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1997.09.02_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL M TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 2, 1997 ' TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 29, 1997. ~ Marc Boutwell, City C11 11 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Kevin Stewart Central Baptist Church, Owasso 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call AGENDA 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 19, 1997 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B Owasso City Council September 2, 1997 Page 2 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #554, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of a 50-Acre Tract Located West of the Southwest Corner of East 96th St N and Garnett Rd, Immediately North of Ator Heights IV, from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density). Attachment #5-C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #554, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on August 19, 1997 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #555, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of a 20-Acre Tract Located East of the Northeast Corner of East 96th St N and 129th E Ave, from AG (Agriculture) to RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density). Attachment #5-D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #555, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on August 19, 1997 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. E. Action Relating to Ordinance #556, an Ordinance Renewing the Continued Collection of a Three Percent (3 911 Service Fee. Attachment #5-E The staff recommends Council adoption of Ordinance #556, renewing the authorization for the collection of the E-911 fee through September 30, 2000. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of Four Vehicles by the Owasso Police Department; and Emergency Equipment for Those Vehicles; and Authorization for Payment. Chief Alexander Attachment #6 The staff will recommend a contract be awarded to Fred Jones Ford, Oklahoma City, OK for the purchase of four 1997 Ford Crown Victoria full size police vehicles at a purchase price of $19,328 each ($77,312 total); and the purchase of emergency police equipment from Tuxall Inc, L & B Electronics and Trim-Rite at a total cost of $7492. ■ Owasso City Council September 2, 1997 Page 3 ,I 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for Constructing an Ornamental Metal Fence at the Municipal Cemetery. Mr Carr Attachment #7 The staff will recommend Council approval of a contract in the amount of $16,516.25 to Mitchell Fence Co, Tulsa, OK for the purpose of constructing an ornamental fence along the west side of Fairview Cemetery as per bid specifications, and authorization for payment upon completion of the work and submission of an invoice. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #97-10, a Resolution Endorsing the Implementation of a Strategic Economic/Community Development Plan for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ' Mr Tobias Attachment #8 The staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #9740. 1 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a "Carry-Over" Budget and Supplemental Appropriation to Various Departments Within the General Fund and Garage Fund. Ms Bishop Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of the requested carry-over from FY 1996-97 and approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 1997-98 General Fund budget of $137,066 and Garage Fund budget of $5500. Owasso City Council September 2, 1997 Page 4 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a Budget Amendment and Supplemental Appropriation Increasing Revenue in the General Fund Budget and Increasing Expenditures in the Community Development and Support Services Departments. Ms Bishop Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund budget increasing the transfer to the General Fund from the OPWA Fund by $37,000 and appropriating those funds by increasing the expenditures in the Community Development Department by $12,000 and increasing the expenditures in the Support Services Department by $25,000. 11. Report from City Manager 12. Report from City Attorney 13. Reports from City Councilors Owasso City Council September 2, 1997 Page 5 14. Unfinished Business 15. New Business 16. Adjournment A OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 19, 1997 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 19, 1997 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 15, 1997. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. INVOCATION ITEM 2: IN The invocation was offered by Pastor Larry Brinkley of the Owasso Church of the Nazarene. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Vice Mayor Standridge led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Tracy Standridge, Vice Mayor Michael Helm, Councilor Denise Bode, Councilor Mark Wilken, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager ' Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 5, 1997 Regular Meeting, August 11, 1997 Special Meeting, and August 14, 1997 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the August 5, 1997 regular meeting, the August 11, 1997 special meeting, and the August 14, 1997 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $40,214.95; (2) Workers Comp Self-Insurance Plan $9.71; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,044.06; (4) E-911 $1,848.25; (5) City Garage $2,582.37; (6) Capital Improvements $33.18; (7) Payroll Owasso City Council August 19, 1997 $128,378.83; (8) City Garage Payroll $3,121.36. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Standridge, Wilken, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #549 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION NINE PART TEN CHAPTER THREE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING LANGUAGE PERTAINING TO THE DISCHARGE OF WEAPONS AND THROWING OF MISSILES. Ordinance #549 was presented by Chief Alexander. Construction of a police department operated firearms range is anticipated in the near future at a location within the city limits. City code currently allows the discharge of weapons within the city limits only to protect life or property. The proposed ordinance would allow for the discharge of weapons by police officers, and civilians under the direction of an Owasso police officer, while participating in training or tournament activities on the firing range. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve Ordinance #549. AYE: Wilken, Standridge, Helm, Bode, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA DISTRICT COURT JUDICIAL DISTRICT #14 Mr Ray presented the item requesting continuation of an agreement between the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma District Court serving Tulsa County. The original agreement was authorized on February 16, 1993, and must be renewed each year. Since the initial agreement, the Owasso Court system has processed a total of 584 juvenile offenders. The new agreement has been modified to allow the court system to hold the parent accountable for unpaid fines and/or incomplete community service hours. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to renew the Agreement for Municipal Court Jurisdiction of Juveniles, and authorize the Mayor and Judge to execute the document. 01 2 Owasso City Council August 19, 1997 AYE: Standridge, Bode, Helm, Wilken, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ' ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION 97-09 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO AN OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND INTERSECTION MODIFICATION AT US 169 AND 76114 STREET NORTH. Mr Carr and the City Manager have met with representatives of ODOT to discuss improvements at the intersection of US 169 and 76th Street North. Mr Carr said that a project has been proposed to realign the entrance/exit ramps and service roads, and to relocate signalization. Funding is available through ODOT for the project, but the design, right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation will be the responsibility of the City of Owasso. ODOT has requested a resolution from the City of Owasso stating commitment to the project and agreeing to provide engineering plans, provide right-of-way, relocate utilities, and maintain and pay the cost of operation of the signals. Resolution #97-09 meets the requirements set forth by ODOT. L Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve City Council Resolution #97-09. AYE: Standridge, Bode, Helm, Wilken, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSID RE UES CONTRA ASSOCL OF WOR $34,194. ERATION AND APPROPRIATE A( T FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL ACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF 01 RTES FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDING .K AND INCREASING THE AMOUNT 25 TO $49.579.25. -TION RELATING TO A OF AN ADDENDUM TO A WASSO AND SACK AND i TO THE ORIGINAL SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT FROM Sack & Associates was awarded a contract on February 21, 1995 to design, bid and administer the contract for roadway and utility improvements for the NSP building. Mr Carr said that Phase I of the project provided access to NSP by extension of Fifth Avenue and utilities to their east property line. That phase was completed in 1996. Phase II will extend Fifth Avenue east to the service road. Right-of-way and drainage easements must be obtained to finalize the contract documents and proceed with construction. Sack & Associates has provided an amendment to their original scope of work to enable the construction to be placed above the 100- year floodplain elevation. The amendment includes engineering services to extend the drainage 3 Owasso City Council August 19, 1997 channel and obtain the necessary Corps of Engineers permit. It also includes performing a hydraulic study to document reduction of the floodway and provide information necessary for submittal to FEMA for a conditional letter of map revision. Funds are available in the FY 1997- 98 Capital Projects Grant Fund for the project. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to approve an amendment to the contract with Sack & Associates for design, bidding and construction administration of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP project in the amount of $15,385, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment. AYE: Standridge, Wilken, Bode, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO REZONE A 50-ACRE TRACT LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF ATOR HEIGHTS IV FROM AG (AGRICULTURE)TO RS -3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY) Mr Rooney said that the City of Owasso has received a request from Kourtis Properties to rezone a 50-acre tract of land located immediately north of Ator Heights from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density). Letters were mailed to all property owners within 300' of the request and a legal notice was placed in the Owasso Reporter. No opposing comments have been received, and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval at their August 12, 1997 meeting. Mr Joe Caudle, who lives within 300' of the property was present, and stated that he had not received a letter notifying him of the zoning request. He further stated that he neither objected to nor supported the rezoning. Mr Cates advised that, since Mr Caudle did not receive notice, the matter be tabled to allow Mr Rooney to talk with Mr Caudle and determine if Mr Caudle objects to the rezoning. If there are objections the matter would have to go through the entire rezoning process again. Mr Caudle then publicly stated that he did not object to the rezoning. Dr Bode then moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to approve the rezoning requested by Kourtis Properties in OZ-97-03. AYE: Bode, Wilken, Helm, Standridge, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 4 Owasso City Council (Rest is g y surrounding property owners and that a legal notice was placed in the Owasso Reporter. No objections to the rezoning have been received. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the requested zoning at their August 12, 1997 meeting. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Mr Wilken, to approve the rezoning requested by the Johnson Trust in OZ-97-04. August 19, 1997 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE UEST TO REZONE A 20-ACRE TRACT LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE PLEASANT VIEW ADDITION FROM AG ,(AGRICULTURE) TO RS-2 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY). The City of Owasso has received a request from the Johnson Trust to rezone a 20-acre tract located immediately north of the Pleasant View addition from AG (Agriculture) to RS-2 'd t' 1 Sin le-Famil Medium Density). Mr Rooney said that letters were mailed to the AYE: Standridge, Wilken, Helm, Bode, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR OWASSO INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr Rooney presented the item and said that a request for a review of the final plat for Owasso Industrial Park has been received by the City of Owasso. The property is located immediately south of the National Steak and Poultry facility and is proposed to contain 6 lots on approximately 7.41 acres. The property is zoned IL (Light Industrial). This plat has been reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission and received unanimous approval by those bodies. The staff recommendation contains addressing of the lots as a condition of approval. Mr Helm stated that approval of the plat and construction of more industrial facilities in that area would cause increased traffic on Main Street. Mr Ray said that Fifth Avenue should be completed to the service road by the time the first industrial facility is opened and most traffic would access the industrial park from the service road rather than from Main Street. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve the final plat for Owasso Industrial Park, as recommended by staff. AYE: Wilken, Bode, Standridge, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-1. 5 W Owasso City Council August 19, 1997 ITEM 13. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Ray announced that a series of 17 neighborhood meetings will be held to inform Owasso citizens about the upcoming bond election. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Dr Standridge said that Hammco had been asked to clean up the area to the north of their building. That work has been done, and Dr Standridge requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Hammco. ITEM 16: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 18: ADJOURNMENT Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to adjourn. AYE: Standridge, Bode, Helm, Wilken, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 6 ~ CITY OF OWASSO ' GENERAL FUND 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT MANAGERIAL ' 980341 OR MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY 980398 WAL-MART ' 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SEMINAR OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MEETING EXPENSE COUNCIL WORK SESSION FINANCE 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTERS L 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 90.00 13.64 9.9/ 63.49 73.68 250.78 14.32 14.32 1,015.00 41.99 73.36 .94 1,131.29 MUNICIPAL COURT 980013 BRETT BURTON BAILIFF DUTIES 8/97 140.00 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE 3.32 s 980575 HOWARD SMITH BAILIFF DUTIES 8/14/97 40.00 m DEPARTMENT TOTAL 183.32 ENGINEERING 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 235.00 980452 RIDGWAYS LAMINATION 119.50 980544 TREASURER, PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 24.82 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 379.32 3 B w CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 8/291/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 4 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 980096 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE 11000.00 980136 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL REPAIR/MAIHT SUPPLIES 148.40 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 188.82 980471 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL DOOR,SUPPLIES 108.58 980482 OWASSO GLASS GLASS FOR DOOR 45.76 980502 RANDY MILLS ABATEMENT MOWING 100.00 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE 39.50 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/97 USE 36.82 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 11667.68 SUPPORT SERVICES 980072 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENT 31.68 980090 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 35.70 980091 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC WORKERS/PAY 340.45 980136 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL REPAIR/MAIHT SUPPLIES 6.49 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER SERVICES 11231.00 980474 U NAME IT TRAILERS TRAILER 1,550.00 980475 LOWE'S HOME CENTER MAIHT SUPPLIES 41.84 980484 TAYLOE PAPER CO MAIHT SUPPLIES 100.01 980540 BAILEY EQUIPMENT TIRES/GRAVELY 216.94 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB DOC MEALS 76.49 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,630.60 POLICE SERVICES 980005 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINTENANCE 231.45 980006 L.E.T.N. SUBSCRIPTION 288.00 980058 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE REPAIRS 200.46 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 46.00 980374 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAIHT SUPPLIES 19.45 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.60 980437 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORMS-HARPER 579.30 980437 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES 45.95 980439 INTEGRIS HEALTH PRE-EMP PHYSICAL 260.00 980443 L FRANK CANTEY ENCLOSE OFFICES 2,250.00 980450 WAL-MART AMMUHITION,TAPES 118.46 980450 WAL-MART OFFICE SUPPLIES 75.17 980453 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORM REPLACEMENT 45.00 980453 PATROL TECHNOLOGY OFFICER SUPPLIES 69.50 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 8/29/97 8:24:46 ■ A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 980454 DOZIER PRINTING LETTERHEAD,EHVELOPES 980479 ANCHOR PAINT PAINT-OFFICES 980487 DAY TIMERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 980532 MINGO DISCOUNT TILE & CAR CARPET REMNANT 980533 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY PRINTER RIBBONS 980534 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 980534 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 980534 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE POSTAGE 980534 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/97 USE 980577 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 7/97 980577 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 8/97 DEPARTMENT TOTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 980009 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL 980450 WAL-MART FILM/PROCESSING DEPARTMENT TOTAL 11 ANIMAL CONTROL 980374 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 98045 STRATHE VETERINARY EUTHANASIA DRUGS 980440 DALE & LEE SERVICE INC SVS AIR CONDITIONER 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FIRE SERVICES t 980039 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA 980151 DON TAYLOR 980152 TODD GRUENEICH 980153 RANDALL STARK 980154 RON STUCKEY 980155 MARK STEVENS 980156 TRAVIS FRY 980157 CARL BORZA 980158 CHRIS WILSON COPIER LEASE/MAINT VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE PUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 326.29 82.57 25.45 54.65 21.50 15.29 13.85 58.39 8.49 41.50 44.81 80.50 80.50 5,156.13 350.00 121.43 471.43 221.40 77.66 89.10 4.90 393.06 165.25 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT 980386 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER SUPPLIES 22.00 980435 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.87 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE 27,67 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/97 USE 36.13 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 924.92 CIVIL DEFENSE 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE .21 ------------1 DEPARTMENT TOTAL .2 STREETS 980028 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN 23;6.00 980113 HOWARD STAMPER INSTALL VEHICLE EQUIP 250.00 980136 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL REPAIR/MAIHT SUPPLIES 5.29 980216 J B STIGALL MOW ATOR EASEMENTS 3/18/97 27.50 980218 J B STIGALL MOW MAIN ST EASEMENTS 50.00 980220 J B STIGALL MOW DRAINAGE 3/18,'97 30.00 980317 W W GRAINGER INC ANTI-SKID/STAIRS 31.07 980356 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT-REPAIRS 49,28 980398 WAL-MART UNIFORM PANTS-WEST 99.80 980403 ANCHOR STONE CO GRAVEL-EROSION CONTROL 1,236.80 980509 ESTES INC. WEED CHEMICALS 64.84 980516 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA PROPANE 9.25 980518 A-1 FENCE INC SIGH POSTS & CAPS 259.40 980520 SIGNALTEK INC TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAIHT/RPR 648.35 980525 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE 362.25 980527 TULSA COUNTY BOCC STREET SIGNS 75.84 980529 HUGHES LUMBER CO MAIHT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 168.63 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 30.97 98054% CLAYTON ASPHALT COATINGS STRIPING PAINT 100.00 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 71197 USE 21.44 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,756.71 COMMUNITY CENTER 980195 W W GRAINGER INC MAIHT SUPPLIES ?8,34 980377 TRI COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.48 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 16.25 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT 1 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/917 USE 3.43 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7197 USE 60.19 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 118.69 PARK MAINTENANCE 980032, AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-WARREN 980108 BOBBY DEYOUNG CLEAN ELM CREEK PESTROOMS 980128 INT SOCIETY AP.BORICULTURE TREE BROCHURE-WALK IN PARK 98019 J B STIGALL MOW A fOP. 980446 LIBERTY FLAGS FLAG-FRIENDSHIP PANK 980447 W W GRAINGER [NC SAFETY S(GH 980448 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPPLIES 9804'72 WATER STORE SPRINKLER. REPAIRS 980501 HEATWAVE SUPPLY SINK REPAIR KIT DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL Ir. MEETING EXPENSE MEETING EXPENSE 43.30 190.00 515.51 75.00 36.00 21 26.87 61.05 56.45 1,027.06 46.00 53.00 00.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19,'204.72 7 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 980150 OWASSO DRUG G HALEY 2/9/96 454.53 980167 ASSOCIATED ANESTHESIOLOGI G HALEY 2/9/96 318.94 980167 ASSOCIA'T'ED ANESTHESIOLOGI G HALEY 2/9/96 281.63 980168 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC G HALEY 2/9/96 51.66 980169 MAY'S DRUG M DOWNING 1/14/97 65.25 980171 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL G HALEY 2;'9/96 300.00 980173 OWASSO DRUG G HALEY 2/9/96 263.25 980173 OWASSO DRUG W LENHART 5/12/97 13.89 980173 OWASSO DRUG M SOLE 1/19/97 5.49 980456 TULSA ORTHO SURGEONS M DOWNING 1/14/97 1,998.72 980457 TULSA REGIONAL MEDICAL CE M DOWNING 1/14/97 1,856.16 980458 SPRINGER CLINIC R DE ARMOND 3/15/97 109.11 980459 EOPT/KABRICK & ASSOC M DOWNING 1/14/97 1,281.13 980460 ANALGESIC COMPANY S DUGGAN 1/17/97 288.50 980462 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC G HALEY 2/9/96 451.80 980463 SPRINGER CLINIC G HALEY 2/9/96 34.44 980464 SPRINGER CLINIC R PARSLEY 11/15/96 51.66 980465 HOME THERAPY EQUIPMENT D SOLE 1/19/97 150.00 960466 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC D SOLE 1/19/97 339.50 980467 BERKLEY ADMINISTRATORS ADMIN FEE 8/97 1,131.27 980469 SEST,SHARP,HOLDEN,SHERIDA D CRAVENS 5/23/96 25.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 9,471.93 1 FUND TOTAL 9,471.93 CITY OF OWASSO ' AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMBULANCE u.. 980241 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 980288 US DEPT OF JUSTICE/DEA DEA LICENSE 980300 BEST WESTERN LODGING-KELLEY 980434 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. AMBULANCE SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 1 1 FUND TOTAL 30.00 210.00 150.00 83.34 473.34 473.34 2 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 8/29%97 8:34:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CITY GARAGE 98005; CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR SUPPLIES 70.53 980057 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR. PARTS 369.03 980058 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE REPAIRS 193.86 980063 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIRES/REPAIRS 259,70 L 980072 WELSCO INC CYLINDER PENT 25.46 980090 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 69.40 980192 BIG "A" AU'T'O PARTS TULSA REPAIR PARTS 252.36 980348 WAL-MART OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.88 980451 TULSA COUNTY BOCC SIGNS 100.00 980476 MAC'S HYDRAULICS INC FLOOR TRANS JACK 370.:0 980483 QUINN CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH REPAIR PARTS 3:3.19 980485 TULCO OILS INC OILS/LURES 400.40 980491 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWING SERVICES 90.81.' 980539 FRICTION PROD BRAKE REPAIR PARTS 25.00 980541 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRES/REPAIRS 40.00 980544 TREASURER PETTY CASH R,EIMB TRAINING-MOODY 155.51 980572 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/97 USE 13.44 980573 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/97 USE 59.64 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2 532.26 , FUND TOTAL 26 2 532 , . 11 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8/29/97 8:24:46 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT GENERAL GOV ERNMENT 980574 GARY ORR PREPARE/INSTALL DOOR 100..00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 100.00 DRAINAGE 14032 980356 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT-HALE ACRES 980357 CHANDLER MATERIALS PIPE-HALE ACRES 540.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL -------684.32 PARKS 980088 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER TAP MATERIALS - ----1,50%_38 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,507.38 FUND TOTAL 2,291.70 1 1 1 12 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR TRANSFERS DESCRIPTION CITY GARAGE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND WORKER'S COMP SELF INS TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL AMOUNT 4,562.50 10,000.00 17,916.66 1,515.92 33,995.08 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08\16\97 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Managerial _ 6, 0 0 8 A 9 Finance 4, 655 21 Community Development ; 281.01 Municipal Court 1, 851 .69 Engneeirg 665 42 Support Services 63.00. 3, 753.1118 Police 346 5 41, 597.47 Central Dispatch 4, 907.65 Animal Control 9 5 4.6 9 Fire 103.07 38, 138.70 Street 729.55 635.55 Community-Senior Center 2760.83 Park Mairitenace 2, 895.69 Economic Development 1, 636.03 FUND TOTAL $1, 382.45 $125, 741.21 APPROVED: 09\02\97 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL. PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08\16\97 APPROVED: 09\02\97 Mayor Council Member 1 Council Member C MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 554 DATE: August 26, 1997 BACKGROUND: At the August 19, 1997 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of rezoning application OZ-97-03, a request for the rezoning of a 50 acre tract of land from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density). The general location of the subject property is south and west of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road, immediately north of Ator Heights IV. A subject map is attached for your information and review. Ordinance No. 554 would formally adopt the City Council's action of August 19, 1997. A copy of Ordinance No. 554 is attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 554. ATTACHMENTS: 1. OZ-97-03 Subject Map 2. Ordinance No. 554 O RS-3 PUU-9 I f OUT AG 1 ~ OZ-97-03 SUBJECT PROPERTY r I u a i AT I :tG:wi.~v,~4mYio-.:JiA4+~w'.Srh~:'.at2i:u:»::4i::i;::i: w ....~R!!••4~: J} ATOR ELEM. ` a 191 oWASSa RN~ JR. HIGH RS-3 RS-2 CS,~jj RMT AG CT. CT RE CG 1 CG CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 554 ' AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-97-03 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-97-03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, CONTAINING 50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single- Family High Density) District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September 1997. City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney D MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 555 DATE: August 26, 1997 BACKGROUND: At the August 19, 1997 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of rezoning application OZ-97-04, a request for the rezoning of a 20 acre tract of land from AG (Agriculture) to RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density). The general location of the subject property is north and east of the northeast corner of E. 96th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue, immediately north of the Pleasant View Addition. A subject map is attached for your information and review. Ordinance No. 555 would formally adopt the City Council's action of August 19, 1997. A copy of Ordinance No. 555 is attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 555. ATTACHMENTS: 1. OZ-97-04 Subject Map 2. Ordinance No. 555 i CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 555 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-97-04 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO RS-2 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-97-04. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, CONTAINING 20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to RS-2 (Residential Single- Family Medium Density) District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September 1997. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney I E I MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: MARIA A ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF 911 FEE DATE: August 22, 1997 BACKGROUND: In 1987, the Oklahoma Legislature enacted a bill that allowed cities and counties to join together to fund and operate regional "enhanced 911" emergency communication systems. As a result of that legislation, a regional election covering portions of Tulsa, Creek and Rogers counties was conducted on July 21, 1987 to determine if residents in those counties would approve a five percent E-911 fee to be added to their telephone bills. Owasso voters approved the City's participation and fee collection by a vote of 499 (yes) to 207 (no). (see attachment) ' On August 16, 1988, Owasso officially approved an "interlocal agreement" providing for fifteen cities and four counties to join together to share equipment and cost of operations (see attached). Fees to operate the system were initiated for Owasso on November 1, 1988 at the 5 % level. Those fees were authorized by passage of Ordinance #399 (attached) adopted on September 6, 1988. The ordinance provided for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to collect from each subscriber a fee equal to 5 % of the customer's tariff rate for the first year and a fee equal to 3 % of the customer's bill for the succeeding two years. On November 1, 1989, the E-911 fee was lowered to 3 % in accordance with Ordinance #399 and state statutes. Ordinance #399 provided for a three year collection of the E-911 fee and thus required a reaffirmation of the fee every three years thereafter. ' In September of 1990, residents outside of the city but in the "272" exchange in Rogers County, were added to the E-911 system at the request of the City of Owasso. On July 16, 1991 (three years after enactment of Ordinance #399), the Council adopted Ordinance #433 providing for the renewal of the collection of fees to fund Owasso's portion of the cost of operating the system. Ordinance #433 reauthorized the collection of the E-911 fee at the 3% level previously used from October 1, 1991 through September 30, 1994. Subsequently on October 18, 1994 Ordinance #491 was approved, again renewing the collection of the E-911 fee at the 3% level, from October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1997. ORDINANCE #556 - E-911 AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 2 NOTE: The Oklahoma Legislature in 1992 adopted amendments to the statutes that allow cities to return to a 5 % fee with a simple vote of the City Council. Several cities in the region have opted to increase their fees from 3 % to 5 % to provide additional operating funds for their systems. Owasso has remained on a 3 % fee schedule based on an evaluation of the cost of operating the system and a desire to not increase the citizens tax burden since the actual cost of the system is covered. Now it is once again time to renew the authorization for the collection of the E-911 fee. Ordinance #556 (attached) if passed will provide the authorization necessary for Southwestern Bell to collect the 3 % E-911 fees from all Owasso customers. The effective date for the ordinance is October 1, 1997 through September 30, 2000. The ordinance also maintains the collection rate at the established 3 % rate. The fee is assessed to every telephone customer on a monthly basis and funds are to be used exclusively for operation of an emergency communications system (salaries, equipment, buildings, repair, replacement, etc.). Please note that continued collection of the E-911 fee can be achieved only through the enactment of a new ordinance. Such renewal, contained in Ordinance #556 will only authorize the collection for three years and will require Council action to continue the fee past September 30, 2000. The E-911 system is a critical part of the police and fire departments' communication system. The E-911 system is a vital tool in the city's efforts to provide our police officers and firefighters with the technology needed to save lives, protect property, and increase officer safety. Without the enhanced 911 system, the city could not provide the kind of emergency service Owasso citizens deserve. By renewing the authorization to collect the current 3 % telephone tariff, the uninterrupted funding for this system is ensured. NOTE: The current 3 % fee will result in an estimated revenue of $50,000 for FY 1997-98. Additionally, the fund had a beginning balance of $25,750. The revenue will pay the cost of operating the system to Southwestern Bell, provide contingency for repairs, pay a portion (small) of dispatchers salaries, and purchase new equipment for dispatch if needed. Budget information on this fund is contained on page 120 of the FY 97-98 Budget (attached). RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of Ordinance #556. 1 1 1 1 is ~e ORDINANCE #556 - E-911 AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 3 hc`.. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance #566 2. E-911 Fund Budget - 1997-98 3. Memorandum re: Renewal of E-911 for 1994-97 4. Memorandum re: Renewal of E-911 for 1991-94 5. Memorandum re: Review of E-911 Fee for 1990-91 6. City Manager's Report re: Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers to Owasso E-911 System 7. Resolution #89-07 re: Adding Rogers County 272 Exchange Customers to Owasso E-911 System 8. Correspondence With Southwestern Bell Dated 12/27/89 9. Correspondence With Southwestern Bell Dated 11/1/88 10. Memorandum re: Request for Adoption of Ordinance #399 11. Memorandum re: First E-911 Interlocal Agreement 12. Memorandum from INCOG re: Collection of E-911 Fee 13. Memorandum re: July 21, 1987 E-911 Vote-Owasso Results C:\wPDATA\CrffCNCL\MEMOS\ 1997\970902.911 1 1 1 I I I I ORDINANCE NUMBER 556 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 13-PUBLIC SAFETY, CHAPTER 6-911 EMERGENCY SYSTEM, AMENDING SECTION 13-603- EMERGENCY TELEPHONE FEE TO PROVIDE FOR RENEWAL THEREOF, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: SECTION ONE: That Part 13--Public Safety, Chapter 6--911 Emergency System, Section 13-603 be amended to provide for a renewal for a period of three (3) years of the emergency telephone service fee in the amount of three percent (3 of the telephone tariff rate. SECTION TWO: This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of October 1997 unless such renewal is specifically rejected by the voters pursuant to the provisions of Title 63 O.S. §2814. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September, 1997. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 1 W a E-911 FUND PROPOSED BUDGET FY 1997-98 E PROJECTED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (7-1-1997) 25,750 PROPOSED REVENUE E-911 Telephone User Fees 50,000 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES & TRANSFER OUT 44-311-5250 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 2,500 i" 44-311-5330 Repair & Maintenance Services 3,000 44-311-5371 Telephone Service 25,000 44-311-5441 Machinery & Equipment 101000 Transfer to General Fund (Dispatch Salaries) 18,191 .Xx PROPOSED NET 8,691 r PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE (6-30-1998) $17,059 it 120 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF 911 FEE DATE: October 14, 1994 BACKGROUND: In 1987, the Oklahoma Legislature enacted a bill that allowed cities and counties to join together to fund and operate regional "enhanced 911" emergency communication systems. As a result of that legislation, a regional election covering portions of Tulsa, Creek and Rogers counties was conducted on July 21, 1987 to determine if residents in those counties would approve of a five percent E-911 fee to be added to their telephone bills. Owasso voters approved the City's participation and fee collection by a vote of 499 (yes) to 207 (no) (see attachment). ' On August 16, 1988, Owasso officially approved an "interlocal agreement" providing for fifteen cities and four counties to join together to share equipment and cost of operations. Fees to operate the system were initiated for Owasso on November 1, 1988 at the 5 % level. Those fees i were authorized by passage of Ordinance #399 (see attached) adopted on September 6, 1988. The ordinance provided for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to collect from each subscriber a fee equal to 5 % of the customer's tariff rate for the first year and a fee equal to 3 % of the customer's bill for the succeeding two years. On November 1, 1989, the E-911 fee was lowered to 3 % in accordance with Ordinance #399 and state statutes. Ordinance #399 provided for a three year collection of the E-911 fee and thus required a reaffirmation of the fee every three years thereafter. In September of 1990, residents outside of the city but in the "272" exchange in Rogers County, were added to the E-911 system at the request of the City of Owasso. On July 16, 1991 (three years after enactment of Ordinance #399), the Council adopted Ordinance #433 providing for the renewal of the collection of fees to fund Owasso's portion of the cost of operating the system. Ordinance #433 reauthorized the collection of the E-911 fee at the 3 % level previously used. That ordinance provided authorization for the collection from September 1991 through September 1994, at which time state law requires an affirmative action if the fee is to continue to be collected. 3 Ordinance #491 - E-911 October 14, 1994 Page 2 NOTE: The Oklahoma Legislature in 1992 adopted amendments to the statutes that allow cities to return to a 5 % fee with a simple vote of the City Council. Several cities in the region have opted to increase their fees from 3 % to 5 % to provide additional operating funds for their systems. Owasso has remained on a 3 % fee schedule based on an evaluation of the cost of operating the system and a desire to not increase the citizens tax burden since the actual cost of the system is covered. Now it is once again time (actually past time) to renew the authorization for the collection of the E-911 fee. Ordinance #491, if passed, will provide the authorization necessary for Southwestern Bell to collect the three percent E-911 fees from all Owasso customers. The effective date for the ordinance is October 1, 1994 through October 1, 1997. the ordinance also contains the collection rate at the established 3 % rate. The fee is assessed to every telephone customer on a monthly basis and funds are to be used exclusively for operation of an emergency communications system (salaries, equipment, buildings, repair, replacement, etc). Please note that continuous collection of the E-911 fee can be achieved only through the enactment of a new ordinance. Such renewal, contained in Ordinance #491 will only authorize the collection for three years and will require Council action to continue the fee past October 1997. The E-911 system is an important part of our police and fire communication's system. The E- 911 system continues to provide our citizens, police and firefighters with the technology needed to save lives, protect property, and increase officer safety; all the ingredients vital to a good communication system. Without the enhanced 911 system, we could not provide the kind of emergency service our citizens deserve. By renewing the authorization to collect the current 3 % telephone tariff, we can ensure uninterrupted funding for this system. NOTE: The current 3% fee will result in an estimated revenue of $38,000 for FY1994-95. Additionally, the fund had a beginning balance of $23,200. The revenue will pay the cost of operating the system to Southwestern Bell, provide contingency for repairs, pay a portion (small) of dispatchers salaries, and purchase new equipment for dispatch if needed. Budget information on this fund is contained on page 96 of the FY94-95 Budget. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of Ordinance #491. fi E Ordinance #491 - E-911 October 14, 1994 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance #491 2. Memorandum Re: July 21, 1987 E-911 Vote-Owasso Results 3. Memorandum Re: First Interlocal Agreement Between Cities 4. Memorandum from INCOG Re: Collection of E-911 Fee 5. Memorandum Re: Request for Adoption of Ordinance #399 6. Correspondence to Bell Telephone 7. Memorandum Re: Review of E-911 Fees r 8. Memorandum Re: Request for Adoption of Ordinance #433 I I I I I I I I I I i MEMORANDUM ■ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. RAY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE #433 AUTHORIZING CONTINUED COLLECTION OF THE 3% TARIFF FOR EMERGENCY "911" TELEPHONE SERVICE. 1 DATE: JULY 12, 1991 BACKGROUND With the safety and welfare of the community a primary concern of the city government, the City of Owasso continually seeks to improve its delivery of emergency services. In 1988, by ' entering into an interlocal agreement with eighteen other area communities, Owasso was able to enhance its "911" emergency communication network. This initial interlocal agreement was then expanded in 1989 to include that portion of Rogers County where the "272" telephone exchange is in use, bringing this area into direct 911 contact with the emergency services in Owasso. ' With authorization through the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act (Title 63, Section 2814 of the Oklahoma statutes), a method was established to fund this system enhancement. A governing body now had the ability to impose an emergency telephone service fee through an official ordinance. This fee is currently assessed in the form of a 3% telephone tariff as part of every phone owners monthly bill and these funds are used exclusively for the costs to the E-911 system. This ordinance is restricted to a three year period of validity. Continued collection of the 3% emergency telephone service fee can be achieved only through the enactment of a new ordinance. This renewal will also be valid for a three-year period. Upon Council adoption, the ordinance becomes effective following a mandatory 60- day waiting period. E-911 is a meaningful program providing for the safety and well-being of the entire community. By renewing the authorization to collect the current 3% telephone tariff, we can insure uninterrupted funding to cover the cost of this system. 4 RECOMMENDATION I recommend Council Adoption of Ordinance #433 providing for the renewal, for a period of three years, of the emergency telephone service fee in the amount of 3 % of the basic telephone tariff. ATTACHMENTS Proposed Ordinance j k/council/071691.911 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. RAY SUBJECT: REVIEW OF E-911 FEES CHARGED AND COLLECTED BY THE CITY FOR THE OPERATION OF EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK DATE: AUGUST 31, 1990 BACKGROUND: On September 2, 1988, the Owasso City Council enacted Ordinance #399 providing for the collection of fees from telephone users for the purpose of funding the installation and operation of an enhanced emergency communications system. The ordinance required Southwestern Bell Telephone to collect a five percent fee (per line) for a period of twelve months, and a three percent fee for two years thereafter. The required fee went into effect on January 1, 1989, and the new E-911 system was "turned on" July 1, 1989. On December 27 , 1989, the Council approved the reduction of the 5% fee to 3%, through provisions in ordinance #399. That same ordinance requires that the City Council review the E-911 fees on an annual basis, even though the fee was established for a two-year period (and that period will not end until January 1992). Due to a misinterpretation of the ordinance, and the state law on which the ordinance was based, this request is coming four days later than required by those instruments. M Even though the ordinance has set the fees for a two-year period, we are still required to review our fees and make any changes annually (prior to September 1st). FEE ANALYSIS: The information listed below was compiled for your review and includes revenues and expenditures anticipated for the E-911 Fund: Number of Access Lines 4,706 Estimated Revenue from Fees--------$24,000 (Avg. per line fee = 42.4(,/mo.) Holdover funds from FY 1990-=------$ 8,996 5 Estimated expenses for operations A. Bell Service Charge -------$14,000 B. Installation Charges 2,391 (remaining from 1989) C. Equipment Purchase 2,000 D. Salaries (Dispatch) -------$10,000 Total Estimated Expenses $28,391 Projected Ending Balance 6-30-91 4,605 NOTE: Owasso will begin receiving revenue from the Rogers County 11272" lines in September. The number of additional lines from that area is 1,542 - bringing our total number of lines to 6,248. Based on that number, and the average fee from the Owasso residents when ' we had the 5% fee, we estimate the additional revenue to be $925 per month for a total first-year revenue of $11,100. The monthly Bell service charge for the Rogers County customers is estimated to be $377, plus an initial installation cost to the City of $3,750. Total cost to the City for the first year of operation is estimated to be $8,274. The net surplus of the Rogers County fees for the first year is $2,826. However, the 5% fee for those lines will be reduced to 3% on September 1, 1991, thus reducing the revenue to r approximately a break-even point. It should also be noted that the Rogers County lines will not contribute to dispatchers salaries during the first year. CONCLUSION: The Staff concludes that, based on the past year's data, the E-911 r fee should remain at the 3% level for the next twelve months. At this point the Rogers County entry into our revenue and cost stream makes it difficult to determine the final fiscal picture of the E-911 Fund. A second year is needed to establish complete operation costs and to get a final cost from Bell for the Rogers County installation. The staff recommends that the Council take no action to change the current E-911 fees charged to the users of the system. ATTACHMENT: 1. Ordinance #399 a rjr:#2-9290 40 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FROM: RODNEY J RAY SUBJECT: CITY MANAGERS REPORT DATE: August 1, 1989 EXTENSION OF E-911 SERVICE: As you know the residents of our "fence-line" in the Rogers County area are no longer receiving any form of "911" emergency telephone service. The old 911 service to that area was discontinued on July 1st when we implemented the new E-911 system. Although the citizens of Rogers county voted to allow for a E-911 system, the vote was for a "stand alone" system that would not be a part of the Tulsa area (Owasso) program. As a result of that decision the cost of implementing E-911 for the whole of Rogers County is very substantial and most likely will insure that E-911 is some time in coming. It is, however, technically possible to provide service to the portion of the Owasso "fence-line" residents who now have a "272" telephone prefix. The actual process of hooking up the residents to our system would take about three months from the time Southwestern Bell was authorized to include the area in our (Owasso) answering zone. Several weeks ago Mayor Marlar, Peggy Robinson, and Georgia Bruce (Bell Telephone) initiated discussions for the purpose of determining if something could be done to get the new E-911 system on line for those Owasso residents. The Mayor and I met to discuss the matter and subsequently a meeting was conducted with our Police chief, the Fire Chief, Peggy Robinson, and Georgia Bruce to determine if there were problems we had not anticipated. Later, a meeting was conducted with some of the "fence-line" residents for the purpose to discussing the matter and to determine if they were interested in pursuing the initiation of E-911 service to their area. During the meeting it was decided that the service would be a benefit to the area, that the Rogers County residents should spearhead the effort, and that they should initiate a meeting with the Rogers County Commissioners to discuss the program. The following steps must be accomplished prior to the finalization of the E-911 service for the Rogers County, 272 prefix area: 1. City of Tulsa permission for the inclusion of the area. (no problem foreseen, contact has been made with very positive results) 2. E-911 Policy Committee (Regional group comprise of one representative per community) must approve the inclusion of the area (contact has been made with acting chairman with very positive reception) r 3. City of Owasso must give permission for inclusion into the Owasso answering point (police dispatch), requires Council action for approval. 4. Rogers County Commission must pass resolution allowing that portion of the county to be assessed a fee, and for the proceeds of that fee to be utilized for the provision of E- 911 service. 5. Letters must be sent from the Rogers County Commission to Southwestern Bell authorizing Bell to add the E-911 fee to the base rate of the Rogers County, 272 Prefix users. 6. Southwestern Bell must assign each residence in the area an address, place the information into the data base and accomplish the switch-over (three month time period) There are two areas of cost relating to the installation of the E- 911 system. The least costly of the two is the initial charges for the installation and initiation of the service. The initial charges for the one thousand lines we would add (only about 600 homes are affected however it is cost effective to add a one- thousand line "add-on"), and the cost of data entry would be only $87.50. The second cost however would be more substantial, that is the monthly charge Bell charges to maintain and operate the new system. For the added 600 lines the cost would approximate $358.00 per month. The cost would be paid from revenues generated from the collection of E-911 fees charged to the customers in the new area. Our analysis of the economics indicate that the revenue will cover the cost and generate a surplus of approximately $24.00 per month. The surplus would be added to the Owasso E-911 fund and used for expenses directly related to the operation of the E-911 system. The initial $87.50 installation cost would be paid by the City of Owasso in order to get the process moving. Due to the three month time frame of getting the new accounts on the system the city would collect revenues adequate to cover the initial charges. As in our system, the new residents on the system will be charged a percentage of the base line rate. The charges are based on a five percent charge (about .60 cents per month) through the month of December and a three-percent charge (about 38 cents per month) thereafter. Due to the fact the residents are coming into the system later than the rest of the city their total cost will be slightly lower (most residents paid the 5% fee from January of 89 to July of 89 without having the E-911 service, that in order for us to have the money to pay for the initial installation). They will only have the 5% fee for two or three months rather than twelve months. It is my understanding that a meeting has been conducted between some of the Rogers County residents and two of the County Commissioners. At this point I have been contacted by the County Commissioner from the area (Commissioner Glen Sweet) and asked if the Mayor and I could meet with him on Tuesday, August 1st. Due to the nature of this item and the fact that the residents of the area look to Owasso for providing much of their emergency "first response" I am planning on putting a resolution before the council for Tuesdays Council meeting. We can have our portion of the legalities complete and be ready to get the program moving if the Rogers County Commission agrees to allow the inclusion of the homes into our system. A special thank you should go to Georgia Bruce, Peggy Robinson, and Mayor Marlar for their determination in seeing that this program did not die. NATIONAL GUARD : Indications are that an official decision on the location of the units will be made prior to August 15th. I am still confident that the Owasso site will get the nod. As soon as we get word we will let you know. CITY-COUNTY LIBRARY BUILDING: As you know the site of the new Owasso branch of the Library is being cleared. The entire property should be cleared by the end of next week. It is my understanding that the facility should be under construction no later than October or November (depending upon bids). It is also my understanding that the completion date for the building is tentatively set for March. I'm sure there will be changes in the schedule as the project progresses I will keep you informed. ANTHONY'S LOCATION IN OWASSO: At this point I understand that the Anthony's organization has selected a contractor and final plans for the remodeling project will be completed within a couple of weeks. Mr. Gary Newgent with Anthony's tells me they still plan on being open in early Fall. There is still no building permit and Mr. Newgent says that they have not signed a lease. Apparently the Corporate leadership has not given final approval to the project. From my visit with Mr. Newgent it appears to me that there is a strong staff recommendation for moving ahead with the project but some problems RESOLUTION NO. 89-07 ■ it CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA A RESOLUTION RELATING TO NINE-ONE-ONE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ROGERS COUNTY COMMISSION FOR THE EXTENSION OF E-911 SERVICE TO THAT AREA WITHIN ROGERS COUNTY HAVING A "272" TELEPHONE PREFIX; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INITIATE THE PROCEDURE TO CAUSE THE INCLUSION OF THOSE RESIDENCES IN THE "PUBLIC SERVICE ANSWERING POINT" CURRENTLY OPERATED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL FEES AND CHARGES FOR SUCH INCLUSION; AGREEING TO ACCEPT THE REVENUE FROM FEES CHARGED TO USERS AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF SUCH FUNDS FOR EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS. NOW THEREFORE BE IN RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: ' SECTION 1. That it is the intent of the City of Owasso to assist those residents who reside within the Owasso "fence-line" and have a "272" telephone prefix to become a part of the new "Enhanced 911" ' emergency communications system. ' SECTION 22. That the Mayor of the City of Owasso be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Rogers County Commission for the purpose of assuming all cost associated with the establishment of such service to that area, provided however that the agreement also ' require that the Commission authorize the collection of fees provided by statute and that such fees be remitted to the City of Owasso to be used for the operation of the 911 system. SECTION 3. That the City Manager be directed to establish the procedures necessary to initiate emergency 911 service to the residents of the described area through the Owasso "Public Service Answering Point", and that the procedures include the coordination of transfer service to other authorized emergency service go providers. t SECTION 4. That the City of Owasso pay all cost and fees required for the establishment of such service to the area described and that such cost be appropriated from the E-911 Fund, and that all revenues from the provision of such service be deposited to the E- 911 Fund. SECTION 5. That it is the intent of the City Council that all revenues from fees collected and remitted be restricted to providing emergency communication as defined by state statute relating to the establishment and operation of E-911 systems. SECTION 6. That it is the intent of the City to provide such service to the area due to the technological ability of the system to incorporate the additional lines without substantial cost or burden on the initial design. SECTION 7. That time is of the essence and the Mayor and City Manager are directed and authorized to initiate those activities directly related to the effort to expand the E-911 service to the above described area. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of August, 1989. Patricia Marlar, Mayor ATTEST: d D. Cates, City Attorney Qty.of Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE (918) 272-2251 December 27, 1989 id a Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Mr. T.D. White Division Manager - Chief Accountant 800 North Harvey Room 199 Oklahoma City, OK Dear Mr. White: OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 Please consider this as official notice requesting a change in the amount of "911 fee" charges your company is currently collecting from residents within the City of Owasso. Specifically, we direct that the 911 fee charges be decreased from 5% to 3% of the local line charge. We further request that such change be effective on January 1, 1990 or as soon after that date as possible. The fee collect should continue to be remitted to: Ms. Sherry Lambert Owasso City Treasurer P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sin er y, Rodney ay City Manager 8 N iI City of Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR PHONE 272-2251 November 1, 1988 ♦b a r,a OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Mr. T.D. White Division Manager-Chief Accountant 800 N. Harvey Room 199 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Dear Mr. White: On behalf of the City of Owasso, please consider this our authorization and request to begin collecting the 911 fee as specified in state statute. This authorization covers the entire City of Owasso. The collection should begin on January 1, 1989 with a rate of 5% of the local telephone exchange line.. The fee collected should be remitted to: Owasso City Treasurer Ms. Sherry Lambert P.O. 29 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 The fee should be remitted within 30 days. Attached please find a copy of our ordinance #399 authorizing the fee. We understand that it is our responsibility to notify Southwestern Bell 90 days in advance of any changes such as changing the 911 fee rate from 5% to 3%. Sincer-ly, y J.~Ray City Manger 9 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM City Manager, Rodney J. Ray susjECT: Ordinance #399 Providing for the Collection of E-911 Fees. Date: 9/2/88 .Background The Owasso City Council has taken steps toward the implementation of the advanced E-911 system making decisions based on imformation supplied by Cheif Allen and Cheif Baker. The police cheif and fire cheif have been our key staff members assigned to this issue. We have passed the necessary ordinance and we are on schedule for a July 1 turn-on for the entire system. Bell technicians have been working with our police dispatch office to design our portion of the hardware system. Recent amendments to the state legislation that author- izes the collection of E-911 fees allows for collection of these fees to begin at the discretion of the City. Area cities have agreed, in concept, to setting three dates for all cities to begin collections. Such coordination will Yelp to avoid confusion and cut down on billing mistakes. The three dates are November 1, 1988, January 1, 1989, and April 1, 1989. I feel the November 1 collection date is to early and would accumulate excess funds. The April 1 date is to close to the turn-on date to allow for the collection of enough funds to pay our portion of the instal- lation fees. The January 1 date does meet our financial needs and is the time most of the area cities will begin collection. Purpose of the Ordinance The single purpose of this amendment is to allow for the collection of E-911 fees from telephone customers far enough in advance of the system turn-on to allow for advance payment of installation fees and required hardware purchases. 10 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Comment If the Council passes this ordinance it is the intent of the staff to request that Bell begin collecting the E-911 fees effective January 1, 1989. Option In the event the Council does not adopt this ordinance, the E-911 fees will be collected in accordance with our old schedule of April 1, 1989 and we will have to front some payment funds for initial installation. Recommendation 40 I recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #399. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso City Manager, Rodney J. Ray Request Authority for Mayor to Execute E-911 Interlocal Agreement Background As you kn' , the Et-91 , s stem P ;stem. at tele hon to quickly P espond'`to 11 e`=an b that has een de-signe s one th to be s c r tll al ~ fo d by}, all,a - h's c ' ing its! owr "sta d a'~©r "i ' for O,% so would Gopst ut t: figures}t the amouit~« ~ 1 s' ment plan. t The area-wide,E-9,11 system is an endeavor the City of Owasso has supported_over~the past two years as it and;; an area steering committee . has been developed by : We have participa+-~e,di i t]Nl~ _hvdi~S(step_ of the process with Chief Baker, ChieEA'rien, and ion, ,,til s document has been drafted lar fly by our C.jty Atto i e ,\\~~~Mr. Cates. ca of 'l timbs of the art e our ability ls. The system terconnected part equipment cost n each city build- «d alone" system ,Southwestern Bell he shared equip- This "inte`rlocal agreement,'.' basically equires Owasso to participatEN4n th-q_cost-allocation stem agreed to by { i staff representayehe ~vrio communities. The agreement requires ea`4fh ty ~xtoy share costs based on the percent of telephonb's--zt-hat~ci- y has within the entire participating area. If Owasso has a number of telephone lines (in our city limits) that equals 5% of all the lines in the area,we will be required to pay a 5% share of the total cost of the system. This formula will require Tulsa, Broken Arrow, and Tulsa County to pickup the major share of the cost with the smaller cities sharing the remaining portion. The legislature, however, has put a limit on how much of that cost can be assessed by restrict- ing those charges to 5%of the customers basic phone bill for the first year (58G per month average) and 32% for each year thereafter (36G per month average). It is anticipated that all cities will enact these charges sometime in September so the funds will be available to pay for the system and allow for start-up 1 1 around July of 1989. All charges are collected by CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Bell Telephone and the surplus funds are then trans- mitted to the city for use in equipment and personnel costs for operating the system. I have attached the "Agreement" for your review and request that you contact Chief Baker or Chief Allen if you have questions about the system. NOTE.: The attached document is fully contained within pages 1 through 6, pages 7 through 13 are other signature pages for other cities. a voluntary association of local governments serving creek, osage and tulsa counties INCOG 201 west 5th street, suite 600-tulsa, oklahoma 74103-4212.918/584-7526 pp, MEMORANDUM TO: City and County Administrators FROM: Ann Dominxv- DATE: July 18, 1988 SUBJECT: E-911 Interlocal Agreement 1. After a lengthy review process, it's readyil Enclosed is one copy of the Enhanced 911 Interlocal Agreement (pages 1 - 6), and 25 copies of the signature page for your governing body. Please take appropriate action on the Interlocal Agreement, and obtain an original signature on each of the 25 copies of your signature page. After signing, return all 25 originals to: Ms. Ann Domin INCOG 201 West Fifth, Suite 600 Tulsa, OK 74103 The original signature pages from each jurisdiction will be compiled at INCOG. Although this approval process may appear confusing, it will result in each of you having one document with an original signature page from all other parties (pages 7 - 25). Our goal is to send the Agreement to the Attorney General within one month for his approval. Please let me know if your governing body will not be able to approve the document by August 16th. If you have any questions about the Agreement or execution procedure, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your valuable suggestions and your patience during the drafting of this Agreements I I AD/sIs Enclosure Ul I N T E R L O C A L A G R E E N E N T THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the following parties: -City of Bixby Town of Kellyville City of Catoosa Town of Kiefer City of Claremore Town of Mounds City of Collinsville Town of Skiatook City of Glenpooi Town of Sperry City of Jenks Creek County City of Owasso Osage County City of Sand Springs Tulsa County City of Sapulpa Wagoner County City of Tulsa a WHEREAS, Nine-One-One (911) is the number adopted as a nationwide, dedicated standard telephone number recommended by the President's Commission on Law Enforcement; and MR WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the parties to this Agreement wish to implement Enhanced 911 emergency communications systems in order to expedite the response of local law enforcement, fire, medical, rescue and other emergency services; and - WHEREAS, by sharing communications equipment' provided by local exchange telephone companies, local governments may decrease their 911 costs, make more efficient use of requirement equipment and allow wide regional participation in an Enhanced 911 System; THEREFORE, the parties do hereby enter into this Agreement to share the costs of a Regional Enhanced 911 System, as outlined below: Duration: The parties agree that this Agreement shall be in full force and ' effect for that period of time from the date all parties have signed this Agreement until June 30, 1989, and on or before that date the ' Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a one year period from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990. Thereafter the Agreement shall be automatically renewed by each party for one year periods running from July 1st to June 30th. A party may terminate participation in this Agreement effective June 30th of any year by providing written notice to all other parties at least 60 days prior to June 30th of that year. ~r Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide an equitable method of allocating the costs of a Regional Enhanced 911 System. Because a regional system allows shared telephone equipment and avoids duplication of the services of local exchange telephone companies, costs to each participating jurisdiction are reduced. This Agreement establishes that each party agrees to pay its proportionate share of the regional system's costs, based on the number of access lines that party brings into the system. By allocating costs in this manner, the costs attributed to each party will bear a reasonable relationship to the cost that jurisdiction brings to the regional system.' Financing/Cost Allocation: The parties agree that each jurisdiction will be responsible for its proportionate share of the cost of regional designated Enhanced 911 Public Safety Answering Point equipment, including answering positions, telephone lines, automatic number and location identification screens, and controllers furnished through the local exchange telephone companies. Each party agrees that its proportionate share of costs will be allocated in the following manner: 1. Each local exchange telephone company will submit its invoices for Enhanced 911 services provided to participating parties to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, who will act as billing agent. 2. For each party joining the Regional Enhanced 911 System prior to or on May 16, 1988, that party's proportionate share of 911 system costs will be calculated by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company by dividing the number of telephone exchange access lines in that Jurisdiction by the total number of exchange access lines 2 in the Regional Enhanced 911 System to determine the percent of access lines in that jurisdiction. Total Regional Enhanced 911 Installation costs and monthly operation costs will be multiplied by the percent of exchange access lines in each jurisdiction to determine that party's share of system costs. 3. For each party joining the Regional Enhanced 911 System after May 16, 1988, that party's share of 911 systems costs will total that party's equitable portion of current shared system costs as calculated in 12 above, any additional installation and operational costs that party brings to the Regional Enhanced 911 System, and a share of initial system development costs. The joining party shall remit to the Regional Enhanced 911 Board for distribution to other parties an amount equal to that .party Is share of initial Enhanced 911 System development costs, as determined by the Regional Enhanced 911 Board. 4. Each party will be invoiced for its share of the costs by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and will remit payment of that amount to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Southwestern Bell will provide appropriate payment to other local exchange telephone companies providing 911 service to participating parties. 5. Each party agrees to be solely responsible for additional costs incurred for any special or nonstandard arrangement for providing Enhanced 911 service. The standard arrangement for providing Enhanced 911 service will be defined by the Regional Enhanced 911 Board. Each local exchange telephone company will remit monthly to each party all revenues from the telephone service fees collected from exchange access lines in that jurisdiction. An Exchange Access Line shall be defined as local telephone company provided and maintained central office equipment and telephone company facilities which provide access to and from the telecommuni- cations network for long distance message telecommunications and local calling. Z I Administration: The parties agree that administration of this Agreement shall be f carried out by the Regional Enhanced 911 Board, in cooperation with Southwestern Bell as billing agent. Board Membership: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one representative to the Regional Enhanced 911 Board. The governing body of each party shall establish the term of office of its representative and the criteria for removal of its representative. Each local exchange telephone company serving the parties to this Agreement may appoint a nonvoting member to the Board to act to an advisory capacity. The Board shall elect annually from their members a Chairman who shall preside at all meetings and perform other duties designated by the Board. The Chairman shall serve as the regional representative to the City of Tulsa's Emergency Telephone Service Management Board. The Board shall elect annually a Vice-Chairman from their members who shall assume the duties of the Chairman during the Chairman's absence. The Board shall elect other such officers as they deem I I necessary. All representatives to the Regional Enhanced 911 Board shall serve without compensation for their services to the Board. Board Meetings: The Board shall designate the time and place of all meetings, which shall be conducted in compliance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Each Board member shall have one vote, and all actions by the Board shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present. - 4 - Duties of the Board: The duties of the Regional Enhanced 911 Board shall include the following: 1. Review Regional Enhanced 911 System charges submitted by the local exchange telephone companies to ensure their continued reasonableness. 2. Review Regional Enhanced 911 cost allocations to ascertain proportionate distribution of costs. 3. Coordinate with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to develop cost allocation procedures, and to define the standard arrangement for providing Enhanced 911 service for cost allocation purposes. 4. Resolve all disputes among parties to this Agreement regarding cost allocations. 5. Review all requests to participate in the Regional Enhanced 911 System by other jurisdictions and make recommendations to the governing bodies of each party to this Agreement regarding approval of such requests. 6. Apportion and distribute reimbursement from parties joining the Regional Enhanced 911 System after May 16, 1988. 7. Adopt by-laws consistent with this Agreement governing the actions, proceedings and policies of the Regional Enhanced 911 Board. 8. Perform any other tasks consistent with the purpose and intent of this Agreement. Termination: The parties agree that this written Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and that it cannot be modified except by a written instrument executed by all parties. The parties further agree that the terms of this Agreement are not assignable to another party without the express written consent of all parties to this Agreement. C Subject to any applicable provisions of Article 10, Section 26 of the Oklahoma Constitution, any party's participation in this Agreement may be terminated effective June 30th of any year, as provided above, upon at least sixty (60) days written notice to all other parties. Notice will be deemed given if sent by regular mail to the governing bodies of all parties to this Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for all parties which have not exercised the termination procedures. The parties agree that no real or personal property shall be acquired jointly during the course of this Agreement. Any property individually acquired by a party to this Agreement shall remain the property of that party upon termination of this Agreement..- - 6 - Amendment to Interlocal Agreement RE: Rogers County (272 exchange) Page TWO APPROVED by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma this 20th day (City, County, Town) of March 1 90 B 2~Gt a_ p~=Z TITLE: Patrigl K. Marlar, mayor ATT ST: Clerk O G a voluntary association of local governments serving creek, osage and tulsa counties 201 west 5th street, suite 600-tulsa, oklahoma 74103-4212.918/584-7526 TO: City & County Administrators 'J' FROM: Chief Tom Lewalien & Ms. Ann Domin U DATE: July 28, 1988 SUBJECT: Collection of 911 Telephone Fee As you know, a recent amendment to the 911 Emergency Number Act allows cities and counties to collect the telephone service fee that funds 911 systems after they contract with the telephone company for 911 service. Those jurisdictions who have signed a Letter of Election with Southwestern Bell may instruct Bell to collect the telephone fee if their ordinances or resolutions allow early collection. Please review your local ordinance or resolution to make sure It allows you to initiate the fee upon contracting with the phone company. If you are unsure about the new language in the state statute, please do not hesitate to call us. Southwestern Bell requires the following to start the collection process: 1. A certified letter that: a. Identifies what entities are to be included with the request. Olt b. States the effective date and the fee rate. C. States the title, name and address of the person to whom Bell should remit the fee. d. States the monthly due date of the remittance, if other than the last day of the month. This date should not be earlier than the 25th. e. Is addressed to Mr. T.D. White, Division Manager - Chief Accountant, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, 800 North Harvey - Room 199, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102. 2. A copy of the ordinance or resolution authorizing the fee. A sample letter to Southwestern Bell is attached for reference. Southwestern Bell requires 60 days in which to prepare their billing records for the 911 fee. Thirty of those days could overlap with the 60 day protest period required by state statute for 911 ordinances and resolutions before they are effective. However, Bell cannot stop the 911 telephone fee from being billed within the last 30 days after notification from a jurisdiction to begin the fee collection. 12 City d County Administrators Re: Collection of 911 Telephone Fee July 28, 1988 Page TWO For purposes of consistency, we recommend that jurisdictions instruct Bell to begin collection of the telephone fee on November 1, 1988; January 1, 1989; or ' April 1, 1989 (about 90 days prior to cut-over of the system), whichever date best meets your jurisdiction's needs. To help explain Bell's procedures and deadlines for the different fee collection dates, an activity chart is attached. ' Please remember that the Oklahoma statute gives telephone companies 30 days in which to remit the collected telephone fee to the governing body. Bell has estimated that it can return these fees in about 25 - 30 days after the end of each month of collection. Please do not hesitate to call Ann Dom in (584-7526) or Don Maney (585-6722) if you have questions about the 911 telephone fee collection. Procedures for fee collection are being developed with the other telephone companies in the region, and you will be notified when those procedures are finalized. TUAD:sIs Attachments J 1 1 DEADLINES FOR ACTIVITIES Nov 1, 1988 Jan 1, 1989 A Collection Collection 11 1, 1989 Pass ordinance or resolution to allow Aug 1, 1988 Oct 1, 1988 No revision early collection of fee required Notify Bell to collect Sept 1, 1988 Nov 1, 1988 Feb 1, 1989 fee Bell begins collection Nov 1, 1988 Jan 1, 1989 I April 1, 1989 of fee First fees remitted to Dec 30, 1988 Feb 28, 1989 May 30, 1989 Jurisdiction MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council FROM: City Manager, Rodney J. Ray SUBJECT: E-911 Vote By Owasso Precinct On July 21, 1987 the Tulsa County Election Board conducted an election throughout the county for the purpose of determining if the voters would approve the establishment of an enhanced emergency telephone communication system (E-911). County-wide the issue f`as' approver byb--the voters by a margin of 30,331 to 12,,,228 '11 In Owasso prec'FF n "t's the-vote was as' fo- Y-1 1 Precinct# - ` or' ~ +ER Y~ E f 751 752 4 P'N 10 3 753 7546 157 It 755 70 I Total Vote----~,---- 49~ Percentage of Total`'~11 o <%1b • 6% ainst 29 40 51 44 43 20 29.4% 13 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 1 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: M A ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE POLICE VEHICLES K DATE: August 22, 1997 K BACKGROUND: r The 1997-98 operating budget (page 43-44) for the Police Department contains funding for the purchase of four new police vehicles. Money was also appropriated for the necessary emergency equipment for these vehicles. Each year the state awards one contract to the vehicle dealership which provides the lowest and best bid for full size police vehicles (as per specifications). In October of 1996, the state bid was awarded to Fred Jones Ford in Oklahoma City for the 1996-97 state fiscal year, (contract #SW70035). It is anticipated that these vehicles will be available for purchase in late September. The state bid cost for the 1997 Ford Crown Victoria police vehicle is $19,328 per vehicle. The standard package for the 1997 models is enclosed with this memorandum for your review. Additionally, some new vehicles will be furnished with the following emergency equipment. Item #1. Safety Cages Item #2. Emergency Lighting Item #3. Sirens Item #4. Speakers Item #5. Radios Item #6. Striping Item #7. Installation of equipment Three quotes for this additional equipment were obtained in accordance with purchasing requirements. Those quotes are: REQUEST TO PURCHASE VEHICLES AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 2 TUXALL GALL'S STREICHER'S Item #l. (Safety Cages) $266.75** $290.00 $299.95 Item #2. (Emergency Lighting) $199.95** $239.95 $229.95 Item #3. (Sirens) $179.50** $189.99 $189.95 Item #4. (Speakers) $161.75** $169.99 $169.95 $807.95* $889.93 $889.80 *local pick-up no shipping costs **indicates lowest cost provided Item #5. Since the radio committee is reviewing the type of radio system for our future, it was determined that used radios would be more cost effective than new radios. L & B Electronics (Missouri) was the only location where used radios were located. The cost was $350 per radio and $40 for an additional scan panel. The scan panel was located through New London Technology (Virginia). The scan panel allows communication to occur with other departments in our area. The total cost of each used radio is $390 versus a new radio cost of over $700. An additional radio is also recommended for purchase as a back-up unit in the event of failure in any radio currently in the fleet. Item #6. Trim-Rite of Tulsa has installed the custom striping since the implementation of the new design. It is recommended that the police vehicles be striped through Trim-rite for $361.44 each. If another vendor is utilized, there will be additional "set-up" charges. Trim-Rite's performance has been reviewed and no reasons found to discontinue using them for this service. Item #7. Estimates are still being obtained for equipment installation. One local vendor quoted $500 for each installation. Additional quotes are being sought. NOTE: Historically, emergency equipment has been removed from vehicles that are retired when new vehicles arrive. Due to increased manpower, no vehicles are expected to be retired this year, therefore reusing equipment is not an option. Although the prices listed above reflect the cost of the major equipment, some additional purchases are expected at installation time (wiring, voltage equipment, antennas, etc). These are not high dollar items and are expected to be purchased locally by the contractor selected to install the emergency equipment. There are adequate funds for such purchases. ASSIGNMENT: Three vehicles will be assigned to the patrol division and one vehicle will be assigned to the Chief of Police. The new patrol units will bear a different look, in that they will be semi- marked police units. The two day shift sergeants and the lieutenant will have patrol units which REQUEST TO PURCHASE VEHICLES AUGUST 22, 1997 PAGE 3 will not have overhead emergency equipment. These units will have sufficient lighting to meet all traffic and safety needs and high visibility, however will not be readily detectable from a distance. The replaced vehicles will be rotated through the patrol ranks. With the purchase of these vehicles all officers (including new officers) who live within the Owasso fence line and have no active discipline issues will have a take-home vehicle. The approved purchase of these vehicles will bring the police vehicle fleet to the highest level of condition in the past ten years. If this purchase is approved, the department will have the greatest number of lower-mileage vehicles in its history, with no vehicles that rate below "good" (on a poor to excellent rating). The unmarked dynasty (formerly Police Chief's vehicle) will be reassigned to the detective division. M RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval and authorization for purchase and payment of four (4) 1997 Ford Crown Victoria, full size police vehicles, from Fred Jones Ford, for a total cost of $77,312. Subsequently, $1750 to L & B Electronics and $203.25 to New London Technology for radios. Additionally, the staff recommends that $3431.25 to Tuxall be authorized for purchase and payment of emergency equipment and $1084.32 to Trim-rite for striping of three vehicles. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget page #43-44 2. State Bid specifications 3. Quotes for radios r 4. Quotes for striping 11 I C:\wPDATA\CYTYCNCL\MEMOS\1997\970902. VEH City Of Owasso Annual Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 1997-98 Activity / Police Department / Police Account Number - 51 310 - Fund - General Expenditure Type 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Actual Actual Budget Proposed Personal Services 836,689.00 940,801.00 1,016,328.00 1,201,895.00 Materials & Supplies 79,452.00 71,351.00 71,150.00 63,790.00 Other Services & Charges 27,046.00 32,720.00 34,810.00 49,980.00 Capital Outla 72,350.00 50,467.00 50,054.00 98,250.00 Account Total $1,015,537.00 $1,095,339.00 $1,172,342.00 $1,413,915.00 Chief of Police Operations Commander Detective Sergeant Detective Officer Corporal Patrol Sergeant Patrol Officer Clerical Administrative Supervisor Vehicles Computer Radar Units Shotguns Program Description 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Proposed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 3 2 3 3 4 4 15 15 13 16 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 TOTAL 24 25 25 30 $90,000 $3,000 $4,500 $750 1 43 City Of Owasso Annual Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 1997-98 Activity / Police Department / Police Actual Actual Budget Proposed Line Item Description 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 ......:::::::5.13.1..05101::::::......... 5106 5110 Salaries & Wages Overtime (Emergency) FICA 646,540 724,211 782,525 936,430 36,567 42,750 41,221 23,000 -3,602 5,026 4,800 8,490 3,597 5,656 6,855 8,550 66,923 79,318 88,990 109,840 3,260 2,802 2,703 3,430 64,092 65,377 72,815 95,310 2,645 2,752 2,794 3,290 263 1,609 1,800 1,000 0 0 1,925 2,275 9,200 11,300 9,900 10,280 3,526 4,137 2,800 3,000 821 1,326 600 1,000 805 838 500 500 2,917 2,013 4,000 3,240 10,282 14,185 15,000 14,000 32,453 14,455 14,500 8,750 896 888 150 1,000 860 1,092 1,300 1,300 9,189 9,793 12,000 10,000 17,703 22,554 20,000 21,000 0 70 300 0 21-1-4 5,235 4,868 3,500 .o 7,000 6,810 5,957 7,600 7,800 1,120 3,271 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 9,000 1,799 2,072 5,500 3,500 5,823 6,649 7,600 9,800 614 535 600 400 5,051 8,286 7,310 9,500 594 1,082 700 980 do 3,528 1,350 0 0 1,903 615 11,014 8,250 66,919 48,502 39,000 90,000 0 0 40 0 5111 Retirement (OMRF) 5112 Retirement (Police) 5120 Unemployment Insurance 5130 Medical Insurance 5131 Life Insurance 5161 Tuition Reimbursement 5165 Incentives 5171 Uniform Allowance *Total Personal Services* 51 310 5210 Office Supplies 5211 Printed Forms 5212 Books and Periodicals 5213 Copying Expense 5220 Operating Supplies 5221 Uniforms & Prot. Clothing 5222 D.A.R.E. Supplies 5250 Repair & Maint. Supplies 5260 Vehicle Maint. (Parts) 5261 Gasoline & Fuel 5290 Misc. Supplies *Total Materials & Supplies* MR. 4 ci MWN . 51 310 5310 . Prof. & Tech. Services 5321 Utilities 5330 Repair & Maint. Services 5336 Uniform Services 5340 Rentals 5371 Telephone 5372 Postage 5380 Travel & Training 5383 Dues & Fees *Total Other Services & Char9es* 51 310 5420 Building Improvements 5441 Machinery & Equipment 5442 Vehicles 5443 Furniture & Fixtures *Total Capital OutlaY* Total Police Operations $1,015,537 $1,095,339 $1,172,342 $1,413,915 1 44 :1 M 0 State of Oklahoma Department of Central Services Central Purchasing Division B-12 State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, Ok 73105 I Notice of Contract Award Contract Title Motor Vehicles - Cars and Trucks Contract Number...SW70035 Contract Period... November 01, 1996 thru June 30, 1997 THE NEXT CONTRACT WILL NOT BE AVAIABLE UNTIL NOVEMBER 01, 1997. Authorized Users All state agencies, cities, counties, school districts and municipalities. Contract Priority.Under provisions of the agency procedures manual, page 2, section 4, methods of purchasing, paragraph a.l, "statewide 'oo' contracts are the first priority in all purchases: If the item being purchased, regardless of price, is available from a too' contract it must be purchased from that source and none other." .............Prices are fob requesting agency, or purchasing unit(I.e., City, county, municipality, Etc.), including shipping, packaging, handling, and delivery charges. Fully prepaid by the contract holder. Delivery Within 120 days after receipt of order by the contract holder. Terms .............See Vendor Information Sheet 2 Cancellation Clause..... This contract shall be in force until expiration date or until thirty (30) days after notice has been given by the state of oklahoma of its desire to terminate the contract. Immediate cancellation shall be effected when violations of the contract will impede the function of the agency and conditions preclude a thirty (30) days written notice. Contract holders must notify the Central Purchasing contracting officer of purposed changes to the contract (discontinued products, model upgrades or replacement, price decreases, etc.)within ten (10) working days of notification by their suppliers. Failure to comply with this condition may result in removal from the contract or suspension of the contract holder. If you are paid more than forty-five (45) days after submitting a proper invoice, you may be entitled to claim interest penalty. Contact the Office of State Finance at 405-521-2141 for a copy of the regulations. Audit Clause: In accepting any contract with the state, the contract holder must agree to this audit clause which provides that books, records, documents, accounting procedures, practices or any other items of the service provided relevant to the contract are subject to examination by the agency and the State Auditor and Inspector . If you have any questions concerning this award please call the contracting officer. Chester West, Contracting Officer Phone: (405) 521-2132 Fax: - ---(405)- 521-4475. Vehicles - Cars « Trucks VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET VENDOR NUMBER NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE BPO NUMBER 730721547 REYNOLDS FORD INC BP12931 G5511 ATTN JERRY BROWN 825 N INTERSTATE DR Net 30 NORMAN OK 73069-6350 JERRY BROWN PHONE: (405)321-2411 EXT: 731144154 QUALITY CHEVROLET AND GEO INC BP12932 ATTN TOMMY EATON PO BOX 850190 Submission of inv. YUKON OK 73085-1090 TOMMY EATON PHONE: (405)354-2565 EXT: 730730209 LYNN HICKEY DODGE INC BP12933 P 0 BOX 12922 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73157 Net 20 TOM AYERS PHONE: (405)946-0601 EXT: 730945947 CARTER CHEVROLET AGENCY INC BP12934 PO BOX 447 OKARCHE OK 73762-0447 N/A J. W. BARRY PHONE: (405) 263-7252 EXT: 730668039 HUDIBURG CHEVROLET INC BP12935 6000 TINKER DIAGONAL MIDWEST CITY OK 73110 N/A BUD HAMILTON PHONE: (405) 737-6641 EXT: 731141185 H D COPELAND INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS INC BP12940 ATTN MICHAEL KEEFE PO BOX 24008 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73124-0008 Net 10 MICHAEL KEEFE PHONE: (405) 236-2792 EXT: 730747916 FRED JONES FORD OF OKLAHOMA CITY INC BP12941 PO BOX 1747 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73101 DAVID CAMPBELL Net 15 PHONE: (405) 278-2954 EXT: 730086065 DUB RICHARDSON FORD BP12938 3815 N MAY AVE OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73112-6698 N/A SAM BRITT PHONE: (405) 946-3381 EXT: SW70035 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS VEHICLES GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT, APPLICABLE TO ALL VEHICLE VENDORS.. ALL ORDERING VEHICLE DEALERS MUST: A. PERFORM THEIR OWN PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION (PDI) PER THEIR MANUFACTURES' INSTRUCTIONS, OR TO SUBCONTRACT PDI ONLY TO FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALERS. B. VENDOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DELIVERIES OF STATE PURCHASED VEHICLES.- C. COMPLETE ALL MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTY BOOKS. VIOLATIONS OF THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE APPROPRIATE MANUFACTURER, AND VENDORS PURCHASE CONTRACT COULD BE CANCELLED BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. 1. VENDOR DELIVERIES SHOULD BE MADE WITHIN ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (150) DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF ORDER BY THE CONTRACT HOLDER. THE CONTRACT HOLDER WILL INDICATE THE BEST ESTIMATE FOR DELIVERY, UPON RECEIPT OF THE ORDER. A CONFIRMATION DATE WILL BE GIVEN BY THE CONTRACT HOLDER AS IT IS MADE AVALIABLE FROM THE FACTORY. THE CONTRACT HOLDER SHALL DELIVER AS BID. ANY DEVIATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL PURCHASING CONTRACTING OFFICER. VENDOR IS TO NOTIFY THE ORDERING AGENCY IN WRITING IF THEY ARE UNABLE TO FILL AN ORDER. 2. ALL PRICES IN THIS CONTRACT ARE APPLICABLE TO ANY AUTHORIZED USER, TO ANY POINT IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. 3. EACH VEHICLE SHALL HAVE 5 GALLONS OF GASOLINE IN FUEL TANK WHEN DELIVERED. - 4. FURNISH ORDERING AGENCY FLEET CONTACT(S), COUNTY OR CITY, A COPY OF THE FACTORY CONFIRMATION OF THE ORDER ACCEPTED BY THE FACTORY WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE WRITTEN ORDER FROM THAT ORDERING AGENCY, LISTING ALL ITEMS BEING ORDERED, AND WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF THE EXTENDED WARRANTY WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE VEHICLE DELIVERY.. 5. VENDOR OF DEALER INSTALLED ITEMS OR OPTIONS: VENDOR IS ACCOUNTABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS NOT FACTORY INSTALLED, THAT ARE SUB-CONTRACTED BY THE VENDOR. DO NOT ASK STATE AGENCIES, COUNTIES, OR CITIES TO CALL YOUR SUB-CONTRACTORS, AND GET INTO A BIG HASSEL. 1 1 6. ALL ELECTRICALLY RELATED ITEMS TO BE FACTORY INSTALLED. EXAMPLE: ANY AND ALL SPEAKERS FOR RADIOS. 7. THE VENDOR AGREES TO FURNISH CENTRAL PURCHASING A SUMMARY OF SALES BY UNITS, INCLUDING TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT, AND ORDERING AGENCY, COUNTY OR CITY, MADE UNDER THIS CONTRACT AT THE END OF EACH CONTRACT PERIOD. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT COULD RESULT IN THE SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT HOLDER DURING THE NEXT STATEWIDE CONTRACT BID FOR VEHICLES. 8. THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE IN FORCE UNTIL EXPIRATION DATE OR UNTIL THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA OF ITS DESIRE TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT. AFTER THE FIRST SIX (6) MONTHS OF THIS CONTRACT, THE VENDOR MAY CANCEL WITH A THIRTY (30) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE. 9. ALL BIDS SUBMITTED ARE SUBJECT TO "CENTRAL PURCHASING RULES AND REGULATIONS", AND THESE GENERAL OR ANY SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS LISTED HEREIN - ALL OF WHICH ARE MADE PART OF THIS BID INVITATION BY REFERENCE. L 10. ONLY NEW 1997 PRODUCTION YEAR MODELS WILL BE CONSIDERED. 11. BIDDERS MUST MEET OR EXCEED MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS IN ALL ITEMS FOR BID TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. 12. APPROXIMATE USAGE AGAINST THIS CONTRACT DURING THIS CONTRACT PERIOD WAS $_20,000,000.00_. THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA DOES NOT GUARANTEE THIS AMOUNT WILL BE PURCHASED DURING THE UPCOMING CONTRACT PERIOD, AND IS USED ONLY AS A GUIDE IN r' PREPARING YOUR BID. 13. SHOW FACTORY PRODUCT CODE NUMBER ON BASE VEHICLE. 14. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE NUMBER ON ALL OPTIONS. 15. SHOW BROCHURE AND COMPANY PRINTED INFORMATION ON ALL EXTENDED WARRANTIES. VENDOR SHALL SUPPLY VERIFICATION OF - EXTENDED. WARRANTY PROVIDER WITH THE BID. 16. DEALERSHIP IS TO NOTIFY ORDERING AGENCY CONTACT WHEN A FACTORY CUT-OFF DATE IS ESTABLISHED. 2 17. THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACT HOLDER MUST SUPPLY ORIGINAL COPIES OF THE MSO PAPER WORK TO THE ORDERING AGENCY. 1 1 1 1 3 im AUTOMOBILE, LARGE SIZE POLICE PURSUIT 0070-06-10 A. SCOPE A-1 THIS SPECIFICATION IS INTENDED TO OUTLINE THE MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS FOR LARGE SIZE POLICE PURSUIT AUTOMOBILES " PURCHASED BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. B. TYPES, CLASSES AND GRADES B-1 LARGE SIZE POLICE PURSUIT AUTOMOBILES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS SPECIFICATION, SHALL BE FURNISHED IN THE FOLLOWING TYPE: FOUR DOOR, POST TYPE SEDAN-MINIMUM WHEELBASE 112 INCHES (284.48 CENTIMETERS) C. APPLICABLE.SPECIFICATIONS C-1 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS IN EFFECT ON DATE OF INVITATION TO BID SHALL FORM A PART OF THE SPECIFICATION: FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARD (PUBLIC LAW 89-563) CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 40, PART 85, CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION FROM NEW MOTOR VEHICLES AND NEW MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINES, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. D. REQUIREMENTS: D-1 THE AUTOMOBILE FURNISHED MUST HAVE ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TRIM AND APPOINTMENTS LISTED BY THE MANUFACTURER IN PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS AND LITERATURE AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON POLICE PURSUIT PACKAGE AUTOMOBILES AND MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS: D-2----- EACH----- AUTOMOBILE-- MUST .--HAVE A.--MINIMUM TRUNK -SPACE AS------------ INDICATED IN THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE GAS MILEAGE GUIDE PUBLISHED BY THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY AND THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OF THE FOLLOWING: TRUNK SPACE - 15.6 CUBIC FEET (.442 CUBIC METERS) 11 4 D-3 EACH VEHICLE PURCHASED MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: .p ENGINE: MUST BE EIGHT (8) CYLINDERS. CUBIC INCH DISPLACEMENT IS AT MANUFACTURER'S OPTION, BUT MUST BE THE LARGEST AVAILABLE ENGINE PRODUCED BY THE MANUFACTURER. FOR POLICE q PACKAGE AND OFFERING MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. NOTE: ENGINE INCLUDED MUST BE ADEQUATE TO MEET OR EXCEED MINIMUM PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AS TESTED BY I.A.C.P. OR MICHIGAN STATE POLICE TESTS. TRANSMISSION: TO BE AT LEAST FOUR (4) SPEED AUTOMATIC 'I TRANSMISSION WITH LOW GEAR BLOCK-OUT, OR ELECTRONICALLY v CONTROLLED LOW-GEAR LOCKOUT. TRANSMISSION WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED AUXILIARY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER (IF AVAILABLE) AND WILL BE SUITABLE FOR POLICE PURSUIT. VEHICLES CONFORMING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, TO BE HEAVIEST DUTY AVAILABLE FOR VEHICLE BID. STEERING: POWER ASSISTED STEERING WITH FACTORY INSTALLED .4 HEAVY DUTY AUXILIARY COOLER. TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM "FIRM" FEEL AND FAST RETURN CHARACTERISTICS. BRAKES: ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM. MUST MEET WITH MICHIGAN STATE TEST STANDARDS. AIR CONDITIONING: STANDARD NON-AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL 49 MODEL, FACTORY INSTALLED WITH INTEGRAL DASH LOUVERS, WITH TINTED GLASS ALL AROUND. DIFFERENTIAL AND REAR AXLE: TO BE HEAVY-DUTY DIFFERENTIAL WITH REAR AXLE RATIO TO CONFORM WITH THAT NEEDED TO MEET MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. ALTERNATOR: MINIMUM RATING-120 AMPERES. SHALL BE OF HEAVY DUTY DESIGN CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING PATROL VEHICLE OPERATION AT 110 MPH. TRANSISTORIZED REGULATOR. - BATTERY: 12 VOLT 69 AMPER HOUR MINIMUM. MINIMUM COLD CRANKING AMPERES 730 AT 0 DEGREES F. MAINTENANCE FREE TYPE. COOLING SYSTEM: VEHICLE TO HAVE MAXIMUM SIZE AVAILABLE WITH POLICE PACKAGE. "COOLANT RECOVERY" SYSTEM TO BE INCORPORATED FACTORY INSTALLED. FAN TO HAVE FLEX BLADES IF AVAILABLE WITH NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) BLADES. 5 11 11 11 11 UNDER DASH POWER SUPPLY SPEEDOMETER: TO BE CALIBRATED TO WITHIN 2% ACCURACY. SCALE TO BE 2 MPH. INCREMENTS AND TO BE FROM 0-120 MPH SCALE. SUSPENSION: TO BE EQUIPPED WITH HEAVY-DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS FRONT AND REAR. SPRINGS -FRONT AND REAR OR TORSION BARS ON FRONT WITH SPRINGS ON REAR. WHEELS: TO BE EQUIPPED WITH FIVE (5) FULL SIZE RIMS. WHEELS SHALL BE PAINTED BLACK AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE NATIONAL WHEEL AND RIM ASSOCIATION, INC. SPECIFICATION NO. X4030. TIRES: VEHICLE SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FIVE (5) FULL SIZE BLACKWALL TUBELESS TYPE TIRES CONSTRUCTED WITH TWO (2) RADIAL POLYESTER CORD BODY PLIES AND TWO (2) STEEL BELTS REINFORCED BY TWO (2) NYLON OVERLAYS. TIRES ARE TO BE CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR HIGH-SPEED POLICE PURSUIT. THE TYPE, SIZE AND PLY RATINGS ARE TO BE STATED ON BIDS SUBMITTED. SIZE & PLY SPARE TIRES AND RIMS MUST TO BE FACTORY NEW. ALL TIRES MUST BE RATED FOR THE MAXIMUM SPEED OF THE VEHICLE. CRUISE CONTROL. INSIDE HOOD RELEASE. REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER UNIT: TO BE FACTORY INSTALLED ELECTRONIC GRID. CONTROL TO BE CONVENIENT TO DRIVER'S REACH. LIGHTS: DOME LIGHT(S) TO BE STANDARD MANUFACTURER'S. ENGINE AND TRUNK COMPARTMENT LIGHTS TO BE EQUIPPED WITH MERCURY SWITCH. GAUGES : AMMETER OR VOLTMETER, PRESSURE GAUGES. - - - - RADIO: FACTORY INSTALLED AM/FM. 1 WATER TEMPERATURE AND OIL ANTI-FREEZE: SERVICED TO -29 C (-20 F) OR LOWER. HORNS: DUAL NOTE, DUAL HORN 6 DECK LID: ELECTRONIC REMOTE RELEASE WITH CONTROL (S) WITHIN w d CONVENIENT REACH OF DRIVER. CATALYTIC CONVERTER: HEAT SHIELD TO ELIMINATE GRASS FIRE HAZARD, IF AVAILABLE. LOCKS: SINGLE KEY LOCKING SYSTEM (ALL LOCKS ON ONE CAR KEYED ALIKE). THREE (3) KEYS TO BE FURNISHED WITH EACH CAR. MIRRORS: REAR VIEW INSIDE DAY/NIGHT TYPE. Y~ MATCHING REAR VIEW OUTSIDE: LEFT-HAND REMOTE CONTROL TYPE, AND MANUAL RIGHT-HAND INSTALLED ON DOORS. CONTROL(S) TO BE " WITHIN CONVENIENT REACH OF DRIVER. FLOOR COVERING: STANDARD CARPET, COLOR COORDINATED. UPHOLSTERY: TO BE MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD AND TO BE COLOR COMPATIBLE WITH VEHICLE EXTERIOR. THIS INCLUDES HEADLINER, FLOOR COVERING AND SEAT COVERING. SEATS: POLICE PACKAGE HEAVY-DUTY BUCKET TYPE SEATS. STEERING WHEEL: TILT/ADJUSTABLE WITH ANTI-SLIP SURFACE WINDSHIELD WASHER: ELECTRIC, MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD WINDSHIELD WIPER: MULTIPLE SPEED ELECTRIC. POWER WINDOWS FACTORY INSTALLED. CIGARETTE LIGHTER: LOCATED IN INSTRUMENT PANEL. OPERATOR MANUAL. LICENSE PLATE BRACKET: REAR ONLY PAINT: BLACK AND WHITE OR BLUE AND WHITE, PER PURCHASER ° - - -SPECIFICATION POWER DOOR LOCKS DOOR LOCK OVERRIDE ON DRIVERS SIDE DOOR ONLY. ■ (1) ACCELERATION: BIDDERS SUBMIT CURRY?TT MICHIGAN STATE POLICE TEST RESULTS FOR THE VEHICLES. 2 SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED IF NO CHANCES ARE MADE Il JE 1993 VEHICLES THAT WOULD AFFECT PERFORMANCE). (2) TOP SPEED: A SPEED OF AT LEAST 120 MPH WILL BE REACHED ON A LEVEL COURSE WITHIN A THREE (3) MILE DISTANCE FROM THE INITIAL SPEED OF 0 MPH WITH A CLEAN ROOF CONFIGURATION. (3) WITH AN"'l LOCK BRAKES , THE VEHICLE WILL STOP IN A STRAIGHT LINE ON DRY PAVEMENT. (4) VEHICLE WILL BE EXPECTED TO PROVIDE ROADABILITY, MANEUVERABILITY, CORNERING AND HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS NECESSARY FOR A VEHICLE HIGH-SPEED PATROL PURSUIT WORK. E. METHODS OF SAMPLING, INSPECTIONS AND TESTS OUTSTANDING OTHER ROAD ENGAGED IN E-1 AFTER BID RESULTS ARE TABULATED THE CENTRAL PURCHASING DIVISION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE SAMPLES OF SELECTED AUTOMOBILES FOR INSPECTION AND EVALUATION. SAMPLES MAY BE DEMONSTRATOR MODELS WITH EQUIPMENT SIMILAR, BUT NOT NECESSARILY IDENTICAL TO THAT LISTED IN THIS SPECIFICATION. E-2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER, THE SUPPLIERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL INSPECTION AND TEST REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SPECIFICATION. THIS ACTION DOES NOT PRECLUDE SUBSEQUENT INSPECTION AND TESTING BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO FURTHER DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS OF QUALITY STANDARDS OF WORKMANSHIP, MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES. F. NOTES F-1 AGENCIES WISHING TO PURCHASE AUTOMOBILES FROM THIS CONTRACT SHOULD REFERENCE SPECIFICATION NUMBER, TITLE, TYPE, BRAND -NAME-AND/OR--MODEL.-AND- ANY---OPTIONS -DESIRED.-------- F-2 ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SHIELDED TO MINIMIZE RADIO INTERFERENCE IN THE 40-50MHZ, 150-155MHZ, AND THE80OMHZ RANGES, AND WILL INCLUDE RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION BONDING STRAPS. IN THE EVENT THAT RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE IS GENERATED BY THE VEHICLE AND IT INTERFERES WITH THE NORMAL OPERATION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE VENDOR TO RECTIFY THE INTERFERENCE PROBLEM. THE VENDOR SHALL PERFORM ANY REPAIRS OR REPLACE ANY PARTS NECESSARY TO SOLVE THE INTERFERENCE PROBLEMS WITH NO CHARGES TO THE ORDERING AGENCY. 9 D-4 WARRANTY: THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTS EACH AUTOMOBILE TO BE GOOD MATE_IAL AND WORKMANSHIP AND AGREES TO PROMPTLY REPLACE ANY PART OR PARTS WHICH FAIL DUE TO DEFECTIVE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP, WHEN THE VEHICLE IS RETURNED TO THE PLACE WHERE PURCHASED, OR AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER, FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEAR OR 36,000 MILES, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, FROM THE DATE VEHICLE IS PUT IN SERVICE BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. REPLACEMENT SHALL BE FREE OF CHARGE. IF SUCH FAILURE RENDERS THE VEHICLE INCAPABLE OF BEING DRIVEN, THE VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE VEHICLE TRANSPORTED TO HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS. IF SUCH FAILURE TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE THE DEALER'S SERVICE AREA, THE VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REIMBURSING THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR SERVICES RENDERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY. DO YOU HAVE A STANDARD 36 MONTH/36,000 MILES FULL COVERAGE A WARRANTY (EXCEPT TIRES) ? YES_x_NO STATE TERMS AND DURATION OF ADDITIONAL WARRANTY: SEE OPTIONS TIRES ARE EXEMPT FROM THIS WARRANTY, BUT MUST BE COVERED BY THE TIRE MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD WARRANTY AND' SERVICED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER OF THE TIRE MANUFACTURER. D-5 PARTS: THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA SHALL EXPECT THE MANUFACTURER TO HAVE ADEQUATE STOCKS OF REPLACEMENT PARTS AVAILABLE TO SERVICE STATE VEHICLES AND TO MAKE DELIVERY WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME OF ALL NORMAL REPLACEMENT PARTS TO THEIR DEALERS WHO MAY SERVICE STATE VEHICLES. THE STATE FURTHER EXPECTS THAT WARRANTY SERVICE AND REPAIR AS WELL AS qq NON-WARRANTY SERVICE AND REPAIRS WILL BE HANDLED WITHOUT PREJUDICE BY LOCAL DEALERSHIPS THROUGH OUT THE UNITED STATES. D-6 DECALS: NO DECALS OR MARKINGS OF ANY TYPE PERTAINING TO ADVERTISEMENT SHALL BE PLACED ON VEHICLES DELIVERED TO THE E! STATE,-------.EXCEPT----TRADEMARKS---- OR.--- MODEL--- DESIGNATION----NORMALLY INSTALLED BY MANUFACTURER'S ON THE AUTOMOBILE. D-7 OPTIONS: SEE BID SHEET 8 11 11 11 11 0070-06-10-100 OPTIONS: LARGE SIZE POLICE PURSUIT, V-8 MAKE &.MODEL BIDDING Ford Crown Vic Police Car VEHICLE MADE IN USA? YES_x_NO FACTORY PRODUCTION CODE P71 ENGINE SIZE 4.6L V8 50HC WHEEL BASE 114.4 VENDOR: Fred Songs, Ford of Okc BPO NUMBER: BP12941 PRICE PER EA--$ 19,328.00 0070-06-10-115 OPTION #2 HEAVY DUTY SPLIT FRONT SEAT, WITH COMBINATION HEAVY DUTY FABRIC UPHOLSTERY, BLUE, STANDARD REAR SEAT. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE P PRICE PER EA: $89.00 0070-06-10-125 OPTION .#3 TIRES (5) 15-INCH WHITEWALL TUBELESS BIAS BELTED RADIAL. CERTIFIED FOR HIGH SPEED DRIVING. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE 509 PRICE PER EA: $85.00 0070-06-10-130 OPTION #4 100,000 MILES EXTENDED WARRANTY, POWER TRAIN($50.00 DEDUCTIBLE, 36 MONTHS). SHOW FACTORY OPTION. CODE 36/100 PT PRICE PER EA:_$1652.00_ 0070-06-10-145 OPTION #6 PAINT: ONE STANDARD PRODUCTION COLOR DEDUCT. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE RPO PRICE PER EA:--$352.00- 0070-06-10-155 OPTION #7 DRIVERS FACTORY- OPTION- -CODE- SEAT 6 WAY ELECTRICALLY OPERATED. SHOW - - 21A PRICE PER EA: $350.00 0070-06-10-160 OPTION #8 75,000 MILES EXTENDED WARRANTY, POWER TRAIN($50.00 DEDUCTIBLE, 60 MONTHS). SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE 60/75 PT PRICE PER EA: $1382.00 10 0070-06-10-170 OPTION #10 PARTS SHOW CODE MANUAL. CAN BE MICROFICHE OR PRINTED COPY FACTORY OPTION PM PRICE PER EA: 55 0070-06-10-175 OPTION #11 CODE SERVICE MANUAL. SHOW FACTORY OPTION SM PRICE PER EA: $85.00 0070-06-10-177 OPTION #12 G-80 AXLE FACTORY OPTION CODE 45-D PRICE PER EA: _$90.00 OPTION, YOU ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO SLIP DIFFERENTIAL IS NOT AVAILABLE ABS/TRACTION ASSIST. NOTE: IF YOU TARE THIS CHOOSE OPTION 122. LIMITED ON VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH 0070-06-10-179 OPTION #13 6" SPECIFIED BY CODE 0070-06-10-185 OPTION #14 HEAVY AND REAR. CODE INDIVIDUAL SPOTLIGHT LEFT OR RIGHT ORDERING UNIT. SHOW FACTORY PL PRICE PER EA: $148.00 DUTY REAR LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENTIAL SHOW HAND. OPTION BLACK RUBBER MOLDED FLOOR COVER, FRONT SHOW FACTORY OPTION 127 PRICED PER EA: $25.00 0070-06-10-195 OPTION #16 TWO (2) NEW, TO BE ORDERED CODE - - - 0070-06-10-210 OPTION #19 HEAVY CODE FACTORY 15X7, STEEL PURSUIT RIMS, FACTORY IN SETS. SHOW FACTORY OPTION AMW PRICE PER EA: SET-$61.69- DUTY VINYL REAR SEAT. SHOW FACTORY OPTION I PRICE PER EA: $63.00 11 0070-06-10-215 OPTION #20 HEAVY DUTY FACTORY CARPET FLOORMATS(SET OF 4). SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE 12H - 12Q PRICE PER EA: $45.00 0070-06-10-225 OPTION x#22 DEDUCT FOR DELETING ABS BRAKING SYSTEM. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE -553 PRICE PER EA: -$596.00 0070-06-10-230 OPTION x#23 CNG EQUIPPED POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLE SHOW CODE 999 PRICE PER EA: $5485.00 0070-06-10-235 OPTION #24 WIRING ONE END COILED ON WITH THE OTHER END FACTORY OPTION COD: PACKAGE, FORNT(PW7): FIVE-CIRCUIT HARNESS. RH SHOCK TOWER ROUTES THROUGH DASH PANEL IN A 36-INCH COIL AT CENTER OF DASH. SHOW E PW7 PRICE PER EA: $68.00 ' 0070-06-10-240 OPTION x#25 AUXILIARY SPEAKERS AND WIRING FOR USE WITH STANDARD RADIO (PR9). SPEAKERS ARE MOUNTED IN RIGHT-HAND AND LEFT-HAND FRONT DOORS AND ARE CONNECTED TO WIRING WHICH IS ROUTED TO CENTER OF INSTRUMENT PANEL WITH A 36-INCH COIL OF WIRE FOR CUSTOMER CONNECTION TO RADIO. ENTERTAINMENT RADIO OPERATES THROUGH REAR SPEAKERS. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE PRICE PER EA: $52.00 0070-06-10-245 ' OPTION #26 EXTENDED WARRANTY, PREMIUM CARE, $50.00 DEDUCTIBLE, 36 MONTHS, 75,000 MILES. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE r■ 36/75 PC PRICE PER EA: $2877.00 0070-06-10-250 OPTION #27 EXTENDED WARRANTY, PREMIUM CARE, $50.00 DEDUCTIBLE, 60 MONTHS, 75,000 MILES. SHOW FACTORY OPTION CODE 60/75 PC ' PRICE PER EA:_$3452.00 **END LARGE SIZE POLICE PURSUIT, V-8** 12 ' F AUTOMOBILES, COMPACT, FOUR DOOR **ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLE ONLY** #0070-06-15 A. SCOPE m A-1 THIS SPECIFICATION IS INTENDED TO OUTLINE THE MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPACT ALTERNATIVE FUEL AUTOMOBILES ' PURCHASED BY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. B. TYPES, CLASSES AND GRADES. B-1 COMPACT AUTOMOBILES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ' SPECIFICATION SHALL BE FURNISHED IN THE FOLLOWING TYPES: FOUR DOOR C. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS C-1 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THE INVITATION TO BID SHALL FORM A PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION: FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARD (PUBLIC LAW 89-563) CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 40, PART 85 CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION FROM NEW MOTOR VEHICLE AND NEW MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINES, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. ' D. REQUIREMENTS: D-1 AUTOMOBILES. FURNISHED MUST HAVE ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TRIM AND APPOINTMENTS LISTED BY THE MANUFACTURER IN PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS. D-2 EACH AUTOMOBILE MUST HAVE A MINIMUM TRUCK SPACE OF TWELVE (12) CUBIC FEET AS INDICATED IN THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE GAS MILEAGE GUIDE PUBLISHED BY THE U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY AND THE U.S. DEPT. OF ENERGY. D-3 EACH VEHICLE PURCHASED MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT : - AIR-------- CONDITIONER: FACTORY INSTALLED --.--WITH-------- .TINTED-. WINDOW PACKAGE. ALTERNATOR: HEAVY DUTY, MIN. 95 AMPERES. ANTI-FREEZE: SERVICES TO -20 F OR LOWER. BATTERY: MIN. COLD CRANKING AMPERES 600 AT 0 DEG. F, MAINTENANCE FREE. BRAKES: POWER ASSIST TYPE FACTORY INSTALLED. 13 lVKiITER SET TA13 STOPS AS SHOWN ON I"V; ; I I P. Atir typr r)1Nff,Tl 1114 II11- 1 L & 6 ELECTRONICS rr*J at to tlt ItI LAJ V-VUC' [ryy,W" OIIOtmm Qec.cm Mr, Olin Ief0 ""x411101 I-W m 4w Route 3 Box !23,,, ELDON, MISSOURI 73~ 4369 3 Ic " 26 '97 17 25 TRIM RITE INC 918-438-51S2XXXXXY fAX CODER SNEEt To: A Frosr: ' r' ffl' ~~~IMIAw~~./' w1.:wMi~.IYYO•~wn,..w.ww+..•.~.rw1~' P. 1 lYIM/ Rl~ lNy'~ 1035/-P E. jf!`k 8t. false, Ok. ~4f28=3230 PNoht: (s~sl gas-aoao faX: (9f8~ 48$-6152 Fox: ~7.-~ ~a Pkopte: ~7 ~ ~ Pop!op ~a~r~rks _ 1~ mil' ~c rr~~ E°'~ 11 11 11 ■ ■ MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO F. ROBERT CARR JR., P.E. FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CEMETERY FENCING DATE: BACKGROUND: August 28, 1997 The FY 1997-98 Cemetery Care Fund budget includes funds to replace fencing along the west property line of the cemetery. The project consists of installing approximately 625 feet of ornamental metal fencing. The fence is specified to be 6 feet in height. Specifications for this project were prepared in order that the fence be equivalent to the ornamental fencing constructed along the south property line in 1994. Bid documents were provided to nine (9) vendors. Six (6) bids were received and opened on August 13, 1997. The bid summary is listed below: L Vendors Amount of Bid Mitchell Fence Co., Tulsa, OK $16,516.25 Bullock Construction, Tulsa, OK $18,025.00 Aaron Fence Co., Tulsa, OK $19,896.00 Pioneer Fence Co., Broken Arrow, OK $20,920.00 Allied Fence, Tulsa, OK $21,066.00 Ace Fence Co., Tulsa, OK $22,695.00 ' The Staff has reviewed the bids. Based on that review and a check of references, the Mitchell Fence Company is apparent low bidder at $16,516.25. Mitchell Fence constructed the ornamental fence along the south property line. That project consisted of 660 feet of fence and ' a 14-foot gate at a total cost of approximately $15,050. Page 2 Cemetery Fencing ADDITIONAL FENCING: Construction of the west side fencing will complete half of the improvements needed for the perimeter fence. Improvement to the north and east fences are still required. Staff is evaluating options for these fences that incorporate visual screening from the surrounding residences. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the FY 97-98 Cemetery Care Fund (line item 58-230- 5430), in the amount of $20,000. RECONDAENDATION: The staff recommends Council award of contract in the amount of $16,516.25 to Mitchell Fence Company, Tulsa, OK, for the installation of fencing as per bid specifications. ATTACHIVIENTS: 1. Bid tabulation sheet 2. Mitchell Fence bid 3. Specifications CITY OF OWASSO/OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272-2251 I I BID DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: 8/13/97 Council/Trustee Approval: 9/2/97 Item: Cemetery Fencing Number of Bids: 6 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: Susie Theriault Witness Bidders Amount of Bid Mitchell Fence Co, Tulsa, OK $16,516.25 Bullock Construction, Tulsa, OK $18,025.00 Aaron Fence Co, Tulsa, OK $19,896.00 Pioneer Fence Co, Owasso, OK $20,920.00 Allied Fence Co, Tulsa, OK $21,066.00 Ace Fence Co, Tulsa, OK $22,695.00 Certification: I, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to;the,.b~e t'b yt oov edge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. • 4~ ~(I a 4 4q e E' M Signature: U&ir& t Date: ~~:y.: , AUG 1997 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCING SYSTEM AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY TOTAL LUMP SUM BID FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR 916,5"i(,a5 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Page. 1/JC~e L Fe ,e C-0 Company Signature ~ .✓i1 P i Title IS 3s N m,~ ~ AJ Address BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 2:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 13, 1997. II 1 1 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL A. WORK INCLUDED The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and appurtenances necessary for installation of approximately 625 feet of an ornamental metal fencing system along the west side of Fairview Cemetery, 76th Street North and Highway 169, Owasso, OK. B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ' The manufacturer shall supply a total ornamental fencing system of the design, style, strength, and picket interspace equivalent to the fencing installed on the south side of the cemetery, and defined herein. The system shall include all components (pickets, rails, ' posts, and hardware) required. C. QUALITY ASSURANCE The contractor shall provide laborers and supervisors who are thoroughly familiar with the type of construction involved and the materials and techniques specified. ,r D. REFERENCES ASTM A526 - Steel Sheet Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process ' ASTM B117 - Salt Spray Testing E. SUBMITTAL The manufacturer's literature shall be submitted with contractor's bid. PRODUCTS A. MANUFACTURER The ornamental metal fencing system shall be equal to that existing on the south side of the cemetery. B. SPECIFICATIONS The fencing system shall be Amerista - AEGIS II or equal. Design - Classic, Standard Arrow. Strength - Vertical Design Load shall be minimum of 334# per rail. Horizontal Design Load shall be minimum of 505#. Picket Interspace - Picket interspace 4"; applicable design series classic; number of pickets 19. 1 Fence Height - 6 feet. Post Size - 21/2x 11 GA, post length 9'. Finish - Contractor may use a powder finish or a paint finish. Minimum guarantee of 10 years on finish. Assembly - The fence may be welded or bolted together. 2 111.1 II The took of excellence in traditional ornamental iron fencing is expressed in (fie CLASSIC series. The extended pickets used in the CLASSIC designs provide the dual advantage of incraased security and added beauty. This dual feature make the CLASSIC an all-pur- pose enclosure that-is highly suitable for all applications. All lances in the CLASSIC series are fabricated with galvanized steel tubing electrostatically coated with a black polyester powder (see discus. sion on page 2 and specification on page 8). SELECTION GUIDELINES • SPECIFY DESIGN - Series as -CLASSIC-: style from options in lower left coiner. SPECIFY STRENGTH - Class from Table I on Page 3 (Note: all Strength Classes are available for CLASSIC Series) • SPECIFY INTERSPACE - Of pickets from Table 2 on Page 3 (Note: CLASSIC available in all Interspaces) • SPECIFY HEIGHT - Of fence from Elevation Drawing below • SPECIFY POST - Size per architect (see Table 3 Page 3 for guidelines) • SPECIFY GATES from Table 4. Page 3 (if applicable) B' OC. II tl I q :I C; j ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ I ) i l i II ; I • ) I I I ~ ;I I t FENCE 1 HEIGHT I 1 I t ' { ! _ I I I I I~ I 'r ii tl I i I I 1 i i f' I I I I 1 I. ji 1 . II ) 1 f 8 8 76- (6' FENCE)- 64'(7" FENCE)• 52'(6' FENCE) 40•(5' FENCE) •Trlyd cad 30"(4' FENCE) at mC height 24- (31.i' FENCE) I t•1 ! I ! i~ I~ it I I I ! ~i I li EI i; 1 AVIV FENCE) ' I . ! I ! ii I I . ; I : : 10 a ~ SEE fAgt.E 2 =^ArEl POST IErIGTII . i ) CI GAOurro PEn AnCIIITFCr (SEE TAC E 3 • 1 • , t . I L 1 ELEVATION DRAWING i.~ - CLASSIC-ARROW - Irll I 1 ti% r - YI l YfC - t1i STAf/OAR0 - AIIT1nV/ • It/, I VAM410(1 ' I t 1, .1- crtlr111110f1 1 :tt YATA0104 • Ir, rLAV MP .ICI r.1 1A1/11 r•IIA IAI•Il/fl I.AI11,1 It C1/11;11 r Al r111IIAr,•i1 GATE DRAWING r'd.1 M-lu 1 4, tt'1 1 t 1 PRODUCT FORM omamenl.d iron loncini) systotns it o ;wail- able Iron American in two product forms. READI-FAD consists of pro-fabricated lence panels and gales assembled by the manufacturer prior to shipment. FAST FAB is supplied in component parts to be. assembled by the fencing contactor: pick- ets and rails are individually poly-wrapped and then packaged in conveniently sized heavy-duty cardboard cartons. The stan- dard,fastening system for both product forms is the application of a polymei'- coated high strength steel pop rivet (see Construction Specification Page S): DESIGN VARIETY. American's ornamental fences are avail- able in five different standard design series (shown in detail on Pages 4 through 77).. For the CLASSIC. MAJESTIC. and STALWART series. several optional styles are also shown. Pickets for those styles with an integral spear top are simultaneous- ly pressed and soar sheared with a spe- 1 Tai cial die to achieve the shape. Styles with flat topped pickets are available where special ornamental tops are desired. STRENGTH CLASS To cover the wide variation in strength requirements for different applications, American supplies its systems in five dif- space between ndiaeent pickets. American oilers three different options as follow.. ryCrfLt AM PCAIN.C NUr,:10t WLLIISI'ACE oesic11 SMES OF rli"tS CONOENSEO STALWAM. (;1•IN1l:nS1'ACr) nAAII•,Vit S1ANavlO CLAS.IC. LI•vl•sTIC. (4' IN IEns1ACE) i INVINCIrLE I'I EXVANOEO ESSK. CL 151, • INTEnSP_ACE)t j L1 TABLE 2 - PICKET INTEnSPACES The standard 4" interspace meets re- quirements for most applications. The 2' interspace is provided to meet special municipal or governmental regulations. to provide adequate enclosure for small chit- •dren and pets, or to provide screening (see RAMPART design series). The Sj;1- inter- space provides an economical alternative wherever applicable requirements do not restrict its use. PANEL DIMENSIONS I American's ornamental fence panels have a standard length of 96' to enable posts to be set at 8'-0' on center spacings. Heights offered range from 3' to 10' de- pending on the design series. The draw- ings on pages 4 through 7 show more detailed dimensional information. I FENCE POSTS Posts are pre-punched to accept rails for I the design series and style specified. All posts are supplied with a post cap attached.' Posts ~L A I- 02830 / AMC BuyLine 3012 POST I POST ISTAENCT14 rENCC SILL L[NG riI i CLASS I 11[ICIIT 1 FENCE i 1 I J. 3':. 1. 5 IIEIGIIf I 3 1 3' _ 14 CA . , I I 3 1 3.3':.1• i i 1 6.7.6 FENCE 2 5'. 6'. 7'. 8 ~ EIGHT H 2' / 1 •2 ..a. 3 5. 6 . is GA 1 FENCE 3 7'.9 HEIGHT 2' 6' S 6'. 7 .8 .9 10 - FENCE . T- 2 ! HEIGHT 5 i 7 i 6' 10' 6' 9 r 11 GA.: 1 • 2''6' . . . . TABLE'S - POST SIZE GUIOELINES STANDARD GATES Standard gates are available to match all standard fencing systems. Gate frames are fabricated with horizontals and verticals of the same cross-section as the rails for the specified fencing system; frames can be welded or connected by a high strength corner fitting. Gate hardware is furnished with the gates. Actual gate openings (inter- space between gate posts) vary to enable gate picket iilterspaces to match standard ferent strength classes, in accordance with can be supplied 111 I fence picket interspaces. A list of standard he Table below lengths from 3' to I CUSS APPLICATION 1 PICKETS RAILS TABLE 1 - STRENGTH CLASSES I 12'. 1%Z' and 2' square by t4 gauge posts i ! are standard stock items: larger squares I I and rectangular sections are available for I fiigh strength applications. Because post iI requirements vary greatly depending on strength class, fence height, and local soil I and weather conditions. American does not attempt to specify exact post sizes. In I the absence of other requirements. the fol- I lowing table of guidelines (Table 3) Is I PICKET INTERSPACE offered based on historical architect and - 1 T he picket interspace is the nominal air contractor preference. TABLE l - STANOARO GATES- - - CUSTOfJIPRODUCTS ACCESSORY PRODUCTS CUSTOM FENCING ; ESTATE GATES I HINGES FITTINGS LATCHES I ~t CANTILEVER GATES .r , . v .°1 The Applications Ihr: /•:nt:ncwt Isle: of tunarrv.-outl trr,n Ir:nc• I(e!)1;y,It:rn:, rt!lt;rt Ilu: ultrr,t r,rtrnrdr:hr:fl'dVt: Olrw.f: ry( :I~Ir:•, :tall 'Aff.-trtlltl', :rt:nlUtilr: IrrAtrt :troy ftiatml:Ir,FItt41 III,: frtt: r;lff1:fr:nl tlrr;nt):11 r,I:C..x: , Po:r: I:d,lr:.I!,frir:i t:n•.r1r4 111:11 Ih1w: r, ;u1 /•.rntlrN at. Ir:rlr,e::1v:1tl.1tdr: fto ;rely ;111(11.:111x,11 Ill(: I::t•.It, fu:•.1x!(•1111:1 ;rtal (Sr;•.tr;r;nlt:lr ~,4thxt.r; rr, 1:1 -Aloe:hr(111 r I: r'.'.r:•. (r,la': .t^. t :1(.x1 :rte..rx:ul:r!,Ir• ur Ira: f,1:1':.rx. !/:11r:•,1rr.• Itimor)h G) Thr:wr: r;IW-'.r:', Ihr: r:! r,r,. Urrry 4f Srn:dlnr plrl,(.1%. but ',till prrrnr;t::hgr ;Ifr:rlt)Ih rd :Iraq, ltlt./;1frc Ihr:nagrr:, hlrirl/ :u1U1t,h; for aly (w.1111:ftlUd :Iprrlle.h1lr,n W. 71r:II W. fit( pt:nmrlr:r•, ;u•rr,nnrltnt) rx,rr.• «u:rr.all lar.ddu:•. 111x: /~II•f'ut(Nt;r::I11rt f;r,rtrttrr;rr,tal/IrIx111'.• Imil •.Irr:nr)Ut x.1:1 : r:. (r.l:o: , :1:1x: 4) :err: :rrbd:d,h: rt1 Ilw (;1:1 ; ,r,• IA:gx:.11x•. !,I:drx:1•t :utxl Irurn•.t(,Ir: rlt:'.u(n :x:rrr;•, Ilot: .I•.n x,1 Ilu• •'.xtu:pq pu-Yea (h:1 i.•- 111(:•,r; x,1:1',•!:•, If;r::d for any applir,:lhftn Thr: nr.t:fl : 41 bu :Inr ; ;r; ; In1,IiIijtrhn•:, rnunlrsp:drtu:•:. and Influarral lfacilaiw.art: :u)rtrr:::ra1 Oy Iht t: ':Ire;nr)Ih x,1:1 :Las': fhn Flr;;rr/ Indimitial %frim(ph ri) I% h-,:ulatilr: In all tilt: rlr:•:Ir)n •,nru:•: 'Ahern rill padre. A Ilefoolh / I llt(Ir •,rrr.lrr. It-/ r. Ihr: 11:111t1:tft• r,l nor: r;la ; : Ilrnrtx.I I d1: Hx:•.1t)n :t:trr:•.. htr,:It,% •,t,rtrx:nuu) 1',rT'%, r.rrr:r:rx)r:I I•. Ilu: •.(,t:x.1:d :q((,11x.:Ila.rr r,l h:n(.r:: 1:1,r1t.:Ip:(! Ir, Ih•: f t.ltnp:ltl rl•: ,rxln Comprehensive Product Information SHOP DRAWINGS Framework Pickets Rails Posts 1' 1 3/4'* See Table X 16GA X 14GA Below Wind Loading Height Rail' Post size Wind Load Typical (F f) Length Capacity Factor Wind Load (PSF) Capacity (mph) 2 1/2' X 12GA 45.5 133 6 3' X 12GA 54.6 146 6 2 1/2' X 12GA 34.2 116 8 3' X l2GA 41.0 127 2 1/2' X 12GA 33.4 114 6 3' X •12GA 40.0 125 7 2 1/2' X 12GA 25.0 99 8 E3' X 12GA 30.0 108 2 1/2' X 12GA 25.6 100 6 Y X 12GA 30.7 110 8 2 1/2' X 12GA 19.2 87 8 3' X 12GA 23.0 95 9 6 3' X 11GA 27.5 104 h 0 6 3' X 11GA 24.7 94 Note: Mph calculated using ANSUASCE 7-873, "Amaxan boaay or IL-M, Engineers Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Sttuctunx" E.xposuls Category B (Urban and suburban arras with closely spaced obstructions having the size of single-family dwellings or larger). For wind loading applicable to a particular specification, consult the appropriate Building Code. BIASABILITY St Picket Rail I I I I Architect 11 II II t.1 lJ LJ Accommodates up to 2501o change in grade. U t MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROBERT M. TOBIAS, JR. DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DATE: August 28, 1997 BACKGROUND: Over the past month, we have been actively exploring with our state, regional and local allies, the various programs available to facilitate and enhance the success of our economic community development activities. As a result of these discussions and input from the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, we have selected a Community Development Program sponsored by Public Service r Company of Oklahoma (PSO). The benefits of utilizing this program are primarily due to the provision of a facilitator and the success of their efforts in several other small communities from throughout the state of Oklahoma. To facilitate this six-session program for the city of Owasso, PSO has assigned Mr. Jim Igarta, an Owasso resident, whom specializes in providing technical assistance to small communities, in the areas of economic community development. It is our objective to begin the program in late September and work to conclude before the Thanksgiving Holiday. The overall objectives of this program are to: 1. Assess the community's strengths and weaknesses 2. Develop a consensus and vision for the city 3. Plan short and long-term strategies for fulfillment of the vision ' 4. Establish a mechanism for measuring the progress and success of each strategy 5. Establish a process which provides for ongoing community input and continuity in building our local economy, which can be utilized by City Council in establishing direction for public policy Funding for this six-week program is being provided by pSO. However, it is our intent to address future programmatic costs with both the OEDA and City Council, as this initiative will become an ongoing program for the city. In conclusion, community leadership from throughout the Tulsa region recognize that Owasso is growing. The question being asked however, is "what do we plan to become", which reflects the need and urgency for this action. This program will serve to provide a framework from which we can assure that Owasso grows in a manner which will be consistent with the quality of life which all of us want to maintain, as well as desire for the future of our community. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Council support of Resolution No. 97-10. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 97-10 WHEREAS, the success of economic community development efforts is reflective of the level of support received by the governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the full participation of representatives from various interest groups within the community, including municipal government; and, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ENDORSING A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, WHICH WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRODUCING A VISION AND A ' STRATEGIC ECONOMIC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. WHEREAS, it has been determined that the business environment of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma will be enhanced by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the community, creating a vision for the city, planning and creating an action plan for short and long-term ' economic growth, and implementing strategies to continue to build and diversify our local economy; and, WHEREAS, the development of a comprehensive economic community development ' plan will occur by ensuring broad-based involvement and support through a community development program that encourages community and business participation in all stages of this process; and, WHEREAS, the economic community development process described above for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is being enthusiastically embraced and supported by a broad cross- section of the community. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that the governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma endorses and supports the idea and activities of this community development process which will utilize representative input from the Owasso community. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 97-10 Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM ■ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ,r FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CARRYOVER BUDGET APPROPRIATION DATE: August 29, 1997 1 BACKGROUND: Since 1993, the City Council has approved a "carryover" supplemental budget appropriation. A "carryover" budget is a concept wherein budgeted, but unexpended, funds from one fiscal year may be re-budgeted (appropriated) to the next fiscal year. The goal of a carryover budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of public funds. 0 Traditional public sector budgets "reward" the expenditure of all of the funds under a manager's control and "justify" an increasing level of appropriations in subsequent fiscal years. Efforts to ' be efficient and save money often are "rewarded" by a reduction in future budgets. The "carryover" budget promotes a philosophy of "save it and invest it" rather than "spend it ' or lose it." Managers who save money from last year's budget are rewarded by the possibility of a carryover appropriation to the new fiscal year budget. This is the fifth year for the City's managers to operate under a "carryover" budget concept. COMMENT: The General Fund departments had a total of $210,035 in budgeted but unexpended funds remaining from the 1996-97 budget. Of that amount, $146,595 was eligible for carryover requests (funds from salaries and other personal services line items normally are not eligible for carryover). As indicated in the list below, the General Fund carryover recommendation is for $137,066, almost all of the eligible funds. In the past, the success of the carryover budget concept has been measured by the dollars unexpended and not requested for carryover. The General Fund is financially stable now and does not need those funds to build the "rainy day reserve." The future success of the carryover budget concept will be measured by departmental accomplishments. REOUEST: Carryover appropriations have been requested for the City Garage Fund and for fifteen departments within the General Fund. The carryover requests are summarized below. Fund & Department Purpose Amount General Fund- Managerial Assistant city manager $30,800 Finance Furniture & equipment 4,000 Community Development Reserve for future vehicle 7,406 Municipal Court Furniture & equipment 2,800 Engineering Water model upgrade & training 6,000 Support Services Furniture & equipment 900 Reserve for future vehicle 386 Police Firearms range 12,000 Police Communications Update procedures 990 Animal Control Educational materials 700 Fire Boots & bunker gear 8,075 Civil Defense Replace siren 1,989 Streets Building renovation 7,500 Street repair program 37,000 Community Center Paint lobby & restrooms 625 Parks Repair backhoe 5,000 Utility trailer 1,000 Maintenance building fencing 2,686 Economic Development Equipment 7,209 Total General Fund $137,066 City Garage Fund- Vehicle Maintenance Reserve for future engine $5,500 analyzer 14 Attached for your review are memoranda from managers explaining each carryover request. RECOMAlENDATION: Staff recommends supplemental appropriations for the following: General Fund- Managerial Finance Community Development Municipal Court Engineering Support Services Police Police Communications Animal Control Fire Civil Defense Streets Community Center Parks Economic Development Total General Fund City Garage Fund- Vehicle Maintenance $30,800 4,000 7,406 2)800 6,000 1,286 12,000 990 700 8,075 1,989 44,500 625 8,686 7,209 $137,066 $5,500 ATTACHMENTS: Department Requests MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUEST DATE: August 15, 1997 After the year-end closing, the finance department FY 97 budget had an unencumbered balance (excluding the personal services category) of $4,031.79. A carryover budget supplement of $4,000 is requested. Carry-over budget funds are requested for office furniture and various records storage needs. The list of possible purchases includes: a desk for the new accountant; computer work stations or credenzas in four or five areas; storage for computer reports; storage for supplies of printed forms and computer paper; and a more secure fire proof safe for cash and computer backup tapes. MEMORANDUM TO: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR RODNEY RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CARRY OVER BUDGET DATE: August 12, 1997 The following is respectfully submitted as a carry-over budget request for FY 1997-98. At the close of FY 1996-97, the Community Development Department had a total amount of $13,831 of unencumbered funds, of which $7,406 would be available for carry-over consideration. I request that the amounts listed below from the budget series indicated be carried over to FY 1997-98 Vehicles Line Item (51-130-5442) in order for the future purchase of a new department vehicle in FY 1998-99. Materials and Supplies $ 3,106.00 Services and Other Charges 945.00 Capital Outlay $3,355.00 TOTAL CARRY-OVER REQUESTED $ 7,406.00 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. MEMORANDUM TO: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: TAMMY GRIMES COURT CLERK SUBJECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUEST DATE: August 13, 1997 The Municipal Court Department has $2801.97 in unencumbered monies after the year-end closing of the '97' budget. A carryover budget supplement of $2800 is requested. Carry-over budget funds are requested for office furniture and equipment. The work area can be set up in a more efficient manner with the right furniture. The list of possible purchases includes file cabinets, table(s) to hold the fax machine and printer, and a printer with a better speed capacity. The funds may not be used specifically for these items, but to better update the existing items. The possibility of updating before purchasing new items will be evaluated. It would be advantageous to the court to set up a better storage system for dockets, etc. to maintain the needed files here rather than at the storage facility located at Public Works. MEMORANDUM TO: Sherry Bishop FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SUBJECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUESTS DATE: August 15, 1997 Proposed items for carryover from the FY 96-97 Budget are presented on the attached sheets. A summary of these items is as follows: Engineering Line Item: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Account Number: 51-170-5441 Line Item: TRAVEL AND TRAINING Account Number 51-170-5380 Purchase water model upgrade Proposed carryover budget: $6,000.00 and training Streets Line Item: BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Account Number: 51-410-5420 Interior improvements for employee Proposed carryover budget: $7,500.00 break area/new outside entrance Line Item: STREET REPAIRS Account Number: 51-410-5461 Additional funds for street repair Proposed carryover budget: $37,000.00 program I1 Public Works Department Engineering Carryover Budget Proposal FY 1996-97 Line Item: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Account Number: 51-170-5441 Proposed carryover budget: $5,000.00 Line Item: TRAVEL AND TRAINING Account Number 51-170-5380 Proposed carryover budget: $1,000.00 FY 1996-97 budget (excluding personal services): $8,750.00 FY 1995-96 actual: $8,066,09 FY 1995-96 remaining: $683.91 Commentary: The Engineering Division computer has required upgrading to enable operation of latest version of AutoCAD (version 14) for proper interfacing with consultant drawing submittals and use of Adobe software for aerial mapping. Windows 95 is the operating system installed on this system. The existing water system modeling software (CYBERNET 2.0) uses a DOS operating system. In order to work on the computer using Windows 95, the program needes to be upgraded. CYBERNET has recently issued a pre-release for version 3.0 which uses a Windows 95 operating system. The upgrade water model enables staff to perform additional functions that version 2.0 could not perform. Cost for the upgrade is $4,995. Training in the proper operation of the program (which we had not received with the previous version) is offered at a reduced rate of $159 for a 3-day class in Nashville. Total cost of training is projected to be approximately $1,000. "The most advanced water distribution model in.t:e world today" To: Mr. Doug Groves, CiNil Eng Tech City of Owasso Dear tilr. Groves: My name is Kevin Hughes, and I am one of the Senior Sales Reps here at Haestad Methods. It is my distinct pleasure to announce that... Cvbernet version 3.0 for Windows is complete! Orders will start shipping \•Ionday, September 15, 1997 on a first come, first serve basis We are currently in the process of preparing the documentation for the printing company; finishing up the installation procedures, finalizing the CD-ROM for manufacturing, and starting to create our marketing material. Cybernet 3.0 has been under development for the past 5 years, and is the single most advanced software application that Haestad Methods has ever produced. It has more power, more functionality, more raw speed, more flexibility. and more ease of use than any other product of its type in the world today - guaranteed. Furthermore, we strongly believe that it is the most technically sophisticated program ever to run inside AutoCAD. You will notice a substantial increase in the new user list pricing of Cybernet 3.0 for Windows vs. Cybernet 2.0 for DOS. This is due to the fact that this new model offers a value that fits this new pricing. Furthermore, you will notice significant price incentives for you to order prior to September 15. Once you see and use Cybernet 3.0, you will understand why we have so much confidence in this model, and why we know that Cybernet for Windows will continue to completely dominate the water distribution modeling industry into the foreseeable future. With this sail there are a few additional items that you may be interested in: Save over S1000 if you order now We are offering significant price incentives to our current Cybemet users who pre-pay for this upgrade prior to the schedule ship date of September 15, 1997. A great time to upgrade pipes r Between now & September 15, any current Cybernet customer can upgrade pipes using the special upgrade pricing as detailed on the accompanying page. ' Save 80% on our `N-ater Distribution Modeling Seminars As an additional incentive to upgrade now, we will discount any of our available 1997 Water Distribution Modeling seminars by 800,o for you and your staff (availability is limited by class size). Cvbernet Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting Further, for those of you choosing to upgrade now, we are sponsoring our first annual Cybernet SIG meeting on October 10-11, 1997, (Friday & Saturday) at the Southbury Hilton a few miles down the road from our corporate headquarters. Here you will meet the Haestad Methods Research Team, engineering staff., and fellow clients who have all been responsible for making this wonderful program happen. Two of our star instructors, Dr. Tom Walski and Dr. Don Chase will also be there. Space is limited, so please contact us soon for information on how to sign up for this event. (This is also a wonderful time to visit Litchfield County here in Connecticut as the season's foliage reaches its peak color.) Call me today, or fill out the order form on the last page of this message and fax it to us on our new toll free fax line: 1-888- 2HMIF.a.Y. Thanks for helping us make this great product happen! (and thank you for your patience waiting for Cybernet 3.0's release.) Best regards. Kevin Hushes P.S. If I am not available to take your call, speak to anyone in our sales group and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We all have complete access to the engineering, research & management groups which means you do to. Thanks! Haestad Methods. Inc. • 37 Brookside Road • Waterbury. CT 06708 • LSA • Fax 203-597-1488 • Voice 800-727-6555 or'-)03-755-1666 Internet email: khug(ghaestad.com • Internet Web Site: www.haestad.com -ybernet is a registered trademark of Haestad Methods. Inc. All other tradetnarks are the property of their respective holdr. s Copyri,i . 3 1997 Haestad Methods. Lric. - Prices subject to chmtge without notice There's a lot more to Cybernet for Windows than just an AutoCAD 14 interface... Cvbernet version 3.0 for windows is the most complete model that has ever been created. Here is a brief summary, highlighting just a few of Cybernet's exciting features and options: Advanced Graphical Editor ✓ Model with AutoCAD - highly advanced integration with AutoCAD R14 is supported through AutoCAD Rx and ?Microsoft COM (common object model). ✓ Model without AutoCAD - complete access to all data is also provided pia a "stand alone" graphical interface. J Undo and redo an unlimited number of actions - modeling will never be the same! ✓ Use the VCR-style controls to step through the timesteps of an EPS simulation, automatically updating flow arrows, color-coding, and contouring. ✓ Take advantage of F1exUnits to use metric, English, or mined units (and user defined display precision). ✓ Import existing data sets (including graphics) from any other model. ✓ Learn Cybernet in no time, with the interactive tutorials and detailed, comprehensive context sensitive help Contouring and Color-Coding ✓ Generate accurate, beautiful contours for hydraulic grade, pressure, water quality, elevation, etc. ✓ Smooth all of the contours at once with a click of the mouse. ✓ Add spot elevations for enhanced pressure contours (interpolated pressures for areas that aren't directly modeled) Highlight index contours, or color- code the entire set of contours by range. ✓ Color-code the network according to any variable (pipe diameter, flowrate, velocity, node hydraulic grade, pressure, etc.). Graphing and Profiling Compare results from several scenarios on the same graph! ✓ Profile a portion of the system, and then step through EPS calculation timesteps and see how the profile changes over time. ✓ Control all the graph options, including colors, titles, legends, grids, axis scales, etc. Scenario Management Manage scenarios graphically - the highly advanced scenario tools and wizards support any possible network configuration change. ✓ keep track of your scenarios with the easy-to-understand "tree" manager. ✓ Model an unlimited number of system conditions - and then compare them graphically' ✓ Make changes easily, and let the changes cascade through the inheritance tree. Replace or reline a pipe tomorrow, revise the appropriate "parent" scenario and let the "children" scenarios update automatically to reflect the change. Automated Fire Flows ✓ Let the hydraulic model determine how much flow you have available at various locations throughout your system. ✓ Set pressure and flow constraints for your nodes, and let the model determine where there is - or isn't - sufficient flow. ✓ Compute fire flows significantly faster than Cybernet version 2. Hvdraulfc Analvsis ✓ Control pipe, valve, and pump status automatically based on the time of day, or due to changes in system hydraulics. ✓ Use variable area tanks to model non- cylindrical storage nodes ✓ Enter an unlimited number of points to approximate a pump curve Water Quality Analysis ✓ Track the growth or decay of substances (such as chlorine) as they travel through the distribution network! ✓ Determine the age of water anywhere in the network. ✓ Identif}, source trends throughout the system. J Use scenarios to model proposed chlorine injection stations and other "what-if' alternatives. Customizable Tables (for reporting and editing) ✓ Customize any table completely (or create new tables). You choose what variables to display, the order in which they appear, the units and display precision, column width, column heading, etc. ✓ Sort tables according to any variable, or manually rearrange rows and columns by dragging and dropping. ✓ Filter tables to include only those elements that match your criteria. ✓ Perform "Global Edits" on the elements in a table (the entire network, or a filtered subset). Set the elements to a fixed value, or perform a multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction operation. ✓ Display duplicate columns side by side in different units. ✓ Localize units for a table to generate a unit-specific report. For example, you can work on a project with only English units, then print a standard metric report without any additional work! ✓ Copy a table to the %Vindows clipboard, and paste it into your favorite spreadsheet, word processor, or other vVindows programs. GIS & Database Connectivitv ✓ Link your hydraulic model to a GIS database, spreadsheet, or other data management tool, including Jet (Microsoft Access), dBase, Paradox, BTrieve, FoxPro, Excel, and Lotus. ✓ Connect to Oracle, SQL server, and other popular database applications through Cybernet's ODBC support. ✓ Slash model data input time by taking advantage of existing data resources. ✓ Get the most usability from the GIS, by linking the hydraulic results provided by the Cybernet model. ✓ Synchronize data (import or export ) to and from multiple data links at once, or update a single link at a time. J Create an ESRI Arc`'iew °shapefile" with a click of the mouse. 1 1 1 Haestad Methods. Inc. • 37 Brookside Road • Waterbury. CT 06708 • USA • Fax 203-597-1483 • Voice 800-727-6555 or 203-755-1666 Internet email khugcahaestad.com • Internet Web Site: wwtiv.haestad.com i i i CYBERNET 3.0 For Windows (95 & NT) SPECIAL PRICING SCHEDULE V4LID THROUGH 1 S SEPTEMBER 1997 BASE Professional -Modeling System includes: J AutoCAD R14 for Windows integrated interface J Fully functioning hydraulic model J Contouring J Color-Coding J Graphing J Profiling Graphical scenario management J Customizable Tables (for reporting and editing) J 2 full years free technical support Enterprise Option (EO) includes: J Automated Fire Flow Enhanced Modeling J Full GIS connectivity J ODBC/DAO Database Connectivity J Complete Spreadsheet Connectivity J Stand-alone Graphical Interface mode (allows complete access to all data without AutoCAD ) Water Quality (NV, Q) Options: J Complete. Enhanced Water Quality Modeling Number of OPTION PRICING PACKAGE PRICIN G UPGRADE PRICING Pipes (Single User) (-NEW USER) (FROM CYBERNET Version 2) Valid if ordered before September 15, 199" BASE Enterprise Water ALL OPTIONS Package Price ALL OPTIONS Package Price Price Options Quality (BASE & EO & WQ) (BASE & EO & WQ) (EO) Options (WQ) single user 2 user 5 user single user 2 user 5 user 25 us $295 incl. incl. 295 395 -195 $195 295 395 100 495 395 295 995 1.495 2,495 795 995 1495 Order prior to September 15,1997 and same at least SI000! 250 1,995 795 495 2,995 4,995 6,995 1,995 2,995 4,995 1,000 2,995 1,495 795 4,995 7,495 9,995 2,995 4,995 6,995 2,000 4,995 2,495 995 7,995 9,995 12,995 4,995 7,995, 9,995 5,000 9,995 4,995 1,995 14,995 19,995 24,995 9,995 14,995 19,995 10,000 25,000 incl. incl. 25,000 30,000 45,000 15,000 25,000 30,000 Unlimited 45,000 incl. incl. 45,000 50,000 75,000 Unlimited 95,000 incl. incl. 95,000 Site License Notes • All pricing to U S dollars. • Multi-er licenses and site hcenses are for a single geographic office location only Single users may upgrade to multi-user licenses at the special prices offered • 500 & 3000 pipe pricing tiers no longer emst. Please choose other upgrade point. Please call its if you need a tinge extension due to annual budget constraints. Use our new toll free fax: 1-888-2-Hi II-FAX. To order, simply circle your choice on the schedule above. (Ship date is 15 September 1997) Signature: Purchase Order Number: Mr. Doug Groves, Civil Eng Tech Public Works Dept Citv of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Account ID: 1572720 .Amex/'Visa/MC Number: Expiration Date: Cardholder: Haestad Methods, Inc. • 37 Brookside Road • Waterbury, CT 06708 • USA • Fax 203-597-1438 • Voice 800-727-6555 or'-103-755-1666 Internet email: khug!LDhaestad.com • Intemet Web Site: www.haestadcom C-7-ig^.t 0 1997 Haestad Methods. Inc --nces subject to change without notice Public Works Department Streets Carryover Budget Proposal FY 1996-97 Line Item: BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Account Number: 51-410-5420 Proposed carryover budget: $7,500.00 FY 1995-96 budget (excluding personal services): $256,775.00 FY 1995-96 actual: $204,574.57 FY 1995-96 remaining: $52,200.43 Commentary: Construction of the equipment storage structure, replacement of the roof to the existing building and painting the exterior of the building was completed in 1996. The Facilities Planning Committee discussed long-range plans for the continued utilization of this structure, which included expansion of the building to provide for a field crew assembly area, warehousing of materials and offices for field operations supervisory personnel. An initial stage toward the above is proposed to renovate a portion of the existing structure for use as a crew assembly area. The plan is to frame in the west end of the building for a break room, replace the restroom facilities and provide for a new employee entrance to the building. Projected costs for this work are: Entrance $750 Interior framing, drywall and plumbing $3,000 Restroom replacement $1,500 Electrical $1,500 Painting $750 Total $7,500 Public Works Department Streets Carryover Budget Proposal FY 1996-97 Line Item: STREET REPAIRS Account Number: 51-410-5461 Proposed carryover budget: $37,000.00 FY 1995-96 budget (excluding personal services): FY 1995-96 actual: FY 1995-96 remaining: $256,775.00 $204,574.57 $52,200.43 Commentary: Funds from FY 96-97 remain unspent which can be included in the FY 97-98 Street Repair Program. These funds, when added to those in the budget, will enable approximately $114,000 in street repairs to be completed. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: JIM McELRATH 9 nr~ SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR RE: CARRYOVER BUDGET, SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: August 15,1997 BACKGROUND: At the end of FY96-97 Carryover funds are available in the Support Services Budget in the amount of $1287. The majority of these funds are from the 5300 (Services and Other Charges) series of the Budget. Most of the excess is due to the somewhat unpredictable nature of the need for funds in a certain line items, such as Rentals and Physical Property Services. This year monies were left over, while in other years, the budget has to be adjusted in these or other contingency-type line items. REQUEST: Funds are requested for the following expenditures from carryover funds: Office furniture: At the present time, this Support Services Department is in need of a number of items to replace some worn out or inappropriate items in the office: Bookcase $150.00 Desk Chair $100.00 Paint and decorating $150.00 Bunn coffeemaker: $200.00 Weedtrimmer: The weedtrimmer currently in use by the Department is two years old. While it still has useful life left in it, another lighter model is needed for the finish work that is frequently done by this Department. Weedtrimmer $300.00 Vehicle capital outlay: It is requested that the remaining $396 be carried over in the MEMORANDUM REQUEST FOR CARRYOVER BUDGET August 15,1997 PAGE 2 line item designated for vehicles in the capital outlay series of the budget as savings for future vehicle purchase. The total requested for Carryover in the Suppport Services Department is $1296.00 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER ~~lqD FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION FOR A CARRYOVER BUDGET DATE: August 7, 1997 BACKGROUND: The following is a request for consideration for a carryover budget from the departments under the control of the Owasso Police Department. During the 1996-1997 fiscal year, the Po ice Department budget was $1,145,566. After final calculations, the budget ended with only $1,129,506.30 spent, which is a little over $16,000 less than budgeted. The 100 series returned almost $4,000, while the 200 - 300 - 400 series returned $12,136.43. I am asking for consideration of $12,000 to be provided as a carryover budget to this department for work at the police firearms range. Currently, funds exist in the capital improvement project for range work, however architect and surveyor costs in additional to the infrastructure dirt work will exhaust these funds. Since additional money was not budgeted in the 97/98 budget for this project, and it was expected to take several years for completion, the approval of these carryover funds will allow the phases of the firearms range to be completed more quickly than initially anticipated. In the Dispatch budget, $3,610.12 was not used. The 200 - 300 - 400 series alone returned $992.36. 1 am requesting consideration for $990 toward updating the hazardous material/communicable disease handling procedures for the jail, and hazmat training for dispatch personnel. Recently it was brought to my attention that our handling procedures are not being following specifically as per current policy dictates. This issue is unexpected and was not addressed in the budget process. Lastly, the animal control budget returned $1,119.38. In the 200 - 300 - 400 series, $743.18 was not spent. I am requesting consideration for $700 to be provided in a carryover budget to be used toward the additional purchase of publications for animal care, control and pet safety material through the printed forms section of the budget. As our community continues to grow, education of pet care and control is a critical part of the animal control mission. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval on a carryover budget for the police department in the amount of $12,000.00, the dispatch division to receive carryover approval for $990.00 and the animal control division to carryover over $700, to be used toward purchase of the above listed items. MEMORANDUM TO: SHERRY BISHOP, FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: BOB ALLEN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: CARRY-OVER BUDGET `97-'98 DATE: August 14, 1997 Last fiscal year, 1996-97, the Fire Department identified the need for additional sets of protective clothing and replacement footwear for the members of the department. Due to budgetary limitations, those expenditures were not possible. It was recommended that if cost-saving measurers could be implemented during the fiscal year, unencumbered funds could then be carried over into the next fiscal year's budget to allow for this purchase. . The Fire Department is requesting the carry-over funds totaling $8,075.00. Uniforms & Protective Clothing $8,075.00 Requested carry-over funds will be used for replacing all firefighters work boots. Funds approved in the FY `98 Budget were for replacing damaged or worn-out work boots. Additional sets of protective clothing (bunker gear) will also be purchased in order to allow us to increase our volunteer firefighters and maintain two spare sets. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER RODNEY RAY FROM: COMMUNITY CENTER JANIS WORLEY SUBJECT: CARRY OVER BUDGET DATE: AUGUST 15, 1997 BACKGROUND: The Community Center has $625.00 it has not spent in the 1996-97 budget. These funds are from various line items. The Community Center is a multi-use facility. Staff has been painting the inside of the facility. Staff would use the $625.00 to paint the lobby area and the restrooms. The lobby area has never been painted and it has been several years since the restrooms were painted. FUNDING: Staff is requesting that we be allowed to carry over the $625.00 in the 1996-97 budget to be used for painting purposes for the Community Center. MEMORANDUM TO: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR RODNEY RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVID WARREN PARKS SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: PARKS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CARRY OVER BUDGET DATE: August 12, 1997 The following is respectfully submitted as a carry-over budget request for FY 1997-98. At the close of FY 1996-97, the Parks Department had a total amount of $10,480 of unencumbered funds, of which $7,686 would typically be available for carry-over budget consideration. Materials and Sup lp ies $ 2,001.00 Services and Other Charges 1,021.00 Capital Outlay 4,664.00 Staff requests that the following amounts be carried over to the line items listed below for the projects indicated: 51-631-5260 - Vehicle Maintenance $5,000.00 in order to allow for repair of the backhoe. This was discussed on Page 9 of the Park Department Budget Proposal which is attached for your information and review. 51-631-5430 - Other Improvements $2,686.00 in order to allow for the purchase and installation of security fencing around the Parks Department Maintenance Building. Additionally, staff also requests that an amount of $1,000 of the $2,794 remaining within the Personal Services series be carried over to 51-631-5441 (Machinery and Equipment) in order to allow for the purchase of a utility trailer. Certainly, utilization of the Personal Services series for carry over is not encouraged, however due to the utilization of a part-time position rather than a full-time position, some savings were realized in this series which can be of benefit. 1 MEMORANDUM To: Sherry Bishop, Finance Director mom: Robert M. Tobias, Jr., Director of Economic Development 4J9K Subject: Carryover Budgets Date: August 13, 1997 The attached summary of the fiscal year end 1997 budget for the Economic Development Department, reflects a surplus of $7,209.88 on Attachment 1. This surplus is primarily the result of having the position vacant for several months and the resulting lack of materials and supplies, as well as capital outlays for machinery and equipment used in the provision of our services. However, due to the expanding scope of prospect requests and the increasing levels of service required to effectively attract new capital investment and jobs to the city of Owasso, there is a need to utilize this fund surplus in the acquisition of additional computer and informational resources. The following reflects a listing of items on which we would request your consideration and approval: 1. Enhanced computer system and software to increase productivity and communications with various sources of technical assistance, such as OKDOC, INCOG, Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, regional utilities and other members of my ally network 2. Document scanner to increase productivity and typing of prospect proposals, especially with regard to documents from external sources which would dramatically enhance our proposals 3. Laser printer with dual trays and envelope capability to increase productivity and efficiency of document and envelope production 4. Internet services from which to enhance research and education capabilities, as well as to identify and respond to prospects 5. Various other marketing and mapping services The estimated total for these expenditures is also noted on Attachment 2. To reiterate, these operational resources are integral to the effective development and production of materials and services in support of the economic development process. Additionally, as many of these computer resources could be located in a centralized location and shared by other members of the city staff, the productivity and quality of our various internal and external products could also be enhanced. Therefore, we look forward to your approval of these expenditures. From: CHARLIE HASKELL To: ROBERT TOBIAS Date: 8113/97 Time: 14:46:00 C. N. HASKELL & ASSOCIATES 5542 E. 35th STREET TULSA, OK 74135-5224 NAME/ADDRESS OPEN QUOTATION GOOD FOR 30 DAYS ONLY Page 2 of 2 Estimate DATE ESTIMATE NO. 8/13/1991 16 PROJECT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY RATE TOTAL NON-INV Pentium 200 MMX Mid Tower Computer w/ 1 2,300.00 2,300.00 Dual 3-12" Floppy & 5-1/4" Floppy Drives 32 meg RAM Memory 3.2 gig.Hard Drive 16z CD-ROM Internal Drive 32 bit SVGA Color Controller w/4 meg RAM 32 bit Sound `Blaster w/stereo Speakers. 33.6 Internal Voice Modem 3 Button Mouse (serial or PS/2 style) 104 key Keyboard 15" SVGA Monitor.26 dpi Travan III - 3 gig Internal Tape Backup WIN95 OS MS Office97 OEM Office Suite NON-INV BP LJ 5se w/dual trays 1 1,220.00 1,220.00 -OR- NON-INV HP W 5 WDuai trays, 1 letter, 1 legal 1 2,450.00 2,450.00 NON-INV BP ScanJet 4cse Color Scanner wlsoftware 1 875.00 875.00 NON TAX... I ESTIMATED ESHIPPINGDURING UPS STRIKE I i I 150.00 I 150.00 VIA WANT YOUR OWN WEBB PAGE? CALL US! 918-749-7954 I Total $6,995.00 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUEST DATE: August 15, 1997 CIVIL DEFENSE DEPAR Total remaining unencumbered in the Civil Defense Department budget from fiscal year 1996-97 is $1,989.89. Of the available budget, $1,989 is requested as a carryover to supplement the FY 1997-98 budget. This amount would be added to the FY 1997-98 budget of $10,000 for the replacement of a civil defense siren. GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT: At the end of fiscal 1996-97, the general government department had $30,859.68 remaining in the budget. $30,800 is requested to be included in the carryover budget for a supplement to the Managerial Department. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: JIM MCELRATH SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR RE: CARRYOVER BUDGET, VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISION DATE: August 15,1997 BACKGROUND: A total of $10,632 is available as carryover from the FY96-97 budget of the Vehicle W Maintenance Division of the Support Services Department. This money remains from funds not expended on capital outlay equipment. The funds were set aside for the purchase of a computerized engine analyzer. The reason for these funds going unspent is that as the department researched this purchase during the year, it became evident that reconsideration should be given to the most suitable type of equipment for our operation. In order to more adequately service our growing fleet, Vehicle Maintenance needs certain resources in addition to a quality analyzer. The garage is deficient in the area of factory service and parts manuals for city vehicles, making it very difficult to be as efficient in repairs as might be. Also, there is no way available to adequately test the electrical system on the vehicles serviced. The original intention of the Vehicle Maintenance Division was to request to purchase an analyzer in the $7000 range, in addition to other items of equipment needed in the garage. Such a piece of equipment would allow for a certain level of analysis needed on today's computer-driven equipment. However, it has come to the attention of the Vehicle Maintenance Division that analyzers are now available that will allow combining the functions of full engine analysis and complete operational electrical system testing, as well as a cd-rom parts and repair manuals in one computerized machine. All reference and parts manuals needed could be kept available and readily useful on a number of such cd-roms available on the market today. Such machines cost in the neighborhood of $18,000 to $20,000. REQUEST: Vehicle Maintenance Division requests that the $10,632 available for carryover be earmarked toward consideration of the future purchase of a multi-purpose engine analyzer such as described above that will best suit the needs of the department, not only now but in the future. MEMORANDUM 1 1 1 1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JIM McELRATH SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE FY 1997-98 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: August 28, 1997 BACKGROUND: Former employee Mike Knebel served the City in a variety of roles. His resignation on July 1, 1997 offered our organization a unique challenge in restaffmg these various jobs. In response, staff developed a strategy of separating the functions into categories and arranging for small private sector vendors to temporarily meet the organization's needs on "call for service" agreements. This approach has allowed the City to maintain its support to the departments and customers, while providing time to investigate future options. Two of the primary areas in which Mr Knebel focused his energies were computeAphone systems operation\support and electrical inspections. In the computer area, the services of Charles Haskell and Associates have been utilized with great success. Both response time and cost-savings have been excellent. The area of commercial electrical inspections and plan reviews have been covered by the services of Mr Burr Kannady, whose work has also been highly satisfactory. At the present time, the funds to cover these services are provided in the OPWA Fund, as Mr Knebel's salary and benefits were assigned to that budget. After paying Mr Knebel for his vacation and accrued leave, $37,000 remains in the OWPA Fund designated for his position (salary & benefits). In order to better track the cost of the functions now covered by the above- named private-sector vendors, staff proposes that the FY 97-98 Budget be amended so that funds are allocated to a function rather than a position. Based upon staff projections for the current fiscal year, it is proposed that the budget be amended, assigning $12,000 of the $37,000 to the Community Development Department to cover the cost of electrical inspections and the remaining $25,000 to the Support Services Department for computer/phone operations and support. Both these budgets are in the general fund, thus this change requires Council/Trustee action. M BUDGET AMENDMENT & SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AUGUST 28, 1997 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the FY 1997-98 General Fund budget by increasing estimated revenues from the transfer of funds from the Owasso Public Works Authority by $37,000; and approve supplemental appropriations to the General Fund's Community Development Department in the amount of $12,000 and Support Services Department in the amount of $25,000. C:\WPDATA\CTTYCNCL\MEMOS\ 1997\970902. AMD