANY PERSON TAXABLE UNDER THE SALES TAX LAW cD c a OF OKLAHOMA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, - -G o> CERTAIN ENUMERATED SALES LISTED THEREIN; C~ ct.:U PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ONE PERCENT F- Q~w z=o (1%) SALES TAX; PROVIDING EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTED N J EM QU Lz FROM THE SALES TAX LAW OF OKLAHOMA, INCLUDING `BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CERTAIN ENUMERATED EXEMP- t 'TIONS LISTED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMIN- ISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF TAX; REQUIRING THE ,,s 4C *zx*t~ `s ~FTLING OF RETURNS; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST AND r PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO PAY TAX WHEN DUE; X'PROVIDING FOR TAXPAYER TO KEEP RECORDS; REQUIRING 0 411, VENDORS TO COLLECT TAX FROM PURCHASER AT TIME '~vr'~ Eror~trr'° xy OF SALE; ESTABLISHING LIENS; AUTHORIZING THE i CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE ADMINISTRATION AND TECH- NICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS, EXCEPT TAX RATE; MAKING THE TAX CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REQUIRING APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE BY MAJORITY OF REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That the ordinance heretofore passed by the Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, numbered Ordinance Number 326, providing for the levying and assessing of a sales tax of one percent (1%) in addition to present sales taxes upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales to any person taxable under the sales tax law of Oklahoma, ` OK4 699 PAU 462 including but not limited to certain enumerated sales listed therein; providing for the purpose of the one percent (1%) sales tax; providing exemptions exempted from the sales tax law of Oklahoma, including but not limited to, certain enum- erated exemptions listed therein; providing for the admini- stration and collection of tax; requiring the filing of returns; providing for interest and penalties for failure to pay tax when due; providing for taxpayer to keep records; requiring vendors to collect tax from purchaser at time of sale; estab- lishing liens; authorizing the City Council to make adminis- tration and technical changes and additions, except tax rate; making the tax cumulative; providing severability of provisions; requiring; approval of ordinance' by majority of registered voters voting at; an election held for such purpose as provided by law; and fixing effective date, should be and same is hereby amended insofar as Section Three (3) thereof is concerned to read as follows, to wit: Section 3. Effective Date and Termination This Ordinance shall become effective on or after July 1, 1983, subject to approval of a majority of the registered voters of the City of Owasso voting on the same in the manner prescribed by law; pro- vided that upon approval by the voters as required above, this Ordinance shall remain in effect until such time as the principal and interest require- ments on the $2,775,000.00 General Obligation Bonds of 1983 of the City are paid in full. Section 2. That all other provisions of the above referred to Ordinance Number 326 shall remain in full form and effect and be unaffected by the terms hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3 day of May, 1983, ~-x BOYD SPENCER, MAYOR N,. ENDRICKSON, CITY CLERK